Goji berries are a unique combination of vitamins and trace elements necessary for the human body. They not only effectively burn excess weight and contribute to the natural process of losing weight, but also strengthen the immune system. In addition, Goji is a powerful antioxidant and increases stress resistance. The only significant drawback - dried Goji berries almost completely lose their useful properties, so it is advisable to grow a plant at home.

  General information about Goji berries

Even the ancient Indians of South America discovered the beneficial properties of the plants of the Bean family. Most of them contain in addition to useful, toxic substances. This is explained as a natural way of protection. Unprepared European colonizers, and in the wake of them, and scientists, ranked all the nightshade to poisonous plants. The same trend was observed in other regions of the world. In our latitudes, most solanaceous trees are called “wolfberry”, and, as is well known, the plant is attributed to high toxicity, dangerous to human life.

However, not all Solanaceae are poisonous. Dereza vulgaris, or Goji berries, is a prime example. The plant grows in natural conditions in the northern part of the United States and Canada. He has practically no natural enemies, so the concentration of atropines and other toxins is not dangerous for humans. On the other hand, Goji juice contains a rare composition of trace elements and chemical compounds that have a beneficial effect on human health.

  Goji berries than useful

Information about the properties of Goji is quite a lot, so consider the possibilities of this plant in terms of its chemical composition. To do this, select:

  • vitamin complex
  • complex of microelements,
  • general biological components.

Goji berries contain:

  • vitamin C,
  • thiamine
  • riboflavin,
  • beta carotene
  • zeaxanthin

Ascorbic acid or vitamin C is needed to maintain the immune system, it takes an active part in the production of many enzymes and is especially useful for men. Increases potency, is used to treat male infertility.

Thiamine and riboflavin are involved in the formation of amino acids and the processing of adipose tissue. These vitamins activate the process of losing weight. At the same time, the metabolism is normalized and there is no need to diet.

Beta carotene and zeaxanthin belong to the group of carotenes. These substances are involved in the process of creating a neural connection between individual organs, as well as the production of certain hormones. It has been scientifically proven that beta-carotene, or vitamin A, has a positive effect on the work of the visual system and helps its recovery after surgery or monotonous work at the computer.

Goji berries are rich in:

  • zinc
  • iron
  • chrome
  • magnesium,
  • selenium,
  • calcium,
  • phosphorus.

All these trace elements are involved in the most important life processes of the body, ranging from the production of hemoglobin, and up to counteracting cancer tumors. It should be noted that this composition contains exclusively Goji berries.

Biologically speaking, hyoscyamine is of particular importance. This substance has a sedative effect, while not addictive and does not affect the work of other organs, except the nervous system.

  Goji berry effect

The combination of the chemical elements of the plant ensured its popularity and active distribution as a "panacea for all diseases." The instruction of the Goji berry, which is often not even attached to the product, contains abrupt recommendations for use and says almost nothing about contraindications. Therefore, it makes sense to consider this issue in detail. Otherwise, the desired effect will not be achieved.

  • The main purpose of Goji berries - the fight against excess weight. Advertising companies of various distributors say that you need to eat 4-5 berries 2-3 times a day. In fact, it is not. I years are made up of pulp and juice. There are practically no vitamins in the pulp, therefore it is important to drink juice. Although the complex of trace elements and vitamins is rich, their content is negligible. For comparison, in one apple 13 times more iron than in ten Goji berries. The situation is similar with other components. To solve this problem is quite simple. The effective dose of beneficial substances is contained in 200 ml of juice. It is better to divide it in half and drink one glass in the morning and evening. This will allow the body to evenly absorb vitamins and minerals. The specified dosage allows you to achieve all of the following effects.
  • Another property of the berries - resistance to stress and increase mood. Active substances slow down the nervous system, as a result, a person is distracted from his thoughts and begins to pay attention to what is happening around him.
  • Improve immunity. Firstly, the process of leukocyte production is normalized, secondly, the formation of antibodies of viruses is accelerated. As a result, the person recovers faster and is protected from the transferred strain for the future.
  • Passive lifestyle reduces potency and libido. Goji berries contribute to their recovery.
  • Like all solanaceae, the berries contain tannins that slow down the aging process of the skin. It is important to use cream and make masks, otherwise the skin, although it will become elastic, will acquire unpleasant stiffness.
  • Normalization of metabolism increases vitality. There is energy and desire, and most importantly forces, to move towards your goals.
  • Extend life. All of the above indicates that Goji has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and internal organs, therefore, they will wear less.
  • Thus, the use of berries is justified, but to achieve the necessary proportions you need your own shrub.

  Goji berries: buy seedlings or seeds

Sow or plant? The phrase from the anecdote, although it acquired a different shade, still remains relevant. Before answering this question, it is necessary to determine the size of the sown area. If we are talking about one two bushes that can meet the needs of one person, then it is easier to use Goji berry seedlings. But when it is necessary to create a small grove or hedge, it is important to use seeds.

The cost of one package ranges from 60 p. With proper care, it will be enough to germinate 6-8 bushes. On the other hand, buying seeds cannot be completely sure that you are acquiring a high-quality culture. Therefore, it is more correct to assemble them yourself. To do this, order fresh goji berries, the seeds of which are extracted for later planting. Goji seed is very small and does not lag well behind the pulp. In order not to damage the berries, they are steamed in warm water for 2-4 hours, after which they gently knead and take out the core.

If we talk about goji seedlings, one germinated bush will cost 350-400 p. But he is guaranteed to take root. Woodcut multiplies by cutting. Therefore, a year after disembarkation, there will be enough shoots to reproduce the shrub. In addition, it is immediately clear what you are buying. Another plus is that it is not necessary to wait until the seeds germinate and create special climatic conditions.

In order to avoid mistakes, it is worth saying what Goji berries and young bushes look like. The berry itself resembles a small red olive. Its surface can be smooth - this means that it is fully ripe, or covered with small hairs. Goji bush consists of a base and several small processes with elongated, narrow, thick leaves of dark green color. The surface of the leaf is sometimes covered with oily secretions - this indicates that the proposed variety of Dereza contains a large percentage of alkaloids and is harmful to humans.

  How to grow seeds of berries Goji

The process is conventionally divided into three stages:

  • germination,
  • landing,
  • care.

Like any other culture, Goji is germinated as follows:

  • select the seed menu,
  • put them on a thick damp cloth or thin, but folded in half,
  • tie in a knot,
  • put in a warm place, but without direct sunlight,
  • leave for one day.

After that, check the seeds, if they are soft or have already begun to burst, then they are ready for planting. In the opposite case, they should be left for another day.

For planting pre-cook pot. A simple cardboard box from home appliances will also do. Correctly pick up the ground. Goji loves a slightly alkaline soil. Adult bushes grow everywhere, but the seeds should be planted in suitable soil. Otherwise, germination will be miserable. Since seed germination is about 20%, at least 10 seeds are placed in one pot. If the landing is made in a large box, then use the entire stock at once. Soil loosened, poured the seeds and watered. At the first stage, no fertilizer is needed.

Sprouts will start to make the way in 2-3 weeks. If by this time they are not yet, then wait another week. If a month later nothing appeared on the surface, then the seeds are gone. There are several reasons:

  • excessive watering, it is enough to water every 3-4 days,
  • high acidity of the soil, pH is recommended at the level of 8-8.5
  • draft, the room with saplings does not need to be ventilated, there must be natural ventilation,
  • temperature changes,
  • high humidity

As soon as the shoots seem on the surface, count them and prepare a separate pot for each. Before diving, you should wait at least two weeks, during which time the initial root system is formed. If you skip the picking, the roots of the seedlings intertwine and the plants can no longer be seated without damaging. During this period, watering is carried out every 2-3 days.

For individual bushes, take a pot of 30-40 cm in height and a diameter of at least 10 cm. Five-liter cut plastic bottles will do. In them, the bushes will grow for about a month, or a little more, depending on the weather. Seated Dereza is already weather resistant, and the only thing that should be avoided is cold. Young plants do not tolerate temperatures below 100 C. Considering all the above, it is easy to calculate that seeds should begin germinating two months before planting, which is carried out in April, or when the temperature at night does not fall below 50 C.

  How to plant and care for a bush of Goji berries

And in the case of seeds, and if a germinated shrub was immediately bought, the final part of the work comes down to planting in open ground. In order for the plant to stick, you must follow a few rules:

  • dig up the area under the shrub to a depth of 20 cm,
  • remove stones, weed roots and other debris,
  • make chalking,
  • fill the area with water so that the soil no longer absorbs moisture,
  • wait until the earth dries out a little.

These actions will allow you to create a layer of not too loose soil, in which the roots will quickly take root and find all the elements necessary for growth.

The landing itself looks like this:

  • on the dried-up area a hole 15-20 cm deep is dug out,
  • 1 liter of water is poured into the bottom
  • a bush is inserted into the hole and covered with earth until it locks in,
  • plant level and continue to sprinkle with soil,
  • above the surface should remain at least 5 cm, to the first lateral processes,
  • the ground around the bush tamped and make the hole.

If the pit was too deep, the bush is raised, otherwise the base will start to rot. In a year, the lower lateral processes will be at ground level. They are further used for propagation by cutting.

Like most shrubs, Goji is not at all whimsical. However, the first year you need to follow him. Otherwise, firstly, there will be a low yield, and secondly, the bush will not gain enough strength for wintering. Care is reduced to the following rules:

  • water once every two days,
  • weekly remove weeds from the hole,
  • do not plant other plants within a radius of 40 cm from the bush, but rather make a radius of one meter, since in the future the bush will grow and you will need free access,
  • plant a plant on a site where the shade is no more than 40%,
  • once a month to conduct liming for acid soils, and once every three months for neutral,
  • once a month to fertilize with humus, avoiding synthetic analogues.

With such intensive care, shrubs will be strong enough by October to endure winter. As a rule, Goji bears fruit in the second year. If the third year of the fruit did not appear, then the plant must be transplanted. After the first wintering, Dereza no longer needs specific care, the main thing is to periodically water it and fertilize it at least once a season.

Goji berries (lycium barbarum) have many other names, among them Goji Shambhala, Lycium, Chinese Dereza. You can find the name of the Tibetan barberry.

Please note that goji and barberry are different plants. In our country, the mysterious fruit called wolf berry.

Many attribute the fruits unique properties that it has on the body, someone uses a berry to lose weight.

Let's take a closer look at goji berries, planting and care in the open field.

Thus, knowing all the details of the plant, you can grow a wench in the garden.

Goji (from the Chinese Goji - Dereza) has spawned many legends about monks who have lived surprisingly long lives. Come from the Tibetan Plateau berries. However, it can be found also in the Kuban, the Caucasus, in central Russia.

Dereza belongs to the family Solanaceae. Goji is essentially a deciduous shrub. It can grow to a height of 3 m.

The branches of wolfberry are prickly, drooping, have small size leaves. Crohn can grow with a diameter of up to 5-6 m. The roots of the plant is very strong, powerful, has a large number of processes.

Berries wolfberry Chinese oblong shape, can reach a length of 2 cm. Their color is orange, bright red or yellow in some varieties. The leaves are green. Shrub dereza blooms from June to October.

Shrub exudes a pleasant aroma, flowers are pink, purple or purple. The plant will be able to decorate any area, as it looks very beautiful.

Fruiting, as a rule, begins only 3 years after landing on a permanent place. There are cases when the fruits are formed somewhat earlier.

Goji berries, varieties with frost resistance, can be grown in regions where the temperature drops to -25 ° C.

Goji New Big  - the variety was bred by breeders from Poland.

It is ideal for growing in urban environments. Dereza well tolerates the smoke of the city.

Fruits Licium new big oblong, pleasant taste, sweetish.

The shrub also tolerates drought, wind.

Goji tree grows up to 3.5 m.

The variety is different in that it can be grown by tying it to a support or let it run like a liana. The shrub grows very quickly, it can add up to 1 m per season.

Fruiting can begin in the first year of cultivation. Easily tolerates cold winters, even 30 degrees of frost.

New Big - unpretentious plant. It is spread on the slopes of the mountains, nobody cares for him there.

Thus, the variety is suitable for cultivation in central Russia, it is very unpretentious;

Goji Lhasa (Lhasa) - Dereza begins to bear fruit 3-4 years after planting.

The variety was bred in China.

Shrub grows up to 3 m in height.

During flowering, you can see purple inflorescences.

Also, the plant has arched branches and small spines on them.

The variety is early ripe, the berries are oblong.

They are slightly larger than other varieties. Berries are tasty with sweet and sour pulp, which is a little bitter.

Advantages of goji lhasa in early ripeness and frost resistance. Red fruits are stored on the branches until frost;

Chinese goji is a high-yielding mid-season variety.

Shrub with semi-lipped branches.

It grows up to 2 m.

It is resistant to pests and many diseases.

It is also considered to be frost resistant and bears fruit in virtually any growing conditions.

Goji Superfruit - variety suitable for cultivation in our country.

His homeland is Tibet and the Himalayas.

2-3 meter bush likes sunny places.

In the third year begins fruiting. The berries are red or pink.

Planting seedlings

Planting goji in the spring is possible when there are grown seedlings of Chinese goji berries.

Planting material is acquired from the hands or in specialized stores.

Before disembarking you need to prepare a place on the site. First, dig a hole with dimensions of 40x50 cm.

Drainage is poured at the bottom, it is advisable to use the material of a large fraction.

In each hole poured humus, wood ash, superphosphate. Next, place a sapling there and sprinkle it with earth on top.

Be sure to water the plant. The surface of the soil is mulched. For this perfect peat or humus.

Goji berry, planting, care in the suburbs for which it is not difficult, you can grow without much effort.

The shrub perfectly adapts, is drought-resistant, is not afraid of frost.

When planting in open ground, it is important to observe the distance between individual specimens - it must be at least 200 cm, as the shrub grows in height and width.

Choosing a place on the site for growing goji

The soil for a goji shrub should be slightly acidic, but in principle, any will do, as the shrub grows well everywhere.

Place you need to choose one that is well lit. The wormwood berry does not tolerate stagnant water; this should be taken into account when choosing a site.

Planting in the fall is rare, so the best time is spring.

How to choose seedlings when buying

When buying seedlings you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Verified sellers  - it is necessary to acquire seedlings from them, since the future growth, development and yield of the shrub directly depends on the quality of the planting material. It is recommended to give preference to saplings from nurseries.
  2. The presence of tags - it must contain the name of the variety. Ensure that it is suitable for growing on the site.
  3. Leaves and roots - it is better to give preference to seedlings without leaves. Roots must be in good condition, not damaged or dry. You need to buy a sapling with a small lump of earth.
  4. No pests  - Be sure to carefully inspect the plant. Any signs of the presence of pests or diseases should cause the refusal to purchase low-quality seedlings.

The choice of plants plays a huge role. Only by acquiring a quality shrub without pests and diseases, one can hope to get a rich harvest for several years.

Seed propagation method

Subject to the cultivation of goji seeds, the shrub will begin to bear fruit for about 3-4 years. Goji berry seeds are harvested from dried berries.

To make them easier to remove and not damage, first, the dried fruit is placed in water. There they should lie down for a while.

When they are soft, it will be easy to get the seeds.

To speed up germination, seed can be soaked using a growth stimulator.

Take the seeds and gently laid out on the bottom of the furrows. Slightly sprinkled on top of the earth, covered with glass or film.

For germination maintain the temperature of 20-25 ° C.

Saplings dive at the stage of formation of 3-4 true leaves.

Plants are carefully removed from previous containers.

It is better to replant in separate containers with a small clod of earth.


Growing by grafting allows you to get a harvest much earlier than from receiving goji berries from seeds.

Cuttings can be as follows:

  1. This method will require a bush over 3 years old. On it choose strong branches.
  2. They are bent to the ground.
  3. Further, before the onset of cold weather, the cuttings are cut into 10-20 cm long.
  4. After that, they are planted in a greenhouse, and a warmed balcony is also suitable for breeding goji by cuttings.

Agrotechnika care in the open field

The plant Dereza ordinary is thermophilic, it does not tolerate excessive soil moisture.

Goji agrotechnology is not difficult. Shrubs need to be watered, loosen the soil, feed fertilizers.

Watering and fertilizing

When growing a goji bush, special attention should be paid to the first 2 years. Watering plays a big role. It is important not to flood the plant, but to prevent the soil from drying out.

Watering should be regular, abundant. In this case, you need to focus on weather conditions.

Note!  Excessive moisture can cause the death of the roots. To prevent this problem, the tree trunk circle is covered with a film for the duration of prolonged rains and cold weather. As a rule, for the first year the Tibetan barberry is watered 2 times in 7 days. Grown plant can be watered less frequently, about 1 time per week.

Fertilization is required only for young plants. Superphosphate or humus will be an excellent feeding.

Dereza is an extremely unpretentious plant, therefore it grows well on poor soils.

Pruning goji and shelter for the winter

Goji shrub pruning required regularly. The first few years choose the strongest and strongest branches.

They should be from 3 to 6 pieces. They will serve as the basis, the rest will be cut off.

On a note! Berries are eaten only dried. It is not recommended to collect them with bare hands, as the juice can cause irritation of the skin. Usually spread out the fabric under the plant and collect fruit from under the bushes. Also, not everyone knows how to store goji berries, so that they acquire medicinal properties. Gather ripe fruit - they are red. Unripe can easily be poisoned. They are dried, separated from the stalk. Determine the "readiness" can be on the skin, which begins to peel.

Pruning goji in the spring is also carried out in the case of growing barbarum for decorative purposes.

To do this, leave one main trunk and try to form a tree.

Before the onset of cold weather plant spud. Also mulch. The branches of the plant covered with non-woven material that will help keep the plant in winter.

In the cold period it is important that the shrub is completely under the snow.

Disease and pest prevention

A distinctive feature of barbarum is frost resistance and resistance to diseases and pests.

Goji plant from time to time can be processed for prevention. Also regularly need to inspect the shrub for traces of pests.

If so, the affected leaves are removed and burned. You can spray the plant with special preparations against pests or use folk remedies.

One of the diseases affecting the plant is powdery mildew. It appears from the lack of ash, which must be added to the hole during planting.

Video: goji berry cultivation

Goji is often cultivated in the Moscow region. The climate of the region is suitable for normal growth and development of the plant, to obtain a good harvest.

With the subtleties of agricultural technology can be found by watching the video.

Goji or Tibetan barberry is quite a famous plant in the world. Pleasant to taste the berries of this shrub are considered almost universal remedy for most diseases. Their indecently high cost does not stop people who want to improve their health or join a healthy lifestyle.

The great similarity of goji with the usual barberry suggests that we can try to grow these berries too. Tibetan barberry is very hardy and unpretentious plant. It easily transfers all the vagaries of the weather - heat, drought, rain, frost. It does not require special care, practically does not suffer from diseases and pests and can bring a great harvest even in the northern regions.

The biggest and only problem is to grow good seedlings and plant them in accordance with all the rules and recommendations. A seedling grown from seed by the hands is much safer than those that can be purchased in any nursery.

Freshly harvested seeds (from fresh berries) - this is ideal, but in our area is not real. Therefore, for planting goji will have to use seeds from dried berries. It does not significantly affect their germination. Seeds must be planted to hold at least a couple of hours in one of the drugs or tinctures that stimulate the growth of future plants. Epin, Zircon or infusions based on folk recipes using ash, aloe, honey, potato juice and onion peel are suitable for this.

The soil mixture for planting seeds should consist of ordinary land (at sixty percent), peat (at thirty percent) and ash (at ten percent). She poured into the tank, make grooves and sow the seeds. From above, they pull down a half-centimeter peat layer and cover with a transparent film. The box must be in a warm and darkened room until the first shoots appear.

Immediately after the appearance of the first shoots, the container should be moved to a room with good lighting or put on the windowsill. Tender young shoots need constant maintenance of moisture. This will help spraying with a small spray.

Picks are carried out only after the appearance of the full fourth leaf. Each young plant must be transplanted into a separate deep pot or cup (no less than 500 milliliters in volume), since the plant has long roots. This should be taken into account during transplantation and use only the method of transshipment, not to separate the earth clod from the root system.

Tibetan barberries are planted in open ground in early summer, when the soil is already well warmed up and there is no danger of night frost.

Goji landing

The site for planting goji must be sunny and without danger of stagnant water, that is, somewhere on a small hill or hillock. The plant is suitable for any soil, but alkaline and rocky will be preferable.

Between seedlings must be left at least one and a half meters. The depth of each hole is 20 centimeters. Before planting the seedling in each hole, you need to pour a small amount of the ash-humus mixture.

When planting large goji seedlings purchased in the nursery, the holes should be twice as deep (at least 40 centimeters) and the nutrient mixture is filled with a larger amount. For each plant you will need one bucket of peat and compost, as well as wood ash (approximately one liter jar). Optionally, you can add superphosphate (200 grams) to the soil.

Immediately after planting, young shrubs spend abundant watering, mulching the soil near the seedling and establish a support for tying up the branches.

Watering and feeding

Tibetan barberries do not need top dressing, and watering is carried out only in very hot weather and long absence of precipitation - no more than two times in seven days. At other times, watering is not required.

Pruning and shaping the bush

Pruning is carried out in the autumn. Most often, the formation of the bush occurs in two ways: in the form of a tree or the classical way.

Classical pruning begins with the first year of the plant's life. During the first three years (every year), it is necessary to carefully inspect the whole plant and choose the strongest and longest branches (there may be about five), and all the rest are cut off without hesitation. After three years, on each such branch, one (or two) can be left on average 30–40 centimeters long. Next season, these shoots will release new fruit branches, three of which (the strongest) must be left and the rest trimmed.

You can form a bush and in one stem. This method is applied from the second year of the plant life. Absolutely all branches are subject to cutting, except for one - the strongest and longest. Such pruning is carried out regularly (every year) until a single branch grows to a meter and a half in height. To maintain this branch, you need to take care of support and garter.

All further pruning is carried out according to the scenario of the classical method in order to form fruit branches.

Do not forget about the "health" scraps. It is necessary to save the plant from damaged and dried branches in time. The shrub does not need branches, located at a height of up to 40 centimeters from the ground, and also not giving branches to fruits.

Shelter for the winter

Goji - a frost-resistant plant, but at temperatures below 15 degrees of frost may die. To avoid this, it is necessary to use any suitable covering material (for example, vegetable tops, spruce leaves or others).

Goji breeding

Excellent proven method of reproduction shoots. In summer, young goji sprigs can be buried in a separate container, and by the autumn they will be able to take root. Such processes can be transplanted at the end of next spring.

Video - Goji berry growing

Goji berries have become very popular among those who want to lose weight or bring the digestive system back to normal. Also, these berries contain a whole cocktail of various vitamins and minerals that help to improve the condition of the body and enhance immunity. Goji berries can be bought in the online store, but not everyone knows that they can be grown at home - on the windowsill. And if you want to be sure that it is Goji berries that are in front of you - growing them in the conditions of a city apartment or house will be the best protection against counterfeiting.

Goji berries - growing from seed

Seeds of goji berries can be ordered online or extracted from the berries themselves. To do this, it is better to soak dried fruits in water, since the seed itself is very small, about 1 mm in size, and the pulp of the berry is rather sticky.

Soak those goji berries you are planning to grow in water with a bioregulator. In this case, the water should not completely cover the seeds - they need oxygen.

Then prepare the box with the ground, consisting in equal proportions of soil, river sand and peat. Seeds are planted to a depth of 2 mm, or simply lightly pripushivayut above the ground. The optimum temperature for good shoots is 25 degrees. Make sure that there are no drops more than 10 degrees, drafts and direct sunlight. Until the seeds have risen, the box with them is covered with cling film, which is removed only for the night.

When the seeds come up, wait for several leaves to appear on them, and then transplant them into pots, which should be deep enough, because the root system of such a bush develops very quickly.

Goji berries - growing and care

Replanting the next bush should be as follows: prepare a deep hole in which to place the plant. Sprinkle it with fertilizer on top of it and then water it. Additionally, put peat on top. Tie the seedling itself to the support so that it does not fall.

Produce watering about once a week, but at the same time make sure that the soil does not dry out. In between watering spray a bush with water from the sprayer. As it grows, periodically pruning the branches so that the bush grows more dense.

If you want to get high-quality goji berries - the cultivation and care of the plant should include certain activities in the winter. At this time, the shrub must provide a temperature of about 10 degrees Celsius. Also for this period, the soil in a pot sprinkled with sawdust to protect the roots from hypothermia, and dead branches cut.

"Treatment of celandine at home" - read the article.

Goji berries: growing at home

At home, the bush gives the first fruits in the fourth year, so you should be patient. Berries can be collected from late summer to early autumn. It was also noticed that the older the plant, the tastier and sweeter the fruit. Of course, with a strong desire to get fresh goji berries right in a city apartment, growing at home will be the best solution. But, nevertheless, the berries may differ slightly in taste from those that grew in the homeland of this bush - in China.

The fruits of the plant will resemble the shape of sea buckthorn berries, and during the flowering period the bush will decorate your home with purple-pink flowers. When preparing for the harvest, remember that goji branches have thorns that can easily get hurt. Therefore, you must wear gloves on your hands, which can protect against the juice of fresh berries, because it can cause irritation on the skin. The berries are simply shaken off onto an oilcloth paneled under a bush. Also, experts advise to wait for the full ripening of the fruit, when the berries become bright red. Immature fruits can cause poisoning. Dried goji in the shade, without using the oven or oven. When the skin of the berries begins to peel, they are ready to eat.

There are few people who have never heard of goji berries. The last few years, the attractive advertising for this “miracle from the East” has filled up Internet sites. Goji is often offered as a “magical” natural remedy for weight loss, but it is also known about the content in this plant of many priceless microelements that are beneficial to the human body.

But is it really necessary to eat goji berries, to constantly buy them for decent money? After all, the conditions for growing this miracle plant can be created in Russia. Anyone who wants to try goji as a means of losing weight, looking for a source of microelements and vitamins, or just wanting to diversify the dacha with some unusual plant will certainly be interested to know what a goji berry is, planting, growing and caring for which on Russian soil.

Eastern miracle

Homeland miracle berries and the area where they first learned about its usefulness, is considered Tibet. In China, the history of the use of goji in food is estimated in tens of thousands of years. Since the last century, goji has gained incredible popularity in many countries around the world. For the healing properties of goji berry is rightly recognized as one of the most useful natural herbal remedies. The shrub with oblong bright red fruits has many names: common Dereza, Tibetan (or Chinese) barberry, wolfberry, wolfberry, Chinese Dereza ...

Dereza belongs to the family Solanaceae. Of the more than 40 species of plants bearing the scientific name “Dereza”, it is usually common Dereza that is grown outside China. Due to its simplicity and relative ease of care, this plant is very popular and beautifully cultivated in Asia, Africa, the Caucasus, Ukraine, Primorye, as well as in central Russia.

The benefits of goji berries for humans

Goji berry, planting and caring for which in the Chinese provinces have already acquired industrial proportions, is incredibly valued in traditional medicine of China and Tibet.

The properties of these "magic" berries can not be overestimated. Goji is an invaluable source of more than twenty mineral substances, a set of natural vegetable fats and carbohydrates, 18 rare amino acids, linoleic acid, proteins, fatty acids, fiber, essential vitamins C, E and group B.

Of course, the goji berry, which is planted and cared for in the territory of Russia, is noticeably inferior in terms of the amount of minerals and vitamins to similar fruits grown in the mountains of Tibet or in China. But even “goji from the dacha” can provide the human body with the daily norm of all the substances listed above.

In addition to using these berries for the most publicized goal of weight loss, goji consumption solves many medical and physiological problems: improves metabolism and skin condition, reduces blood sugar levels, regulates melatonin levels, helps against depression and sleep disorders, improves immunity and promote rejuvenation. organism. There is an opinion that it is the use of goji - the secret of the success of athletes from the Middle Kingdom, the reason for their incredible endurance.

Climatic conditions and soil for growing goji

Externally common wormwood is a tall shrub with small leaves and thin flexible, rather prickly branches. The flowering shrub is covered with delicate lilac flowers, and the wolfberry fruit, known as goji berry, is oblong, medium-sized, bright red in color. The ability of woodwort to grow and bear fruit in the harsh mountainous climate of the Himalayas suggests that the plant is highly viable and can withstand frosts down to –15 degrees.

“The berry of happiness and longevity” feels great in the Russian temperate climate, in a place where there is a lot of sunshine and average humidity. The soil on which tree bark is grown can be any, so the plant is very unpretentious. Goji berry, planting and care for which are discussed in the article, can be successfully grown in the suburbs at the dacha.

Goji saplings from cuttings

How to grow goji berries in the area of \u200b\u200btheir own cottages? To grow a seedling tree can be from seeds or from cuttings.

Cuttings can be obtained by slips. To do this, in the middle of summer, on an already existing bush at least three years old, they bend down to the ground and strong branches are dropped in it. Before the first frosts, the branch is cut and spread.

Cuttings can be cut separately. Cuttings about 10 cm long are carefully cut from the mother bush, and be sure to cut them so that at least 1 cm is “old” wood. The edge is treated with a root, and the cuttings are planted in the greenhouse. In winter, suitable for this and insulated balcony.

How to grow seedlings from seed

If it is not possible to obtain cuttings, then one can grow a sapling of barley from seeds extracted from ripe goji berries. Planting and care of seeds is somewhat different from the "cuttings".

Seeds are extracted from fully ripe goji berries. They do not need to be germinated before planting, it is recommended just soak them for a couple of hours in an immune system stimulator - zircon or epine. Seeds are placed in a medium drained neutral soil mixture containing compost and sand. Seeds are planted close together in a greenhouse or other fairly bright place with a consistently warm temperature and covered with a film. Watering is carried out using a spray gun.

After the appearance of two leaves on a bush, the plants are seated in deep containers, and the tops pinch. In hothouse conditions, woods are kept for at least a year, and then planted in the ground.

Planting in open ground

The next important stage in the cultivation of goji is planting and caring for seedlings. It is best to plant wood wreck in the spring. Since this plant is cross-pollination, it is necessary to plant at least two shrubs next to it.

Sapling tree trunks planted in the hole about 40 cm in depth and about 50 cm in width. The distance between each bush of the goji berry must be at least 1.5 meters. The land intended for filling the plant is mixed with a large amount of compost, about 8-10 kg (peat or humus will do) with the addition of 200 g of superphosphate and 40 grams of wood ash or potassium sulphate. Sapling should be slightly buried, densely sprinkle with prepared soil, it is good to water. Cover the ground around the seedling with a protective film or straw.

And valuable information for those who do not have a summer house, but I want to have their own goji berry. Planting and caring for this plant are possible in the conditions of the house. To grow healthy berries at home you need a large pot so that the powerful goji roots can grow freely. To create a favorable environment, it will be necessary to provide a goji bush berries with plenty of light. The place where goji berries will grow, planting and care for at home should be located where the plant is not exposed to cold running air from a window or door and excessively high temperatures, for example, from a heating radiator or stove. The rules for regular care of such indoor plants are simple: do not add mineral supplements at the same time as organic supplements, ensure constant, but not too strong, watering. And it will be comfortable to “winter” a bush of goji berries at a cool temperature. Of the minuses of the "home" goji - the nutrients in them will contain a minimum, much less than in the "summer" instance.

Shrub care

The main advantage that goji berry has - planting and caring for this plant is quite simple. Caring for shrub barbarum after planting is as follows:

  • Watering as necessary, in dry time twice a week.
  • You can feed the plant, but only during the growing season.
  • If desired, to give an aesthetic look, you can cut the plant and cut branches.
  • For the winter, goji can either be carefully covered with branches, or transplanted into a deep container and sent to "winter" in the basement.

As you can see, just grow goji. Berry, planting and care in the suburbs for which are described in the article, is becoming increasingly popular among gardeners.

Harvest: features

No less important information than the cultivation of goji berries, planting, care - how to collect ripe bright berries correctly. There is a feature here. A shrub grown from seed yields goji berries only in the third or even fourth year after planting.

You only need to pick ripe berries when it has acquired a bright red shade! Berries that are not ripe on the branch, categorically can not be eaten, as they can cause poisoning.

In addition, you should avoid contact with fresh goji with open skin. If you pick berries with your bare hands, the juice on the skin can cause irritation and color when you oxidize your hands in a dark color. The most traditional way to harvest is to shake berries from branches on spreading fabric. If necessary, further processing of fresh berries hands better protect gloves.

How to store and eat ripe berries

To preserve useful elements in a ripe berry, it should be dried only naturally, without separating the stem, spreading the berries in the shade. Both the use of preservatives and the effect of kiln drying or direct sunlight will adversely affect the quality of dried fruits.

A sign that the berry is dried to the desired state - peeling of the skin. After this, goji must be separated from the stalk and placed in a storage container, then kept in a dark, dry place.

It is important to remember that it is not safe to eat large quantities of goji berries right away - the body has to get used to them. "Overdose" can turn into dehydration and kidney problems. A safe daily dose of this herbal remedy is one tablespoon for an adult.

Goji berries can be consumed in any form. The easiest way is to brew berries in the proportion of 1 tablespoon per 150 ml of boiling water. After 30 minutes, the drink is ready to be consumed, it should be taken along with the brewed berries.

Also, goji will be an excellent addition to any dishes: soups, desserts, cereals, salads, sauces ... In addition to berries, dried bark of common wormwood and dried leaves of this shrub are used for medicinal and tonic tinctures and tea. Despite the miraculous properties of goji, you should remember about the precautions, and before you start to use the berries of this plant, consult a doctor and familiarize yourself with the existing contraindications.

Recently, unusual goji berries have come into vogue. Someone says that it is 100% slimming. Others believe that these miraculous berries - a storehouse of useful and vital trace elements. In this article we will learn not only about how this plant is so useful and valuable, but also about how to grow goji berries in your summer cottage.

Mysterious goji berries in Russian and scientifically called "dereza." Actually, goji berries can only be considered fruits. chinese barks(Lycium chinense), or d. ordinary  or barbarous  (L. barbarum). The wolfberry is also called the wolfberry (but this name is carried by a number of different plants, including those that are not poisonous, as wolfberry), the bait. You can often hear the name "Tibetan barberry", but dereza and barberry (Berberis) are completely different plants from different families - do not confuse! You can slip barberry seedlings under the guise of goji. The name “Goji” (Goji) came into English from Chinese dialects - so called wretch in China.

Dereza is a Chinese native of the Ningxia-Hui Autonomous Region on the eastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau, in northwestern China. It was she who generated so many legends and rumors about long-lived monks.

Dereza vulgaris is practically not inferior to the product by its properties, but its distribution area is wider - you can find this berry in the east and in the center of China, throughout Southeast Asia, and here too: in Central Asia, in the Kuban, in Primorye , in the Caucasus, in Ukraine, in central Russia.

Dereza belongs to the family Solanaceae, it is a deciduous shrub reaching three meters in height, with drooping thorny branches and small leaves. The crown can reach up to 6 m in diameter. The root system is powerful, with deep, strong roots forming many root offspring.

The plant, if cultivated, is rather decorative: the branches are of a pleasant light yellow color, the color of the leaves is light green from above, from below - bluish.

Blossom will begin in June and will please the eye until October. Pink, purple, sometimes even brown-purple flowers have a mild pleasant smell.

Berries of oblong shape, orange, crimson-red color up to 2 cm in length, as a scattering envelop escape. Fruiting will start from 3 years after planting, sometimes earlier.

Goji breeding

  • Seeds- well propagated by seeds. In the greenhouse without stratification sown in the spring and leave for the winter. When the seedlings begin to grow the pinnacle of the shoot is pinched for bush density.

  • Vegetative - can be propagated by semi-woody cuttings of a length of about 10 cm, but care should be taken that old wood is present on the shoot. To do this, dip part of the cut in “Kornevin” and land in a greenhouse or under film in July-August. During reproduction by lignified cuttings rooted faster. Root can be in a cool place or a cool, but warmed balcony from autumn to the end of winter.

In the Caucasus wolfberry often breeds self-sowing.

Goji landing

For common barbarum, the soil reaction can be slightly acid-strongly alkaline, but in principle it can grow on any soil composition. For landing should be preferred to sunny places. Dereza does not like stagnant water. The best time to plant is spring. In the fall, goji is seldom planted; this is akin to extreme gardening, because it can most often freeze in the winter. But there are also favorable outcomes for autumn planting in warmer regions. The tests were carried out on breeding grounds of St. Petersburg. With shelter in the cold winter, it was frozen to the level of the root collar or to the end of the snow cover. Tolerate can cold to -15 ° C. Many sources (German nurseries) say that even up to -25 ° C, but in the middle lane it is extremely risky. In the south of Russia can winter without shelter.

For a goji seedling we prepare a pit 50-60 cm wide and about 40 cm deep. We have holes for several plants at a distance of 1.5-2 meters from each other. In the ground for filling add 150-200 g of superphosphate, 8-10 kg of compost (humus, peat), 30-40 g of potassium sulphate or wood ash and mix thoroughly. Saplings need a little bit deep. After planting, thoroughly water and mulch with peat or humus.

Goji care

Watering: You can water the woods only after planting and not even more often 2 times a week, depending on the aridity of summer.

Top dressing: Dereza grows even on poor soils, but the best quality of fruits is observed on soils with medium fertility. You can feed the young plants during the growing season, no further feeding is needed.

Pruning: Goji tolerates shearing and trimming. New shoots will grow from old wood. In ornamental gardening, it tolerates cutting even with special mechanical devices.

Shelter for the winter:  In the winter, goji can freeze to be sure, for sure, many gardeners plant the plant in deep containers and store it in basements until spring. But there are also such gardeners, in whom the wood-tremure does not freeze, and covered only with spruce leaves and winters with snow until spring.

Medicinal properties of goji berries

It is believed that goji berries contain vitamin C, a variety of different minerals and polysaccharides, B vitamins, as well as essential fatty acids. In addition, they contain a huge amount of protein, thereby overtaking even cereals. A decoction of goji berries tones the body, perhaps due to its tonic properties in combination with proteins, in Chinese traditional medicine is used as a strong natural aphrodisiac. Scientific studies have indeed confirmed an increase in testosterone in the blood. Due to the high content of zinc and iron are often used for anemia. In combination with other herbs can be used as a remedy for chronic fatigue and increased immunity. It is useful as a means of dealing with hypertension. In modern medicine, the antitumor properties of goji are not confirmed. On the other hand, it has been scientifically proven that a special polysaccharide, which helps with the initial stages of diabetes, has been isolated from wolfberry.

What parts of a plant should I use?

1. Goji berries  usually used in dried form. It is not necessary to pick berries with your bare hands, as fresh juice of berries of wolfberry can irritate the skin (like, for example, fresh pineapple juice). It is better to spread the fabric under the bush and bring down the berries from the branches. Collect the fruits should be when they become bright red and reached full ripeness. Unripe fresh berries can be poisoned. No wonder one of their names - wolfberry.

First you need to dry the berries, then separated from the stem. To raw materials acquired medicinal properties, the berries need to be dried until the skin begins to peel off. Drying is possible only in a natural way, without using ovens and preservatives.

2. Goji root bark  - used for coughing, fever, lowers blood cholesterol levels, and is also used as a diuretic and laxative. To obtain raw materials, it is necessary to dig up the roots, wash, remove the bark and dry well in the sun. Then make broths from the bark.

From goji leaves  make invigorating teas.

Keep in mind that the body of the Russian person, unlike the Chinese or Tibetans, is not peculiar to a large consumption of goji berries. Our body is not able to immediately adapt to the high consumption of fruits and other parts of this plant. In this regard, those who are very interested in rezoy may have kidney problems and severe dehydration.

Goji berries

The most famous in our time decorative variety ‘New Big’ (NEW BIG) is the brainchild of Polish breeding. The fruits are round, large and sweet. Excellent honey plant and has good resistance to urban conditions (wind, heat, smoke).

The other two varieties suitable for growing in the middle lane are goji ‘Lhasa’ (‘Lhasa’) and ‘Chinese Goji’ (‘Lyciet’). ‘Chinese Goji’ has high yields, mid-season. Goji ‘Lhasa’ begins to bear fruit early - already in the second year after planting, unlike other varieties that produce crops for the 3-4th year. This is an early ripe variety with large berries.

Today, many hybrid varieties are also sold (the signs of which are mostly transmitted only during vegetative reproduction, and not through seeds), for example, ‘NR1 Lifeberry’ is frost-resistant and resistant to diseases and pests.

I hope this article will help you grow so useful and popular goji berries at your own summer cottage. Successes!

The fashion for goji berries is growing at a tremendous rate. Some seek to show their effectiveness with excess weight, while others talk about the enormous beneficial properties and the unique vitamin-nutritional composition, which makes the berries almost a panacea for many diseases.

Botanical Reference

The question immediately arises, where goji berries grow and what it generally is. The plant is a deciduous shrub that belongs to the family Solanaceae. Also, the plant is called wolf berry (popularly, although it has nothing to do with them), red medlar, Chinese dereza, Chinese wolfberry, common dereza, zamaniha, Tibetan barberry. Homeland - Ningxia Hui (Tibet), China. The distribution area covers the Southeast and Central Asia, the Caucasus, Primorye, central Russia, Ukraine.

In the adult state, the height of the plant reaches 3 m, and the crown - 6 m in diameter (photos of the goji bush are presented). The branches are drooping and prickly, having small foliage, painted on top of light green and on the bottom a gray shade. The root is very powerful, growing in the ground, and not on its surface.

Flowering occurs in June and continues through October with the blooming of purple, pink, brown-purple buds with a pleasant aroma.

At the end of flowering, oblong berries of crimson-red or orange color are formed.

Eating fresh fruit is categorically impossible, because they contain poisonous components. But after drying, the berries can be put into use.

Goji berries: planting and care in the suburbs

It is a heat-loving plant, therefore for excellent development of goji, care and cultivation must be optimal or approximate to it. In the northern climate, the weather is completely different and efforts should be made to grow berries.

Choosing a place

The plant grows very quickly and at the same time has a well-developed root system. It should be planted either in areas devoid of vegetation, or along supports, to create a hedge.

When choosing a place, you need to be extremely careful, because dereza can "crush" nearby plants.

It is best to pick up sunny areas or located in a small shade. Also note that the height of the plant reaches three meters - take care of a reliable support.

Temperature, humidity and soil requirements

As it was said, dereza is frost resistant and can withstand temperatures in the range from -26 to + 40ºС. There are no special requirements for humidity. Calmly endures drought.

The shrub is not capricious to the soil. Favorite are alkaline and neutral substrates. In acidic, you can also plant a plant, but there it will develop somewhat worse.

The only thing that does not tolerate a wedge is the stagnation of water. Therefore, you should be very careful when watering and do not plant the plant in areas with a stony substrate.

Watering and feeding

Tibetan barberry is watered depending on age. In the first year, watering should be no more than twice a week. When the plant grows up, it will be possible to water less frequently and regulate according to weather and aridity.

Fertilize only the young. For these purposes, use superphosphate or humus. After growing into an adult plant, it is not necessary to feed. This is because dereza feels fine even on very poor lands.


For breeding using three methods.


Seeds are taken from pre-dried berries. To obtain the seed, take dry fruits, soak them in water and, when they are soft, pull out the seeds. In order for them to grow well, you need to endure in a growth stimulator. After they are sown in a container with a mixture of ordinary earth and peat in a ratio of 1: 2, they are buried by 2-3 mm in the substrate.

To maintain the right conditions for germination, the container is covered with a film and sent to a warm place inaccessible to light. When sprouts come, the box is brought to the light and protected from cold and drafts. Watering is done from the spray.
After a week, the film can be removed, and when 3-4 sheets are formed, pick picking (transfer) of seedlings into separate pots (deep).

Constantly in open ground, the obtained goji seedlings grown from seeds at home are planted in the spring, when there is confidence that the frosts will not return, or already at the beginning of summer.

Planting seedlings

This option is acceptable if you managed to buy home-grown goji seedlings, or you purchased the planting material from your hands.

With this method, two weeks before disembarking, holes should be made, 40-50 cm in size. If for the southern regions “harvesting” is done in the autumn, then for colder ones - in the spring. This will allow the plants to tolerate frost well.

Coarse sand is poured into each well, and half of it is covered with a substrate consisting of humus and fertile soil, 8 kg each. 30 g of potassium sulphate is added there (it can be replaced with a glass of wood ash), 0.15 kg of double superphosphate, mixed directly in a pit and a sapling is planted, covered with fertile soil, and then watered.
  Pristvolny circle must be mulched using humus or peat.

The distance between the specimens must be at least 2 m.


And now tell you how to grow a goji from cuttings. From an adult plant cuttings are cut in lengths of 10-12 cm each. Then they are placed in a root-forming solution and planted for rooting in the constructed greenhouse and put it in a warm place. It is best to carry out the landing of the material in late July - early August. In the spring, the root will grow enough to plant a goji in open ground. Caring for a young plant is not particularly different from an adult.

Trimming and wintering

The shrub needs a regular haircut. In the first years of growth, 3-6 strongest branches are planned. They are taken as a basis and have a haircut around them. Then, on these basic skeletal branches, shoots capable of fruiting will form.

If the tree is grown for decorative purposes, then choose one main shoot, drive a long peg, and then carry out a "haircut", trying to form a tree. The procedure is done as soon as numerous fruit-bearing shoots appear and the total height of the plant exceeds 1.2 m.

To prevent freezing of the root system in winter, the shrub should be tucked up and promulcated 10-15 cm. The branches are protected with non-woven material (for example, agrofibre, lutrasil) folded in several layers, or sacking. It is possible and to be reinsured, additionally threw a lap branches on the landing, and, as soon as the snow falls, make big drifts.


The plant perfectly protects itself from pests. However, for preventive purposes, one should regularly inspect wolfberry for any signs of disease or pests. If there is one, they do pruning of the affected parts and, if necessary, spraying with insecticidal preparations, spreading them in the amount indicated by the manufacturer on the package. Do not forget that the treatment is not done once, especially if the invasion of pests is huge.

Application and storage

Harvested fruit should be stored in a dry, light-free place. If an infusion is prepared, it should be kept only in a cool place and not more than 2 days.

Goji berries are used not only for weight loss, but also as an ingredient in the preparation of wines, fruit puree, desserts, soups, pastries, yoghurts, tea, juices, cereals. Seeds go for oil production. To taste fresh berries have a hint of melon. But as soon as the fruits freeze or dry, the taste disappears, and the berries acquire a taste similar to dried apricots.

In the garden wench mainly planted for a healthy harvest, as well as plant hedges. The plant is unpretentious and will not die if you have not watered or introduced fertilizer. But if you are going to plant goji berries on a plot, you should consider all varieties in advance and select the most suitable ones.

Widely used berries and medicine. So, they are taken for: pain in the back, diabetes, insomnia, anemia, obesity, excess cholesterol, problems with adenoids, vision problems, athletes thus restore their strength, etc.

As you can see, goji berries are an exotic shrub, but you don’t need to go to overseas countries or buy at a fabulous price. It is enough to observe some nuances, and you can easily grow a plant on your site and collect a very considerable harvest.

Goji in the garden - video

Goji berries are great for growing on the territory of our country, because in the vast historical homeland of the plant is very harsh climatic conditions. However, in regions with extremely low temperatures, greenhouse or goji berries can be grown at home.

There are four options for planting and growing goji berries:

  • planting seeds;
  • rooting of seedlings;
  • grafting;
  • fit to fit

greenhouse plants.

Consider all the options presented in more detail.

Planting seeds

  The process of planting and growing seeds is quite simple, but it will take a long time to get a fruiting plant. From dried berries it is necessary to carefully remove the bones. In order to make it easier, you should soak the berries in water, because the size of the seeds is only about 1 mm, and the pulp of the fruit is sticky, which makes it difficult to extract. You can order seeds through online stores, or purchase in the garden. Approximate cost for 10 pieces will be equal to 60 rubles.

Planting must be made to a depth of 2 mm, or carefully lay out the seeds and sprinkle with a thin layer of earth. To improve the seedlings should be planted on several seeds, and then the probability of a successful result becomes 50-90% higher. The best time to disembark is April.

The composition of the soil should include peat, large river sand and a mixture of garden soil, in proportion to 1: 1: 1. Also, you need to make sure that the earth is well hydrated. To preserve moisture, you can cover the container with plastic wrap, removing it at night, allowing the soil to "breathe." The optimum temperature is within a radius of 25 ° C. Drafts, temperature drops of more than ten degrees and direct sunlight can impair seed germination.

After 2 weeks, when seedlings appear, you can transplant plants into pots for transplanting, at least 7 centimeters deep. This requirement should not be ignored, because the root system develops quickly, and with less depth, it can be easily damaged, which will affect the viability of the shrub. After the first sprouts appear, you can wait for 2-3 leaves to grow, and then transplant.

The first year you need to grow goji at home, and only then to plant in open ground.

Rooting seedlings

A quick way to get an adult tree is to plant seedlings. The process is not time consuming and universally known. You can order seedlings through the Internet, but the cost will be higher than when you buy seeds - about 300-600 rubles per piece. Delivery on average takes from one to three days.


This method is suitable for plant propagation. The least cost method. An established plant is used to produce cuttings. After pruning, a little more than 40 cm remains from the sapling, and the rest of the branches go to cuttings of 10–15 centimeters in size, which easily and with almost 100% probability get accustomed perfectly. Just like seedlings, cuttings can be ordered. The approximate cost of 1 piece is 150 rubles.

Goji berry shrub, grow as a houseplant

  The goji shrub feels great and bears fruit not only in the garden, but also at home. However, the cultivation of goji at home, unfortunately, does not give the opportunity to get the taste and aroma, like berries grown in the homeland. When growing homes, it’s important to avoid drafts and burning tender leaves in direct sunlight. For the month of "wintering" the plant will be required to create a temperature not higher than 10 ° C. An excellent option would be to place the pot on the sunny south or east side.

Diseases or pests (except for aphids and powdery mildew) do not harm the plant. When planted in the ground, the bush withstands temperatures down to -30ºC in winter, but only at the age of more than two years. When planted with seedlings or seeds, the fruits are tied in the second year of growth, and when grown in shifts in the fourth year. Fruits the plant in the summer, as well as in early autumn. The older a plant is, the more aromatic and sweeter its fruits become.

The soil should be used alkaline, when buying fertilizers give preference organic. Watering is plentiful, about once a week, depending on temperature. Provide free space for a rapidly expanding crown. The branches in the first year need to be tied up, subsequently cut off, so that the shrub is thick. For the winter, the dead branches must be removed, and the roots sprinkled with sawdust.