Balsam is one of the most popular indoor plants in many countries around the world. In Russia, it is often called the caprice and Vanka wet, for droplets of liquid that stand out along the edge of the leaves, as well as touchy - for the property of seeds to scatter at the slightest touch. The English use another name - “assiduous Liza”, for the long and abundant flowering of bushes, and the people of Austria call balsam “a beautiful wreath”. The plant is very unpretentious, and any novice grower can grow it from seeds at home.

This plant is a branching bush from 25 cm to 1 m tall. Individual annual species reach a height of two meters and are grown in open ground. Stems from balsam juicy, very fleshy, light green color. The leaves are dark green, lanceolate, can be whole or with a toothed edge. Balsam is appreciated for its flowers, which can be simple and terry, rose-like, with the form of carnations or camellias. The most common color of the petals - from rich red to pale pink and lilac, there are also varieties with white flowers and two-color.

In the warm season, this indoor plant feels great in the open air, and many people grow it in the summer not only in flowerpots, but also in flowerbeds.

In good conditions, balsam is able to bloom profusely all year round, forming many single flowers or loose inflorescences, depending on the variety. This culture is very light-requiring, but prolonged exposure to direct sunlight affects it detrimental. The optimal place for flowerpots with flowers are window sills from the west and east side. When disembarking on a flower bed, it is necessary to select a site that is in the shade from 11 to 14 hours. Can also be planted in the penumbra, but always in a place protected from the wind.

Growing flower from seed

Selection of planting material

There are a huge number of varieties and hybrids of balsam, and when choosing seeds it is very difficult to dwell on any one. To avoid disappointment, remember a few simple rules:

  • for decorating the balcony or flower beds in summer, annual balsams are more suitable; perennials should be selected for cultivation under room conditions;
  • if you plan to further propagate flowers from your own seeds, do not buy hybrid varieties;
  • to get plants with flowers of the desired shape and color, you should not buy a mixture of varieties, buy only separately;
  • when buying, pay attention to the timing of the collection of seeds. Seeds remain viable for 7-8 years, but the fresher they are, the better.

Preparing for sowing

When growing balsam at home, planting dates do not matter much, but if you plan to decorate a balcony with flowers in the summer, you need to sow in mid-February. Seeds to start must be disinfected. To do this, in warm water dilute potassium permanganate to a light purple color and lower the seeds for about 10 minutes. Then the solution of potassium permanganate is drained, and the seeds are poured with clean warm water and left for a day.

You can take the purchased soil for indoor plants or make a soil mix yourself:

  • 1 part garden land;
  • 2 parts peat;
  • 1 part of vermiculite;
  • 1 part of coarse sand.

It is possible to take only peat and vermiculite in equal parts, if it is not possible to collect garden land.

Ready substrate must be heated in the oven for a couple of hours to destroy all harmful microorganisms. Purchased soil also does not hurt to sanitize, adding a little sand for greater looseness. After that, the earth is shed with a solution of Fitosporin, designed to improve the microflora. In addition, this solution reduces the risk of development of black leg seedlings.

Seeding process

Step 1.  Seedlings will need a wide pot or box about 7-8 cm high. Expanded clay or fine gravel is poured at the bottom for drainage at least 2 cm thick. Then fill the container with prepared ground.

Step 2.  Swollen seeds spread over the surface, trying not to sow too thick. Since they are very small, it is most convenient to do this with the tip of a toothpick. Each seed should be gently pressed to the soil, but not immersed deeply.

You can put balsam in peat tablets

Step 3.  Using a spray bottle, the surface of the substrate with the seeds spread out is well moistened, after which the box is placed in a transparent plastic bag. The package does not need to tightly press too tight, even if there is a little air in it.

Step 4.  Packed capacity put on the windowsill so that the surface is well lit, but was protected from direct rays. The room temperature must be maintained within +22 ... +25 ° C.

Growing seedlings

The first shoots are shown in 17-20 days, subject to constant temperature and humidity. As soon as single shoots appeared, the package is opened for airing, the condensate is carefully shaken so that moisture does not get on the shoots. This should be done daily in the morning and in the evening, otherwise the seedlings will be amazed by the fungus from the excess moisture.

After 5-6 days, when all the seeds have risen, the bag is removed from the box completely, and the soil is moistened with a spray. In the morning and evening hours, as well as in cloudy weather, it is necessary to turn on the phytolamp and fill up the seedlings, otherwise their development will be disturbed. Periodically it is necessary to pour the wet substrate on the roots coming out of the soil. When watering, it is best to pour water into the pan so that the root neck of the shoots remain dry and do not rot.

Picking seedlings

Seedlings one and a half centimeters high and with two true leaves can already be dived into separate cups. Soil take the same as in the beginning, be sure to pour drainage to the bottom. When picking up, the extended plants dig a little more into the substrate than the others. After transplantation, seedlings quickly adapt and begin to grow vigorously, but under the condition of sufficient illumination, humidity and heat. A week after the picking, you should pinch the tops - this will cause the formation of additional shoots, which later will affect the decorativeness of the bush.

Transplant in vases

Plants are planted in pots or containers for permanent cultivation after they form a small bush, and their roots will be woven over the whole earthen room.

Tanks should be taken sufficiently spacious so that the balsam can grow freely in them for several years. The soil substrate is prepared in the same way as for the seedlings, but the drainage layer is made a little thicker - from 3 to 5 cm. After transplanting, you do not need to finish lighting plants, the main thing is to water and spray the bushes regularly. It is possible to take balsam to the open air at the end of May, when heat is established Already in June you can admire the first flowers.

Balsam care at home

Care for adult plants is not difficult. Balsam tolerates heat, and if it is shaded in a timely manner from the sun, the bush actively develops and blooms profusely almost without interruption. The temperature regime should not change too dramatically, so with the onset of autumn, the flowerpots should be brought into the house, without waiting for a cooling. In winter, plants normally grow at a lower temperature, but it is desirable that it does not fall below 12 degrees. There is no rest period for the balsam, and from October to March he needs additional lighting. Without this, the bush will not bloom.

Of great importance are plant nutrition with complex fertilizers. For the first time, the bushes are fed after planting in permanent pots, and then they fertilize regularly once every two weeks until October. It is recommended to use a half dose of fertilizer. With an excess of nutrients, the stems grow, become more brittle, and the formation of buds stops.

Water balsam preferably desiccated water at room temperature. In the warm season, plants are watered more often and more abundant, in winter only as the soil dries. If the air in the house is very dry, additionally requires spraying the leaves.

Every year, the bush must be cut to stimulate the growth of new shoots. When the roots become cramped, the plant is transplanted into a larger pot or divide the bush. The optimal timing for this is the middle of spring. In order to propagate the flower you like, you can cut cuttings up to 6 cm long from the tops of the stems and root them in water. This method is considered the fastest and most convenient.

Balsam susceptible to fungal diseases, rot and bacteriosis. The main reason for their development is excessive watering, lack of air and light, the thickening of the bush. In addition, the plants are attacked by aphids and whiteflies, and the main pest is a spider mite. Treatment of the bushes with protective agents, for example, Alirin, Gliokladin and others, helps to get rid of these problems.

How to collect seeds yourself

Reproduction of balsam seeds requires more time and patience than rooting cuttings, however, many growers prefer this method. For the seeds to ripen on the plant, the flowers need pollination. The easiest way to put the bushes in the open air, where bright flowers immediately attract insects. In room conditions, pollination is carried out artificially, using a thin brush for drawing. Brush carefully collect the pollen and light strokes spread it over the pistils of flowers.

After some time, a small green fruit will form in place of the flower, and as it ripens it will begin to turn into a dry translucent box. The ripened boxes burst even with the slightest touch, and the seeds scatter in all directions. Experienced growers recommend that in the evening it is easy to spray a bush with water, and in the morning, while the boxes are still a little wet, carefully pick them from the stems. After that, the seeds are dried and poured for storage in a paper bag.

Video - Balsam: growing from seed at home

Video - Balsam: growing and care

Video - Balsam care

Our grandmothers, growing garden strawberries, or strawberries, as we used to call her, were not particularly worried about mulching. But today, this agricultural enterprise has become fundamental in achieving high quality berries and reducing crop losses. Someone may say that it is troublesome. But practice shows that labor costs in this case pay off a hundredfold. In this article, we suggest you get acquainted with the nine of the best materials for mulching garden strawberries.

Succulents are very diverse. Despite the fact that “kids” have always been considered more fashionable, the assortment of succulents, with the help of which you can decorate a modern interior, should take a closer look. After all, colors, sizes, patternedness, degree of spiny, influence on the interior are just a few of the parameters by which you can choose them. In this article we will talk about the five most fashionable succulents, which surprisingly transform modern interiors.

Egyptian mint was used for 1,5 thousand years BC. It has a strong aroma due to the high content of various volatile essential oils. Today, mint is used in medicine, perfumery, cosmetology, winemaking, cooking, decorative gardening, and the confectionery industry. In this article we will consider the most interesting varieties of mint, and also tell you about the peculiarities of growing this plant in open ground.

People began to grow crocuses 500 years before the beginning of our era. Although the presence of these flowers in the garden is fleeting, we always look forward to the return of spring heralds next year. Crocuses are among the earliest primroses whose flowering begins as soon as the snow melts. However, the timing of flowering may vary depending on the species and varieties. This article focuses on the earliest crocus species that bloom in late March and early April.

Schi from early cabbage on beef broth - nourishing, fragrant and easy to prepare. In this recipe, you will learn how to boil a tasty beef broth and make light soup on this broth. The early cabbage is boiled quickly, so it is put in the pan at the same time as the rest of the vegetables, unlike the autumn cabbage, which is cooked a little longer. Ready soup can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. The present soup is tastier than freshly cooked.

Blueberries are an uncommonly promising berry crop in gardens. Blueberry berries are a source of biologically active substances and vitamins, have anti-scorching, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, tonic properties. Berries contain vitamins C, E, A, flavonoids, anthocyanins, trace elements - zinc, selenium, copper, manganese, as well as plant hormones - phytoestrogens. Blueberry berries taste like a mixture of grapes and blueberries.

Looking at the variety of tomato varieties, it is difficult not to get lost - today there is a very wide choice. Even experienced gardeners he sometimes confuses! However, to understand the basics of selecting varieties "for yourself" is not so difficult. The main thing to delve into the particular culture and start experimenting. One of the easiest varieties and hybrids with limited growth for growing groups of tomatoes. They have always been valued by those gardeners who do not have much time and energy to care for the beds.

The once very popular under the name of room netting, and then all forgotten, coleus today - one of the brightest garden and indoor plants. They are not in vain considered to be the stars of the first magnitude for those who are looking primarily for non-standard colors. Simple to grow, but not so demanding as to fit everyone, Coleus require constant monitoring. But if you take care of them, the bushes of velvety unique leaves easily overshadow any competitor.

Baked in Provencal herbs, the range of salmon is a “supplier” of tasty pieces of fish pulp for a light salad with fresh ramson leaves. Mushrooms are lightly fried in olive oil and then watered with cider vinegar. Such mushrooms are tastier than ordinary pickled mushrooms, and they are better suited for baked fish. Ramson and fresh dill get along together perfectly in one salad, emphasizing the flavor of each other. The garlic sharpness of wild garlic will permeate both the flesh of the salmon and the pieces of mushrooms.

Coniferous trees or shrubs in the area - it's always great, and a lot of conifers - even better. Emerald needles of various shades adorn the garden at any time of the year, and the volatile production and essential oils secreted by plants not only flavor, but also make the air cleaner. As a rule, most zoned adult conifers are considered to be very unpretentious trees and shrubs. But young saplings are much more capricious and require competent care and attention.

Sakura is most often associated with Japan and its culture. Picnics under the canopy of flowering trees have long become an integral attribute of the meeting of spring in the Land of the Rising Sun. The fiscal and academic year here begins on April 1, when gorgeous cherry blossoms bloom. Therefore, many significant moments in the life of the Japanese pass under the sign of their flowering. But sakura grows well in cooler regions - certain species can be successfully grown even in Siberia.

It is very interesting for me to analyze how the tastes and preferences of people to certain foods have changed over the centuries. What was once considered tasty and was a subject of trade, over time, lost its value and, conversely, new fruit crops conquered their markets. Quince is cultivated for more than 4 thousand years! And even in the 1st century d. er It was known about 6 varieties of quince and even then described the methods of its reproduction and cultivation.

Treat your household and cook themed cottage cheese cookies in the form of Easter eggs! Your children will be happy to take part in the process - sift the flour, combine all the necessary ingredients, knead the dough and cut out intricate figurines. Then, with admiration, they will watch the pieces of dough turn into real Easter eggs, and then with the same enthusiasm they will eat them with milk or tea. How to make such an original cookie for Easter, read our step-by-step recipe!

Among the tuberous cultures of decorative and leafy pets is not so much. And Caladium is a true star among the variegated inhabitants of interiors. Not everyone can decide to start a caladium. This plant is demanding, and in the first place - to care. But still, rumors of unusual capriciousness Caladiums never justify. Attention and care allow you to avoid any difficulties in growing caladiums. A plant can almost always forgive small mistakes.

We prepared a hearty, incredibly appetizing and simply elementary dish for you today. This sauce is one hundred percent universal, as it fits into each side dish: vegetables, pasta, and anything else. Gravy with chicken and mushrooms will save you in moments when there is no time or do not want to think too much about what to cook. Take you favorite side dish (you can do it in advance so that everything is hot), add sauce and dinner is ready! This magic wand.

Many amateur growers prefer to grow balsam (Impatiens) themselves, since growing balsams from seeds is not a big deal. What do you need to young plants were strong, healthy and beautiful? In this process there are several subtleties and tricks, which I will discuss in this article.

Start off  sowing seeds Vanka wet must be in early March. Taking into account the fact that flowering according to the technology below will come in 8-10 weeks, you will start admiring the beauty from mid-May.

Quite large seeds of this annual are sown in wide and flat containers or trays filled with slightly acid (pH: 6.0 - 6.2) loose and nutritious soil and covered with plastic wrap or glass. The level of soil acidity is always written on the package. If there is no such inscription, then I recommend to search and buy another package of soil.

The distance between the seeds should be at least 3 millimeters.

It should be especially noted that balsam seeds cannot be covered with earth, since light is required for their germination.

Such seemingly insignificant moments during cultivation as temperature, light and acidity of the soil strongly influence the appearance and duration of flowering.

Any deviation from the rules increases the time from sowing to the beginning of flowering.

Subtleties care seedlings

The time of growing from the seeds of balsamines is divided into several periods:

1. In time first periodwhich lasts from 3 to 5 days, the seeds germinate. Best of all this occurs at 22 - 24 degrees, high humidity and not very bright light. If it is colder inside the room, place the box with the seedlings under a regular table lamp with yellow lighting. Or on a shady windowsill, if it is located above the central heating battery. Pre-check the temperature in this zone.

2. From the beginning second period  (10 days) increase the illumination of sprouts that appear. But do not put in direct sunlight. Also, a film or glass is slightly opened every day to reduce the humidity of the air. But every day the airing time increases. And then they take it off completely.

As a preventive measure against various fungal diseases, sprinkle or water the soil with phytosporin solution.

When the first two pairs of true leaves appear on small seedlings, they are transplanted into other containers or trays with a distance of 3 cm between them. It is permissible to plant two copies in pots with a diameter of 10 cm.

Young balsams need to be watered very carefully, because a large amount of water quickly leads to death, and the lack of irrigation leads to slow growth.

3. During third period  time (14 - 21 days), the temperature is reduced to 20 - 22 degrees. Seedlings with 4 pairs of leaves are planted one by one in pots with a diameter of 10 cm.

4.  The fourth period  The time lasts only seven days. At this time, the temperature is lowered to 17 - 18 degrees and kept for several days.

5. On the last stage  in reproduction of balsamine from seeds (15 days), the night-time temperature is kept at a level of 17-18 degrees, while the daytime temperature is kept from 18 to 24 degrees. At this time, you need to spend two fertilizing organic fertilizer with micronutrients for flowers.

Do not forget

Sprouts with 4 pairs of leaves can already be planted in the garden or flower beds, curbs and containers should be made out by them, but they will bloom two or more weeks later than the finished seedlings with a full cycle.

Growing balsams from seeds, although it requires increased attention, is not a very complicated process, especially if there is a strong desire. Descriptions and care for balsams bring to your attention in our other.

My birthday party gave me a wonderful balsam. My sister insists on asking for seeds, and I would like to propagate it. Tell me how to grow balsam from seed?

Impatiens or wet Vanka is a beautiful lush shrub with dark green foliage. Flower gardeners, he fell in love thanks to the bright flowering. During this period, the plant is covered with a variety of flowers of very different colors, moreover, with proper care, flowering can last the whole year. Despite the fact that balsam is an indoor plant, it can also be planted in the summer on a flower bed.

At home balsam easy to grow from seed. The main thing is to choose (or assemble) them correctly and provide all conditions for the growth of seedlings.

Selection and preparation of seeds

For growing balsamine use purchased seeds. If the home already has an adult flowering plant, the seeds can be collected independently.

When buying seeds in the store should pay attention to the following:

  1. Seeds should be of high quality, so they need to be purchased only from trusted suppliers.
  2. To get a houseplant, choose seeds of perennial varieties, and for planting in open ground use annuals.
  3. To preserve varietal characteristics, you should not choose a mixture of seeds, it is better to take each species separately.
  4. Despite the fact that the seeds can be stored for more than 6 years, the highest germination in freshly harvested.

You can collect seeds from home balsam after it has faded. On the place of the fallen inflorescences small fruits are formed, and when they ripen - seed bolls.

When collecting seeds should be done very carefully. At the slightest wrong movement the box bursts and the seeds fly apart. Because of this balsam is also called nedotrogoy.

Before sowing, process the seeds for 10 minutes in a warm, weak solution of potassium permanganate. Then soak for a day in clean water.

Soil preparation

For the successful germination of balsam seeds pick loose nutrient soil. Substrate purchase in the store or cook yourself, mixing:

  • on one part of sand, garden soil and vermiculite:
  • two parts peat.

To prevent the disease of "black leg" soil is recommended to pour Fitosporin.

Sowing seeds

In a wide, but not deep container (not more than 10 cm) lay out the drainage layer of expanded clay and sprinkle it with soil. Wet a toothpick to hook the seed and lower it into the container, not deepening, but only slightly pressed to the ground.

Small seeds of balsam are also convenient to grow immediately in peat tablets.

Using a spray bottle, spray the sown seeds and cover the container with film. Put it on the illuminated window sill, avoiding direct rays, in a room with a temperature of at least 25 degrees.

Care for balsam seedlings

After the sprouts appear (after three weeks), remove the film. If necessary, seedlings dosvechivayut, as well as pouring the ground as the seedlings are drawn out. Watering seedlings is better in the pan to avoid rotting of the roots.

As soon as the seedlings reach 2 cm in height and form 2 true leaves, they start picking into separate cups. To stimulate the formation of side shoots in a week to pinch the tops.

Young balsamics will be ready for transplanting to a permanent place when they form bushes, and the roots will completely entwine the ground in a glass.

Balsam: growing and care - video

Charming impatiens (namely, this name is known as balsam) - one of the classic Letnik. His “garden career” knew periods of universal admiration, and undeserved oblivion. But today, this modest plant again attracted worldwide attention. Long flowering, during which pink and crimson, purple and red, simple and double flowers with a small bright eye, like stars, shine on the thin shoots of the plant, and attractive simple foliage adorning the luxurious low shrubs are its main distinguishing features. As well as ease of reproduction. This article is about the peculiarities of balsam cultivation and reproduction.

Impatiens, or Impatiens, a mixture of varieties. © Mike Sutton

  • Popular types of balzaminov
  • Seed collection and selection for sowing
  • Conditions for seed germination
  • Dive seedlings and care for young balsams
  • Hardening seedlings
  • Landing balsam to a permanent place
  • Other Balsam Breeding Techniques

Popular types of balzaminov

Impatiens, or Balsam (Impatiens) - a genus of flowering plants of the Balsamic family (Balsaminaceae), comprising about 500 species distributed in the Northern Hemisphere and the Tropics.

In regions with severe winters, balsam is grown exclusively as an annual crop. Universal Favorite - impatient Waller, or Waller (Impatiens walleriana) - today eclipsed the other types of balsams. But other plants, larger and lush, new Guinea balsam hybrids  (Impatiens New Guinea), a large, upright impatiens balsamic (also known as garden balsam  - impatiens balsamina), two meters balsam iron  (Impatiens glandulifera) or graceful, forming meter thick bushes balsam Balsam  (Impatiens balfourii) deserve great attention. After all, large size and less lush flowering does not make other species more difficult to care for.

No matter what kind of balsams are discussed, these are easy-growing plants that are easy to grow. And the simplest, most popular and affordable method of breeding charming touchy, of course, is sowing seeds.

Impatiens glandular, or ferrous balsam (Impatiens glandulifera). © Waldemar Weiss Anguish is sharp, or Balsam sharp (Impatiens namchabarwensis). © Rene Stalder Nezadotrog large, or Impatiens grandis. © Nobuhiro Suhara Seed collection and selection for sowing

The plant is actively distributed self-seeding. Balsam bolls literally explode, open up from any touch, the plant generously gives self-seeding. In the absence of control, a balsam can easily turn into a weed, but it is also very difficult to collect seeds because of this feature. This should be done at the stage of the beginning of the whitening of the boxes, and it is better to tie the fruits with gauze or a piece of transparent fabric in advance to prevent spillage.

Balsam seeds remain viable for a very long time, up to 8 years. Therefore, when buying seeds, it is not necessary to look for the freshest. Moreover, if summer is rainy and seeds cannot be collected, you can use the reserves of your own seeds of the past years without additional germination test.

Balsam soil and sowing containers

Balsamines are best sown in boxes, large containers or bowls with good drainage holes, or directly on the beds in the greenhouse.

Substrate for balsams should be light, based on peat, but closer to neutral acidity characteristics. Excellent for planting a mixture of garden soil with peat, coarse sand in equal parts or ready-made substrates for seedlings, in which you can add an additional 1/5 of the sand.

Some gardeners recommend sowing large types of balsam into a groundless mixture of peat and sand or peat and perlite (2 to 1). The optimum pH for balsam is from 5.5 to 6.3. The balsam does not like fresh organics, young shoots on compost react especially badly. The texture of the soil should be loose, light, permeable.

Seeds of balsam. © Susan Howard

A prerequisite is the disinfection of the substrate before sowing. The disinfection procedure can be carried out with ordinary boiling water, a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and fungicides. For balsamine soil sifted.

Seed dates and growing strategies

Balsam prefer fairly late landing. This plant is characterized by a shortened vegetation period, so the crops can be carried out in April-May. For more long-blooming plantings balsam planted in several waves. For example, to obtain the rapidly blooming fools of Waller or the New Guinean hybrids in May, the first crops can be made as early as January.

Impatiens can be grown as a classic seedling method, and sown to obtain planting material in greenhouses and greenhouses. In the first version, the crops can be started in March, but in the greenhouse conditions the impatiens are sown not earlier than mid-April.

Balsam Seed Sowing Technique

  1. Pour the sifted, loose soil into containers, gently level and gently moisten with a spray bottle, avoiding compaction.
  2. On the surface of the substrate gently scatter the seeds, trying to locate them as rarely as possible. The optimal strategy is to decompose the seeds one by one at a distance of at least 2-3, and preferably 4 cm between them.
  3. Since the Waller balsam germinates only when the light comes in, only lightly spray the seeds with fine sand or sifted soil, but do not cover completely. The remaining balsamines can cover 4-5 mm sifted soil.
  4. Top gently moisten the seeds from the spray.
  5. Cover the seeds with clear glass or film.

Balsam seedlings. © Ellen K

Germination of balsamines usually takes 4 to 15 days, shoots appear unevenly.

Conditions for seed germination

Balsam seeds need light and heat for germination. The optimum temperature is about 23-25 ​​° C. Below 20 degrees the air temperature should not fall. Seed containers are exposed in the brightest, but protected from direct sunlight locations.

Another important balsam factor - high humidity. When the substrate dries out and the air humidity is insufficient, the seeds may not germinate, but a covering without airing threatens the spread of fungal diseases. Therefore, the glass or film is lifted literally for a few minutes, but daily.

Growing balsam seedlings

As soon as the first green shoots appear, the humidity and the soil, and the air must be lowered, increasing the frequency and duration of ventilation. Finally remove the glass or film sharply impossible. Plants need to be taught, first leaving small air vents or opening the cover more and more, until after a couple of days they can not be removed at all.

After the glass or film is removed, it is advisable to lower the temperature of the room to 15-18 degrees or move the plant to an equal but more cool place for lighting. Use a spray to keep the soil moist.

Balsam seedling. © Marc Hamer Diving seedlings and caring for young balsams

Dive young shoots of balsam should be very early, as soon as the shoots rise to a height of 1 cm or slightly higher, but not before the first pair of full-fledged, but not false leaves. Balsamines are best planted in individual containers that will allow the seedlings to be transferred to the soil without destroying the earthy clod. Special peat pots or cassettes are great. Replace impatiens need to carefully, trying not to destroy the earthen clod around until tiny rhizomes.

After diving, it is advisable to lower the air temperature a few more degrees. For balsamines, it is necessary to provide moderate, scarce watering, without over-wetting the soil.

Hardening seedlings

From the beginning of May, the young balsams begin to harden. They need to be taken out on the street, under the open sky, and returned to their usual conditions at night. Quenching for balsams should last at least 2 weeks.

Balsam seedling. © Leanne J Balsam landing on a permanent place

The seedlings can be transported to a permanent place only at the end of May, when late primorozki will not be afraid. Impatiens do not tolerate lower temperatures even up to 5 degrees Celsius, which imposes significant restrictions on the possibility of early decorating the garden with blooming balsams.

The optimum distance when planting is about 25 cm between the bushes (the larger the balsamine, the greater the distance should be). Balsamine - light-loving, better feeling in ambient light and in partial shade (especially when shading during lunch hours), as well as protected plants, warm, comfortable places. Balsams reach greater ornamentation on fertile soil, but can bloom practically on any soil.

After planting, the plant will need drought-compensating watering and feeding. This culture will gratefully respond to spraying.

Pest and disease control

For balsams, it is not garden pests that are much more dangerous, but low temperatures. They do not tolerate lowering night temperatures up to 5 degrees Celsius, and any frost is destructive for them. Planting pests are sensitive to aphids, spider mites, whiteflies in the vicinity of diseased plants.

Balsamines in a flowerpot. © Glenn KraeckOther balsam propagation methods

Plant cuttings - a great alternative to increase the number of bushes. Strong young balsams in May or June are put in the shade in order to make the shoots stretch. The twigs are cut, rooted in water, sand or substrate under the film and planted in separate containers, slightly grown and used as seedlings.

You can literally cut the balsams throughout the whole year, keeping the bushes as master plants for the winter or cutting the cuttings in the fall and keeping the rooted branches in the room until spring.

Each gardener wants the flower bed in front of his house to be the most beautiful. Growing garden balsam from seed and then planting it in the soil will help make the flower bed elegant and unique.

General information

Balsam garden - a tropical African plant, which in our time is widely distributed throughout the world. In different countries, flower cultivation occurs everywhere, because it blooms for a very long time and does not require scrupulous care.

When in place of bright buds appear boxes with a lot of seeds, you need to carefully treat a sensitive plant. The slightest touch to it leads to the opening of the box and the spread of seeds throughout the garden.

Balsam garden has more than one hundred species. Among them are not only annuals, but also perennials.

Growing this small shrub is possible in different conditions:

  • in open ground;
  • in pots on the terrace;
  • on the balcony and on the windowsill.

The flower adapts well and grows quickly. The shoots reach 0.5 m, and long cuttings with oval-shaped green leaves depart from them. Balsam produces a lot of velvet to the touch buds, which are most often yellow, red or white shades. Due to the fact that small particles of moisture accumulate on the flowers, in the people the plant is called Vanka wet.

Balsam reproduction

Growing strong seedlings from seeds at home can be done by the most inexperienced beginner growers. The best time for sowing is the last month of winter, but you can do it a little later, in March.

Prepare low, about 7 cm in diameter pots for seedlings. Soil intended for flowering plants, buy or prepare a mixture for planting at home.

  1. Mix in equal proportions peat and sand, pour in pots and moisten.
  2. Make a light pink solution of manganese and spend in it soaking the seeds for 15 minutes.
  3. Drain the rose water, deepen the seeds into the ground by 2 mm and cover the pot with a can of glass.

In order for sprouts to sprout from seeds, it is necessary to maintain the temperature in the room at about 20 ° C and systematically water the soil. Do not forget to periodically lift the can for airing.

Sprouts begin to hatch after 2-3 weeks after planting. When 3 leaves form on them, each seedling is transferred to a separate pot and continue to be watered regularly. An adult plant pinch the top to the adult bush turned fluffy.

After the night frosts have stopped, the seedlings grown from the seeds are removed from the pots along with the soil and the tips of the roots are pinched. Small pits are dug in the open ground, compost is placed there, seedlings are planted, they are watered and covered with earth.

Growing a flower from seeds at home can be done in another way. You will need a natural white fabric. Wrap the prepared seeds in it, put it on a wide flat pan, moisten it with water and constantly moisten it until you notice small sprouts inside the cloth. They appear after 4-5 days, and they can be planted in pots immediately.

Many gardeners successfully grow garden balsam, practicing sowing seeds directly into the soil. This should be done in mid-April. On the infield, they break up a bed, water it and spread the seeds at a distance of 25 cm from each other. From above the flowerbed is covered with polyethylene. If the temperature rises outdoors to 24-26 ° C, the film is removed. Seed shoots appear after 3 weeks.

Sometimes growing plants at home is produced by cuttings.

  1. In the shrub that overwintered on the windowsill, shoots of 7 cm are cut off.
  2. Tear off the lower leaves and planted in fertile soil.
  3. Water, carefully compact the ground and cover with a plastic transparent glass to create the greenhouse effect.

After a week, the appendix will have roots, and it will fully take root in the soil.

Balsam care

To balsam garden well developed, the earth must be soft and have low acidity. The ideal option is a soil consisting of equal parts of humus, sod, compost and perlite. Before planting seedlings or seeds, it is desirable to treat it with a fungicide.

Growing a flower will be successful if the bed is correctly positioned. Garden balsam loves heat and light, but does not tolerate the scorching rays of the sun. From them, he begins to dry and wither. Therefore, seedlings can be planted along the fence or near small trees. Scattered light will be sufficient for flowering and growth.

Balsamine needs moist soil, but it should not be overfilled with water to avoid falling flowers and rotting roots. In hot weather, watering should be carried out early in the morning or in the evenings, 2 times a week. If the soil begins to dry out earlier, then the number of waterings should be increased. Periodically spray the leaves with water. This beneficial effect on the plant, and the flower will delight you with a huge number of buds.

Growing balsam includes regular weeding the beds. Loose earth is enriched with oxygen, which greatly increases the flowering time of the shrub.

Top dressing and fertilizers

After 3 weeks after planting the seedlings on the garden you need to start to apply top dressing to the soil. This is done throughout the growing season.

Fertilizer should be saturated with phosphorus and potassium. Avoid nitrogen-containing compounds. From them, the flower quickly grow shoots and leaves, but the number of buds is much reduced.

Successful cultivation of balsam at home is guaranteed by Fertika Lux fertilizer. Its small mineral crystals are excellent for feeding flowering plants in pots and in open ground.

The substance increases the number of flowers on the shrub, makes them brighter and causes longer bloom. "Fertika Lux" is available in bags of 20 and 100 g. According to the instructions, 20 g of the drug should be diluted in 10 liters of water and water each bush early in the morning. For fertilizing balsam recommended to reduce the dose by half and use 10 g of the tool. This is necessary in order not to burn tender plants.

You can also use liquid fertilizer "Cheerful flower girl", designed for begonias and violets. It consists of important trace elements:

  • magnesium and calcium;
  • boron and iron;
  • manganese and molybdenum;
  • copper, zinc and cobalt.

They provide nutritional balsam. For root feeding, you need to dissolve 2 caps of the product in 10 liters of water and pour it over the plants.

Diseases and pests

Most flower diseases come from abundant watering. Over-wetted soil leads to the formation of gray mold and other fungal infections. From them, the flower quickly fades and loses leaves. If you notice such signs, stop flooding the plant. Wait until the soil is completely dry, fluff the soil well and pour it with a little water.

Sometimes garden balsam is affected by spider mites. A small insect lives on the inner side of the leaves and contributes to the appearance of dry light spots on them.

  1. To get rid of the pest, remove all affected leaves.
  2. Dilute a large spoonful of soap shavings in 1 liter of water, soak a cloth in it and wipe the green shoots.

If the spider mite strongly struck the flowers, process the flower bed with special preparations. For example, "Akarinom", "Lightning" or "Fitoverm".

In the open field, the plant often attacks the whitefly. Its larvae accumulate on the leaves and secrete a sticky liquid. The pest can be destroyed at home by “Malbofos” or “Iskra”.

Multi-claw mites are microscopic insects. Settling on the balsam, they lead to the fact that the leaves on it cease to grow, curl up into a tube and harden. The diseased flower is treated with "Akarin" or "Lightning".

If a balsam is infected with thrips, the sheets are twisted and spots appear on it. It is urgent to remove the deformed leaflets and spray the plant with “Aktar” or “Fufanon”.

Preparations from pests should be applied according to the instructions and carried out processing 2-3 times with an interval of 5 days.

What to do in the fall?

With proper care, the balsam blooms wildly during the summer and early autumn. When it gets colder outside, in place of buds, fruits resembling a box full of seeds appear. They need to collect, dry and put in a bag of cloth. They will be needed in the spring for growing new seedlings at home.

The balsam growing on the garden is an annual plant, so in October it should be removed from the flower bed and carefully loosened the ground.

As you can see, with proper care, growing a garden balsam from seeds is not difficult. That is why the plant is widely used in landscape design. From it the fine decor for beds and borders turns out.

Balsam can be combined with other colors. The bed where Roly soaked is planted together with violets or begonia looks stylish and unusual.

Balsam is the flower that is grown on window sills, on balconies and in open ground. There are many varieties of annual and perennial plants. Growing balsam is not difficult if you know its living conditions. The article tells about the growing balsam at home from seed, give recommendations for care.

Variety of balsam for planting on a flower bed

Impatiens is a shrub from 25 to 50 cm in height. Stems erect fleshy. The leaves are long oval-shaped, rather large. They are green or purple. Balsam is famous for its lush flowering. Flowers are formed at the base of the leaves. There are different shades, except for blue. The plant blooms in the open ground from mid-May or early June to the first autumn frosts.

More than 400 plant species belong to the balsamine family. Among them are indoor and garden varieties. For cultivation at home are available such varieties.

New Guinea balsams are grown in pots on the windowsill and in hanging pots, but the plants from the Waller group should be grown in baskets or large pots. Spreading bushes, and the root system takes up a lot of space.   With good care balsam at home blooms all year round.

The most common varieties are that bloom pink or red.

Among all varieties, the Bruno FT and Firefly varieties deserve special attention. They are incredibly beautiful. Plants of the first variety grow to 30 cm in height. They bloom profusely even under adverse conditions. Easily tolerate heat, so in the summer they can be grown outdoors. The flowers are large, up to 6 cm in diameter, violet, pale lilac, red and white. Shrubs "Firefly" is not high, up to 25 cm in height. Conquer gardeners with abundant flowering and a palette of colors. The plant blooms with purple, lilac, orange and other flowers.

Tip # 1. Because of the wide variety of varieties, balsam is used in landscape design for landscaping rooms, decorating balconies, terraces, garden plots and flower beds. Balsamines are not used in group plantings with flowering plants.

Conditions for growing balsam at home

Before you grow a flower, you need to familiarize yourself with its features:

  1. Balsam loves water. It reacts painfully to moisture deficiency.
  2. Prefers small-sized pots.
  3. The flower is prone to disease and pests. Sick shoots and leaves are immediately removed, otherwise the whole bush dies

Sick flower more often due to improper care for him. Favorable conditions for balsam shown in the table.

In contrast to indoor species, varietal balsamine does not lose its decorative effect even in sunny areas.In winter, for long flowering balsam requires additional lighting. It is enough to increase the daylight time by only two hours. See also the article: → "When and how to put balsam."

Highlight flowers with fluorescent lights

Preparing the soil for planting a flower

The soil for balsam choose light, which is not oversaturated with minerals and nitrogen, otherwise the bush will not bloom, and the leaves will grow a lot. A quarter pot is filled with drainage. If the soil is prepared by yourself, then this substrate will do:

  • one piece of turf land;
  • one piece of humus;
  • one piece of peat;
  • one piece of sand.

Balsam loves soil fertilized with humus. Soils do not fill a lot, the ground should cover the roots of the flower. Suitable substrates for balsam in the table.

Seeds, unlike cuttings, are grown in landless substrates. A mixture of peat with perlite in the ratio of 2: 1. See also the article: → "Sowing flower seeds for seedlings."

Fertilizers are applied to seedlings after the appearance of one true leaf.

Ways of growing balsam at home

Soil preparation for balsam depends on the method of cultivation. The following methods are available:

  1. In peat tablets. This method is suitable for seed propagation of the flower. Seeds are sown on the surface of the tablet, watered and sprinkled with a thin layer of sand or substrate. The surface is covered with a film and until the germs appear, the air temperature is maintained at 20-25 ˚С.
  2. In pots. In the pots planted cuttings are planted with roots or transplanted adult plant.
  3. In the hydrogel. In this way, the seeds of Waller's balsam are germinated. After the appearance of roots, sprouts together with hydrogel are transplanted into prepared containers with soil.

When growing balsam in hanging pots on the street, a hydrogel is added to the soil in order to keep moisture in the soil better. In summer, it is better to grow balsam on the balcony, because the flower likes ventilated rooms. In winter, if the temperature on the balcony drops below 15 ˚C, the pots are brought into the room.

Balsam is grown for seedlings not at home, but directly in the open field. Seeds sown in May and June.

How to multiply balsam at home?

Balsam propagated by seed and apical cuttings. The second method is more profitable, since the cuttings take root in a month, and the plant blooms in summer in the same year. It should be noted that flowers planted in spring bloom in July, and planted in summer in winter. From the seeds balsam blooms in six months, for example, if you sow the seeds in January, the bush will bloom in late May.

Seed propagated as follows:

  1. Sow the seeds in the prepared substrate. Watered and covered with foil.
  2. After germination, the film is opened and the condensate is shaken from the surface of the cover.
  3. Gradually hardened seedlings.
  4. Two weeks after sowing, when 2-3 true leaflets grow, the seedlings dive into separate pots, which are filled with peat-humus substrate.
  5. Cover the pots with plastic wrap before rooting sprouts. When growing seedlings maintain air temperature 21-25 ˚C during the day and 18 ˚C at night. Dive into plastic cups, but be sure to make holes in the bottom.

Balsam seedlings are transplanted to open ground in June at will. But for the winter in the open ground is not left, as the plant is afraid of frost and will die in winter.

For propagation by cuttings, the strongest apical shoots are cut and placed in water. When the roots appear, the cuttings are planted in separate pots. To get a big bush, two cuttings of balsam are planted in one wide pot, even different varieties can be planted.

Balsam care at home

For a plant, two parameters are key: sufficient moisture and diffused light. Balsam will grow in the sun, but its decorative effect will decrease.

Care is as follows:

  1. Abundant watering, but without stagnant water on the soil surface. In the summer, watering is increased (watering every other day), and in winter it is reduced to two times a week.
  2. In summer, when the temperature rises, the flower is sprayed daily from a spray bottle with warm water.
  3. Feed the flower from spring to autumn every two weeks. Potassium fertilizers are used, because potassium is needed for abundant flowering.
  4. Regularly loosen the soil in the pot, but not deep.

When choosing fertilizers, it should be taken into account that when there is an excess of nitrogen, the seedlings of the flower are pulled out, and when a large amount of potassium is accumulated in the soil, the leaves curl. In the table we consider fertilizers for balsam.

Fertilizer name Characteristic
Nov-Agro "Potassium Sulphate" Does not contain chlorine, soluble in water and suitable for all types of dressings
Etisso "Combi-Sticks" for any indoor and balcony plants Complex fertilizer that contains 11.6% potassium, 7.6% nitrogen and 5% phosphorus. Additionally protects against tick and aphid
Animal City "Liquid Potassium Nitrate" Liquid mineral fertilizer. It does not burn the roots and increases flowering.
Fertika Crystal For Garden Flowers

Garden balsam - the most interesting and easy to grow plant. Suitable for hanging baskets, flower beds, flowerpots, containers. As a greenhouse plant appeared in Europe, and then migrated to Russia. A fragile, attractive flower appeared on the windows of our great-grandmothers in the 19th century. They loved him for his unpretentiousness and brightness, and especially called him - Spark.

He bloomed almost all year round, decorating modest window sills with embroidered curtains. And in Europe since the 16th century is one of the most popular indoor plants. In England, he is called "Diligent Lisa" for long and abundant flowering. From it arrange blooming walls. In the 20th century, many new hybrids and varieties of various colors and shapes appeared that attract the attention of flower growers. Gorgeous blooming spherical bushes decorate homestead plots all summer. In the fall, they move into houses and continue to delight their masters with flowering.

Growing garden balsam from seed at home

To obtain a large number of plants, seed propagation is recommended, although the signs of the mother plant are not always transmitted.

  • Sowing is carried out in the spring, sprinkling the seeds with a thin layer of light fertile soil, placing the container in a warm darkened place before germination.
  • Seeing the green shoots, slightly increase the illumination by moving the container with the seedlings to the windowsill.
  • Keep the soil moist, but do not let the water stagnate. Be sure to have holes in the bottom of the container for gathering excess moisture.
  • Dive after 3 weeks in individual cups, pinching the tops for better branching and the formation of a compact bush. This occurs at the stage of appearance of the first two true leaves. To avoid damaging the roots and the transplant process is less stressful, use a fork or toothpick.
  • Before disembarking, flower beds are fed every 2 weeks with fertilizer for seedlings. If you intend to plant in flowerbeds, pre-temper your от touchy ’. You can take out the seedling boxes for a day under the crowns of already blossoming trees, and take them home at night.

Planted seedlings are planted at the end of April, when it is already quite warm outside and there is no threat of frost. Before planting in the hole, cut off the central root by a third, so the lateral roots will start growing faster and they will be much stronger. The landing is carried out with the observance of a distance of 30-35 cm. In a row so that the balsams could develop normally and not clog each other.

In early July, you can see the first flowers in your flower bed, and new buds will be formed until the end of autumn.

Reproduction by cuttings

Can be propagated by cuttings, taken from April to October from the side branches. For rooting, put them in a jar of water, breaking off the lower leaves. Then land one by one in pots filled with a moist soil mixture; keep them in a window protected from too strong a light or cover the pot with saplings with plastic wrap, leaving a hole for ventilation. This will make rooting faster and reduce the effects of bright light. When the first signs of growth appear, it will be possible to look after the seedlings like adult plants. Good branching is achieved by cutting the tops of growing shoots. It stimulates lush bloom.

When the summer season is over, collect seeds from the annual specimens you like. They are stored for 7 years. And perennial bushes can be transplanted into pots, brought into the house, using them later as mother plants.

In the fall and winter, admire the flowers, and with the onset of spring you will cut the cuttings - you will get new bushes. And you can not mess around with old plants, which by the end of the season lose their leaves below and look bare, but take the cuttings from the bushes they liked at the end of the summer, rooting them.

Balsam growing conditions in the garden

For a balsam is ideal: leaving requires minimal, and the result can not but arouse admiration: the flower bed is covered with a solid flowering carpet.

All that is required:

  • After planting in the ground, make regular weeding and easy loosening of the top layer of soil in order to keep the flowerbed clean from weeds and provide the plant roots with enough air.
  • In order to enjoy the whole summer for lush flowering, do not be lazy to make foliar feeding with complex fertilizers at least once every three weeks. do not press on nitrogen, otherwise you will get the opposite effect: the bushes will become powerful, the green mass will actively develop, but the flowering will be scarce.
  • Hot days can be a stressful test for the garden balsam, which is why he can even lose not only flowers, but also leaves. To avoid annoying trouble, be attentive to the problem and water every night, but do not overdo it. Enough soil moisture to a depth of 40 cm.
  • If the balsam is drawn out, then it does not have enough light. Choose such places with penumbra, so that at least half a day all the same plants get sunbathing. Poor soil, especially heavy clay, can cause fading and poor flowering. The problem is solved simply: add rotted organic matter, better from the compost heap.

Growing balsam in a pot

Impatiens in better blooms if growing in a small container filled with soil on the basis of garden soil or peat, which should always be wet. The smaller the pot, the faster it blooms. In spring and summer, the plant is placed in a well-ventilated place under direct sunlight (with the exception of the hottest hours), at a temperature of 18 degrees and above, the best place is under the scattered tree crown.

It is possible to spray leaves with water only in the strongest heat, because an excess of moisture can lead to fungal diseases. From May to September, once a week, add liquid complex fertilizer to the water for irrigation. In the fall, the one-year от touch-up ’is removed from the ground, and kept for many years in the greenhouse or on a cool veranda at a temperature not lower than 13 degrees, reducing watering and additional feeding at this time. There is another name for this flower - “Vanka-moky” - they noticed that after watering, tiny droplets of sweetish moisture appear on the tips of its leaves.

Soil and watering

The soil for planting should be slightly acidic, not very nutritious, rather dense. The soil rich in organic matter can increase the growth of green mass to the detriment of flowering, plants saturated with water are rather heavy and can fall out with roots from too loose substrate.

Watered with settled or spring water, without waiting for the top layer of the earth to dry out. It is convenient to water by immersion in a large pan with water. The plant will take the liquid as much as it needs, and the remaining water is drained from the pan after a while.

Diseases and pests

Balsamine resistant to diseases. However, excessive humidity, lack of light or excessively low temperature can contribute to the development of fungal diseases. Red ticks are dangerous for these plants, breeding under conditions of too dry air, which grinds the leaves; whiteflies leaving scratches on leaves; green aphid infecting young tender shoots. These pests are fought with the help of appropriate insecticides.

If you grow ‘Touchy’ on the street and plan to move home in the fall, also treat the flower before this so that you don’t grab insects from the street.

Features This plant is known folk medicine. With it, heal ulcers, hemorrhoids, rheumatism attacks. The fleshy leaves are rich in flavonoids and alkaloids, as well as ascorbic acids. It used to be placed on the windows of bedrooms, considering that ‘Touchy’ has a positive effect on male power. ‘Roly-wet’ endowed with mysterious qualities. It was believed that if your Roly is luxurious and magnificent, then peace and understanding reign in the family. And suddenly withered - pointed out the problems of his owners. Even under his influence, households improve their mood, a desire for creativity and an improved perception of the world. It helps entrepreneurs to make the right decision. In general, no matter how cool - on all sides some advantages. Here is a wonderful plant ‘Roly-wet’.

Popular types and grades of balsam

The genus unites more than 500 species of single and perennial which are especially valued for bright abundant blooms throughout the summer. All types of balsamine grow quickly, well resist diseases. They have a juicy and strong stem up to 50 cm tall, green and reddish-brown oval-lanceolate toothed leaves, flowers simple or in the form of miniature roses. ‘Balsam’ are perennial and annual.

Impatiens hawkeri Balsam Hawker

Comes from New Guinea. Flower with purple, green with red veined leaves. Elliptical leaves with a waxy bloom and beige strokes. Flowers multi-colored with white hearts.

From Sri Lanka, with fleshy stems, green leaves and large - from white to pink or red tones - flowers.

This creeping plant with slow growth - creeping brown-red shoots, golden-yellow flowers with a spur. Use it as a groundcover. Potted looks soaring, because stalks keep parallel to the surface and do not droop. We still have a little common.

Hybrids of the species Impatiens walleriana or Impatiens Waller

Originally from the tropics of East Africa, they have a different color: ‘Arabesque’ with a white transition to pink petals and bronze-green foliage with brown and yellow veins; ‘Supernova’ with a pinkish transition to red flowers; ‘Pink Star’ - red with a white rim. Bush spherical shape about 20 cm in height. The most common of all, from him came a lot of modern hybrids.

The most famous species - Impatiens balsamina or Impatiens balsamic

Impatiens balsamina or Impatiens balsamic photo

The one-year-old, originally from East India, is grown not only in flower beds, but also in vegetable gardens for edible inflorescences (pink, red, white), giving a special bouquet to summer salads.

Impatiens balsamina or Impatiens balsamic on the photo

There is a forest balsam - an annual, herbaceous, poisonous plant, up to 1 m high. It has oblong leaves, yellowish flowers. Seeds - in oval-shaped boxes, when ripe, they crack - seeds are scattered throughout the district.