Black flowers belong to the colors of dark shades bred by breeders.
  If you look at such flowers at close range, they usually seem not black, but dark purple or dark maroon. These colors include black tulips, black iris, clystine plum, bristly pennisetum, taro, bubble tree, geyher, castor beans, pansies, black rose, coleus, zhivuchka, bergenia, skumpiyu, black orchid, etc.
  They are grown by gardeners for those who love their dark beauty. All flower growers love everything that is inaccessible and incomprehensible. Black flower is very, very unusual. People are attracted to black flowers, because they are very different from the usual. Black flowers can be easily grown in your garden. They are usually grown to create contrast in a flower bed. Black color will look especially good with white buds of other plants and green foliage.

In the photographs in the catalogs, black varieties are difficult to distinguish from each other, especially in bearded irises. Sometimes the difference lies only in the color of the beard. Its bristles can be bright red, silver, blue or almost black.

But when the flower blooms in the garden, maroon or ink shades begin to appear on the petals. Immediately there are doubts about the authenticity of the variety. Indeed, regrading has become commonplace in the sale of planting material. But the problem may be quite different.

The color of flowers varies depending on the acidity of the soil.

Real black can be obtained on neutral soil (pH close to 7). If the pH value of the acid deviates towards acidic reaction, then blue-violet shades appear in the color. And if in the direction of alkaline, the red-maroon.

Regulate the acidity of the soil in different ways. Increased its introduction of peat and acidifying fertilizers (for example, for azaleas). But, as a rule, in our areas weakly acidic soil. In this case, it is necessary to lime. This is done with the help of lime, chalk, dolomite flour and ash. The application rate depends on the acidity (200-400 g / m2). Lime is usually spring or autumn. In the summer you can pour ash extract - 1 cup per bucket of water. If you regularly perform this procedure, then foreign shades of black colors may disappear.

The most popular flower gardeners enjoy black tulips   and black roses.

For many years this flower was a dream of gardeners. For the first time this variety of tulips was obtained in 1673, but it remained a dream flower. And only in the last century, varieties of black tulips became available to everyone.

To become the owner of such tulips, you need to properly care for them. In early November, plant the bulbs in the ground is not very deep, but not shallow, so that they do not freeze. In order that they are not frozen in the winter, they can be covered with dry hay. From autumn it is necessary to fertilize the land with humus, because these tulips are sensitive to the soil.
  It is said that black tulips bring good luck to extremes.

Pride of any grower - famous black roses   Their velvety petals fascinate with their beauty. But they have one feature. Dark color attracts heat so much that sunburn can cause burns. Plant a rose so that other plants shade it at noon. This may be clematis, planted next to, or climbing rose.

  To get beautiful buds, you need a long time to care for these capricious plants. Black roses prefer a very bright sun when they grow, about 6 to 8 hours a day. For black roses, the ground should be well drained, loose and rich in nutrients. These roses should be planted far from the trees, so that the roots of the trees do not feed on useful substances, leaving nothing to the flowers. Black roses can be spread by seeds, cuttings, division, layering, grafting, or planting a bare root.

Black lily   - very mysterious flowers with a peculiar charisma.
  They have a special charm. This chic and elegant flower is exceptional!

The black lily needs well-drained soil: the bulbs can be seriously injured or die if water stagnates at the landing site in winter. The bulbs should be planted as soon as possible after receipt in order to prevent them from drying out. The depth of planting depends on the characteristics of the rooting of the selected species. At the bottom of the hole before planting it is necessary to pour coarse sand. Then straighten the roots and sprinkle a little more sand. As soon as the plant begins to grow actively, its roots are not allowed to dry out, in dry weather, it is necessary to water the plants plentifully and regularly and sometimes feed it with liquid fertilizers. It is not necessary to loosen the soil around the plants, you just need to mulch with compost or peat. Plants whose height is above one meter must be tied to a support. Flowers that have faded should be removed, and flower stalks should be cut to the level of the soil at the end of the season. The land above the plant for the winter must be mulched with dry foliage or peat.

Black callas - the darkest of the "black" colors, their shades range from dark purple to dark burgundy.
  Even in one flower so much mystery and elegance! Black flower calla is considered a symbol of love and admiration, a herald of loss and sadness, a talisman for health.

  Black callas are the height of modern practical botany. Black Star Calas are really black. In contrast, for example, from “Black Rose” varieties, which are in fact dark maroon. Black callas are very extravagant flowers.
  A serious advantage of black callas is vitality - cut callas stand in water for up to three weeks - this is also the fruit of the work of florist breeders.

Black orchids.   Today, there is much controversy around the black orchid. Some flower growers claim that a black orchid does not exist if only very dark orchids exist, while others claim that there is a black orchid.

  In any case, to get a black orchid is very very difficult, and grow too.
  In general, probably every breeder wants to grow a black orchid.
  The flowers of black orchid have a wonderful vanilla scent.

Black carnations   were obtained by Australian scientists who crossed the blue and dark red flowers.
  Black is considered the popular "motley" Chinese carnations of the varieties Minestrel, Gypsy and Chianti.

  There are rare varieties of carnations that are really black, most often they are annual plants.

Black irises   were first bred in 1908. Black iris is the national flower of Jordan.

Black iris has always been revered as unique - not only because its inflorescences are sometimes three times larger than other species of this plant, but also due to the low prevalence in nature.
  The lower part of the "black" iris seems especially black.
  In addition to the impressive appearance, some irises have a bewitching scent.

Although black varieties are rare, they can still be found on sale. . Ask aquilegia, carnation, mallow and pansies in seed shops. The rest are sold with saplings, rhizomes and bulbs. If there is no large garden center or garden exhibition nearby, then these flowers can be ordered from the catalog. A list of varieties will facilitate this task.

Bearded irises: Black Dragon, Black Magic, Raven Girl, Obsidian, Before-the-Storm, Black-the-Affair, Devil My Care, Matt McNames, Midnight Oil, Night To Remember, Sinister Desire and others. 04.jpg

Tulips: Queen of Night, Black Hero, Paul Scherer, Black Jewel, Black Parrot, Black Jack, Queen of Night or Black Night, etc.

Black-red gladiolus: Demon, Mystery of the Night, Pearl of the Dragon, Aboni Bjuti, Black Jack and others. Black roses: Black Magic, Black Baccara, Black Prince, etc.

Dahlias: Nuit D / Ette, Black Prince, Bishop Lendlof - black leaves and stems (photo 9).
  Mallow: Black Prince, Nigra, Jet Black.
  Aquilegia: Black Barlow, Chocolate Soldier.
  Geicher is an Obsidian variety.
  Frostberry - Blue Lady.
  Asian Lily - Landini.
  Calla - Black Star.
  Black petunia - Black Velvet (Black velvet).
  Carnation Shabo - grade Queen of Spades.
  Pansies - Black King.
  Scabiosa - Black Knight.
  Nemofil - Penny Black.

You can talk more in colors. What words. Black color makes the atmosphere serious, official, keeps its distance. Admiration and appreciation in a business bouquet with black flowers is a sign of good tone .. the powerful people prefer that. what is difficult to find and expensive - do not forget about it, ordering bouquets for the celebrations. Such a flower in the hands of a woman is a sign of her strength and will. But giving relatives such flowers is not worth it. Mom or sister is not appropriate to receive a bouquet of passionate flowers ..

Black roses - a symbol of sadness, loss. Accompanied with sadness and wreaths, braided from black flowers.
If you donate black tulips or roses, you must be prepared for admiration and rejection of the person who received the bouquet. Like high art, it is not intended for the common people. Refinement is due to the fact that everything that is difficult or little in nature is valued much more than what can be found at any time. Black roses - the inheritance of the elect.

Most often, black flowers are used to illustrate mystical stories. You can decorate Halloween with black flowers and mix them with lots of orange flowers.

P.S. Looking at the black flowers, I do not understand why there are such at all. What kind of power filled in a flash a bright palette of nature colors in black? - this is done by people. Over it. And - above the flowers ...

For its wide variety (from 700 to 800 species), original forms and richness of color.


The rules of planting bearded irises

To obtain high-quality bearded iris, which will delight with its beauty, timely planting and proper care of the plant in the open field are necessary.

The best time for planting and transplanting is the time after flowering, then the plant will form new roots. If you look closely at the rhizome, then below the base of the leaves you can see the tubercles of light green color - these are the rudiments of the roots.

When they grow up, they will be very fragile and brittle. Therefore, irises are planted either immediately after flowering, or in the fall, when the roots become fibrous and hard.

Did you know?From the rhizomes of the iris flower, people have learned how to make iris oil, which is used in the production of perfumery products of very high quality.

   Asking how to plant a bearded iris, many gardeners adhere to the same answer. When planting iris, it is necessary to make a light depression with a small mound.

Place a flower on this mound, spread the roots well, and, compacting, cover them with earth. Delenki plants should not be greatly deepened, as the root should be well heated by the sun.

The prepared material of bearded iris when planted in the ground in spring must be processed. If the rhizome is very long, it is necessary to cut it a little, remove the rotted places and keep in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for about 20 minutes.

How to care for flowers

In order for the iris to please its flowering for a long time, it is necessary to produce a number of works.

Soil care

Bearded iris in spring requires special care. He does not mean hard labor, you just need to be extremely careful when. The roots of the flower are close to the surface of the earth, and care must be taken not to damage them.

Important!Irises can not bloom on acidic soil! In this case, the plant will have a lot of strong leaves, but it will not throw out the buds. Dilute the soil is possible by adding ash, lime or.


The accumulation of water and nutrients in irises occurs in the root system. Therefore, they need watering only during dry summer and during the flowering period in order to prolong it.

Pruning leaves and withered shoots

In August, the leaves begin to slowly die off, this may serve as a signal that it is necessary to make sanitary pruning. To do this, completely remove all dried leaves, shorten the rest by half or one third.

In such an uncomplicated way, you can save the plant from all sorts, the carriers of which are old leaves and flowering peduncles.

Separately about feeding

In the spring

The plant needs in the spring. You can make a solution under the root of the iris. This top dressing will help the development of leaves and increase the size of the flowers.

37 578 To favorites

Recently, lovers of perennial flowers of irises are increasingly cultivating beardless varieties. But fans of the classics prefer the cultivation of bearded irises - beautiful and rigorous flowers with a massive petal in the form of a "tongue" or "beard", which is a distinctive feature of this plant, its "highlight". By grouping the varieties of irises by the timing of flowering, you can provide decoration from May to July.

In nature, there is a flower that gently leads us from spring to summer. First, in early spring, wild irises bloom, they are replaced by "bearded" dwarfs and Spuria, and by the end of May the garden is poured with all the colors of the rainbow thanks to numerous varieties of tall bearded irises. In June, marking the arrival of summer, we are pleased with its grace Siberian and Japanese.

The perennial plant iris belongs to the family of killer, or iris. There are about 200 species growing in Europe, Asia, Africa, North America. In the XX century. Irises have received wide recognition from flower growers in most countries, and by the number of varieties (more than 35 thousand), this crop has taken one of the first places.

How the iris looks like can be judged even by the most ancient frescoes. The history of the flower goes back centuries. Irises were cultivated in the gardens of the Egyptian pharaohs. In ancient Greece they planted whole fields. Because of the variety of colors, the plant was given the name "iris", which in Greek means "rainbow". The ancient Greeks were in awe of the irises and considered them the messengers of the golden-winged goddess Iris, a messenger of the gods, an interpreter of their will.

Irises attracted man not only for their beautiful flowers. They were valued as medicinal plants, perfumery and confectionery raw materials.

Irises  - perennial rhizomatous plants. The rhizome is located parallel to the level of the soil at a shallow depth and comes to the surface of bearded irises. The rhizome, which contains a supply of nutrients, consists of annual units. The newly formed links end with a bundle of sessile leaves, annually dying off. The leaves are broadly or narrowly sword-shaped, straight or sickle-curved, most often collected in a fan-like bundle. In spring they are usually light green, in summer they darken.

And what is the difference between the description of bearded irises of hybrid varieties? In these plants, the leaves are usually blue from a wax coating and, as a rule, they persist until late autumn. Therefore, irises decorate the garden not only during flowering.

Peduncles branch out and carry from 1 to 10 flowers and more. The number of branches depends on the type and variety. The height of the stem in different species varies greatly - from 15 cm in the dwarf toffee to 2 m in the marsh.

Flowers, characterized by extraordinary grace and refinement, consist of 6 shares of the perianth, arranged in two tiers: the three outer petals are bent downwards, and the three inner petals are raised upwards and form a dome. Perianth segments are deployed in such a way that every detail of each “petal” is visible. What do bearded iris flowers look like? On their lower petals are located soft bristly outgrowths resembling a beard, which gave the name to the group.

The iris flower is remarkable for its sparkling, mysterious glitter of the petals, especially noticeable in the oblique rays of the sun or under electric lighting. This is due to the peculiar structure of the cells that focus the light like miniature optical lenses. No wonder in the old irises called some precious stones of the rainbow color.

Coloring of flowers differs in unusual variety. There are solemnly velvety, mysterious black irises, but the sparkling luster of white and light-blue flowers no less mysterious is reminiscent of the transparency of ice or crystal. And between white and black - a whole gamut of blue, purple, pink, yellow, reddish and even brown shades. Neither painting, nor photography do not fully convey the play of color, texture, and elegant lines of these flowers. No wonder the irises are compared with.

See how the iris looks in the photo to once again enjoy the beauty of this plant:

Conditions for growing bearded irises

Now it's time to find out how the irises are grown in the backyards. For hybrid bearded irises, sunny places protected from strong wind are selected. They can take light penumbra from the trees. Most varieties have very large flowers, for which wind gusts with rain are especially dangerous. Therefore, in the period of mass flowering in windy, rainy weather, the garter of peduncles is obligatory.

Another important condition for the cultivation of irises - the presence of light, loamy soil. If the soil on the site is heavy, it needs to be improved by adding sand and peat. Woody ash is introduced into acidic soils. Before planting, the site should be dug up on the spade bayonet and carefully remove all weeds. Overfilled manure is brought to a depth of 20-25 cm, without mixing it with the ground.

Irises are afraid of excessive moisture, so they grow best in areas with low standing of groundwater. However, in the period of budding and flowering, they show an increased need for water. Good watering at this time helps to prolong flowering and creates favorable conditions for pollination. Watering is best done in the evening.

The faded flowers of bearded irises are removed, and at the end of flowering, flower stalks are broken out entirely. Late in autumn, leaves are shortened to 10 cm. Plants for the winter are covered with a small layer of mulch. Frost-resistant varieties cover more carefully. In the spring, after the snow melted, the packed winter shelter was carefully turned up. It is completely removed in early or mid-April, depending on weather conditions. Bearded irises, despite their southern origin, compare to other perennials rather well in spring frost with a drop in temperature to -5 ... -7 ° С.

How to plant irises and how to care for them

And how to plant irises to ensure their unruly growth? Propagated plants rhizomes. To do this, dig up the root, divide into planting units, so-called delenki, each of which consists of 1-3 annual units. Before planting irises, root slices are treated with crushed charcoal or manganese solution.

When is it better to plant irises so that they come up on time? The optimal time for planting irises is 2 weeks after the end of flowering. With a lump of earth, they can be transplanted at any time. However, late planting (later September 10-15) leads to poor rooting of plants. When planting, it is important that the delenka not be buried. The rhizome is located almost at the level of the soil surface. At the bottom of the hole, they put a mound of earth and evenly spread the roots along its slopes, filling them with earth and pressing them tightly with their hands. Plentifully watered with water, once again check whether the delenka is firmly planted enough. The rhizome should be placed horizontally, and the fan leaves - with a slight slope. High and medium irises are planted at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other, and undersized - 15-20 cm.

Landing links are positioned so that there is room for "movement." The root system of irises is directed forward (along the growth of the rhizome), and the planted delenka will continue to grow in its part where the leaf fan is located. When nesting, planting irises leaf plane should be directed across the outlined circle.

If the soil is clay and does not let water well, it is recommended to plant the cut on a “pillow” of sand or small gravel so that the water does not stagnate and the rhizome does not rot. When planting, the rhizome is not buried, but only sprinkled with a layer of earth no more than 2-3 cm - with time it will automatically get to the surface.

After planting irises in the care of plants, fertilizing is carried out at least three times. There are no universal recommendations on how to care for irises in terms of fertilizers, but one rule must be remembered firmly: excessive fertilizing is detrimental to plants. The first dressing is carried out in the spring, immediately after removing the cover (nitrogen-phosphoric - 3: 1), the second in 2-3 weeks (nitrogen-potassium - 1: 1). At the end of flowering contribute nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium (3: 1: 3). The last feeding is very important for the good flowering of irises in the coming year, it should not be missed. Top dressing is carried out at the rate of 10 liters of solution per 1 m2, or on 6 iris bushes. During the summer, the soil around the plants is lightly powdered with ashes 1-3 times, which is not only top dressing, but also scares off pests and prevents diseases.

Here you can see photos of planting and caring for irises of various groups:

Now that you know how to care for irises, check out the most popular varieties.

Varieties of bearded irises with photos, names and timing of flowering

Bearded irises in height are divided into 3 groups: short (25-36 cm), medium tall (37-70 cm), tall (more than 70 cm).

In terms of flowering varieties are divided into early, mid-early, medium, medium-late and late. The beginning of flowering of each of these subgroups may vary in different years, depending on weather conditions. For example, in the Moscow region, early varieties of bearded irises bloom in mid-May and bloom until the end of the month. Mid-early bloom in the last five days of May and finish flowering in early June. The middle and mid-late varieties that prevail in our gardens bloom throughout June. Late varieties that bloom in early July are rarely grown.

By flower coloring, irises are divided into 13 classes: white, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, red-purple, black, two-tone, two-colored, fringed, iridescent.

It should be noted that the green color of irises has a yellowish or brownish tint. There are no varieties with scarlet, pure red color: irises have brown, terracotta, cherry shades. Pink irises refer to a light red color scheme. Brown color is classified as dark orange. Black has blue, purple, brown, dark cherry shades and is characterized by a special depth and velvety.

Below you will see a photo and the names of varieties of bearded irises that bloom from mid-May, and also get acquainted with their description.

"Arkady Raikin". This type of toffee received its name in honor of the great Russian comedian. Peduncle 80-100 cm, durable, short-branching, 5-7-flowered. Flower 12-13 cm, delicate reddish-pink color, the outer lobes are semi-melted, the inner ones are slightly fringed at the edges, the aroma is strong.

"Beverly Hills".   The height of the bush is 50 cm, the peduncles are 80- 85 cm. In the inflorescence of 3-4 very spectacular flowers with a diameter of 17 cm. The upper shares of the perianth are light pink, very wavy, the lower ones are more pale, soaring. The beard is pink.

Blue Staccato.   The height of the bush is 55-60 cm, peduncles - 90-100 cm. In the inflorescence 4-5 very effective flowers with a diameter of 16 cm.

Pay attention to the photo of flowers of a bearded iris of this variety - the upper perianth lobes are blue-blue, wavy, slightly fringed, the lower ones are white with a diffuse blue border, the beard is golden-yellow:

"Burgomaster".   The height of peduncles 100-110 cm. In the inflorescence 5-7 flowers. The outer lobes are violet-lilac with a brownish border, the inner ones are yellowish-cream. The beauty of the flower emphasizes elegant corrugation.

"Guards".   Peduncle 125-140 cm, strong long-branched, 10-12-flowered. Flower 14-15 cm, sunny yellow with orange beard, strong aroma, honey.

"Gold of Canada".   Peduncle 90-105 cm, durable, short-limbed. The flower is light golden yellow with an orange beard, strong aroma. Blooms profusely, the bush grows quickly.

"Saprim Sultan."   It has a powerful bush with strong peduncles up to 120 cm high and more. It has the largest flowers to date (more than 20 cm in diameter). This variety of bearded iris refers to two-color: the inner lobes are bronze-yellow, the outer ones are red-brown, velvety. Differs in fine corrugation and unusual bubble edges of the petals.

The Kentucky Derby.   The height of the bush is 50 cm, the peduncles are 80- 90 cm. In the inflorescence there are 5-6 flowers with a diameter of 16 cm. The shares of the perianth are light lemon yellow, wavy, with fringed edges, on the lower ones there is a creamy white spot in the center. Golden beard.

Full name of the perfume: Secrets d "Essences - Iris Noir
Description from the manufacturer and the pyramid: Black Iris is a mysterious, charming flavor full of contrasts and sensual passion! The original, exciting flower Iris is the embodiment of the mystery itself. Between light and darkness, strength and grace ... Shh ... listen to the rustle of petals. The sensual vibrations of Coriander and Bergamot merge with the quivering aroma of Iris and bold fruit inlays of Ambretta seeds, which emphasize the nobility and mysteriousness of this flower ... The aroma of unsurpassed grace and boundless femininity ... Such unapproachable and alluring ... Head notes: Coriander essential oils and a ya yarts, ay, a ya ya, ya yo and unlimited femininity ... . Heart Note: Iris oil, Ambretta grain absolute, giving floral-woody hues. Note of Loop: Patchouli essential oil, resin Tonka beans, giving depth and sophistication to the aroma.
Advantages: Aroma, produced on the basis of Iris oil - one of the most valuable components in perfumery.

Expanded opinion:  This fragrance was presented to me for the New Year, but in my order I was very pleased when I discovered a long-awaited box with this beautiful fragrance inside under the Christmas tree. Alluring, charming, he fascinated me! It is just for the winter! For the summer will be heavy. The light trail that he leaves makes you go back to Japanese gardens where black irises are grown. The first thing I felt was the notes of bergamot, then, after a while, the iris, and the patchouli note was already on the clothes. This perfume is incredibly resistant! On the body, he can stay all day long — about 8–9 hours and on clothes — no less than a week!
With this fragrance, I feel like a true queen))) A real lady ... a little cheeky outside, but very gentle inside)
My rating: 5 ++++
Price:1680 rubles for 30 ml

It has long gained popularity due to its unusual appearance and unpretentiousness. They practically do not require care; even an inexperienced gardener can cope with growing. The mass of varieties of this plant has been derived. In order not to get confused in such a variety, it is necessary to study irises, varieties with photos and names. This will help create a spectacular garden of envy to all neighbors.

Varieties of irises

Iris is a perennial unpretentious plant, which is characterized by an unusual shape and color of flowers. It is suitable for cultivation in open areas flooded with sunlight. A distinctive feature of the flowers becomes their charming delicate aroma. Therefore, they are often used in the perfume industry.

Wild irises today can be found on the meadows, in the steppe or on the cliffs. Under the conditions, about five hundred different varieties have been developed that are suitable for growing on household plots. They can be divided into several large groups:

  • bearded;
  • dwarf;
  • bulbous;
  • siberian;
  • marsh;
  • japanese

In European countries, it is customary to divide these plants into 10–15 categories. Separately isolated curb, Californian and some other species. To decide which of them will take root on your site, study carefully the irises, their varieties with photos and names.

Bearded irises

Bearded iris is considered one of the most common plant species. Its distinctive feature is the presence of fine hairs on the lower petals. They have a more saturated color compared to the general tone of the flower. Among the most spectacular varieties are:

This is only a small part of the total diversity on the market today. When choosing, pay attention to the fact that the flowers are in harmony with the neighboring specimens and fit into the overall design of the site.

The height of such varieties can reach 80 cm, so you should not plant them in the immediate vicinity of light-loving low-growing plants.

Dwarf Irises

Dwarf iris differs from its counterparts in small growth. The height of peduncles does not exceed 40 cm. In most varieties, this parameter is even 20 cm. They will become an ideal option for making small compact beds. Among the most popular varieties emit:

Dwarf irises feel good on light moisture-permeable soils. If you have heavy soil in the garden, then enter the sand into it before planting.

Bulb irises

Everyone is used to the fact that irises are rhizome plants. Modern specialists managed to bring several varieties grown from bulbs. They differ unusually early flowering. They can be compared with snowdrops. As soon as the snow melts, the first florets appear. There are three main types:

Bulb irises look good in a bed with crocuses, galantusy and so on. They will be ideal for alpine slides.

These varieties can be grown in pots and large pots. They will be a great decoration for verandas and gazebos.

Siberian irises

Photos of Siberian irises are impressive. They are distinguished by the extraordinary beauty of flowers. The value of this species is also in the fact that the foliage of the plant has a rich green color throughout the season. The most spectacular varieties are:

Such varieties look spectacular on the banks of improvised reservoirs, in large ones. Groups of such flowers can decorate the lawn, which will make the landscape unusual.

Swamp irises

Iris marsh or iris grows everywhere in our country. The leaves of this species have a xiphoid shape. Their length can reach two meters. This species feels well in the penumbra. Therefore, these flowers can be planted along fences or near trees with a not too dense crown. Among the most popular varieties emit:

After examining these varieties of irises with photos and names, we can conclude that they are ideal for group plantings. With the help of different types of irises, you can create spectacular flowerbeds.

Japanese irises

Japanese iris has orchid-shaped flowers. Their size can vary from 15 to 25 cm. In Japan, such plants are planted so that they can be admired from a height. From this perspective, they look the most impressive.

Plants are large, so when planting between them it is necessary to maintain a distance of at least 30 cm. Most popular varieties:

After studying the photos of varieties of irises, you can choose the planting material that is suitable for your soil type. If you choose instances with different periods of flowering, you can admire the beauty of flowers all summer.

Irises bloom in the garden - video