Norway maple often decorates parks and suburban forests. This culture has a lot of positive properties. Widely used for landscaping. Norway maple tree differs fairly fast growth and helps in the shortest possible time to create barrage green stripes and design parks. Common Norway maple give a large deciduous mass of the crown, it dissolves quite early. Immediately after the disappearance of snow cover, resinous buds begin to appear, of which only a few days later the first maple leaves appear. A powerful trunk and large branches form the frame of a spreading crown. Culture is able to generate a shadow in the summer heat. Therefore, with the help of maples, park green areas are created in large cities.

See the Norway maple in the photo showing all the decorative abilities of the culture of Acer platanoides and options for its use in landscape design:

Description of the plant Norway maple and its leaf (with photo)

The Norway maple plant is a fairly large specimen of maple representatives. At home, its height can reach about 30 meters. The crown of the plant is dense and dome-shaped. The bark on young branches is smooth to the touch and has a reddish tint, and on old ones it has small cracks and a grayish-brown color.

Beginning with the description of the Norway maple, it is worth saying that this tree has characteristic large round-angular leaves with large sharp protrusions along the edge. Botanists call these leaves palmate-lobed. In autumn, the leaves of maple become very bright and beautiful: yellow, orange, reddish. At this time of year, some trees have fiery orange foliage and seem to be enveloped in flames. Maple leaves are good not only on the trees, but also on the ground. Some of them are spotty, which gives them a special charm. It is difficult to resist not to collect a bouquet of these magnificent works of autumn nature. They are no less pleasing to the eye than bright spring flowers.

See the Norway maple on the photo and the description will immediately become voluminous and colorful, clearly illustrating all the decorative advantages of culture:

Leaf of Norway maple, as well as our other deciduous trees, is permeated with numerous veins. They branch out strongly and form a dense network. Veins have a different thickness - from thick, easily distinguishable with the simple eye to very thin, visible only with a sufficiently strong increase. The veins of the leaf - the path of movement of plant juices In one direction, water with dissolved mineral salts passes through it, which enters the leaf from the roots; the sugar solution is moving in another direction - a substance that is produced in the leaves during photosynthesis. Of course, different liquids move through different channels. Water with mineral salts moves through the vessels and tracheids, the sugar solution moves through sieve tubes. But all these subtle channels are usually located in the neighborhood, in the same vein. As the maple leaf flesh penetrates thickly, one can see from the fact that in 1 cm2 of leaf the total length of all veins (thick and thin) is on average about 80 cm.

See how the leaf of the maple leaves on the photo looks like - of course, he deserves the right to be on the national flag of Canada:

During the flowering period, Norway maple becomes covered with yellow-green flowers, which are collected in corymbose inflorescences. Maple blooms in spring, but not very early. Its flowers bloom at a time when the tree is almost bare, it has just appeared small leaves. Flowering maple is clearly visible even from afar: in the crown of a tree on bare branches you can see a lot of greenish-yellow tuft-like inflorescences that look like loose clumps. When you come closer to the tree you feel the peculiar sour-honey smell of flowers. At a maple in the crown of the same tree you can see several types of flowers. Some of them are fruitless, others give rise to fruits. However, all flowers contain nectar and are readily visited by bees.

Almost immediately after flowering on a tree, seeds begin to ripen in large numbers, which, after full ripening in autumn, fall in large numbers around the mother trees. The thin, almost transparent fabric of the wing is reinforced with hard veins. It is curious that the maples "invented" the steamy lionfish - its fruits are linked in two. In the spring, an entire picket fence of young seedlings rises under the adult maples. True, few of them survive in the difficult struggle for life, which will be discussed below.

It tolerates wood very well, both in drought and long frosts. Reproduction occurs with the help of seeds and cuttings.

Maple is remarkable because it is one of the few trees we have that has white milky sap. Allocation of such juice is peculiar almost exclusively to trees of warmer countries - subtropical and tropical. In temperate latitudes, a similar phenomenon in trees is a rarity. To see the milky sap of maple, you need to perevrvat leaf stalk in the middle of its length. In the place of the break a droplet of thick white liquid will soon appear. This is best observed shortly after foliage blooming - in late spring and early summer. It is interesting to note that the maple sap contains rubber. Maple is one of the good honey plants.

See the Norway maple on the photo of the tree used as an ornament for the garden:

Where does the Norway maple grow?

Not in any forest can be found this tree. It most often grows in deciduous forests along with oak, linden and some other trees. Often maple can be seen in spruce-broad-leaved forests. Its role in the forest is usually modest - it is only an admixture to the dominant tree species. Independent pure groves maple almost never forms: he is satisfied with the role of the satellite.

Reproduction and fruits of Norway maple

The tree is interesting in that the methods of its reproduction are not limited to vegetative. Some details of the reproduction of the Norway maple are interesting, for example, in those forests where there is this tree, you can see on the soil and its young generation - small plants with characteristic maple leaves. Small trees appeared from winged fruitlets, which are formed in abundance every year on adult trees and fall off after ripening.

As long as the fruits of Norway maple are green, they remain fused together in pairs, with their wings pointing in opposite directions. But after ripening, the fruits are separated and fall one by one. To a man without any knowledge of botany it will seem strange that it is not the seeds, but the fruits. The secret is simple: a pair of winged fruitlets grows from the pistil of a flower, and botanists call everything that comes from this part of the plant. In each winged fruit of maple, in its thickened part, contains one seed. The seed is flat, round, in shape it looks a bit like lentil grain, but only much larger. Almost all the contents of the seed are two long light green seed-lobes. They are strongly compressed into a folded lump, having the form of lentil grain. If you break a maple seed, you will be surprised to see that it is a light green, pistachio-colored inside. These seeds of a maple differ from seeds of very many plants: they inside are white or yellowish.

The winged fruits of maple fall from the tree just like the seeds of pine and spruce: they quickly rotate, like a propeller, and gradually fall to the ground. And here nature has made sure that the seeds are further scattered. If there are at least single adult maple trees in the forest, its undergrowth is visible everywhere, often quite far from the mother tree. This is explained by the fact that maple annually and abundantly bear fruit, and its fruits are very volatile.

The time of fruit fall is greatly stretched - from late autumn and almost until the end of winter, so many of them fall not on the ground, but on snow. Unlike linden seeds, maple seeds are able to germinate already in the first spring, and this is the only possible time for their germination. They cannot survive for several years on earth — they perish.

The emergence of maple shoots in the spring is sometimes fraught with difficulties. This happens, for example, in forest-steppe oak forests. Snow here on warm spring days is coming off quickly and winged fruits are on the surface of the forest floor, which covers the soil in the forest with a thick layer. Very unfavorable conditions for germination are created. The litter dries quickly, and if the root of the shoot does not have time to drill it and enter wet ground, it dies. And with it dies and all the young plant, which is in the seed in the seed.

In the spring, soon after the snow melted in the forest-steppe oak forests, it is often possible to observe the massive death of germinating maple seeds on a drying mat. Only a few of them - those that began to germinate before anyone, will give rise to young plants.

So, the sooner seeds appear in the roots, the better. Therefore, the maple developed the ability to extremely early germination. The plant willy-nilly has to be in a hurry. If there are warm sunny days, the seeds begin to germinate already on the surface of the melting snow, at a temperature of about zero. Right in the snow they appear and then the roots begin to grow. Amazing phenomenon! None of our tree except maple, this does not happen.

In the case when the sprouting root was able to safely reach the wet soil, the development of the shoot is normal. The stalk begins to grow rapidly, the cotyledons are straightened, and after a while a couple of true leaves appear. But what kind of leaves! They are completely different from the leaves of an adult plant. A small plant with such leaves has nothing to do with maple. We saw the same at a pine, ate, a linden. Trees at the youngest age are often difficult to recognize: they are too unlike adult plants.

The first summer maple seedling remains with two unusual whole leaves (cotyledons soon fall off). In the second and subsequent years, the usual palmate-lobed leaves are formed.

Amazing Maple Lionfish.

If you sort through clusters of still green lions on broken branches, you can find several pieces of triple, quadruple and quintal winged; less common even gear. Most often there are triple and quad, but very rarely there are two maple, three on each of two dozen clusters. Perhaps these are special ugliness specimens of maple; maybe the case is due to the special fecundity of the maple that year.

Watching the abnormal maple doves is not easy. As long as they are green hanging on a tree, they are hard to see; and in the fall, when they fall, they all, both normal and abnormal, break up into separate seeds with one wing. Here, by the way, it seems to the botanist lover to observe how surprisingly the lionfish is arranged, which, when falling, turns quickly and, with the slightest wind, moves to the side.

Interesting Facts.

The ancient Roman scholar Pliny gave this tree the botanical name Acer, in the form of leaves, which means "sharp." We call it the Norway maple. Indeed, in our maple leaf is divided into sharply rotary lobes. Usually they are 5.

The tree is under Peter I mentioned as protected. In ancient times it was used to decorate monastic and boyar gardens. An interesting feature: maple leaves are almost never affected by pests. On them you will not meet gluttonous caterpillars or harmful insects. They bypass this tree side.

Maple belongs to one of the fastest growing trees. In the first years in good conditions, it can grow by a whole meter and very soon becomes a tall and slender tree. In the spring in its flowers found an abundance of insects that use the nectar of the tree. Maple is a very good melliferous plant, 1 ha of maple forest can produce up to 200 kg of honey.

Strong and hard wood of maple of Norway leaves in olden times was used for making spears and handles for melee weapons. Maple wood is currently used to make skis and musical instruments. For example, such a tool as the bassoon, is always made of maple.

Everyone knows that the symbol of Canada is the red maple leaf. He became a symbol of this northern country not by chance. In the deciduous forests of North America grows a species of maple, which has played a large role in the life of its inhabitants, sugar maple (Acer sacharum) up to 40 m high. Its juice contains up to 6% sugar, and 65% is sucrose. For a long time, the North American Indians were driving sweet maple sap.

This maple sap is widely used in the confectionery industry in the USA and Canada. Each large tree during the collection period can produce from 50 to 100 liters of juice. It is easy to calculate that this is about 2.5–5 kg of sugar.

While sugar beet and sugar cane remain the main source of sugar in the world, maple sugar production is prominent in Canada. Various figures are made of it: cockerels, horses, dogs. Maple syrup is added to ice cream and creams, stuffed with caramel.

However, more often it is used as a seasoning. Residents of the Canadian province of Quebec, for example, use it with pancakes, pancakes, beans, ham, and even ... with pickles.

Interestingly, symbolic maple leaves became red relatively recently - in 1957. Prior to that, at the end of the 19th century, one of the provinces of Canada, Ontario, had 3 golden maple leaves on its coat of arms, symbolizing the main groups of the country’s population: the French, the British and the americans. Since 1921, Canada received the national flag with three green maple leaves.

This tree has become a real decoration of parks. It has large patterned leaves that have five sharp ends. is he beautiful at any time of the year, but in the fall is especially noticeable.  Maple leaves are painted in a variety of colors: from the traditional yellow to purple. It is impossible to take your eyes off the tree, it becomes so smart. It is from the maple leaves most often in the fall people collect beautiful autumn bouquets.

My post will tell you more about this plant.


This tree grows up to 40 meters in height.

Maple has many virtues. His not afraid of the cold.  And this is very important for the tree. In our northern lands, this property helps it to survive the most severe frosts.

Maple and drought resistant.  Many trees dry without water. This poplar, and willow. A maple without water can live long.

And he grows very fast. In one year, his shoots grow almost a meter. Maple grows very well with oak and ash. We can say that they are friendly with each other.

Its wood is white with shades of red-brown or yellow.

In the spring, trees awaken among the first.  With the snow melted, the water from the ground rises to the branches. When you want to try the maple sweet juice, just make a cut in the tree and substitute any dishes.


Maple refers to honey plants.  It begins to bloom by the end of April. It is even strange that such small yellowish-green flowers emit such a strong attractive smell. It is because of him that bees rush to the maple in order to collect the sweet nectar and pollinate the plant. It turns out that maples are very important for bees. Therefore, they are planted next to apiaries.

Maple pollen is pleasant not only to bees and other insects, but also to squirrels.


Maple fruits resemble propellers, only small ones. They are called krylatkami. At the time of leaf fall winged seeds  hang on a tree for a very long time.

From the wind, they fly through the neighborhood and fall to the ground. In the spring some of them will germinate. And grow a new tree, mighty and beautiful. So this plant breeds.

Where is growing

Maple grows throughout the Northern Hemisphere. About 20 plant species are known in Russia, the most common of which are:

  • norway maple;
  • tatar;
  • field;
  • white.

Maple Japanese is listed in the Red Book of Russia.

In the Southern Hemisphere of the Earth only one species grows - laurel.


Beautiful maple is often planted in parks.

Decorative furniture has been made of wood since ancient times. make musical instruments:  bowed, stringed and others. You will often find maple violins and guitars made today. Maybe your skis are also made of this wood.

Baseball bats and bowling pins are made from maple wood.

Maple sap

Man gets out of maple delicious syrup.  And when it is thickened by a certain technology to the consistency of butter, the sweetness is tasty and healthy.

But man is not alone in his desire to eat. This juice has long been appreciated by birds and beasts. The woodpecker, to get to the sweet, makes a hole in the bark of the bark, and the squirrel just bites through it. It does not harm the tree at all. These wounds are small, and they heal quickly.

Popular rumor about the maple

This is an extraordinary tree. About him in the Russian people there are many take beliefs, folded songs.

It is said that a man and a maple growing in front of his house are connected. The tree is alive as long as the person lives. When the owner dies, the tree dries up.

And if someone is unhappy and offended touches a green tree, it will dry.

It is said that maple "cries" before the rain. And if in the spring it releases juice, it will soon get warmer.

Symbol of Canada

The maple leaf is depicted on the national flag of Canada. But he did not appear there immediately. There is a legend about this. In 1860, the Canadian city of Toronto was going to host the Prince of Wales. Residents of the city with national symbols in their hands were preparing to meet the guest. The British emigrants were holding roses in their hands. The Scots cooked thistle branches. The symbol of Canada was then a beaver. Could not people carry in the hands of these animals. Then the Canadians were offered to carry maple leaves to this meeting. The leaf then decorated the flag of the country and became a symbol of a single nation.

If this message came in handy for you, she is glad to see you.

The beauty of the maples long won the hearts of people, they are especially beautiful in the fall. How many poems dedicated poets of different times to this tree, how many times it was captured on the canvases of artists ... In Japan, there are even catalogs and guidebooks from which you can find the most beautiful places where maple grows. But not only beauty is famous for this tree. Carpenters, for example, are very fond of him for the quality of wood, and folk healers for their healing properties. This tree can be found in the forests of many countries. Botanists account for about one hundred and fifty species of maple. In Russia, more than ten varieties of this wonderful tree grow. This article will describe some species of this plant. And you will learn about the duration of maple life.

Description of the tree. Types of Maples

Maple is a very common tree species. It can often be found in parks and squares, as well as in deciduous forests. But despite this, this tree is not dominant, most often maple grows in nature as an "admixture" to various dominant tree species. Translated from the Latin "maple" means "sharp." This tree has received the name for the pointed Maple, numbering more than a hundred species, can be found in Europe, Asia, South and North America, North Africa.

Maple is a dioecious plant with small pale-green flowers. The fruits of the maple tree are two winged sunflower seeds that are fused together, which after ripening disintegrate. It should be noted that they can germinate at zero temperature, even if there is snow around. This is no longer seen in any tree. Despite the great diversity of these trees, they are all united by a wide angular-rounded shape with pointed protrusions. This form is called palmate-lobed. In autumn, the leaves turn from green to bright orange, red, brown, yellow. Because of such a riot of colors, maple is often referred to as a decorative plant species.

Maples root system is superficial. It breeds with shoots and seeds. The tree is very light-loving, the special form of the crown and the folded leaves help to collect the maximum amount of light. Also, the tree is thermophilic and drought-resistant, in the northern regions may suffer from severe frosts and severe winters. Maple also has the amazing ability to cry. Even with a slight increase in air humidity, droplets ("tears") begin to fall from the stalks of tree leaves. In the following, some species of maples will be described in more detail.

Maple lifespan

It is believed that maple lives from two hundred to three hundred years. Many scientists claim that the age of some species can reach five centuries! In our latitudes maple is about a hundred years old. But if the tree grows in favorable conditions, then this figure may increase.

Norway maple

Its second name is Common Maple. This species is most often found on the territory of our country. It is a deciduous tree with a thick, pronounced spherical shape of the crown. It reaches a height of twenty to thirty meters. The bark of young trees is very different from the old ones. The former have a smooth reddish-gray color, and the latter have a rough, gray color, carved with small cracks. ordinary five-lobed, wide enough (up to eighteen centimeters in diameter). The surface of the leaves is glossy. Norway maple flowers bloom in delicate yellow-green flowers, collected in small inflorescences. This type is very useful from the point of view of ecology, as it retains benzene vapors, harmful suspensions of heavy metals, thereby purifying the air and improving the ecological situation of the surrounding territory.

White Maple

The second name is sycamore. This type of maple grows in the Caucasus and the Carpathians. Also found in eastern countries and western Europe. The tree is very slender and tall, has a dense spherical pyramidal crown. The bark of the sycamore grayish-brown, gradually cracks with age, and under it you can see a young, lighter one. The leaves are large, in length reach twenty centimeters. The shape of the leaves is heart-shaped, five-lobed. Maple is blooming in mid-late May with small yellow flowers.

Silver maple

This tree reaches a height of forty meters - a real giant among maples. The annual growth is large enough - forty centimeters in width and fifty in height. Because it is easy to calculate how many years maple grows to achieve such gigantic proportions. The crown of this representative fauna is powerful, openwork. The branches are slightly drooping. Young maple bark is a light gray color, young shoots are bright red. The leaves are large, five-lobed, strongly dissected, whitish or gray-gray from below. In autumn they turn light yellow. This type of maple is moisture-loving, frost-resistant, prefers open lighted areas. It is found in North America.

Manchu Maple

This species grows in China and the Far East. The tree in height reaches twenty meters. Crohn openwork, rounded shape. The bark is a light gray color with small cracks. The leaves are trifoliate, thin and elegant. The color of the leaves changes three times a year: in the spring - red-orange, in the summer - dark green, and in the fall - purple-red. Maple blossoms are large. The plant tolerates transplant well, as the root system is shallow.

Maple Crismon King

This type of maple leaf coloring is interesting. In the spring, they are blood red in color, and in summer they become almost black. This tree is very popular with landscape designers.

Tatar maple

Another name is black. The distribution area is quite wide - Western and Central Europe, Asia, Eastern Siberia, Central Russia. This species is a small tree or shrub whose height varies from two to ten meters. This tree looks very delicate - thin angular branches covered with fuzz, bark of pale gray color. The leaves are small - five to ten centimeters in diameter, pubescent along the veins. Tatar maple is an excellent honey plant. The tree tolerates frosts, tine-resistant and unpretentious to the soil. It is often planted in parks and squares.


Maple inspires artists to write pictures, photographers make "pilgrimages" to the autumn forest in order to stop a wonderful moment. So by all means go to the autumn park to enjoy the unique colors. And if you have a plot, then plant a maple in your garden. The life span of a tree is very long, and therefore not only your children, but even grandchildren will be able to enjoy the coolness in its shady foliage in the summer, and in the fall to admire the outfit of this bright tree.

Title:   comes from the Latin "acer" - sharp (leaves with sharp blades).

Description:   There are about 150 species, growing mainly in the temperate zone of both hemispheres, some species are found in the Mediterranean and Central Asia.

Trees or shrubs with falling, simple, less often complex, long petiole, unusually spectacular in the autumn, with fruits - diplates. Almost all species are of interest as very ornamental plants. Beautiful pattern of leaves of various shapes, bright autumn colors, original inflorescences and fruits, bark pattern and shoot color have long attracted the attention of people. Almost all kinds of good honey plants. In order to landscaping began to be applied from the first steps of the development of gardening.

Bearded maple  - Acer barbinerve Maxim

In nature, it is found in Primorsky Krai, Northeast China, and North Korea.

Photo of Kravchenko Cyril

Large shrub up to 4-5 m tall or small tree up to 10 m with a spreading crown. The bark on the trunks is smooth, dark gray. Young shoots are green, yellowish or reddish. The leaves are 3-5 lobed, membranous, almost monochromatic, thin, on the upper side with sparse pubescence, on the lower side - with long hairs in the corners of the veins, for which, probably, it received its specific name. Along the edge of the lamina is coarse-notched or double-serrated. In spring and summer the leaves are green, in the fall they are yellowish-orange, of various shades of yellow. The flowers are dioecious, small, yellowish, collected in short 4-6-flowered squeezed brushes. Blossoms simultaneously with the blooming of leaves for 7-15 days. Fruits - yellowish lionfish, up to 3.5 cm, with characteristic ribs on fruits, by which they can be easily distinguished from other species.

Light-requiring Fully frost-resistant in central Russia. Undemanding to the soil. Windproof. Grows quickly, tolerates pruning easily, gives rise to stump growth. Propagated by seeds. Decorative throughout the year. Flowering and fruiting from 6 years. The mass of 1000 seeds is 20-43 g. Viability of seeds is 91%. When treating summer cuttings with a 0.01% IMC solution, 64% take root for 16 hours.

Fruits are stored in plastic or dense cloth bags in a glass container in a cold (0 - 3 ° C) room. Before sowing, seeds need cold stratification — in wet sand at 5 ° C for 2–3 months. Germination 60 - 80%. Sealing depth 2 - 3 cm.

Suitable for creating composite groups, looks good in a single and group planting on the edges, in parks and forest parks. In culture since 1890.

Maple naked- Acer glabrum Torr.

Homeland - the west of North America. On wet habitats at an altitude of 1200-1800 m above sea level. sea ​​(to the south - up to 2700 m above sea level). In small canyons, along valleys, streams and rivers, on wet slopes. Sometimes along with conifers.

Shrub or tree up to 8 m tall. In GBS since 1966, 2 samples (8 copies) were grown from seeds obtained from natural habitats and culture. Shrub, in 10 years up to 2 m in height, crown diameter 70-80 cm. Vegetation from late April to early October. The growth rate of young plants is medium, in older adults it is slow. Does not bloom. Winter hardy Promising for introduction into the culture. In landscaping absent.

The seeds are stored in tightly closed containers or in plastic sealed bags in an unheated room. At the same time, germination lasts up to 2 years. Laboratory germination of 80%, ground - 75%. Seeds are sown immediately after harvesting (seedlings appear in the spring of next year) or stratified in sand or peat for 120 days at 0 - 3 ° C. Sealing depth 4 - 5 cm.

Maple yellow, (Maple-birch)  - Acer ukurunduense Tmutv. et mey.

It grows in Primorye, on Sakhalin, in Northeast China, Japan. Grows in coniferous and mixed forests on fertile moist soils. Shade-tolerant

Shade-tolerant tall shrub or small tree up to 15 m tall, with an ovoid crown, soft, yellowish-gray, scaly bark, beautiful, ornamental foliage, spectacular at the time of mass flowering. Further all types of maple comes to the north. Young shoots pubescent, later naked, reddish-brown, with a few lentils. Five-lobed leaves, rounded-ovate, up to 10 cm long, yellowish-green from above, glabrous, completely pubescent from the bottom with soft reddish hairs, especially thick along the veins. The flowers are small, yellow, in thick, protruding brushes. It blooms after blooming leaves. Lionfish in youth pink, later brown.

Undemanding to soil, hygrophilous and winter-hardy, seedlings need shelter. The mass of 1000 seeds is 7.9 g. Seed vitality is 100%. Seeds sown without stratification in October, sprout in May. Before spring sowing, stratification of seeds at 0 - 7 ° C for 4 - 6 months in a wet substrate is recommended. Sowing depth 2 cm. Germination 60 - 75%. Rooted cuttings of 35% of the summer when treated with a 0.01% IMC solution for 16 hours. Looks good in single and group plantings in parks and forest parks. In culture from the second half of the XIX century.

Photo of Kravchenko Cyril

Maple curled  - Acer circinatum Pursh.

Homeland northwest regions of North America.

Deciduous shrub or tree up to 12 m tall, with a rounded crown; thin bare branches and brilliant, purple annual shoots.
Leaves 7-9-lobed, rounded in outline, up to 12 cm in diameter, bright green above, hairy underneath in youth, later naked, on petioles up to 3.5 cm long. Pointed blades, incorrectly double-toothed. In autumn, the leaves are very spectacular in their color, from dark red to orange tones. The flowers are large, up to 1.2 cm in diameter, with purple sepals and whitish petals, 6-20 each in bare, drooping inflorescences. Duration of flowering 15-20 days. Lionfish almost horizontal, up to 5 cm.

Vegetation from late April to mid-October. The growth rate is average. It blooms from 12 years old in mid-May. Fruits in 16 years, every year, not much, fruits ripen in late September. Winter-hardy in central Russia, in particularly frosty winters, annual shoots are partially frozen over. Rooted 12% of summer cuttings. Recommended for use in landscaping Moscow.

Seeds are stored in tightly closed vessels or in plastic sealed bags in an unheated room. At the same time, germination lasts up to 2 years. Laboratory germination of 75%, soil - 60%. Seeds are sown immediately after harvesting (seedlings appear in the spring of next year) either stratified under snow for 90 days or in peat or in the sand first 1–2 months at 20–30 ° C and then 3–6 months at 3–4 ° . Seeding depth 4 - 5 cm.

Very decorative throughout the growing season. Looks good in single and small group plantings foreground. In culture since 1826.

Photography by Natalia Pavlova

Green Maple  - Acer tegmentosum Maxim

It is found in the Primorsky Territory, Northeast China and Korea. It is found on the territory of many reserves. It grows in mixed forests on fertile, well-moistened soils. Shade-tolerant

A large shrub or tree up to 15 m tall, with a broad, spherical crown and a very decorative trunk covered with smooth, green bark, in young plants with longitudinal white stripes, and gray in adults. No less decorative are its dark cherry branches and large pinkish buds, at blooming of which strongly hairy, elongated outer scales of pink color remain for some time at the base of leaves and young shoots than adorn the plant. The leaves are wide, thin, large, up to 17 cm long, shallowly three-lobed, with a beautiful pattern of veins, dark green in summer and golden yellow in autumn, they resemble lime trees in shape. The flowers are large, greenish-yellow, in elegant hanging, sparse racemes up to 8 cm long. Bloom after blooming leaves for 10-13 days. Small, pinkish-brown lionholes in very spectacular tassels attract attention to themselves, giving the tree a peculiar charm in the fall.

Winter hardy It grows relatively quickly. Shade-tolerant, but in a culture prefers well-lit places. Hygrophilous, demanding of soil fertility and moisture, tolerates transplant well. Propagated by seeds. Seeds are sown in the fall after harvesting or stored in a glass or other container with a tight-fitting lid, can be in a dense cloth, paper or plastic bags in a cool room at 0 - 5 ° C and humidity of 10 - 15%. Before spring sowing, stratification of seeds in a wet substrate for 4–6 months at 0–7 ° C is necessary. Sowing depth 2 - 2.5 cm. Germination 70 - 85%.

Seed viability of 90%. Rooted 60% of summer cuttings. Beautiful honey plant. In culture since 1892. Looks good in single and group plantings.

Photos of Sophia Zhelezova.

Corned maple  - Acer spicatum Lam

The area of ​​natural distribution is North America. In the undergrowth of deciduous and mixed forests; in cold habitats: along the banks of rivers and streams in the mountains and valleys; in the forests - on deep, rich wet soils.

Tree up to 15 m tall, often shrub with a rounded, dense crown, well-formed. Young shoots are reddish-brown, later gray-brown, grayish-pubescent in youth, later naked. The trunk is brownish gray. Leaves up to 12 cm, graceful, with reddish petioles, shallowly three-lobed, with pointed lobes, yellowish-green, almost naked on top, from the bottom in youth - densely pubescent, in autumn - orange-red. The flowers are greenish-yellow in narrow, openwork, racemes. upright inflorescences up to 14 cm long. Blooms simultaneously with the blooming of the leaves and blooms for 20 days.

Shade-tolerant, winter-hardy, moderately light-requiring and demanding of the soil. Decorative form of the crown and leaves during flowering and fruiting. Beautiful shape and decorative features allow you to create elegant, freely growing groups, tall, uncut hedges and complex compositions. Good in casing ponds. One of the most valuable decorative rocks. In culture since 1750. 93% seed viability. Rooted 5% of summer cuttings.

Seeds are stored in tightly closed vessels or in plastic sealed bags in an unheated room. At the same time, germination lasts up to 2 years. Laboratory germination of 75%, soil - 60%. Seeds are sown immediately after harvesting (seedlings appear in the spring of next year) or stratified in sand or peat for 130 days at 0 - 3 ° C. Depth of seal from 4 - 5 cm.

It has lanceolate form  (f. laciniata), in which leaves with irregularly incised and deep lobes.

Photo left EDSR
Photo right Kirill Kravchenko

False bebord maple  - Acer pseudosieboldianum Pax.

It is found in Primorye, Northeast China and Korea.

A small slender tree up to 8 m tall, with a thick tent-shaped, irregular crown. The bark of the trunk is light gray, young shoots are reddish or greenish, with a bluish bloom. The buds are small, reddish. Very attractive leaves of this maple. Rounded, palmate or dissected to half of the leaf blade, nine-lobed, up to 10 cm in diameter. The blades are wide-orbically or triangular, at the beginning of development pubescent on both sides, later bare. The bright green leaf is painted in autumn in red-pink or purple-red tones. The flowers are rather large, yellowish-white with large, almost twice as large as the petals, purple sepals, collected 10-20 in racemes with pubescent axes. It blooms after blooming leaves for 10-15 days. The lionfish are pinkish-red at the beginning of ripening and only later become yellowish-brown.

Easy transfer transplant. It is reconciled with the conditions of the city. Winter-hardy enough. Shade-tolerant Normally develops only on well-drained soils.

After harvesting, fruits are sown in soil or stored in glass, dense fabric or plastic containers in a cool room (5–10 ° C) at a humidity of 10–15%, and before spring sowing they are stratified in wet sand at 15–20 ° C (1 - 2 months) and 3 - 5 ° С (2 - 3 months). Sowing depth 2 - 2.5 cm. Germination 60 - 90% (varies by year).

One of the most decorative types of maple. It is very beautiful in spring, when the bright, pink-red integumentary scales of leaf buds, which have just released folded, young leaflets, have not yet fallen, but are especially good in the autumn period, when the leaves, after a range of tones, become fiery-red in color. whole creates the illusion of a burning fire. It is beautiful even during the flowering period, when white-red inflorescences hang from long, dark red petioles from beneath horizontally spread leaves. Slenderness and beauty of this species make it a desirable park plant. It is recommended for single or loose, group plantings, as well as when creating composite groups.

Photos of Sophia Zhelezova.

Manchu Maple  - Acer mandshuricum Maxim

It is found in the Primorsky Territory, Korea, Northeast China.

Slender tree up to 20 m tall, with a high, rounded, openwork crown. The bark on the trunks is light gray, finely fissured, reddish-brown shoots, bare, small red-brown buds. Graceful, trifoliate, complex leaves are perfectly combined with long, thin, reddish petioles.

In spring leafy plates are reddish-orange, sometimes reddish with a green tinge; in the summer from above dark green, from below is lighter; In autumn they are painted in bright purple-red tones. The flowers are yellowish-green, rather large, 3-5 each in racemes, blooming simultaneously with the leaves. Duration of flowering 10-12 days.

Photophilous, but can tolerate a slight shade. Demanding on the size of the area of ​​nutrition, soil and air moisture. The root system is shallow, but extensive, so the view is wind-resistant. Easily tolerates transplant, painfully reacts to pruning and urban conditions. In the first 3 years it grows slowly. Flowering and fruiting from 13 years. The fruits ripen in mid-September. Mature plants are completely winter-hardy. Gives seed reproduction. Rooted cuttings of 28% of the summer when processing a 0.01% solution of IMC for 16 hours Seedlings need shelter for the winter.

Fruits are sown in the fall and spring in the ground, in winter you can sow in the snow. Uncollected fruits remain on the tree until spring. Store the fruit in a glass or other tightly closed container, in bags of dense material in rooms with a humidity of about 10% at 0 - 7 ° C. Before spring sowing, seeds need stratification for 3–4 months. in wet sand at 5 - 10 ° С. Sowing depth 0 - 2.5 cm. Germination 40 - 45%.

Decorative throughout the year, which allows its use in group and single plantings in parks and forest parks. It is perfectly combined with coniferous species. Good honey plant. In culture since 1904.

Maple Mono,  or   small-leaved  - Acer mono Maxim

Ordinary plant of the Far East, China, Korea,

Tree up to 15 m tall, with a thick, wide-spreading crown. The bark on the trunks is gray, on young shoots is light yellowish, it is perfectly combined with dark brown or blackish, flattened buds. Leaves 5-7-lobed, dense, smooth, dull green above and shiny under. In autumn, they turn bright yellow or red. The shape of the leaf blade is similar to the leaf blade of the maple maple, but significantly smaller than its size (2-3 times). The flowers are small, in 15-30-flowered inflorescences, yellowish, with a delicate aroma. Blossoms at the very beginning of the deployment of leaves within 7-10 days,

Winter-hardy, shade-tolerant, prefers fresh drained soil, wind-resistant. Relatively hardy in the city. Well tolerated transplant. For seed reproduction, an eight-month stratification is required at a temperature of 0–3 ° C. In the first 3 years it grows slowly. Flowering and fruiting from 11 years. Fruits ripen 14.IX ± 6. Gives seed reproduction. Seedlings need shelter for the winter, their winter hardiness is lower than adult plants. Rooted cuttings of 20% of the summer.

It has marble  (f. marmorata) form - with leaves densely dotted with white dots and specks.

The maple is pennsylvania,  or   striped  - Acer pensylvanicum L

Naturally grows in eastern North America.

A tree up to 12 m tall with a thick, beautiful crown. It is remarkable for its unusual bark on the trunk and branches - smooth, green, with longitudinal whitish-green stripes. No less attractive are the leaves of this species, rounded obovoid, up to 18 cm long, with three shallow blades pointed at the top and strongly protruding veins, with uneven serrate-toothed edges. Flowers single or bisexual, yellow, in drooping brushes up to 10-15 cm long. Duration of flowering 7-10 days. The wings of the fruit diverge at right angles. Fruits long remain on plants after leaf fall. It looks like a green-maple maple.

Shade-tolerant, frost-resistant, undemanding to the soil. It grows slowly. It blooms from 5 years, annually, at the end of May. Fruits in 5 years, the fruits ripen in late September, annual fruiting, abundant. Full winter hardiness. Seed viability of 90%. Germination of 24%, gives self-seeding.

Interestingly large, original foliage, painted in autumn in pure yellow tones, colorful flowering and fruiting. In leafless state it is decorated with bright bark. Recommended for single and group plantings in parks and forest parks. In culture since 1775.

Field maple  - Acer campestre L.

It grows in deciduous forests of the European part of Russia, in most parts of Western Europe and Asia Minor.

Tree up to 15 m high, with a thick, spreading crown, less often shrubs. The trunk is brown-gray, shoots are light brown or grayish, dull, with longitudinal gray stripes, representing the beginning of the formation of cork growths. Leaves 3-5 lobed, soft outlines, leathery, strongly varying in shape and size, dark green above, lighter below, yellow green, slightly pubescent, in the fall of a very beautiful light yellow color. The flowers are yellowish-green, bloom after the leaves bloom, for 10-15 days. Lion plentiful, light yellow, horizontal.

In the Moscow region sometimes suffers from severe frosts, so it is better to plant in protected places. Shade-tolerant, drought-resistant, more thermophilic and demanding on soil than Norway maple. It tolerates the conditions of the city, grows quickly, durable. One of the leading maples of the main range of green building. It is renewed by seeds, gives pneumatic shoots, and from the damaged roots - root shoots. The mass of 1000 seeds is 50-80 g. When treating summer cuttings with a 0.01% IMC solution, 25% take root for 16 hours.

Seeds are stored in tightly closed vessels or in plastic sealed bags in an unheated room. At the same time, germination persists for 1 year. Laboratory germination up to 85%, ground - 70%. Seeds are sown immediately after harvesting (seedlings appear in the spring of next year) or stratified in sand or peat for 180 days at 0 - 5 ° C. Sealing depth 4 - 5 cm.

Used in the alleyway, group, single landing and as a second tier in the forest parks. In culture since ancient times. It forms a good background for flowering trees and shrubs.

"Albo-variegata"This is a small tree (about 5 m) or a shrub (which we have more often), the leaves of which are covered with large white spots. It grows quickly only at a young age, then growth slows down.

"Elsrijk"A small or medium-sized tree, 8-10 (12) m tall, 4-6 m wide; the crown's shape is initially compact, conical, the old trees have a wide leafy shape; the branches are directed upwards, the lateral shoots are bent; an increase of 20-40 cm per year. Flowers are unsightly. The fruits are imperceptible.
Leaves are smaller than the original species, dark green, leathery, bright yellow or yellowish green in autumn.

"Postelense". A small tree, less often - a shrub, up to 5 m tall. A plant with reddish leaves when blooming that turn yellow at a young age. Then the leaf color is yellow-green. It is also interesting with beautiful corky bark. It grows quickly at a young age, then grows strongly slows down.

"Pulverulentum". The entire leaf of the tree is medium (up to 12 m) in size densely covered with fine spots of white or cream color.

"Red shine". A small tree or shrub about 5 m tall. It grows rapidly at a young age. It has a beautiful cork bark and purple leaves, especially bright in spring.

"Schwerirm". The tree is of medium size (from 10 to 20 m), less often a shrub, with leaves in the period of blooming and some time after it is purple. Bark with cork growths. It grows fast only at a young age, then growth slows down.

K.p. Crimean -A.c. var. tauricum (Kirchn.) Pax.Tree. Crimea. In the GBS since 1938. Seeds from Minsk, St. Petersburg and natural habitats in the Eastern Crimea. Shrub, 13 years old, height 1.7 m, crown diameter 170 cm. Plant grows from the second half of April to the end of September and the beginning of October. It blooms in late May-early June for 8-10 days. Fruits in 10-11 years, the fruits ripen in October. Winter hardiness is similar to the form. Seed viability 80%.

Maple divergent- Acer divergens Pax

Homeland - Turkey, Armenia. Usually grows in thickets, on dry slopes.

Shrub or small tree with a height of 3-4 m. In the GBS since 1970, 2 samples (3 copies) were grown from seeds obtained from the culture. The tree, at 5 years old is 2.1 m high, the diameter of the crown is 90 cm. It grows from late April-early May to mid-October. Growing fast. It blooms in the second decade of May, 7-10 days. Fruits annually from 10 years, the fruits ripen in September. Winter hardiness is high, in more severe winters it partially frost freezes.

Seeds are stored in tightly closed vessels or in plastic sealed bags in an unheated room. At the same time, germination persists for 2 years. Laboratory germination up to 80%, ground - 65%. Sow the seeds immediately after harvesting (seedlings appear in the spring of the next year) or are stratified in sand or peat for 60 days at 0 - 5 ° С. Sealing depth 4 - 5 cm.

Maple Semenova  - Acer semenovii Rgl. et herd.

Distributed in Central Asia, Northern and Central Afghanistan. Found on the territory of several reserves in Central Asia. Grows in deciduous forests on the mountain slopes up to 2800 m. Photophilous xeromesophyte.

Photo of Vladimir Epictetov

A tree, less often a shrub, up to 5-6 m tall, with a mart crown, gray, smooth or longitudinally wrinkled bark, brown or brown shoots. At an early age shoots pubescent. Externally and morphologically similar to the closest to him Ginnala maple and Tatar maple. Differs from them in smaller sizes (4.5 x 3, 2 cm) of dense, three-lobed leaves, dim, gray-green from above, lighter on the underside. Blade with a large middle lobe, often with two rudimentary blades. The flowers are yellowish, in dense, many-flowered inflorescences up to 6 cm long. Fruits - lionfish, up to 3 cm long, at the beginning of development bright red or bright pink, mature - light yellow.

In the first 3 years the growth rate is average. It blooms from 18 years old, from 10.VI to 1.VII for 21 days. Fruits in 22 years, the fruits ripen in mid-September. In the middle of Russia in the winter partially frosting. Rooted cuttings of 18% of the summer when processing a 0.01% solution of IMC for 16 hours

Semea is stored in tightly closed containers or in sealed plastic bags in an unheated room. At the same time, germination persists for 2 years. Laboratory germination of 70 - 75%, soil - 60%. Seeds are sown immediately after harvesting (seedlings appear in the spring of next year) or stratified in sand or peat for 90 days at 0 - 5 ° С. Sealing depth 4 - 5 cm.

Less decorative, but more drought-resistant than Ginnal's maple, the leaves are painted in golden yellow in autumn. Used in hedges, borders, group planting. In culture since 1880.

The soil:   For most, ordinary garden soil is suitable, for fanned and Japanese maples - well-processed, rich in humus, from sour to slightly alkaline. The soil mix for maples requiring fertile soils (c. Ginnala, c. Platanolist) is prepared from humus or peat compost, turfy ground, sand (3: 2: 1). For a maple, the stony substrate consists of leafy soil, peat, sand (2: 2: 1).

Landing:   produced in autumn or spring. With a single planting, the distance between the plants is 2–4 m, and in a hedge it is 1.5–2 m. The dimensions of the planting pit are 50 x 50 x 70 cm.

Acer tschonoskii
Photo of Kravchenko Cyril

For slow-growing maple trees with a shallow root system (field field), the depth of the pit is 40–50 cm. The root collar is at ground level or slightly buried (up to 5 cm) for plants that produce abundant root growth. If the site is marshy and the groundwater is close, then the drainage includes construction waste, sand with a layer of 10–20 cm. The bottom of the landing pits must be well loosened, for which the forks are repeatedly stuck and shook them back and forth with force.

Care:   if during planting full mineral fertilizer was not applied to each planting pit, then in the spring of the following year after planting, 1 m 2 gives 40 g of urea, 15 - 25 g of potassium salts, 30 - 50 g of superphosphate. In the summer, when loosening and watering, Kemira wagon is introduced at the rate of 100 g per 1 m 2. Most maples are drought-resistant, they can tolerate dryness of the soil, but grow better with watering. The rate of watering during the dry season is 15 liters per plant. After landing, the double rate. Usually watered once a month, in dry time, once a week. Loosen irregularly, often during weeding or after watering to avoid soil compaction. After planting, tree trunks mulch with peat or ground 3-5 cm. Maple field tolerates pruning. After it, it quickly grows and densely branches. Planted in a hedge, makes it difficult to pass. Other maple trees systematically remove dry and diseased branches. Sometimes on variegated varieties of ash-leaved maple grow side branches with green foliage. They must be regularly cut to the base of the shoot.

Most species and forms of maples grown in Russia are winter-hardy and do not require additional shelter for the winter.

Acer shirasawanum "Aureum"

It is enough for many cultivars that they are planted in places protected from the wind. The root neck of young maple seedlings in harsh winters should be covered with spruce branches or dry leaves. In case of frost damage of annual shoots of platanoid maple, it is necessary to prune them. The krone is soon restored by new shoots, which have time to lumber before the onset of severe frosts. In central Russia, frosting of young shoots is possible in some forms of maple. However, with age, their winter hardiness increases.

Diseases and pests: coral blotch is most often affected, in which individual branches die off, small red bulging pustule spots appear on the bark. Immediately remove the affected branches, carefully cut sections with a garden pitch, disinfect the cutting tool. It is also recommended to eradicate the treatment of sleeping buds with copper sulfate (5%). Maple whitefly - spraying on feeding larvae with 0.1% actellic or amofos; in June it is treated with chlorophos (0.15%); dry leaves are collected and burned. A maple mealybug is recommended to sprinkle nitrafen (3%) before bud break, in summer, at the end of June - beginning of July, during the mass exits of vagrants, they are treated with karbofos (0.1%). When a maple leaf weevil is found, the plants are sprayed with chlorophos (0.3%). The seed in the projection of the crown of the tree is carried out with granular chlorophos (7%). When powdery mildew appears, dusting with ground sulphurous lime is taken in a 2: 1 ratio.

Reproduction:   seeds, cuttings, decorative forms - grafting (budding or copulation).

Acer triflorum
Photo of Tatiana Shakhmanova

Among the maple, Tatar, Ginnal maples, the green-coarse seeds remain viable for two years, and the maple tree is less than a year old. In nature, the seeds of fallen maples are naturally stratified in winter and germinate in summer. When breeding in the garden, they need a long stratification at a temperature of 3-5 o C. Specialists recommend the following dates: for the maple - 10 days, Tatar - 100, green - 120, Ginnala - 110, clear-leaved - 40 days. To stimulate germination, all seeds are soaked in hydrogen peroxide before sowing for 24-72 hours before sowing. In late April - early May, the nakluvshisya seeds are sown in the beds and close up to a depth of 3-4 cm. Among most species of maples, they germinate within 15-20 days, and in the first year of life the shoots reach a height of 40-80 cm. Care for them consists in weeding, loosening and watering, in the heat it is better to shade from the sun. Transplantation to a permanent place is carried out at the age of one to three years.

For cutting, in the autumn, 20-25 centimeter cuttings are cut, they are added dropwise for the winter, and in the spring they are planted one by one in flower pots with a light substrate. Maples of decorative forms are usually propagated by grafting onto the maples of the same species as them: budding (grafting by the kidney) or copulating (grafting by cutting). Thus, a decorative form is grafted onto the wild-growing rootstock of the Norway maple. The height of the trunk is from 0.5 to 3 m. The best time for vaccinations is early spring, before the start of sap flow.

Denis Kudryavtseva

Acer micranthum
Photo of Nesterova Natalia

Mealy dew on ginnala maple
Photography by Natalia Pavlova

Acer pseudosieboldianum
Photo Knyazheva Valery

Acer triflorum
Photo of Tatiana Shakhmanova

Acer cissifolium
Photo of Kravchenko Cyril

Acer komarovii
Photo of Kravchenko Cyril

Acer pictum
Photo of Kravchenko Cyril

Acer rufinerve
Photo of Kravchenko Cyril

Acer tegmentosum
Photo of Kravchenko Cyril

Acer trautvetteri, in the foreground Acer buergerianum of the same age
Photo by Denis Kudryavtsev

Acer cappadocicum "Aureum"
The photo
Prikhodko Marina

Botanical name:  Norway maple or Platanovid maple or Platano maple (Acer platanoides) is a type of maple, maple family.

Homeland of Norway maple:  Eurasia.

Lighting:  light-requiring, shade-tolerant.

The soil:  moist, fertile, slightly acid, loose.

Watering:  moderate.

Maximum tree height:  30 m.

Tree's average lifespan:  200 years.

Landing:  seeds, grafting.

Norway maple description

Deciduous tree with a broad, rounded, dense crown. Reaches a height of up to 30 m. Under favorable conditions, can live for more than 200 years. The bark of young trees is smooth, has a reddish-gray tint. In older plants, the bark is gray, speckled with small cracks.

The leaves of Norway maple are large, up to 18 cm in diameter, have clear, distinct veins, have 5 lobes, and end in pointed lobes. 3 front blades are the same, 2 lower ones are slightly smaller. Between the blades there are rounded grooves. From above the leaves are dark - green, from the bottom - light green, keep on long petioles. In the fall, they acquire red, brown, brown, and purple hues.

The flowers are greenish-yellow, small, regular shape, gathered in shield-like inflorescences. Flowering begins in early May, before or during the blooming of leaves, lasts about 10 days. Norway maple is a dioecious plant, so female and male flowers bloom on different trees.

The fruit is a double flat lionfish, with two small wings. Split into two miniature fruit, containing in itself one seed. The seeds are bare, with a large green embryo. Mature in August. Can stay on the tree for the whole winter. Tree fruits abundantly and annually. In Russia, fruiting begins in September.

Intensive plant growth is observed for the first 3 years. Fruiting begins at 17 years of age. Propagated by seed, root shoots, grafting. Before planting, the seeds undergo stratification at a temperature of 0–3 ° C.

Stratification lasts about 3 months. At a higher temperature of 5-7 ° C, its duration increases. Seeds are stored in a tightly closed plastic container or sealed bags in a cool place. Germination persists for 2 years. Seeding is carried out after stratification or immediately after harvesting to a depth of 4-5 cm. Norway maple winter-hardy. Demanding on the soil. Prefers wet, fertile substrates. Does not tolerate stagnant moisture and excessive acidity of the soil. It dies quickly on dense, stony soils, does not take root on salt marshes and sands. Shade-tolerant Windproof. Easy transfer transplant.

Adapted to urban conditions and air pollution. In Russia, it is one of the main breeds for creating parks and landscaping streets. Used in single, group and alley landings. In summer, the tree pleases with bright, juicy greens, in the fall - with rich colors of leaves. A photo of Norway maple proves that this tree is valued in landscape design and garden design for its attractiveness and original foliage.

Norway maple grows in Europe and South-West Asia. In Russia, it is distributed in the North Caucasus, on the southern border of the taiga in the north. Settles in deciduous and mixed forests with moderately moist and nutritious soils. Grows singly or in small groups.

Pests and diseases of the tree and leaves of Norway maple

The most common pests of this plant are pathogenic fungi that infect the leaves and lead to the formation of brown watery spots on them. No less dangerous for a tree is coral spotting, which leads to the death of individual branches. With this disease, red, bulging spots appear on the cortex. The affected branches should be removed immediately to prevent the spread of the disease throughout the tree. Slices should be smeared with garden bar and disinfected. When maple whitefly is affected, the tree is sprayed with ammophos, in June it is treated with chlorophos, and the larvae of the pest are killed as a result. When a weevil appears on the tree, the plant is also sprayed with chlorophos. Powdery mildew is fought with ground sulfur and lime, taken in a ratio of 2/1. The resulting mixture is pollinated damaged areas.

Norway Maple Varieties

Norway maple has many decorative forms, differing in crown shape, stem height, leaf color and shape, growth features.

Norway maple Globozum

Norway maple Globozum (Globosum) - a small deciduous tree up to 6 m tall. It has a spherical, dense crown, preserving its shape without pruning. The branches are arranged asymmetrically, compactly.

Propagated by vaccination. The height of the tree depends on the height of the headquarters on which the plant is grafted.

The leaves are large, 5-7 lobed, first bronze, then light green, with cuts along the edges. In autumn, the color changes to an intense yellow, with a red tint or orange.

Flowering begins in April, lasts until the leaves bloom.

The flowers are yellowish-green, fragrant, gathered in corymbose inflorescences.

The fruit is brown in color. Ripens in September.

The tree has good frost resistance, shade-tolerant, wind-resistant. It grows slowly. Demanding of soil moisture and fertility. Resistant to diseases and pests. Easy to adapt. Does not tolerate saline, excessively acidic soil. Periodic feedings influence the growth and favorable development of the plant, which are added to the soil in accordance with established norms for fertilizer application.

Maple Globozum is used in single and group plantings, it is used for gardening of streets and house territories. Looks beautiful in tree-shrub groups. Ideal for decorating gardens and creating hedges.

Norway maple royal red

Norway maple Royal Red (Royal red) is a deciduous tree up to 12 m high with a dense, wide pyramidal crown. Differs slender, pronounced trunk. The bark is dark gray, fissured.

The leaves are large, with 5-7 th lobes. When blooming bright red, then burgundy, shiny. In the autumn they become lighter. It blooms in May simultaneously with the blooming of the leaves.

The flowers are small, yellow, enclosed in inflorescences.

The fruit is a brown-yellow lionfish. Maple Royal Red photophilous, tolerates small blackouts. Demanding on the soil. Prefers moderately moist, fertile, weakly - acidic soil. It tolerates stagnant moisture and drought.

Planting is carried out on the lighted, protected from the wind places. The main pest of the tree is powdery mildew. It is popular due to its decorative crown. Used in landscape art. Adapted to urban conditions. Propagated by grafting.

Norway maple Drummond

Norway maple Drummond (Drummondii) - deciduous tree up to 20 m. It has an oval, dense crown. The leaves are palmate, green, with white edging, when blooming they transform into pink ones, in the autumn turn yellow. Young branches are light yellow-green.

The flowers are flat, round, yellow-green. The grafted form of Drummond maple has two varieties - yellow-bordered, rather rare, and silver-bordered.

Yellow-edged form in single plantings fade. With prolonged rainy weather, the leaves have a brown edge. The form can be maintained throughout the season only under the canopy of other trees.

Drummond Maple is quite picky about the soil. Prefers moderately moist, fertile sites. Sometimes leaves appear in the crown without border. They should be removed to the ground. Pruning should be done after full blooming of leaves, so that the tree does not lose a large amount of juice. Pruning during this period contributes to the rapid healing of wounds.

Foliage tree drops in mid-September. Propagated by vaccination. Used in single plantings, decorative groups, to create hedges. The decorative value of the plant lies in the lush crown and variegated color of foliage.