At the same time, many gardeners dream of planting viburnum on their plot. However, those who have not encountered this plant, do not know how to reproduce it? When do I need to trim? How to care?

Let's talk about this in more detail.

About plant

Kalina Buldenezh belongs to the category of flowering shrubs from the honeysuckle family. This type of viburnum is considered an ornamental plant, which is used when decorating flowerbeds by land owners. You can form and as a shrub, and as a small tree.


The reproduction of Kalina Buldenezh is possible to implement such options as:

  • seeds;
  • grafting;
  • taps.

Consider each type of breeding separately.

From seed

The propagation of this variety of viburnum has several key nuances. They are planted seeds after 7 months of stratification begin to germinate no earlier than August: the root and the so-called semi-nuclear knee initially begin to grow, while the bud itself remains dormant.

Only next year, the appearance of the cotyledons begins with a vein.  For this reason, it is necessary to remember that in the winter period of the first year after sowing the seeds, this piece of land should be covered with leaves or peat, thereby preventing the soil where the seeds are frozen.

In order to speed up seed germination as much as possible, it performs stratification in several stages, namely:

  • initially, seeds are kept at a temperature in the range of 18–20 ° C;
  • after that, the seeds undergo a slight frost of 3-5 degrees. In this temperature mode, they pass their state of rest.

If we talk about the period itself, then in warm conditions the seeds keep no more than 3 months, with a small minus - no more than 4 months.

When planting seeds, it is necessary to remember that the sowing rate is considered to be within 8-12 grams, while the germination percentage is up to 88%.

In the event that the seeds are planted in the fall - the seeds germinate only a year later - not earlier. In the first few years, growth is slow, it is imperative to consider and not to expect that viburnum will grow in the first year.

Kalina Buldenezh begins to please the eye only after 4 years, when it comes to seed reproduction.


This method can be used at the moment when the plant is pruned directly in the summer season. For the breeding process itself, only young shoots can be used, which have few buds.

The process itself is as follows:

  1. Young shoots must be cut as carefully as possible to minimize their damage.
  2. After the cut, it is imperative to immerse them in a stimulating solution for at least 8 hours. For example, the solution Cornevin is perfect.
  3. After that you should prepare the ground itself, where cuttings will be planted - loosened and watered in advance.

Landing in the ground is as follows:

  1. Cuttings must be lowered into the ground to a depth of 2.56 centimeters.
  2. After planting, the cuttings are covered with cut plastic bottles to create a greenhouse effect.

When breeding in this way, the next year you can get the first shoots.

Reproduction with taps

This type of breeding is very simple and does not require any effort. The breeding algorithm for this variant is as follows:

Now you all know how to propagate this type of plant.


The landing of Kalina Buldenezh is as follows:


By itself, viburnum Buldenezh not whimsical plant, however, a little care to yourself requires.

Adult Kalina requires regular watering and fertilizing fertilizer. If we are talking about a growing plant, it is mandatory to regularly cut from obsolete or withered branches.

It must be remembered that in the first few years the plant is not recommended to cut, so as not to cause harm.

As you can see, the landing and care of viburnum Buldenezh does not require any skills and abilities and is quite feasible even for a beginner.


Pruning plants should be carried out exclusively in summer. It is necessary to pay attention to the middle of the plant, since it is in this area that young growth is formed, on which the plant spends most of its energy.

In order to subsequently be able to get a multi-bush, viburnum cut to the stump.

The very process of circumcision is carried out in the period from June to August, when the “snow-inflorescences-spheres” have already fallen.

About the care expert tells

The symbol of girlish beauty, love and happiness, viburnum from time immemorial was revered by our ancestors. She was considered a talisman, valued for her decorative appearance and useful properties. And today, her relatives are welcome guests of our personal plots. Especially in high esteem among modern gardeners viburnum Buldenezh.

Types of viburnum

Numerous genus of viburnum has about two hundred species. Their representatives are widely distributed in at least three continents - Eurasia, North America and Africa. Many since childhood are familiar viburnum. This unpretentious shrub does not need special attention, because it feels great without special care in almost every forest. And practically without demanding anything in return, he generously presents everyone around with his bright flowering, lush foliage and useful fruits.

Other representatives of this genus are also interesting, looking at photos of which you don’t immediately recognize them as viburnum:

  1. Buryat, or black, grows in the form of a spreading shrub up to 3 meters high or with a small tree with an open crown and bare branches. Leaves with sharp apex covered with sparse hairs. The flowers are pale yellow, the fruits are black, edible, sweet in taste;
  2. Fork forms shrubs on mountain slopes and mixed forests. Possesses large beautiful leaves of a reddish-brown shade in the spring and bright-purple - in the fall. White flowers are replaced by red fruits;
  3. Canadian dwells on forest edges, rocky hillsides, banks of rivers and marshes. Broad oval, pointed bright green leaves in summer take on the color of red tones in autumn. It has a creamy white bloom. Produces blue-black berries;
  4. The cog is a densely branched shrub reaching a height of 5 meters. This species is distinguished by an unusual round shape of foliage and dark blue small fruits;
  5. Pride grows in broadleaf fruits. Famous for its black edible fruits.

Description of decorative viburnum Buldenezh

The most common decorative culture of Viburnum ordinary - Buldenezh variety. Literally translated from French, this name means snow globe. Thus, the distinctive feature of the plant is reflected - large spherical inflorescences about 10-15 cm in diameter bloom with snow-white flowers and resemble a snowball in their appearance.

Buldenezh cultivated as a shrub or small tree. It grows quite quickly, the height reaches 3-4 meters. Flowers are sterile and do not give fruit.

Decorative properties of viburnum Buldenezh

His snow-white balloons Buldenezh dismisses in May. Flowering is long, lasting a month or more. Blossoming buds have a delicate greenish tint, over time acquiring a white color. When blooming, viburnum does not lose its decorative appeal. In autumn, the foliage is painted in noble scarlet tones.

In addition to decoration as a garden plant, the flowers of this variety are often used by florists to create flower arrangements. They are well cut, so the bouquets do not lose their freshness for a long time.

Conditions for growth and fruiting

Most viburnum shade-tolerant. However, ornamental species are recommended to be planted in well-lit areas or partial shade. Planting in the shade is fraught with a weakening of the bush, at the same time, excessive sun shade reduces flowering time.

These plants are moisture-loving, so excessive soil moisture and places close to water bodies will be optimal conditions for their growth and fruiting. The soil prefers loose, moderately acidic. If the earth is heavy clay, add humus, wood ash, peat.

Propagation of viburnum

Kalina propagated by seeds, cuttings, layering, dividing the bush. Each method has a number of features:

  1. seed stratification is long, lasts at least 6 months;
  2. freshly harvested seeds sprout only in a year;
  3. vegetatively more often reproduce ornamental forms;
  4. green cuttings are harvested during active growth of the plant;
  5. root cuttings in artificially created fog.

Seedlings grow slowly. Their development is accelerated in the 3rd year of life. With seed reproduction, fruiting begins after 4-5 years. The vegetative method accelerates the appearance of fruits, berries appear already in 2-3 years.

How to plant seedlings viburnum Buldenezh

Since flowers Buldenezh sterile and do not give seeds, this variety is available only vegetative method of reproduction.

Time and site for planting viburnum

The time of year for planting determines the mode of reproduction:

  1. layering multiplied in the spring;
  2. grafting is carried out in the summer;
  3. planting seedlings engaged in early spring and late autumn.

Land for landing is prepared in advance. A suitable place will be a shaded corner of the garden. If the chosen method of reproduction involves a landing pit, it is prepared in dimensions of 60 × 60 cm, a depth of about 0.8 meters and well watered with plenty of water. Drainage of bark, stones and other suitable materials is laid on the bottom. Kalina loves moisture, but stagnant water will damage the roots. The pit is filled with a nutrient mixture, which includes potash-phosphate fertilizers, peat, humus, ash and garden soil.

Planting cuttings viburnum

If Buldenezh is already growing in your garden, the easiest way to propagate viburnum will be layering:

  1. near the bush, a well is prepared with a depth of 12-15 cm;
  2. lower shoots are bent to the landing site and pinned with a staple;
  3. from above sprinkled with humus or just ground, compacted;
  4. the soil is kept moist.

Under favorable conditions, by the fall the shoots take root. After 2 years, the layers are separated from the parent bush. After that, they can be planted in a permanent place.

Summer cuttings of Viburnum

Reproduction by cuttings - a more time-consuming process. Planting material harvested during the summer trimming bush. For rooting choose cuttings with one interstitial.

Adhere to the following scheme:

  1. in June, annual shoots of 7–8 cm in length are cut off;
  2. cuttings are planted in humus soil and left in a greenhouse;
  3. planting covered with a film on top, watered moderately.

In the greenhouse you need to maintain a warm and humid microclimate. Rooting contributes to the creation of artificial fog. From time to time, cuttings are sprayed with warm water. Such conditions support until the next spring. Young rooted bushes grow in shkolka. After that they land in the ground.

How to plant viburnum seedlings with roots

If you intend to plant several seedlings, you should take into account that Buldenezh occupies a large area over time. Crown spreading shrubs broadly ovate can reach 5 meters in width. For the rest, the unsophisticated process:

  1. acceptable landing pattern 2x2 meters;
  2. root collar is buried 3-5 cm into the soil;
  3. the earth is compacted and well watered.

In the first year viburnum grows slowly. This is due to the weak root system. By three years it reaches about 1.5 meters in height. Rarely found 10-year instances above 3 meters.

Care for decorative viburnum

Care of viburnum is not particularly difficult. To preserve the decorative appearance of the plant, it requires forming and rejuvenating pruning, sufficient watering and infrequent feeding. Minor efforts to the gardener can only deliver preventive measures in the fight against diseases and pests.

Shrub formation and pruning

The pruning of young viburnum at a level of about 20 cm above the ground helps to achieve a multi-trunk bush. In the future, buldenezh will bloom magnificently, if in the first year the inflorescences of the plant are removed still unblown. Subsequently, the young shoots pinch in early August.

Pruning to form a crown is carried out after flowering. Thus, the branches will have time to lay new buds. You can adjust the shape and thin out the bush throughout the summer. In late August, such work is stopped, so that the viburnum has time to get stronger in the cold weather.

With age, the Buldenezh from abundant flowering bends, and the bush can collapse. Therefore, the old plant branches tied up.

Standard form of viburnum

The original shape of the viburnum is very original. Molding trim Buldenezh allows you to get specimens with a wide crown on the high and low trunk. Pruning is the formation of a crown at a height of 1.5-2 meters around one powerful escape. The branches are left about 30 cm long. Young shoots under the bush are regularly removed, and the crown is thinned every 7-8 years.

Top dressing and watering of an ornamental bush

Compared with other plants, viburnum needs more watering. This is especially true of young, developing plants. In autumn, preparing the plant for the cold, the soil is watered more than usual. This technique will prevent dehydration of viburnum in winter.

Buldenezh feed up twice a year. In the spring, nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus are brought under the bush under digging. In mid-August, potassium and phosphorus will be needed from fertilizers. Once or twice a season, the soil is watered with complex fertilizers, sprinkled ashes under the plant. Every two years in the fall, rotted manure is brought into the soil under digging.

Tatyana Pronina, expert

Pests and diseases of Viburnum Buldenezh

Kalina can annoy aphid. They struggle with it, treating the leaves with soapy water. Spraying is carried out in the evening in windless dry weather. It repels the pest and a thick layer of ash on the soil around the plant.

If a white bloom appeared on the leaves of viburnum, it speaks of powdery mildew disease. Spraying with a bodrose liquid will help save Buldenez at an early stage of the disease. In severe cases, the bush is removed from the site so that it does not become a source of spread of infection to other plants.

Such simple tricks will provide your Kalina a long, literally blooming life. After all, this long-liver is able to settle in your garden for 50-60 years. And what varieties still grow on your site? What can you say about their care, what tricks do you use in pest control? Share your experiences, discoveries, inventions in the comments!

There are two main ways of breeding viburnum "buldenezh": seed and vegetative. At the same time, gardeners should be aware that viburnum "buldenezh", which is propagated by the method of sowing seeds, does not inherit all the qualities of its variety. It is best to choose a vegetative method that is more likely to be implemented in your own garden. To do this, you need to spud shoots, separate the bushes with special layering of the horizontal and vertical type. Kalina "buldenezh" also tolerates. Uterine bushes are subjected to hilling once in 2-10 years in the autumn and spring period of time. It is required to pile up the soil at a bush up to eight centimeters. The next summer usually grows from three to six young shoots. Subsequent hilling should be done after they grow up to about twenty to twenty five centimeters.

  A hillock of sand after hilling requires constant moistening. If the care is effective, the shoots will “acquire” a strong root system by the fall season. They need to be disconnected from the bush, and then landed on a certain land plot where the new plant will develop further. Kalina "buldenezh", the reproduction of which is quite simple to produce, can be subjected to another effective method. it is also realistic with the help of lignified cuttings that will be kept in water for three or five days, after which they should be planted in a cool place under the cover of the cuttings. The latter has a certain composition, it includes humus and sand (in equal quantities). Cuttings require moisture, which can be provided with a special humidifier.

  For viburnum "buldenezh" reproduction using this method is quite acceptable because of its simplicity and accessibility. In about thirty days, rooting of the cuttings can be observed, and by the first month of autumn, the seedlings will already rise high enough above the ground, and they can be transplanted. The advantage of this method is the absence of a hot period during the rooting of the plant, which falls on the first or second month of spring, so there is no need to create an artificial shadow.

A more complex way for viburnum "buldenezh" - reproduction using green cuttings, because in this case, you will need additional stimulation of the growth of the root system. As a rule, the period of strengthening the root in the ground falls on the summer hot and arid period, which does not always have a beneficial effect on the result. Usually, under such unfavorable conditions, the cuttings do not grow well, so the growth period is extended by as much as three months. At the same time, you can try to grow and root the green cuttings in the amount of up to five pieces, using the usual flower pot under a jar (of glass), turned upside down. For the preparation of the substrate is applied sand and peat in equal quantities.

  It should be noted that viburnum "buldenezh", for which it was chosen as the only way, grows quite full and lush with proper organization of care activities. In the case of breeding with green cuttings, they need to be prepared until mid-June, the leaves below are to be removed, the upper two leaves should be cut by two thirds to avoid wilting of the remaining leaves. Bunched cuttings should be put in a special solution (heteroauxin) at a depth of three centimeters. After that, you need to endure for about 20 hours, remove them and transplant in a pot (depth - 2 cm), then cover with a jar, put on the windowsill and constantly moisten.

Kalina is an ornamental plant. Belongs to the family Honeysuckle. Kalina is very popular among domestic gardeners. Particularly noteworthy variety Buldenezh. What looks like viburnum Buldenezh: planting and caring for it, the most popular varieties - an article will tell about all this.

Buldenezh is a decorative viburnum, distinguished by large white spherical flowers. Each bud in the open state has a diameter of 15 to 20 centimeters. Shrub is lush, blooms profusely, but not for long (about 2-3 weeks). Serves as good decoration for a garden or the seasonal dacha.

In Russia, the plant appeared thanks to Empress Catherine II. Buldenezh grown exclusively in the royal greenhouses, parks and gardens. So this type should be called aristocratic. Often this viburnum is also called sterile, and this is due to the fact that its flowers are barren.

How looks viburnum decorative Buldenezh presented below:

What types are there?

Fruit varieties of viburnum are presented in a wide range. And the Buldenezh has several subspecies. All of them have high decorative qualities.

Viburnum Buldenezh includes the following popular varieties:

  1. Common.  It is considered a sterile form of ordinary red viburnum. It has a form that allows you to create interesting compositions. Due to which viburnum Buldenezh has gained considerable popularity among summer residents, gardeners and landscape designers.
  2. Decorative.  It differs from ordinary ones in more compact sizes.
  3. Rozeum  Viburnum Buldenez Roseum is characterized by terry inflorescences of unusual shape. Blossoming viburnum first has white buds with a green hue, and towards the end they acquire a delicate pink hue. Shrub grows over 3 meters. It is usually used in standard landings.

How to grow a buldenezh?

Viburnum is planted in early spring. In the autumn, such work is done if the sapling of viburnum Buldenezh was obtained by dividing an adult shrub. With good care, the bush will grow about 1.5 meters in height. If you do not carry out formative pruning, you can get a full-fledged tree, more than 3 meters high.

Rules for planting viburnum

For Buldenezh, a partial shade is considered ideal, while in the sun the flowering period is significantly shortened.

In the shade, the buds will be incomplete, and the plant will begin to suffer from the frequent attacks of insect pests. At one site viburnum can grow up to 60 years. An adult plant is difficult to replant. Therefore, it is better to find a good place immediately. Not bad Buldenezh grows along the waters. In urban conditions also feels fine.

It is desirable that the soil was non-acidic, loose and nutritious. Clay and heavy substrates facilitate, reclaim by adding humus, peat and sand. For a young seedling they dig a hole 50x50 or 60x80 centimeters in size. At the bottom lay a layer of drainage from the bark of trees and stones. Next, pour a mixture of sand, compost, earth, ash, peat and fertilizer. From nutrient mixtures it is better to give preference to potassium-phosphorus sets. For example, Agronalu, Agricola, diammofosku, nitroammofosku.

The distance between the bushes should be maintained at 2 meters. In the hole they make a cone-shaped tubercle. They put a seedling on top and gently straighten the root zone. Sprinkled with earth, compacted, irrigated abundantly. The root neck is buried by 5 centimeters. The soil around the plant is mulched with peat.

Care for viburnum in the open field

In the first two years for the winter, the radical circle is recommended to cover with mulch or humus. Not bad to plant around the plant lawn grass. It will be for the protection of the Buldenez in frosty days. In severe cold shoots sometimes freeze slightly. But, if the root zone is healthy and strong, viburnum is quickly restored.

The viburnum bush loves moisture, so it needs frequent and abundant watering. Irrigated at least twice in 7 days. One adult plant takes up to 20 liters of water. In the period from early spring to late autumn make nutrient mixture. In the spring they are fed with nitroammophos, and in the fall - with potassium nitrate and superphosphate.

To protect against diseases spend spraying. It is effective against gray spot, powdery mildew. Often Kalina overcome insect pests. Aphids are fought with soapy water. And Kalinous leaf beetle is destroyed by infusion of onion, garlic, and wormwood with soap.

How to cut viburnum? In the second year after planting, Viburnum Buldenezh is trimmed in landscape design in order to form a spherical bush. Prune shortly, leaving 3 buds. They make a ball out of strong young shoots by pinching their growth points on a length of about 30 centimeters. If you plan to give Kalina a tree, leave one powerful stem, and cut all the lower and side branches.

Sanitary pruning of Viburnum Buldenezh is carried out in the spring: all broken, withered and frozen out branches in winter are removed.

Viburnum propagation in the garden

How to propagate viburnum in the garden? Flowers do not give seeds. Viburnum Buldenezh is propagated in an exclusively vegetative way: by dividing the shrub, grafting or layering.

Propagation by cuttings is performed with the help of shoots of the current or last year. Crop them in the summer. The optimal length of the cuttings is 8 centimeters. It is important that they have two pairs of buds. All lower leaflets cut off. The upper cut of the cutting is done straight, and the lower - oblique. To speed up the process of root formation, the drug is treated with Heteroauxin, Cornevin or another growth stimulator. Planted cuttings in the loose substrate of sand and peat, deepening by 2 centimeters.

Reproduction by layering is carried out as follows. In May-June, young flexible shoots are chosen and bend them to the ground. Lay in grooves with a depth of about 10 centimeters and pin, sprinkle with soil. Further regularly and abundantly watered. When the seedling is rooted, it is separated from the mother bush and transplanted into the shkolka.

How is Buldenezh used in landscape design?

Any landscape designer sooner or later has an idea to apply in his work Kalina Buldenezh. After all, the plant looks luxurious and is recognized as a win-win option. Viburnum Buldenezh can be grown in landscape design as a stem tree or a single bush. It is used as an individual object, and to create an original composition. A good idea is to plant a plant at a fountain or pond. The reflection of colors in the water creates an interesting picture, giving originality to the park or garden.

With the help of viburnum decorate high fences. To this end, along the fence planted Buldenezh tree or bush. Standard crown begin to form a young bush.

Findings on the cultivation of Viburnum Buldenezh

Thus, viburnum Buldenezh is a good option for decorating a garden plot, a summer residence. Large and snow-white buds will not leave anyone indifferent. The plant also looks beautiful after flowering, as it has large and spectacular foliage. In cultivation is simple, the main thing is to follow the rules of planting and care. Read the article:.

Kalina Buldenezh is grown at dachas by gardeners, designers are used to decorate sites. Decorative variety Snowball was bred by a Frenchman named Lemoine four centuries ago. In Russia, the beauty came at the behest of the reigning Catherine II. At first, the bushes of the plant could be seen in the greenhouses and parks of the imperial family. Later, the nobility began planting viburnum their gardens. They looked unique. The branches were covered with snow balls. The description of this ornamental plant is given below.

They grow an exquisite plant not to produce fruits, it does not give them. But at the time of flowering striking beauty.

"Snowball" is a kind of ordinary viburnum, which takes its place in the honeysuckle family. Its height can be almost 3.5 m., diameter and a half.

Shrub has a highly branched branches. Gardeners, pruning them, give the plant a semicircle shape. From this blooming buds become more beautiful and tender. Inflorescences in the form of a ball and on a dwarf tree look great.

The leaves of such a garden viburnum are large and bright, have notches, and the veins create an interesting pattern. They covered all the shoots. Looking at the plant, it seems that it is in a festive green dress.

Inflorescences in the form of a ball are formed on young branches. Each diameter is 15 cm. From one bud out a few petals. Stamens in them. Therefore, the plant does not produce fruit.

By winter, the leaves fall, but viburnum looks spectacular without them, since the relief is created artificially.

Blooming buds have a light green tint, then become creamy and pinkish. Having opened, become a snow-white lump. Because of the huge number of inflorescences shoots bend down. Such beauty can be observed for more than a month - up to 35 days, flowering begins in May or June.

Both individual bushes, whole plantings of them, and standard trees look great.

Now, the plants that are grown in the suburban region, grow to more than 6 meters in height and live more than 5 decades.

Choosing a place for landing

For single bushes, you can pick up a place on a well-groomed green lawn. They look great near the gazebo, pond, benches.

Viburnum will surprise with its color in group plantings. Elegance of the plant will give a neighborhood with other cultures - barberry, spireaforming darker foliage below.

The snow globe will not disappear even in poor soil, in the area where there is little light, but the inflorescences will be small and in small quantities. To the bushes or trees pleased exquisite snow-white buds, find a more hydrated place with soil acidity not exceeding 6.5. It is better to plant at the lake, fountain or well. Do it well in spring and autumn.

In the fertile land a hole is dug 40x40, in poor land - up to 60. Put peat, 30 grams of nitrogen and potassium, up to 50 phosphorus, deepening the plant to 5 cm.

Planting in the spring, pruned to one third the length, in the fall a year later.

Shrubs are placed 1.5–2 m one from another. It is necessary to take into account that the neck of the root was 3 centimeters below the surface of the soil. The ground under the viburnum is well moistened and covered with rotted leaves or peat.

Care for viburnum Buldenezh

The plant will surprise with elegance, lush flowering, only if you care for it diligently and with love. And care consists:

  • at dressing  various fertilizers;
  • in regular loosening;
  • at rejuvenation  branches;
  • protection against diseases  and pests;
  • in normal watering;
  • at crown formation.

Top dressing in the spring and in the fall

Bushes or trees are fed before the buds swell and before the foliage starts to drop. Phosphorus and potassium, 30–40 g per square meter and 50 grams of nitrogen, are taken as autumn fertilizer.. In autumn only the first substance is needed, and the dose used should be 2 times less.

Feed spread over the surface of the soil, after which it is dug, watered and engaged in mulching.


Saplings in a year or two need to form a crown.  Then the bushes will be neat and lush. To do this, leave no more than four pairs of buds that are at the base. So do, until you get the desired type of plant. Tu viburnum that blooms poorly, cut to the root, leaving the stem at a level of up to 30 cm.

For 2 years, there is an escape height of shtamba somewhere in the meter. It is left as the stem of the plant, and the rest is pruned.

Form a crown after the bushes ottsvetut and begin to lay new buds. It is possible to thin out branches until autumn.

Plant pests

Kalina Buldenezh is not afraid of frost. If the ends of branches are frozen, which is not more than 12 cm, they are simply cut. On flowering, this is not displayed. Bushes and trees should be sheltered only in the northern areas of middle latitudes. Wrap only fork, laurel, black, evergreen. In this way they are protected from freezing. But mostly these varieties are grown in the south.

Some summer residents have a question why this exquisite plant adorns not so many sites.

In late spring, insects settle in the leaves of viburnum.. Appearing aphid contributes to their twisting, beetles gnaw the plate, leaving only streaks. This will not happen if we detect pests on time and start fighting them.

Sometimes a single treatment cannot cope with insects. Then spray the bushes again. For this purpose, a sprayer with a long boom is better suited.

To exterminate the bark beetle  at dachas acquire chlorophos 0.2%. To get rid of the commawhich likes to settle in the trunk and branches of viburnum, spraying produced using karbofos. On sale for this purpose you can find a 0.1% solution.

On the leaves is often observed   powdery mildew or spotting. To prevent this from happening, the plant is repeatedly processed with infusions made from onions, tobacco or garlic.

Breeding methods

Multiply Kalina Buldenezh can be in several ways.


For seed breeding stratification of planting material is necessary within six months - seven months. It will germinate no earlier than August.

Initially, the root is strengthened, and the kidney does not develop. Output cotyledons should be expected in the spring. Then the covers will be shed. By winter, cover with leaves or peat.

Seeds will germinate faster if maintained, changing temperature. First, they must be kept warm at 18–20 ° C.then for three months they are placed in a cold place. Resorting to reproduction in this way, shoots can be expected in one year. And only by the third viburnum will begin to develop rapidly. And bloom after five.

For breeding ornamental plant species more suitable vegetative breeding method, because the seeds are almost impossible to obtain.


With layering from the bush do this way:

  • near the plant form a hole up to 15 cm deep;
  • lower shoot detach, bending, pin down;
  • sprinkled earth or peat from above compacted;
  • the soil is constantly moistened.

If you do this in the spring, before winter shoots must root. And only after 2 years they are separating from the bush to another place.

This method is suitable if viburnum is already growing in the country.

Breeding is done using cuttings, which have one internode. Prepare them in June, cutting the bushes. The shoots leave a length of 1 cm. Put in the humus. Store in a greenhouse, covered with a film, which is removed only for watering. In such a humid environment, the cuttings remain until spring. For growing do a special bed-school. When the bushes take root, you can begin to transplant to a permanent place in the ground.

There is another way of breeding decorative viburnum, when using seedlings with roots. It should be borne in mind that the crown of a tree or bush has a considerable width. The distance between them is set at 2 m. The root neck is 5 centimeters deep. Sealing the ground is well watered.