Do you know all your neighbors? Sure? Some of them are so small that you just can not make out. Insects live in almost every home. It is a fact: even if you don’t see them, it almost always means that the “cohabitants” are simply very successfully hiding. In some cases, insects in an apartment are completely harmless, but some of their species are a serious danger not only for food and things, but also for the person himself. In general, meet!

For millennia, people sought refuge, starting with the first cave, then building shelters from the branches of trees and leaves, and making tents from animal skins. Time passed, and additional tools were developed, mankind began to build houses of strong wood and stone, houses appeared. And always, from the very first dwelling, various insects lived next to a man. Today we see in them uninvited guests, and prefer to live without them. But if you think about it, they were before us, and will be after us. For your attention, there is a list of 15 small creatures with whom you may share your home. They are also called synanthropes (not domesticated plants and microorganisms whose lifestyle is associated with a person and his dwelling, such as cockroaches, house flies, house mice, bed bugs).

15. Spiders

Spiders are probably one of the most common creatures with which we share our homes, and some of these arachnids will appear on this list more than once. In nature, there is a great variety of spiders, more than 45,000 different species. In general, modern spiders have settled around the world over the past 200 million years, which is mainly the reason for their wide distribution and diversity. The spider doesn’t do anything bad in the house, sometimes it even benefits - it catches flies. Our ancestors had a huge number of signs associated with spiders, mostly positive. They say spiders are harbingers of good events. But, probably, if we trust the signs too much, then we will completely overgrow with cobwebs.

14. Ground beetles

Just like spiders, beetles are very ancient and perfectly adapted to the survival of creatures. There are more than 40,000 species of ground beetles in the world, and these insects come to our houses without an invitation. The most common is the grain ground beetle. They usually cause damage to crops in the fields, but are increasingly common in ordinary apartments. In the apartment bread ground beetle crawls only if she likes the living conditions. As soon as the insect enters the house, when it gets dark, it is sent to look for food (crumbs, food left on the table, cereals). Ground beetles interfere with sleep, rustling, falling from the ceiling on the bed or directly at you. And if they have found food, then the next step will be their reproduction. So, if the ground beetle appeared in the house, you need to take urgent measures.

13. Crickets

The wise cricket, who gave advice Buratino, probably looked somehow different. And the usual crickets - eerie insects, sometimes of enormous size. Folk sign says - if a cricket wound up in the house, then this is for happiness and prosperity. But the people whom this “happiness” has visited in large quantities, do not share this point of view and are looking for ways to get rid of them. About 2.3 thousand species of these insects are known in the world, of which only about 50 are found on the territory of Russia. Most of them live in subtropical and tropical countries. Our most famous species are field cricket and house cricket. Brownie cricket in the southern part of the country lives in apartments and in nature. In the central and northern regions, he lives only in houses next to a person, with preference given to the old warm rooms with high humidity. These insects live and breed well in warm cellars flooded with water. Sometimes crickets can spoil the products and even things in the apartment, as well as the mole. Therefore, although folk omen is not advised to offend them, it is better to withdraw the crickets. If you, of course, do not like the "night concerts", which are usually arranged by crickets.

12. Book louse

11. Carpet mite

Scientists have found more than 1000 different types of ticks, and they all cause great harm to humans, all year round. Any carpet or carpet perfectly collects dust, it accumulates in its villi and even daily cleaning will not give a positive result - dust and mites will remain there anyway. Ticks, unlike most insects on this list, are very harmful to humans. Ticks themselves are able to leave behind the products of their vital activity in the form of feces, which contain digestive enzymes, they destroy the cells of the human body and can cause severe allergies and asthma. Damage caused by carpet mites is not limited to allergies: conjunctivitis, allergic rhinitis, atypical dermatitis and others may develop. Fighting them is easy - throw away all the carpets and upholstered furniture, once and for all!

10. Dark-winged mosquito

The main harm - squeak and interfere with sleep! Thank God, humanity has invented many ways to get rid of mosquitoes. Mosquito nets, repellents and fumigators are a whole industry. Spread fresh branches of elderberry, bird cherry, Caucasian chamomile or basil in the rooms, and put a container with tomato seedlings or geranium in a pot under the windows and on the balcony. Mosquitoes do not like the smell of these plants, so they want to quickly leave your home. According to national signs, these small, disgusting buzzing bloodsuckers - mosquitoes - are capable of bringing not only absolute harm, but also good, predicting the weather and future events. Clouds of mosquitoes - for good tomorrow's weather. Painful mosquito bites and a particularly active buzz of bloodsuckers - to the early bad weather and night rain.

9. Spooky Spider

As mentioned earlier, this list will contain more than one type of spider. Spiders of this species catch prey by spraying liquid on it, which neutralizes it by freezing on contact with a poisonous and sticky mass. One can observe in spiders the habit of swinging from side to side. They do this in order to wrap the booty. Most spiders can only produce silk, but the Scytodes spider is an exception. Together with silk, they release poison from the mouth, and silk strands soaked with toxin, falling on the victim of the spider, bind it. These spiders are not dangerous to humans, do not weave grandiose networks, traps, and seemingly unremarkable. But still they have one peculiarity - during the hunt they “spit” their prey. Maybe it sounds a little rough, but for sure. For this they got their name “pleves”. Sprat-dive spiders live in warm tropical and temperate regions, including Russia, in human houses, where it is warm.

8. Moth wardrobe

The moth inhabits the home and is a domestic pest, the caterpillars of which spoil the fabric, devour them, and bite on the silk upholstery of furniture. Only caterpillars cause damage to the products, because the imago is deprived of the gnawing type mouth apparatus. In the dark night, adult moths fly to an artificial source of light. According to some data, the caterpillars of the room moth also feed on substances of plant origin, namely wheat, barley, oats, corn, flour and dry bread. Room moth is widespread worldwide, this type of lepidoptera is a serious pest in human houses. They feed on clothing, carpets, rugs and furniture upholstery, as well as fur, wool, feathers and various items, such as animal bristles, used to make toothbrushes, and piano fiber.

7. Mokritsy

In general, woodlice are not insects (refer to crustaceans), but they are approximately the same way of life as cockroaches. When a threat arises, they collapse, imitating death.
In most cases, woodlice are infested only in those apartments where the water from pipes is constantly wet, for example. These insects are excellent indicators of various water supply failures and flange depressurization. The appearance of wood lice in the apartment, first of all, should worry fans of indoor plants, because if you do not take measures in time and do not bring them out, then soon the plants will die. First of all, these insects are harmful to moisture-loving tropical plants that have a thin and delicate root system (orchid, fern, cactus), hitting it, so if you have such plants, then you should fight more actively.

5. Ants

At different times of the year and in different regions of the country in the apartment, and even more so - in a private house - you can often meet representatives of different types of ants. Very often, ants in an apartment are occasional guests brought on clothes or with things. Among them are insects of different sizes and colors. However, the only pest in the apartment is the so-called pharaoh ant - an independent species of heat-loving small ants, which in our latitudes in addition to residential heated premises can not live anywhere. These red ants in the apartment are a real problem: they are numerous, spoil the products, can carry pathogens of various diseases, and besides, they are removed with great difficulty.
  In a colony of domestic ants can live a few dozen queens and up to 350 thousand working individuals. The reasons for the fact that the red ants appear in the apartment, although few in number, but can occur in almost any home. That is why the small red ants successfully conquer more and more new areas and are more likely to appear in any apartment, even the cleanest.

4. Serebryanka (common scales)

Perhaps you somehow saw them in the bathroom or toilet, if you went there in the middle of the night (when you turn on the light, they quickly get away). Such thin, silvery, small pieces on the floor? Do you remember? Their name is silver. Like most other creatures on this list, silverfish represent no real harm to us, they do not bite. Contact cases did not reveal a negative impact on human health. Eat vegetable products containing starch or polysaccharides; but they may not eat for months. Their diet may include sugar, flour, glue, book binding, paper, photographs containing starch tissue. From warehouses can be brought into the house through the purchase of toilet paper or cardboard with paper napkins. Harmless to humans and domestic animals and are not carriers of disease, but can spoil raw paper.
  Their scientific name is "Common Scalyun" (lat. Lepisma saccharina). It is believed that the silverfish is one of the oldest living insects - its ancestors lived on Earth more than 300 million years ago, even in the Paleozoic era. Silverfish prefer wet and dark places, if the house is dry and light, then silverfish will not be there.

3. Cockroaches

The remains of cockroaches are, along with the remains of cockroach crickets, the most numerous traces of insects in Paleozoic sediments. In addition, cockroaches are the earliest known Polyneoptera, possibly originating from the ancestor of the entire subcort. They have always been and will be on Earth. More than 4,600 species of cockroaches are known; especially numerous in the tropics and subtropics. On the territory of the former USSR - 55 species. In recent years, reports of a decrease in the number of certain types of cockroaches in the CIS are popular (they are said to have left apartments in St. Petersburg and some other cities altogether - no one was upset, but the reasons are interesting).
  A number of cockroaches live in human dwellings, being synanthropic, for example, the red cockroach (prusak), or the black cockroach. Others are imported with tropical products in temperate countries and sometimes take root in heated premises (American cockroach). Cockroaches can damage food products, leather products, book covers, indoor and greenhouse plants. Some cockroaches, feeding on various garbage, including feces, are carriers of infectious diseases (for example, dysentery) and worms eggs.

2. Grassland Spider

Grasshopper spiders, building trap nets, are ubiquitous. Hang upside down on their randomly-tangled, uneven web. Cobwebs are built in dark, wet niches in caves, trees, and under stones, in dented mammals, such as cellars and various buildings. In the homes of man, they love dry and warm places near the windows. How dangerous are spiders are for humans? Suffice it to say that the poison they have they spend exclusively on their victims, inflicting a paralyzing bite on them. Nothing more is missing. The main reason for declaring war on arachnids is arachnophobia. Some people can not even tolerate them visually, others being caught on the body being cause panic. The problem is so serious that psychologists deal with it.

1. Flycatcher

The common flycatcher, it is a home centipede, is often wound up in private houses and cottages, it can also be found in apartments. Due to its considerable size, repulsive appearance and high speed of movement, this insect, which suddenly appeared in the house, often inspires terror to the residents. But the home centipede is a peaceful and completely harmless insect. Usually they appear in search of food from the street or from a neighboring apartment. If centipedes can find a permanent power source in the house, then they are likely to appear in this room. Especially often centipedes are found in private homes, settling in basements, basements and underground floors, from where they go hunting, moving through all the rooms.

Worms are capable of harming health, the first thing they do is disrupt the immune system and open the way for the development of various diseases.

In addition to the physical causes of infection, there is a psychosomatic sense, why a person develops and for a long time helminthiasis does not pass, despite the attempts to be cured.

As the science of psychosomatics explains, people love to create diseases for themselves, so they cannot get rid of them for a long time.

The psychosomatic causes of helminthiasis and any other diseases include the following factors:

  • If a person does not understand the purpose, meaning and purpose of his life;
  • If a person does not understand and does not comply with the laws of nature and the universe;
  • If a person holds in the mind or subconscious of destructive, aggressive thoughts, feelings and emotions.

According to the concepts of psychosomatics, diseases are signals that a person is out of balance and harmony with the universe. All harmful thoughts, behavior, intentions, worldviews are externally reflected through human health.

Thus, any disease acts as a subconscious defense of the body against negative behavior, destructive thoughts and other factors. If a person is sick, it means that he has a worldview. Therefore, in order to cure, you should work on your world view and try to change it.

Most people use pain and pills and other medications in the first place to get rid of unpleasant symptoms as soon as possible. Most often, they do not think about the cause of problems or downtime, they do not want to endure painful sensations. However, by suppressing and stopping pain with drugs, the cause of the impairment cannot be eliminated.

Usually, the treatment of certain diseases comes down to the use of medical drugs and the passage of medical procedures. The fact that the cause of indisposition may lie in any psychological problems, people either do not know, or do not think. Meanwhile, all diseases are a signal of the body that a violation occurs in the system.

Often, illnesses occur during the suppression of the senses, which are accompanied by deep inner experiences. In order to find out the possible cause of the disease and start to act correctly, a table of diseases and their mental causes has been developed. The list helps to analyze the committed actions, actions and thoughts and return to the spiritual principles of life.

This does not mean that a person should abandon traditional treatment and deal only with psychological problems. Psychosomatics primarily helps medicine, and does not completely replace it. Since some diseases can have complex causes and deep roots, in this case a psychologist can reveal the disease.

The main emotions leading to the disease include:

  1. Fear;
  2. Anger;
  3. Envy;
  4. Self-pity;
  5. Doubt.

To completely get rid of the ailments, to normalize your own health, to improve the body and soul, you need to do everything to get rid of such emotions. The main thing is not to use the suppression of the emotional state, but to completely remove them from the mind.

According to the founders of psychosomatics, it is important to know the causes of diseases. First of all, the disease is a consequence of one's own thoughts, and not the circumstances that surround a person. Any thoughts have certain consequences.

Everything that can happen in life is happening as a result of a thought, word, deed. Thus, thoughts are the platform of the future that is created by man.

Meanwhile, finding out the cause does not mean eliminating it. You cannot change your life and attitude towards it with simple knowledge; you must act and work with the subconscious. If a person has identified and realized why a disease torments him, you need to get rid of this cause.

In solving problems of a psychosomatic nature, so-called affirmations, which are positive statements, help to change the way of thinking and create the future to which a person is striving, effectively help.

  • To achieve inner harmony, well-being and health, affirmations are pronounced out loud for ten minutes.
  • For convenience, memorization and perception of affirmations are written down on paper, after which positive statements are pronounced out loud or silently.
  • You can effectively influence the subconscious if you record affirmations on a disk and listen to them during meditation or before falling asleep.

  Helminths in the human body can also appear for a long time for mental, emotional, psychosomatic, subconscious and deep-seated reasons. This problem has been studied by many well-known experts in the field of metaphysics and psychosomatics.

According to Dr. Volkova, 85 percent of all existing diseases are due to psychological causes. The remaining diseases may also be associated with mental problems, but this has not yet been precisely established.

Emotions and feelings are in the first place among all the reasons for the development of indisposition in a person. Physical factors in the form of hypothermia, infection, helminthiasis are secondary and act as triggers.

In the book "Psychosomatics" by Dr. Meneghetti, it is stated that the disease is the language, the speech of a person. To understand the source of the disease, you need to carefully study the project, which is created by a person unconsciously. After identifying the cause should take an important step - to change yourself and your thoughts. After a psychological change, the disease as an abnormal course disappears and never returns.

The scientist Liz Burbo through his book about the love of his body tells what could be the metaphysical reasons for the appearance of worms in the body.

  However, each person initially has everything to be a respected and beloved person. Respect for everyone comes only when the person respects himself.

Therefore, it is not necessary to launch into the mind unnecessary thoughts and statements, as suspicious strangers do not run into the house.

At the same time, he strives for money, fame, wealth, power, sex, pleasure, relationships, order, morality, knowledge and other values ​​of the material or spiritual plane. Meanwhile, each of these aspirations is not an end, but only a means to gain divine love.

If there is no love in the soul, diseases, life problems and other troubles enter into it as a feedback from the Universe.

Trouble in turn helps a person to think and realize that he is not going the right way. And in order to recover, you need to correct the situation and do the right thing.

Types of helminthiasis and its causes

Dr. Luule Viilma writes about enterobiosis that the presence of causative agents of the disease indicates the presence in life of a large number of petty tricky cases that are actively hiding and hiding. Pinworms cannot get out of the body until cruelty is released.

Do you have an infection? Of course, first, you need to eliminate the causes that lead to the appearance of infection. Consider the metaphysical (subtle, mental, emotional, psychosomatic, subconscious, deep) causes of infections.

Here is what world famous experts in the field and authors of books on this subject write about it.

Psychosomatic infections

Liz Burbo  in his book "Your body says" Love yourself! "" writes about the possible psychosomatic and metaphysical causes of infections:
  Physical blocking. Infection is the introduction into the body and the reproduction in it of militant pathogens, accompanied by reactive processes. Any infection is primarily dangerous for people with weakened immunity.
  Emotional blockage. Infection speaks of fragility, weakness in the area of ​​life that is associated with the affected part of the body. Most often, the infection enters the body of a person who is too sensitive to the unpleasant thoughts, words and deeds of other people. He does not feel his strength and cannot assert himself. An infection easily finds a pessimist who always asks the question: “What will it give?” Such a person usually does not fight.
Mental lock. You should not allow others to show aggression towards you. It is your fear of aggression that attracts people and situations that seem aggressive to you. Most likely, what you see as aggression for the “aggressor” is a completely normal course of action or thought. You must restore contact with your inner strength. Stop showing vulnerability, weakness and fragility in the hope of getting attention or love. You are much stronger than you think.

Bodo Baginski and Sharmo Shalila  in their book “Reiki” - the universal energy of life, they write about the possible psychosomatic and metaphysical causes of infections:
  Any infection indicates a conflict, a confrontation that does not survive and is not resolved at the level of consciousness. Either you did not perceive this conflict consciously, or you shy away from it, or you do not recognize its existence. Ask yourself what the problem is? The excitement, which you avoid on the mental level, allowed the causative agents of the disease (viruses, bacteria, toxins) to penetrate into your material area, so that you finally recognize its existence. The body's defenses are mobilized, and the excitement that you have avoided until now the conflict rages in your body in the form of inflammation. Existing inflammation is always a requirement to realize something. Chronic inflammation indicates chronic conflict. In all likelihood, you do not dare to make a final decision to resolve the conflict, because you think that at the same time you can lose something or give up something. Therefore, stagnation, energy blockade develops, all energy gathers around the area of ​​inflammation, and the body feels like a squeezed rag, tired. That part of the body where the inflammation manifests itself always points to the mental area in which the conflict is not resolved by you. Therefore, our task is a very accurate observation of how what is happening in the disease manifests itself, in order to then recognize its true meaning and cause.
  - If you don’t voluntarily take the next step on your development path, then a conflict will certainly arise. Look around: what can your soul learn in this situation? Do not avoid her. Consciously and voluntarily accept the challenge of life - to learn and grow. In case of a chronic conflict, it is very important to complete it by making a final decision.

Valery V. Sinelnikov in his book “Love Your Disease” writes about the possible psychosomatic and metaphysical causes of infections:
  I believe that people themselves create not only diseases, but also all pathogens. They create them from nothing, from a vacuum, from pure energy, using the power of their thoughts. Here are just these thoughts are destructive and disease-causing. That is, tension, confusion, and disorder in the collective unconscious mind create a virus or microbe that helps cause illness.
  Inflammation in the body means that we have "inflamed" consciousness, imagination. To this can lead a strong anger, rage, resentment, desire for revenge, fear. "Inflamed" thoughts manifest as an abscess, abscess, abscess and fever.
  “But what about the infection?” You ask.
  The bacteria and viruses themselves are not at all dangerous. They are part of the environment, part of nature and perform some important functions. For example, there are some bacteria that live in our intestines and help the digestive process. Microbes and viruses themselves are not aggressive, but, falling on an aggressive environment, they become pathogenic and toxic. "Weed plants grow on the weed land." Or, as the well-known microbiologist Louis Paster said: “Microbes are nothing, soil is everything.” And we prepare the soil with our thoughts. Good - we fertilize, aggressive - we litter.
  And there are two ways. The first is to destroy the infection with antibiotics. But as practice shows, this path is a dead end, since resistant strains of microorganisms are being formed that are no longer susceptible to the action of drugs. Medicine is forced to create stronger chemical drugs, but this leads to poisoning of the body as a whole.
  And there is a second way - to get rid of aggressive thoughts and emotions that create a nourishing environment for microbes, and thereby increase their immunity. The choice is yours. With microbes do not need to fight, you need to be friends.
  Such a common infectious disease, like the flu, and indeed any cold, means that too many things happen in your life at the same time, and this causes tension, confusion and disorder, irritation and confusion. There were large and small conflicts, emotional turmoil, resentment. In this case, the disease performs a positive function - to get attention, to avoid any duties, to get rest, to lie down in a day or two and bring thoughts in order.
  One 8-year-old son of my friend said: - Dad, I'm so tired of learning. That would be sick! You don't need to go to school.
I think this is familiar to everyone. And not only in childhood. And how often do you take the hospital?
  The disease can simply cause fear for your health, fear of getting sick, your faith in statistics. In this case, you accept negative social attitudes and react to the negative mood of others.
  Remember how often it was. Someone near sneezed or coughed, and you were already afraid that you could get sick. Or announced on TV that the flu virus is rampant somewhere, and you are already worried and running to the pharmacy in advance. In such cases, I always ask myself: - Do I need a disease? What can a disease do for me? Do I need to lie down for a week in bed with a fever, sore throat and runny nose, thus saving myself from unsolved problems, running away from reality?
  - No, - I answer myself, - I do not need it.
  After all, I can solve any problems in my life, because I myself create my life. So, I always find the best way out of any situation. And if now in my life there is some unsolved problem, then I throw all my personal power on its solution. I ask my subconscious mind to create new thoughts and behaviors to best solve this problem situation. I completely and completely trust myself and the Universe. Therefore, I am calm. And the disease passes by. My immune system works great. I just choose to be healthy, enjoy and enjoy life! It is my choice.

Oleg G. Torsunov  in his book "The link between disease and character" he writes about the possible psychosomatic and metaphysical causes of infections:
  Viral infections arise from immorality, fuss, overstrain, lack of discipline, rudeness, overwork. Immaturity
In general, this type of disease arises from immorality. For example, when a person is humble, he is not irritated when he finds himself in a difficult situation. And he does not think about how to behave. The mind is automatically controlled by the humble mind. The state of humility is achieved through the activity of the mind. To be humble means not to consider yourself better than anyone, and not to claim for yourself something more than comes by fate. When the weather changes, the humble person also feels it, but all the functions of the body react to such stress without antagonism. To achieve humility one must deeply grasp that all good and bad comes to us according to fate. Thus, from difficulties in life, changes in weather conditions, and stresses, a humble person does not come into a state of irritation. And if the mood is antagonistic, then everything happens the other way around. We can pretend that we love everyone, but when the weather changes, a deeply hidden antagonism comes out in the form of any reaction of the organism. Selfish! but a tuned organism does not adapt to new weather conditions, but rather resists them. Immorality causes a collision of the body, prana, mind with the external environment. This leads to irritation that occurs in various organs and tissues. Then swelling occurs. So begins the inflammatory process. In inflamed tissues, viruses are actively propagated, which are always present in a small amount in our body.
The second cause of viral infections is an impaired immunity. Immunity is the defense of the body. Protection always means some kind of violence against the aggressor. The body resists viruses, germs, fungi, cancer cells, etc. Our aggressive actions that we perform in everyday life are recorded in the subtle body of the mind and this in turn reduces immunity. In the Bhagavat Geeta it is said that only one who is morally pure can win. This extends to a person’s ability to have good immunity. If we are unfair in our actions, prone to deception, violence, rudeness, callousness, then the subtle body of the mind loses the power of moral purity in relation to all sorts of aggressors who act from within. More precisely, immune functions as a result of these qualities of character lose sensitivity. Such things sometimes happen in our lives. For example, a cruel person, justifying himself in this trait of character, gets used to her and in choosing his friends it is difficult for him to notice similar deviations in character. From this came many proverbs - two pair of boots, a fisherman fisherman sees from afar, etc.
  The inflammatory process in the body, combined with impaired immune functions, leads to frequent viral infections.
  It arises as a result of a lot of branching of the mind. With purposeful people, the mind, supported by faith in the correctness of the chosen path, makes the mind serene and focused on one thing. Faith is always a subconscious connection with some object that brings happiness. When the mind is attached to everything that comes into view, and there is a firm belief that all this will bring happiness, then there is an incentive to rush in different directions. Such a person, not having had time to finish one thing, remembering some other duty, begins to do another. The mind of a fussy person rushes from one idea to another. Such a state never brings satisfaction and irritability arises, which gives a tendency to viral infections.
  It causes a decrease in immunity, a tired warrior cannot fight. Impaired immunity is a harbinger of any infections, including viral ones.
  It always leads to a violation of the daily regimen, which in turn greatly affects the physical and mental tone in the body. Violation of mental tone removes immune functions from the norm and the risk of getting acute respiratory infections, influenza and other viral infections increases.
It is the cause of both inflammatory processes and reduced immunity. Therefore, in a rough person the risk of infectious diseases is very high.
  This condition leads to a strong disorder of the immune system. Naturally the risk of any infections increases greatly. Exhaustion is always a sign of stubbornness. A humble person will never continue to work without rest, understanding the limitations of his abilities. In those cases where excessive stress is caused by the desire to help someone, there will be no overwork, because the feeling of happiness from the accomplishment of duty gives tremendous strength. Exhaustion always results from the exhaustion of the subtle body of the mind. If a person is very tired physically, but is mentally satisfied, then the body is very quickly restored and there is no overwork.

According to Sergey S. Konovalov  ("Energoinformational medicine according to Konovalov. Healing emotions"), the following causes influence the appearance of infectious diseases and weakness of immunity:
  The basis of depressed immunity are irritation, anger, annoyance, lack of joy in life, bitterness. Triggers are irritation, anger, annoyance. Any infection indicates a mental disorder. Poor body resistance is associated with an imbalance of mind.
A cure method.  To radically change your view of life. To do this, establish a correct lifestyle (read about it in the book), conduct meditations with the book, communicate more often with me, ask me, my Teacher, for healing energy.

Louise Hay  in his book "Heal Yourself" writes about the possible psychosomatic and metaphysical causes of viral infections:

  Lack of joy in life. Bitterness.
Harmonizing thoughts:
  I gladly let the flow of joy go through my life.
Yeast infection
Negative installation leading to problems and illnesses:
  Denial of their own needs. Denying yourself support.
Harmonizing thoughts:
  From now on, I support myself with love and joy. Urinary tract infection
Negative installation leading to problems and illnesses:
  Irritation. Anger. Usually on the opposite sex or artner sex. You blame others.
Harmonizing thoughts:
  I reject the stereotype of thinking that caused this disease. I want to change. I love myself and approve.

Vladimir Zhikarentsev  in his book “The Path to Freedom. Karmic causes of problems or how to change your life "writes about the possible psychosomatic and metaphysical causes of bladder infections:
Negative installation leading to problems and illnesses:
Humiliated Usually the opposite sex or lover / mistress. Blaming others.
Harmonizing thoughts:
  I release the pattern in my mind that created this situation. I want to change. I love and approve of myself.

Here are some of the individual personal qualities and character traits that influence the appearance of infectious diseases:

  • Unprincipled - chronic diseases, chronic infections.
  • Rudeness - viral infections, bronchitis, erosive gastritis, hemorrhoids, increased thyroid function, cholecystitis.
  • Negativism - hepatitis, infectious diseases, autoimmune diseases.
  • Indiscipline - viral infections, digestive disorders, organ dysfunction.
  • Hate - angina, warts, oncology, epilepsy, coronary heart disease, oncology, infectious diseases.
  • Immaturity - viral infections, increased pressure.
  • Overstrain - insomnia, viral infections, bronchitis, hepatitis, hernia, stroke, pneumonia, male infertility, diseases of the spine.
  • Overwork - viral infections, hernia, diabetes, pneumonia, decreased immunity, tuberculosis.
  • Disappointment - alcoholism, amenorrhea, arthritis, chronic diseases, autoimmune infections.
  • Propensity to violence - oncology, injuries, autoimmune infections.
  • Fussiness - viral infections, acute processes in the body, increased thyroid function, constipation.

Carol Rietberger  In his book, Body Signals: What Our Diseases Speak About, he writes about the possible psychosomatic and metaphysical causes of infections:
  If we allow ourselves to be in constant confrontation with the whole world, then we will always be at odds with ourselves. Such a struggle weakens the immune system and can lead to autoimmune disorders - chronic infections. Due to anxiety caused by fear, the production of cortisol, a hormone that affects the immune system, rises in the body. As a result, we open up bacterial and viral infections.

Rudiger Dalke in his book “Disease as a way. The meaning and purpose of the disease "writes about the possible psychosomatic and metaphysical causes of infections:
Infection is one of the most common causes of disease processes in the human body. Most of the acute symptoms are inflammations, ranging from colds to cholera and smallpox. In Latin names, the suffix -it indicates that we are talking about inflammatory processes (colitis, hepatitis, etc.). In the field of treatment of infectious diseases, official medicine has achieved great success thanks to the discovery of antibiotics (for example, penicillin) and the introduction of vaccines.
  If earlier most of the infectious diseases were associated with death, now in developed countries it is rather exceptional cases. This fact does not mean that we have become less susceptible to infections. Just to deal with them, we have an effective weapon.
   If such terminology seems too belligerent, then keep in mind that the inflammatory process in the body is actually a real war. The power was captured by the invaders who became dangerous - pathogens (bacteria, viruses, toxins), which are attacked by the body's defenses. This confrontation is manifested through symptoms such as swelling, redness, pain, and fever. When the body succeeds in winning, the infection ends. If the victory remains for the pathogens, the patient dies. The analogy between inflammation and war is obvious. It implies that both war and inflammation have the same internal structure, they implement the same principle, albeit at different levels.
   The language is well aware of this internal relationship. The same roots for the word "inflammation" are "fuse", "burn", "burn", that is, it can be associated with the "ignition spark", which leads to an explosion of a powder keg. The corresponding English word can literally be translated as “ignition” (infammation). Thus, we find ourselves among continuous military vocabulary, which is often used to describe force conflicts: “the calmed down conflict flares up again”, “the fire is brought to the wick”, “a torch of fire is erupted in the house”, etc. With so many explosives, an explosion sooner or later occurs. As a result, everything accumulated in this explosion disappears, everything that we can see not only during military operations, but also in our own organism, whether a small pimple is squeezed out by us or a massive abscess is opened.
To build further reasoning, it is necessary to take into account the analogy of another level - the psyche. "Explode" can and man. But this does not mean an abscess, but an emotional reaction, in which an internal conflict erupts. In the future, we will simultaneously consider these three levels: “psyche — body — military actions” to learn to see a clear analogy between conflict, inflammation, and battle. This analogy provides the key to understanding the disease.
   The polarity of consciousness constantly leads us to the need to constantly make decisions. We force ourselves to give up one of the possibilities - and lose it. And the lack of anything always leads to illness.
   Glory to someone who can admit to himself that internal tension, conflict really exist in a person, who knows about the naive tendency of people to believe that everything that is invisible and intangible is simply missing. This is how little children behave who close their eyes in the hope of becoming invisible.
   Conflicts are not at all interested in whether they really see them - they are always with us. If a person is not ready to consciously perceive conflicts and treat them in such a way as to gradually find a way to resolve them, they descend to the body level and manifest as inflammation. Any infection is a conflict that has materialized. If you do not want to deal with your problems at the level of consciousness (because it is unpleasant and dangerous), you will have to do it at the level of the body, “dealing” with the inflammatory process.
   Consider the development of this process on the physical and mental levels, applying the analogy with military conflict.
   1. Irritation: pathogens appear. These can be bacteria, viruses or poisons (toxins). This process depends not so much on the pathogens themselves (as amateurs believe), but on the readiness of the body to let them in. Doctors call this situation a poor immune situation.
So, the infection is not associated with the presence of pathogens (as fanatical supporters of antiseptics believe), but with the ability to coexist with them. The same thing happens at the level of consciousness, because here the main role is played not by the fact that a person lives in a conflict-free world, but by the fact that he is able to coexist with his conflicts. It is clear that the immune system depends on the psyche directly. Now this connection has started to pay great attention in the circles of academic science (the study of stress, etc.). Much more impressive is the ability to observe this relationship in itself. If a person does not want to open his mind for the conflict that is capable of hitting him badly, he has to open his body for pathogens. These pathogens are located in certain weak points of the body, which are called “places of reduced resistance” and are considered by official medicine as congenital, hereditary defects, which, it would seem, does not allow for further interpretation.
   But psychosymptomatics has always paid attention to the fact that a certain range of mental problems is associated with certain organs, although this contradicts official medical theory. This apparent contradiction can be resolved if you look at the problem in a slightly different way.
   The body is the visible expression of consciousness, just as the house is the visible embodiment of architectural design. The idea and its embodiment correspond to each other, as photos correspond to its negative. Any part of the body and any organ correspond to a certain mental content, a certain emotion and a certain range of problems. Physiognomy, bioenergetics, etc. are based on such correspondences.
   Man comes into the world with a consciousness whose state is determined by what he has learned so far.
   At the same time, he brings with him a certain set of problems, the gradual manifestation of which and the need to solve them determine his fate.
   Destiny is the sum of character and time. Character is not inherited and does not depend on the environment. A man comes into this world with his character - this is self-expression of a newly embodied consciousness.
But, if the body is an expression of consciousness, then the same pattern is represented in it. This means that a certain range of problems has its physical (or organic) correspondence in a certain predisposition. This connection is used by iridology (Diagnosis of diseases of the state of the iris.), Which, however, still does not pay attention to psychological conformity.
   A place of reduced resilience is the body that takes responsibility for the process of “learning” at the level of the body, if a person is not able to consciously perceive the mental problem corresponding to that body. We will show the correspondence of one or another organ to one or another problem on the pages of our book.
  If we consider how the inflammatory process proceeds, abstracting from the place of its localization, we will see that in the first phase (stimulation) bacteria or viruses penetrate into the body. At the mental level, this process corresponds to the manifestation of the problem. The impulse, with which we have not yet “settled the relationship”, penetrates our consciousness, bypassing the defense system, and excites us. It inflames (read: ignites) the tension of polarity, which we perceive as a conflict.
   The better the psychological defense mechanisms work (such as, for example, projection or repression), the less impulse chances are to reach our consciousness, enrich it and allow it to develop.
   Here the principle of polarity “or-or” is manifested: by refusing protection at the level of consciousness, without displacing the problem and not shifting the blame for its occurrence to anyone else, we let another defense mechanism, the immune system of our body, become involved.
   If the psychological defense mechanisms are turned on “at full capacity” from the penetration of new impulses, the immune system is defenseless against pathogens. We cannot escape the invasion of impulse in any case, but we can choose the level at which it will manifest.
In military affairs, the first phase corresponds to the penetration of the enemy into the country (violation of the border). The attack draws the attention of the military and politicians to the conquerors - everyone is becoming very active, directing all his energy to a new problem, mobilizing troops, looking for allies, in short, tightening forces to a hotbed of tension. If a similar process occurs in the body, then it is called the exudation phase: the pathogens entrenched in their positions and formed a focus of inflammation. Tissue fluid drains from all sides to this place, swelling appears on the corresponding part of the body, some tension is felt. In the second phase of mental conflict can also be noted an increase in tension. All attention is directed to a new problem - we cannot think about anything else. The problem does not let us go, day or night. We don't even talk about anything else. All our thoughts revolve only around her. Thus, almost all of the psychic energy flows into this conflict, we approach it and inflate it until it increases to an enormous size and appears to us as an insurmountable obstacle. The conflict mobilized all our psychic forces and pulled them to themselves.
   2. Protective response. Based on pathogens, the body produces specific antibodies, which are formed in the blood and bone marrow. Lymphocytes and granulocytes form a wall around pathogens, and microphages begin to devour them. So, at the body level, the war is in full swing: the enemies are surrounded, the attack has begun.
3. If the conflict cannot be resolved at the local level (local war), then a general mobilization is carried out: all the people are involved in the war and show increased activity. In the body, we perceive this situation as a feverish state: the defenses smash the pathogens, and the poisons released at the same time cause fever. The body responds to local inflammation with a general increase in temperature. When it is raised by only 1 °, the level of metabolism doubles (note how much temperature is useful for the protective process). The level of fever corresponds to the speed of the disease. It is necessary to lower the temperature artificially only when it becomes dangerous. On a mental level, in this phase, conflict absorbs our whole life and all our energy. The similarity of physical fever and mental excitement is striking. We say that the brain “feverishly works,” and the person is “in a feverish arousal.” From the excitement we feel hot, the heartbeat rises, the person turns red, sweats or trembles. All this is not very pleasant, but it is good for health.
It is not fever that is useful, but the resolution of the conflict - and yet, for some reason, we are trying to nip in the bud both the fever and the conflicts. Yes, we are proud of our ability to suppress them. (What can be the pleasure of repression?)
  4. Lysis (Lysis (from the Greek. Lisis - dissolution) is a medical term for a gradual - as opposed to a crisis - a decrease in temperature and the disappearance of symptoms.) (Resolution). Suppose that the defenses were successful, they pushed aside alien bodies, partially absorbing them. Then, the decay of both protective bodies and pathogens occurs, as a result of which yellow pus is formed - losses on both sides!
Pathogens in a modified form leave the body. But changes have occurred in the organism itself, now it has: a) there is information about pathogens, which is called “specific immunity”; b) the protective forces are trained and hardened, which is called “non-specific immunity”. Despite the loss, one of the belligerents won, coming out of a fight stronger than before, and thoroughly studied the enemy.
Death: It may happen that the causative agents are the victors. This will lead to the death of the patient. We consider this resolution of the conflict to be a misfortune, but only because we cannot be impartial in this matter. The situation is similar to a football match: it all depends on which team you support. Objectively, victory is a victory, no matter whose asset it is recorded. The war is over anyway, only a holiday takes place on another street.
   5. Chronic infection: if neither side can win, there is a trade-off between pathogens and protective forces. Pathogens remain in the body, not celebrating the victory (death), but not feeling defeated (recovery). We have a picture of a chronic infection. Symptomatically, this is expressed in a constantly elevated level of lymphocytes, granulocytes, antibodies, in a slightly increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and at a slightly elevated temperature. This situation leads to the formation of the focus, constantly otgagyvayuschego energy, so necessary for the organism The patient feels overwhelmed, tired, apathetic. He is not ill, and not healthy - this is not war and not peace - this is a compromise. It is inert, like all the compromises of this world. Jesus said: "It must be either hot or cold." And a compromise is the ultimate goal of cowards, "barely warm people." Such people always fear the consequences of their actions and the responsibility that they have to assume. But a compromise can not be a solution, because it does not lead to a balance between the poles and does not contribute to the union. Compromise means long-term confrontation of equal forces and, therefore, stagnation.
From a military point of view, this is a focal war (cf. World War I), which requires a lot of energy and materials and which weakens all other areas of life, including economics and culture. At the mental level of chronic infection corresponds to a protracted conflict. People get stuck in their conflict, they have neither the courage nor the strength to take any decision, because in any case something will have to be sacrificed. The need for victims inspires fear. So, many people are in the epicenter of their conflict, because they are not able to help one or the other pole to achieve victory. They are constantly trying to figure out which solution will be right and which will not, and they cannot understand in any way that, in the abstract sense, there is no right and wrong, because we need both poles. Without them, we cannot recover, but we cannot carry them out simultaneously under polarity conditions. So, paradoxically, after long conversations that any choice is a mistake, we come to the conclusion that giving up choice is a big mistake!
   Any decision made is free. Protracted conflicts draw off energy and lead to apathy, passivity, and resignation. If you manage to break through to one of the poles of the conflict, you will immediately feel a surge of released energy. Just as the infection strengthens the body, the psyche emerges from the conflict stronger and stronger, because the resolution of the conflict presented a good lesson to it, brought it closer to the opposite poles of the same phenomenon, expanded its boundaries and made it more conscious. You come out of a conflict through with a win: now you have information similar to a specific immunity, which will help in the future to solve similar problems, based on the experience gained.
   Every conflict experienced teaches us to meet new ones better and more boldly. This corresponds to nonspecific immunity in the body. At the body level, any decision requires sacrifice. In the same way, the psyche is forced to make considerable sacrifices: we have to part with our own views and opinions, to give up our favorite habits. But after all, the emergence of a new always implies a rejection of the old! After large foci of inflammation, scars often remain on the body. Similarly, there are psychological scars, which some time later we call memories.
In former times, all parents knew that a child who had a childhood illness (and all childhood diseases are infectious), makes a big leap in mental and physical development. After the illness, the child is no longer the same. The disease has changed it, making it more mature.
  In fact, this effect is not only children's diseases. Having survived an infectious disease, a person becomes more mature, and his body becomes stronger.
  Increased demands make a person stronger and more diligent. All great cultures have arisen due to increased demands on humans, and even Charles Darwin (whose supporters we are not in general) linked the development of biological species with the successful overcoming of adverse environmental conditions.
  “War is the father of everything,” said Heraclitus. In this statement is one of the fundamental wisdom of mankind. War, conflict, tension between the poles supply us with vital energy, thus ensuring development and progress. Of course, such statements are very dangerous when wolves dress in sheepskins and use high words to satisfy their aggressiveness.
  We specifically compared the inflammatory process with the war, trying to emphasize the severity inherent in the subject. Maybe now you will not be indifferent to run your eyes over the lines, according to and lazily nodding his head. Today's European mentality dictates to us the rejection of any conflicts and the search for a compromise. At any level, we try to avoid friction and contradictions, not noticing how much this interferes with the conscious perception of anything. Under the conditions of the polar world, man cannot avoid conflicts. Such attempts lead to even more complex load shifts and transfer it to other levels. Infectious disease is the best example.
So inflammation is a conflict on the material level. Try not to make a mistake, considering that you have no "no conflicts." Inattention to them leads to the disease. To find out the essence of the conflict, you will need honesty to yourself, which is sometimes as unpleasant for the psyche as the infection is unpleasant for the body. Yes, conflicts are always painful, no matter what level they are experienced. There is nothing good in them, be it war, internal resistance or disease. But “good” and “bad” are not the arguments that can be taken seriously. Once we confess to ourselves that it is never possible to avoid anything, this question will not arise again.
  If you consider “psychic explosions” unacceptable for yourself, then you are doing everything possible to make such an explosion happen in your body (abscess). Is it possible that after this you will be worried about the question of what is better or more decent?
  Do the praiseworthy efforts of our time to avoid conflict at any level have fairness? Thinking over what was said in this chapter, you can see “successful interventions to protect against infectious diseases” in a new light. The fight against infections is the fight against conflicts on the material level. The name of the main "fighter" with them is an antibiotic. The word consists of two Latin roots: anti - "against" and bio - "life". So antibiotics are anti-life substances. This is true honesty!
  The statement about the dangers of antibiotics is true on two levels. If we remember that conflict is the engine of development, that is, life, it turns out that the suppression of conflict is an intervention in the dynamics of life itself.
  But antibiotics are also harmful from a medical point of view. Inflammation is a sharp, quick and urgent solution to a problem. During inflammation, toxins are eliminated from the body with pus.
This is a peculiar process of cleansing the body. If the process is interrupted by antibiotics, all harmful substances remain in the body (most often in the connective tissue). Under certain conditions, this can lead to cancers. There is a kind of “garbage bin effect”: from it you need to either throw garbage (infection) often, or collect waste for as long as the independent life originated in it begins to influence the whole house (cancer). Antibiotics are foreign substances that have not been developed by the body itself, so the disease can not achieve its true goal: to teach a person something.
  From this point of view, you can look at vaccinations. We know two main types of vaccinations - active and passive. With passive vaccination, protective substances are introduced that are produced by other organisms. These types of vaccinations are used if the disease has already begun (for example, vaccinations against tetanus). At the mental level, this vaccine corresponds to a ready-made solution to the problem, following the commandments, norms and regulations. A person uses other people's recipes, thus depriving himself of the opportunity to gain experience. There is nothing to say, a convenient way of "moving forward", in which a person remains standing still.
  With active vaccinations, attenuated pathogens are introduced into the human body, so that, based on this stimulus, the body can independently produce the necessary antibodies. This form includes all preventive vaccinations. At the mental level, this method corresponds to attempts to resolve some hypothetical conflicts (the analogy from military practice is “maneuvers”). This includes most forms of group psychotherapy. A person acquires experience in resolving conflicts in simple situations, studies strategies that will help him to more consciously approach the solution of serious problems.
  You should not treat these reflections as recipes. It's not about whether you need to be vaccinated and whether it is possible to take antibiotics. It really doesn't matter what you do. But only as long as you know what you are doing! We appeal to your consciousness and do not offer you ready-made commandments, sermons and prohibitions.
The question arises: to what extent can a physical disease replace the mental process? It is not easy to answer it, because the mental separation of the psyche and the body is only a theoretical auxiliary tool, but in reality the separation is never so unequivocal. Everything that happens in the body, we experience in our minds. Having hit the hammer on the finger, we say that the finger hurts. But the pain is in the mind, not in the finger.
  Since pain is a phenomenon related to consciousness, we can influence it: with the help of distracting activities, hypnosis, anesthesia, acupuncture. (If you think that this is not entirely true, then recall once again about phantom pains!) All our experience of physical illness and the suffering associated with it occurs exclusively in consciousness. The difference between "mental" and "somatic" is associated only with the projection plane. The one who is ill from love projects his sensations on something non-material (love), and the one who is ill with angina - on the throat. But he and the other can suffer only at the level of consciousness. Matter, including the body, serves as a projection plane, and not a place where any problems can be solved. The body is an ideal “collection of tasks and exercises,” but only consciousness can find solutions to it. Thus, the course of the course of a physical disease is a symbolic treatment of the problem, the results of which will be useful for consciousness. This is one of the reasons why the illness leads to development.
  A kind of rhythm arises between the physical and mental treatment of the problem. If the problem cannot be solved only at the level of consciousness, the body is used as a material aid, which represents the unsolved problem in a symbolic form. The resulting effect after suffering the disease gets into the psyche. But if the psyche, in spite of the experience gained, fails to grasp the essence of the problem, then it plunges again into matter in order to gain more practical experience. The change of levels will be repeated until the accumulated experience gives consciousness the opportunity to resolve the problem or conflict completely.
This process can be represented more clearly with the following example. The student must learn to count in the mind. We set this task before him. If he cannot count an example in his mind, give him a material object - abacus. He projects his task on the abacus and gets an opportunity to solve an example (also in his mind). Then we give him one more example, which he must solve without aids. If he fails again, he will get bills again. This will last until he learns to do without them and perform calculations in his mind. Agree, in this case, the transfer of the problem to the visible level at the right stage makes the learning process easier.
  Understanding the relationship between body and mind is extremely important. It is difficult to realize that the body is not at all the place where conflicts can be resolved. Official medicine does not agree with this. All with a passion are looking at what is happening in the body, and trying to cope with the disease on a somatic level. But at this level there is absolutely nothing to solve!
  Let us return to the oral account example. Agree that adults who, when a child has difficulties with examples, instead of helping him, would rush to clean and polish the mirror in full hope in the hope that he will finally be reflected there as a perfect clever man, would look ... least strange. It is time for us to stop looking for the causes of all the problems in the mirror. It should be used to know oneself. So,
  The one who is inclined to inflammatory processes, tries to avoid conflicts.
  When an infectious disease is worth asking yourself the following questions.
  1. What kind of conflict in my life I do not notice?
  2. What conflict am I trying to avoid?
  3. What conflict am I afraid to admit to myself?
  To find out what the conflict may be connected with, pay attention to the symbolism of the affected organ or part of the body.

Nossrat Pesheshkian  in his book "Psychosomatics and Positive Psychotherapy" writes about the possible psychosomatic and metaphysical causes of infections:
  Neurotics get respiratory tract infections 2–3 times more often and suffer from them longer than the general population on average.
  Fungal infections are good evidence of the weakness of the protective system of the organism. With them, a person must constantly worry about cleanliness. Some fungus ill patients are fanatical "fanatics of purity."

Sergey N. Lazarev in his books Diagnostics of Karma (Books 1-12) and Man of the Future writes that the main cause of absolutely all diseases, including eye diseases and vision problems, is deficiency, lack or even lack of love in the human soul . When a person puts something above the love of God (and God, as the Bible says, is Love), then instead of gaining divine love, he rushes towards something else. To what (erroneously) considers more important in life: money, fame, wealth, power, pleasure, sex, relationships, abilities, order, morality, knowledge, and many, many other material and spiritual values ​​... But this is not a goal, but only the means for acquiring divine (true) love, love for God, love as God has. And where there is no (true) love in the soul, as feedback from the Universe, diseases, problems and other troubles come. This is necessary so that a person thinks, realizes that he does not go there, thinks, speaks and does something wrong and began to correct himself, began on the right Path! There are many nuances of how the disease manifests itself in our body. You can learn more about this practical concept from books, seminars and video seminars by Sergei Nikolaevich Lazarev.

Searches and research of metaphysical (subtle, mental, emotional, psychosomatic, subconscious, deep) causes of problems and diseases of the liver continue. This material is continuously adjusted. We ask readers to write their comments and send additions to this article. To be continued!

Below are the individual metaphysical (hidden, deep, internal, subtle, spiritual, mental, emotional, psychological, psychosomatic, subconscious) causes and cores of such diseases and problems of metaphysics.

Let us consider in detail the signs of a love spell in the house. Insects appeared - with a detailed description of all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

Tantrum - the first symptom of damage

Symptoms that allow you to diagnose damage

Definition of symptoms by arm

  • the presence of insects in the house;
  • sound hallucinations;
  • claustrophobia and fear of people;

Recognizing such a person is easy. What are the signs of damage to the victim? She is distinguished by a confused or challenging gaze, loud speech, shocking behavior and the absence of logical actions. Such an individual even has an unusual appearance - a dark and gray face, in which there is no living heat.

Signs of spoiling solitude

Candlestick detection

  • shifting pupils;

Spoiling the family

Determination of spoiling by blindfolded meditation

  • baseless scandals;
  • nervous disorders;
  • constant lack of money;
  • treason;
  • divorce.

If a person is spoiled to death

How to know if the damage is done on death

Signs of death damage:

  • drug addiction or alcoholism;

Damage to the house

House after defaulting

Signs of damage to the house:

  • constant drowsiness;
  • the death of indoor plants;
  • bad dreams;
  • smell of rot and dampness;
  • no guests go to the house;

Removal of destructive energy

Signs of removing damage

Loneliness - a sign of damage

Rena 04/30/2014 14:51

"... When using black magic, only a specialist can help a spoiled person .." - I had all the signs of damage to loneliness, illness, quarrels and lack of money in the family, plus a love spell for my neighbor, which absolutely I wasn’t interested .. (I don’t know why I should do such things, if obviously my indifference to it is complete .. a love spell, by the way, didn’t work at all, but I had a long time feeling program of suspicious unusual thoughts about men in myself ). tried mom neighbor. I didn’t apply to fortunetellers and magicians on principle, the damage and love spell didn’t “throw off” things and didn’t send them back to the “owners” .. it was very bad and it lasted a very long time. at one time it was so bad that I thought it was the end. I did not have the strength to stand up in bed .. for about six months in a row I ordered “Sorokaust Zdorovie” for myself, a husband, a child, for a house and for those who brought this “good” to us. Immediately after the end of 40 days of the first service of Sorokausta, the next service must be ordered, and so three times, in three churches at the same time (if the damage is not grave ground), but so that the chimes of these churches do not overlap each other, i.e. for the churches to be far away from others. I still need to buy church candles in an amount equal to the number of people for whom Sorokaust is ordered, and every day during the service at home light one of the candles while reading the prayers, the candle must die to the end .. in general, do everything according to the rules .. I am writing to those who find themselves in such a situation is a difficult and difficult problem, but it can be solved if you apply MAXIMUM EFFORTS AND MAXIMUM OPEN HELP OVER. and do everything necessary that is recommended in these cases in religious practices. do not pay attention to those entities that will hold down actions and seek to paralyze the will .. they dwell inside the heart and it is very difficult to deal with it .. but you cannot despair, no matter how difficult it is. Negative faith should not be allowed. Negative thoughts should be monitored and one should analyze one’s condition. be watchful. only that can be healed. I speak from my own experience. I hope this advice will be useful.

The first signs of targeting damage to the family

Signs of spoiling solitude

Damage to death

The destructive programs of black magic aimed at what causes envy, is called damage. As a result of the blow of a sorcerer or witch, the energy integrity in the human aura is broken and the forces are sucked out. An imbalance of the body, a decrease in energy power and potential are clear signs of damage. A person must constantly study and comprehend what is happening with him. Any negative events that are difficult to explain, unpleasant and painful sensations, strange phenomena are all signs of the presence of negative programs.

Even the ancient philosophers noted that little things should be taken seriously and even the flap of a butterfly's wing can cause global cataclysms. You should never forget the words of the Savior, who warned his disciples: “I tell you, watch.” A vigilant attitude toward yourself and your loved ones will allow you to see signs of damage in time and take effective measures.

Possession of information about the threats of imposing destructive schemes will help determine the first signs of damage and promptly seek help from specialists.

Symptoms that allow you to diagnose damage

Anxiety should be shown if:

in case of a disease, the diagnosis and tests are interpreted in two ways, and the treatment is short-term or unhelpful;

a close person abruptly and without any reason changes his attitude without a clear explanation;

the appearance of insomnia and dreams with negative content;

mental instability arises; foreboding;

frequent failure of technical devices occurring at the most inappropriate time;

the strange behavior of domestic animals, which first give increased attention to the spoiled man, and then abruptly run away, hissing and whimpering.

loss of luck in all undertakings: problems at work, frequent thefts, financial difficulties;

the emergence of strange obsessions;

i do not like my image in the mirror;

there is a feeling of coldness in the stomach and heaviness in the chest;

there is a constant loss of a cross or the emergence of an irresistible desire to get rid of it;

depression, lack of energy and unwillingness to live;

the pursuit of unpleasant odors that have no objective explanation;

appearance of needles, water, hair, nails, pins, sand, knotted ropes on the threshold or in the house.

An unbiased assessment of the behavior of others is the key to correctly diagnosing the presence of destructive tendencies in relationships, in careers and in health. A attentive person is able to independently identify signs of damage to a person. These include:

the appearance of age spots on the face of a healthy person;

unexplained infertility in a woman;

lack of menstruation or a violation of the cycle of discharge;

sharp deviation of weight from the normal value;

the presence of insects in the house;

feeling unwell in the temple, intolerance to incense, and yawning arises when reading a prayer;

claustrophobia and fear of people;

painful response to ordinary words.

Recognizing such a person is easy. What are the signs of damage to the victim? She is distinguished by a confused or challenging gaze, loud speech, shocking behavior and the absence of logical actions. Such an individual even has an unusual appearance - a dark and gray face, in which there is no living heat.

Warlocks have many programs to make a person miserable, and one of them is spoiling for loneliness. It is suggested out of envy or to eliminate a rival. For this purpose, needles, church candles, crosses and curses thrown after them are used. Unfortunately, even close and loving people can provoke such a negative program, repeating to their son or daughter that “no one person can endure your character”.

Signs of spoiling solitude

lack of attention from the male sex;

relations with a member of the opposite sex do not reach the wedding;

the girl feels a constant breakdown, drowsiness, apathy, often sick.

This kind of impact can neutralize the mother of the girl by visiting the temple with a sincere prayer or in some cases the girl herself can help herself. When using black magic, only a specialist can help a spoiled person.

Weddings, family holidays and mass events are often the object of special attention of ill-wishers, who through food and alcohol cause damage to family relationships.

Signs of spoilage to the family indicate external interference:

intolerance of each other, irritability, suspiciousness;

constant lack of money;

A negative energy impact can erect an insurmountable wall, and embroil spouses, children, friends, parents and all relatives. If the spouses do not hear each other and are constantly alienating themselves, becoming completely strangers, then this can be regarded as signs of damage to the relationship. This kind of impact breaks the connection not only between lovers, but also between colleagues and friends. Damage is fraught with constant scandals and serious problems in all spheres of life. If the spell is directed to parting, then it will occur, and if the relationship is broken, then people, being close, will be able to reach an understanding.

If a person is spoiled to death

An important factor in any impact is the age of energy impact. The older she is, the harder the consequences.

Signs of death damage:

general breakdown, diseases of the organs, poor health;

complete impotence of official medicine;

lack of resistance from a spoiled person to change the situation;

drug addiction or alcoholism;

inadequate perception of the severity of their condition.

Charred matches placed in a saline solution may help to diagnose. If they fall to the bottom, it means that you need to urgently remove a fake.

Sorcerers know a large number of magical manipulations, among which is damage to the house. There are a number of observations indicating the effect of negative factors.

Signs of damage to the house:

the death of indoor plants;

nervous behavior of animals that crap in the wrong places;

frequent drinking in the house of alcoholic beverages;

smell of rot and dampness;

the constant appearance of hard-to-expel insects and mice;

spontaneous knocking and creaking floorboards;

problems with residents of the house with work and money;

the appearance of drawings on the furniture or on the walls;

no guests go to the house;

salt in a skillet on fire cracks and shoots;

the appearance of intractable diseases such as cancer, diabetes, etc.

Only a specialist is able to understand the situation. It is possible that a suicide settled in this apartment, or a building was erected at the burial site. Maybe one of the residents brought damage to the shoes from the cemetery or the object stands on the site of the energy fault. The negative is transmitted through antique or other people's things, gifts, flowers brought from the cemetery. In any case, only a professional can cope with the scourge.

Removal of destructive energy

When energy-informational aggression is destroyed, symptoms also appear that indicate changes in the biofield.

yawning, which can occur during cleaning procedures, spontaneously or in places of power. Yawning speaks of the beginning of the process of purification;

rolling out tears, after which the soul becomes happier;

laying nose, but not from a cold. Through detrusion destructive energy is derived;

feeling of frost coming out of the body.

Before leaving, the damage weakens the person and aggravates the problems created by it. It is possible exacerbation of chronic diseases, gastrointestinal disorders, fever, nightmares, complications in relations with close people. This is because the release of the negative is accompanied by a waste of energy. To recuperate should be a good rest and sleep off. Holy water, forgiveness received from offended people and services ordered in the church will help to get rid of the damage.


This section contains articles about Magic. After reading which, you will understand a lot about the world of Magic, its laws and actions.

These articles will contain information about magical techniques, rituals and rituals, such as: lapel, love spell, damage, evil eye, curse.

All about love magic, different types of love spells: love spell, black love spell, love spell on voodoo, invoiced love spell, kabbalistic love spell, love spell black wedding, sexual spell, sexual tie, sexual binding, love spell egilet, love spell on chakras, same-sex love spell, etc. d.

All about the magical technique of a cuff, cuff of a mistress, cuff of a rival, cuff of a man from his wife, cuff of his wife, razorka between a husband and wife, cuff of love, black cuff, strong cuff, voodoo cuff, etc.

Also, issues related to a negative program are damage. About that, remove damage, a story about what types of damage exist. Damage to health, damage to relationships, damage to death, damage to marriage, damage to bed, damage to success, damage on business, damage to luck, damage to infertility, etc.

Signs of damage induced by a person.

* insects suddenly appear in your house: ants, cockroaches, and the neighbors have no such troubles;

* pigment spots appeared on your face, a zone of special attention - the area around the eyes;

* with absolutely normal tests, you can not get pregnant;

* you are a pretty young girl, and menstruation comes with a delay and irregularly, or is completely absent;

* you see that you either lose weight sharply or get fat;

* the girl has a young man and even perhaps not one, but you cannot create a serious relationship and get married;

* you get sick, undergo a long treatment, the diagnoses change, and you understand that there is no effect from the treatment;

* you can not enter the temple, you feel sick, you feel bad;

* in case you are baptized, the pectoral cross is constantly lost, you want to take it off, or it turns black, tarnishes (even gold);

* you have fatigue, frequent depressions, you are often sad, you have a tearful mood. Often there are unjustified tantrums, mood swings, often for the worse;

* after a long period of time, you notice that you totally and completely will bring;

* in a dream you begin to see spirits, dead people, dreams are realistic scary;

* cats hiss at you, animals just shy away from you;

These signs of damage, allow you to determine damage yourself. The real magician will see damage without signs.


Today, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will tell you what are the real signs of a love spell in men, and what are its consequences. Ponder this issue. Are the stories about when a person is brainwashed, and when the witchcraft begins to work in full force, the victim of the black love spell is not just at the mercy of a powerful magician, but in absolute dependence?

Is it possible. They achieve this by complex work, in black ways to charm a guy for slavery. These are rude effects, and even if the workplace is impenetrable, the signs and effects of a black love spell on a guy's love are such that it is almost impossible to hide the fact of witchcraft; besides, the man whose will is broken always draws on alcohol.

The first signs of a love spell in men and the timing of reactions to a love spell

A man in respect of whom a home love spell is made for love or work is being done on the suppression of the will and zombies, stops communicating with friends, parents, and colleagues leaves the circle in which he habitually existed for many years. He does not always understand what he is doing, the motives of his actions are not always clear to him.

Charm submits to the magician or the woman who is the customer of a love spell for a guy. The magical effect has symptoms that are similar in men and women. And the key feature of a real love spell is the stifling dependence on another person.

I will note that the reliable signs of love spell in women, especially if a really strong ritual of strong influence is done, is identical to the male manifestations and in most cases emotionally experienced by the girl more acutely and painfully. Alcohol and psychotropic substances that cause changes in the state of consciousness, may also be present, it can destroy the life of the victim of a home spell taken from the photo.

As well as creating something new - relationships, feelings, involvement with another person, the willingness to do something not only for oneself. And exactly how love magic will affect a person depends on the situation and the magical rites on the lover that have been applied. If there are signs of a love spell on yourself, or on a close person, it's time to think about how you can remove the magical effect on your own.

Of course, for a single lunar cycle, a couple of white lovers' beloved boyfriends cannot achieve an amazing result, do not change an adult so radically. But, nevertheless ... Many people are interested in very strong ways to bewitch the love of a man, the specific terms of their impact, and also what exactly happens to the victim who is under a tough love spell? And what's going on with a woman when a love spell begins to act.

What are the signs and consequences of a love spell in women?

The woman first of all manifests emotional instability, while the man either goes into depression, and in this state can stay for a rather long time, or becomes aggressive. And in this state, the man is also constant.

Regarding the timing manifestations of effective love spell  - the most controversial issue. It is like thin ice - fragile and always fails. In terms of no one will tell you specifically, for the reason that they are all different. Strong ways to charm a loved one - even though white, even black, work on an increasing basis.

If a person spell what will be the signs?

If you are observant, then it is not difficult to recognize the signs of a husband's love spell, or at least to assume that your spouse was bewitched by another woman. A sharp change in the behavior of your beloved husband, the subsequent gradual aggravation of the course of action and negative attitude towards you should lead you to the thought of someone else's witchcraft. To clarify the situation and finally understand what's going on, diagnostics will help.

Reliable signs of a white love spell for a guy or a married man are always followed in strict conspiracy. As well as black book exposure. Read the conspiracies carefully, and you will understand what exactly will happen to your loved one -

  • does he make a strong love for you
  • or will suffer and yearn,
  • will he passionately desire you
  • or your magic will become the source of his love and inspiration.

Effective love spells are used not only in the love sphere, but also in business.

A complex may be the most unexpected. Set a task, and choose magic rites for solving it. If you are looking for a miracle ritual that will solve all your problems in one fell swoop, then in vain. Magic is labor, and all its rituals are for smart people.

Together with the rites of slavery, you can make a good rite with the network. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom told about it earlier in the materials. With the help of this rite, you will throw a net over a man, and you will drag him to yourself. The rite is suitable for the impact on the woman. There are such holistic personalities among girls, who not everyone can master who practices love magic. Although, of course, there are ways, and the girl will have the same signs of a house love photo as the man.

In order to bind a man to himself, they often do it on other women. So do friends and legal wives, and cunning mistresses. A man feels discomfort from this, but realizing that in bed he can only be with one woman, he goes to her. If a man is completely restless, and he pulls him to walk with others, he can close the roads. If a family, you can get out of the house, make a betting on bread and sand. Lying down these magical ways to charm a guy tightly. And if the men are not sorry, but it is necessary to go to you, you can let the disease through the aspen stake and dirty water. Most importantly, before you do something, you need to understand exactly what you want - to stay with a man and enjoy his love or revenge. From this and work will depend.

Signs that a love spell at a distance worked

It is believed that menstruation is done by every woman as a witch, and rituals on the blood zombie a beloved man. I do not agree with this. Opoy on the blood quickly begin to act, the signs of an independent love spell appear quickly, but with the same rapid acceleration, the impact is fading away.

Each witchcraft has its own side effects. Magic allows you to solve personal problems, but you must always remember that negligence leads to trouble. Such actions do not lead to anything good, when a person overestimates his abilities, or takes on the role of the arbiter of destinies, who punishes whom he wants, mercy.

Any person resists the effects of a love spell. Depressive conditions of the victim, or vice versa - furious drops in the direction of the one who initiated the home love spell, can be regarded as signs that the love spell at a distance acted.

What are the first signs of a strong love spell for her husband and how to remove it

There are special methods of suppression and coercion, the rigid enslavement of the victim of a strong love spell. Such rites are not for independent use. Although an independent love spell from a photo of a guy can work quite well, and signs of the fact that magic works can be seen during the same lunar cycle.

I, the magician Sergey Artgrom just want to say that for any love spell on love men  fertile soil is desirable. And you need to understand that the same impact will work differently on different people. Obviously, the ritual of loyalty in relation to the average man - timid, with cockroaches in his head or family with principles, does not work like a man with many mistresses, with a tight schedule of meetings and diversity in terms of sex. Yes, the results will be different.

I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will note that it is not at all easy to cope with a man who has a strong will, grew up in a family where decisions were made by a man, lived to mature years, not obeying women. But "not easy" does not mean "impossible."

Having at the disposal of a photo of the victim of a proven love spell, his personal belongings, hair, blood or other male biomaterial, you can use all this wealth with maximum efficiency. If black love spells for slavery are made, the man can simply suddenly leave the family.

Here you have the answer about what the first signs of a strong love spell for her husband.

The magical work of self-targeting black love spell is always done secretly, and if the wife is not observant, is indifferent, if from the husband she needs only the stability that he provides for her, then at one fine moment she can lose her husband, and with it a comfortable existence.

However, if the wife is on guard of the family hearth, then she will certainly notice the sure signs of a love spell by another woman. So do competitors who want to take a married man from a family for themselves - they will certainly feel if their wife is using magic.

It is believed that the bewitched married man is inferior, I do not agree. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, I will say so the proven love spell ritual does not look exactly like submission, does not break a man and does not affect him negatively. True, in the event that a beloved man is not involved in the millstones of the magical war of two women. And sometimes a girl doesn’t need a full-fledged man in every sense, but she needs a limp zombie object. Different goals - different means of achievement. Now is the time to talk about getting rid of witchcraft: there are signs of a love spell for a man, how can you remove the induced negative?

How to remove a spell from a man if his presence is indicated by signs

If there are strong signs of a love spell in a man, it is important to know how to help a person, how to remove a magic negative. Rites to get rid of witchcraft are many, and here is one of them. The method of removing the love spell from your favorite guy at home is simple, you can use it yourself.

A man-made love spell from a man can be removed with a crossbar on an egg (rustic chicken, fresh). Rolling out, as it is done with portions on a person. The moon is waning, roll the egg over the body of the one you are cleaning, with a conspiracy. Then burn the egg.

It is better, of course, if, having noticed the real signs of a love spell in a man with whom you are in a relationship or in marriage, you will not wait for its consequences, but persuade the bewitched to give you the opportunity to deliver him from witchcraft. If this is not possible, you can clean the photo. Also on the photo, you can localize the signs of a girl's home love spell. Shift to do, observing male and female days.

In no case do not burn the egg, which absorbed a magical negative, where you live. Do not throw in the stove, do not burn in the pan, do not break! Carefully tie a chicken egg in a flax flap, carry it away from the house, where you will no longer walk, somewhere in the open place you can make a fire and burn the egg, but you cannot get smoke. It is better not to stay around the campfire at all, but to leave immediately, without looking around. In other cases, items that have taken on the negative are buried under a dry tree or in a grave.

November 4th, 2015

What may be the mortality of pets? Why do animals get sick? Information is given on the example of horses, but applies to all earthly life forms. Squeeze sessions of the new hypnologist

Session with a lover of horses. The main question in the causes of disease in horses and their treatment.

Cleaning the stables. We go to the stable. There are a lot of things. Darkness in the corners, which cannot be illuminated with rays. On the walls, ceiling, floor climb various creatures, sit in the corners. No larger than a dog, but many of them. If the light falls on them, then they cringe, they are unpleasant. We offer them to go along the ray to the creator. Organized, not pushing, leave. Dirt and debris sent to the portal. It became noticeably lighter. Take a break.

After the break we look at the horses.

Q: What is visible?

A: Summer. Country house or rather building. Fenced with a low fence with boards pointed at the top. I see myself. I have blue shorts, a white T-shirt, a panama shirt. This house stands apart from the village on a hill. It is a stable, even more likely a stable. It looks good outside, but inside it is dirt. There are no animals.

We look at the stable of sick horses. For some reason, only one horse glows. We decided to watch her first. On the surface of the body of the animal are pulsating waves of white light. These waves pass through the channels, which are visible as interlacing hoses with a diameter of several centimeters. We look at problem areas and fill it with light. Some extraneous images are constantly layered, which prevents the operator from focusing on the treatment. One of them is a type of an unknown horse, a light suit. We finish the treatment. The animal also glows, but the source of this light is on the ceiling. We shine beams on a ceiling, there a portal. So we go there way ...

We fly into the portal. It's dark there, but the light from the operator illuminates everything well. This is the attic of a village house. Characteristic smell, cobwebs and dim light in the dormer window. We fly out into this window and see the village stable from the beginning of the session.

Shift into more busy time. A peasant in a cap (perhaps a groom) leads a heavy-weight horse, a fair-haired gelding. This is the horse whose image we have just seen. It looks like a collective farm in the postwar period. Information begins to come in that a conversation is taking place with this groom, that the horse is sick and cannot work. The problem with the legs. It is necessary to change something. But the horse is absolutely healthy, walks not limping. Further we see how this gelding pulls a heavily loaded cart along a broken road. It is clearly visible how all the muscles and joints work.

They replayed the situation, returning to the conversation with the groom and telling him that the horse was healthy.

We return to the real stable, see what has changed. Everything is in order, but in the same stall we see a stallion that had died several days ago. We send it to the Creator for further development. With him at least one more dead horse flies away.

Following. Red stallion. Around him is a black ring. We look as it appeared. The owner rides his stallion on the parade ground on the cord. The horse is strong, the young one behaves inadequately, resists. The owner is afraid of him, projecting his fear on the animal, which becomes even more aggressive and dangerous. It turns out a vicious circle, the way out of which seems sad for an animal. We see a black blanket, remove it. The horse begins to behave adequately.

Continuation of the last show about horses. He also spent three sessions with a lover of horses (LL). Here is a brief report.

At the last session with LL, we found out the cause of the death of four horses in a row at the same stable. It turned out to be a familiar black veil on a red stallion. After removing the blanket, the horse lived for no more than two hours. It was the third fallen horse. The fourth fell three days later.
The keeper said that the coverlet from the owner and that it was removed too late. About the fourth said that she was left alone and failed.

For more than three months the stable is empty. They were afraid to put the horses there, and to have a session about this, too. Only the other day the Guardian with LL cleaned the entire room and put the protection.

Session one month ago. We decided to treat a horse that has been sick for a long time. The situation was getting worse, traditional treatment did not help.

The main problem was that the horse was in another city and LL never saw it, as well as its owner. At the same time, in the future, a trip to this city, to this stable was planned.

I had to go to the future to get acquainted with the horse and its owner. Then in the present, to find the cause of the disease and to remove it. This reason was visible as a shiny medallion around the neck of the animal. Then went to the past, when this locket appeared.

We see a humanoid creature, small in stature, with thin, white hands. He said that he looped the energy (most likely closed it on himself) and that the horse is an energy-intensive creature and it suffices.
We return the collected energy, remove the medallion, give it to this vampire and send it along the ray to the Creator, for further development. The horse begins to glow.
Call the keeper of the horse. A creature similar to the owner appears.

Q: Did we do the right thing?
Oh yeah
Q: Why couldn’t he do it himself?
A: I was afraid of this creature. It is stronger than him.
Q: Is he the keeper of this horse only?
Oh yeah.
Q: Does every horse have a keeper?
Oh no.
Q: Will this horse be all right now?
Oh yeah.

As it turned out later, the horse's temperature sharply rose during the session and she began to eat.
After a couple of weeks I was completely healthy.

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