There is a plant that has long been considered a symbol of welfare and material well-being, as well as a neutralizer of negative energy and a hotbed of positive concentration. There are a lot of names for this flower, but the most common ones are sweetie, crassula (lat.Crássula) or money tree. The latter is connected with its appearance, because the trunk of a plant really resembles a tree trunk, and fleshy, densely located leaves look like small coins. The flower is considered very unpretentious, so care for the money tree at home will be within the power of every amateur grower.

Watering mode

It is necessary to water the money tree as the substrate dries. In summer, the plant needs more moisture, so it will have to be watered about 1-2 times a week. The main thing is not to re-moisten the soil, otherwise the fatty woman can rot the roots and even the trunk. Also, excess water leads to the flower dropping leaves.

Proper care for the money tree in winter includes a rare and moderate watering, about 1 time in 2 months. Winter is a period when the plant is resting, so it does not need a large amount of moisture. Drying of the soil layer in a container with a flower to a depth of 5 cm is allowed.

Plant lighting and temperature

In the wild, the junkie is accustomed to an abundance of light, therefore, the appropriate conditions must be respected with domestic content. The best place for a plant is window sills, facing south and south-east. Particularly in need of sufficient coverage of species with multi-colored leaves. However, the plant should be protected from direct sunlight.
After all, its leaves may turn brown or red, and this will indicate a burn. In order to have a symmetrically developed flower, it is recommended to turn it from time to time by different sides to the light source.

Also, proper care of the money tree provides for the maintenance of a suitable air temperature, which is about 16-18 degrees Celsius. During the rest period, the plant perfectly tolerates even lower temperatures; even + 5– + 6 degrees is not critical for it. It is not necessary to place Crassula near heating devices - excessively high temperature and overdried air may result in falling leaves.

The fat woman very well reacts to fresh air, therefore during the spring-summer-autumn period it can be put out on the street or an open balcony. Take care is only about protection from the sun. The indicator of air humidity for the plant is not so important, therefore, the rules for the care of the money tree do not provide for frequent spraying. To remove dust from leaves, they can be periodically cleaned with a damp cloth, or arrange a warm shower for a flower.

Do I need feed?

Full home care for a sweetie or money tree is impossible without periodic dressings.  During the period of active growth, one fertilizer application per month is sufficient. For this it is better to use a comprehensive feeding for succulents. It is better to carry out the procedure after watering in order not to accidentally burn the roots of the plant. In the autumn-winter months, the frequency of fertilizer application and the amount of top dressing at a time should be halved.

Transplant plants in another pot

The most intensive growth of a plant occurs before it reaches the age of three. It is better if during this period the money tree will be transplanted annually. Older plants can be transplanted much less frequently - once every two or three years.

It is recommended to choose a pot for money tree, made of heavy materials - clay or ceramics, because due to too much of the crown, the light container may turn over and the flower will break or be damaged. The area of ​​the pot should correspond to the area of ​​the crown of the bastard. In excessively large vases, the plant can be drawn out or developed unevenly.

Money Tree prefers loose, light, waterproof and breathable soils, neutral in acidity or slightly acidic. Ideal ready-made substrates for cacti. Those who wish to make the soil for the plant themselves will need the following ingredients:

  • coarse sand - 1 part;
  • peat land - 1 part;
  • leafy ground - 1 part;
  • sod land - 3 parts.

It is necessary to have a drainage layer in the pot, which will prevent acidification of the soil and possible diseases from excessive moisture.

Formation of the crown of the tree

In order to give the sweatshirt a beautiful tree shape, you should constantly monitor its growth and remove all the extra side branches until the flower reaches the desired height. To form a symmetrical crown, you can pinch off the top two leaves on each shoot. In place of the pinch part, new branches will appear. and the money tree will be more lush and branched. Too long shoots should not be left - they stretch out and shade other parts of the flower.

Propagation of the bastard in various ways

Most often, reproduction of the money tree is carried out by cutting, since it is the easiest and most reliable way, the time of year for which does not play any role.

It is more convenient to propagate the fatty immediately after trimming or pinching the crown, since there will be enough planting material available.

There is no need to talk about how to plant a process. It is better to dry the cuttings for several days and then plant them in the ground. You can first put them in a glass of water for rooting. The appearance on the cuttings of roots indicates their readiness for planting in separate tanks. It is better if the shoots are taken from a plant not younger than 3 years old and have four leaves.

You can also propagate the jade leaves and even seeds. To grow a new plant from a leaf, you must select a large, non-yellow specimen, carefully cut, dry for 1-2 days and put in a container with the substrate. Rooting will take about 2-4 weeks.

Seed method is used by breeders for breeding new species. It is recommended to sow seeds superficially in the moistened soil. The best time for this is the end of winter. Capacity should be covered with foil. After the emergence of seedlings, the greenhouse is gradually removed, tending young plants to room temperature.

Pests, diseases and other possible problems.

Surely many people know that the peculiarities of the money tree are that it is practically not susceptible to diseases or damage by pests. Most insects do not like the plant because of the content of arsenic in its leaves, but some can still settle on its leaves or trunk.

Possible pests

The mealybug is probably the most common insect in the fatty insect.

It is easy to identify it on a plant; small white lumps, similar to cotton wool and located in the leaf axils, indicate the appearance of this pest. It feeds on the sap of the flower, as a result of which it slows its growth and sheds its leaves.

To remove the mealybug is quite simple - you should wipe the leaves with a napkin moistened with alcohol or a soap solution. It will also help the treatment of plants with special means, for example, "Callipso", "Fitoverm", "Aktetek", etc.

Red-brown and yellow spots on the leaves of Crassula indicate infection with her shield. Measures of getting rid of the pest are, first of all, mechanical - they should be removed from the plant manually with a cotton swab or a small brush dipped in alcohol. After the leaves must be treated with soapy water and sprinkle with insecticide.

If a cobweb forms between the leaves of the crassula, and the leaves themselves become covered with yellowish spots, this indicates the defeat of the plant with a spider mite. To combat it, they use soap solution and Aktofit, Aktelik, and Fitoverm preparations. Preventing the appearance of this pest is to maintain normal humidity and spraying the flower periodically.

Diseases and other consequences of adverse conditions of detention

Most often, money tree diseases are caused by improper care. Soft leaves may indicate excessive watering or lack of light. While the first option is more presumptive. In order to treat the plant, you need to carefully remove it from the container and inspect the root system. Roots and leaves that show signs of decay should be removed immediately with a sharp knife, and the cut sections should be treated with charcoal.

Then the plant must be transplanted into a new pot using a fresh substrate. Watering should begin with small doses and only after the flower finally comes to life.

If leaves frivolous or money tree frowns, it means that the flower is too hot. Most often, you can see such a picture in the summer, or when the plant stands close to the batteries. In the summer, Krassula or the money tree will feel much better in the fresh air - loggias, balconies, and terraces. In winter, it should find a place away from heating appliances.

Sometimes it happens that the trunk of a plant loses its rigidity and begins to slope in different directions. This is explained by the fact that the roots of the bullocks do not grow deep, but wide, so when planting, it is better to choose a shallow and rather wide pot. For better stability, the soil around the trunk can be sprinkled with pebbles.

Does bloody woman bloom?

Few flower growers were lucky to see a flowering tree grown in indoor conditions. Blossoms bloom for 7-10 years of life and only with proper care.

The flowering of the money tree, in most cases, for the winter period. Jade flowers small, white or pale pink in color, collected in the brush-inflorescences. In shape, they resemble small stars or umbrellas. They appear on the tops of young shoots, in cool conditions they open slowly and bloom for a very long time. It is better to remove the faded brushes so that the plant does not waste energy on the formation of seeds.

Diseases of erysipelas are basically the same as those of other succulents. They are usually caused by bacteria and lower fungi. They most often affect plants contained in a lack of light, high and soil substrate, as well as at low temperature.

Most often, the combination of these unfavorable factors for the maintenance of crass jugs is observed in winter, when, with a short daylight level, high humidity persists in the rooms where succulents are kept. The plant does not rest, grows, and, as a result, causative agents of various diseases settle on it.

It is primarily a wet, or gray rot, caused by the fungus Botrytis cinema and Fusarium rot with a fungus Fusarium oxysporum. These fungi infect the vascular system of plants and through the roots penetrate deep into the soft tissues of all organs. Sick specimens have characteristic brown soft patches that gradually cover the entire plant, and eventually it dies.

Composition of succulents: faucaria tiger, hollow hole and cactus (loivia)

In order to prevent the spread of the pathogen to healthy plants, it is necessary to drastically reduce watering and increase ventilation. In affected specimens, it is necessary to cut the diseased areas in layers to live tissue. Before each subsequent cut the instrument must be disinfected.

Other diseases of fatty and in general of all succulents are well-known late blight (pathogens - Oomycete fungi of the genus Phytophthora), which develop on the root neck of young plants (especially grown from seeds - as a result - black leg disease). For prevention, crops are periodically watered with a weak pink solution of potassium permanganate.

The causative agents of bacterial decay are less studied. This is due in part to the complex procedure of identifying bacteria of pathogens, and partly to quite expensive chemical preparations used in diagnosis.

The external manifestation of bacterial lesions on plants is practically indistinguishable from those in fungal diseases. At the same time, fungicides are also used to combat bacterial, and the affected plants are treated as described above. Antibiotics (penicillin, gentamicin, etc.) can also be used by spraying diseased plants with their aqueous solutions.

With the wrong content, the disease of the fat man may not appear at first, but the appearance of the “money tree” will start to lose its attractiveness. So, with an excess of moisture in the winter or a lack of light in the summer, the Krassoula stalk (the Latin name for fatty meat) can be drawn out and malformed. It must be remembered that the indoor flower we are considering needs a certain amount of direct sunlight in the summer, it is best placed on the windowsill.

Watering the money tree in the winter is very rare: 1 - 2 times a month depending on the air temperature (the optimum winter temperature is 12 ° C).

If the follover leaves fall, then this is again caused, in all likelihood, by errors in care. Take a closer look at the money tree. Dry brown or black spots on the leaves of fatty leaves indicate insufficient watering at high temperatures. If the fatty has pale leaves, and they wither, there is an excess of moisture, especially in winter.

If from the overmoistening the bulky stalk has turned black at the base, it is rotten, you have nothing left to do, how to cut off its top, root and continue to avoid excessive watering in winter.

The sudden fall of the leaves of the bollard can be caused by watering the plant with too cold water, in the future water your money tree only with settled water at room temperature. In the summer, the leaves of the bollard fall down in large numbers, if the substrate is strongly pereushil, resume watering, gradually the crown will recover.

In general, the fatty soup is a rather unpretentious plant that easily reproduces. A new copy can be obtained even from one small leaflet (see photo below).

The fat woman who grew up from the fallen leaf

Buckwet pests are quite numerous, but they rarely settle on a healthy plant; moreover, it is easier to deal with them than with viral, bacterial or fungal diseases. This is due to easier detection of insects in the early stages of the lesion and clearer recommendations to combat them.

In addition, a plant affected by a pest can almost always be saved, which cannot be said of plants affected by fungi, bacteria and viruses. In any case, the main preventive measure in pest control is regular and timely thorough inspection of plants. Consider the most common pests of succulents (and, in particular, sweeties) and measures to combat them.



A large group of insects of the genus Pseudococcus (for example, P. obscurus - seaside mealybug), Planococcus (P. citri - grape mealybug and others) are common polyphages that inhabit almost all ornamental plants in indoor conditions.

Females of the insects are wide oval, pinkish or greenish, up to 4-5 mm in length and 2.8 mm in width. When mature, the female forms a white, fluffy cocoon, where it lays up to 600 eggs. For a season 3-4 generations can be formed. Settling in the axils of leaves and branches, insects suck it out and strongly weaken the plant.

Pests are destroyed by hand, washing with a stream of water, followed by treatment of places affected by alcoholic infusion of garlic or calendula (3 parts of 70% alcohol are used for 1 part of garlic).

From chemical means of protection, spraying with a solution of actellic or fufanone (0.1-0.15%) is used. In this case, the treatment is repeated several times with an interval of 5-7 days in order to destroy all the larvae of new generations emerging from the eggs.


With abundant watering, the insects pass into the lower layers of the soil, crawl out through the openings of the pots and, quickly spreading around, infect other plants.

Effective way - without shaking out, soak the ground from the pallet or pour on top with a solution of actellica (0.2%) or fufanon (0.1-0.15%). Do this several times in 5-7 days to destroy all the larvae.

Shchitovki and false shields.

Close relatives of the worms belonging to the genera Saissetia (S. olea - olive olive shielding, S. coffeae - hemispherical false healthcare), Acutaspis (A.persea), Abgrallaspis (A. cyanophylli) and others. Females of all genera form on the host plants grayish-white or yellowish scales-shields, sometimes located in large colonies.

In case of severe contamination, the listed pesticides and pyrethroid preparations are also used, of which the safest in room conditions are “Arrivo”, “Tsimbum” (0.15%) and “Karate” (0.05%). In this case, the treatment should be repeated at intervals of 1-2 weeks. Use of the biological drug "Fitoverm" is possible. These drugs are especially effective in tramp larvae.

Spider mites.

The collective name of the plant mites of the family Tetranychidae. Some species are called flat red mite or spider, red spider mite, etc. Unlike previously considered, these are very small pests, but the damage caused by them is most significant and unpleasant.

Females up to 0.3 mm long rather quickly move along the surface of the plant, breeding year-round, especially in dry air. They also differ in the fact that they often settle on a fresh growth, where the cuticle is the thinnest. In the places of their localization, the skin of the stems and leaves turns yellow and turns brown, then a rusty or brown crust forms, which not only spoils the appearance of the plant, but also disrupts its shape. At the same time, mites spread rapidly from diseased to healthy plants, causing great harm to them.

When spider mites are detected, it is urgent to increase the humidity of the air by spraying. Spray and drench with a stream of cold water should also be affected plants. It is good to use the infusion of yarrow, garlic, onions, tobacco, potatoes, pharmacy chamomile. Among biological control agents, the phytoseiulus predatory mite, Pytoseiulus persimilis, which readily eats flatfish, should be mentioned.

Against ticks, they also use all disinfecting soap preparations of household chemicals and pyrethroid preparations used to fight with the shield, as well as effectively destroying the pest new drug Apollo.

Hothouse squam.

Mite-flatfish Brempalpus obovatus family Tenuipalpidae. Close to spider mites; the control measures are the same.


As soon as the named pests of the bruises are detected, it is necessary to immediately take security measures. First, cut off the diseased roots, sometimes to the root collar or, on the other hand, engraft the plant and root it again.

After this, it is imperative to sanitize the tools in contact with the infected plant and the ground, as well as the pots. All infected parts of the plant, the land in which they were located, must be immediately destroyed.


In room culture, thrips originated from open ground and greenhouse farms. Now it is the most dangerous pests of plants. These include representatives of the order Thysanoptera. This is the Frankliniella occidentalis - Western floral or Californian thrips, Heliothrips haemorrhoidalis - greenhouse, or greenhouse, thrips, Thrips physapus - flower trips, etc.).

The adult insect is small, 1-2 mm long, dark brown or brown, of elongated shape with fringed wings and black head. Eggs are laid in the plant tissue. The larva is light yellow, 1 mm long. Adult insects and larvae suck the juice from the leaves and flowers, deforming and discoloring them.

Mass reproduction of thrips is observed during the flowering period, when it accumulates around the flowers. When the buds appear, it penetrates inside, damaging the flowers, and in the fall, when the temperature drops, the thrips migrate to the lower parts of the plant.

In addition to direct harm, thrips carry pathogens of some dangerous viral diseases. Its mass reproduction is observed in hot, dry weather. The development of one generation occurs in 2-4 weeks. During the season, this pest gives up to 12-15 generations. The only good news is that when the air temperature exceeds 35 ° C, the development of almost all thrips stops, and when the relative air humidity drops to 50%, there is a massive mortality of the larvae, at least in well-studied species.

The following pesticides are most effective in the fight against thrips: Actellic, Fufanon (0.1-0.15%), as well as relatively new drugs - Evisekt and Hotakvik. To combat thrips, you can also use the pyrethroid preparations “Arrivo”, “Tsimbum” (0.15%) and “Karate” (0.05%). They have low toxicity, but can sometimes cause allergic reactions. The most harmless in this regard, the drug "Fitoverm" - extract one of the soil fungi.

Optional (non-permanent) pests of succulents, usually found in open ground and from there into the premises. Another, more relevant today, is the infiltration of aphids into the collection — from flower shops and imported potted plants.

This is a widespread group of insects of the genera Aphis and Myzodes. In premises on succulents, peach (greenhouse or tobacco) aphid (Myzodes ersisae), melon (cotton) aphid (Aphis gossypii) and spotted greenhouse aphid (Neomyzus circumflexus) are more common.

- the most known pests that damage the soft tissues of plants. Damaged parts often shrivel, bend, dry out with severe damage. Sometimes young parts of plants can be covered with a continuous bloom of larvae and adult females. Adults are wingless or winged, up to 2 mm long, wingless larvae about 0.5 mm long. Those and others are dark green, brown or black.

The eggs are elongated. They overwinter on young growth of garden plants. In spring, the founding larva leaves the eggs. The larvae suck young leaves, moving to the buds. The larvae develop 12-15 days. Over the summer aphid gives 10-15 generations. In the summer, winged females-settler females develop simultaneously with the wingless, migrating, settling new territories and sometimes getting into the premises. In September-October, aphids lay eggs and die.

One of the measures to combat the pest is a mechanical washing with solutions of green soap (3-4%), laundry soap, Bim, Ferry and other detergents.

From biological methods of struggle, one can advise the use of predatory insects that destroy aphids. However, the most effective chemical method with the use of pesticides used to combat other indoor pest insect.

Other podstyanka pests in room conditions are red cockroaches that gnaw young parts of plants - shoots, flowers, seedlings. The fight against cockroaches is carried out with the help of widely used household preparations, as well as with the help of the previously listed pesticides, including the well-proven actellica.

Snails, woodlice, slugs can cause significant damage to succulents in the house and garden. They need time to collect and destroy. Raw potatoes, citrus peels, etc. can be used as bait for these pests.

In open ground, grass-eating rodents are predominantly harmful, among them mice, voles, and rats should be mentioned. They gnaw and eat various parts of plants, they can also feed on seeds. Ways to combat these pests are widely known.

Concluding the conversation about the diseases of the bollard and its pests, it is necessary to emphasize once again that the most effective way to avoid them is to comply with those optimal agricultural conditions (temperature, light, moisture and soil fertility) in which the money tree feels good, does not look healthy. It is also necessary to observe hyenic measures that prevent the spread of diseases and pests: disinfection of the soil, tools, dishes, clean plants.

Constant preventive examination is necessary for the timely detection of diseased or affected plants and the prevention of infection of neighboring healthy specimens.

It is also useful to periodically process plants with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or infuse marigold, tobacco, yarrow, etc. If you find pathogens or pests, first of all you should use a mechanical method of control: flushing with water and smearing with alcohol tinctures (garlic, onion, celandine, needles), and also hot tubs for the root system. And only in the last place you can use chemicals, remembering that most pesticides are toxic not only for pests, but also for humans, and some of them can cause allergic reactions.

Processing chemicals should be carried out only in a well-ventilated area, it is better - in the open air, observing safety measures.

When keeping crassae in the open air, specific indoor diseases such as rodents and other vertebrates such as birds, lizards, moles, as well as slugs (mollusks) and insects characteristic of open ground are added to the well-known indoor diseases and pests. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor the plants in the garden, and if necessary, in time to apply measures to protect them. We hope that the topic of the disease of the fatty in our article is fully disclosed, but you can always ask additional questions in the comments.

When writing this article, materials from the book “Ochitok, young and other pulp grass”, by V.V. Byalt, V.N. Gapon, I.M. Vasiliev.

Tolstyanka is one of the most popular indoor plants for home cultivation. The relative unpretentiousness to climatic conditions, the ability to survive without a loss the short-term lack of irrigation made this tree-like flower in demand, including for beginning flower growers.

Diseases of the money tree and the features of their treatment should be known if you notice that the plant has become sluggish, there are spots on the leaves, trunks are deformed, there are no new shoots. With proper care, these problems should not arise. But if you immoderately water or fertilize a fatty, grow in excessive dryness and at low air temperatures, it can hurt.

Major plant diseases

The fat woman, like other succulents, is provided with a protective mechanism developed over the centuries of growth in a dry and hot climate. The pulp that accumulates moisture, as well as cilia and thorns, aerial roots that collect dew drops, serve the plant in order to store more water.

But the succulent also does not like excessive moisture, as well as too high or low temperature. Often, the disease of the money tree is associated with the violation of these indicators.

Silver bloom

Whitish plaque may appear first on the stems, and then at the base of the leaves and spread to the entire leaf blade. This state is preceded by a change in the structure of the leaves and stems - they become flat, sluggish, the trunk may slope to the ground.

The reasons for this condition:

  1. Intensive watering. Waterlogging the soil, you cause rotting of the roots and all ground parts. Stagnant water and waterlogging of the soil is one of the causes of leaves softening, shoots, branches deformation.
  2. Lack of drainage layer at the bottom of the pot. If the excess water after irrigation does not flow into the pan, the roots rot, Fusarium rot develops.
  3. The defeat of the spider mite. These small insects leave a whitish web like cottonballs. The cobwebs are so thin that they look like a silvery fluff at the base of the leaves and on their lower parts.

To get rid of the silver plaque is possible only after determining the reason that caused this state of the money tree:

  • fusarium rot has an unpleasant moldy odor;
  • with improper care, the leaves and stems soften almost immediately, even before the appearance of whitish coating;
  • insects attacking the plant can be seen at the base of the petioles and on the back of the leaves.

In case of fungal infection, fungicides are used, with a solution of which the leaves of the plant are processed, as well as, in case of severe damage, the soil surface and the edges of the pot. It is better to transplant succulent into a new container using a fresh substrate.

Insect treatment is suitable for insecticides. Alternately treat each sheet soaked in a solution with a cotton swab or use spraying.

In any case, all the affected leaves and even shoots must be cut, so as not to lead to the death of the plant. In advanced cases, when more than 2/3 of the fatty is affected, it is necessary to perform reproduction with a healthy apical shoot or lateral handle.

Root rot

Another common disease ponyanka - root rot. The disease is caused by fungi. Main symptoms:

  • the stem darkens;
  • gradually rot spreads to the roots;
  • the above-ground part fades;
  • leaves become discolored, wet brown spots and constrictions appear on them;
  • overall growth is slowing;
  • over time, the leaves fall off, the stems tend to the ground.

Causes of rot:

  • excessive watering;
  • no disinfection of the soil before planting seeds or multiplying the money tree in another way;
  • infected stock or growing pots;
  • low room temperature.

Fungal spores spread with airflows, during irrigation, are carried on hands, clothing or tools, as well as flying pests. Therefore, the disease can simultaneously affect all the flowers in the room.

To effectively combat this problem, use of fungicidal drugs:

  • Fundazole;
  • Trihofit;
  • Topaz;
  • Fitolavin;
  • Mikosan;
  • bordeaux mixture;
  • copper sulphate.

Also used folk remedies based on copper sulfate, chalk, wood ash, iodine, potassium permanganate, milk and laundry soap.

For preventive purposes, it is necessary to choose high-quality planting materials; before transplantation or primary planting, decontaminate soil and containers, as well as garden tools. Dead plants clean up immediately. It is not recommended to feed the soil too often. Required to comply with the rules of watering.

Leaf color and structure change

The lamina of the money tree is the first to respond to both pest and disease attacks as well as improper care. If it softens, it becomes lethargic, watery, this indicates excessive watering. It is necessary to inspect the roots, carefully remove the plant from the pot, remove the damaged parts with a knife or shears, transfer to a new pot with a fresh substrate.

Lower rotted leaves should be cut off, and cut-off areas should be treated with crushed charcoal. Immediately after transplantation, do not water the plant, let it take root and rest.

Sometimes the leaves turn yellow and curl. This suggests that the room has a high temperature and is very dry. Do not place the flower in direct sunlight, spray it in addition and use a warm shower to moisten it. If there are heaters in the room, you can use a humidifier, place water containers next to the pot, or use a wet sand pan.

It is possible to cure a jersey by proper care - not to re-moisten the ground, to follow the degree of illumination, not allowing direct sunlight to fall on the leaves, to air the room.

Buckwreck pests

Pests do great damage to the plant. Flying individuals can infect not only one specimen, but also neighboring flowers; they leave insecticide treatment, temporarily flown from the plant, and then settling on it again and forming huge colonies. They feed on pests with juices, extracting them from leaves and fleshy young stems. If you do not take action, the money tree dies.


The small insect Pseudococcidae belongs to the suborder coccid, is a relative of the scytum. It settles mainly on stalks and shoots, on leaves - more often from the bottom. Slows development and growth. Sucking insects are visible to the eye, the second name "shaggy lice" received for their wax secretions, similar to cotton wool. They can be found in the petioles, on the trunks and on the back of the leaf blade.

Larvae and females extract juices from young, non-lignified shoots and leaves, blocking the development of the plant. There are varieties of pests that can infect the root system. Insects are mobile, reach 12 mm in length, males have wings, the surface of the body is covered with a whitish wax coating.

The insect is easily recognizable by a dense vat-like bloom, these sugary secretions serve as a breeding ground for the development of soot fungus. Infection is more common in the offseason, pests actively reproduce in dry warm rooms.

In order to prevent bulky leaves, it is necessary to regularly spray and wash in the shower, to remove dried parts in a timely manner. The treatment plan uses soapy water, which with a cotton swab or brush process leaves, carefully removing the wax coating. After that, the plant is treated with a solution of green soap three times with an interval of one week (15 g of chips per 1 l of water). You can also use tobacco tincture, decoction of cyclamen, tincture of calendula or garlic.

Large pests must be manually harvested from all parts of the plant. After that, process it twice by spraying with an interval of two weeks with such preparations:

  • Fitoderm;
  • Calypso;
  • Confidor;
  • Mospilan;
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The most vulnerable are juveniles, which are not covered with protective wax. To combat adult pests require double, even triple treatments with insecticides. One-time treatment kills only young insects, after a while the next generation hatch. In addition, it is difficult to get rid of the male gall that fly - during spraying they can fly to another plant.


An insect of the genus Rhizoecus is close in characteristics to mealybugs, it is different in size - body length up to 2.5 mm. Females and larvae live in the soil, feeding on sap from the root system. Gradually climb up the stalk, striking the already above-ground part of the fatty meat. Leave for a whitish plaque, resembling a down.

In the first stages of the lesion, the following symptoms are observed:

  • root collar rotting, whitish cotton-like bloom appears in the lower part of the stem;
  • growth stops, do not appear new shoots, leaves;
  • several indoor plants may be affected simultaneously;
  • leaves become pale, soft, there is no shine, leaf fall can begin;
  • the root scarlet is toxic, so the whole plant looks lifeless;
  • on the roots are found extensively rotten areas;
  • whitish bloom can be observed on the surface of the soil and the edges of the pot.


  • mandatory disinfection of land, pots and tools;
  • regular inspection of all parts of the plant, especially the root collar;
  • compliance with watering norms;
  • rational introduction of dressings;
  • use in transplanting only sterile soil mixture and new capacity.

The primary treatment method is manual pest collection. Then a root bath is performed, where a temperature of +55 degrees is used. After 20 minutes, the plant is taken out, the roots are dried during the day, transplanted into a new substrate and a sterile pot.

Conduct 3 treatments with insecticides with an interval of 2 weeks. It is advisable to choose a systemic insecticides, they fall into the plant tissue. The fact is that worms have a waterproof coating, and they can get a dose of insecticide only by eating leaves or extracting juice from them. In the fight against the root scarlet, Actellic and Fitoverm preparations are optimal, which are applied with water for irrigation, and not by spraying.


A pest of the genus Diaspididae also has a dense wax coating on the body, which makes it invulnerable to a single treatment with insecticides. Body length reaches 7 mm, insects feed on fatty juice, tightly attached to the leaf blade and stem. Manifested by stains of brownish red or yellow. Over time, the leaves turn yellow and fall off, the stems may develop incorrectly, butonization is absent. Growth stops completely, shoots become bare, the plant quickly fades and gradually dies.

Shchitovok can be seen on the aboveground part of the plant, they are round, look like plaques or bumps, protruding above the surface of the leaf blade. Mounted along the veins of the lower and upper sides. They produce sticky juice, this pest's vital product serves as food for the development of fungal spores.

It is difficult to eliminate insects, because in adulthood, females and males develop protective shields to protect them from being treated with insecticides. Therefore, the first step in the struggle is the manual assembly of insects. Then each sheet is treated with soapy water.

Spider mite

Spider mite is a herbivorous insect up to 1 mm in size. Males are smaller than females, their body is more elongated. Body without segmentation, solid, covered with sealed shields. Color varies from greenish-yellow, almost transparent, to pale, less often - colorless. They feed on the cell sap of fatty bones, secrete an enzyme that destroys chloroplasts in the cells.

Over 100 species of spider mites live in Russia. All of them reproduce well in a warm and dry room, falling into a state of rest only at high humidity.

Symptoms of infection:

  1. Brown or discolored spots appear on the reverse side of the leaf blades, which merge with time, as a result of which the leaf dries and falls.
  2. Sometimes the sheet plate may become reddish, takes on a marble look, each vein is visible.
  3. The web is noticeable at the scapes and on the reverse side of the leaf. The plant is completely covered with a spider web only in case of a strong infection, while at the tips of the leaves there is a mass of ticks.
  4. The sheet gradually deforms: it shrinks, twists, the edges become wavy.
  5. The pace of development of the erysipelas is broken, there are no new leaves, shoots.

Insects are destroyed mechanically, removing pests from all aboveground parts. Bathing in the shower and frequent spraying with soapy water will help, since at 80% humidity the pest dies.

Among the folk remedies, a solution of green or household soap, garlic, onion, bitter pepper, potato tops, tobacco broth are especially popular.

Chemical preparations-insecticides:

  • Nitrafen;
  • Antio;
  • Acartan;
  • Karbofos;
  • Tedion.

In order to prevent disinfection of soil mixtures during reproduction and primary planting, the distance between the pots with different indoor plants is observed.

Be sure to conduct aeration of the top layer of soil, fertilize regularly, but in small doses. It is important that nitrogen in the supplements does not prevail over potassium, phosphorus.

Preventive measures

Diseases and pests will not be frightening to the money tree, if timely carry out prevention:

  • water often, but in small portions in summer and reduce watering to a minimum in winter;
  • feeding in accordance with the instructions of the root method;
  • conduct regular inspection of the plant;
  • periodically bathe money tree in the shower;
  • monitor the dry air, organize humidity in the range of 50–70%.

When a pest or disease is detected, the plant must be quarantined, moving it away from other indoor plants or moving it to another room until it is completely cured.

How to reanimate the money tree at home

The rescue of the junkie is possible if you take measures in time:

  • it is possible to revive a tree until all its above-ground parts and roots are affected by rot or pests;
  • immediately collect all insects visible on the surface, spray or wash the leaves with soapy water;
  • use insecticides or fungicides not once, but at intervals of 1–2 weeks so that relapse does not occur;
  • with a strong infection, it is better not to reanimate the plant, but to plant a tip stem or a healthy side shoot.

Do not neglect regular inspections of fatty meat, paying special attention to the reverse side of the leaf and petioles. It is here that colonies of saponidary insects settle. Always inspect the root collar - hence the root rot spreads along the stem and leaves.

Madagascar, African and South American countries are famous for their strange flora. Here in the natural environment many species of trees and shrubs grow, which, due to human efforts, appear in countries with a harsh climate, for example, a money tree. The article will look at how to care for the money tree at home.

Leaves of money tree collected in the outlet. They are characterized by a rounded shape that resembles a coin. A wonderful birthday gift for my sister. Inside the leaves is the flesh, which covers the dense skin. Due to the external structure of the leaves, various associations arise concerning the money tree. Therefore, in the people it is called a bastard, luck tree or zhiryankoy.

Secrets and rules of care

The money tree is unpretentious in care and even a beginner can grow a beautiful plant at home. But for good growth the flower must be provided with optimal conditions. To do this, it is recommended to follow a few simple rules of care.

  • The soil  . For the plant to stick, you need the right soil. In their natural habitat, succulents grow on light drained soil. Make this soil easy. Two parts of peat combine with two parts of leafy ground and three parts of sand, mix. Fill the pot with the mixture.
  • Pot  . Planting a money tree is recommended in a shallow pot of clay or plastic. Before pouring the substrate, make a 2 cm thick drain at the bottom of the pot.
  • Lighting  . The money tree feels good in the shadows and slightly darkened places. In conditions of excessive illumination, when the rays of the sun fall on the bastard, the leaves turn red, shrink and fall.
  • Temperature . 20-25 degrees - the best temperature for growing succulent. Even at 4 degrees of heat, the money tree feels good. Lower temperature is fraught with death.

These are not all points concerning the care of the money tree. Below we talk about watering, fertilizing and transplanting. I will also pay attention to the subtleties of the formation of a beautiful crown.

How to water a bastard

In the case of the money tree, a rich but moderate watering is appropriate. Before carrying out the procedure, make sure that the soil in the pot has dried out. The flower is more afraid of excessive moisture than the dried soil.

Excessive watering is fraught with root decay, which leads to death. When watering, try to prevent water from falling on the leaves. Provide plenty of water during the spring / summer season. And remember that the ground should be wet, but not wet.

With the onset of cold weather, the soil is allowed to dry up to 5 centimeters deep. In winter, the plant is at rest and does not need a lot of water, as it is concentrated enough moisture in the leaves.

The state of health of the flower depends on the water used. Separated water at room temperature is better suited for watering money trees. Melt water is also allowed for use, as there is little impurity in it. Experienced growers are advised to periodically spray the foliage and wipe with a damp cloth.

How to transplant a money tree at home

Spring is ideal for transplanting money tree. Since the hut is a slow-growing plant, it is recommended to repot every 24 months.

The time indicator is affected by the conditions of detention. If the flower is in optimal conditions, does not experience a shortage of light, moisture and nutrients, it rapidly grows. Then replant the money tree once a year.

  1. At the bottom of the pot make a drainage 2 cm thick. Dump the substrate into the container so that it fills the pot a quarter. If you wish, put a few coins on the bottom of the pot in order to activate the positive energy of the fat woman.
  2. Carefully remove the money tree from the old container, clasping the trunk. Shake the ground gently and lower into a new pot, filling up the ground. Do not trample down the soil. It is better to wait until she settles, and dosypte.
  3. After the procedure, water the plant. Further care is reduced to the regular loosening of the soil. This will provide the root system with access to oxygen.

Video Tips

Transplanted exoticism is recommended to keep on the balcony. Just put the pot unlike pelargonium in a place protected from the rays of the sun.

How to plant a money tree so that money is carried in the house

Money tree looks attractive. Thanks to the green fleshy foliage that covers the powerful stalk, the Fodder easily decorates any window sill. But in order for the flower to “work” and attract money to the house, it is recommended to follow a few rules when planting and choosing a place.

  • The sprout bought in the store does not immediately plant in the ground. Give him the opportunity to get used to the new environment. If it is summer outside, wind the roots with a damp cloth. If the room has normal humidity and temperature, place the sprout on the window sill.
  • A big role in this issue is played by the pot. The money tree has a feature. It is allowed to repeatedly planted in one pot. After updating the soil, processing the tank with an antiseptic and trimming the root system, the bastard is returned to the old pot. Therefore, it is recommended to choose a quality and beautiful flowerpot, because the tree is destined to become a family talisman and amulet.
  • At the bottom of the pot make a layer of gravel, and put a few coins on top of the emblem up. Use coins of the same denomination. To appease the plant, please with its drainage of river sand and moss.
  • If the goal of planting the bastard is material well-being, I advise you to increase the effect of coins with paper bills. After receiving a sudden income, select three new bills, wrap in a bag and put it under the pot. There is no word about coins and bills.
  • When the plant grows up, decorate. For this purpose, suitable chains, coins, golden ribbons. Since the flower is an oasis of well-being, I advise you to treat it accordingly. Provide a green pet with love and respect.

Keep a flower pot on a south or east window-sill. For irrigation, use water infused on small coins for 10 days. Talk to the tree, pay attention and it will fill the house with love, luck and financial well-being.

How to shape the trunk and crown

In order to get a small tree from the potyonka with a lush crown, it must be carefully monitored from the beginning of growth, forming the trunk and crown. To do this, it is recommended to remove the side processes until the tree has reached the required height.

Wait until the length of the trunk reaches 15 cm and the height is 30 cm. Then pinch the top. This will contribute to the growth of lateral shoots, which will lead to an increase in crown.

It is important that only one process grows in a flowerpot. As a result, the plant will have a solid and thick trunk. Even if you got an adult money tree with a stiff trunk, still care for the splendor of the crown and the height of the jersey.

If you start the process early, there will be no branch stumps on the tree. Often for shaping you have to remove adult twigs. Be sure to treat the cut sites with ground cinnamon or activated charcoal crushed in a mortar.

As for pinching, everything is simple. After the appearance of several pairs of leaflets on a branch, find a kidney between the last leaves and carefully remove it with tweezers. At this point there will be several new buds. This is evidence that the branching process has begun.

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If there is one kidney, repeat the procedure again. And in order for the money tree to develop and branch symmetrically, periodically turn the pot so that all parts of the bastard have access to sunlight.

Than to fertilize

Tolstyanka is a modest plant that needs more water at the initial stage of life. For this purpose, liquid or granular weakened fertilizers are used for cacti and other succulents.

The fertilizer concentration is determined by the soil. If the earth is saturated with organic matter, half the dose indicated on the package is used. In mineral soil, the concentration is higher.

Adult plants feed during peak growth, which lasts from early spring to mid-autumn. Apply fertilizers in low concentration. They are added to the soil once a month.

During the autumn-winter season, starting in November, the fat woman is at rest. At this point, additional food money tree is not required.

Flowering money tree at home

For the fatty, flowering is a natural process. At the same time, succulents are rarely flowering plants, and there is a reason for this. In the tropics, which are a natural habitat for the money tree, there are no short days. Therefore, the fat woman grows well and blooms in good light throughout the year.

In our region, autumn and winter are characterized by short days, and the sunlight received in summer is not enough for flowering. But sometimes the money tree throws out flowers in flat conditions.

Enchanting flowering and bloody - different things. It is extremely rare flowers cover the crown. Usually there are several single inflorescences. If the bloom is abundant, the crown is enveloped in a translucent haze of small and delicate flowers.

Flowers of the money tree are characterized by a light color - white, cream. Sometimes there are instances in which white flowers have a green or pink shade. There are still species with red and blue flowers, but this is rare.

If you provide a money tree with minimal care, which comes down to proper watering, fertilizing and timely transplanting, it will not be possible to achieve flowering. But experienced growers achieve results. What's the secret?

  1. If you want to increase the likelihood of flowers, repot the bastard in early spring. This is due to the coincidence of the transplant with the beginning of the period of active growth.
  2. If in the summer time to take the plant to the air, it will contribute to the result. Keep a pot with a money tree on the balcony or veranda.
  3. After the onset of cold weather, keep the bastard in a room in which the temperature does not exceed 15 degrees.
  4. Regardless of the time of year, provide the flower with access to bright but diffused light. In winter, light the tree with a fluorescent lamp.

Thanks to these little tricks you will help your pet to bloom. And remember, without effort and caring care to see the flowering of the money tree at home will not work.

Types of money tree

In the natural environment grows about three hundred varieties of the money tree, which differ in shape. Due to unpretentiousness and spectacular appearance, this succulent has gained unprecedented popularity in home gardening. The following types of fat woman are grown in indoor conditions:

  • Portulakovaya . Variety of erysipelas is often called ovoid or oval. It grows to a meter height. With proper care throws white or pink flowers.
  • Spatula  . The peculiarity of the species is a tetrahedral creeping stem with air roots. It needs regular watering regardless of the season.
  • Tree . Most often found in home floriculture. In optimal conditions it grows to a half meter height. After 10 years, throws out pink or white flowers.
  • Spiny fat woman . Branching shrub with incredible decorative qualities, due to tiny pointed leaves, located on the principle of tiles. Young plants have standing shoots that have lodged over the years. Blooms with inconspicuous pale yellow flowers.
  • Coyper's Fatty . The grassy variety has thin shoots that form clumps. It blooms in summer, throwing out pink flowers that fill the room with a sweet scent.

A money tree is undemanding in care, but without knowledge of the biological characteristics of a particular species, it is problematic to create conditions suitable for normal development.

Reproduction of the money tree

Let's talk about the reproduction of the money tree. In this process there is nothing difficult, and even a novice florist is able to settle this African exoticism in the house. Shredder, like an orchid, is propagated in several ways: leaves, seeds and cuttings. Consider each method in more detail.

Seed propagation

Getting a young money tree from seed is a long and troublesome task. But the result is worth it.

  1. To start, prepare the ground. Mix one part of sand with two parts of leafy earth. Fill the bowls with the resulting substrate.
  2. Place the seed in the ground and cover with foil. Every morning, remove the polyethylene in the morning for fifteen minutes and spray the soil using a spray bottle.
  3. After the appearance of the first shoots, and it will happen after two weeks, remove the film, but continue spraying.
  4. After strengthening transplant sprouts in shallow crates. The main thing is that the distance between seedlings should be not less than a centimeter.

Planted young plants transplant in separate pots. By this time, each money tree will have several leaves.

Reproduction by cuttings

In order for the money tree to have a greater impact on the financial condition of the family, experienced growers recommend not to buy, but to steal the cutting. Imagine that you have acquired several cuttings in an incompletely legal way. Dry them for several days. Then everything is simple.

  • Prepare a container with the ground. Take care of drainage, which protects the root system from rotting.
  • To make the cuttings better rooted, make a small greenhouse. Cover each cutting with a disposable cup. It's enough.
  • Twice a day, remove the glasses and air the young sweatshirts.

After rooting, remove the glasses. When the roots completely cover the soil, which will be indicated by their appearance from above, the young trees will be transplanted into pots.

Leaf propagation

Leaves money tree propagated more often than cuttings. To get started, look for a piece of a fathead, and then proceed according to the algorithm below.

  1. Pour some boiled water into a glass, add a bit of crushed charcoal and put a leaf in the mixture. Put a container with a sheet in the shade.
  2. Every two days, change the water to prevent rotting. In the near future will see the roots, resembling white strings.
  3. Wait a little more for the roots to get stronger. After that, transfer the leaf into the ground. Act as carefully as possible so as not to damage the roots. Otherwise, the risk of death of the fat man will increase.

Video transplant experience

Now you know all the reproduction details of the money tree. Use any of these methods to increase the number of copies of African exotic in a home green corner.

Problems in breeding money tree

A lot of indoor plants that are undemanding to care at home. They seem to be specially created by nature for beginning flower growers and easily tolerate their flaws. The list of such plants includes and sweets. This unassuming green pet, like the spathiphyllum, does not cause the owner a lot of trouble.

But this does not mean that people who breed unpretentious plants do not face problems. Sometimes a healthy fat woman fades, sheds leaves or dies at all. We will understand why this is happening.

Why leaves fall

Leaf fall is the most common problem overtaking a grower. I will consider the causes of this phenomenon and tell you how to act in such a situation.

  • Over-watering . It leads to wilting of the leaves, which later fall off. In this case, it is recommended to stop watering until the earth lump dries. After that, water the flower moderately and gradually bring the amount of water and the frequency of watering to the established rate - once a week.
  • Lack of moisture . Provides a similar effect. Only in this case, the leaves first turn yellow and curl, and then fall down. The solution of the problem is reduced to the resumption of irrigation and periodic spraying with settled water.
  • Excessive lighting . If the leaves fall due to excessive light, move the pot with the money tree to the lighted area where the sun's rays do not fall. If this is not possible, create a shadow for the bastard with paper.
  • Heat . With the onset of cold weather they turn on the heating system and use heating devices. Streams of hot air along with low humidity cause great damage. Move the flower to another location and spray regularly.
  • Incorrect dressing . Sometimes thinning of the crown of a fathead is caused by the host’s flaws during the fertilizer. Solving the problem involves replacing the soil in a pot. In other ways to save the plant will not work, as to neutralize the excess salt in the soil is problematic.

Remember, even a completely healthy flower can shed its leaves. This phenomenon is observed during the breeding season, when the fathead sheds healthy leaves in order to get young shoots. Do not forget about aging. This is natural if an elderly flower sheds leaves.

Why the trunk and leaves turn yellow

In this unpleasant phenomenon, when the appearance of the money tree significantly deteriorates, one reason is the lack of light. Helping a pet is easy. Move the pot to another place. If this is not possible, it is recommended to think about installing an artificial light source. In the summer, keep the flower in the garden. A loggia will do as well, provided that the sun’s rays do not fall on the leaves.

Why leaves turn black and wither

The appearance of rounded black spots on the surface of the leaves of the money tree is a sign of "sunstroke." The solution of the problem involves the shadowing. If the spots are soft, the flower is affected by a fungal infection. In this case, remove the affected leaves, process the appropriate drug.

It does not matter if you remove a lot of leaves during the rescue operation. This will make room for new buds, which will have a positive effect on the density and lushness of the crown.

Why did the money tree have thin, soft and wrinkled leaves?

The answer is simple - fusarium rot. This is the result of water stagnation, which leads to excessive watering. To prevent the spread of infection, treat the soil with Fundazole suspension and normalize watering. Later transplant the plant, removing the rotten roots.

Diseases and pests

Contrary to the simplicity in the care of the lack of attention to the sweatshirt do not like. If the money tree is not provided with proper care, it will not lead to anything good, and the diseases will not keep you waiting. What to say about pests.

  1. In conditions of poor lighting, the stem of the plant acquires an ugly shape. Further inaction leads to death. Therefore, keep the pot on the windowsill, especially if the room is dark.
  2. If the leaves change color or fall off, this indicates the presence of a fungal disease in the money tree. A similar effect provides the use of cold water when watering.
  3. The presence of rot on the basis of the stem is the herald of root rot. To save the plant, act decisively. The tip is recommended to cut and grow a new tree.
  4. The fat woman comes into view of pests rarely. If necessary, use means to combat a particular pest. Usually the source of the problem is the mealybug. Handling it will help treatment with alcohol or insecticide.

Money tree, or cholstyanka, is considered very. At home, it easily transfers both a long time without water and a lack of lighting.

That is why it is so popular among beginning flower growers - caring for it does not cause much trouble, but it looks great and even, according to legend, favors financial prosperity in the family. Besides .

But sometimes it happens that the leaves of the money tree begin to fall off, the plant fades and may even die. Why is this happening and how to avoid the sudden death of this wonderful houseplant?

The reasons why the money tree can shed leaves

The fall of the leaves of this plant is the most common problem.

The reasons here may be the following:

1. Wrong watering.  The fat woman refers to the succulents, the kind of plants that can accumulate, retain moisture in their leaves and wait a long time for dry time. If you water it too often, the sweetie begins to shed completely healthy leaves,  ache and fade

This problem is most often seen in overly caring and not very experienced owners, who, at the slightest drying out of the soil in which the plant is located, immediately run after the watering can.

But too long breaks in watering the money tree should not be allowed either.

If the soil is too dry, it is exactly the same as with excessive moisture, will lead to the fact that the leaves of the plant will begin to lose elasticity, turn yellow, dry and fall off.

That is why you need to carefully observe proper watering modewhich is especially important in winter when this plant is resting. In the summer, the sweetie is watered every day, in small portions of water at room temperature, and in the autumn-winter period, one watering per week will suffice.

At the same time, it is always necessary to carefully ensure that water does not stagnate in the pan - this is fraught with rotting of the roots, from which leaves will certainly suffer. Learn more from our article.

If the roots have already begun to rot, do not panic. The plant can still be saved by simply transplanting it into a new soil, while freeing it from the old earth and cutting off rotten roots.

To avoid such problems in the future, you should take care of good drainage, at least 2 cm thick. Expanded clay is ideal for these purposes.

2. Direct sunlight  falling on a money tree may cause the leaves to become too hot, will start cover with brown spots and fall off.

The greatest danger of sunburn is exposed to plants located on the southern windows, as well as those that are carried by the hosts to fresh air after a long stay in a closed room.

The same danger threatens plants that are placed near sources of heat - in batteries or in heaters.

3. Excess mineral fertilizers.  An oversaturation of fatty wrinkles with mineral salts contained in the soil or in top dressing can lead to dropping the leaves.

In this case, transplanting plants into fresh soil will help, and protect against excess salt and acidification of the soil. will help charcoal added to the soil.

In order to prevent this problem in the future, you need to carefully read the instructions from the fertilizer manufacturers and strictly observe the frequency and dosage of fertilizing.

4. Ice water from the tap.For irrigation of the money tree, it is recommended to use distilled water, the temperature of which is neither higher nor lower than room temperature.

If the leaves have already begun to fall, you can pour them with warm water, making sure that it does not fall into the pot.

5. Sharp temperature drops.  Staying in a draft, heat, moving a plant from a cold to a warm place can all have a negative impact on the health of the money tree.

If it stood on a cold, frosty window-sill and its roots are frozen - the money tree cannot be saved.  You can only cut the cuttings and grow from them a new plant.

Abnormal, unusual for her, environmental conditions are also a frequent cause of dropping bollard leaves. She sheds her healthy leaves for the sake of young shoots.

6. Illness.  It can be both, and every possible wreckers.

It is often not possible to determine the true cause, therefore experienced growers recommend periodically treating the plant with phytodermal and antifungal agents.

7. Natural aging.  Even with proper care, the leaves of the bastard, sooner or later, will begin to fall off. This is the first sign of aging.

It’s impossible to help her in any way, and the only thing that can be done is to rejuvenate the plant, cutting it off.

How to help the money tree

Excessive watering causes foliage to fall  money tree. The main sign of the emerging abscission of leaves is their withering.

If you carefully observe the plant, this fate can be avoided by taking certain measures.

First of all, you should stop watering the plant until until the earthy clod dries out carefully. After that, you need to resume watering, but the first time to reduce the frequency of irrigation and water volume, making sure that the pan remains dry.

If the problem is drying the soil  - you just need to water more often, not forgetting the above rules.

In winter, the jade should be placed in a cool room. The frequency of watering during this period can be reduced to 1 time in 1-2 weeks.

In the case where the money tree is located on the window sill, under which the battery is located, put the pot on a thick piece of foamto avoid overheating of the plant by hot air currents.

Money tree is not very demanding on the composition of the soil.

For its normal life, it is best to use a mixture containing peat, leaf and sod land, as well as coarse sand in a ratio of 0.5: 1: 1.

The root system of this plant is of surface type, therefore it should be used wide but not very deep pots.