Boxwood (Buxus) is an evergreen shrub plant or tree from the Boxwood family, characterized by slow growth and common in the nature of East Asia, the Mediterranean and West Indies. This ancient culture is grown in tubs, in a garden on an open ground, as a decoration of a lawn or as a hedge, as a border and as a decorative ornament on a personal plot in the form of figures of people, animals and various objects formed when pruning.

At home, boxwood can be grown as a dwarf tree in a small flower capacity. In Moscow and Moscow region, its cultivation and care is no different from other regions. The only thing you need to pay attention to because of the possibility of severe frost is the preparation of the box for winter.

Plant description boxwood

The plant is distinguished by dense leathery leaves of a rounded shape, inflorescences of small fragrant flowers and fruit-boxes with black shiny seeds. Although culture is a honey plant, boxwood honey is not eaten because of the high toxicity of all its parts.

Boxwood perfectly tolerates pruning, and its beautiful crown of brilliant leaves is very popular with landscape designers, who often use shrubs for landscaping and decorating various land plots. The main features of the plant are its high decoration, shade tolerance and unpretentious nature.

In nature, there are almost 100 different species of this evergreen culture, and Evergreen, Small Leaf, Caucasian, Balearic are considered as the most attractive garden plants. Popular varieties are Winter Jam, Faulkner, Elegance, Suffruicose, Blauer Heinz. All species and varieties differ in shape, size, resistance to frost and drought, leaf color, growth rate and longevity, compactness and basic purpose, level of decorativeness.

When to plant boxwood

Each gardener chooses planting time for boxwood, based on their experience. This can be any season except winter. It is believed that flowering crops are more favorable to plant in autumn from about the fifteenth of September until the tenth of October. Before the onset of severe frosts should remain no less than a month, during which the box will have time to form the root system and strengthen the immune system.

The soil in the selected area can be clay, wet, with good water permeability and with a low content of lime, and the site should be located in the shade or partial shade, without bright direct sunlight. The burning rays of the sun leave burns on the leaves of plants.

How to plant boxwood

The boxwood saplings purchased in containers should be watered a day before planting. So the root part is easier to pull out of the tank along with a clod of earth. If possible, it is recommended to soak for a day the root part without land.

The size of the landing pit depends on the size of the roots with an earthy clod. It should be about 2-3 times wider and more in depth. The bottom of the pit must be filled with a three-centimeter layer of drainage (for example, perlite), and the entire pit is filled with an earthy mixture of equal parts of the earth and perlite.

The seedling is placed in a hole, straighten all the roots and gradually fall asleep with a prepared substrate, and then lightly tamped. It is important that when planting in the pit did not remain air cavities, and the stem of the plant was located strictly in an upright position. After that, seedlings immediately watered abundantly. Irrigation water can be rainwater settled. Each plant will need approximately 2.5-3 buckets of water.

After the land subsides in the planting pit, it is necessary to add the soil mixture to the edges without compaction. It is recommended to mark the boundaries of the near-ground circle with a small earthen mound around the circumference, which will restrain irrigation water from spreading. The surface of the circle of the barrel should be filled with a two-centimeter layer of perlite.

Unpretentious boxwood does not require much attention and does not cause much trouble.


The first watering after planting is carried out after seven days, provided there is no rain during this period, or seven days after heavy rainfall. In case of mild weather in the summer months, seedlings should be watered regularly with a volume of about ten liters of water, with the bush growing to one meter. In arid and very hot times, watering is carried out with the same frequency, but in large quantities. Water should only fall into the circle. The time favorable for irrigation is early morning or faith after sunset.

The soil

After each watering, it is recommended to loosen the soil and pull out weeds, and with the establishment of stable warm weather (approximately at the end of May), the stem should be covered with a mulch layer of peat. The thickness of the mulch should not exceed 8 cm and come into contact with parts of the plant.


The box requires regular nutritional mineral or organic supplements. The first time fertilizer can be applied only after the rooting of the plant (approximately one month), but this applies to seedlings planted in the spring time. From May to September, you can apply fertilizers with a nitrogen content, and in the fall fertilizing should contain potassium and phosphorus. Complex fertilizers can be applied together with irrigation water and during autumn digging of the site.


Favorable time for planting is spring. Over the entire spring and summer period, the box will have time to adapt to a new place, form its root system and prepare well for winter temperatures. When transplanting an adult culture together with an earthy clod, the procedure will take place with minimal concern for the plant.


Formative and corrective pruning is recommended to be done regularly once a month. The first haircut is carried out in the second half of April or in the first half of May. The plant tolerates this procedure easily, but additional nutrients and more frequent watering are needed to support the box after haircuts. Pruning turns trees into various geometric shapes. Balls, cones or cubes look great on the site, but require timely adjustment. Pruning should be young growths that affect the basic form of the crown of plants.

Boxwood in winter

To saturate the soil with moisture for the long winter period, it is recommended to carry out abundant watering in the first week of November and apply a layer of mulch in the tree trunk circle of peat or pine needles. As a shelter for boxwood, spruce branches, burlap, nonwoven fabric in several layers, lutrasil or spunbond are used. To preserve the integrity of the branches, it is recommended to tie or tie them to a support.

Seed propagation

Seed germination of boxwood is maintained for a very short time, so this method of reproduction is not often used.

Freshly harvested seeds should be soaked in a warm aqueous solution with a growth stimulator (for example, "Epin" or "Zircon") for twenty-four hours, after which the liquid is drained, and the seeds are laid out on a damp cloth and covered with the same moistened cloth. The fabric should always be slightly damp for 20-30 days. This time is necessary for the appearance of white shoots. Germinated seeds sprouted down are planted in soil mixture from equal parts of sand and peat and covered with polyethylene or glass. Before the emergence of shoots, the container should be in a warm room in a penumbral location. With the advent of seedlings, the film is removed, regular watering and fertilizing is carried out, and in early May it is transferred to open ground.

Reproduction by cuttings

The prepared cuttings are also soaked for a day in a solution with a growth stimulator, after which they are planted in a substrate of compost, leaf soil and sand in the same proportions and covered with a large plastic bottle with a cut bottom. Care is moistening and airing. Roots will be formed in 1-2 months. For winter, the cuttings are covered with fallen leaves or spruce branches.

Reproduction by layering

In spring, the lower shoots pin to the ground and sprinkle. Watering and feeding are carried out regularly until autumn. After rooting, the layers are separated and transplanted.

Diseases and pests

Possible pests of boxwood - boxwood galley, spider mite, felt.

With the arrival of warm summer weather, the Gallitsa lays a large number of eggs on the leaves and shoots, from which the larvae subsequently hatch, and then adult insects are formed. The presence of pests is noticeable by mass drying and leaf fall.

Faded shoots and blooms on the leaf plates indicate the presence of felt. And the uninvited guest spider mite usually appears on the plant in severe drought and at high air temperatures.

To destroy all possible pests by spraying with special chemicals. For example, "Tagore", "Fufanon", "Karbofos", "Aktara". One treatment is enough, but if necessary, it can be repeated after another 10 days.

Possible diseases - shoot necrosis and cancer. Numerous spots appear on the leaves, and the ends of the shoots begin to die off. To get rid of necrosis, repeated treatment of the plant with fungicides is carried out. It is recommended to completely remove the areas of a tree or shrub affected by cancer, and treat the cut sections with the preparation “Fundazol”.

Box evergreen (Buxus sempervirens) - most common in the Mediterranean and the Caucasus, where it prefers to grow in deciduous and mixed forests. The tree reaches a height of up to 15 m; the shrub form of this species is very rare. Green shoots straight, tetrahedral. The leaves are opposite, almost without petioles, smooth, shiny, dark green from the top and frosted light green and even yellowish from the bottom. The shape of the leaves is elongated-elliptical, the length reaches 1.5-3 cm. Small green flowers are collected in small capitate inflorescences. The fruit is in the form of a spherical box of small size with flaps that open when seeds are ripe. All parts of evergreen boxwood are poisonous. Popular varieties are Suffruicosis, Blauer Heinz, Elegance.

Small-leaved Box (Buxus microphylla) -   unlike evergreen boxwood, this type of combat is winter-resistant. This is a Korean or Japanese descendant of boxwood, which can withstand frost up to 30 degrees in winter without shelter, while it needs shelter from the bright spring sun. Popular varieties are Winter Jam and Faulkner.

Box Colchis, or Caucasian (Buxus colchica)   - this species is slow-growing, is the most small-leaved and winter-hardwood box of all European species. Lives up to 600 years, reaching a height of 15-20 m, the diameter of the trunk at the base - about 30 cm.

Box Balearic (Buxus balearica)   - This species grows in the Balearic Islands, southern Spain, Portugal and the Atlas Mountains in northern Morocco. This is the largest leaf species: the leaves of the Balearic box reach 4 cm in length, and 3 cm in width. The fast-growing plant has extremely high decorative qualities, but, unfortunately, it is absolutely not winter-hardy.

Boxwood is a hedge shrub. Planting and care (video)

I will say this: dear friends, if you want to grow boxwood, get down to business and drive away doubts. There are no particular difficulties in the agricultural technology of this elegant plant, even beginners can handle it. By the way, for newbies this is a great solution - choose a boxwood as your first pet.

Carelessly ruin this plant is difficult: it is not afraid of short-term drought or over-wetting the soil, it is undemanding to a certain temperature and humidity. Feels great in very shady places.


Soil requirements
According to my personal observations, the composition of the soil is not significant. Fertile land will grow faster, poor soil will grow more slowly, but the appearance will not suffer at all. The main thing - do not plant it in a place where groundwater come close to the surface of the earth. The box needs well-drained soil. What does it mean? This is a soil through which water passes freely. If there are puddles in the flowerbed after the rain for two weeks, it is better to grow boxwood in a pot.

Landing time
  I adhere to the old folk omen - if the plant blooms in spring, then it is better to replant in the fall. If it blooms in autumn, it will be easier to plant in spring. In my opinion, this is quite logical. The box blooms in spring, therefore, it is better to plant in autumn.

Do not forget that the rooting of the plant takes about a month. That is, from the date of landing to the date of arrival of the first frost should be at least 30 days! For example, here, in the Krasnodar Territory, the first frosts occur in late November - early December. And you really are guided by your region. In fairness, I note that I had to plant boxwood seedlings in early spring. There were no problems during the adaptation period. I read that adult plants can be transplanted in the summer, it is only important not to destroy the earthen room. Frankly, I never took the risk. Which year already we have such warm weather in summer! In the daytime in the shade up to + 42 ° C comes, below + 30 ° C is released only after midnight. What plant will withstand such conditions?

Landing process
  On the eve of the landing, the potted plant is plentifully watered (so that you can easily remove the earthen room). The next day, we proceed to earthworks. We dig a hole about three times wider and deeper in diameter than an earthen clod in a pot, and gently fold up the excavated earth aside. Pour perlite on the bottom (layer thickness 2-3 cm). This is our drainage layer to drain excess moisture from the root system. Then we mix the excavated earth again with perlite, observing an approximate proportion of 1: 1. Carefully remove the box from the pot. We straighten the roots (they should not bend and diverge to the sides) and, gradually pouring the soil mixture between them and around them, fill the hole to the level of the ground. Wipe the sweat from his forehead and continue.

We lightly seal the soil with our hands (to eliminate voids in the root system). Now, depending on the size of the plant, water it well. For example, a seedling height of 15-20 cm will be enough 3 liters of water. I recommend water for irrigation to take rainwater. If this is not possible, then defend the water supply during the day, only then water it. After watering, the ground in the hole will sow, re-mix and pour, but do not compact it! Make sure that the stem is in the hole straight, and then the Pisa boxwood grows in you :) I'm always 20-30 cm from the plant I pour a small earthen shaft around the circumference. When watering, the water does not spread around. A hole with a layer of perlite 1-2 cm. Done!

Watering and feeding

After transplanting for a month, do not fertilize the plant. If there is no rain for more than a week,.

I have all my plants exclusively with droppings and EM-1. During the period of active growth, that is, in spring, summer and autumn, you can feed once a week.

Shelter for the winter

If your area has severe winters with long frosts, choose frost-resistant types of boxwood. Let them not look as decorative as exotic, but they will not freeze out in the very first winter. The evergreen boxing Buxus Sempervirens grows in my house, it successfully survived the cold outside our region. One year winter was surprised by unprecedented frosts, below -40 ° C. True, such a temperature was kept for three days, and the snow was knee-deep. Maybe it saved my boxwood, then still quite small.

Once in January, I happened to visit Peterhof.

Evergreen boxwood (Buxus) can grow in the house and in the open field. However, in the Moscow region are rarely successfully grown it in the open. I have not seen us and hedges from boxwood bushes. Another thing is a tubular variant, in which pots with boxwood in the spring are exposed to fresh air and transferred to closed rooms for the winter.

Evergreen Boxwood

Description of boxwood

Two types are popular: boxwood, or evergreen, (B. sempervirens) and small-leaved (B. microphylla), both from the Boxwood family. There are other types of boxwood. Colchian boxwood (B. colchica) is listed in the Red Book of several countries. Buxus feels great in Southern Europe and Southeast Asia. It’s hard to imagine the Mediterranean without this evergreen. He is comfortable in the Caucasus and the Caucasus. In the south of Russia, a small boxwood grove remained near the Khosta River. There before grew real boxwood forests. In Sochi, bush bushes are planted in many parks and near houses.

Boxwood is a slow-growing evergreen shrub or tree up to 8 meters high, less often higher. There are low-growing species and varieties (dwarf variety " Compacta“). The bark is greyish yellow, with small depressions and cracks. Yellowish wood is heavy and superdense, which is the reason for the name of the plant (Greek “buxe” - “dense”). From it cut out forms for prints. The wood is so hard that before it went to the manufacture of bearings.

Leaves 2–3 cm long are located opposite. They are leathery, dark green with a light green tint below. Small female and male flowers bloom in early spring. Fruits - small casement boxes. Seeds are black, ripen in early October. When describing boxwood, one can not forget its special aroma. The smell increases after watering and cutting bushes. It can be felt if you stretch the leaf with your fingers. For me, this is one of the most beloved tart flavors, but many people don't like it.

Boxwood is a poisonous plant. This must be taken into account when choosing a place for it. You can not plant bushes on the playgrounds, decorate them game rooms.

Planting and growing boxwood in the open ground

My advice : purchase saplings or grown plants only in containers, i.e. with closed root system. They should be bushy, with green leaves and shoots. At risk, seedlings with yellowed leaves and bare shoots.

Spring is the best time for planting boxwood on the site. The pit should be twice as large as a coma of earth with sapling roots. At the bottom of the landing pit or trench, it is desirable to put a compost layer of 10-15 cm, then mix it with soil, sand and pour. The box does not like acidic soils, so it is advisable to add to the soil mixture.

To straighten the roots of a plant taken out of a pot is not worth it. It is a different matter, a sapling, whose roots are ground wrapped in a film before being sold. They need to straighten, inspect and put in a bucket of water. It is pre-dissolved rooting stimulator (strictly according to instructions) or stir the clay.

Box as a houseplant

In the flower departments of shops, boxwood is sold in flower pots. It can be grown at home. In the garden center, I was advised in the spring to dig a pot with boxwood into the ground, and in the late autumn to transfer it to a cool room. For example, in the basement of a house with a top window, a glassed-in balcony, a veranda, etc. I remembered engravings and photographs with boxwood, which in former times were often grown in tubs. In the spring they were exhibited at the main entrance, and in the winter they were kept in winter gardens.

A few years ago, I saw on sale a perfectly formed boxwood growing in a large flower pot. I could not pass by and became the owner of two such plants at once.

When growing in a house I ran into some problems. First of all, boxwood turned out to be a more moisture-loving plant than I thought. He has to not only regularly water, but also spray the crown. Even short-term drying of the soil leads to drying and loss of leaves.

There are no problems with dressing, because loose soil in the pot contributes to the assimilation of complex fertilizers for evergreens. Suitable and fertilizer for ficuses.

Our two boxwood trees winter on loggias

A pot with boxwood should not be held on the windowsill on the south side of the house without shading. In winter, I keep boxwood on a glazed loggia, where the air temperature at night does not fall below plus 12 ° C.

Breeding boxwood

In nature, buksus propagates by seed. For us, the easiest option - rooting cuttings. Root percentage is about 80%. The cuttings are 10-15 cm long, cut in the summer (the end is the middle) and in the fall (the end is the beginning). They leave several upper leaves, all lower leaves are removed. It is better if the cut is oblique. Immediately stick into a wet soil mixture of peat and sand or in another light substrate. Rooting stimulants can be used. Then spray and cover with a can or a transparent bag so that the leaves do not touch the polyethylene. Under such a shelter, with regular soil moistening and spraying, the roots appear on average in a month. Two months later, the sapling is ready for transplanting into a school or a permanent place. Cover it for the winter.

Cuttings that have begun to root in other periods may form roots worse. Autumn cuttings are best rooted in flower pots and in the winter to keep in the house.

Box in landscape design

The box, as well as a yew, is ideally suited for a figured hairstyle. It produces a variety of forms: balls, cubes, cones and spirals. Strong pruning is carried out in mid-June. You can adjust the shape at any time, with the exception of autumn and winter. - The best month for the first pruning of the year. Last haircut is best done in mid-August, so that the plant has time to prepare for winter. Several cut branches can be put under the pillow to enjoy a pleasant sleep.

Large pots with boxwood look good at the entrance to the house. Balls of evergreen buchs growing near the porch look spectacular. They are considered a talisman from envious people and evil spirits.

Boxwood is an ideal plant for hedges. But in the middle lane is a risky option that requires regular "repair". Part of the dried or bald bushes will have to be replaced from time to time with new ones. For low evergreen hedges and landscape designers recommend a box with a vertically growing crown (for example, Suffruticosa). Slow-growing frost-resistant "Blauer Heinz" with bluish leaves is used for living patterns, ornaments and borders.

Some shapes (balls, hemispheres, cubes, etc.) are easier to grow from several seedlings planted nearby.

Green boxwood cones

The box belongs to slow-growing plants, but it has species and varieties that give annual growths of more or less than 8 cm. Regular haircut compresses the crown, and planting in overly nutritious soil and sparse pruning make the shrub more friable.

Among the box-trees there are “giants” and “dwarfs”. You can pick up fast-growing or slow-growing varieties. Interesting variegated forms (variety " Elegans"). It is worth paying attention to the fast-growing (" Winter gem micropholia"And" Sempea") Plants on which you can hone the art of creating green figures. " B. Faulkner microphylia»A natural spherical crown, the shape of which can only occasionally be adjusted. For the cultivation of bonsai is best to choose boxwood Harlandii Hance »and " Curly locks»With twisted stems.

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Boxwood is an evergreen favorite with many leathery leaves that has been used in landscape design and for interior decoration.

Now you will not surprise anyone with a flower bed with dahlias or petunias. Today it is customary to decorate city streets and adjoining plots with special care and subtle artistic taste, using perennial plants for this purpose. Living green hedges, arches, tunnels under the hanging foliage help the residents of big cities to feel the beauty of nature again and again and not lose contact with it. The art of topiary, known in ancient Rome - the creation of living green sculptures from plants, has received wide popularity today.

From those ancient times to the present day, just one of the best plants for creating such garden forms was considered boxwood. It grows so slowly that 2-3 haircuts per season are enough to keep topiary and hedges in good shape. In addition, the box is very plastic. This means its ability to respond to a haircut by growing new branches, which makes its crown only thicker and denser.

Large green sculptures are formed from several plants planted close to each other. Hedges and labyrinths are obtained by planting a huge number of boxwood seedlings according to a certain pattern. And here the natural question immediately arises: where can we get such a number of seedlings? How to propagate boxwood?

How boxwood multiplies

Breeding boxwood is usually produced in two ways: seed and vegetative.

Seed method gives good results. The sprouts that have sprung from the seeds grow quickly enough and during the season they manage to turn into small (10-15 cm) bushes. But reproduction of boxwood with seeds has several disadvantages:

  • Seeds lose their germination very quickly. Therefore, it is possible to sow only very fresh seeds - from the harvest of the previous year.
  • Seeds of boxwood have low germination. Even their presowing treatment with growth stimulants does not give a noticeable improvement in germination. Usually, only a third of the seeds germinate.
  • Since boxwood plants are regularly cut and flowers are removed for better crown formation, the ripening of fruits on such plants becomes difficult. To get the seeds for sowing, you need to get rid of one or more plants from the haircut for the whole season, which will undoubtedly not be the best way to reflect on its decorative qualities.

From this point of view, cutting of a boxwood looks more attractive, since it gives a lot more new rooted own seedlings. Small branches of boxwood are placed in a nutrient substrate, and soon new young plants are obtained on their own roots.

There is another way to propagate boxwood: rooting of green layers. To do this, several young branches close to the ground bend down and fall asleep with earth. By the end of the season, roots form in places of contact with soil. After this, the layering can be safely cut off from the parent bush and planted as separate plants.

Boxing cutting

For breeding boxwood cuttings at home, you need to know a few simple rules.

Cutting can be carried out from spring to autumn. In the autumn, cuttings bruise better, but they do not have enough time even for growth. Such seedlings have to be planted in pots and kept at home in a cool place until spring. On the contrary, in the spring-summer period, cutting the boxwood, although it gives the percentage of rooting just below the autumn, but it allows to get strong grown seedlings by the autumn. Young plants at the same time become able to winter in the open field.

For grafting it is necessary to cut the branches 10-20 cm long with a sharp shears. It is better to cut them from the bottom of the bush. Twigs should be one or two years old, well matured, but not stiff. Sprigs should be cleared of several lower leaves, freeing at least two internodes. After that, you need to slightly damage the bark of the stem - slightly hold along it along the needle, with a fingernail. Subsequently, callus is formed on such grooves, from which roots will grow. Before planting, cutting boxwood can be treated with root formation stimulants, but this is not necessary. The box already has a good ability to root.

Boxwood cuttings cannot be placed for rooting into water and must not be dried before rooting. This will lead to their death. Box refers to those plants that need to be rooted only in the ground.

If you are going to reproduce boxwood at home, then for grafting it is necessary to take wide pots with large holes in the bottom. This will avoid stagnation in the pot of excessive moisture, because it damages the plants. The soil in which the cuttings will take root should be light and breathable. You can use a mixture of turf and sand.

The cuttings are planted in the shading area, 10 cm apart. You can plant them in several rows, leaving a distance of at least 20 cm between rows. When planted in pots, 1-4 cuttings are placed in each.

When cutting boxwood, planted twigs are best covered with foil or nonwoven fabric. This will help create future microclimate saplings, independent of external conditions. Planting should be moderate, but regularly watered. After about 2 months, the first sign of successful rooting of cuttings will appear - the plants will start growing and form new leaves.

The most unpretentious when cutting a regular box evergreen (Búxus sempervírens). Variegated varieties require more attention. When drying, over-wetting, or slight damage to the roots, they can shed their leaves.

Rooted box saplings can be planted in a permanent place or (in autumn cuttings) left in pots until spring. Young plants in the open ground must be very carefully prepared for the first winter. The soil around them can be mulched with mature compost or needles. If the winters in the region are harsh, but it is necessary to provide shelter - from non-woven material or plywood boxes with holes. In winter, young landings should be covered up with snow.

Watch the technology of breeding boxwood cuttings on the video set at the end of the article.

What to choose

We considered several ways of breeding boxwood: seeds, cuttings and green layering. Undoubtedly, the most productive is grafting.

If there can be certain problems with the presence of seeds and lower layers for sheared boxwood bushes, then with cuttings everything is much simpler:

  • Cuttings can be cut from your own previously purchased plants.
  • You can buy inexpensively or even get it for free from other owners of boxwood plants after a regular haircut.
  • You can absolutely free to dial them in the park during the shearing of hedges and topiary.

The most important thing is not to overdry the cuttings and place them in time for rooting in time. And believe me, the results of your efforts will for many years please you with healthy and beautiful boxwood plants.

Reproduction boxwood cuttings - video

The area of ​​its natural distribution - Mediterranean and Southeast Asian countries,   some areas of Africa and Central America.

Boxwood in the wild can be found in the Caucasus, although quite rarely.

The box grows in the form of an evergreen shrub or tree, from 2 to 13 m high. Some species of the plant can reach 15 m.   The leaves are round or elliptical in shape, oppositely arranged, 2-3 cm long. The upper side of the leaves is dark green, the lower side is lighter.

In the decorative types of leaf color may vary:

  • golden;
  • motley
  • bordered

It blooms with small flowers of a greenish shade, collected in axillary inflorescences. They emit fragrance and are same-sex, that is, each flower has either only pistils, or only stamens.

The fruit is a box with three nests, from which, after ripening, brilliant seeds of black color fall out.

IMPORTANT!   The plant is poisonous, especially high content of toxic substances in the leaves.

Your attention shrub box on the photo:

Shrub boxwood: planting and care at home

Buksus does not require a special light mode, feeling   yourself the same way good both in the sun and in a shaded place.   For breeding boxwood at home, room temperature is quite suitable, and a window on the south side is better suited for a pot.

In winter, when slowing down biorhythms, temperature reduction to 15ºC is acceptable.   For breeding boxwood and care for it on the street, only a few frost-resistant varieties are suitable, and it is recommended to cover those in the winter period.


In summer, the box should be watered fairly plentifully as the soil dries. In the autumn, with a decrease in air temperature, watering is reduced to moderate.

ATTENTION!   Excessive waterlogging leads to stagnant moisture in the root system and putrefactive processes.


Moderately moist air is most favorable for boxwood.

If the plant lives in a flower pot, then its leaves must be sprayed from time to time.

These measures will prevent drying and twisting of the leaves, as well as become a preventive against the appearance of some pests.

Transplant and soil

Due to slow growth, transplantation is rarely transplanted once in several years. It is better to replant in the spring,   in March or April. For boxwood transplantation, a pot of slightly larger volume is used than the previous one.

As a rule, the plant tolerates transplantation easily, if you remember to make at the bottom of the tank drainage layer.   Otherwise, the moisture will stagnate at the roots and the plant will hurt.

Boxwood prefers a structured, nourishing soil. The necessary composition can be purchased at a specialty store or you can make one yourself by mixing leafy, soddy soil with coarse sand.

  • sod land - 4 parts;
  • leafy ground - 2 parts;
  • coarse sand - 1 part.

IMPORTANT!   If the plant has been purchased, it is better to transplant it, since the transport soil is not very good and dries quickly.

But this should be done carefully, trying not to damage the roots. A day before transplanting, saplings of boxwood should be watered abundantly, this will allow you to maximally relax the earthen room.


How to propagate boxwood? Breeding boxwood at home both cuttings and seeds   occurs as follows.

Cuttings are cut only from fairly developed plants, in April or May.

The entire growth of last year is taken with a small capture of the last year’s one. Usually such the cutting has a length of 15-20 cm.

The shoot is placed in the ground with the addition of a root formation stimulator, for the first time the plant should be covered, creating something like a greenhouse.

When breeding boxwood cuttings the first roots appear in a month   and by autumn the plant takes root completely.

When growing boxwood from seeds that must be stratified before sowing for 2 months, thereby increasing germination. After that, you can land in open ground or in a pot, but in both cases be sure to cover.

The soil for planting boxwood should be nutritious. When seedlings appear, plants can be transplanted into separate pots. Minus reproduction boxwood seeds   in that in this case the plant will grow and develop more slowly.

For more information about cutting a boxwood, see the video:

Flowering and crown formation

You can trim room boxwood throughout the year, as needed. For this purpose it is necessary to use sharp garden shears. Cut branches   become later still thicker and lush.

The boxwood pleases with its flowers not every year, but if it does, then in spring. The flowers look inconspicuous: small, greenish-yellow. But when flowering the room is filled with a special aroma.

Watch the following video about trimming boxwood:

Diseases and pests

  • shield;
  • spider mite;
  • gallicia boxwood

For the extermination of pests insecticides are used.

It should be remembered that most of the pests infect weakened plants; therefore, adherence to common standards for growing boxwood is a kind of prevention against infection.

One of the common ailments affecting boxwood is psilla disease   Its signs - a significant slowdown in growth, deformation of the leaves and the appearance of sticky wax formations.

The affected parts of the plant should be removed and destroyed. With too much watering or insufficient drainage, brown spots appear on the leaves.

Why yellow boxwood?

Insufficient moisture or too dry climate leads to twisting, drying out and yellowing of the leaves.

Growing boxwood at home not only adds to the interior of the room, but also has a positive effect on health. Thanks to the volatile substances released by the plant (phytoncides), harmful bacteria are neutralized in the room air.   In addition, during flowering boxwood emits a pleasant smell.

From our article you have learned how to properly care for buksus, how fast the box grows, how it multiplies at home, how to grow box and how to plant a plant.