In order to choose the right means to control the midges, you need to know what they are. The body of flies of this kind is small - only about 3 mm, the color is black.

  You can recognize them on a large cluster in places with high humidity, next to rotten fruits and berries. They love sugar. Often the flies appear in the kitchen or in flowers.

The development cycle is very short - it is only 10 days, but the laying of eggs is big. That is why insects develop quickly, and the number of flies in the room increases every day.

They lay eggs in various products, rotten berries and fruits, and houseplants.

The emerged larvae pupate rapidly and develop to the adult stage. According to research by scientists, one fruit fly (female) can lay about 1500 eggs during its life cycle.

The appearance of these small flies should not frighten a person - they do not cause much harm. In contrast to the ordinary, Drosophila do not bite, do not tolerate serious bacteria.

The maximum harm from their presence is a disorder of the digestive tract. However, this happens very rarely, but their constant presence in the field of view irritates everyone without exception.

The appearance of midges in the kitchen can occur for the following reasons:

In the latter case, they fly into the house through a window or a window, but this is more relevant for rural areas.

The habitat of fruit flies in the apartment (house) can become bowls with food of domestic animals, trays of indoor plants.

That is why, as soon as the flies were noticed, measures should be taken to clean the premises - simple cleaning with the use of household chemicals will help to get rid of the unpleasant neighborhood.

If these small flies appeared in the kitchen or in any other room, then the first thing you need to do to get rid of them is to see if there are any spoiled products and to take out the garbage.

The next stage - to check the flower pots - it is in the flowers that the flies can develop, and in the pallets they can feed on organic matter. The main steps to combat the flies:

With a large accumulation of flies, you can use chemical agents, one of which is dichlorvos. It helps to get rid of the flies, as they do not tolerate sharp odors.

If, then simple chemical means, such as dichlorvos, may not help - the larvae penetrate deep into the pot. In this case, the replacement of land is a necessity.

You can also get rid of fruit midges by folk remedies, for this you should have in your home:

Also in the fight against fruit flies help geranium with its specific smell, eucalyptus and myrtle - the essential oils of these plants work perfectly. Laurel oil also scares off black flies.

Thus, getting rid of the presence in the house of small but annoying flies is quite simple - daily cleaning in the kitchen and in other rooms, the use of special tools such as dichlorvos and breeding indoor plants with an unpleasant smell for fruit flies will relieve a person from an undesirable neighborhood.

Everybody saw small fruit flies, but not everyone knows what they are called, and even less do not always know how to get rid of fruit flies in an apartment with improvised means and specially designed preparations.

What is an insect: by what signs to recognize?

No wonder the fruit flies are called fruit or fruit. These insects live in close proximity to people, and only because it is the person who supplies them with their favorite delicacies: rotten fruits and vegetables, fermented fruit juice, jam and honey, etc.

To learn insects is a snap. Despite their small size, midges cause a lot of anxiety, multiplying rapidly and spreading through the house. From the moment of the appearance of the egg to the transition of the larva to mature age, no more than 10 days pass!

Insects lay eggs wherever they seek a food source:

  • in berries;
  • fruits and vegetables;
  • plants.

The larvae that are formed from eggs are masked in the depths of the habitat, and there they pass through the pupation stage. A fly that emerged from a pupa is capable of laying a new batch of eggs on the second day after birth.

In the appendage to all of the above about the insect, it is worth noting that for many years it was his scientists who engaged in important experiments for humans.

About the scale of sabotage: what you need to know?

Despite the fact that the thrushes are small midges and, at first glance, completely harmless, there is some harm from them. Yes, insects do not bite humans and animals, like black midges, are not a carrier of infections and do not drink blood like mosquitoes. But, they are considered a source of real discomfort, filling all the space in the apartment, and especially in the kitchen.

It is believed that getting into the human stomach of products infected with midge larvae will lead to intestinal upset. In practice, this happens extremely rarely, since the insect larvae are predominantly found in spoiled products, whereas people choose the freshest fruits, vegetables, and juices.

How do insects get into the apartment?

To know how to get rid of Drosophila flies in an apartment, you should understand how they get there. Insects fly badly, they are able to cover a distance of no more than 18 meters a day. That is why the midges can't get into the apartment from afar. Where do they come from then? Most often insects appear in the house of:

  • an orchard (live on fruit trees, vegetable crops);
  • purchased fruit or vegetables;
  • lands on purchased indoor plants or vegetable crops, which may contain larvae;
  • from windows and vents from street dumps.

Insects breed on houseplants, they gladly breed in saucers with stagnant water, in food debris, trash can, sewer holes.

Chemicals - which give effect?

If the appearance of fruit flies in the apartment brings tangible inconvenience, it makes sense to use proven insecticides.

The most affordable and proven drug with a history - "Dichlorvos". Over the years of development, its formula has been significantly improved. Now it is an effective tool with virtually no smell, capable of destroying pests of a different nature in a short time. Analogues of the drug are considered "Chlorofos" and "Hexahloran." They can also be used to combat fruit flies.

It is necessary to work with chemicals as carefully as possible, removing all households and pets during processing from home, limiting access to food, dishes. It is necessary to work in protective gloves and respirator. At the end of the treatment room ventilated. To fix the effect will comply with sanitary standards in the room with the removal of all possible food sources and habitats for insects.

If insecticides, even if proven to be too dangerous for use in the home, you can try to deal with fruit flies with the help of folk remedies and methods. These include:

  1. Fern, tansy and elderberry. Plants are laid out in the apartment, scaring the midges with their scent. It should be borne in mind that the smell of tansy in some people can cause headaches.
  2. Kerosene and turpentine. Means allow you to easily and quickly get rid of insects. It will be enough to add substances in a small amount to a bucket of water, to wash with a solution all surfaces in the house. The man will not smell, whereas for the midges he will become unbearable.
  3. Tomato seedlings. A great option for insect-sensitive insects. It works quickly and efficiently.

Thrushes appeared - how to get rid of strongly smelling substances and prevent an unpleasant neighborhood in the future? Will help a spectacular and fragrant home plant - geranium. Also at home you can plant a small eucalyptus tree or myrtle. Their smell is extremely unpleasant for black flies, so most likely they will leave the room and will not appear in it anymore.

Pitfalls - how manufacturing features work

An interesting and effective way to exterminate fruit flies is to make traps with your own hands or to get ready-made ones. Each properly designed trap will allow you to catch a huge number of insects without mass extermination. From the trap the thrushes will be released at a distance from the house.

Just catch the midges with watermelon peels. It's enough to leave them at night on the table in a large package. In the morning, the package, together with the remains of watermelon and insects, is closed and removed from the house. Having managed to get out of the trap, black flies are treated with any spray from a flying midge.

Simple and effective trap made of glass or plastic container. Inside put a little sweet compote, juice or kvass, wanting to attract insects. A funnel is twisted from a sheet of paper, inserted into the throat with a sharp end and secured with masking tape. Insects will fly to the smell of bait, but they will not be able to get out.

The midges that have settled in the flowerpot due to high humidity and plant residues are simply removed after cleaning the waste and drying the soil. Strengthening the effect will be achieved by regular airing of the room. In the case of a massive defeat of a plant with midges, it does not hurt to completely replace the soil in the pots, process the stems and leaves of the plants with a solution based on soap.

Prevention methods: how to prevent the proliferation of midges in the house

In order not to learn what a fruit fly trap is and how to make it with your own hands with a parallel instruction on the use of insecticides in the house, you should try to prevent the appearance and reproduction of insects. In fact, it is not difficult.

It will be enough to regularly release the refrigerator and the kitchen as a whole from stale products, to prevent the appearance of rottenness and mold in the room, to throw out garbage in time.

If the house is located in close proximity to landfills or garbage dumps, simple hand-made traps, mosquito nets on the windows and plants on the windowsills with an unacceptable aroma for insects will help as a preventive measure.

Sometimes a person unexpectedly discovers in his dwelling small flying insects. And these midges can be different in appearance: gray, red, white, black. It is time to think about whether they are dangerous, bite, and how to get rid of them. These questions are easy to answer by sorting out which small flying insects most often appear in a house or apartment.

Types of small midges found in human housing


Drosophila  - These are small insects of the family of fruit flies. Small size, ease of breeding, short life cycle made fruit flies indispensable as an object of study for geneticists. Drosophila also has popular names: vinegar, wine, fruit fly.

These insects live next to humans, because here they find their food, which is rotten berries, fruits, sour juices.

The length of the insect is 1.5–3 mm, the wings are longer than the body.

The eyes are red and the insect itself has a yellow-brown color.

Drosophila breed very quickly. In just 10 days, development takes place from an egg to an adult. The very next day after the emergence of a Drosophila pupa, it lays eggs, and during its life it can lay up to 2 thousand eggs. With such a speed of reproduction, Drosophila quickly reclaim the space in the apartment, and although they are quite harmless and do not bite, but the confused tenants urgently seek out effective ways to get rid of them.

It is believed that fruit flies are not carriers of disease, but the very flashing of these flies before their eyes is unpleasant.

Where do fruit flies come from? From afar, they can not fly, because in the day these midges fly no more than 180 meters. The most common cause of the appearance of fruit flies biologists call brought home fruits and vegetables, which already have eggs of these insects. As soon as the fetus begins to deteriorate and rot, the larvae appear from the eggs, and from the larvae the flies.

Drosophila can be brought into the house with the land for planting indoor plants. From the eggs and larvae that are in the ground, adult flies appear. Especially actively they breed when the flowers are over-humidified and the soil has soured.

Theoretically, you can get rid of fruit flies, simply by doing a thorough cleaning and depriving them of food, but it can take a long time.


Microscopic white insects on indoor flowers are malicious pests of whitefly plants.

They can arrive with a new potted flower or fly in from the street. These small insects lay eggs on the back of the leaves. The whitefly hatches suck out the juice, and after it they leave a sugary discharge. The leaves of the plant are deformed, and then fall together with flower buds.

Pests multiply extremely fast and extremely tenacious. If you do not start the fight with the whitefly on time, indoor flowers will die. It especially hurts begonia, fuchsia, balsam.

Flower midges (sciarides)

Adults schiarids  (flower midge or mushroom mosquito, or soil mosquito) are black insects about 3-4 mm in length.

They lay eggs among the roots of plants. The mosquitoes themselves do not cause much harm, but their larvae, which are worms up to 5 mm in length, are very dangerous for flowers. The larvae eat the roots of the plant, which makes it die.

Flower midges get to the house with the ground infected with larvae. They can fly into the window. These insects are often found in damp basements of houses, and from there they make their way through ventilation. Flies may be interested in food waste, rotten fruit and vegetables.

Sciarides do not bite, but they must be fought, otherwise they will destroy all the potted flowers.


Butterflies (sewer flies) are small insects up to 2 mm long.

The larvae of these insects and pupae inhabit sewers and feed on decaying organic matter. Adult individuals have wings and a body covered with hairs. One butterflies laying contains up to hundreds of eggs. On the legs of these unpleasant insects can be a lot of infection. In addition, there are cases of allergy to butterflies.

Butterflies themselves can also be food for spiders and other large insects that will appear in the house, if you do not destroy the sewer fly.

Ways to get rid of the little black midges

Fight against fruit flies at home

Folk remedies: juice, grits, vinegar, etc.

How to get rid of fruit flies. Video

Trap for fruit flies. Video

There are special means, which can be used to control fruit flies, as well as other insects.

You can use any kind of insecticide in the form of an aerosol or fly plates, but this is undesirable in the kitchen where the products are located. Better to use sticky traps and tape.

Some state-of-the-art chemicals for controlling fruit flies

  1. Aeroxon adhesive trap is designed to kill harmful insects on houseplants. The trap has an attractive color. Glue is odorless and non-toxic.
  2. Adhesive tape from flies Raptor. Yellow color attracts flies, which stick to the adhesive layer.
  3. Window tape-flies Aeroxon. Effective and safe from blackflies.

Breeding whitefly and stsiarid on indoor flowers in the apartment

Simple remedies for whitefly

    The easiest and harmless to humans for the destruction of whiteflies - manual cleaning of insects from indoor plants. To do this, it is necessary to remove the leaves infected with the whitefly, and the soil in the pot to puff. The whole plant should be treated with soapy water.

    Adhesive tapes can be placed near houseplants: adult whiteflies will stick to them.

    Since the whitefly likes to live in the shade on the underside of the leaves, you can scare it away with light: put sheets of foil near the flowers. The sun rays, reflected, fall on the underside of the leaves, where this pest lives.

    If the whitefly is most affected by any one of the indoor plants, then it may be better to sacrifice them and not spread the dangerous insect to other flowers.

    Make an infusion of yarrow. Add to it a couple of spoons of dish detergent. This composition to process the leaves of the affected plants.

  1. To prevent the appearance of whitefly every 10 days, spray the flowers with infusion of dandelion leaves and roots.
  2. At the initial stage of whitefly spread, wipe the plants with infusion of garlic (3-4 ground cloves and 2 cups of water).
  3. Day infuse orange peels in water, then add 2 spoons of liquid soap. Spray on plants for several days in a row. Means to keep in the refrigerator.

Pest of houseplants whitefly. Video

Scyarid Controls

  1. Drain the top layer of soil by 1-2 cm. Then the laying of eggs will die.
  2. Make a top drain. Cover the soil with a layer of gravel or expanded clay. Drainage dries quickly after watering, and the pest loses the ability to lay eggs.
  3. Remove dried leaves and flowers promptly. Exclude watering plants with broths, sleeping tea, milk, etc. Food products just rot in the soil and help pests multiply.
  4. Pour the soil several times with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. This tool is considered quite effective.
  5. Draw with the chalk “Masha” (from cockroaches) stripes in the upper part of the flower pots.
  6. Use traps and adhesive tapes.
  7. Keep the house clean and tidy, promptly remove food waste that can become food for sciarides.

Sciarides Video

The use of insecticides in a residential area should be treated with extreme caution. The most popular aktar and aktellik. It is required to strictly follow the instructions for the use of such funds.

How to get rid of black flies in the bathroom

In the bathroom near the sink may appear a butterfly (sewer fly). This insect is attracted to trash buckets, clogged plums in the bathtub and sink.

Hence the methods of dealing with this disgusting insect.

Means of struggle with the butterfly

  1. The main thing in the fight against the butterfly is cleaning sewer pipes. Pipes must be cleaned mechanically (with a rope), and modern means for cleaning clogs. You can at least use the old folk method: pour soda into the sink and put it out with vinegar.
  2. It is necessary to thoroughly clean and disinfect the bin.
  3. Constantly monitor the cat toilet, if it is in the bathroom.
  4. To hang in places of occurrence of insects an adhesive tape.
  5. Use blackfly traps.
  6. Put in the bathroom containers with a mixture of apple cider vinegar and vegetable oil. The midges sit on the surface of the mixture, but cannot fly up, since their wings stick together.
  7. Sewer flies do not like the smell of chlorine. Treatment of surfaces in the bathroom with chlorine-based cleaning products will help get rid of unpleasant neighborhoods.

There are several known varieties of fruit flies, the same methods are used to combat them.

The first step is to find the source of their distribution and get rid of it, most often it is stored at room temperature. fruits or vegetables, and garbage bag.

In the absence of effect for several days, it is necessary to use certain techniques:

  1. clean the whole apartment;
  2. get rid of food residues, regularly wash the animal plates, wash the garbage bucket, carefully rub kitchen cabinets using an alkaline solution;
  3. turn on insect fumigator;
  4. stick a sticky tape with fruit juice and use it for its intended purpose;
  5. a plate for mosquitoes leaning against the window, when heated, they will destroy pests;
  6. to collect insects with a vacuum cleaner from a source from the distribution, immediately take out the bag of garbage to the street;
  7. process sewage drains with chemical means, pour soda first into the drain, then vinegar, turn on the water after the completion of the reaction and clean the drain.

When staying near the garbage, it is necessary to hang a grid on the windows through which insects will not be able to get inside the room.


On sale you can find ready-made traps for flies, they characterized by high efficiencymain manufacturers: Aeroxon, Raptor. The principle of their operation is that insects flock to the smell of liquid and stick to the inside of the structure, externally the trap remains clean.

There are also natural flowers-traps, food for which are insects, they are absolutely safe for humans, do not differ in large size and do not require special care. The process of closing and opening the flower during the capture of prey is also very interesting to observe.

DIY traps

The simplest method of getting rid of black flies is considered to be an empty bottle with a rather narrow neck, where it is necessary to pour a little mixture of fruit juice with soapy water.

  1. The solution should be poured into several cans with a wide neck, put in places of insects.
  2. Drosophila will fly to the smell emitted by the solution, but if they enter the container, they will not be able to get out of it due to the absence of a film on the surface of the water.
  3. The solution must be topped up as it dries.

This simple technique allows you to get rid of pests, but it takes more time.

There is a high probability that the insects have already laid the larvae in a secluded place, the process of getting rid of them may take a week.

It is necessary to take into account that the midges may appear even as a result of a piece of apple accidentally left on the table.

The principle of operation is the same, but in this case only kvass, the juice, or rotten fruit or vegetable pieces. As capacity can be used old mug  or glass jar.

  1. 1/4 capacity needs to be filled with bait;
  2. the inlet should be closed with a paper funnel;
  3. flies must fly into from the wide end, and they can no longer find a narrow hole.

If the midges appeared at the end of the summer, help get rid of them. watermelon  or melon.

  1. Fruit slices must be placed in a bulk package and left overnight in the kitchen.
  2. There should be no holes in the bag, but it should be open to insects.
  3. In the morning you need to close it with a sharp movement and put it in the trash.
  4. If after this the midges again fly in the kitchen, then the insects will set aside the larvae, from which new individuals hatched.

Drosophila in houseplants

Quite often, fruit flies hover around flower pots, they are attracted by rotting leaves and wet ground. Sometimes the cause of the spread of midges is contaminated ground in storein the presence of such doubts the soil must be kept in the oven before use..

Plant not recommended, fallen flowers and leaves must be thrown away. Match the number of insects will also help the match, which must be stuck into the soil colored end. When detecting midges in a pot with flowers, the plant is also recommended to pour insecticide harmless to it, the effect of the drug is aimed primarily at the destruction of midges and their larvae.

Dichlorvos is considered the most extreme measure of getting rid of midges; it is not recommended to be in the room during the period of disinfection.

Folk methods

The people over the years have also figured out how to deal with fruit flies. To fight these methods is not difficult, but at the same time very effective.

  • fern leaves, elderberry  and tansy  spread out in all the rooms, the midges fly away because of the unpleasant smell for them;
  • Tansy is forbidden to use in weak brain vessels, it can cause headaches in patients.

  • kerosene, turpentine - it is recommended to add to water when washing floors or windows;
  • tomato seedlings, eucalyptus, geranium  - flies will fly away because of an unpleasant smell;
  • laurel oil  - it is recommended to use it for rubbing window frames and jambs.


In order to prevent the occurrence of mildew and decay, it is necessary not to check once a week every week to inspect the products stored outside the refrigerator. The rate of reproduction of fruit flies is very high, if not eliminated in time the center of their distribution, their number will rapidly increase.

It is also necessary to dispose garbage in a timely manner, not to leave vegetables and fruits outside the refrigerator for a long time.

Drosophila most often occur near decomposing products, especially many of them can be found in the kitchen, big problems can arise if the house is located near the trash. To get rid of them, it is recommended to use traps that you can do with your own hands.

It is very important to monitor the cleanliness of the room, throw garbage regularly, do not leave food at room temperature for a long time. In extreme cases, you can use dichlorvos, if the midges bred in plants, they must be treated with insecticides. Compliance with these rules is the answer to the question of how to remove the fruit flies once and for all.

Very often housewives are faced with such a problem as a large number. Such a phenomenon can not be called pleasant. Therefore, the question immediately arises: how to get rid of fruit midges in the kitchen?

Why do insects infest?

It should be immediately noted that the fruit flies are not capable of causing significant harm to human health, but they can cause a lot of trouble because of their annoyance. A bothersome moshkar is started where there is always something to eat, so the kitchen becomes a favorite place. Black flies feed on the juice of fruits and vegetables, therefore, as soon as the process of decay begins in them, they immediately appear. It is characteristic of fruit flies that they multiply very quickly, and after only a couple of hours the midges become twice as large. If you do not fight with them, they will scatter around the room and will cause you a lot of trouble.

The question immediately arises: how do the midges get into our house? Quite simply, they are already present in plant foods, and to be more precise, the eggs, once laid by an adult, are on fruits and vegetables. Blackflies can also appear in flower pots, as their eggs are able to be in the ground.

Naturally, noticing the fruit flies in their kitchen, each person asks a question: how to quickly get rid of fruit flies? Let's figure it out.

How to withdraw?

The appearance of midges in any case can not be associated with cleanliness in the room. Their presence does not depend on the amount of dust and dirt. In order to prevent the breeding of black flies, it is necessary to wash vegetables and fruits thoroughly before sending them to the refrigerator or putting them on the table. As soon as products are processed, it is necessary to wipe them thoroughly, as they begin to rot very quickly when wet.

In order not to wonder how to get rid of fruit flies in the kitchen, you should follow these prevention guidelines:

Folk remedies for getting rid of fruit flies

If you still could not avoid such unpleasant guests as Drosophila, the only option is to destroy them as soon as possible. Even our great-grandfathers knew how to get rid of fruit flies with the help of folk remedies. General cleaning is obligatory, while vegetables and fruits that are rotten are thrown away, and the places where they lay are well washed out so that there is not the slightest reminder.

Particular attention should be paid to the cleanliness of the bathroom and the sink, since Drosophila often lay their eggs in the drain holes. When the basic preparation is completed, it will be possible to proceed directly to the destruction itself:

We get rid of traps

To date, there are many ways to get rid of fruit blackflies at home, and in addition to folk remedies. For example, recently, special traps have been widely used. They are small containers with a small opening. Inside the tank there is a bait that attracts fruit fruit so much. This method is excellent, as there are rooms where, for some reason, chemical treatment is prohibited. Consider what traps exist:

1. Trap in the form of banks. Something sweet is placed in a glass container, a paper funnel is inserted inside, along which the midges sink to the bottom. Once inside, they can not get out.

2. Velcro trap is done independently and at home. To do this, you need to boil sugar syrup, pour it into a saucer and place it where the midges like to be most. Arriving to eat, they stick to the syrup and die.

3. You can buy adhesive tape in the store, the effect is that a special composition is applied to the tape that attracts fruit fly, and, sitting on it, they instantly stick.

How to get rid of the fruit and berry midges?

Drosophila penetrate the apartment and through the window, because under the window there may be a fruit tree. The crop falls to the ground and rots, respectively, insects will actively multiply there. Naturally, the easiest way to get rid of fruit flies, in this case will constantly harvest and not let it rot, but this does not always happen, so as soon as possible the fruit should be collected and discarded. It is important to remember that poisoning them with chemical agents on the tree is by no means impossible, otherwise you can harm your health.

How effective are aerosols in the fight?

If there are midges on the fruit (how to get rid of, we are now figuring out), then, of course, in this case it is worth resorting to chemical treatment using aerosols. Today, there are quite a lot of such funds, so it’s easy to get them in the store.

Naturally, such substances should be used infrequently, since they have a rather unpleasant odor and can affect the health of not only the midges, but also the people themselves. With the help of aerosols, the entire surface is processed in the kitchen or in the place where insects like to be so much, then the room must be ventilated.

How to get rid of black flies with oils?

Drosophila is not very fond of sharp odors, so one of the most effective means is the use of essential oils. If you are thinking about how to get rid of fruit midges in an apartment forever, then it is worth remembering that oil cannot kill them, it will just scare them away for some time, therefore this method is not always suitable, but this type of struggle will not cause any harm to human health. .

How to deal with midges with a vacuum cleaner?

Drosophila plants are very easy, but it is not so easy to get them out. You can consider another way to get rid of fruit flies. For example, it is quite logical to use such household appliances as a vacuum cleaner. Some people consider this method of struggle to be stupid, but in fact it may well be effective. If all the reasons for the further reproduction of fruit flies were eliminated, then you can just suck the midges in a vacuum cleaner and vyrzuchit well garbage bag.

Other ways to get rid of midges

Not much fruit flies love the smell of orange and cloves, so if there is an orange peel in the house and such a spice as cloves, they can be used in the fight against midges. It is enough to boil a little of the rind together with a clove, this aroma will quickly scare away annoying flies. You can also use vinegar with soapy water. Having diluted everything in one tank, place it in the places of a large cluster of fruit flies, the smell will attract them, and they will begin to sink in the trap you set.

Preventive measures

In order not to rack their brains, how to get rid of fruit flies, how to get pesky fruit flies, it is enough to follow the usual preventive measures. After all, if the midges get started, then they will quickly multiply and soon will fly throughout the apartment. To prevent this from happening, you need to do this:

  1. Always in time to take out the garbage from the room.
  2. Clean the place to drain water, while you can use chemicals or even occasionally water them with boiling water.
  3. The trash bin, even if you use special bags, must be cleaned at least once a week.
  4. Products that have begun to deteriorate, even slightly, must be immediately thrown away.

If you follow the above tips, midges can disappear forever from your life and will not annoy you with their presence in the kitchen. When using any methods, popular or modern, there is an opportunity to never again face a similar problem.