The issue of fighting moles is very topical for summer residents. These, at first glance, harmless creatures can cause great harm to the garden and the products that are grown on it. Therefore, many puzzled how to solve this problem. Despite the mass of tools and devices from moles in the city, there is one simple option that everyone can afford.

You do not need to be a skillful master to create this tool, but it will take about 20 minutes to complete the work. Are you intrigued? Then let's find out how to make a mole repeller out of a plastic bottle.

Looking for solutions

There are a lot of requests for rodent control on the Internet, especially with moles. Everyone wants to do so in order not to face this problem anymore. However, not everyone knows how to act in this case. Killing animals is not entirely humane, so poisons and other killing devices will not work. Often gardeners run to the store to ask for advice or buy an effective and at the same time inexpensive tool. Others go the way easier, making a mole repeller with their own hands.

But how can a plastic bottle scare away moles? It's simple. All you have to do is to upgrade it, making unique blades from the bottle that will make it spin. During rotation, the spinner will make noise. The design is quite simple:

  1. Plastic bottle.
  2. Stick.

That's all you need. Tara sits on a stick or rod, after which it will spin under the influence of the wind. Due to the fact that the rod is recessed into the ground, vibration and noise scare away moles. For the garden, you can make a lot of such products, the cost of which is just scanty. And most importantly, you do not need to spend a lot of time. Let's look at the instructions on how to create this simplest miracle of technology.

What is required for work

The advantage of a plastic bottle scarer is that you need a minimum set of tools and materials. Everyone will be able to work with them, and buying them is not a problem at all. You yourself can see this. Here is a list of everything you need:

  • plastic bottle;
  • steel bar or wooden stick;
  • office knife or scissors;
  • drill with a drill (in some cases it will not be required).

That's the whole set. Are you surprised? Not worth it, since with all its simplicity, the mechanism works flawlessly. It is only necessary to combine all this into one device.

Note!  The device is automatic, but only works from the wind. In calm calm weather, it will be just useless.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a mole scarer

So, when you have everything you need, you can proceed. The bottle can be of any color, shape, displacement ... It is not so important. Provide a convenient place to work. It is better to do everything at the table on a flat surface. Then no problems will arise. The instruction is as follows:

That's all, the device is ready. Now you only need to find a mole tunnel to shove the rod into it. Due to the vibration and sound transmitted from the bottle along the rod into the ground, the moles will not approach this place. They are afraid of such aggressive noises. If you have a large garden, then make a few designs to eliminate the appearance of moles in another part of the garden.

Tip! Such a repeller will act not only on moles. Birds and other rodents are also very afraid of such noise. Therefore, you can not be afraid that our younger brothers will eat your harvest.

The slides of earth and sand that form on the garden plot in the areas of the mole's movement are called molehills. In general, they are not dangerous, just like the moles themselves, which feed exclusively on insects, and not on roots, buds, or fruits of cultures. However, the appearance of the mole area is spoiled considerably, which means that advice on how to get rid of molehills in the garden plot will not lose relevance in the next few years, until a universal remedy has been invented to solve the problem in one fell swoop and forever.

When to start the fight against moles and why?

Traces of the mole family in the dacha cannot be ignored in anticipation of resolving the problem without personal intervention. The more time the mammals have available, the more difficult it will be to cope with them in the future. The network of burrows and tunnels will envelop the entire site and this will have a negative impact not only on the aesthetics of the site, but also on the harvest.

It is necessary to “defend” the land constantly, even when it seems that there are no more moles on it. Simple preventive measures will eliminate the possibility of pests returning to their previous place of residence in the event of their stay at a nearby site.

It must be remembered that moles are family animals that are actively breeding. That is why it is so difficult to get rid of them after a long period of residence on the site.

What means are used to fight earthly destroyers and how effective are they? About this below.

Pest shovel - an easy way to fight

The fight against moles in the garden plot is not always associated with spending on modern means and traps. You can try to solve the problem with a simple shovel. The method is not the most humane and is suitable for those who intend not only to catch, but to deprive each member of the family of life.

Moles do not see, but have excellent sense of smell and hearing, compensating for a birth defect, so they are easy to frighten.

This means that it is necessary to act with a shovel as carefully as possible, moving along the furrows of the dug tunnel. It is important to choose a time when moles go hunting for worms and insects. Usually it is morning, lunch and evening.

Moving along the furrows, you can see that they are getting longer, which means that the mole is in the area of \u200b\u200bthe research site and busy working. At such a moment, keeping cool, you need to block the path from both sides with shovels. From surprise, the animal will either hit their surface and die, or require additional human intervention (you can use a hammer to stun).

It is worth remembering the large number of moles, which will significantly complicate their capture.

Popular methods for the loyal struggle against the moles

If a shovel, as a way to get rid of moles, seems too cruel, difficult and long, the task is to solve the problem with minimal time, effort and money, you should try some other variants of folk methods to combat mammals of this species. These include:

  • Unpleasant odors.
  • Underground obstacles.
  • Flooding tunnels.
  • Trap out of the pan.
  • Loud music.

Moles, having a keen sense of smell, are susceptible to strong odors. Animals try to avoid beds with sharp-smelling crops, such as garlic or onions. You can try to plant crops with a strong smell around the perimeter of the site, thus scaring off pests. The most frequently used plants in the fight against moles are daffodils, ornamental onions, legumes, Siberian and imperial grouse. You can put fish head in the mole move, which after a while will start to smell bad.

Barriers underground - another version of the fight against moles. Linoleum, slate or any other solid material at a depth of at least 70 cm is instilled along the perimeter of the site, thus preventing the moles from entering the garden or vegetable garden area.

Alternatively, you can try and flooding the tunnels. The method does not always give a result, since an excess of moisture can have the opposite effect - to lure the worms, and with them the moles.

A pot trap is a simple method of fighting animals for those who love and know how to make something with their own hands. Making it extremely easy. A pot of water is broken into the molehill in the center of the tunnel, covering it with a material that does not let in light. The animal will sooner or later fall into a trap and die from water.

Some summer residents are convinced that the mole on the site will not be able to live to the sounds of regularly included loud music. According to the reviews, heavy rock is especially strong on animals. There are cases when pests left the site where lawn mowers often worked.

All the listed means to combat the moles can really give an effect, but they are not an absolute guarantee of the release of the site from pests. Plus, their only lies in the fact that they will not cost anything. If the goal is to solve the problem at a higher professional level, you should try to resort to more modern and proven methods.

Scarers - how do they work?

Analyzing methods of dealing with moles, it is impossible to ignore the deterrent. With the right choice and application, they allow you to solve the problem in a few days with minimal effort in half the cases, at least. Therefore, before proceeding to more radical ways, it is worth trying to start with the scarers.

As noted above, to scare away moles from the site is really with the help of unpleasant smells and sounds. It is worth using both methods in a combined form.

As an option, it is worthwhile to consider sound repellents made by hand from scrap materials:

  • turntables;
  • weathervanes;
  • alarm clocks;
  • bottles, etc.

Turntables are made from ordinary empty plastic bottles or cans. Attach them to metal poles, tightly fixed in the ground. When the wind blows, they begin to make loud noises coming into the soil. Moles often get scared of turntables and leave the site. But to say that the windmill to scare away moles is one hundred percent effective means impossible, because it does not always act as it would be desirable for its manufacturers.

Weathervanes, which work on the principle of turntables or, alternatively, reed stems that emit sound in the wind, have a more complex structure.

An interesting option - the Chinese alarm clocks on batteries. They are placed in ordinary glass jars, after which they bury the device in the ground in the supposed habitat of moles. You need to bury several cans with alarm clocks, while at each set different times, forcing them to work one after the other with minimal pauses.

Alternatively, you can use empty plastic bottles. They just lay out on the site in large quantities. Night temperature changes lead to the expansion and contraction of air, which causes the plastic to crackle, again annoying and frightening animals.

The way to scare away moles with the help of glass bottles is more than simple. They are buried in the ground at an angle of 45 degrees, leaving only the neck outside. Blowing into it, the wind will cause the sound of the mole-scarer to be extracted.

All of these funds are established near the intended habitat of moles, focusing on the tunnels. The more repellers involved, the more likely that the methods of struggle will give positive results.

Electronics against moles - modern methods

Good or not folk remedies in the fight against moles - can only be judged after their testing in practice. In the case of a negative result it is worth resorting to more modern methods - using electronic repellents.

If we compare a mole windmill assembled by ourselves with a repeller that generates not only sound, but also vibration with a certain frequency, frequency and duration, then the advantage of the second variant becomes obvious.

The design of such devices is most often a column buried in the soil (many people mistakenly call it an ultrasonic repeller, despite the fact that ultrasound is not being extracted) that generates signals in a certain frequency range. In the case of moles, this is a sound with a frequency in the range of 300-400 Hz.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the fight against moles by folk remedies is the simplest, but not always yielding result. Therefore, if the experiments do not give results, it is worth trying modern devices of proven quality.

It should not be cheap Chinese solar repellents, working unstable or cheap analogues of high-quality appliances, failing after the first rain. Devices should be selected from proven manufacturers at the right price. The costs will be justified in the first days after their use, which means that savings are inappropriate here.

With the onset of summer, many gardeners notice bumps from the ground in their beds. Their presence suggests that the site has chosen a mole. This animal is dangerous because it eats root crops, violates the root system of plants. To save your crop, save crops from death, learn the popular ways of making noisy turntables.

How to make a mole repeller do it yourself from plastic bottles

Keep in mind that the mammal is blind, but its hearing and sense of smell is impeccable. For this reason, it is important that the mole bottle repeller from a plastic bottle creates noise and vibration. This effect is achieved due to the whiff of the wind, which drives the device: the blades are spinning, transmitting sound waves down: a resonance is created inside the earth that frightens away moles. Remember that to protect 6 acres is required to place about 3-4 small wind turbines.

The device is made of simple and affordable materials. The design may have different sizes. A garden windmill is created using:

  • two 1.5 l plastic bottles (use plastic of a different color or pre-paint it with acrylic paints from cans);
  • strong scissors;
  • sewed;
  • pliers;
  • clerical or construction knife;
  • strong, but easily bending metal band;
  • four multi-colored caps from plastic bottles;
  • large beads.

Decide in advance on the size of the structure to scare away the mole. Before making a large turntable, additionally acquire:

  • high wooden pole;
  • round metal pin;
  • small wooden block;
  • multi-colored or transparent plastic liter bottles - you will need 4 pieces;
  • two washers.

Step-by-step instruction for making turntables

Explore the most popular method of making moles from a plastic bottle. The main stages of creating crafts are:

  1. Cut the bottle in half: use a construction or office knife, and when doing work, be extremely careful. For a windmill, use the top of the tanks.
  2. Cut the blades of the same size with scissors on the half of the containers.
  3. The cut blades carefully bend at the base at an angle of 45 degrees, slightly smooth out the bent elements.
  4. In the center of the wings and the cover with the help of sewed holes.
  5. The bead is strung on a wire.
  6. The metal wire is passed through the lid, windmill, second lid, bead, third lid, another blank, fourth lid, final bead.
  7. At the end of the pliers, make a bend to fix the elements strung on the wire.

Remember that the more details, blades the spinner has, the louder the sound from the wind, the more spectacular the appearance. If you decide to create a large mole scarer, then follow these instructions:

  1. Take a wooden bar, make a hole in it: its diameter should be slightly larger than the diameter of the installation rod.
  2. Secure the covers on the four sides of the bar with glue or galvanized fasteners.
  3. On each side of the plastic containers cut oval windows.
  4. Screw the containers with the drilled holes into the fastened lids: as a result, the slits should “look” to the sides, not up.
  5. Fasten the made structure on the pin, fix from different sides with metal washers, cover the top of the pin with a cap.

How to make a repeller from a single plastic bottle

If it is not possible to use several containers, then one can be limited to one. For work you will need:

  • 1.5-2 l plastic bottle;
  • metal pin;
  • part of the water pipe;
  • construction or office knife.

The scheme of manufacture of the turntable is very simple. Do the following:

  1. Find the place where the mole passed, install a portion of the water pipe below the detected stroke.
  2. Take the pin, place it in the installed pipe, fix the part with a stopper or with the help of a metal plate and self-tapping screws (tighten them until the caps fit snugly to the plates).
  3. Make a hole at the bottom of the container: its diameter should be larger than that of the pin.
  4. On the walls of the container, draw the letters “P” tilted to the side.
  5. Cut the blades according to the markup, bend it.
  6. Put the plastic propeller on the pin: it should go to the neck, screw the cap.

The mole has the appearance of a nice harmless animal, but it can cause damaging damage to a planted plot of land. The mole lives underground and, breaking through the passages, damages the root system of plants.

The ways to combat moles are as follows:

  1. Ultrasonic scarers;
  2. Poison feed;
  3. Holes of the mole's exit go to sleep.

Some gardeners use homemade traps. About, how to make a mole repeller  most and which ones are more effective, described in this article.

Types of scare devices

All repellents, even homemade, are divided into 4 types:

  1. Mechanical. Effective in that their parts when moving form noise and vibration, scaring the animal;
  2. Biological - capsules, which include aromatic oils. Their smell does not tolerate pests. This group also includes plants whose smell does not tolerate moles;
  3. Electronic mole repeller.Usually they are vibrating, working at the expense of power supply or from batteries;
  4. Ultrasound. They scare away small pests by radiating frequency sound waves. When hit into the ground, such sounds give a signal to the brain of an animal about danger.

Although the modern market offers a choice of a huge number of devices for scaring away moles, home-made devices also enjoy no small success. If homemade repellers are used comprehensively in the fight against the pest, then the land plot can be completely cleared of annoying animals.

Watch the video!  Mole repeller do it yourself

How to make a mole bottle repeller from a plastic bottle

A plastic bottle is an indispensable universal item used to create various accessories on a garden plot. From it you can make an excellent weapon against moles, the so-called wind turbine.

Method number 1

For the manufacture of a windmill from plastic bottle  it is necessary:

  • big scissors;
  • 1.5 l plastic container;
  • permanent marker;
  • awl;
  • stationery knife;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • metal plates with a hole in the middle (washers);
  • strong stalk.

The manufacturing process itself consists of the following steps:

  1. Permanent marker make a mark at the bottom of a plastic bottle. We draw a strip just above the bottom along the bottom border;
  2. We cut off with a stationery knife the figured bottom of the bottle along the drawn strip;
  3. In order for the knobs to turn clockwise, the bottom of the bottle should be correctly marked. First, draw a line with a marker, draw it from the center of the bottle bottom to the center of any of the convex irregularities. Next, draw a line that goes from the center of the bottom and ends in the concave part. And so put the markup on the bottom.
  4. Use large sharp scissors to cut out unnecessary elements. The result is a device in the form of a propeller. Cut the first element and then cut through one.
  5. There should be 5 such parts removed;
  6. In the obtained bottom in the center, we pierce with an awl heated on a fire.
  7. We put a washer on the prepared screw and insert it from inside the propeller. After we dress him with three more washers;
  8. Take the remaining item from the bottle. Make a hole with a heated awl in the lid and screw the screw in there. Thus attach the propeller to the plastic bottle. Screw is not necessary to twist until the end. Plates should rotate freely;
  9. To attach turntable  to support.
  10. Two holes are made on the neck and a small nail is inserted into them, which is then driven into the cutting.

The principle of operation of such a windmill is simple, gusts of wind, getting into the propeller, begin to turn it, and the largest element turntablesaround the nail also rotates. Washers form at the same time a noise that scares away little pests.

Method number 2

This method requires fewer items to be used. You will need a stick, garden shears and a bottle:

  1. We make wide cuts in the walls of a plastic bottle from top to bottom;
  2. From these holes we make two smaller perpendicular to the main one. One above, the other below;
  3. Fold the resulting elements to the side, the blades should turn out;
  4. The resulting mechanism is put on the support by making a hole in the bottom of the bottle.

The wind rotates the blades, creating noise that scares away moles. Such devices are usually placed near the hole of the animal.

Tip! If in the end you manage to catch a mammal, it is worth remembering that it can bite painfully. To protect yourself from unpleasant surprises, you should wear thick gloves or mittens.

Method number 3

For the construction of the structure for scaring away moles, elements from the second method will be required, as well as a plate cut from the wide part of the other bottle:

  1. In a plastic bottle, we make cuts in a length of 15 cm;
  2. From the additional part it is necessary to cut the blades for the screw of approximately the same length;
  3. Blades need to stick into the holes to get a propeller;
  4. In the cover it is necessary to make several holes and insert metal rods into them. Then attach the device to the stick.

During rotation, a rustling is formed, accompanied by vibration. Hearing its mammal is frightened and feels discomfort, therefore it moves to another habitat.

Method number 4

Along the perimeter of the land plot it is necessary to stick sticks, having several supports in one place. They need to wear empty plastic bottles or beer cans.

When wind gusts, plastic or metal will beat against each other, thus forming a noise that prevents the approach of a harmful mammal.

Method number 5

This is the so-called electronic mole repeller. It is made of hollow metal pipe. The scheme is as follows:

  1. The pipe is driven into the ground and placed inside an inexpensive electronic squeaking piece from an alarm clock on batteries;
  2. At the top, the pipe is covered with a cloth so that the noise does not roll around the neighborhood, and with the bottle cut off to protect the structure from rain.

The effectiveness of homemade devices

The mole is a blind animal. This makes his hearing and sense of smell impeccable. When building structures from simple elements are obtained either ultrasonic mole scarer, or scarers that create noise and vibration.


It should be clearly remembered that moles live in families consisting of a pair of adult individuals and several adolescents. Some families of moles come together. And the moves that they break through, reach several meters in depth.

Moreover, each underground passage has several exits, which complicates the precise determination of the location of the family.

All the above listed devices have been repeatedly tested by gardeners. Yes, and their manufacture is inexpensive. Therefore, even buying a modern device to combat harmful animals do not be lazy to make a couple of self-made.

Watch the video!  Plastic bottle windmill

In contact with

To favorites!

I will make a reservation right away: how to destroy the moles, we will not discuss. Despite the damage they cause, I have good feelings for these little animals and don’t want to destroy them. But I really want them to live peacefully and multiply somewhere else - not on my site. Therefore, it will be a question of how to expel moles from its territory without harming them.

Yes, here's what else you need to understand: the same method can be effective for some and completely useless for others, so how many people have so many opinions. I do not know how to explain this, but it’s a fact: in order to understand what will work on your site, you will have to test different methods in the field, so to speak, conditions.

Sounds and smells

The most common recommendations for scaring off moles are related to the use of all kinds of odorous substances or noisy devices - let's start with them.

Do moles scare smells?

It is believed that the unpleasant smell of animals can force them to leave the unfriendly territory. Maybe someone managed to get rid of moles in a similar way, but my experience suggests: this is a very inefficient method, and completely independent of the type of "odorous weapon."

Most often, it is advised to shove the "smell of smell" directly into mole passages. Well ... I stuffed mole animals and; my friends made plugs of rags soaked kerosene  or liquid ammonia. Resort to rotten fish  and spoiled eggs  none of us risked - they were afraid to leave the “battlefield” before their adversary :) So, the result was the same: the smelly move was ignored by the little animals, but they dug out a couple of new ones nearby.

It is believed that the hazel grouse imperial deters moles. But the moles do not know about it. A photo

It is also advised to plant around the perimeter of the site of the plant, which moles do not like. Among them are called   hemp  and Sowing cannabis - the idea is clearly unsuccessful (the reputation of this weed is bad, you know ...) I plant beans every year and a lot. Yes, in the planting of beans and in the immediate vicinity of them molehills did not find even once. But I didn’t even try to plant all my land with beans ... If anyone tried, share the result!

But what about grouse ... Yes, its bulbs (like bulbs of some species) have an unpleasant smell. And the bulbs are poisonous. Therefore, it is believed that their landing around the perimeter of other plantations creates a protective barrier against moles and rodents. From practice: moles repeatedly plowed up a plot in close proximity to a flower garden with hazel grouses and daffodils. Perhaps they had a runny nose ...

In other words, my experience and experience of my summer cot acquaintances clearly shows against the idea of \u200b\u200busing smells in the fight against moles. Although maybe this method works for someone ...

Noise and vibration against moles

I love silence, and in the garden I prefer the singing of birds and the rustling of leaves, rather than the clash of iron. Therefore from using lumbering cans  I refused right away: I’ll leave one hundred percent before the moles. Fortunately (or unfortunately, since now we cannot evaluate the effectiveness of this method), none of my neighbors and acquaintances used this method either, for similar reasons.

But windmills (weathervanes, turntables)  we experienced. The conclusions are as follows:

  • design  windmill repeller has the meaning  and directly affects the effectiveness of the method;
  • the action of such a repeller is always limited to small spaceand in order to achieve results on a site-wide scale, many wind turbines need to be installed.
  I put the turntables near the molehill. Something like this:

Pinwheel creates vibration

To enhance the effect, at first a piece of plastic pipe was vertically installed (its lower end was sunk into the ground by 10-15 centimeters), then the support of the pinwheel-vane was placed in this pipe. When the turntable was spinning, vibration was transmitted along the pin-support, which was reinforced by the pipe. In general, this design turned out to be weak, flimsy, and the plastic support is not the best way for such a goal. But even near such a structure, the activity of moles has noticeably decreased.

Much more efficient plastic bottle spinnermounted on a metal pin. The lower end of the pin is also buried in the soil, and the bottle with the cut out blades under the action of the wind creates noise and vibration. The design is incredibly simple and really works (tested!) - but in a rather limited space. That is, there will be no moles next to the turntable, and they are already digging without problems a few meters away.

How it looks and how it works plastic bottle repeller, can be watch in the next video.

Pay attention to the phrase: "I have a whole garden in these bottles." This is another practical confirmation of what was said earlier: this tool really works, but it is effective only on a limited area. In order to completely expel moles from the site, there will be a lot of turntables.

And the following video describes in detail and shows the process of making another (not vertical, but horizontal) construction mole repeller from a plastic bottle. It also works on the principle of a weather vane. In addition to vibration, the device makes a noise, and all this together "gets on the nerves" of the mole

However, as in the previous version, it will not be possible to do with a single weather vane-repeller - several turntables should be installed in different places of the site.

So unlike odors, noise and vibration are really able to scare away moles  and encourage them to relocate from the site. Actually, it is this property that is used in various industrial models of repellents.

Repeller factory production

Repellers, which are produced by both domestic and foreign manufacturers, drive away moles or by means of soundsor by vibrations. Moreover, if we are talking about sound devices, then we must take into account: they can use ultrasound (we do not hear it, but moles can hear it, and they don’t like it) or sounds perceived by humans. Before choosing the second option, consider: whether it will get on your nerves in the same way as underground inhabitants.

The second caveat: devices can work solar powered  either require installation conventional batteries.

Scarers deserve a separate discussion: to understand the considerable number of models offered by different manufacturers, and the criteria for their selection, we need a more detailed overview than the scope of this article allows. If the topic is interesting to you, I recommend turning to these publications here:

  •   (discussion, exchange of experience, user opinions)

"Biological weapons"

After all the experiments, I tend to think that the most effective remedy for moles and mice in the area is good. And the best is two :) In any case, it was the appearance of the tailed hunters in my garden that made the earth-moving community finally move. A neighbor says that her cat for a couple of seasons completely ousted the enemy from the territory of the site - molehills no longer appear.

Cats - a reliable remedy for moles. A photo

True, there is one significant circumstance: there is little cat spirit alone. It is necessary for the animal to successfully hunt the underground inhabitants, that is, represent a real threat to them. And, alas, far from all the representatives of the feline tribe cope with this task (but there are those who perfectly catch small earth-moving animals!).

Yes, this method cannot be called absolutely humane: a number of moles inevitably become victims. But the rest leave dangerous places, not wanting to be at risk. I will not vouch for the 100% effectiveness of the method, but I noticed the results of the work of cats in my garden.

"Border is locked tight"

I also read about one method that just struck me: how did the moles have to “get” a person so that he invented something like this ... The essence of the method: fine metal mesh  (such that the mouse or the mouse does not crawl through, and the worm or bug can easily cross the border) and buries along the perimeter of the entire (!) site to a depth of at least half a meter! On top also remains 15-20 centimeters of mesh, which are attached to the fence.

In this way, for moles (and other living creatures larger than a fly), an insurmountable obstacle is created, and they cannot physically penetrate the area from the outside. Probably, the method is effective (at least until the grid rustes and starts to crumble). But as for me, a similar amount of earthworks is clearly beyond my power ...

A few words about good neighborliness

Finally, I want to say about one thing that is often forgotten in the heat of the struggle. When we expel moles from our plot, they have to go somewhere, live somewhere. Where will they go? That's right - to the nearest cottage, to our neighbors. So, planning a “military operation”, you should still warn your closest associates - let them get ready to meet the “guests”. Otherwise, it does not work out well ...

And you happen to drive out moles from the site? What methods did you use? Which of them proved to be effective, and which proved to be useless? Share your comments in the comments!

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