Indoor Anthurium - comes from the tropical thickets of southern countries. Being placed in a cramped pot and the climatic conditions completely alien to him, he feels like a slave and often gets used to a new habitat for a long time. You need to try hard to provide him with the comfortable conditions necessary not only for life, but also for magnificent continuous many-year flowering. Anthurium flower, some call it differently, male happiness, is very picky about care and needs constant attention to itself. At the slightest deviations from the norm, problems may arise in the form of various diseases, which the flower usually endures very hard. On the treatment of diseases of anthurium, and this article will be.

There are fungal, viral and non-infectious types of anthurium disease.

Anthurium cannot be cured with folk remedies, you just miss the time and it will die. Therefore, remove and destroy all affected parts of the plant. Spray the flower with any fungicide. The most effective drugs are Fitosporin-M, Alirin-B and Fundazol. Spray the procedure in the open air or in non-residential premises. Place the pot with anthurium in a large plastic bag, process it with a fungicide, close the bag tightly and leave for 15 to 20 minutes in this condition. Then open the package, carefully remove the flower, let it dry, and only then put it in place. Days after 7 - 10 repeat the treatment. Observe a diseased plant - you may need a third procedure in a couple of weeks.

Fungal diseases

The most common fungal infections are stem rot, root rot, septoria, fusarium, powdery mildew and rust.

For the treatment of fungal diseases apply fungicides, special drugs for indoor flower diseases, and only them!

Stem rot

If you regularly fill in a flower, if after watering the excess water stays in the pan for a long time, if the temperature in the room is below permissible - the anthurium will almost certainly get sick with a disease like stem rot. On the stem, watery spots of black color will appear. The rot will gradually spread to other parts of the plant, the leaves will begin to rot. The affected parts of the plant will die off. On the affected areas, small sporangia are visible under the magnifying glass, initially white, then black.

What to do? Sore flower isolate. Cut all affected parts of the plant. Spray the plant with fungicides, such as phytosporin, twice, with an interval of a week. Check the plant for pest damage. Perhaps he was attacked by thrips. If the disease is running - the flower must be destroyed. Check the living conditions of other flowers to prevent their disease.

Root rot

Frequent watering, low temperature, poor drainage in a flowerpot and other deviations from the norm can cause this disease. When the roots of the plant decay, its leaves turn pale noticeably, and then turn yellow and begin to fade. Roots become soft, rotten. The shell of the root exfoliates from its middle, the roots look frayed.

If the disease is not yet started, sharply reduce the watering of the plant, reduce the humidity in the room. Cut the wilted leaves. Remove the plant from the pot, free the roots from the ground, cut off the damaged and rotten parts, and, if there are areas of a healthy root system, plant the anthurium in a new pot with suitable healthy soil. Do not forget the drainage! Water the plant with Fitosporin –M or Alirin-B preparations. Wait, the result should be positive. If the disease is neglected and rotting has engulfed all the roots of anthurium, it will not be possible to save the flower, it will most likely die.


On the leaves appear brown spots of irregular shape with a yellow or brown border. Under a magnifying glass on the spots you can see tiny black points of sporangia.

What to do:

Strongly affected leaves to pluck and remove. Humidity lower. Stop spraying plants with water. Feed the flower fertilizer for flowering plants. Inspect for pests. If there are none, spray Fitosporin-M or copper-containing drugs.


When fusarium on anthurium begins massive wilting of the leaves. They turn yellow and dry and then fall off. On the root of the neck appeared white with a pink tint bloom. A very dangerous disease. The infection spreads with water when watering plants, when air humidity and temperature are too high.

If the disease is in its initial stage, try spraying the ground part of the plant with a fungicide, and add soil pesticide to the soil. Repeat treatment after 5 - 7 days. But keep in mind that there is no effective treatment for fusarium. Sick plant is likely to die, and it will have to be destroyed!

Mealy dew

The anthurium began to turn yellow and curl leaves. Their defeat is similar to chlorosis. But if the leaves are not only yellowed, but become noticeably smaller, the internodes grow shorter and shorter, then this is not chlorosis, but powdery mildew. On the back of the leaves are clearly visible spores of a light gray color - this is a fungus. With a strong infection and no treatment, the leaves will dry out completely. What to do? Treat! With the help of fungicides. (for a description of the treatment of fungal diseases, see above)


If light spots appeared on the upper side of the leaf, and brown spots-pustules on the lower side, your anthurium most likely caught a fungal infection called rust. On the underside of the leaves, spores develop rapidly, the spots merge together and the leaves dry completely. It is necessary to treat this disease with the help of fungicides. (for a description of the treatment of fungal diseases, see above)

Viral diseases

Bronze virus

If the leaves of your pet become partially discolored, wrinkles and small holes appear on the surface - it is possible that anthurium became infected with a leaf bronze virus. This disease is usually transmitted by thrips from other affected plants.

Treatment, unfortunately, does not exist, the diseased plant will have to be destroyed. Inspect the rest of the flowers for infection with thrips; if necessary, treat these pests with insecticides (aktar, actellic).

Noncommunicable diseases


If you notice that yellow spots appear on the green leaves of your pet in bright light - this is evidence that the plant lacks nutrition, in particular, magnesium and iron.

Regularly feed your flowers with fertilizers for flowering plants containing these elements.

Vegetable pox

If yellow-green bulges and yellowish ring-shaped spots suddenly appeared on the beautiful leaves of your anthurium, it means that you have somewhere made a mistake in caring for it. This happens at low ambient temperatures and high humidity. If, moreover, you have forgotten about regular feeding of anthurium - he will not have the strength to resist such a disease as smallpox.

Correct mistakes in plant care and wait patiently for results.

If the leaves of your anthurium began to grow unevenly, bend, began to look ugly and hunchbacked, most likely your anthurium became ill with enacia. If the room with a flower often fluctuates in temperature, there are drafts, it is too humid, it is too dry - then this is the reason. To be honest, the real cause of this disease is not well understood. Try to establish proper care for the plant, and everything should return to normal.

Other problems with improper care

  1. Dark spots and dots appeared on the leaves. Perhaps your pet is cold. Move it to a warmer and lighter place. Do not water more often.
  2. The leaves turn yellow, their edges dry out. The flower may have come under direct sunlight and burned. Remove the pot from the sun or shade the blinds, create a diffused lighting.
  3. The tips of the leaves turned black. It is possible that an excess of nutrients, in particular calcium salts, has been formed in the soil. Replant your anthurium in a new soil with a suitable soil mixture for it.
  4. Leaves turn yellow and wither. The temperature in the room may be less than comfortable. The optimum temperature during the growing season is 22 - 25 g., During the winter dormancy 16 - 18 g.
  5. Lack of flowering. There are many reasons: low light, poor soil, large pot, low humidity and others. Read about the reasons for the lack of flowering in Anthurium in the relevant article on our website. Eliminate these causes and get lush bloom for years.
  6. Anthurium leaves turn black. There are several reasons. Perhaps the water you use for watering is too hard; perhaps the water is too cold; perhaps she was chlorinated, did not have time to settle. Or perhaps you do not remove excess water from the pan. It stagnates there, and this provoked root rot. Hard water soften a drop of lemon juice or acetic acid. Water should have a temperature not lower than room temperature, and be separated. Watering is not frequent, but it is abundant, so that from the drainage holes in the bottom of the pot extra water seeps into the pan. After some time, remove water from the pan.
  7. The leaves of anthurium turn yellow in some cases: waterlogging of the soil; lack of soil in the pot, the roots bulge out; drafts, lack of lighting; bad water for irrigation; bad soil; unsuitable seasonal ambient temperature. Analyze your living conditions of the tropical guest, eliminate errors - and everything will come back to normal.
  8. Anthurium leaves curled into a tube. Perhaps too bright lighting triggered the anthurium to include a protective mechanism. Put your flower away from the direct rays of the sun, and the leaves will turn again.
  9. Black spots appeared on the flowers. Perhaps you carelessly sprayed your plant, and large drops of water fell on the flowers. Spray the plant to a small sprayer neatly, without falling on the flowers. Another such embarrassment is obtained when the soil mixture is not properly selected for a flower - there is a lot of calcium in the ground. This soil will have to be replaced.
  10. On the roots of anthurium appeared thickening and tubercles. This means that anthurium was struck by root nematodes. This disease is not treatable. Destroy the plant along with the pot.

A few general prevention tips for common diseases.


As you already understood, anthurium at home requires special attention. But if you are not afraid of difficulties and you will clearly follow all the rules of its comfortable content - success is guaranteed! Anthurium will thank you for your love and will delight you with its exotic beauty during the magnificent bloom!

Add your price to the base


Anthurium is a plant from the aroid family, in Latin its name translates as “flower-tail”. A subtropical guest rarely gets sick, and is rarely affected by pests. But if you do not follow the rules of care, the color of the glossy green leaves of the plant changes.

Leaf problems

It should be noted that the old lower leaves turn yellow and fall over time. This is a natural process. If the plant is already old enough and has lost its decorative effect due to the falling of the lower leaves, it can be rejuvenated.

However, problems with the leaves may indicate violations in the care of anthurium or the presence of diseases or pests.

Large brown spots appear on the leaves of anthurium, if it was frozen, for example, it fell under an open window in winter. Smaller light brown spots are formed on the leaves, on the contrary, due to sunburn, it is necessary to remove the plant from direct sunlight in the afternoon.

If anthurim spots on the entire leaf plate spots, and new leaves grow significantly larger than the previous ones, this is a sign of excessive fertilizer plants.

The edges of the leaves of anthurium can dry from too dry air. It is necessary to provide a plant with high humidity. To do this, place the anthurium on a tray with wet moss or expanded clay, or purchase a humidifier. Drying at the edges can also occur from overflow and disease by various rot or leaf spot. If the regulation of irrigation does not improve, you need to inspect the roots, cut rotten, sprinkle the sections with coal and treat the plant with a fungicide, for example, foundationol.

Anthurium leaves turn yellow and turn pale, if it does not have enough light, give it a place closer to the window. If multiple yellowish dots form on the leaves, this may indicate the presence of a spider mite. At the same time on the back side of the sheet is visible whitish plaque, like flour. If a spider mite is found, rinse the leaves under the shower with lightly warm water, then treat the plant with fitoderm.

Plant diseases

  • Chlorosis. This disease is not infectious. It occurs due to the lack of iron or magnesium. Manifested by yellowing of the leaves, the veins on which remain green. To overcome this problem, simply use iron chelates or algae extracts.
  • Gray rot. On some parts of the anthurium, a gray patina (sporangia) begins to form, leading to rotting. The development of gray rot is promoted by excessive humidity in the room and constantly wet leaves.
  • Rust. The upper side of the leaves is covered with light spots, and spots-pustules with spore powder appear on the bottom.
  • Fusarium Leaves quickly turn yellow, and then fade and fall off. The disease is of fungal origin and is often transmitted not only from plant to plant, but also through the soil.
  • Septoria and anthracnose. Yellowish spots appear on the leaves.

If the leaves turn yellow after transplanting

After transplantation, anthurium may turn yellow casting, because:

  1. Direct sunlight on the leaf plates causes them to burn and yellow. The plant must be moved to a place illuminated by diffused sunlight.
  2. Lack of lighting. The problem usually arises in the autumn-winter period, it can be fixed in two ways: put the plant on the window sill or place it under an ultraviolet lamp.
  3. Lowering the temperature to 10 ° C inhibits the growth of anthurium, discoloring the leaves of the lower tier. The plant must be moved to a warmer room.
  4. Excess fertilizer. In the warmer years, the flower must be fed twice a month, in the cold it is enough to feed one. Indicated on the packaging with fertilizer rate should be halved. If the trouble has already occurred, you need to change the soil in which the anthurium grows, and wash its roots before planting in fresh soil. It is necessary to water the plant with clean water at room temperature (this will help to clean the vessels of the plant from excess nutrients) and avoid feeding for some time.
  5. Excessive soil moisture is one of the reasons why anthurium leaves turn yellow. The plant should not be watered for some time, and with a large marshy earth in a pot, it is better to transplant the flower: the roots may begin to rot.
  6. Root system problems. If the previous reasons did not give an answer what is happening with the plant, you need to remove the flower from the pot along with the soil. The next step is to carefully release the roots from the ground without damaging them. The presence of decay is a signal to decisive actions: all affected parts should be cut off, washed with a weak, light pink solution of potassium permanganate, slightly dried and transplanted anthurium into fresh soil.
  7. Lack of nitrogen. The plant needs additional fertilizing with nitrogenous fertilizers.
  8. Watering. Hard, cold water or rare earth moistening can cause discoloration of leaves.
  9. Poor water often causes yellowing of the leaf plate: the content of harmful impurities of heavy metals or bleach is detrimental to the flower.
  10. Damage to the roots during transplantation. The plant tolerates the "relocation", but usually eventually returns to normal. If this does not happen, the anthurium should be transplanted again, choosing a mixture of leaf earth, soil, peat and sand as the soil. Sand should take one part, the other components - in two parts. Be sure to pick up good drainage!

Factors of poor growth

Why does not grow indoor flower, despite the care? Possible problems:

  1. Dry air In winter, a tropical inhabitant is better to rearrange away from the batteries. They too dry the air, to which this flower is not used.
  2. In winter, the ornamental inhabitant accumulates strength, and growth stops until the warmer season. Frequent spraying with warm water will help him. Watering should be reduced to avoid root decay.
  3. Tropical dweller closely in a flowerpot.
  4. Not enough nutrients.

Capricious Anthurium can be successfully grown in an apartment, giving it proper attention. It is better to solve all the problems as soon as their first signs show up, then the flower will delight the owners for more than one season.

What to do to deal with the problem?

If the rules of care are followed, but the plant is sick, you need to take urgent measures, keep this in mind if necessary.

First, do not panic, but carefully look at the flower. Secondly, eliminate all violations. Third, take all measures to save your favorite flower. When chlorosis help fertilizing algae extracts or iron chelates.

Gray rot affects anthuriums in wet areas. Eliminate the cause of high humidity, do not spray the leaves too often - and everything will return to normal.

If the plant is rusty, remove the damaged leaves; wash the rest with soapy water.

Fusarium is one of the most dangerous diseases of plants, as other flowers may be infected with them. The causative agent of fusarium is a fungus, so special drugs (fungicides) will help.

No less dangerous are fungal diseases Septoria and anthracnose. Begin to spray the anthurium with the fungicides immediately, so as not to lose this and other plants. After 2 weeks, repeat the treatment.

Note!   Peat and sandy soil have a beneficial effect on the growth of anthurium. But these flowers do not like alkali. A transplant is needed once a year for young flowers; adults are transplanted once every 3 to 4 years.

Anthurium roots, completely filling the pot volume, begin to emerge from the drainage holes - this is a signal that a transplant is needed.

Feed anthurium can be weak extracts of organic fertilizers. But organic and mineral fertilizers are needed no more than 1 time in 14 days during growth.

Anthurium: proper care at home

If you want to see your plant healthy and beautiful for many years, then you need to provide him with the right care, paying attention to the following parameters.

Pot dimensions

Incorrectly chosen pot for planting can also cause yellowing of the leaves. If the flower grows in too large and deep containers, then there is a risk of overflow and root decay, as the lower part of the pot will always accumulate moisture. In this case, the plant needs to be transplanted into a new pot of suitable size with a new soil, after cutting off rotten roots. All sections should be treated with charcoal powder and let them dry. The third part of the pot must be filled with drainage. For this you can use expanded clay or small pebbles. Then the pot is filled with fresh soil mix, which is used for planting the Aroids. It is recommended to pour pots of ceramic before boiling.

Placement in the house

To determine why the leaves turn yellow in anthurium, you can examine its location. As in the situation with watering, this flower is fastidious about lighting. He loves bright light, but reacts poorly to direct sunlight, which makes his leaves turn yellow and fall. Lack of light can also lead to these consequences. What to do in this case? The plant should be placed in a well-lit place, which will be protected from direct sunlight. In summer, it can be put on the windowsill on the east side, and in winter - in the south. The main thing is not to forget to rearrange the pot with the plant.


This flower should be kept in a warm room at an optimum temperature of 18-20 Celsius above zero. In winter - not less than 15 degrees. However, it must be remembered that the flower must be isolated from the heating system.


It is believed that the anthurium fairly quickly adapts to the conditions of the room in which it is located. However, its owner needs to take care of a large amount of light - only then the flowers of the plant will acquire rich bright shades.

Anthurium needs a bright diffused light, but does not tolerate direct sunlight, quickly burning juicy dark green leaf plates. On the surface of the sheet, burns appear as large, shapeless yellow spots, often adjacent to brown or even blackened areas dried to the film.

It is impossible to cure sunburn, the spoiled leaf should simply be removed, and the plant itself should be rearranged to a more suitable place for it. The best option - the windows of the east.


When the anthurium is actively growing it needs to be watered moderately and regularly. With regard to water temperature, the best option - room or slightly higher (about 24 ° C, given the relativity of this concept).

Water the plant often, not allowing the ground to dry completely. The potted soil should always be kept a little wet, but not wet. Excess moisture can cause an outbreak of putrefactive processes in the soil and, as a result, root decay. Root rot is another reason that leaves anthurium yellow. In this case, the yellowness indicates the beginning of the death of the plant and an immediate intervention is required from the owner.

To save Anthurium, an urgent change to the fresh land is necessary. At the same time, it is necessary to remove all the blackened roots, and cut off the rotted areas and sprinkle with pounded charcoal. The size of the pot is chosen according to the size of the root system: the roots should not be cramped in the “new house”, but they are also a lot of room for them, since they will not be able to cope with excess moisture in time and will rot again. It is recommended to fill the third of the landing tank with drainage: expanded clay, broken clay shards or small pebbles. Such a measure will protect the roots from stagnant water.


By itself, this flower is not very picky about nutrients. It will be enough to feed it with fertilizers twice a month in spring and summer.

Air humidity

This plant needs very humid air. Therefore, regular spraying it with water (twice a day: morning and evening), he just needs. As a recommendation, you can also use the advice: the plant stems can also be moistened by wrapping sphagnum moss.


Replant this plant to the substrate, suitable for orchids and bromeliads. Or this composition can be prepared independently.

  • coniferous land (one portion),
  • leaf ground (one portion),
  • peat ground (one portion),
  • sand (half).

When replanting a plant, it is necessary to use flat wide pots, not forgetting good drainage. In the soil, you can add a few pieces of charcoal. Immediately after transplantation, the flower is subjected to frequent spraying and extremely careful watering. We protect it from exposure to direct sunlight.


Ideally, these amazing plants should be propagated by apical cuttings with few aerial roots. However, this is only suitable for long-stem species. Short-stem trees reproduce either by seed or by dividing lateral shoots.

So in general, care for this beautiful plant should not cause problems for its owner. Be attentive and patient - and then the Anthurium flower will delight you with its healthy appearance and amazing bloom.

Often found in anthurium brown spots on the leaves. This phenomenon is considered to be a bad symptom for the plant, since the Anthurium is a luxurious houseplant, which has heavy shiny leaves and beautiful flowers. Therefore, it is important to know what changes the color of the leaves, why the spots appear on them, and how to fix the problems. If you do not know how to solve the problems yourself, contact an experienced florist for advice.

Plant care rules

Anthurium is a capricious plant. Some of its species are grown only in greenhouse conditions. It is also important to take into account when growing plants and the fact that its juice consists of toxins that can adversely affect human mucous membranes.

Features of anthurium care:

  1. It is recommended to grow a flower in partial shade or on a window sill with diffused light, as it does not like bright lighting. At the same time it is important to provide additional lighting to Anthurium. Otherwise, the plant will not let flower stalks.
  2. In the summer, the air temperature in the room should not exceed 25 degrees Celsius, and in winter the plant can develop at a temperature of 14 - 16 degrees.
  3. In order for anthurium not to die, it is necessary to avoid places with drafts.
  4. It is recommended to water the flower with slightly warm water. In the summer, watering is done every three days, and in winter - once every seven days. The remaining water after watering from the pan must be poured out so as not to rot the roots.
  5. It is also important to ensure good humidity in the room where the flower is grown. Spray the leaves systematically, but in such a way that the water does not fall on the flowers.
  6. Twice a month make using a mineral solution or organic fertilizer. It is necessary to feed during flowering and active growth of the plant.
  7. Best of all, anthurium grows in self-prepared soil. Mix humus (two parts) with leaf earth and peat (one by one), as well as with sand (half part). As a drainage add the crushed brick or cones.
  8. After buying an anthurium, it is important to transplant it into a new, suitable in size, pot with the correct soil.

See also: Features of the cultivation of adenium mini

At home, the plant can be propagated by grafting. Cut the cuttings from the tops of the flower together with aerial roots. Land them according to the rules in prepared containers.

To prevent the plant from disappearing, it must be protected from the attack of aphids, scale insects, fungal infections.

If errors are made with watering, the feeding schedule is disrupted, excessively dry air in the room or improper lighting of the plant, the leaves near the anthurium gradually dry.

Often, the development and beauty of the leaves of the plant are affected by a sharp temperature drop, as well as growing a flower in a cold room.

If you violate the rules of growing plants, it starts to hurt and disappears. Therefore, it is important to know the main reasons due to which leaves dry in Anthurium or are covered with spots of different colors.

Improper fertilizer

The lack of nutrients is indicated by slow growth of the plant, small young leaves. The leaves turn brown due to a lack of nitrogen, phosphorus or potassium, and also calcium or magnesium.

With an excess of fertilizers, leaf plates of anthurium can also change their color. To save the plant, transplant it into new soil, washing the roots before it.

Causes of leaf blackening

The following reasons lead to the blackening of the leaves near Anthurium:

  • direct sunlight;
  • drafts;
  • wrong air temperature;
  • the presence in the substrate of calcium salts.

If black bloom on the leaves, which has arisen due to an excess of calcium salts in the soil, replace the substrate with the content of leaf humus and peat. Next, the flower is watered only with softened water.

If anthurium leaves turn black due to a draft, the pot should be moved to another cozy place.

When the leaf plates are blackened by sunlight, make a shaded spot for the flower. It is important to ensure that the pot hit scattered sunlight or partial shade.

If the leaves were covered with yellow spots and began to curl, it means that the plant was attacked by aphid. To save the plant, treat it with special means or tincture of tobacco.

See also: Venerin hair: care, reproduction, possible problems

If the shoots were covered with cracks, and the leaves are stained, the flower was struck by a mealy worm. For its destruction apply karbofos.

Dark spots on the leaves of anthurium appear as a result of the scytum attack. Pests must be removed, and the plants treated with soap, mixed with kerosene.

Appearance of brown spots

Anthurium leaves brown spots on the leaves due to the following reasons:

  1. improper feeding. Fertilizer is recommended fertilizers with balanced substances;
  2. when the temperature in the room is too low, the leaves are covered with small brown dots.

If brown specks were noticed, it is possible the stalk has suffered from a mealy worm, which can be destroyed with special chemicals.

Appearance of yellow spots

Anthurium leaves turn yellow due to lack of light in winter. Also to this phenomenon leads to watering the plant with water with chlorine and heavy metal oxides. In order to avoid the yellowness of the leaf plates, it is recommended to water the flower with rain, thawed or settled water.

If water accumulates in the sump, the roots of the flower rot and the leaves turn yellow. It is important to moisten the soil moderately, and drain excess liquid from the pallet.

A plant in a small pot can also release yellow leaves. In this case, it needs to be transplanted into a large container.

Anthurium leaves dry because of dry air, insufficient watering, disease, or aphid infestation.

The frequency of watering depends on the time of year. The soil between watering should dry on the third part of the pot. To increase the humidity of the air, leaves are daily sprayed with water.

In the case when the leaves dry at the edges, and then completely begin to dry, it means that the plant has suffered from anthracnose. To destroy the disease, treat with a systemic fungicide.

Dry tips on the leaves can be formed due to lack of oxygen in the root system. In this case, transplant the anthurium into the soil with cones or charcoal.

Age changes

Most often, the leaf plates turn yellow in anthurium due to aging. Age changes affect more foliage, which is closer to the ground.

Yellowness spreads over the entire leaf area, because of which it loses its elasticity and juiciness, acquires a brown color. After a while, it will disappear on its own, if it is not removed before.

If anthurium is well and properly looked after, the loss of old leaves does not harm the plant, since young healthy leaves start to grow on the top of the stem.

See also: Differences plant barleria, home care, characteristics, cultivation, transplantation and reproduction

Since the yellowing leaves do not benefit the plant, but only take power, it is best to remove them in time. If you remove the old leaves, the flower will develop better and become more attractive.

To cut the outdated leaves, it is recommended to treat the scissors or a knife with alcohol so as not to infect the stem with the infection. Cut off the places on the trunk sprinkle with fine charcoal. In the case when the leaf has turned yellow, but has not lost its juiciness, it cannot be cut off manually, so as not to injure the stem, therefore use only a sharp tool - a knife for this purpose.

The size of the leaves and flowers is affected by the age of the plant. The older the anthurium, the smaller and paler the flowers. Every year the trunk becomes more and more naked, as the leaves below die off. Some types of anthurium continue to grow magnificently, but with small rosettes, and some - with one rosette of leaves.

To help the plant still bloom profusely with large flowers, it needs to be rejuvenated. Using a sharp knife, cut off the top of the anthurium so that you get a cutting with two or three aerial roots. Put him in the prepared in advance soil. To better develop the cutting, it can be put on a growth stimulator for some time before planting. Care for the handle should be systematically, sprinkling warm water.

Often, growers are faced with the fact that the anthurium not only dries, but does not bloom. This problem leads to:

  • lack of lighting;
  • wrong temperature condition;
  • the air temperature is too high in winter;
  • incorrect irrigation procedure;
  • low humidity in the room;
  • the presence of dry inflorescences on the plant.

Now you know why the leaves turn black or yellow in anthurium, and what to do in such situations. The plant can also change the color of the leaves to yellow, brown or another color due to improper care or attack of pests. Therefore, it is important to ensure the flower proper care, timely watering, fertilizing, transplanting as needed. If you notice that the leaf plates of the plant change their color, do not disregard it. It is important to determine the cause of the problem and eliminate it in time to save the anthurium.

Anthurium (anturium) - a plant that belongs to the family Aroid. Anthurium is home to the humid tropics of South and Central America. The ornamental plant has beautiful leaves with a characteristic brilliance and a flower made in the form of a red veil that surrounds the ear of a yellow color. Anthurium arrived from the tropics, as a result of which it likes warmth, sun, high humidity and good food. It is worth noting that the plant is quite capricious, because of which diseases and pests of anthurium are visited quite often. The owner of the flower is enough to break any agrotechnical rule, and the disease does not take long. site

Why does the anthurium plant turn yellow leaves?

Unfortunately, the anthurium turns yellow at home with enviable regularity. Why is this happening? As I said, the plant belongs to tropical crops, and leaf fall is not characteristic of it. From this we can conclude that leaf fall cannot be considered normal. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the problem is caused by disorders in the care of plants. In what exactly these violations can be shown, read below.

Anthurium: non-infectious diseases

1. Yellow leaves due to improper care

If your anthurium plant turns yellow leaves, most often this is due to improper watering, which may not be frequent enough. Yellowing may be caused by using too hard water, which is characteristic of our water pipes. Additional causes may be a lack of nitrogen fertilizers or a small amount of sunlight. In some cases, it is enough to rearrange the pot on the sunny window sill for the plant to come to life. In general, make sure that the anthurium gets a decent care, and then the leaves will not fall off.

2. Chlorosis

Chlorosis is the most common disease of the plant under consideration, due to which the anthurium turns yellow. And the disease can occur quite unexpectedly. Symptoms of the disease are yellow leaves with preservation of green veins. This may lead to a lack of magnesium or iron. To remedy the situation, I recommend using algae extract or iron chelates. Remember that anthurium diseases are visited especially often if you do not give it access to sunlight. Therefore, do not keep the plant in the shade.

3. Sunburn

Sometimes there is a reverse situation when the owners of the flower leave a precious anthurium in direct sunlight for a long time. As a result, the plant produces a sunburn, which is accompanied by appearing spots on the leaves of white-brown color.

4. Freezing

It turns out that the anthurium may well freeze, but for this to happen, you will have to really try. For example, you can leave the plant near an open window in the winter, or pour it with too cold water. As a result, the plant produces light spots on the leaves. In this case, the flower pot must be rearranged to a more suitable place for growth.

Anthurium: diseases of fungal nature

Diseases caused by fungus are infectious diseases, as you understand, and they cannot be cured with preventive measures. You will need specialized chemicals sold in flower shops. The most common fungal diseases of our plant are downy mildew, anthracnose, septoria, gray rot, rust, root rot and fusarium.

1. Gray rot

The disease can spread to your flower due to high humidity, or a large amount of moisture on the leaves for a long time. The plant will begin to rot in some parts. The rot manifests itself in the form of a gray plaque, the main part of which consists of sporangia.

2. Anthracnose and septoriosis

If we talk about home anthurium, I would combine the diseases of anthracnose and septoriosis into one group, because they have too much in common. First, the plant can get sick only after contact with another diseased flower. By the way, buying anthurium in the store, be sure to check it for the presence of this disease. Symptoms - spots on the anthurium brownish or yellowish. After the spots expand, the leaves of the plant begin to fall off.

3. Downy mildew

This disease at the initial stage strongly resembles chlorosis. The flower acquires yellow leaves. In cases where the infection has a diffuse nature, the leaves may begin to shrink in size, accompanied by short internodes and torsion. Local infection is characterized by the appearance of chlorotic spots on the leaves. At the bottom of the sheet may appear pale gray bloom, composed of sporangia.

4. Rust

Rust is manifested by the formation of light spots on the upper part of the sheet. On the lower part brown spots-pustules may form, on the surface of which spore powder develops. If the plant is severely affected, the leaves fall off first, and then the anthurium dries completely.

5. Fusarium

The plant, affected by Fusarium, looks quite depressed. At first the leaves turn yellow, then the real leaf fall begins. The plant can be bent in one single direction, which is characteristic of this disease. The base may subsequently darken, and the fabric in this area will begin to die off. If favorable conditions develop for the fungus, a bright spore bloom may form on the affected area. Spores will be transferred from a diseased plant to a healthy one. In addition, the infection can come from the soil, which especially complicates the problem of how to cure the anthurium flower. How to care for a diseased flower, I will tell you a little later.

6. Root Rot

If the anthurium grows in conditions of high humidity, then the roots may begin to rot due to developing colonies of fungi. The root system, when infected with root rot, acquires a brownish or reddish color, as a result of which they lose the ability to absorb water and nutrients. As a result, the plant quickly dies. And if we consider this category as a whole, then I would call root rot the most dangerous disease for a tropical flower.

How to rid anthurium of fungal diseases?

Many anthurium owners resort to folk remedies, or unsafe drugs of plant origin. But the flower is quite tender, so such radical measures for it can be fatal. Fast and guaranteed effect can be achieved only with the help of fungicides. If, against the background of the development of the fungus, the leaves have turned yellow in anthurium, then you will first have to get rid of the affected areas, and then treat the plants with purchased preparations, acting in strict accordance with the instructions. It is most difficult to cure anthurium from Fusarium, since spraying with one cannot be done here. We will have to supplement the treatment with the introduction of a special soil pesticide. As a preventive action, you can use glyokladin, which is regularly introduced into the soil.

Flower growers often struggle with fungal diseases by means such as topaz, vitaros, ordan, rovral, copper oxychloride, zineb, topsin, enlat, and foundationol. They are also highly efficient. If you carry out spraying, I recommend doing it on the street or in a non-residential area. Before spraying, place the pot in polyethylene. After spraying, tie a plant bag for ten minutes, which will help increase the effectiveness of the drugs. It is worth noting that a one-time treatment is unlikely to help 100 percent. If after two weeks on the plant reappeared yellow spots, then you need to repeat the procedure of treatment with a fungicide.

Anthurium: diseases of a bacterial nature

Anthurium bacterial diseases develop under the influence of bacteria such as Erwinia and Xanthosoma. The problem is compounded by the fact that there is no clear picture of the disease. So, root rot on a plant can be both fungal and bacterial. Sometimes on the leaves can form oily spots, over time, acquiring a brownish color. Diseased roots become soft, a mass of rot is formed, which has a characteristic unpleasant smell. For the most part, bacterial contamination is the result of improper care. This may be excessively cool conditions of detention, excess fertilizer or waterlogging.

Anthurium: viral diseases

Distributors of viral diseases are pests. Quite often, anthuriums suffer from curliness, characterized by twisting and drying leaves. Leaf plates at the same time acquire gray-white or yellowish-gray spots and lines.

Anthurium is a tropical flower with the extraordinary beauty of its flowers. They have a different color. May be white, red and also pink. The origin of the flower from the family of Aroids. Anthurium's homeland is a tropical climate zone in South and Central America. This is quite an interesting flower that will decorate and transform your home, add beauty and comfort.

Why is this plant sick?

Since the flowers come from a tropical climate, they need special care. After all, they are quite capricious and unpredictable, and with improper care they are completely endangered (for example, the leaves turn yellow and dry, or even brown or yellow spots appear). In order to save the plant, you must be attentive to the flower. The most common problem is the condition of the plant when the leaves turn yellow.

Why do the leaves turn yellow and what kind of mistake in the care does harm the flower?

First, it is a change of scenery. Since you need to get used to changing the situation and climate.
  Secondly, it is the wrong care. Almost everyone thinks that the more often they water the flower, the better. But such a thought is erroneous. Why and do not need to. Since not all flowers need a lot of moisture. But the drying up of the earth in a pot should not be allowed so that it would not be necessary to save the plant from diseases.

Since, anthurium is a tropical flower, it is moisture-loving. But you need to know the measure in the watering plants. Water the flowers you need often, but little by little, the plant also likes spraying the leaves. Why does watering affect the flower? You should know that abundant and frequent watering can cause rotting of the root. Also important is the quality of water. It is on the level of water hardness that the state of the flower depends.

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We are constantly being written letters in which gardeners' lovers worry that because of the cold summer this year there is a poor harvest of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables. Last year, we published TIPS, on this issue. But unfortunately many did not listen, but some still applied. Here is a report from our readers, we want to advise plant growth biostimulants, which will help increase the yield up to 50-70%.

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To reduce the level of danger, you can use separated water for irrigation. You need to defend 10-12 hours. But it is best to use filtered water. Water should be at room temperature so that the flowers do not freeze.

The next reason for yellowness is the size of the pot.

A big pot is a doom for anthurium. Moisture will accumulate at the bottom of the pot, and thereby provoke the festering of the roots, which leads the anthurium to death. In order to save the plant, you must:

  • Choose a pot of medium size (not too small, but small).
  • To transplant a flower, you first need to cut off the rotten root tips.
  • Root slices need to be treated with charcoal powder from wood and let them dry.
  • The bottom of the pot to fall asleep with small stones or expanded clay
  • Next, pour fresh soil.

Anthurium loves warmth and good lighting. Sunlight also adversely affects the flower. It does not tolerate this, so the green leaves turn yellow from UV light and stains appear on them. If the flower is on the windowsill, it is impossible to avoid sunburn. Yellowed areas and leaf spots and burns. At best, diseased leaves dry and fall, and at worst the flower will wither.

How to avoid this and save the plant, but at the same time give the necessary light? It is necessary to find a place in the house with good lighting, where direct sunlight will be reduced to a minimum.

Temperature also has an effect on flowers. You can not keep the plant in a room where the temperature can reach below +10 degrees. It is not recommended to leave the anthurium on a draft or on a window sill in the winter season, this will lead to frostbite.
  Anthurium is resistant to temperature changes, but it is better to keep it in a warm place. Then the risk of yellow areas will decrease.

The reasons above are consequences of improper care. In addition, there are diseases of anthurium, and why there are changes in color and drying of the leaves.

  1. Septoria (anthracnosis) is a disease that is transmitted from plant to plant. At the same time, the sheets turn yellow and dry. To save the plant in this case is quite difficult.
  2. Chlorosis is an infectious disease that occurs due to a lack of magnesium and iron. Yellowish, green (dark) or brown spots appear on the leaves, but the streaks of the leaves remain green. To cure such an ailment, it is necessary to apply chylates, which include magnesium and iron.
  3. Gray rot appears in the case of high humidity or frequent watering. Therefore, it is necessary to control the frequency and amount of watering. At the same time there are brown shades and spots.
  4. The rust on the sheets appears as a spot on the top of the sheet, and on the bottom there are spots containing powder with spores.
  5. Fusarium is a fungal disease that affects leaflets. They turn yellow, dry and wither, and eventually disappear altogether. The disease is transmitted from other plants or through the soil in which the flower grows.

What needs to be done to avoid danger?

To save a tropical plant, you need to remove all infected and wilted leaves and process anthurium with a fungicide solution. This should be done several times with a break of 15 days. You should also avoid hypothermia, frequent watering, and excess fertilizer, as this can lead to bacterial diseases. So that anthurium diseases are no longer disturbed, it is necessary to transplant a flower into a new and fresh soil. For the safety of home flowers, it is necessary to pay attention and properly care for them, to study its features. To further there were no problems and yellow spots did not appear

Prevention of disease spectacular indoor flower

And a little about the secrets of the author

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