Raspberry is among the most popular shrubs with a healing berry of a very pleasant taste. This unpretentious plant gives a bountiful harvest, starting from the second year after planting, provided it is properly cared for and processed. If the care is wrong, then the shrub grows heavily and the harvest of raspberries is quite poor. In this article you will learn how to care for raspberries in the fall.

Raspberries. Autumn care

The best time of year to process raspberries is considered to be the autumn period. At this time, it no longer bears fruit, therefore, in order to collect a better crop, special conditions are created for wintering.

First prepare the soil. All that has accumulated over the summer under the bushes is removed in the autumn, then burned, or laid in the compost. This procedure is necessary to remove pests wishing to hibernate in this mulch material. The soil that remains open needs to be burnt or neatly dug up.

For better growth and yield of raspberries, only a soil without acid with a high content of organic elements is needed. To do this, 1 time in 2 years, in the fall, dig up raspberries and make fertilizer from humus or compost. Wood ash in the amount of four to five kilograms per square meter is added there. If desired, make chemical fertilizers - you can use only potash and phosphate. If this condition is not fulfilled, the annual plant will grow vigorously and discard early foliage, which will lead to freezing of undigested young wood.

For fertilizer mineral supplements, make grooves that have a depth of up to twenty centimeters and located from the bushes at a distance of thirty centimeters. For each bush you need about 60g. superphosphate fertilizers and 40gr. potassium salts. Top dressing in the fall helps to increase the number of flower buds and, as a result, increase the yield for the next season.

Raspberry care in the fall. Pruning

An important step is pruning, which is done necessarily in the fall, to minimize the number of pests. Crop branches bear fruit for two years. After harvesting, shoots that have already worked their own, cut out at the very root. Pruning is done so that hemp should not remain. At the same time, very long shoots, which are one year old, are made shorter than the top.

Renovation raspberries pruned completely, all the stems in a row, regardless of age. For the black raspberry, along with pruning the waste stalks shorten all side shoots to 30-50cm.

Watch the video: Pruning raspberries for the winter. Raspberry Care Rules

In the usual raspberry for the winter, annual shoots bend down to the ground at a distance of up to 30 cm so that they are covered with a thick snow layer. The remaining leaves are necessarily very carefully removed, so as not to damage the kidneys growing in the sinuses. Winter-hardy varieties do not have to bend down to the ground, but rather to bundle or attach to a support. If the weather is dry, then raspberries can be watered slightly in autumn.

We hope that our article on how to care for raspberries in the fall and cut it was useful. in the country you can grow a good harvest, if you listen to the advice of experienced gardeners.

Pruning raspberries in the fall for an illiterate gardener seems a trifle. Cut the tops, dry branches - and you're done. However, with this approach it is possible to remain without a crop for the next season. In order for raspberries to survive the winter well, and in the summer to delight them with tasty berries, one should know which stalks to prune, how many shoots to leave and other nuances.

Is it necessary to cut the raspberries in the fall

It is believed that it is necessary to cut raspberries in the fall, so that there is a lot of harvest for the next year. The opinion is correct. However, additional pruning is aimed at thinning the plantations. Each raspberry bush is better ventilated, in the summer more sunlight comes on the leaves and berries. Culture less prone to fungal diseases. Cutting old branches helps get rid of pests hibernating in the wood. Additionally, trimming performs an aesthetic function. The plant acquires a neat appearance.

Important! Raspberries tend to grow rapidly. Pruning healthy fruit-bearing branches for thinning is unwise. Culture is better to plant.

When is it better to cut the raspberries - in the fall or spring

Gardeners are more prone to autumn pruning. The fact is that within the old branches pests overwinter. On the surface of the bark spores of fungi stick. In the spring, all enemies wake up and move to healthy stems.

The disadvantage of autumn pruning is the inability to fully form a bush. During the winter, healthy shoots can freeze or break under the snow. To ensure the formation of a fruiting shrub, some gardeners prefer spring pruning.

Trimming time

Tightening with pruning raspberries can not be. Old biennial shoots should be removed immediately after the completion of fruiting. Weak, damaged annual branches are also pruned. The need for haste is due to the active activity of autumn pests. In the winter they try to hide inside the loose wood.

The exact timing of the procedure can not be established. It all depends on the variety, the climatic conditions of the region. The plant itself will signal the start of pruning. As soon as the raspberries finish fruiting, you can proceed to the procedure. If the variety gave its last harvest in August, it is not worth pulling until the autumn. Shrubs pruned at the end of the last month of summer.

With the repair raspberry things are different. After the first summer wave of harvest, many varieties of berries reappear in the fall. In addition, before the onset of winter, the remontant raspberry through the foliage sends nutrients to the root. The optimal time for pruning is considered to be a period after a leaf fall and three weeks before the expected frost period.

How to correctly cut raspberries in the fall

Culture is considered a multi-year one, but it has a two-year development period. Berries appear on the shoots of the second year of life. A regular pruning of raspberries in the fall contributes to regular fruiting. Berries grow large, and the bed does not turn into overgrown jungle.

Pruning raspberries in the fall - this is the first stage of preparation for the winter. In addition to the superfluous and finished fruiting shoots, remove all damaged stems. The whole shrub may even be sick. Such a plant without regret is subject to uprooting. All branches are immediately carried away from the garden and burned.

Proper formation of the bush involves leaving the optimal number of shoots. Over the summer, they grow up to 20 pieces. This amount for a lot of plants. To reduce the load, the bush is formed from 10 shoots, if the raspberries grow in rows. With the bush arrangement of the culture it is allowed to leave up to 12 shoots.

Gardeners sometimes practice cunning, allowing you to stretch the terms of fruiting. In the fall, raspberry bushes are pruned to different heights. The difference between each plant is about 10 cm. In the spring, the first bushes come into fruiting, which are the least shortened. Later, the crop is cut by a quarter.

Important! Raspberry shoots shortened in the fall will bring large berries in the spring, but the yield of the bush will decrease.

Scheme pruning raspberry autumn

The most common scheme of pruning raspberries in the fall for beginners is as follows:

  • sick and two-year-old stems under the root without hemp are cut with a sharp shears;
  • the next in turn comes the young shoots that did not have time to ripen by autumn;
  • if there are more than 10 healthy branches left in the bush, the excess stems are removed under the root;
  • the remaining shoots are shortened by 1/3 of the length, making the cut at an angle;
  • shoots of raspberry varieties with a spreading shrub are cut to 2/3 of the length, leaving 5-6 fruit-bearing branches;
  • place the cut for disinfection asleep ash;
  • putting on a mitten, hand hold on the stalk, removing all foliage.

A newcomer may have difficulty with pruning raspberries in the fall due to the precise definition of two-year shoots. There is nothing complicated here. Two year olds have a dark brown bark color. All such stems are ruthlessly removed. Yearlings are distinguished by a light brown color of the bark with a greenish tinge. They form a shrub.

Dry old branches are hard for pruners, but they are easy to just break out with your hands at the root. Live shoots elastic. They are cut only with shears, and always at the root. Hemp leave is unacceptable.

During pruning raspberries in the fall is worth exploring all the annual shoots left. Branches can be defeated stem Galitsa. The disease is manifested by a thickening of the stem in the form of a ball, within which the larvae live. This branch is cut below the site of the lesion. It is allowed to leave a hemp with a minimum length of 40 cm. If there are enough other healthy branches in the bush, it is better to cut the affected stem at the root.

During pruning in the autumn, it is necessary to consider well the color of the bark left for the fruiting of the same age. Raspberry has a terrible disease - purple blotch. If the bark is covered with specks of brown or black, then the bush must be completely removed.

The annuals must be shortened by 1/3 of the length. Usually it is 20-30 cm. The tops of a raspberry never ripen. If they are not cut off, the plant will endure wintering worse. The tip delays the ripening of the whole branch, and in winter it can freeze.

In the presented video pruning raspberry autumn:

There is a double trimming scheme. The procedure is carried out in two stages: in the summer and spring. Such a scheme can significantly increase the yield of raspberries. In June, when the height of one-year-old stems reaches 80 cm, shears are cut with a prong of 10 cm in length. By the autumn, about five side shoots will grow on each branch below the cut. Their length usually varies from 30 to 50 cm. It is impossible to shorten the new growth in the autumn. Raspberries bend, prepare for the winter.

In early spring, perform the second pruning. All lateral shoots grown by autumn are shortened by 10 cm. In summer, the central stem of the raspberry and the entire lateral growth will still allow fruit-bearing branches, each of which, in turn, will grow to five more shoots. As a result, each stem of a raspberry bush will have up to 16 fruit-bearing twigs.

Pruning fall remontant varieties of raspberries occurs in a slightly different way. The procedure often depends on the climatic conditions of the region where the berry crop grows. Usually, in the fall, remontant varieties are cut in the south. In the northern regions they prefer to postpone the procedure until spring.

Repair raspberry can bring berries on the annual and two-year shoots. This feature of the culture allows the gardener to take a double crop. In the first year after planting raspberries will bring harvest. In the fall, all branches are cut at the root. In the second year, the scheme of formation of the bush depends on the wishes of the gardener. If only one crop is needed, in the fall the whole bush will be cut again at the root. In the spring of berries appear on the annual stems. To get a double harvest, in the fall, only branches that have been hatched are cut out. In the summer, the first harvest will bring abandoned young growth. In the future, the second wave will go to the annual stems grown in spring.

Attention! After pruning, the raspberry and earth around the bush are treated with a 3% solution of Bordeaux liquid to eliminate pests.

The video tells about pruning raspberry varieties:

Raspberry care after pruning in the fall

After pruning, raspberries are poured with plenty of water. Repair grades for disinfection are sprayed with a solution of Bordeaux liquid. Ordinary varieties can be treated with fungicides in the spring. After watering, wait until the water is absorbed. The soil on the whole raspberry plantation is covered with a thick layer of mulch. Any organic material will do, but it is best to use pine needles. Needles in the winter to protect the bushes from rodents.

After pruning raspberries need additional feeding for recuperation. Mineral fertilizers are undesirable. It is best to use compost, bird droppings solution or peat.

In winter, raspberry branches are tied with a rope and gently bent down to the ground. They harbor culture only in the northern regions. In most other areas, raspberry winters without shelter.


Pruning raspberries in the fall should be carried out in a timely manner and according to all the rules. This is the only way to expect a generous harvest next summer. The mistakes made will result in the gardener getting green bushes instead of berries.

Raspberries grown in every corner of Russia need thorough autumn care and preparation for winter. In many ways, its high yield next year depends on these operations. Despite the fact that raspberries belong to the most winter-hardy of all fruit and berry crops, flower buds, being above the level of snow, freeze out, which affects the number of fruits in the new season. To prevent freezing of shoots and buds, carry out preparatory work on the site.

Raspberry care in autumn

Autumn raspberry care activities allow culture bushes to properly prepare for wintering, not to die in the cold winter period, and also to please a good harvest of fragrant berries in the next season. The main actions that gardeners perform before preparing raspberries for the winter, it is pruning and cleaning, as well as feeding and watering.

Autumn shaping raspberries, which can be started immediately after the end of fruiting, is required for all varieties of culture.   Conducting pruning is necessary, first of all, to eliminate all the secluded places in which pests and pathogens of raspberries can overwinter, and next season to become more active and harm plantings.

Pruning raspberries refers to the removal of all damaged and broken shoots, unnecessary green offspring, which already do not have time to mature before the onset of frost, all thickening and old, already spawning, shoots. All remaining branches are shortened to a length of about 20 cm to remove unripe green shoots. At the end of pruning, remove all foliage from the shoots, following them with your hand.

When the raspberries are cleaned, it remains only to collect and burn the garbage - plant residues, in which harmful microorganisms are also created.

Pruning raspberries for the winter. Rules for the care of raspberries: video

In the autumn, raspberries are fed exclusively with phosphate-potassium fertilizers, which must be mineral. Potassium increases shocks' winter resistance, phosphorus accelerates their aging.The introduction of nitrogen, as well as organic matter during this period is prohibited, because the frost resistance of the crop due to its excess decreases sharply - the shoots start to grow, and the bush does not have time to prepare for wintering. The last time such fertilizers can be applied under the raspberry until mid-summer.

Raspberry feeding is carried out in October, before the onset of frost. This event is combined with abundant pre-winter irrigation. The receipt of moisture in sufficient quantities prevents damage to the shoots during the onset of cold weather, as well as the drying of the root system.

Preparing for winter by region

In order for the raspberry to overwinter successfully and without loss, its preparation for the winter cold should be carried out in a timely manner. The terms of this procedure for a two-year raspberry come in the period from falling foliage to frosts, for the remontant after the first frost. The method of preparing raspberries for wintering depends on the climatic conditions of the growing region.

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe Moscow region and Central Russia, raspberries are sure to bend. If the winter promises little snow, you will have to prepare covering material. They can serve, for example, straw. Some gardeners cover the folded shoots of raspberries with earth from the plot.

The gardeners of the Urals always bend the raspberries to the ground - the winters in the region are so severe that the parts of the shoots that are above the snow cover necessarily freeze. Pristvolnyy circle of raspberries needs to be mulched in autumn — although the roots of a crop in the soil under a layer of snow withstand a decrease in air temperature at the site to -40 ° C, there is still no snow in the autumn period, and steady frosts occur.

Snowy winters in Siberia make it possible to grow raspberries, as it does not make out under the snow. For this, her shoots are taken to the ground. In the harsh Siberian conditions prevailing in the winter, the root system of the bush is unlikely to remain viable without an additional layer of mulch.

The northwest of the country is characterized mainly by mild snowy winters, so this region is the best suited for growing raspberries. Gardeners do not need to bend down the shoots to the ground, it is enough just to rake up snow to them, and from autumn - to mulch the soil in the near-barrel circle.

Features of preparation for the winter of different types of raspberries

All raspberry varieties can be divided into two large groups - biennial (regular) and remontant. The first bear fruit on the biennial shoots, and the second - on the biennial and annual, although more yield give branches younger.

The two-year-old raspberry is the most frequent guest in the Russian areas. Growing it during the season is nothing complicated, but competent preparation for winter may in some cases require some effort. Below is a step-by-step instruction on how to prepare for wintering of common raspberry varieties.

Pruning and Mulching

In August-September, pruning and removal of plant residues and garbage are carried out. It also includes the collection of old mulch, if it was in the tree circle during the garden season. At the beginning of October, raspberry bush dressing is carried out, abundant watering and mulching. The layer of mulch should be at least 10 cm.

Wire installation

After leaf fall, you can begin to bend down the shoots of raspberry. To do this, you need to install the stakes and pull the wire between them. The height of its tension remains a controversial issue. Some gardeners argue that it should not be above 20 cm from the ground level, as the shoots quickly go under the snow. Others insist on a wire height of about 30 ... 40 cm, saying that the lower arrangement of the raspberry shoots causes them to decay and damage.

Bend down shoots

Shoots are tied to a stretched synthetic material, as natural fabric can rot. Previously from several pieces of shoots form beams, then begin to bend to the trellis. If they are still flexible, they can be tied to the wire at one time, if they have already become fragile, then the garter is carried out in several steps so as not to break them. In order for spring to melt the snow, the crust does not break the raspberry shoots, in place of their tabs set crossing pegs.

The organization of additional shelters of bundled raspberry tufts will be needed if the winter is windy and has little snow. Here you can use a spunbond: lay it in several layers, wrap raspberries and fix with stones, pieces of pipes, bricks, etc. You can make original greenhouses from pieces of polycarbonate, putting them in arcs.

Snow hold techniques

In areas where there are through winds that carry snow, it is necessary to provide for the protection of snow cover. To do this, on the windy side, you can install a piece of plywood or polycarbonate. It is dug into the ground and additionally fixed to the trellis. In this case, the polycarbonate sheet will last much longer than the plywood, which has the ability to rot.

Another important point is the timely removal of the shelter and the release of shoots from the ligaments. If this operation is carried out too early, the shoots will be subjected to temperature changes, strong March winds and a scorching sun, which leads to weathering and wood burns. It is clear that the damaged shoots of the crop will not give. If it is too late to remove the shelter, the shoots will vypreyut and sick, the result is the same.

Until mid-April, it is necessary to fully open the raspberries. The order is as follows: first, the covering material is removed (at night temperatures around 0 ° C) and mulch, and after a few days the bushes are untied, straightened and tied on a trellis or to stakes.

Repair raspberry varieties give the harvest twice a season, but not in all corners of the country they manage to please the gardener with such extended fruiting.   In cold regions, the remontant raspberry does not form a second wave of fruit due to the conditions of short summer and autumn. Therefore, in such climatic zones, only on one-year-old shoots are expected to harvest and in the fall they are cut to ground level.

Preparing for winter of such varieties of culture is much easier than in ordinary varieties. Pruning under the root is carried out after the onset of the first frost, when they kill the foliage, and from protective shelters will need only a good layer of mulch. Its thickness should be within 5-10 cm: too thin a layer will provoke freezing of the root system, and too thick a debate and rotting of the roots with increasing temperature.

Raspberry prefers soils with a neutral pH, therefore acidifying or, on the contrary, alkalizing mulching materials should not be used. It is necessary to give preference to the foliage collected from the site, straw and sawdust, with the exception of sawdust of coniferous trees. Lapnikom raspberries can not be mumbled.

Before ramming raspberries, consisting of remontant varieties, it is necessary to conduct abundant watering.

Pruning raspberry pruning for the winter: video

For novice gardeners, preparing raspberries for wintering Can raise many questions. Below are some practical tips that can help with this time-consuming operation.

  1. When pruning, each of the shoots left after cleaning is shortened separately. Haircut bush under one length will deprive a significant part of the crop. Remove the remaining foliage, swiping the branches with your hand from the bottom up. Otherwise there is a big risk of kidney damage.
  2. In areas with little snowy winters, you can leave the main pruning in the spring. More shoots contribute to the retention of snow in winter. The same applies to some early varieties, which after pruning begin to grow. Shoots of such varieties are not shortened, but directed tops down.
  3. Before mulching pristvolny circle raspberries, the soil gently loosened and dug. This is necessary in order to destroy insect pests that had time to hide under a layer of earth for wintering. Given that the root system of raspberries is located close to the surface of the soil, the operation is carried out with extreme caution.
  4. When growing raspberries in trenches, mulching can be neglected - the moisture required by the roots is well preserved.
  5. It is impossible to use decomposed compost as mulch - it contains a large amount of nitrogen, which is not at all desirable for the autumn period.
  6. Bending down shoots should be carried out before the onset of resistant frosts, otherwise they will break at the base when bent.
  7. In winter, especially in February-March, it is important to monitor the presence of snow cover on raspberries. It is the end of winter that is considered the most dangerous time for culture. To do this, rake the snow and throw it on the bush. It is also important to monitor the level of snow, as too much of it can break the shoots laid under it.
  8. If it is possible to get into the garden plot during the winter period, then the formed snow crust (usually it takes place in March, when daytime thaws alternate with lower temperatures at night) should be pierced with sticks to ensure air access to the raspberries.
  9. If the shelter was insufficient, then raspberry freezes. But one should not hurry to get rid of it — one can wait for the moment of emergence of the shoots: it is possible that at the lower level after a failed wintering, a couple of buds remain, from which shoots will appear. If this does not happen, the bush must be uprooted.

If we take into account all the above nuances, then raspberries will well endure the winter season, and in the spring the losses will be minimal.

Preparing raspberries for winter has a lot of nuances, but in many regions of the country with a cold climate and severe winters this event becomes simply necessary. Autumn care, mulching, bending down and organizing the shelter - all this takes a sufficient amount of time from the gardener, but all efforts will be compensated by a high yield of raspberries next year.

When the harvest is already gathered and the autumn coolness makes itself felt, it's time to start the next procedures for the care of raspberries, which in the future will allow her to better winter and next year to please you with a new abundant harvest.

Caring for raspberries in the fall includes a whole range of activities, such as preparing the soil, pruning bushes and fertilizer.

Autumn work with soil

If you still think what to do with raspberries and where to start its autumn processing, then first of all it is worth doing the soil in raspberries. So, the mulch that has lain between the bushes all summer, especially if it is straw, is raked and burned or sent to compost, because by the winter field mice and all sorts of pests can live in it.

Further, they dig up the soil in the raspberry field, while keeping in mind that the root system of the raspberry is superficial, so you should not go deeper into the ground by more than 20 cm between the rows, but in the rows it will be enough to loosen the soil by 8-10 cm. In parallel with digging, the autumn feeding of raspberries is made.

How to feed raspberries in the fall

1. Manure

Before you start digging raspberries, manure is applied. Usually recommended to make 4-6 kg per 1 square. m. If feeding raspberries in the fall is not rotted manure, then mixed during digging with the soil, it can also serve as a good insulating cover for the roots of raspberries, which over the winter will completely rotten and by spring will be an excellent nutritional base for the plant.

2. Avian droppings

One of the best fertilizers for raspberries is considered bird droppings, in particular, chicken. In the fall, it is distributed in liquid form throughout the raspberries.

3. Compost

Compost can also be used instead of manure. It is obtained as a result of pererevaniya wood foliage, bird droppings, peat, corn stalks and weeds.

4. Peat

Peat can be applied to the soil for fertilizer at almost any time. Although it does not have such a high level of nutrient saturation, like manure or compost, it also qualitatively improves the structure of the soil, which contributes to a significant increase in yield.

5. Organic and mineral fertilizers

Raspberry processing in the fall with organic fertilizers is usually carried out once every 2-3 years. Mineral supplementation for raspberries carried out with organic or alternating a year. For example, one year make manure, and the next year - mineral substances. In particular, before wintering, superphosphates and potassium salt are usually applied at the rate of 60 g and 40 g per bush. To make fertilizer at a distance of at least 30 cm from the bush, they make grooves with a depth of 15-20 cm. By the way, the care of raspberries in the autumn also foresees the maintenance of a sufficient level of moisture in the raspberry tree, especially during the dry season, which will contribute to the complete dissolution of fertilizers and their consumption by plants. At the same time, it is absolutely impossible to apply nitrogen fertilizers in the fall, because under their influence the plant will continue to grow actively instead of preparing for winter, which can have negative consequences. If the autumn dressing is done correctly, then next year we can expect an increase in the number of flower buds and, accordingly, the entire harvest.

6. Siderats

When it is not possible to feed fertilizers with ready-made fertilizers, this can be done with the help of siderats - plants that can be sown between the rows of raspberries as early as June, in particular, mustard, Vicova and blue lupine. In late autumn, sideratov shoots are buried in the ground. Beehive, over the winter, it enriches the soil with a considerable amount of nutrients.

How to cut the raspberries in the fall

Pruning raspberries in the fall is based on the fact that most varieties have a two-year life cycle. Because before pruning, it is important to carefully examine the bushes. Under the root, without leaving stumps, they remove all two-year-old shoots that have already sprouted, as well as thin, weak and diseased pests. To the latter did not spread, cut off the shoots it is desirable to burn. On the bush after pruning leave 7-10 healthy powerful annual shoots. The tops of too long stems also shorten as far as possible with shears.

In the case of black raspberries, in addition to cutting the top, it does not hurt to shorten the side shoots, the length of which should be no more than 50 cm. This contributes to higher yields and simplifies the process of caring for the bush.

However, when the raspberry is pruned in the fall, it doesn’t hurt to thin out the whole raspberry. Between the bushes there should be a distance of about 60 cm, because all young shoots around them should be removed with a shovel. If there is a need to increase the plantation, then when thinning, you can prepare material for the propagation of raspberries by cuttings.

Sometimes doubts arise when pruning is best. Usually, the dates are at the time when the harvest from the bushes is already completed, and may vary depending on the variety. So, in late varieties pruning is carried out in the middle of October, and in the early ones - in the beginning-middle of September. The main thing is that the whole processing of raspberries in the autumn was carried out correctly and fully completed before the onset of cold weather.

The timely implementation of all the above work on the care of raspberries will contribute to its better development and greater yield next year. But in order for the bushes to endure the winter well, after pruning and feeding, it will also be necessary to prepare the raspberries for the winter.