This amazing plant is associated with my childhood. We often collected bouquets of bells. Therefore, in my flower garden I really wanted to plant several varieties and now in the summer I admire these delicate flowers.

Campanula - (Latin Campánula) - a plant of the bellflower family. The name itself comes as a diminutive of the Italian campana - the bell.

It is given because of the characteristic shape, resembling an elongated bowl, really looking like a dome. This name was also fixed in Russia, as well as several “folk” ones: a bell, a blue-tie, a chabotka.

The habitat of the bellflower of many years in nature - meadows, steppes, forest edges, even rocky terrain. Basically, these are areas with a temperate climate: the whole of Eurasia, Russia, Ukraine, and even some territories of North America.

In total, scientists have about 400 species of this plant (according to data for 2016 - 440), in central Russia - only 15, and about 150 species throughout the country and including neighboring ones.

Bell refers to the perennial, rarely annual grasses, on the stem of the whole the next leaf plate. A halo of elongated shape, resembling a glass, color - from blue to lilac. There are also white and purple inflorescences.

Sometimes there is a single flower on the stem, but mainly inflorescences are panicles in the shape of a brush. Seeds ripen in flowers in a kind of box, with slits in the amount of from 4 to 6 pieces.

In some species, the bowl is tubular, with five petals pointed up, there are large bells. The leaves of some varieties are round at the base of the stem, and on the trunk they have lanceolate, pointed leaves.

The bells bloom usually begins in the first half of May and lasts until mid-July, from two weeks to one and a half months. Some varieties of active color occurs at the end of the summer and ends in September. There are varieties that delight multicolored "tassels" up to 90 days.

This plant is gaining popularity lately among gardeners who love wild flowers and the style of a flower bed under a meadow. Therefore, breeders remove even hybrids with terry inflorescences.

Classification and main types

All bells are divided into two basic categories based on the growth period.

  • Perennial.
  • Annuals.

Most of all those that bloom for many years are planted, much less than one-year-olds. Since all these plants can live in different places and, accordingly, the conditions for their care are different, there is another classification:

  • Field
  • Forest.
  • Mountain.

Even these flowers are divided into groups according to the height of the bushes:

  • Miniature (stem length up to 10 - 20 cm).
  • Medium (20-40).
  • High (stem pulled up from 40 cm).

These classifications are based on habitats in the natural environment and on the external differences of bluebells. Consider the most common types and varieties of these beautiful delicate flowers.

Annual species

They are comfortable more often in the southern regions, and grow much less often in the middle lane. These species are not as popular among gardeners as they are perennial, but there are very spectacular ones among them:


Flowering begins in June and lasts until September and can be white, pink, blue, blue. Sometimes the shape of the flower is terry, and the height of the variety is about 1 meter.


Bush bells quite low - no more than 10 - 12 cm. The flowering in this variety of lilac - blue shade, numerous, but small in size.

Long Tube

This plant belongs to the varieties that creep and endowed with a large number of shoots. Flowers in circumference up to 4 cm, fairly large, purple hue. If you prune in time, the shrub may bloom a second time.

The dichotomous (forked) bell that grows only up to 20 cm also belongs to annual plants. Flowering is very abundant, pinkish-lilac shade.

Caring for annuals is the same as for perennial flowers. It is desirable to add sand and peat to the soil, as the bell does not like heavy composition. Also do not like too wet and damp soil. Propagated by seed method. Nitrogen fertilizers are recommended as top dressing.

Perennial bells

Are the most common and popular. Consider some varieties that are planted most often.

The nettle-bell

This plant belongs to the high - the length of the stem is about one meter. In the care is not whimsical, perfectly tolerates frosts. The root system has a branching structure, and the trunk is ribbed in structure, has small fibers, rigid in structure.

The scapes are short, the leaf plates are triangular, oval in shape. Flowers are located in the number of several pieces in the axils of the leaf plates in the upper part of the stem. The structure of the inflorescence is not dense, length - 40 - 50 cm. The flowers are fluffy, often purple, sometimes white.

Round bell

The name of this perennial plant is given because of the rounded shape of the basal leaves collected in the outlet. This variety is not high - from 40 to 60 cm. It is distributed in central Russia, in Siberia and in the Caucasus.

The bell has one or more shoots. Root creeping and branched. The leaves near the root dry out early and fall away, while those on the stem remain saturated green for a long time.

Inflorescences - panicles have many small blue flowers, located in the upper part of the shoots. The most popular varieties: arctic, garden, velvety.


It has a small height - only up to 25 cm. Interesting elongated shape of the petals, inflorescence in the form of a glass with burgundy specks on a white with a pink background. Pedicels elongated, large, pubescent, inflorescences down.

Thanks to the noble color and elongated form, they are very fond of florist. Originally look at the background of other garden and ornamental plants.

Spiral (False leaf)

Refers to undersized species. Homeland - the Alps and the Carpathians. The inflorescences consist of small, 1 cm in diameter, flowers of blue, blue or white flowers, drooping form. Creeping shoots, sprawling bush. The main varieties: Loder, Alba, Miss Wilmott.


Refers to the highest species of bell. Stem over 100 cm, straight and strong. The leaves have pointed tips with a length of 12 cm and a width of 6 cm. The inflorescences are large, axillary, the brush is narrow, resembles a spikelet.

Flowers are medium in size - up to 6 cm. Funnel-shaped, blooms from June to August. Famous varieties: Alba, Brantwood, Maranta.

Landing rules

The bell is completely capricious, but there are still a number of rules that must be followed during landing. Then this plant will delight the whole season with delicate buds.

  1. Landing should be spacious and sunny. The plant does not like excess moisture and closely located groundwater. To prevent the root system from freezing, there should be no stagnant moisture near it.
  2. The soil for planting should be light, loamy allowed. It can be diluted with humus, sand, if the heavy, poor soil is fed with sod land.
  3. Before planting it is recommended to dig up the soil well, it is advisable to add superphosphate and manure that has burnt. Peat admixed to the soil does not need to avoid fungal diseases. Fresh manure is also not brought. For the bells, this is a rather aggressive feeding.
  4. The soil composition recommended for planting neutral or slightly alkaline, if there is acidity, then you need to make a little wood ash.
  5. In the open, under the scorching rays of the sun, without at least a brief penumbra, the bells quickly fade.

So, it’s easy to choose a landing site, just follow some simple rules. The main thing is not to be selected for planting swampy and damp site.

Bells care

It is advisable not very often to water the bushes, so that there is no excess moisture. In the period of growth, before flowering, you can fertilize the bells with nitrogen. It is useful to sprinkle the soil with wood ash, which will protect the plant from various diseases.

Mineral fertilizers are applied before budding the bushes. They should not be too concentrated. Also, the soil near the stem must be loosened and weeded, because the bells do not really accept the dominance of weeds and the heavy, too compacted structure of the soil.

It should also carefully dried flowers removed, so as not to give them nutrients. Then the bell will bloom much longer. When the seed pods become dark brown in color, they are cut off.

Bells multiply by the seeds of those same boxes. The process takes place in the spring. The division of the bush is also one of the types of reproduction, produced in spring and in August.

May shoots are used for planting adult plants. On one square meter high bells are distributed in the amount of 5 pieces, medium and small - 12 pieces.

Planting bells can be along garden paths, in a group with other garden and ornamental plants in flowerbeds and mixborders.

The nature has endowed the Carpathian bell with extraordinary tenderness and unique grace, which is what landscape designers use to create fabulously beautiful compositions (most often, the flower is used in slides). Planted in groups, these flowers form dense bushes with a scattering of large, cup-shaped flowers.

Bell Carpathian refers to rhizome perennials, its height does not exceed thirty centimeters. The stalks of the Carpathian bluebell are covered with oval-shaped leaves, with slightly pointed edges, which are larger in the basal rosette and much smaller to the upper part of the stem. The bell blooms with single funnel-shaped flowers with a diameter of about five centimeters. There are instances with blue, white, blue and purple flowers.

Bluebell Carpathian seed growing

Carpathian bell is not whimsical by nature, so its landing and further care can be carried out both in sunny places and in partial shade. The best soil for this plant is fertile, with good drainage, neutral or slightly acidic. In heavy, poorly drained soils, where frequent stagnation of water occurs, the bell quickly dies from excessive waterlogging. If you plant a flower in heavy loamy soil, then when digging add sand and deoxidized peat. Excessively friable sandy soils should be mixed with humus or with sod land. By observing these requirements, you will provide your plants with good conditions for wintering.

The seeds of this plant are very capricious, therefore, in order for them to sprout well, a certain thermal hardening is required. Preparation of planting material and planting should begin in February. From this point on, the seeds should be kept for one month at a temperature of + 20 ° C under diffused light, wetting them evenly. Also, they must always receive fresh air. These requirements to the microclimate are very important for the successful growth of seeds. Those shoots that appeared prematurely, earlier than planned, need to be transplanted into a separate container.

Where to buy seeds
bell carpathian

The Scientific and Production Association “Gardens of Russia” has been engaged for 30 years in introducing the latest achievements of vegetable, fruit, berry and ornamental plant breeding into the widespread practice of amateur gardening. The association uses the most advanced technology, created a unique laboratory of microclonal propagation of plants. The main objectives of the NGO "Gardens of Russia" is to provide gardeners with quality planting material of popular varieties of various garden plants and new products of world breeding. Delivery of planting material (seeds, lukovets, seedlings) is carried out by Russian Post. We are waiting for you to shop:

Title bell derived from the Latin word "campana" - the bell. In the genus, there are about 300 species of bell, found mainly in the northern hemisphere. Many bells grow in the mountainous regions of Europe and the Mediterranean. Bells are distinguished by straight, long, low-hanging above, creeping or creeping stems.

The leaves of the bells are alternate, at the base of the stem sometimes collected in the outlet.

Bells are blooming  from June to frost; flowers are blue, blue, purple, yellow, white. Low-growing species are a mandatory range of rock gardens.

Flowers bells perfectly enliven the landscape. These plants are very unpretentious (except for high-altitude species), unpretentious to the ground. Grow well among the cracks on the stairs, in the stone walls and between the tiles.

Growing bells

For soils, they are undemanding, but grow better on well-drained, treated with adequate nutrition, slightly alkaline or neutral soils. It would be desirable for the site to be drained using drainage pipes or drainage ditches, because the bells do not tolerate stagnant water during the winter, their roots rot and freeze. They can not be planted in areas flooded with spring waters or rain.

For planting bells  The soil must be prepared in advance by digging 30-40 cm and carefully removing weeds. Peat and sand should be added to clay and loamy soils. Such soils contain large amounts of nutrients, so fertilizers need to be applied in small quantities.

In loose, humus-poor sandy soils, you must add sod land, humus, peat, or oozy pond soil. Manure and fresh peat can not be made, because it can cause fungal diseases.

As for the acidity of the soil, a large number of species grow well on slightly alkaline and neutral.

Bell care

In the spring, before the plant starts growing, it is necessary to feed it with nitrogen fertilizer, it is also advisable to pour over ashes or manure under the bushes. In the first half of summer, constant weeding and loosening of the soil are needed. In the middle lane, most of the bells can do without watering, and during dry periods they need to be watered moderately.

Bells do not like water stagnation. If you carefully remove dried flower stalks and wilted flowers, you can extend the period of flowering of the bell.

Flowering shoots saved to collect seeds should be cut off when browning the boxes, but only until the pores are opened (or the seeds will be on the ground). In early October, all the stems should be cut at the root.

Bellflower transplant

Replace the bells need spring or autumn. After the snow melts, in early spring you can repot a bell with a strong root system. It is better to replant the bells with an undeveloped root system in May, when the soil warms up. In the fall, it is better to replant at the end of August or at the beginning of September, so that the plant can take root before frost.

With a compact shallow root system, you can replant in any growing season, and even during flowering. The bell must be transplanted with a large lump of earth in order not to injure the roots, and it is good to shed the prepared hole in advance before and after planting the plant.

Breeding bells

Reproduction by dividing the bush, seeds, root suckers, segments of rhizomes, green cuttings. Breeding techniques of these plants depend on the biological characteristics of the species, its life form. For example, annual species of bluebells reproduce only by seed, biennial - by spring cuttings and seeds.

Among the perennial bells, there are vegetatively immobile - these are the brush-root and stem-root plants, they multiply only by seeds. Vegetatively inactive - shortly rhizomatous, propagated by dividing the bush, green cuttings and seeds.

Vegetatively mobile - long-rhizome, root-sprouting and stolonoobrazuyuschie plants, multiply by dividing the bush, seeds, root suckers, green cuttings, segments of rhizomes.

Bellflower seed propagation

To collect the fruits of bells, you need when they turn brown, but only until the pores open. After the fruit has dried, the seeds must be poured through the open pores. As a rule, the seeds of bells are very small, so they can be mixed with crushed chalk or washed sand. Seeds can be sown directly in the ground or in advance of them to grow seedlings and with the advent of heat to plant in a flower garden.

Vegetative propagation of the bell

Allows you to get a plant that exactly repeats all the maternal properties. The bells are divided and transplanted, usually in the 3-5th year of the growing season, yet some types of bells can be divided in the autumn in the 1st year of flowering. Shrubs should be divided at the beginning of May or at the end of August in order for the plant to take root before frost.

Dividing bush: a bell is dug out, cut off above-ground shoots and cut with a shovel or knife into separate delenki. Delenka must have a root system and kidney renewal. The division of rhizomes: rhizome is divided into segments with renewal buds and planted in grooves so that the buds are at the level of the soil.

One of the most attractive representatives of the family Kolokolchikovye, adorning alpine hills and rock arias, is the flower bell Carpathian. Planted in groups, graceful flowers form dense, dense bushes with delicate cup-shaped flowers of white, saturated blue, purple color. Due to the long and continuous charming flowering, winter hardiness and undemanding of the soil, the plant has been loved by many gardeners and has been successfully used to decorate unusual compositions by landscape designers. How to grow these charming flowers in the garden, read on.

Bluebell Carpathian - dwarf decorative type of the bell-family. This is a perennial herbaceous plant whose natural habitat is the calcareous rocks of the mountains of Central Europe and the Carpathians, from which the name of the species originated.

The Carpathian bell plant is a low perennial grassy bush with thin branchy stems that does not grow more than 30 cm in height. Radical heart-shaped leaves are collected in a rosette, forming spherical bushes. Stem leaves of the plant are smaller, on short petioles.

The large flowers in the form of a bowl, in diameter up to 5 cm, give a special charm to the plant. The color of the petals is from delicate white to dark purple. Delicate flowers are located one by one on the stem. The beginning of flowering is June. Flowering long, abundant, flowers alternately alternate. After flowering, the bell Carpathian forms a fruit - a box in the shape of a cylinder.

Varieties of varieties of bell Carpathian

Herb plants are used both for open ground and for growing indoors, in a pot. For growing the Carpathian campanula at the cottage or creating beautiful small flower beds, compact varieties that differ in flower color and flowering time are suitable:

  • Hand bell Carpathian gnome. The bush has a rounded shape, blooms with pale blue or white flowers.

  • Bluebell bell Carpathian Blue Clips. Dwarf variety, shrub up to 20 cm. The bell Carpathian blue is unpretentious in care, can be grown in the garden, as well as pot culture. The flowers are blue, up to 5 cm in diameter. On the background of a shrub bush seem even larger. Variety varieties: Deep Blue Clips - flowers are dark blue, large, White Clips are white flowers.

  • Alba It blooms with white flowers.

  • Celestine, Isabel. The flowers of this variety have a beautiful, bright blue tint.
  • White Star The widespread grade loved by our summer residents. Inflorescences - white.
  • Karpatenkrone. The shade of the inflorescences is pale lilac or purple.

Bell Carpathian - landing

The unpretentiousness of the bell Carpathian attracts many gardeners who want to decorate their site or garden with beautiful flowers with abundant and long flowering. You can grow a plant on the sunny side of the garden, and in partial shade. When choosing a suitable planting site, it should be remembered that this perennial flower grows well in one place, without a transplant for more than 5 years. For fragile plants should choose a plot without drafts.

The best soil for growing plants is a fertile, loose substrate with excellent drainage with a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction. Heavy and loamy soils, where moisture often stagnates or ground water flows, are not suitable for planting. The bell is dying from an excess of moisture, which leads to decay of the root system. Therefore, for planting flowers should choose flower beds located on a hill or rocky areas. Planting bells in open ground is possible only after deep digging in the spring. If the soil is heavy, it is necessary to apply river sand and humus; in poor soils they bring in soddy soil and complex fertilizers, to feed manure and peat, since these dressings can provoke the development of a fungal disease.

How to grow a bell Carpathian seed

Spring planting of bellflower seeds in open ground is the most popular method of growing a flower for the southern regions, where in May the soil is already sufficiently heated. 2 weeks after planting, you can already observe the first shoots. After the first leaves appear on the sprouts, the bushes swoop and transplant at a distance of 10 cm from each other. You can sow seeds in the fall, the optimal month for sowing is mid-October. The first young shoots appear after the snow melts, when the soil warms up. The seeds of the Carpathian bluebell are very small, it is enough to spread them on the surface of loose soil and sprinkle with sand. Under optimal conditions and compliance with all requirements for the composition of the soil, 1 gram of seeds gives excellent germination.

Bell Carpathian: growing seedlings

There is another method of planting, but it is long and laborious, it is planting seed in seedlings in boxes. You can sow seeds in February-March.

Stages of work:

  1. For seedlings prepare special boxes or containers with nutrient soil mixture. Ready soil intended for growing seedlings can be purchased in specialized stores or prepared independently. To do this, mix turf soil, humus and river sand, observing a proportion of 6: 3: 1.
  2. Sowing of seeds produced in a wet substrate. It is enough to scatter small seeds on the surface of the soil and lightly press them down, without tamping and not falling asleep with a layer of earth.
  3. Tanks with planted seeds covered with film or glass and placed in a warm, well-lit room or windowsill.
  4. Within 2 weeks, the film must be opened daily for airing and moistening the soil with a spray gun. It is also important to remove condensate that forms on the inside of the film or glass.

The first small shoots appear in the second or third week after they are sown in the ground. Seedlings grow slowly and require additional lighting. After the appearance of the first leaves, shoots dive and sit in cups of 2-3 bush. In May, Carpathian bluebell seedlings are ready for planting in open ground.

Propagation of the bell Carpathian

In addition to the seed method of reproduction, which was mentioned above, the bell Carpathian propagated by cutting or dividing the rhizome.

For the use of the method of rhizome division, only adult and mature plants are suitable, at least 3 years old. To divide the bush, it is necessary to dig it out of the wet ground and cut the rhizome with a sharp knife into several parts, having treated the cuts with activated carbon powder. At least one basal socket should be present on each part of the plant. Delenki planted in a permanent place on the site, in the prepared moist soil.

In the summer, before flowering, the method of propagation by green cuttings is applied. It is necessary to cut the young stems so that each cutting has three internodes. Slices of cuttings should be treated with a growth stimulator using special preparations. For example, Kornevin or Appin, due to which a strong healthy root system is formed in a young plant. Treated with a growth stimulator, the cuttings are planted in a container with the ground and covered with a film for rooting, not forgetting about airing and moistening the plantings. After the appearance of the first leaves, in early autumn, the cuttings are planted in a permanent place in the open ground.

Carpathian bells: care

Bell Carpathian unpretentious plant that adapts well to any climatic conditions, so it does not need special care.

Watering Carpathian Handbells

Regular watering of the flower is not necessary, especially in rainy summer. However, in drought, with prolonged absence of precipitation, the bells should be watered using up to 10 liters of water under a bush. After watering the soil must be loosened for good breathability.

Top dressing Carpathian bells

Fertilization in the ground is produced twice per season. Nitrogen-containing fertilizers are used for the first feeding; they are produced in early spring, before the snow begins to melt. The second fertilizing with mineral fertilizers is carried out in the period of bud formation.

Mulching and weeding of the Carpathian bells

The soil where the bells grow should always be loose and permeable. Frequent weeding and removal of weeds will provide the plant's root system with the necessary moisture and oxygen. In the dry summer, to prevent the rapid evaporation of moisture, the soil needs to be mulched with dry grass or sawdust.

Removal of the flowered inflorescences of the Carpathian campanula

The inflorescences that have bloomed must be promptly removed in order to give growth to new inflorescences, as well as to prevent self-seeding, as a result of which chaotic plantings of bluebells may appear on the flowerbed next spring.

Collecting Carpathian Bellflower Seeds

For the propagation of bluebells by the seed method, it is necessary to collect seed. For this, the flowering inflorescences are not removed, but left to form the seed-box fruit. As soon as the boxes darken and begin to open, they are collected and then dried in the shade. Dried, ripened seeds are stored in a dry place, in a paper bag or planted in the fall in open ground in a permanent place. It should be noted that the plant, planted with seeds, will not bloom immediately, but in the third year of life.

Wintering bell Carpathian

Bell Carpathian - hardy and frost-resistant plant. In the southern regions and in the middle zone of our country, where winters are mild and snowy, the plant does not need a winter shelter. In the northern regions, or if weather forecasters predict a harsh winter in your area, it is advisable to shelter and warm bushes. The stems are cut to the root and covered with a layer of fallen autumn leaves or fir branches.

Carpathian bell: diseases and pests

The plant is resistant to pests, with quality care and compliance with all growing conditions, rarely exposed to disease. But, unpretentious garden culture has one drawback - perennial, growing in one place for 5-6 years, contributes to the growth of pathogenic organisms in the soil, capable of destroying the plant. To combat the massive development of microorganisms in the soil, apply preventive measures. Spring and autumn planting must be treated with a weak solution of Fundazole.

In the rainy summer, the bushes of bluebells may be attacked by slugs, snails and a drooling pennitsa. To fight snails and slugs, dry mustard is used, hot pepper scattered among the bushes, and chemical agents: Thunder, Meta. Spraying the bushes with garlic water will help free the planting from the slobbery pennitsa.

Bluebell in Carpathian landscape design

The Carpathian bell is one of the most beautiful and elegant plants for decorating alpine slides, rockeries, stony gardens, where lush bushes with blue, white, purple numerous flowers stand out charmingly against the background of gray stones. Borders look beautiful, garden stone paths framed by planting delicate bells. It is possible to plant bells of the same variety in a flowerbed, and you can combine various varieties with different colors of inflorescences, creating incredibly beautiful compositions.

  Gardeners often use planting undersized bells to decorate flower beds near gazebos, houses, and verandas where you can enjoy their beautiful flowering during the whole warm season. You can plant bells in large vases or containers with good drainage and decorate open loggias or terraces.

Carpathian bells are not capricious and very beautiful perennial flowers. Their tenderness and charm, combined with simple care and cultivation, won the hearts of many gardeners. Once you have planted this charming plant on your plot, you will never be able to refuse it.

Bell Carpathian, photo

Bell (Campanula) - herbaceous plant of the Bellflower family, numbering 300 species, growing in countries with temperate climate. In the culture there are annuals, biennials and perennials. Among the wide variety of bells there are also short-growing, only 10-15 cm, and tall, up to 2 meters in height. Plant height may vary depending on growing conditions, so it is not a characteristic feature for determining the species.

The bell has erect branched stems, may be both pubescent and smooth, with alternate whole leaves. There are ampelous and ground cover species of bluebells with flexible decaying shoots. In perennial and varietal biennial bells grown from seeds, flowering occurs in the second year.

The flowers of the bell are very beautiful, bell-shaped or star-shaped, white, blue, purple, pink, clustered in racemes or paniculate, dense or loose inflorescences. The flowers of the bellflower contain a large amount of pollen and nectar, which attracts bees. The aroma of the flowers of bluebells is delicate, resembling the aroma of a fragrant meadow or shady forest edge.

After flowering, the fruit is a box, which has a special structure. At the bottom of the box there are holes covered with flaps. When it is cloudy, the valves are closed, and in dry weather they open, and the seeds are poured out and carried by the wind. The color of the seeds in different types of bells can vary: from milky white to dark red or brown.

In addition to the fact that the bell changes its height depending on the growing conditions, there is another feature: it can change the color of the rim depending on the humidity of the air. If the air humidity is high, then the flowers become slightly lighter, and this makes them appear more tender.

Lightbells, grow well in partial shade, some species endure even a shadow.

They are suitable well-drained, non-acidic (or slightly acidic for some species), moderately moist, loose, nutritious soil. It is possible to plant in the ground and replant the bells in spring and autumn. For garden cultivation are suitable several of the most decorative types of bluebell.

Types of bells

Bell ciliated (Campanula ciliate) - herbaceous perennial with rod, thickened root. The stems are slightly leafy, 7–15 cm tall. There is one flower on the stem. Basal rosettes are formed by oblong, linear-lanceolate, serrated along the edges, leaves. The flower at the base of the calyx is slightly lighter, blue-violet, at the upper edges of the corolla limbs the color is more saturated, violet. As it blooms, the flower is increasingly brightened to a blue-blue color. It blooms in June and July.

Ciliated bell prefers slightly alkaline or neutral, fertile, drained soil. If you use a deep planting, the bell is more tolerant of drought, while the duration of flowering slightly increases.

Forms seeds, but their germination is low. Bell ciliated refers to the highly decorative types of bells.

Spoon bell (Campanula cochleariifolia) - low grassy perennial, up to 15 cm in height, with very thin, filiform, creeping stems, forms dense turf. The leaves are small, elongated at the stem, semi-oval at the end, three-toothed along the edges, very decorative throughout the growing season until late autumn. Blooms white, blue, blue flowers, flower size up to 1 cm in diameter. The flowers of the bellflower of the spoon-leaved drooping, are collected in small inflorescences. Flowering period: June - July. There are varieties, including those with white flowers. Looks good on an alpine hill, grows quickly, forms a solid turf, looks spectacular during the flowering period.

Bell Portenshlag (Campanula portenschlagiana) - Perennial herbaceous evergreen ground cover plant up to 15 cm tall. When growing, it forms cushion thickets up to 30 cm wide. The leaves are rounded, serrated along the edge, ivy-shaped, evergreen. Stellate flowers of bright purple or lilac color, collected from small inflorescences at the ends of creeping shoots. It blooms from mid-June for a month. There are varieties.

Portenshlaga bell grows well in the sun and shade. Prefers alkaline or neutral, nutritious, well-drained soil. Clay soils can not tolerate. If the area is clay soil, you need to add sand and humus, so that the soil becomes moisture-proof and breathable.

Portenshlag's bellflower propagates by seeds and vegetatively, preferably in spring, by pieces of shoots with roots. It hibernates without shelter, but does not tolerate stagnant melt water, it vyprevaet, therefore, they use elevated places such as rock garden or retaining wall for planting, or they have good drainage.

Portenshlaga bell grows rapidly, blooms profusely. It can be used not only on the Alpine hill, but also in continuous landings. In the rock garden looks beautiful with a styloid phlox, carnation, grass, fescue, geraniums, spruce, stonecrop.

Gargan bell (Campanula garganica) - perennial herbaceous plant, up to 15 cm tall, with fragile, creeping, shoots, rising tops. Forms a low compact bush. Leaves are medium-sized, rounded, serrated along the edges, on the petioles. The flowers are blue, in full disclosure with open petals resembling asterisks, up to 4 cm in diameter. The flowering period is July. It blooms very copiously, during the flowering can not even see the leaves. There are varieties with pale blue, light lavender flowers.

Gargan bell is a very demanding garden plant. It prefers only non-acidic, well-drained, nutritious soil, usually loam, does not tolerate stagnant melt and sewage, does not grow in shading.

Propagated by pieces of rooted shoots in the spring or at the end of summer, if necessary, the cuttings are grown in a greenhouse.

It is best to grow Gargan bell in the Alpine hill, borders, and flowerpots. For winter, the bell can be transplanted into a pot and in winter it should be kept as a houseplant.

Bell Pozharsky (Campanula poscharskyana) herbaceous perennial, which can be used as a ground cover plant, as it forms cushion sprawling thickets up to 20 cm tall. The basal leaves of Pozharsky's bell are rather large, rounded, with jagged edges. During the growing season forms long, up to 80 cm, creeping shoots. Stellate flowers up to 2.5 cm in diameter, blue, lavender, purple, dark blue, collected in loose inflorescences up to 10-20 cm in diameter, located at the ends of the shoots.

Flowering period: July-August for 30-40 days. There are varieties.

Bell Pozharsky - very hardy, unpretentious and ornamental plant. It grows well on drained neutral and alkaline soils, prefers lace penumbra.

Hibernates without additional shelter, as it withstands temperatures down to -40 o C. Vegetatively reproduces very easily, with segments of stems with roots in spring and seeds. Looks good on an alpine hill next to a grass, carpel, pinworm, saxifrage, awl-shaped phlox. Bell Pozharsky can be used for carpet plantings.

Round bellflower (Campanula rotundifolia) - widespread herbaceous perennial. Plant height varies from 10 to 60 centimeters. Rhizome thin, creeping, branched. The name of the bell received for the fact that its basal leaves have a round shape. Stem leaves, like in many species of bellflower, are lanceolate. May have several stems.

In the round-leaved bell, the bottom leaves have previously dried, and the stem leaves, fresh and green, are perfectly preserved until autumn.

The flowers are small, blue, collected in paniculate inflorescences at the ends of the stems. There are garden varieties: velvety, garden, arctic.

Bellflower (Campanula isophylla moretti) - Perennial herb ampelnaya plant with small, up to 30 cm, flexible, drooping stems. The leaves of the campanula are rounded, sometimes pubescent, light green or olive. The flowers are bell-shaped, up to 4 cm in diameter, white and blue. Much less often it is possible to meet a form with violet flowers. In the indoor floriculture bellflower is widely known by the names: the groom with blue, and the bride with white flowers.

In the garden, an equal-shaped bell blooms all summer and during flowering the whole is covered with flowers. Very handsome! To bloom did not weaken, you need to remove faded flowers in time and pinch shoots for better branching. It can be grown in hanging baskets, on retaining walls, in rock gardens.

The bell is a uniform photophilous, in the shade the shoots grow up, the flowering becomes less intense. Loves moisture. It tolerates summer temperature drops well, but does not hibernate in open climates in our climatic conditions with cold winters, so in the fall it needs to be transplanted into a pot and in winter should be kept as a house plant.

Bell Carpathian (Campanula carpatica) - perennial herb with branchy stems 30-50 cm in height. Radical heart-shaped leaves on long petioles are collected in a rosette. The flowers are large, blue and white, bell-shaped, up to 3 centimeters in diameter.

Flowering is long, from June to September. Carpathian bell is well propagated by seeds, dividing the bush and root suckers.

It grows very well in open areas and in partial shade, prefers fertile soils with the addition of peat and humus, frost hardy. At one place can grow up to 5 years.

Carpathian bell is suitable for creating carpet plantings instead of lawn grass, it can be planted in a curb, it looks great on an alpine slide.

There are varieties. A very common type of bell Carpathian Dwarf - one of the most unpretentious. Plant height does not exceed 30 cm, the color of flowers is white and blue, flowering is very long, from June to September.

Bell Takeshima (Campanula takesimana), the Korean bell is a grassy perennial, forming low thickets up to 60 cm tall. Creeping stems, with raised tops. The leaves are heart-shaped, with a wavy edge, on the petioles. It blooms with white, blue, pink simple or double flowers, up to 6-7 cm long. The flowers are slightly drooping and appear throughout the summer.

Bell Takeshima develops better on loose fertile soils, both in full sun and in partial shade. It grows very quickly, gives a lot of lateral offspring, which can be easily separated in spring or autumn.

Bluebell (Campanula glomerata) - Perennial herb with simple or weakly branchy leafy shoots 30-60 centimeters high. Basal leaves of a bell crowded oblong, on long petioles, upper ones - sessile, lanceolate, serrated along the edge.

The flowers are white, blue, dark purple to 2 cm in diameter, collected in the capitate inflorescences up to 20 pieces. The flowering period is June-July for 1-1.5 months. In a bell crowded, usually after flowering, basal rosettes die off along with the stems, but before that the root system manages to form many new sockets, which is why it grows very quickly.

The bell crowded can be grown in full sun and in partial shade. It grows better moist nutrient light sandy or medium loamy soils. The crowded bell is easily propagated by seeds that can be sown before winter, as well as by separating young rosettes in spring or autumn.

Hand bell peach (Campanula persicifolia) - perennial herbaceous plant. From the rosette of basal linear leaves grows a straight ribbed leafy stem with a height of 0.5 to 1 meter. Stem leaflets narrow, lanceolate, shiny, jagged at the edges.

The bell peach blooms with white, blue, light lilac, blue-violet single flowers or collected in a racemose loose inflorescence of 3-8 pieces. The flowers are quite large, terry in varietal forms, with a diameter of 4 - 5 cm. There are varieties.

The bell peach blooms from June to September. After flowering, it is recommended to prune the flower stalks in order to bring about a new flowering, and also so that the bell does not spread throughout the garden by self-sowing. The bell peach is completely unpretentious in care, grows well in partial shade and in open sunny areas. Prefers well-drained soil.

In the heat of the desirable watering. Winters without shelter. Well propagated by seed and by dividing the bush. Without division, in 3-4 years it forms a large curtain, so it is necessary to limit its growth in a flower garden.

Next to the bell peach in the flower garden, you can plant an enothero, chistets, yaskolku, alpine astra, matricaria, cineraria.

The nettle-bell (Campanula trachelium) - plant up to 1 m high. It has a white, cord-shaped, deep-lying, sprawling in different directions, rhizome. Numerous erect, thick, ribbed stems, simple or branched, covered with stiff hairs. The leaves are very similar to nettle leaves, also covered with hairs. The lower leaves are ovate, up to 10 cm in length, on long petioles, the middle ones are heart-shaped, on short petioles, the upper leaves are ovate-lanceolate, sessile. The flowers are white, blue, blue, purple, 1-3, located in the axils of the leaves, collected in racemes up to 45 cm long. Flowering period: end of June - beginning of August.

The nettle-bell grows in open sunny places; it also withstands partial shade. Develops better on drained, nutritious, neutral or slightly alkaline soils.

During the dry period, the bell needs watering. After flowering gives abundant self-seeding, flower stalks are cut immediately after flowering, otherwise weed badly.

The nettle-bellflower is propagated by seeds, dividing a bush, segments of rhizomes, root suckers, green cuttings. Reproduction and transplantation can be carried out in spring and autumn, in early September.

Preparing for the winter. In late September - early October, all the stems of the bell are cut at the root. He winters well without shelter. However, it should be remembered that it absolutely does not tolerate stagnant melt water during the wintering season: the roots rot, and the socket freezes.

The nettle-bellflower is planted singly on the background of the lawn or in groups in mixborders, rabatkah, borders. In the flower garden it goes well with cornflower, cornflowers, delphinium, poppy seeds, low ornamental grasses, daylily, digitalis, calendula, phloxes.

The bell is average (Campanula medium) - grassy biennial, 0.5-1 meter high. Basal leaves are oval or lanceolate, stem leaves are broadly lanceolate. The flowers are white, blue, pink, very large, up to 7 cm in length, very beautiful. Medium bell can be grown in the garden as a perennial due to natural renewal due to crumbling and germinating seeds.

The average bell grown from seeds, blooms in the second year, blooms from June to September. For prolonged flowering, it is recommended to trim the flowering flower stalks. Medium bell prefers bright places. The plant is moisture-loving, but on wet, poorly drained soils, the socket is soaked and fluffed out.

Medium bell is very common in gardening, many varieties and varieties have been developed that are distinguished by double flowers, the size of an expanded calyx, and dissection of teeth.

Bluebell flower (Campanula lactiflora) - perennial tall plant, the height of the stems varies greatly in the range from 60 cm to 1.5 m, depends on the variety and the growing conditions. It has a taproot and heavily branched stem. Lower leaves on short petioles, upper ones - sessile, oblong, serrated. Due to its root system, it grows well on heavy loams, which is different from other types of bluebells. Numerous bell-shaped flowers, up to 3-4 cm in length, milky-white, blue, light violet, purple color, collected in broad-pyramidal inflorescences. In one inflorescence there are up to hundreds of flowers. Blooms profusely in June and July. There are varietal forms with flowers of various colors.

The bellflower lacticula prefers an open sunny place. It is propagated mainly by seeds, and the seeds are sown immediately in open ground at the main place, and then the seedlings are thinned. This is due to the fact that the bluebell flower does not tolerate the transplant. Although the bell flower is poorly tolerant and division, it can still be propagated in the spring by small, 10-15 cm long, basal shoots, cuttings that are rooted in the greenhouse if desired.

The bellflower lacticulum grows in one place for 10-12 years, it is one of the longest-lived members of the genus.

Preparing for the winter. In late September, the stems are cut, the root rosettes are sprinkled with leaves.

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Source of images (Tatiana Vinokurova), Michael Kesl,,,,, www,, Hans Hillewaert, Andreas Kay, / (2), NB Photos, Finn Jensen, 11299883, Peter Laughton (2), Amselchen, Stephen Rees , Marta, Rob (2), Ross Bayton, Nicholas Turland, Vojtěch Zavadil, John Weiser, equipaje, Tango, Zuzka Grujbárová, Native Sons Melissa G, Gebr. ten Have (5), John Weiser, Changxu Pang, eleonora mariotti, Robert Strusievicz, Janet Ulliott, BEARTOMCAT (Bear) (2), Cristina, ankiask. Francis Ackerley, Jardins Leeds (2), Ben Rushbrooke, Linda Daley, Florian Brault, Megan Hansen (2), jacki-dee (2), Ewa, Shawn Beelman, Valery Chernodedov, Chironius, Alan (2), Valleybrook Perennials, Shigemi. J, Michel Pierfitte, longk48, Takashi M Ants, Debbie, Sylvi, Swaentje5, Van Swearingen, Michael Ruecker, Randal Atkinson, Dietmut Teijgeman-Hansen, Jean-Maurice Turgeon, fromseeds, mentos2