Crassula is a common houseplant. But under this name, it is known to few. More often it is called a sweetie or monetary (monetary) tree. Independently planting and growing a money tree is considered the best ritual for attracting financial well-being and family happiness. In order for a fat woman to take root in a house, she needs to be properly transplanted and properly looked after.

Conditions for keeping a money tree at home

Crassula - unpretentious plant. It easily tolerates the lack of moisture and open sunlight. One of its names - the bastard - indicates the ability to accumulate moisture in the thick and fleshy leaves. In the absence of watering Crassula can survive a dry period, using its own reserves, using water from the foliage.

The extensive genus Volodya has more than 300 species. Among them are small plants (a few centimeters high) and gigantic ones - up to several meters tall.

Table: necessary conditions for the development of Crassula

Criterion Spring and Summer Autumn and winter
LightingThe money tree prefers a well-lit south, east or southeast window sillDuring the period of rest, from November to March, the pot with the fatty cloth should be placed in a less lighted place, for example, on the northern sill
Air temperatureIdeal temperature conditions - from 20 to 30 o C. Not bad the plant tolerates a higher temperature, but then requires shadingIdeal temperature conditions - from 10 to 16 o C. Critical indicator: -5 degrees
Air humidityAfter the midday heat, you can spray the leaves to refresh the plant.Periodically (at least once a week) to wipe leaves from dust
WateringAbundantly once or twice a weekOne to three times a month

The flower signals a lack of moisture with soft leaves. Water should be tepid or room temperature, the best time for watering is evening.

Important to remember:

  • for the proper formation of the bush money tree should not be located close to the window or wall. In order for the crown to have a symmetrical shape, the bastard is sometimes turned around its axis, then the lighting will be evenly distributed to all sides of the plant;
  • humidity is not critical for the bastard (a native plant from the southern regions);
  • crassula copes with a lack of water better than with its excess.

Crassulas are grown in indoor floriculture for over three hundred years, since they were brought to Europe by sailors from the African continent.

A healthy money tree needs fertilizer. Often this is not required, it is enough to feed the plant with mineral mixtures for succulents once a month.

Video: errors in the care of the money tree

Crown modeling

Money tree has an interesting structure that allows the owner to simulate his crown to your taste. If you do not control the growth of branches, the tree can become crooked, stretch out, get an ugly appearance. Formation of the crown is a simple matter: it is enough to remove an unnecessary escape in time or, on the contrary, to stimulate the growth of an additional branch. For the emergence of a new branching held plucking two apical leaves. Soon on this place there will be additional stalks.

Extra leaves from the trunk of the money tree should not be rushed to remove. With the growth of the crown, they will disappear themselves, while the trunk will get a natural look.

Video: the correct formation of the crown crassula

Planting and transfer times

The most favorable time for planting or transplanting indoor plants is considered to be early spring, when a new life cycle begins, the plant is ready for renewal and tolerates a change of residence well. Money tree in this sense is no exception.

The fat woman does not approve of frequent transplantation, it is for her the strongest stress. A young plant (up to two or three years old) should be transplanted into a new pot once a year. An adult tree grows more slowly, so it is enough to provide it with a more spacious pot once every three to four years.

Crassula copes well with the autumn transplant, although it is undesirable. A good reason for transplanting in the fall is plant disease or the appearance of pests. To save the plant transplant is shown at any time of the year, even in winter.

What are needed soil and pot

Money tree is unpretentious to the composition of the soil and the size of the pot. But it still has its preferences.

Suitable soil

Make a good ground for the money tree under the force even beginner florist. For self-preparation of the substrate will require:

  • fresh humus;
  • calcined sand;
  • leaf earth;
  • sod land.

The first three components are taken in equal proportions. But the sod land will need three times more. The soil should be loose, well pass water and air. Indicators of soil acidity are better to maintain a neutral value, somewhere in the range of pH 6.5–7.0.

If you do not want to bother with the preparation of the soil yourself, you can use the purchase mix. For a money tree any universal soil will be suitable. Ideally, a special substrate for succulents. It is desirable to add sand (in the ratio of one to four) in the universal mixture.

Crassula needs good drainage. For young plants of a sufficient two-centimeter layer of broken brick, river pebbles or expanded clay, for more powerful specimens the drainage layer increases to 5–10 cm.
Topsoil must be covered with mulch. It prevents quick drying and will give a decorative look to the pot. For this purpose, you can use pebbles, rubble, bark and chips of trees, nutshell, dried autumn leaves, straw, processed glass.

What is needed pot

The root system of the money tree is located close to the surface of the earth. That is why for him it is necessary to pick up wide and shallow pots. The diameter of the dishes is determined by the diameter of the crown: the dishes should be slightly wider than the crown. This is necessary for the stability of the plant so that it does not accidentally turn over.

To emphasize the beauty of Crassula, it is better to take a ceramic pot. You can, of course, plant a bastard in an ordinary plastic vessel, but the plant will lose a lot in aesthetic perception. The fleshy leaves of the money tree are well combined with dishes of brown or terracotta color. Teaching Feng Shui recommends decorating the pot with coins to attract cash flow. Coins can be put in the drainage layer.

Ways of planting money tree

Unpretentious money tree can be propagated in three ways:

  • reproduction by cuttings;
  • rooting leaf;
  • sowing seeds (used very rarely).

The easiest method is grafting. For this purpose, suitable 8-10-centimeter tops of the shoots. Cut the twigs dried for two days, after which the cutting can be rooted. There are two ways:

  • rooting in the substrate;
  • getting roots in water.

Rooting cuttings in the ground

Cut the stalk to handle crushed coal. The pot should be taken small, but such that the stalk of the money tree could live in it at least until spring. Rooting will require a light mixture of river sand and garden soil.

Place the escape in a depression (made, for example, with a pencil), sprinkle it around with earth, pour it over and cover with a film or plastic cup. You can water the plant without removing the cup. Creating a greenhouse effect favorably affects. As soon as a new leaf appears on the handle, you can remove the shelter - the money tree has taken root and has gone to growth.

Growing roots in water

This way is even easier. On the cut branch of the money tree, the lower leaves are removed, leaving a couple or two. The cutting is placed vertically in a glass half filled with water with the drug Kornevin added to stimulate root growth. Put the capacity for two to three weeks in the shade. Usually roots appear during this time - the plant is ready for planting in the ground.

Growing a fat woman from a leaflet

Growing a money tree from one leaflet is very similar to rooting the cutting. The cut of the leaf should also be dried, and then placed in loose earth. In order for the leaf not to fall, he will need coasters of matches or toothpicks. The creation of greenhouse conditions and regular hydration contribute to the rooting of the leaf. The ability to grow a money tree from a single leaflet is quite real and achievable.

Seeds are sown in low containers filled with a mixture of sand and leafy earth, and covered with film or glass to maintain high humidity. To prevent the black leg, earth is shed with a solution of Fitosporin.

Within two weeks, while seeds germinate, short-term airings are sure to be arranged. When most of the seeds germinate, the glass is removed. After the appearance of two or three pairs of leaves, seedlings should be transplanted into small containers with an earthy mixture for succulents or universal floral primer.

Seed Crassula are mainly propagated by the seed method.

Step by step instructions for planting and transplanting

  1. Prepare the soil yourself (as described above) or buy the appropriate mixture.
  2. We take the pot the right size (how to determine the size, as described above).
  3. At the bottom of the pot pour a layer of drainage at least two centimeters thick.
  4. We add soil so that the earth filled the fourth part of capacity.
  5. Put the plant in the pot, trying to put it in the middle. If a massive money tree is transplanted, then the transfer method should be applied: carefully with one hand behind the trunk, we take the plant out of the pot, shake the ground from the roots a little. Rinse or treat the root system is additionally necessary only in case of disease or rotting of the roots.
  6. Fill the soil mixture, falling asleep roots. There is no need to tamper.
  7. Liberally pour with warm water. After the first watering, it will be clear if you need to add more land.
  8. Add the required amount of soil, sprinkle with melboy on top.
  9. We put Crassula in the shade for a week or two, so that the fragile until the tree does not get sunburn.

Video: money tree transplant

Possible landing options

Planting a money tree in a separate pot is just one of the possible options. The fat woman grows well in the florarium and in the kindergarten.

Money Tree in the florarium

To plant a money tree in the florarium, a special earth mixture for succulents and charcoal will be required. Being in a confined space provokes root rot, and coal makes it possible to disinfect decaying organic matter.

Watering the succulents in the florarium should be moderate. The fat woman does not like excess moisture, and in an airtight vessel water will have nowhere to evaporate.

Important: do not forget to open the closing florarium for fresh air.

Krassula can be settled in the "garden in the pot"

Hardy bastards - the best option when creating a miniature garden of living plants. This species has about three hundred plants. Many have original in color and shape of the leaves, which give an unusual combination. After preparing everything, as in the usual planting of a money tree in a pot, start planting several types of succulents in a flat container. This miniature composition can be transferred from place to place, it requires a minimum of care. A “garden in a bowl” of several trunks of the money tree can be placed not only on the windowsill, but also on the coffee table, shelf, or computer desk.

Common mistakes when landing a fat woman, ways to correct

Sometimes a florist, relying on the simplicity of the money tree, does not provide him with proper care. Mistakes made while planting a fatty can lead to sad results.

The flower is planted in a disproportionate pot

A money tree planted in a disproportionate pot grows poorly. Too deep a capacity leads to the stretching of the main root and stem of the plant. With the next transplant, you need to pinch the stretched root. Crassula will gradually restore a beautiful appearance. Too small pot can lead to the fall of the plant, since it will not be able to keep the overgrown crown.

Excessive watering

The fat woman lives by the principle: drought is better than flood. Excessive watering leads to rotting of the root system. Water the money tree is required as the surface of the earth dries. Sometimes, instead of watering, you can spray a plant or wipe the leaves with a damp cloth. If the “flood” did happen, the bastard needs the onset of the “dry season”. If it does not help, urgently transplant the plant.

High air temperature

With excessive heat, the money tree loses the leaves and bares the trunk. Especially it does not like the high temperature during the rest period - from November to March. Reducing temperature or shading helps to recover the fat man.

No drainage

Some growers do not attach importance to such smallness as drainage. But for Crassula, he is a prerequisite for a prosperous existence. Without it, water stagnation is real, leading to root rot and disease. If for some reason they “forgot” to do drainage, it is urgent to correct the situation. No matter what time outside the window - winter or summer.

Video: save the money tree


Money tree in the room conditions rarely blooms. In nature, the crassula bloom begins after the end of the drought season and the arrival of heavy rain. To obtain a similar effect, it is required to recreate similar conditions in the room where the jerky lives. To do this, it is necessary to keep a money tree in the winter months in a cool place on a poor diet, watering extremely rarely. With the onset of spring, increase watering and provide access to sunlight. Crassula may also bloom with small white flowers. True, it should be borne in mind that flowers appear only in the tenth year of the plant's life.

Fancy money tree with a thick stem and large leaves can be found at most. Some people simply like the unusual look of the plant, while others specifically purchase a money tree so that money can be found in the house. If you want to become the owner of such a plant, which is also called a sweetie, then read this article to know how to plant a money tree correctly.

  How to plant a money tree - the choice of cutting

The fat woman multiplies by cuttings. Choose a not too thick stem and cut the stalk. Put it in the water, wait for the roots. The main plant cut the place cut with charcoal. It is possible to plant a stalk only after good roots appear on it.

  How to plant a money tree - planting cutting

Pot choose medium, about fifteen centimeters in length and a diameter of about twelve centimeters. Feng shui is recommended to plant a plant in a black or green pot. Plant the stalk, filling the bottom with soil and drainage. The depth of planting guided by 4-6 cm, it all depends on the size of the cutting. It is recommended to disembark the jade on the growing moon.

  How to plant a money tree - the right care for the plant

The fat woman should be placed on the sunny side, protected from direct sunlight. Water is not very plentiful. Focus on the ground. It should stay a little wet. In winter, water the money tree less often than in summer. Watering once a month will suffice. It is better to put the plant on the sill of the south side. There is a lot of sunshine. Feng Shui in the south side accumulates energy for financial well-being.

  How to plant a money tree for Feng Shui

It is advisable to purchase the plant for money or to steal the cutting. Before planting on the bottom of the pot lay out a few coins, from 6 to 8 pieces. Be sure to lay them numbers down. In the process of landing speak a conspiracy to attract financial well-being. After planting the money tree, tie a red ribbon or thread on the trunk. Put the plant in the southern part, there is accumulated a positive financial energy.

A dense plant that brings money, still worth settling at home. With proper planting and proper care, it will saturate the house with an atmosphere of comfort and prosperity.

The tree, known as the money tree, has a scientific name - Crassula or Faddy. This home culture has gained popularity in most states, in each of which they call it differently. For example, in Poland the flower is called the "tree of happiness", in the Czech Republic - the "home tree", and in Slovakia - the "family tree". It is widely believed that Crassula attracts finances and good fortune to the house. In addition, it is known that in order to perform the functions of a talisman, the flower must be grown on its own. After studying the information on the topic: Money Tree how to plant a sprout, anyone who wishes will be able to grow this beautiful home plant.

Money Tree Description

Crassula is an unpretentious home tree, has a thick, stiff stem and foliage, in the form of money coins. It belongs to the genus Succulent, numbering over 300 species. The bush can have two types of trunk: creeping and straight. In a natural environment, the height of a tree can vary from 3 cm to 5 meters. Depending on the varietal variety, foliage can be of various shapes and colors, 4-7 cm in length.

The house plant blossoms with large white or white-pink flowers, gathering in a semi-sunshade. The tree blossoms rather seldom, approximately by the age of 7-10. During flowering, the inflorescence fills the room with a lasting sweet aroma.

Interesting! Any pair of leaves is located at an angle of 90 degrees relative to the previous one.


The tree is originally from hot Africa. Thanks to the motherland culture has acquired such characteristics as endurance and unpretentiousness. The seedling can develop independently, even if you violate the rules of care. In the wild, there are few varietal plant species. The most in demand among lovers of indoor plants Crassula silver and tree. However, to achieve flowering at home is quite difficult. But if the tree has bloomed, then it is a sign of success and well-being.

Breeding features

There are three ways of breeding fatty: seeds, cuttings, leaflets. The most clear and effective way recognized cutting. When using this method, the seedlings soon take root, adapts to the growing conditions. A couple of months after disembarkation, a healthy, full-fledged plant develops.

The method of breeding leaves is considered one of the most troublesome. This feature is associated with frequent decay of the prepared material. In addition, the formation of roots and germination of children takes a long time.

Seed propagation is the most difficult and long-lasting method, and considering the low probability of flowering, the tree is also practically impossible. If you still manage to collect the sowing material, then germinate it is very problematic.

Informative! For adherents of the seed method of reproduction, there is an automatic seed germinator, the sprouter.

How to plant a scion of a money tree at home

Even a beginner in floriculture, who has not previously understood the details of flower crop cultivation, can cope with the landing and cultivation of the magic bush. Crassula is well acclimatized from both the leaf and the small process.

Preparation of planting material

Initially cut from the parent plant cuttings. To do this, use a clean sharp knife. Then the selected stalk is dried for 48 hours at room temperature. For the prevention of infection by infection, the place of the cut is sprinkled with fine charcoal.

Ground selection and preparation

At home, fatty grows in the soil with a large amount of sand in the composition. Also, the soil should be loose and loose. When cultivating at home, it is necessary to provide the flower with conditions that are as close as possible to the natural habitat. For breeding cultures are advised to use the purchase substrate, specialized for the cultivation of cacti or plants belonging to the genus of succulents.

When it is necessary to prepare the soil mixture independently, it is recommended to combine the three components: medium-grained sand, peat and sheet soil in the proportion (3: 2: 2). To ensure the full passage of air through the soil mixture, add a soil disintegrant (vermiculite or perlite).

Remember! Any variety of crassula poorly tolerates dense, poorly drained soil. It is this land that is responsible for the delay of moisture in the area of ​​occurrence of the roots.

Which pot is best to choose

Capacity for planting must be chosen carefully, with special care. The selected capacity directly affects the rate of formation of the root system and the adaptation of the seedling in the soil. Such attention to the planting pot is due to the rather rapid growth of the tree, which is able to increase the thick heavy crown. And under the condition of poor or insufficient development of the root system, a weighty plant will be hard to keep on the surface.

Florists with experience recommend that in the first year of seedling growth, the choice of a heavy, capacious, sufficiently deep container should be stopped. The best option would be ceramic or clay flower pots with a wide neck. Such a choice is due to the specificity of the rapidly emerging and rather superficially located roots of the family of succulents.

It is necessary to know that plants from the family of succulents do not require frequent transplantation, especially in relation to an adult, strongly overgrown bush. The larger the capacity for breeding, the faster the seedling will increase the green mass.

Tip! During the first two years of growth, it is recommended to plant a young sapling of a sapling once a year, choosing a container with a slightly larger diameter.

Landing time

Some growers argue that, subject to the timing of planting seedlings can very quickly wait for the flowering culture. For example, the shoalhead shovel will bloom when landing in the early to mid-spring. Crassula Schmidt - after landing in March. The Krassula-bordered variety will bloom after planting in early summer.

Landing rules

For the proper planting of a sapling of a money tree, it is necessary to know and follow a few simple but extremely important rules:

  • for rooting, the petiole separated from the mother bush is immersed in a tank with separated water, kept for several days at room temperature;
  • for rooting in the nutrient substrate, it is important to maintain the "greenhouse effect" and watering through the pan;
  • to reduce the time for the formation of the root system, experienced flower growers advise to cut the stem with a growth stimulator (Kornevin or Hetero-auxin);
  • a drainage layer is poured on the bottom of the landing tank;
  • it is important to remember about the depth of planting, which directly depends on the size of the stem;
  • by average, the process is buried 40-60 mm into the soil.

The last stage of landing is filling the tank with soil. It is extremely important not to tamp the soil for fatty. After planting, the soil is poured abundantly with settled water, and the substrate will squeeze under its own weight. After that, you can additionally sprinkle nutrient soil.

Know! The flower does not need regular spraying. In spring and summer, it is enough to wipe the fleshy greens with a damp cloth, while removing the accumulated dust, slightly moistening the leaves.

Landing process

Planted process of the magical plants in several ways. The overall technology is the same for all methods, only small nuances are present.

Without roots

There is a situation in which the process must be quickly planted in a container or petiole for a long time does not give roots. In this case, the process can be planted directly into the substrate. At the bottom of the flower pot lay a layer of drainage. Capacity is filled with nutrient mixture. Further, a small indentation is made in the substrate, the petiole is planted and powdered with soil. After planting, the seedling is covered with a glass container. Before the appearance of the first germs, the capacity is not removed. Watering is carried out as the soil dries, preferably through a pallet.

In winter

The best time for planting a reed is spring and summer. However, you can carry out planting and other times of the year. The main thing to remember is that in winter, all cultures slow down biological processes. Consequently, it can take a little longer for rooting and landing development. It is also important to provide the necessary microclimate for the plant, observing the necessary temperature and soil moisture.

Important! In winter, it is necessary to protect the young tree from a sharp temperature drop, drafts. It is not necessary to place a container with a hoodie in close proximity to heating devices.

In water

Water when growing petioles is used as an intermediate stage. Leaves and petioles are germinated in a container of water for further transfer to the pot. Do not leave seedlings in water tanks for too long. The longer they will be there, the more the root system will grow, which can later cause some difficulties with the growth and development of the plant.

With roots

The prepared container with the drainage holes half filled with the substrate. Carefully place the sapling without pressing it down, so as not to damage the young roots. While holding, sprinkle the procession in a circle with soil. The petiole should be placed directly in the center of the flowerpot. When planting several seedlings in a long container, you must observe the proportional distance between each of them. After disembarking, landings are poured over a temperature room separated by water.

By feng shui

The preparation and planting of the process from the biological side for Feng Shui followers remains unchanged. Otherwise, it is considered that a stolen process will bring more luck than bought or donated. According to the beliefs of feng shui capacity for planting should be black, red, brown or burgundy. You can also choose gold or silver tones. It is recommended to disembark on the growing Moon, Wednesday is considered a favorable day.

Interesting! The followers of the teachings believe that when planting a sprout it is important to say the magic words: “For you to grow, I need to blossom in abundance. This is my will - it will be so! ”

How to plant a scion for raising money

Most Crassula owners believe that it’s not enough to take care of the plant to attract cash flow. It is important to properly plant and speak a flower, to comply with old beliefs about wealth.

In order to ensure the well-being of the family, it is necessary to follow some tips when planting a process:

  1. When landing pay attention to the current phase of the moon. Planting a tree on a decreasing moon is a bad omen.
  2. The flower itself is not a carrier of the energy of wealth and well-being. All the energy the plant receives from the outside. Therefore, it is best to get a scion from people with a good level of wealth.
  3. During the landing, the sentence “I attract money. I am getting rich. My income multiplies. ”
  4. It is important in the landing process not to be distracted by extraneous conversations or actions.
  5. At the bottom of the container must always lay out a few coins, thereby attracting cash flow.
  6. Water for the money tree can be insisted on gold or silver for three days. It is important not to use jewelry for this purpose - they already have their own, not always positive energy. It is better to use coins.

Remember! An additional mascot for attracting money are gold coins and red ribbons. They are hung on the leaves of a flower, creating an additional stream of financial energy.

Signs and superstitions

Many popular beliefs are associated with the miracle plant. The most important thing is to preserve good luck and wealth in the family can not be transferred to outsiders tree, grown personally. Whether this is really so is unknown, and the opinions of culture owners on this issue differ. Some argue that the sign is true and has been verified by personal experience. The rest are confident that the plant, donated from a pure heart and with a pure soul, then wealth and success will return in double. In any case, to share the shoots of his money mascot or not to decide only the owner. If you want to present this culture, you can plant a seedling in advance, grow it and donate it. Then your tree will not suffer, and good luck and well-being will not leave the house.

The Feng Shui teachings claim that the flower lures good luck and material stability into the house. The more a tree grows, the more positively charged energy is contained in its trunks and foliage. Therefore, it is more attracted to the welfare of the family. Some growers are confident that Crassula can be combined with its owner. If he gets sick, then the bush is sick in parallel, and sometimes even dies.

No matter how this wonderful flower is called, it will still attract well-being to the house. Despite whether the owner believes in magical properties or not, in the eyes of friends and acquaintances, a gorgeous flowering tree will be a cause for envy. And to achieve such a result, it is important to have information on the issue: how to plant a sprout.

There are two simple ways for propagation of fatty meat: rooting of cuttings and leaves. The money tree propagates and sows the seeds, but it is a laborious and lengthy procedure that does not guarantee that the seedlings will look like a mother plant. Yes, and the collection of seeds at home is almost impossible, since rarely anyone can wait for the flowering of pulpyum cultures. Therefore it is worth more to consider the first two methods. This is an easy and fascinating process that even a beginner amateur grower can handle.

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    The easiest way is to propagate the money tree with apical or stem cuttings. This option allows you to get in a short time a few fairly developed plants that completely replicate the mother specimen.

    Favorable time for rooting of planting material coincides with the beginning of the active growing season of indoor crops. That is, with the spring. It is possible to carry out reproduction in another season, but it is worth remembering that the timing of the appearance of the roots in the fall or winter can take 3-6 weeks. Root cuttings can be both in water and in the ground.   But first they need to be properly prepared:

    • Prepare cuttings 10-15 cm long, on which there are at least 3 nodes and 3 pairs of leaves.
    • Cut off planting material from strong and well developed shoots.
    • Make the lower cut closer to the knot from which roots will appear over time.
    • Dry the sliced ​​cuttings in the open air for 1-2 days.

    Apply stimulants rooting during the reproduction of fatty meat is not necessary.With the observance of simple technology, practically 100% of the cuttings give roots without assistance. There are cases when they lay for several days or even weeks in the open air, and they had healthy roots.


    Prepared cuttings can be planted in a mixture of equal parts of leaf and sod land with river sand or rooted in pure coarse sand or perlite. Suitable store soil for cacti and succulents.   Planting procedure step by step:

    • At the bottom of a small pot with a diameter of not more than 7 cm, lay a drainage layer about 1/3 of the total height of the container.
    • Pour the soil mixture from above, not ramming tightly, and slightly moisten.
    • Place the cutting in the center of the pot so that its lower end is 3-4 cm deep into the substrate. If there are leaves on the bottom of the cutting, they should be removed.
    • Put on rooting in a warm (+18 ... + 22 ° C) and well-lit place, but without direct sunlight.

    For shreds' shanks, it is not necessary to create a wet microclimate, so there is no need to construct a semblance of mini-greenhouses from scrap materials. The main thing is to moisten the soil as the top layer dries. When money trees take root and start growing, they can be moved to a permanent place and looked after as adult plants.

    Rooting cuttings shanks in the ground

      Rooting in water

    Flower growers who are used to observing the process of the emergence of roots can apply the method of rooting the money tree in water:

    • Pour boiled and cooled to room temperature water into a clean glass or jar and throw a tablet of activated carbon there.
    • From the part of the cutting that will be in the liquid, remove the leaves, otherwise the processes of decay may begin.
    • Keep the jerky in a warm place where the direct rays of the sun do not fall.
    • After the appearance of full roots with a length of about 2 cm, plant the cuttings in separate pots using a full-fledged primer for succulent crops.

    According to experienced flower growers, roots appear much faster in water than when they are planted in the ground, but there is a possibility of cutting decay (especially at cool air temperatures).

    Rooting bastard in the water

      Reproduction with leaves

    Crassula multiplication using individual leaf plates takes much longer. The leaves, though rooted quickly enough, but the appearance of children have to wait quite a long time. For planting you need to take healthy leaves without signs of rot and damage. It is desirable to separate several copies from the middle part of the shoots of the mother plant: old lower or yellowed leaves will dry out before they have time to take roots, and young ones take root long and reluctantly, as they are still underdeveloped.

    For reproduction of the money tree is better to take large, resilient and intensely colored leaves. And if you take those that already have aerial roots, this will be a 100% guarantee of successful rooting.

    Leaf cuttings, like stem, can be rooted in the ground or water, but planting in the substrate, according to experienced gardeners, is a more convenient option. To do this, pour soil mixture into a bowl or a small container and slightly moisten it.   Then, the leaves, dried for 1-2 days, should be laid out on the soil surface so that the base of the leaf contacts the ground, for example:

    • place a pot along the inner perimeter, deepen it by several millimeters and rest on the side;
    • prikopat no more than 1/3 the length of the sheet and secure with wooden or plastic staples or sticks.

    For better rooting, leaf cuttings can be placed in a greenhouse: put in a sealed plastic bag, cover with a glass jar or other improvised material that transmits light. It is necessary to air them daily so that they do not rot in conditions of high humidity.

    When propagating crassula leaf cuttings, it is worth to be patient, since the formation of children can take several weeks. After the sprouts appear, the transparent shelter can be removed, and after a few weeks, the grown seedlings can be planted in separate pots.

    Crassula baby can even appear from a sheet falling to the ground

      Secrets of successful cultivation

    When breeding crops, the flower growers often make mistakes that are fatal and lead to the death of plants.   In order not to lose the money tree, you should follow the basic rules of care:

    • Water as the top layer of soil in the pot dries. Do not allow water to stagnate in the pot, after half an hour after watering the liquid that has flowed out of the pot must be drained.
    • Use capacity for planting, commensurate with the size of the plant. Give preference to small but wide pots in which the surface root system can develop normally.
    • Grow a money tree in loose, light and nutritious soil, compiled independently of the above components or purchased in a store. On the purchased soil should be marked "for cacti and succulents."
    • At the bottom of the pot must be laid drainage layer, whose thickness is not less than 1/3 of the total height of the pot.
    • Feed no more than once a month. With cool content in winter (up to + 20 ° C) and poor lighting, refill the feeds. Use complex mineral preparations for succulents or universal formulations for decorative leafy indoor plants.
    • In the first 3–4 years of life, take the fatty soup annually, and then transfer it to a larger pot as needed. In old, overgrown specimens, annually change the top layer of soil in a pot, and don’t bother to change the money tree itself.
    • Periodically form the crown of the plant, pinching and cutting overlong shoots.
    • Grow on the south, southeast or southwest windows, where during the day the flower will bask in the rays of the sun. In case of a lack of lighting (in winter with warm content or on windows with a northern orientation), provide illumination with fluorescent or LED devices.

      Possible difficulties

    If you do not pay proper attention to the flower, it can die. The main reason for the loss of decoration and the death of Tolbianok is excessive watering.   Its main features are:

    • the base of the stem becomes soft, the trunk breaks into pieces under its own weight;
    • leaves turn pale, grow dull, lose elasticity, soften, fall off;
    • brown spots appear on them.

    At the first signs of the disease, you should dry the earthen room and then water the plant carefully. But if the trunk has rotted or the leaves continue to wither and crumble, it will not be possible to save the flower. We'll have to cut the healthy cuttings and root them as described above. But falling off of the lower leaves is not a disease. This is a natural process caused by the "maturation" of the flower.

    In order for the money tree not to grow crooked, but to have a powerful slender trunk, it is necessary to observe the light mode (at least 12 hours a day) and regularly turn the pot around its axis. Then the crown will be formed uniformly, and the stem will not roll to one side.

Tolstyanka, Crassula are the names of the same plant, which we, Slavs, know more how this room flower is popular in many countries, and every nation calls it differently: in the Czech Republic - "home tree", in Poland - " tree of happiness ", in Slovakia -" family tree ". There is a belief that the bastard brings prosperity and well-being into the house. But at the same time it is stated that in order for the plant to fulfill its talisman functions as much as possible, it should not be bought from someone, it should be grown with one's own hands. How to plant sprouts money tree? What are the rules for caring for them? All this is in this article. Focusing on the information offered here, everyone will be able to grow a beautiful houseplant in their home.


The fat woman, or Crassula, is a member of the succulent genus. It is an ornamental leafy plant, although at home it blooms very rarely. Africa is the birthplace of the money tree. There are several varieties of it in the wild nature of hot countries. The most common among lovers of indoor flowers in our country is the wood bastard (Crassula arborescens) and the bastard silvery (Crassula argentea). We will find out how this money tree looks like from the next part of the article.


Tolstyanka its structure resembles a tree. While the plant is young, its trunk is green. Over time, it becomes covered with a thin layer of bark and becomes gray in color, like any other tree. The leaves are fleshy and dense. This is explained by the fact that, like all succulents, this type of plant in them collects a reserve of moisture. The color of the leaves of Crassula is dark green with a silvery sheen. Their shape is oval or round, which is associated with coins, which, in fact, explains the popular name of the plant. On the leaves of the fatty grass, on the edge of them, from time to time there appear small processes with roots. They can be removed and transplanted into the ground. If this is not done, the processes fall under the stem and independently take root at the foot of the plant. How to plant sprouts money tree? All recommendations on this are given below. Read and find out.

Breeding features

Thick meat can be diluted in several ways: cuttings, leaves and seeds. The latter method is the most laborious. As already mentioned, this plant very rarely blooms at home, therefore, collecting seeds from it is almost impossible. But even if you succeed in this, it will be even more troublesome to sprout them. But if you really want to get Crassoul from seeds, try it. When you invest a certain amount of time, effort, patience and diligence, your work will produce its results - a small green cutting that will later turn into a big and beautiful tree. A fat woman grown from seeds with your caring hands will surely bring happiness and wealth to the house.

It is much easier to propagate a money tree with sprouts or leaves, which is recommended for novice gardeners. We talk about the rules for performing these procedures in detail below.

How to plant sprouts money tree: a guide to action

So, in your hands you have a fresh cut twig of a bastard or a leaf from it. What to do next? You can immediately put them in a prepared pot. But in order to know for sure that the plant will take root, it is better to put the process in a container with clean water and wait until it leaves roots.

The soil for planting crassula buy one that is recommended for cacti. Or universal. You can cook it yourself. To do this, you will need and sand (1 part), leaf earth (3 parts), on a pinch of humus, ash and brick dust. All of these components are thoroughly mixed and poured into a pot at the bottom of which lies the drainage.

The pot is desirable to prepare a ceramic or clay, but if not, they can be used and plastic. It is better to choose a large and deep container so that it develops well and is able to hold a rather heavy plant.

How to plant sprouts money tree? At the bottom of the tank, where there is already a drain, sprinkle the soil (1/2 piece). Place the sprouts of the money tree in the container. Holding them with one hand, the second fall asleep around the ground. Make sure that the sapling, if it is alone, is in the middle of the pot. Planting several shoots at once in a long container, place them at the same distance from each other. When the shoot is planted, water it at room temperature.

If you have not germinated a whole cutting, but a leaf, or you want to plant a “baby” that has fallen from an adult plant, then you will put all the prepared soil in a pot and then make a small depression in it. Place a small process there and sprinkle with earth. How to plant a money tree, you have learned. Next, we deal with the rules of care.

In the warm season it is necessary to water Crassoul often. In winter, they do this as the soil dries out, about once a month. Take care not to overdo it with water, because an excess of moisture will cause the plant to begin to rot from under the root and die. It is not necessary to splash a jade every day, but it is necessary to wipe the leaves with a damp cloth once a week.

The temperature in the room where the plant is located, should be no higher than 22 degrees. The fat woman loves the light, but at the same time it should be protected from the direct rays of the sun.

Signs and superstitions

In order to plant a money tree, everything is clear. Next, we are talking about popular beliefs associated with this plant. One of them is as follows. To save luck and money in the house, you can not give away a plant grown by your hands to a stranger. True or not, no one can say for sure. Opinions of people on this issue are divided. Some confirm this fact, citing the fact that they have already checked the effect of the signs on their own experience. Others say that if you give a bollard to a person with all your heart, then you will be rewarded with even greater happiness and wealth for your kindness and generosity. Therefore, whether it is possible to give shoots of the money tree is up to you to decide. If you think about the gift in the form of this plant in advance, then you can specifically plant the cutting and grow it to the desired date. From this your own little tree will not suffer, and in your house wealth and good fortune will not lose.