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Municipal educational institution of the city of Abakan “Secondary school No. 3” Biology - life science Teacher of biology and chemistry Nagovitsyna Irina Sergeevna Abakan, 2014

Lesson objectives: Show the relevance of biological knowledge, identify the importance of general biology and its place in the system of biological knowledge.

Biology The science of life, its patterns and forms of manifestation, its existence and distribution in time and space. She explores the origins of life and its essence, the development of interconnectedness and diversity. Biology belongs to the natural sciences.

The term “biology” was first proposed by the German professor T. Ruse in 1797. The term “Biology” became generally accepted in the works of the French naturalist J.-B. Lamarck in 1802

Biology is a complex science. Biology botany zoology morphology physiology anatomy cytology histology genetics microbiology ecology

Botany Explores the structure, mode of existence, distribution of plants and the history of their origin.

Mycology The science of mushrooms

Bryology The science of mosses

Geobotany Studies the patterns of plant distribution over the land surface.

Paleobotany The study of fossil remains of ancient plants.

Zoology The study of the structure, distribution and history of animals.

Subsections of zoology ichthyology ornithology ethology arachnology, etc.

And chthyology The science of fish.

Ornithology The science of birds.

Ethology The science of animal behavior.

Morphology Studies the features of the external structure of living organisms.

Anatomy studies the internal structure of living organisms.

Cytology The science of cells.

Genetics The science that studies the patterns of heredity and variability of living organisms.

Microbiology Studies the structure, mode of existence and distribution of microorganisms (bacteria, single-celled organisms) and viruses.

Ecology The science of the relationships of organisms with each other and with environmental factors.

Border sciences Biophysics – studies the biological structures and functions of organisms using physical methods; Biochemistry – studies the fundamentals of life processes and phenomena using chemical methods on biological objects; Biotechnology – studies the possibilities of using economically important microorganisms (bacteria, yeast) as raw materials, as well as the use of their special properties in production.

The importance of biological knowledge: used in the food industry; in pharmacology; in the production of consumer goods; creation of high-yielding plant varieties and highly productive animal breeds; theory for medicine, psychology, sociology, etc.

Reinforcement of the studied material Give examples of differentiation of biological sciences. What biological sciences can be classified as integrated? Why is modern biology considered a complex science? In what areas of human activity are biological achievements of great importance? Express your opinion on the statement that the importance of biological knowledge in modern society is increasing.

Slide 2

Biology concept

Biology is the science of life. Its name arose from a combination of two Greek words: bios (life) and logos (word, doctrine). Biology studies the structure, manifestations of vital activity, and the habitat of all living organisms: bacteria, fungi, plants, animals, humans.

Slide 3

Types of living beings on the planet

Life on Earth is represented by an extraordinary variety of forms, many types of living beings. Currently, about 600 thousand species of plants, more than 2.5 million species of animals, a large number of species of fungi and prokaryotes inhabiting our planet are already known. Scientists are constantly discovering and describing new species, both existing in modern conditions and extinct in past geological eras.
photo.Richard Owen with Moa skeleton

Slide 4

Evolutionary doctrine

Discovering the general properties of living organisms and explaining the reasons for their diversity, identifying connections between structure and environmental conditions are among the main tasks of biology. An important place in this science is occupied by questions of the origin and laws of development of life on Earth - evolutionary teaching. Understanding these laws is the basis of the scientific worldview and is necessary for solving practical problems.
photo.Author of evolutionary theory Charles Darwin

Slide 5

Biology is divided into separate sciences according to the subject of study

Microbiology studies the world of bacteria.

Slide 6


Botany studies the structure and vital functions of representatives of the plant kingdom.

Slide 7


Zoology - animal kingdoms, etc.

Slide 8


At the same time, areas of biology are developing that study the general properties of living organisms: genetics - patterns of inheritance of traits,

Slide 9


Biochemistry - pathways of transformation of organic molecules, ecology - the relationship of populations with the environment. Physiology studies the functions of living organisms.

Slide 10

Other sciences in biology

In accordance with the level of organization of living matter, scientific disciplines such as molecular biology, cytology - the study of cells, histology - the study of tissues, etc. were distinguished.

Slide 11

Science methods biology

Biology uses a variety of methods. One of the most important is historical, which serves as the basis for understanding the facts obtained. The traditional method includes the descriptive method; Instrumental methods are widely used: microscopy (light-optical and electron), electrography, radar, etc.

Slide 12

Disciplines bordering biology

In the most diverse areas of biology, the importance of border disciplines that connect biology with other sciences - physics, chemistry, mathematics, cybernetics, etc., is increasingly increasing. This is how biophysics, biochemistry, and bionics arose.

Slide 13

The meaning of biology

The emergence of life and the functioning of living organisms are determined by natural laws. Knowledge of these laws allows you not only to create an accurate picture of the world, but also to use them for practical purposes.

Slide 14

  • Recent achievements in biology have led to the emergence of fundamentally new directions in science, which have become independent sections in the complex of biological disciplines. Thus, the discovery of the molecular structure of the structural units of heredity (genes) served as the basis for the creation of genetic engineering.
  • American biologists have proposed using genetic engineering methods to combat global warming. In their opinion, the cost of genetic research has decreased so much that the creation of special varieties of millet for processing into fuel has become a reality.
  • Slide 15

    With the help of genetic engineering, organisms are created with new, including those not found in nature, combinations of hereditary characteristics and properties. The practical application of the achievements of modern biology already makes it possible to obtain industrially significant amounts of biologically active substances.

    Slide 16

    Using biology knowledge in other areas

    • Based on the study of relationships between organisms, biological methods for controlling crop pests have been created; many adaptations of living organisms have served as models for the design of effective artificial structures and mechanisms.
    • The honeycomb design formed the basis for the production of "honeycomb panels" for construction.
  • Slide 17

    Consequences of ignorance and ignoring biological laws

    At the same time, ignorance or ignorance of the laws of biology leads to serious consequences for both nature and humans. The time has come when the safety of the world around us depends on the behavior of each of us. Adjusting a car engine well, preventing the discharge of toxic waste into the river, providing bypass channels for fish in a hydroelectric power plant project, resisting the desire to collect a bouquet of wild flowers - all this will help preserve the environment, the environment of our lives.

    Slide 18

    The exceptional ability of living nature to recover has created the illusion of its invulnerability to the destructive influences of humans and the limitlessness of its resources. Now we know that this is not true. Therefore, all human economic activities must now be built taking into account the principles of organization of the biosphere.

    Slide 19

    Nature pollution

    Air pollution affects approximately 5.5 million people in Santiago, Chile. Photo taken July 30, 1999.

    Slide 20

    Deforestation in the Amazon, Brazil. Photo taken March 7, 1997. Every year, 11.3 million hectares of forests are cut down around the world.

    Slide 21

    The meaning of biology

    The importance of biology for humans is enormous. General biological laws are used to solve a variety of issues in many sectors of the national economy. Thanks to knowledge of the laws of heredity and variability, great successes have been achieved in agriculture in the creation of new highly productive breeds of domestic animals and varieties of cultivated plants.

    Slide 22

    Scientists have developed hundreds of varieties of grains, legumes, oilseeds and other crops that differ from their predecessors in high productivity and other useful qualities. Based on this knowledge, the selection of microorganisms that produce antibiotics is carried out.

    Slide 23

    Great importance in biology is attached to solving problems associated with elucidating the subtle mechanisms of protein biosynthesis, the secrets of photosynthesis, which will open the way to the synthesis of organic nutrients outside plant and animal organisms. In addition, the use in industry (in construction, when creating new machines and mechanisms) of the principles of organization of living beings (bionics) brings at present and will give in the future a significant economic effect.

    Slide 24

    In the future, the practical importance of biology will increase even more. This is due to the rapid growth of the planet's population, as well as the ever-increasing size of the urban population not directly involved in agricultural production.

    Slide 25

    In such a situation, the only basis for increasing food resources can be the intensification of agriculture. An important role in this process will be played by the development of new highly productive forms of microorganisms, plants and animals, and the rational, scientifically based use of natural resources.

  • Slide 26


    • Zakharov V.B. General biology: Textbook. For 10-11 grades. general education institutions. - M.: Bustard, 2004.
    • http://site/
  • View all slides

    • Update biological knowledge.
    • Consider the methods of science.
    • Identify the meaning of general biology and its place in the system of biological knowledge.


    • Concept(word)
    • Adjective
    • Biology.
    • Interesting, significant.
    • Discovers, studies, experiments.
    • Helps to understand living nature.
    • The science.

    (2 words)

    3. Verbs (3 words)

    4. Offer

    (4 words)

    • Noun

    (1 word)

    Life on Earth is represented by an extraordinary variety of forms, many types of living beings. Currently, about 600 thousand species of plants, more than 2.5 million species of animals, a large number of species of fungi and prokaryotes inhabiting our planet are already known. Scientists are constantly discovering and describing new species, both existing in modern conditions and extinct in past geological eras.

    Richard Owen with Moa skeleton

    Discovering the general properties of living organisms and explaining the reasons for their diversity, identifying connections between structure and environmental conditions are among the main tasks of biology. An important place in this science is occupied by questions of the origin and laws of development of life on Earth - evolutionary teaching. Understanding these laws is the basis of the scientific worldview and is necessary for solving practical problems.



    So, microbiology studies the world of bacteria;

    Pallid spirochete

    Botany explores the structure and life activity of representatives of the plant kingdom;

    Common heather

    Cornflower meadow

    Zoology- animal kingdoms, etc.

    Common squirrel

    At the same time, areas of biology are developing that study the general properties of living organisms:

    genetics- patterns of inheritance of traits

    Mendel, Gregor Johann

    1865. The laws of heredity are discovered.

    Biochemistry- pathways for the transformation of organic molecules, ecology-relationships between populations and the environment. Studies the functions of living organisms physiology .

    Biochemistry Short course.


    Human physiology


    In accordance with the level of organization of living matter, such scientific disciplines as molecular biology, cytology- the doctrine of the cell, histology- doctrine of tissues, etc.

    Every little detail is important in a DNA molecule.


    • Experiment is one of the methods of biology.
    • Method is a method of practical and theoretical action aimed at mastering an object.

    What other biology methods do you know?

    Biology uses a variety of methods. One of the most important is historical, which serves as the basis for understanding the facts obtained. The traditional method includes the descriptive method; Instrumental methods are widely used: microscopy (light-optical and electron), electrography, radar, etc.

    Darwin Museum.

    Microscope by R. Hooke.


    • Observations
    • Descriptive
    • Comparative
    • Experimental
    • Historical
    • Simulation


    Characteristics of the method

    Method name

    Characteristics of the method

    Method name

    1. Collection and description of facts


    2. Purposeful study of phenomena under precisely established conditions, allowing the reproduction and observation of these phenomena


    3. Study of a process or phenomenon through its reproduction in the form of a model; the method allows you to reproduce experimental conditions that are sometimes impossible to recreate in reality


    4. Comparison of organisms and their parts, finding similarities and differences


    5. Clarification of the patterns of appearance and development of organisms


    6. Intentional, targeted perception of objects and processes in order to understand its essential properties



    • Statement of the problem, formulation of the topic, goals and objectives of the study.
    • Proposing hypotheses.
    • Planning the course of the study, choosing a methodology.
    • Conducting the practical part of the study, recording data.
    • Processing of the obtained results.
    • Analysis of the results obtained.
    • Formulation of conclusions.
    • Identification of a set of unresolved issues.
    • Presentation of research results.

    Recent achievements in biology have led to the emergence of fundamentally new directions in science, which have become independent sections in the complex of biological disciplines. Thus, the discovery of the molecular structure of the structural units of heredity (genes) served as the basis for the creation of genetic engineering.

    American biologists have proposed using genetic engineering methods to combat global warming. In their opinion, the cost of genetic research has decreased so much that the creation of special varieties of millet for processing into fuel has become a reality.

    Based on the study of relationships between organisms, biological methods for controlling crop pests have been created; many adaptations of living organisms have served as models for the design of effective artificial structures and mechanisms.

    The honeycomb design formed the basis for the production of "honeycomb panels" for construction


    Zakharov V.B. General biology: Textbook. For 10-11 grades. general education institutions. - M.: Bustard, 2004.

    INTERNET network resources.


    Umaralieva M. T.

    Biology teacher at the Academic Lyceum at Tashfarmi

    • Biology (Greekβιολογία; from Old Greekβίος - life + λόγος - doctrine , the science) - a system of sciences, the objects of study of which are living things and their interaction with environment .

    • Biology studies all aspects life, in particular, structure, functioning, growth, origin, evolution and distribution of living organisms on Earth. Classifies and describes living beings, their origin species, interaction between each other and with environment .

    • The term "biology" was introduced independently by several authors:
    • Friedrich Burdakh V 1800 ,
    • Gottfried Reinhold Treviranus V 1802 year
    • Jean Baptiste Lamarck .

    • Modern biology is based on five fundamental principles:
    • cellular theory ,
    • evolution ,
    • genetics ,
    • homeostasis
    • energy .
    • Currently, biology is a standard subject in secondary and higher education institutions around the world. More than a million articles and books on biology are published annually, medicine And biomedicine

    Life forms

    • Non-cellular life forms
    • viruses
    • bacteriophages
    • Cellular life forms - organic world

    Prokaryotes Eukaryotes

    Bacteria - fungi

    Blue – - plants

    green - animals

    algae (cyanobacteria)

    The organic world can be divided into four kingdoms





    What unites bacteria, fungi, plants, animals into one single organic world?

    What do they have in common?


    1. Cellular structure

    8. Movement

    9. Irritability






    • Generality of chemical composition . The main features of the chemical composition of a cell and a multicellular organism are carbon compounds - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, nucleic acids. These compounds are not formed in inanimate nature.
    • The commonality of the chemical composition of living systems and inanimate nature speaks of the unity and connection of living and inanimate matter. The whole world is a system based on individual atoms. Atoms interact with each other to form molecules. Rock crystals, stars, planets, and the universe are formed from molecules in nonliving systems. Living systems - cells, tissues, organisms - are formed from the molecules that make up organisms.

    1. Cellular structure

    Cell- a structural and functional elementary unit of the structure and vital activity of all organisms (except for viruses, which are often spoken of as non-cellular forms of life), which has its own metabolism, is capable of independent existence, self-reproduction, or is a unicellular organism.

    • Metabolism– all living organisms are capable of exchanging substances with the environment, i.e. absorbs from it substances necessary for nutrition, and excretes waste products.

    • - the ability of parents to pass on their characteristics and developmental characteristics to next generations. Due to this, all individuals within a species are similar to each other.

    • This continuity of hereditary properties is ensured by the transfer of genetic information stored in DNA molecules.

    • -the ability of organisms to exhibit new signs and properties. Due to variability, all individuals within a species are different from each other.

    • - the process of absorption of food by living organisms to maintain the normal course of physiological processes vital activity, in particular, to replenish stock energy and process implementation growth and development .

    Carbon source

    Energy source

    Inorganic carbon

    Light energy

    Organic carbon

    Autotrophs (self-feeding)

    Chemical energy



    Green plants


    Photosynthetic bacteria

    Chemotrophic bacteria N, H, S, Fe (do not require prepared food)


    • Autotrophs(autotrophic organisms) - organisms that use carbon dioxide as a carbon source (plants and some bacteria). In other words, these are organisms capable of creating organic substances from inorganic ones - carbon dioxide, water, mineral salts.

    • Depending on the source of energy, autotrophs are divided into phototrophs and chemotrophs.
    • Phototrophs organisms that use light energy for biosynthesis (plants, cyanobacteria).
    • Chemotrophs organisms that use the energy of chemical reactions of oxidation of inorganic compounds for biosynthesis (chemotrophic bacteria: hydrogen, nitrifying, iron bacteria, sulfur bacteria, etc.).

    • Heterotrophs(heterotrophic organisms) - organisms that use organic compounds as a carbon source (animals, fungi and most bacteria). In other words, these are organisms that are not capable of creating organic substances from inorganic ones, but require ready-made organic substances.

    • Saprophytes organisms feeding on dead, decaying food. Enzymes are released directly onto the food product, which is digested or broken down and absorbed by the saprophyte.
    • For example: green euglena, fermentation bacteria, putrefaction bacteria, yeast, molds, cap mushrooms

    • - a process in which organic substances obtained as food undergo oxidation, breakdown, and at the same time energy is released, which is spent on the synthesis of ATP.
    • Aerobic respiration
    • C 6 H 12 O 6 +6O 2 →6CO 2 +6H2O+Q 38ADP+ 38H 3 PO 4 →38 ATP
    • Anaerobic respiration:
    • A) lactic acid fermentation:
    • C 6 H 12 O 6 → 2 lactic acids + Q 2ADP + 2H 3 PO 4 → 2ATP
    • B) alcoholic fermentation:
    • C 6 H 12 O 6 →ethyl alcohol + CO 2 +Q 2ADP+2H 3 PO 4 →2ATP

    • – response of living organisms to the influence of environmental factors:
    • 1) The response of living organisms that do not have a nervous system is called: taxis, tropism, nastia.
    • Phototaxis– motor reactions of freely moving plants and animals under the influence of light (green euglena, chlamydomonas)
    • Phototropism– motor reactions of a plant under the influence of light, the direction of which depends on the direction of the light.
    • Photonasty– motor reactions of plants under the influence of light, the direction of which does not depend on the direction of the influence.
    • 2) The response of living organisms that have a nervous system is called reflex .

    • (reproduction or self-reproduction) – the ability of organisms to reproduce their own kind.
    • Living organisms reproduce in two ways:
    • a) asexual reproduction;
    • b) sexual reproduction.


    • Height

    quantitative increase while maintaining its own structure.

    • quality update.
    • In living organisms there are:
    • a) individual development- ontogenesis(Haeckel, 1866)
    • b) historical development- phylogenesis .

    • Regeneration– restoration of lost body parts (tissue, organ, cell) after damage
    • Self-regulation- Every organism has a self-regulation mechanism. This property is associated with homeostasis.
    • Homeostasis– ensuring the constancy of the external structure, internal environment, chemical composition and the course of physiological processes in response to continuously changing environmental conditions.

    • – a property of all living systems associated with the constant supply of energy from the outside and the removal of waste products. In other words, the organism is alive as long as it exchanges substances and energy with the environment.

    • – in the process of historical development and under the influence of natural selection, organisms acquire adaptations to environmental conditions (adaptation). Organisms that do not have the necessary adaptations die out.

    • The levels of organization of living systems reflect the subordination and hierarchy of the structural organization of life. Levels of life differ from each other in the complexity of the organization of the system.
    • The standard of living is the form and way of its existence . For example, a virus exists in the form of a DNA or RNA molecule enclosed in a protein shell. This is the form of existence of the virus. However, the virus exhibits the properties of a living system only when it enters the cell of another organism. There it reproduces. This is his way of existence.

    • Molecular genetic level represented by individual biopolymers (DNA, RNA, proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and other compounds);
    • Organoid - cellular - the level at which life exists in the form of a cell - the structural and functional unit of life. At this level, processes such as metabolism and energy, information exchange, reproduction, photosynthesis, nerve impulse transmission and many others are studied.
    • Organismal - this is the independent existence of an individual - a unicellular or multicellular organism.
    • Population-species – level, which is represented by a group of individuals of the same species – a population; It is in the population that elementary evolutionary processes take place - the accumulation, manifestation and selection of mutations.
    • Biogeocenotic – represented by ecosystems consisting of different populations and their habitats.
    • Biosphere – a level representing the totality of all biogeocenoses. In the biosphere there is a circulation of substances and the transformation of energy with the participation of organisms. The waste products of organisms participate in the process of evolution of the Earth.

    • 1. The main sign of a living thing is
    • 1) movement;
    • 2) increase in mass;
    • 3) growth;
    • 4) metabolism and energy;
    • 2. What is the unit of structure and vital activity of an organism?
    • 1) Fabric.
    • 2) Organ system.
    • 3) Organ.
    • 4) Cage.
    • 3. What signs are characteristic of all living organisms?
    • 1) Active movement.
    • 2) Breathing, nutrition, growth, reproduction.
    • 3) Absorption of mineral salts dissolved in water from the soil.
    • 4) Formation of organic substances from inorganic ones.

    • 4. The cellular structure of organisms indicates:
    • 1) about the similarity of living and inanimate nature;
    • 2) about the unity of the organic world;
    • 3) about the connection of the organism with the environment;
    • 4) about the difference between plants and animals.
    • 5. All organisms are capable of
    • 1) breathing, nutrition, reproduction
    • 2) active movement in space
    • 3) the formation of organic substances from inorganic
    • 4) absorption of minerals dissolved in water from the soil
    • 6. Mushrooms are living organisms, since they
    • 1) feed, grow, reproduce;
    • 2) change under the influence of the environment;
    • 3) have a variety of shapes and sizes;
    • 4) constitute one of the links in the ecosystem.

    • 7. Genetics is a science that studies patterns:
    • 1) heredity and variability of organisms
    • 2) relationships between organisms and the environment
    • 3) historical development of the organic world
    • 4) individual development of organisms 8. Science studies the structure and functions of cell organelles:
    • 1) genetics 3) selection
    • 2) cytology 4) phenology 9. Living systems are considered open because they:
    • 1) built from the same chemical elements as nonliving systems
    • 2) exchange substances, energy and information with the external environment
    • 3) have the ability to adapt
    • 4) capable of reproducing
    • 10. Interspecies relationships begin to manifest themselves at ... level:
    • 1) biogeocenotic 3) organismal
    • 2) population-species 4) biosphere

    • Answers:
    • 1 – 4
    • 2 – 4
    • 3 – 2
    • 4 – 2
    • 5 – 1
    • 6 – 1
    • 7 – 1
    • 8 – 2
    • 9 – 2
    • 10 - 2

    Slide 1

    Biology - the science of life

    Compiled by Bolshakov S.V.

    Slide 2

    Biology is the science of life. Its name arose from a combination of two Greek words: bios (life) and logos (word, doctrine). Biology studies the structure, manifestations of vital activity, and the habitat of all living organisms: bacteria, fungi, plants, animals, humans.

    Slide 3

    Life on Earth is represented by an extraordinary variety of forms, many types of living beings. Currently, about 600 thousand species of plants, more than 2.5 million species of animals, a large number of species of fungi and prokaryotes inhabiting our planet are already known. Scientists are constantly discovering and describing new species, both existing in modern conditions and extinct in past geological eras.

    Richard Owen with Moa skeleton

    Slide 4

    Discovering the general properties of living organisms and explaining the reasons for their diversity, identifying connections between structure and environmental conditions are among the main tasks of biology. An important place in this science is occupied by questions of the origin and laws of development of life on Earth - evolutionary teaching. Understanding these laws is the basis of the scientific worldview and is necessary for solving practical problems.

    Slide 5

    Biology is divided into separate sciences according to the subject of study.

    Thus, microbiology studies the world of bacteria;

    Pallid spirochete

    Slide 6

    botany studies the structure and vital functions of representatives of the plant kingdom;

    Common heather

    Cornflower meadow

    Slide 7

    zoology - animal kingdoms, etc.

    Common squirrel

    Slide 8

    At the same time, areas of biology are developing that study the general properties of living organisms: genetics - patterns of inheritance of traits,

    Mendel, Gregor Johann

    1865. The laws of heredity are discovered.

    Slide 9

    biochemistry - pathways of transformation of organic molecules, ecology - the relationship of populations with the environment. Physiology studies the functions of living organisms.

    Biochemistry Short course.

    Human physiology

    Slide 10

    In accordance with the level of organization of living matter, scientific disciplines such as molecular biology, cytology - the study of cells, histology - the study of tissues, etc. were distinguished.

    Every little detail is important in a DNA molecule

    Slide 11

    Biology uses a variety of methods. One of the most important is historical, which serves as the basis for understanding the facts obtained. The traditional method includes the descriptive method; Instrumental methods are widely used: microscopy (light-optical and electron), electrography, radar, etc.

    Darwin Museum. Microscope by R. Hooke.

    Slide 12

    In the most diverse areas of biology, the importance of border disciplines that connect biology with other sciences - physics, chemistry, mathematics, cybernetics, etc., is increasingly increasing. This is how biophysics, biochemistry, and bionics arose.

    Slide 13

    The emergence of life and the functioning of living organisms are determined by natural laws. Knowledge of these laws allows you not only to create an accurate picture of the world, but also to use them for practical purposes.

    Slide 14

    Recent achievements in biology have led to the emergence of fundamentally new directions in science, which have become independent sections in the complex of biological disciplines. Thus, the discovery of the molecular structure of the structural units of heredity (genes) served as the basis for the creation of genetic engineering.

    American biologists have proposed using genetic engineering methods to combat global warming. In their opinion, the cost of genetic research has decreased so much that the creation of special varieties of millet for processing into fuel has become a reality.

    Slide 15

    With the help of genetic engineering, organisms are created with new, including those not found in nature, combinations of hereditary characteristics and properties. The practical application of the achievements of modern biology already makes it possible to obtain industrially significant amounts of biologically active substances.

    Slide 16

    Based on the study of relationships between organisms, biological methods for controlling crop pests have been created; many adaptations of living organisms have served as models for the design of effective artificial structures and mechanisms.

    The honeycomb design formed the basis for the production of "honeycomb panels" for construction

    Slide 17

    At the same time, ignorance or ignorance of the laws of biology leads to serious consequences for both nature and humans. The time has come when the safety of the world around us depends on the behavior of each of us. Adjusting a car engine well, preventing the discharge of toxic waste into the river, providing bypass channels for fish in a hydroelectric power plant project, resisting the desire to collect a bouquet of wild flowers - all this will help preserve the environment, the environment of our lives.

    Slide 18

    The exceptional ability of living nature to recover has created the illusion of its invulnerability to the destructive influences of humans and the limitlessness of its resources. Now we know that this is not true. Therefore, all human economic activities must now be built taking into account the principles of organization of the biosphere.

    Slide 19

    Air pollution affects approximately 5.5 million people in Santiago, Chile. The photo was taken on July 30, 1999.

    Slide 20

    Deforestation in the Amazon, Brazil. Photo taken March 7, 1997. Every year, 11.3 million hectares of forests are cut down worldwide.

    Slide 21

    The importance of biology for humans is enormous. General biological laws are used to solve a variety of issues in many sectors of the national economy. Thanks to knowledge of the laws of heredity and variability, great successes have been achieved in agriculture in the creation of new highly productive breeds of domestic animals and varieties of cultivated plants.

    Slide 22

    Scientists have developed hundreds of varieties of grains, legumes, oilseeds and other crops that differ from their predecessors in high productivity and other useful qualities. Based on this knowledge, the selection of microorganisms that produce antibiotics is carried out.

    Slide 23

    Great importance in biology is attached to solving problems associated with elucidating the subtle mechanisms of protein biosynthesis, the secrets of photosynthesis, which will open the way to the synthesis of organic nutrients outside plant and animal organisms. In addition, the use in industry (in construction, when creating new machines and mechanisms) of the principles of organization of living beings (bionics) brings at present and will give in the future a significant economic effect.

    Slide 24

    In the future, the practical importance of biology will increase even more. This is due to the rapid growth of the planet's population, as well as the ever-increasing size of the urban population not directly involved in agricultural production.

    Slide 25

    In such a situation, the only basis for increasing food resources can be the intensification of agriculture. An important role in this process will be played by the development of new highly productive forms of microorganisms, plants and animals, and the rational, scientifically based use of natural resources.

    Slide 26


    Zakharov V.B. General biology: Textbook. For 10-11 grades. general education institutions. - M.: Bustard, 2004. INTERNET resources.