BlueOne variety

Nice to have in the apartment or in the garden flowering plants. They create a pleasant atmosphere. For beginners, you can pay attention to such a flower as Campanula. It is easy to care for him, it does not require much trouble and knowledge of floriculture.
  Due to the shape of the flowers, people call it a bell. It is believed that if a house grows with blue and white flowers, this will bring happiness and good luck.

Campanula history

Campanula varieties (bell)

It is difficult to determine the exact time of its appearance. Ever since ancient times, this flower has been a woman’s favorite indoor plant. He was also planted in flowerbeds near the house. Hanging shoots kampanuly harmoniously looked on the balconies. They were grown in special pots attached to the outside of the balconies.
  The plant belongs to the family of bells. It is both annual and perennial. It is also found in the wild, for example, in the southern part of the European continent. Many species of campanula were cultivated and planted as decorative ornaments. For cultivation in the garden are used varieties: Alba, Maya, Makrantu, Brantwood, Superba and Akulis.

As a indoor flower, only a few of its species are predominantly planted. The most commonly used campanula is a terry and equilateral kampanula. Planting and caring for this plant are available even for beginner gardeners.

Description of the appearance of the plant

Stems campanula creeping, reach 50 cm in length. But varieties that are grown in open ground can grow to 1.5 m. They are covered with small flowers, the bell is usually no more than 4 cm in diameter. The color of flowers can be from white to purple.

Campanula care

Have you decided to get a plant like Campanula? Care for this flower at home will not be difficult. Acquired flower should be planted in a pot with a large diameter, as the roots of this plant grow quite quickly in width. To ensure free growth of the root system, loose soil is required. It is possible to prepare the composition of the soil, mixing in equal proportions of humus, leaf soil and sand.

Choosing a place for a pot with a flower

Campanula prefers a bright room. But growing in direct sunlight does not suit her. This can lead to wilting of the plant, twisting of the leaves and their drying.
If the plant does not receive sufficient illumination, the stems are drawn out and the distance between the leaves increases, which spoils the decorative appearance of the campanula.
  The best option - a room with windows on the east side. However, it is not recommended to place the pots with the plant on the windowsill. It is better to install a flower stand near the window opening. This will allow the flower to grow quickly. Soon the whole stand will be decorated with original bells.
  Alternatively, you can hang pots with campanula on the wall near the window.
  With a change in the direction of the flow of light, the campanula turns open flowers towards it. It is not recommended to turn the flower in opposite directions, as this may adversely affect its flowering.

Temperature conditions

It is necessary to protect this plant from extreme heat. In the summer, you can take it out of the room. If there is no such possibility
  It is necessary to ensure a constant flow of fresh air. The most acceptable temperature for its cultivation is about 20-22 degrees.
  In winter, it should be removed away from heating appliances and radiators, and also ensure that the air temperature near the flower does not rise more than 15-20 degrees.

Required humidity in the room

Unpretentious Kampanula does not require a special moisture regime. She easily adapts to the usual irrigation regime. She does not need additional spraying or installation of special pallets with water. Spraying is applied only in case of high temperature conditions.
  Abundant watering is required during the activation of growth and the appearance of flowers. The soil is abundantly moistened, but the water should not stagnate.
  In the autumn, watering is reduced. Enough one watering in a week interval. In winter, the plant requires even less moisture. Watering at this time of year is reduced to 1 time per month.
  If you have not had the opportunity to water the campaign, then you should not worry. This flower in the summer can stand up to 2 weeks without watering. At the same time the leaves and flowers do not dry out. But do not experiment, as frequent breaks in its moisture can harm the plant.


During the growth and flowering campanula need to fertilize the soil in the pot. To this end, you can purchase fertilizers for flowering ornamental plants, for example, "Success" or "Master". Instructions for use attached to the funds. But do not need to fertilize more than 2 weeks.

Flower care in autumn and winter

From the end of September, the growth phase of the plant stops. From now until spring, it is at rest. During this period, the plant needs moderate watering. Fertilizer in the autumn-winter season is not made.

Compliance with the temperature and light is practically all that the campanula needs at this time of year.

With the onset of spring days should be watered more intensively, and the pot with a flower should be placed in a warm place. Perhaps some branches dry up. But do not worry - this is a normal process. Dry stele clean.

Campanula replanting process

Like most plants, this flower is transplanted in springtime. Do not bother the campaign again with this procedure. This is a kind of stress for the plant. Gardeners are advised to transplant in a large pot, only if the flower is not enough space in the old.
  Transplantation is performed as follows:
   on the bottom of the pot a layer of pebbles is poured, providing drainage properties;
   then placed the soil, prepared from the same amount of sand, humus and leaf soil;
   A plant is planted in the prepared soil and poured over with water.

Ways to breed a bellflower

Campanula can be propagated in three ways:
   separation of the bush.


The simplest and often used method is by means of cuttings.
  This type of reproduction is carried out in the springtime, when the young shoots have reached 10-12 cm. Such a cutting is carefully broken off and placed in a container with water or in a well-moistened soil with a high content of sand. As a rule, transplanted cuttings take root quickly and do not require special care. The main thing is that the soil in the pot does not dry out and the air temperature is within 20-25 degrees.
  After 2-3 weeks, a pot with a young plant can be put on the window sill. This will give impetus for faster development and growth of the bush.


Reproduction using seeds is also carried out in the spring. Better if it is early spring. Since the seeds are very small, they are sown in small containers and sprinkled with a thin layer of earth. Watering the seeds is not required. It is enough to slightly spray the soil before germination. To plant in separate pots shoots need when they grow to 10 -15 cm and will have 3 leaves.

Bushes division

The separation of the bush is carried out after the end of its flowering. The excavated bush is divided into several parts, which are planted in the prepared soil. For a garden-type campanula, this process should be carried out no later than September, because the plant needs to have time to take root.

Campaign Disease Control

The main cause of disease is improperly organized irrigation regime. With abundant and frequent watering the plant begins to rot. This disease is called gray rot. This not only affects the root system, but also the aboveground part of the plant. The soil begins to produce a fetid odor.
  At the first signs of such a problem in a plant, urgent measures should be taken. If the process has started recently, then the plant can still be saved. It is necessary to cut the parts of the plant affected by the putrefactive process, and then transplant it into another pot. Watering after this should be reduced.

Pest control

Campanula may be affected by spider mites. The fight against this pest should be carried out by spraying the plant with an insecticidal agent: Fitoverm, Sunmite, or Flumate. They can be purchased in specialized stores. Instructions for use indicated on the package with the tool.
  You can try to get rid of spider mite home methods. It should increase the humidity in the room, as this pest does not tolerate high humidity, and then the plant is sprayed with soapy water. It is especially important that it gets to the bottom of the leaves.

We hope that the article will inspire you to purchase this plant. Perhaps you use your way of growing kampanula. We will be glad to see your comments on this.

Kompanula - growing this plant at home is one delight, because beauty and fragrance are divinely beautiful! Otherwise, this plant is called: "Bride and Groom" or "shooting stars", previously very common among gardeners, but lately you rarely see it on the window sills of gardeners, perhaps because of the appearance of more exotic plants and because of getting these plants simpler.

Attention! Campanula absolutely does not tolerate drafts, so it is very important to choose a warm and sunny place.

Plant care is not difficult, even a novice gardener can handle it. In the people the plant is more known under the name "Groom and Nivest". Groom - with white flowers and the bride with blue.


Flower lovers are always looking for something to replenish their floral range. If you do not yet have a Campanula flower among indoor plants, we advise you to purchase it. This beautiful plant with flowers in the form of bells can grow in both indoor and outdoor conditions.
  Campanula or "bride and groom"  - A plant of the bell family, which grew sometime in areas of southern Europe. Years of breeding work allowed us to bring out many varieties of this flower: today there are perennial and annual varieties, garden and domestic, different in color and shape. But still Kampanula pleases the eye with a variety of inflorescences in the form of bells, pleasant lilac and pinkish shades.

People often call these flowers "bride and groom", and this is no accident: they are very gentle, associated with purity and ease.

Many florists today when creating a wedding bouquet use it. "Bride and groom"  has a good light energy, they say that it is a symbol of family happiness and well-being.


Among all the varieties of this plant, the ravnivolistnaya kampanula is the most common for keeping at home. What is good about the campaign is that landing and caring for it are quite simple.


"Bride and Groom" has a lush foliage of muted green. The influence of direct sunlight will immediately burn them.

  • Therefore, it is not recommended to grow a flower on the south side, especially in spring and summer, when the sun is most active.
  • Campanula prefers scattered color, western and eastern windows are perfect for her.
  • Also, if you put the pots on special flower stands, do not put this beauty on the lowest niche, the complete absence of light will not allow the campanula to grow.
  • In addition, in winter (heating season), determine its location away from the batteries. Favorable temperature + 15- +20.


  • Bred in areas of southern Europe, the plant can in principle tolerate drought.
  • But nevertheless it is necessary to water a campanul at least once a week, especially during flowering.
  • This flower can not withstand excessive moisture, so it is important to ensure that no water accumulates on the pot tray.
  • As for spraying the plants, also not worth it "Zealous"when flowers are tied on it, it is better to cancel spraying altogether.


It is better to immediately replace the newly acquired Campanula into a large enough pot or pot. The root system of this flower is powerful, it grows quickly and reaches to the edges of the pot. It is necessary to ensure that the plant is not crowded, otherwise its development will stop. Roots of campanula love "breathe", therefore, choose loose earth.

How does the propagation of campanula occur? The plant propagates by seeds and cuttings. Like all other flowers, campanula is best propagated in the fall or spring. During the flowering period it is better to leave it alone.

  • After "bride and groom"  bloomed, it is necessary to cut off the old inflorescences and foliage.
  • Soon the young leaves will appear on the plant - this is an indication that it functions normally and you can do it in transplant.
  • Young shoots need to cut, put in the water and wait until they give roots.
  • After that, they can be planted in one pot of considerable size.

Fertilizing Campanula is necessary in the spring (during this period she "Wakes up"  and begins to bloom). When the first fertilizer flowers appear, you must pause and wait for the flowering to stop.
  To restore the power of the plant after that, you can also feed it. In any case, the fertilizer solution must be weak so as not to burn the roots.


But the garden campanula, according to the observations of most gardeners, is a capricious lady.

There are four types of this plant:

  • Tall plants with large bells of white, pink, blue shades;
  • Captivity - the flowers of this variety have a multi-layered structure, the plant itself is not too high;
  • Dwarf kampanula is a small buds that grow on the ground;
  • Terry - inflorescences and leaves of this species have a terry structure, which allows this campaign to look more voluminous. The bluebells of the terry campanula are more saturated in color, the leaves are often dark green in color.

There are perennial and annual types of garden campanules.

Landing is usually carried out in the second half of May, when the earth is already warm enough. To do this, first make a furrow with a depth of 10-15 cm, if necessary, the ground can be watered and left for a few minutes. After waiting until the moisture is absorbed, you can gently disperse the seeds, the distance should be about 0.5 cm.

Choosing a place on the garden plot for the campanula, it should be remembered that she does not like drafts very much and will not grow in the shade. Do not forget about care, in particular, watering: you need to water the plant, but still not too plentiful.

Watering is better in the summer is better in the evening, so that the sun's rays do not burn the leaves in reaction with moisture.

  • The root system of the campanula, as already mentioned, is strong, but still so that the plant can get the necessary moisture and organic matter from the soil, do not plant it near the bushes and trees.
  • Campanula is quite resistant to fungal diseases, but its seeds often become prey for mice.
  • By following these simple rules, you will get cute, pleasant flowers that will delight you throughout the summer.

Campanula has a wonderful aroma; in the evening, this aroma is revealed even more, wrapping your site with delicate sweet notes. It is said that on the night of the holiday of Ivan Kupala, the chime of the bells of this flower is heard.

If a campanula appears in your house or front garden, it will immediately transform the interior and fill the atmosphere with tenderness and ease. Caring for an ordinary campanula at home, as well as for many other species of the bell family, is not difficult.

When creating the necessary conditions and following simple rules, it will delight you with its pretty flowers almost all year round.

Campanula  (Campanula, Campanula) combines more than 280 species of annual and perennial herbaceous plants and is a member of the Campanula family (Campanulaceae). Dozens of unpretentious types of campanules are distinguished by their high decorative value and adorn garden beds, lawns in parks, and plots near the curbs.

Campanula in design

  • Landscape designers create unique compositions using different domesticated types of bells and decorate with these bright colors front gardens, flower gardens, alpine hills (rock gardens), rock arias. The long shoots hanging from the tall vases, covered with flowers of white, lilac, blue, and pink flowers look especially elegant. Falling stalks of campanula with beautiful flowers-bells are often decorated with open terraces, gazebos, balconies. But there are also beautiful decorative varieties of campanules that are perfectly adapted to growing at home.
  • Caring for these unpretentious indoor plants is not at all complicated and does not require increased attention.
  • In this article we have posted photos of home-grown varieties of campanules and useful tips for caring for these decorative bells, which will harmoniously look in an ensemble with other flowering houseplants.

Catching gardening interior phytodesigners often selected kampanulu homepage for the formation of the flower arrangement, together with such decorative flowers, like orchid Phalaenopsis or dendrobium, ampelnye Petunia and Hoya (wax ivy), varieties Primrose Primrose, clerodendrum Thompson, small violet Saintpaulia, begonia tuber, Impatiens New Guinea , European or Persian cyclamen, hydrangea, gerbera, with large flowers geranium pelargonium.

- Photo: Campanula home in the composition with ampeltic flowers

Campanula ravnolistnuyu (Campanula isophylla Moretti) can be attributed to the most popular and widespread in our species of bellflowers. The rounded heart-shaped leaves of this plant with jagged edges grow alternately and are attached to thin shoots with the help of long petioles. Flowers with petals in the form of asterisks are gathered in corymbose inflorescences at the ends of the shoots. Often, Kampanula home is planted in pots placed on high stands or in hanging decorative baskets (wicker pots).

Long flowing stems of this ampelnye kind strewn with beautiful flowers in the form of bells and look great in an ensemble with many flowering and decorative foliage plants (eg, Ficus benjamina, Crassula money tree, Dracaena marginata or home yucca, Chlorophytum with long drooping leaves, fern Nephrolepis, asparagus feathery or asparagus).

- Photo: Campanula "Bride and Groom"

- photo: ampella campanula in hanging pots

These wonderful potted bells are often presented to newlyweds as a wedding gift after the wedding ceremony. There is a belief that these homemade flowers bring happiness to the house, like Spathiphyllum "Women's Happiness" or Anthurium's flower "Men's Happiness", which we described in previous materials. It is believed that the varieties of the “Bridegroom” and “Bride” campaigns, presented on the wedding day, help the newlyweds to find spiritual harmony, strengthen relationships and create a strong, happy family. At the same time it is important that both spouses care for flowers.

Location and lighting.

  • It is undesirable to place a pot with a plant on low window sills, as the hanging stems grow quickly enough.
  • It is possible to place the campanula in the back of the room, if bright diffused light reaches the location of the flower.
  • Often this ampelous plant is placed in hanging pots or on high flower stands near the window.
  • If there is an opportunity to place the plant next to the window overlooking the west or east side of the room.
  • On summer sunny days, be sure to lightly shade the window glass, since direct sunlight leaves burns on the flowers, which reduces the decorative value.

Temperature mode.

  • View Campanula ravnolistnaya without any problems tolerate low temperatures, but the heat can have a negative impact on the flowering plant.
  • Therefore, often ventilate the room, and best place the pot with a flower on the balcony or loggia.
  • The optimum temperature in the spring-summer period is 17-22 ° C.
  • In winter, keep your home campanul away from heating appliances.
  • If you have a glazed loggia, you can place the plant there.
  • The optimum winter temperature is 12-15 ° C.

Air humidity.

Room bell feels comfortable with a moderate level of humidity. If the air in the room is too dry, then often spray the plant from a spray bottle with warm soft water.


Water the plant with warm, well-settled water. Watering in the spring and summer is plentiful, avoid drying the earthy coma. But we can not allow stagnation of water around the root system. Remove all excess water from the pan. In winter, water the bell sparingly, no more than once a week.

Mixing and feeding.

It is advisable to plant the “bridegroom” and “bride” campanules in a loose, weakly alkaline substrate. You can mix in equal parts of leaf ground, turf ground, peat and sand.

During the growing season, and especially during active flowering, feed the plant with complex fertilizer for indoor flowering plants. Feed once every two weeks after watering.


The most popular method of reproduction in the home is cutting. Use a sharp knife to carefully cut the stalk from the bottom of the shoot. In a container with a mixture of peat and sand we plant a cutting. Spray the substrate moderately every day and after 2-3 weeks the roots will appear on the cutting, after which you can plant the sprout in a separate plastic pot.

Tender beauty campaign

Indoor kampanuly - is representative of equipolar bells, one of the most popular garden species Campanul. These Mediterranean endemics are not aware of their ability to effectively cover themselves with a veil of delicate flowers. The fragile, quivering look of a campanula attracts attention. And the cheerfulness and carelessness that they bring to the atmosphere of the interiors, it is difficult to compare even with the spring onion.

  It is easy to learn Campanula. It has brittle, very thin and flexible shoots densely branched, creeping and wilting, creating a very elegant cushion-cushion about 20-25 cm tall. The heart-shaped, bright or bright leaves that are sitting on long petioles from 3 to 6 cm long add to the bushes. But the beauty of this room culture is revealed with the start of flowering.

  • In the axils of the leaves and on the tips of the shoots, very pretty, simple and modest in shape bells-stars, whose diameter can reach 4 cm, bloom in the scutes and hands.
  • Campanul has a variety of varieties in which the halo is more solid or deeply dissected, terry or outlandish form.
  • What to say about the palette of colors, ranging from the delicate white and light blue to the periwinkle-blue, purple, purple, purple and newfangled cream tones!
  • The number of flowers is so great that the leaves under them are simply not visible.

The development cycles of indoor bells

When they say that bells are blooming almost tirelessly, there is no question of exaggeration. Flowering room campanula continues from June to September in the old varieties and from March to November in new products. The average duration of flowering is at least 3-4 months.

As with all cultures that bloom for a long time, it also takes a lot of time for a campaign to prepare. The period of rest is clearly expressed in it, it requires a sharp change of conditions - but not content, but care. Traditionally, it falls on the winter; the bells themselves signal the beginning of the preparation stage for the next bloom: their bloom and growth stop.

The most difficult stage of development in terms of caring for Campanula is flowering. During the resting stage, not only the campanula rests, but also its owners.

Campanulas are not exactly perennials

The bell-shaped bell is not for nothing that it deserves the title of the most touching representative of the clan and the very eloquent nickname “shooting star”. This is the only type of bells adapted to room culture. A free-flowing herbaceous perennial with an extremely short lifespan quickly degenerates, requires constant replacement by young plants. And this characteristic of his is especially pronounced in room form. That is why Kampanulu is most often grown as an annual, which, after a very long and colorful, and most importantly, mass flowering, is simply thrown away, changing to self-grown or purchased specimens. To save the perennial campanul they need a cool wintering.

  • In a perennial culture, not all varieties of the campanula are able to grow, especially the capricious plants of foreign selection and many new varieties that cannot tolerate strong haircuts.
  • Be sure to ask about this option when buying, specifying a multi-year or one-year campaign you "caught."
  • If the campanula is not expelled for early flowering and the variety is from among the hardy ones, then you can safely grow it year after year, cutting off after a period of rest in cool conditions and thereby stimulating new flowering.
  • But from the first year of his life Kampanula should develop in a cyclical fashion, be grown with the expectation of for many years, and not as a letnik.

The easiest way to grow Campanula is just like a indoor Letnik, buying plants with abundant flowering and enjoying their beauty for several months. Those who have enough time and effort, new copies for the next year can be grown independently. In order not to lose plants from among the Letniki or foreign varieties, instead of providing wintering, it is necessary to cut the cuttings and root them, thus obtaining replacement plants.

And even if you buy a multi-year campaign, there is still no guarantee. The best strategy is to cut the cuttings “just in case” and try to save the mother plant — if flowering fails, you will still have a new generation of campaign. Moreover, there are never many of them!

Campanulas in room culture require attentive care and do not forgive mistakes.

But it cannot be counted among the most capricious flowering plants, because you will not need any unusual conditions for not creating. Many of the cultivation of indoor bells are deterred by the need to constantly propagate the plant, its fragility and the need for regular watering. But in practice, Kampanula is by no means such a sissy as might be supposed. She will respond to your attention with no less love.

We select lighting for indoor bells

Campanulas, even indoors, remain light-loving plants. For lush flowering, they need a long light day. Tender leaves and flowers should be protected from direct sunlight, because Campanula loves diffused lighting. Even a light penumbra cannibal will not stand, with the slightest lack of light, shoots are drawn, the compactness and beauty of the bushes are lost.

It is best to place the campanula on the eastern and western window-sills, and at the southern location - only with good shading (or in the interior at a place equal in coverage to the eastern and western window-sills).

Temperature conditions for the campanula

Room bells love coolness and can not stand the heat, which affects the beauty of flowering. Campanulas bloom most beautifully in the temperature range from 20 to 22 degrees Celsius. Higher temperatures can be compensated by increasing the humidity of the air. But it is much more difficult to provide suitable conditions during winter dormancy. Campanula as a perennial can be grown only when the air temperature in winter does not exceed 15 degrees Celsius. The optimal modes are cooler - 5-10 degrees. With warm wintering, the plant will bloom very poorly next year and will gradually die.

  • During flowering campanula is better not to move from place to place, and not even turn.
  • But on the other hand, it is not afraid of fresh air, and if you take it out on a balcony or terrace before flowering, then it will bloom no worse than in a room.
  • True, you will not be able to make the bells bloom again next year, so weigh all the pros and cons: if you want to grow a campaign as a perennial, leave it in the room.

Watering for indoor bells

Bells are moisture-loving cultures, and in room culture as well. During active development in the spring and summer, they need frequent, constant moisture irrigation. They are afraid of swamping the substrate as well as its complete drying. But during the rest period watering is carried out differently. They are gradually reduced from the time of completion of flowering, making the procedure very rare and containing the plant in almost dry conditions (allowing the substrate to dry in the middle part between treatments).

Air humidity for campanula

  • Fortunately, room bells are not demanding on the indicators of humidity.
  • They are well and in greenhouses, and in ordinary urban apartments.
  • Spraying on the hottest days or at heating devices will benefit them, especially since the flowers and buds are not afraid of getting wet.
  • By increasing the humidity of air in general and spraying in particular, it is possible to compensate for hotter temperatures during the flowering period.


Campanula: wedding care

Capacity and soil.

  • The root system of the plant is powerful, so it is best to choose a large pot.
  • It is better to be wide, but not deep.
  • Yes, even for the baby cuttings feel free to buy a 5-liter pot.
  • After a very short time, the roots will grow and cover the entire land area.
  • With a choice of soil, you can not particularly bother: we buy a universal mixture and plant.


  • Campanula flower grows very quickly: in the adult form - this is a lush hat of massive green leaves hanging cascading from a bowl.
  • And the bride has green and shiny foliage, and the groom has velvet, with a tint of blue.
  • It should be replanted annually, it is better to do it in the fall.

  Selection and lighting.

You can also put a few thick books under the pot in order to elevate this princess and unleash her creeping shoots to master the window sill. Kampanula is very beautiful home in hanging pots: shoots are very long and look great: the leaves are almost invisible, and the flowers just sprinkle the branches!

On the balcony, next to a petunia, tunbergia and wavy falling kobei, she is delicious! And let the baskets with Mirabilis, decorative cereals and indoor roses stand downstairs: a “perfect” corner for relaxation !!!

In winter, it can be placed both on the east and on the south window, because the light at that time is catastrophically low.

Campanula flowers turn toward the sun. But the plant itself cannot be rotated even by 180ºС - it negatively affects flowering!

Watering and fertilizer.

  • What-what, but this couple loves to drink some water!
  • In the summer it needs to be watered twice a day: in the morning and in the evening.
  • If you neglect the watering and forget about the plant for a few days - it will surely die.
  • For fertilizer suitable purchased complex mineral remedy.
  • Periodicity during the flowering period (and this is from the beginning of summer to late autumn): once in 10-14 days.

Care.We decided to get this flower, then find 20-30 minutes of free time once every two weeks for sanitary cleaning. All dried flowers gently remove and direct our newlyweds beauty. You can also experiment with joint plantings of the white and blue campaigns: a worthwhile sight! Let the white bride sit in the center of the flowerpots, and let the blue-eyed bridegroom sit on the sides. Neighborhood plants of one species does not interfere.

Reproduction.  Closer to autumn, the bushes are drawn out and lengthened. As soon as flowering ends, spend a sanitary haircut under the root. This procedure will rejuvenate the plant tired of flowering. And when the green shoots appear, you can divide the bush and transplant each part into fresh ground. Cutting is a simple way, because the green parts take root excellently. The life of this ampelous plant, alas, is short: in 2-3 years without rejuvenation, the bush completely loses its attractiveness and gradually dies off. So chew the campanula at your pleasure, and at the pleasure of those around you!

Assortment of varieties.  Today, there are quite a few hybrids of the Dutch selection. There are varieties with small and large flowers, with usual and terry, with wavy and fringed edges, various colors. But they all take root poorly in our conditions. Perhaps they are grown on stimulants, and are not ready for independent living without chemical feed. It is better to buy a campanula one that grows on the window sill of some grandmother, she certainly will get accustomed! But who knows, maybe coastal care and the Dutch hybrid will wish to stay and survive?

Ancient bell

Today it is quite difficult to determine when the plant appeared. It is known that this is a very ancient flower and already at that time it became one of the most beloved domestic plants in women. They grew it not only at home, but also in flowerbeds. Later, the campanula began to be planted on the balconies, as this flower has drooping shoots. The bells look great in drawers that are attached to the outside of the balconies.

Campanula from the Kolokolchikov family was widely adopted. This plant and is found today in the wild, in particular - in the countries of Southern Europe. However, many species were cultivated, today they are very popular as decorative flowers.

Campanules are annual and perennial, have different sizes and shapes, differ in color. But at home only one type of plant is grown - Campanula ravnolistnaya.

Plant appearance

The campanula has creeping shoots of a light green color. Their length can reach half a meter. Shoots covered with small flowers, the length of which barely reaches four centimeters.

Their color is very diverse - there are white, pale pink and purple campanules, there are also plants with lilac and purple colors. The most common are two types of equal-leafed campanula:

  • "Alba" - a plant with white flowers;
  • "Mayi" - a plant with blue flowers.

By the way, they deserved the popular name “Bride and Groom”.

Bells appeared in your house

So, you decided to start a campaign. After its acquisition, the flower must be planted. To do this, we recommend taking a wide pot, as the roots of the plant grow rapidly. Campanula loves loose soil, so its roots “breathe” better. Therefore, you can buy a mixture of humus or leaf soil and sand in equal proportions.

Where better to put a pot of flowers.

Remember: Kampanula loves light very much. And the more it will be, the better!

However, the flower can not tolerate direct sunlight. Because of this, the bell will start to wither - the leaves twist and wither.

When the campanula is located in a dark place, the stalks begin to reach for the light, the distance between the leaves will increase, and the plant will lose its decorative appearance. Therefore, the best option - the windows facing the east side. But it is better not to put flowers directly on the windowsill, better place them on the flower stand nearby. You will see how quickly the plant grows, so soon your stand will be covered with beautiful bells. Campanula will look very beautiful on a hanging pot beside a window.

Attention! The little flowers of the bell are turning towards the sun. But do not turn the pot abruptly, as this may adversely affect flowering.

Campanula does not like heat.

In the summer, if possible, the plant can be carried out to the open air. If it is all the time in the room - provide him with a flow of fresh air. The approximate temperature of the content - 20-22 degrees Celsius.

In winter, flowers should be kept in a cool room. It is desirable that the temperature was not more than 20 degrees Celsius.

Air humidity.
  Caring for Campanula at home is considered quite unpretentious, it has one very remarkable property: this green "pet" does not need special hydration. The flower adapts to any conditions, so there is no need for its constant watering, no need to worry about installing any special pallets, etc.
  However, in the heat and heating season bells will not give up the daily spraying.

How to water?

When the plant is in active growth and flowering, and this occurs in the spring-summer period of time, the campanula needs frequent watering. It is necessary to moisten the soil abundantly, but at the same time to prevent stagnation of water. The liquid should not fill the pan or remain on the surface of the earth in a pot.

In the autumn the plant is watered less. Enough 1 time per week. And in winter, reduce to 1 per month.

Attention! If you forget to water the campanula, the flower will not wither. The plant stands without water for about two weeks. However, do not use this property of bells - they also need to be moistened.


In spring and summer, the plant can be fed with fertilizers for flowering ornamental plants. Do this no more than two times a month.

What can be done when the plant is at rest

When to replant the plant?

Like many plants, Campanula must be replanted in the spring. It is during this period that its bush grows. However, many growers agree that after all, it is necessary to repot only if the plant is very close, because the flower does not like this procedure very much.

Transplant do so:

  • in the new pot pour a layer of drainage (pebbles) by one third;
  • transfer to the prepared layer (from an equal amount of leaf or humus soil and sand).

Propagation of domestic bells.

The plant breeds in two types:

  • cuttings;
  • seeds.

The simplest and most common form is reproduction by cuttings.

In the spring, when small shoots have already grown 10-12 centimeters in length, they are torn off and immediately placed in water or planted in an earthen mixture with sand. Usually cuttings root quickly. They do not need special care at this time. Do not forget to periodically water and keep them in place, with a temperature of about 20-25 degrees Celsius. After only 15-20 days, the bells can be put on the windowsill. Here they will quickly grow.

Seeds also plant propagates in early spring. They are quite small, they are sown in plosechki and a little sprinkled with earth. Watering seeds do not need - you need to regularly spray them.

What is sick Campanula?

Most often, the plants are sick because of improper care for them. For the most part - due to improper watering. Campanula is no exception.

If the plant is excessively moisturized, it can “catch” a disease called gray rot. It affects the stem of the campanula and its root system. As soon as you see that your flower has become sluggish, the soil is wet and has an unpleasant smell - take urgent measures! You can save the flower only if the process of rotting has not gone very far. All affected areas of the plant need to be removed, preferably transplanted into another pot. Watering significantly reduce.

Also, the so-called spider mite can strike the cannon. In this case, it will help only insecticides, which can be purchased in specialized stores.

Campanula is a houseplant popular in Soviet times. Only the lazy one did not plant it, because this flower is quite unpretentious, but its bloom fascinates the eye. Campanula flower is of two types - with white flowers (variety Alba) and blue flowers (grade Mayan). In common, he was also called the bride and groom, the female plant, of course, bloomed white. Today, an undeservedly forgotten plant is once again gaining popularity among gardeners.

   Campanula flower: planting and care at home

Campanula care is not complicated - this is another reason why a plant can become a favorite and decoration of any room. All that it requires from the florist is high-quality watering and good lighting.. Kampanula flower loves bright rooms, but do not put a plant pot on the windowsill. It is best to hang it on the wall in pots or put it on the flower stand. Campanula at home grows very quickly, its shoots form a lush hat with large flowers.

Campanula care tips:

The Campanula flower is distinguished by a very powerful, fast-growing root system, but for the composition of the soil it is not at all whimsical. To make the campanula feel comfortable, you can put it in the store bought universal soil  for indoor plants.

   Campanula: home care and watering

Campanula care is very abundant. watering. The plant will certainly die if you forget about it for a few days and leave it without "drinking." It is necessary to water campanula both in the morning and in the evening in the hot season. Autumn and winter can be watered once a day.

Make sure to be on time retired  dried leaves and flowers. This mandatory procedure is important not only to preserve the aesthetic appearance, but it has a beneficial effect on his well-being. That the plant looked magnificent, in the fall and in the spring carry out its full pruning, cutting off all shoots, leaving only small (10-12 cm) cuttings.

Campanula at home is a must feed up. To do this, you can buy in the flower shop any universal fertilizer.

Some growers practice planting both types of plants in one pot. Campanula “bride” and campanula “bridegroom” perfectly tolerate such a “neighborhood” and, with proper watering and lighting, will please their masters with lush colors.

   How to propagate a flower at home

Campanula seeds can be used for propagation, but more often the bush is divided by the plant during transplantation or used as cutting material for planting. To plant a flower, using the seeds of the campanula, you have to be patient, this process takes about a month and may not give any results at all. It's easier to get a beautiful plant by cutting or dividing a bush.

Planting cuttings

Pruning the twigs of an adult plant, leave a few cuttings. The shoots give rise to roots in the water, but you can immediately plant in the ground and water the young plant with any growth promoter or rooting agent. Cover the pot with plastic to create a greenhouse effect and do not forget to dampen the soil every day. After 3-4 weeks the film can be removed, by which time the campanula should be fully rooted.

Dividing bush

Shrubs divide for breeding when complete pruning is done and fresh shoots appear. After the campanula has completely bloomed, remove all the twigs and wait until new shoots begin to appear. This period is most suitable for reproduction, since all the forces of the flower will be directed to rooting, and not the development of new shoots and flowering.

During transplantation and reproduction, you can “plant” a “groom” stalk for the “bride” campaign. Timely dressing and regular watering will help you to achieve an interesting combination of two plant species in one pot, and by the spring it will be covered with a white and blue hat of flowers.

   Campanula Hygiene

Despite the fact that caring for Campanula does not require special complex procedures, in order for the plant to look aesthetically and well-groomed, it should be given attention. First of all the flower loves cleanliness. Spray it with water and wipe the leaves so that they do not accumulate dust.

When the plant is “resting” and flowers do not appear on it, it is necessary to carry out hygienic pruning. It is the removal of ugly, dry, weak or, conversely, fattening regrown branches. Trimming is also needed to form a decorative look of the campanula. Do not be afraid to cut off excess, the removal of overgrowth stimulates the plant to the emergence of new, strong, ready to bloom twigs.

Do not think that if you do not remove the extra processes, the campanula will be more magnificent, on the contrary, weakened, sprouting twigs will spoil its appearance.

Once kampanula was considered a wedding flower. She was given to newlyweds with a wish of happiness and long love. Plant this unpretentious houseplant at home, and feel its positive energy amaze those around you with its lush blue and white bloom.

Campanula flower: home care. Video

In great abundance of garden flowers campanula  occupies a significant place. The plant has light subtle flowers bells delicate shades and rich greens. For this she was popularly called the “bridegroom”.


  • Campanula Carpathian  - perennial undersized garden bell native to the slopes of the Carpathians. The plant reaches a height of 40 cm in height. The bush has the shape of a sphere with a diameter of 30 cm. It blooms from mid-summer to autumn with large, cupped flowers. The size of the flowers is about 3-5 cm, a shade more often blue less often violet and white. It prefers sunny places, but can grow in partial shade. Perfect for the design of rock gardens and landscaping balconies.
  • nettle-leaved - perennial bell growing up to 1 m. The stems are covered with hairs, large flowers are grouped in groups of 2-3. Flowers blue, white or purple hue. There are terry forms. Perfectly tolerates the shadow.
  • Bluebell flower  - with a branchy stem about 90 cm high. Flowers 3 cm in size of milky or purple shade are grouped into a pyramid-shaped inflorescence. Light-requiring
  • persicolist  reaches a height of 50-90 cm. The leaves are shaped like peach leaves. Flowering occurs throughout the summer. Flowers: wide bells of about 3 cm blue or white color. Entered in the Red Book.
  • Bell Pozharsky  has a height of about 20 cm and forms a dense cluster of leaves and stems with flowers of light blue color. Flowers are shaped like stars. Abundant flowering. The flowers of various varieties of this species have lilac and lavender hues.
  • Bell crowded  the most common type. In height can reach 80 cm. Inflorescence with a dense top of flowers of violet, blue or white. There are low-growing varieties.
  • Bell broadleaf  - A plant up to 120 cm in height. Large funnel-shaped flowers form a spike-shaped brush. The color of the flowers is white, blue or blue. Shade-tolerant
  • Bell average  - biennial plant homeland of the Alps. It reaches a height of 1 m. Flowers up to 7 cm are blue, purple or white and have strongly curved edges. The capricious plant prefers nutritious soil and requires shelter for winter time.

Natural types of campanulas are not whimsical, frost-resistant and are great for decorating gardens. Cultural forms of the bell more demanding of the conditions, but have even more decorative.


Before planting plants need to choose the right place. The site should be well lit and not swamped. If the depth of groundwater is small, it is better to choose a place on a hill. Campanula is moisture-loving, but does not tolerate stagnant moisture in the root zone. Light and loamy soils are preferred.

From the autumn, the area needs to be dug up by removing the roots of weeds and fertilizing with organic fertilizers. Some types of bluebell like a weakly alkaline reaction. The introduction of ash will reduce the acidity of the soil.

Planted campanula desirable rassadnym method. This will allow to get stronger plants.

Sowing is carried out in the spring in the prepared containers, with a light soil evenly spreading the seeds on the slightly damp ground. Seeds are very small and can not be sealed. The container must be covered with foil. The airing and spraying of the soil from is carried out as necessary.

After 2-3 weeks, shoots should appear. 20 days after the emergence of seedlings, seedlings can be transplanted into the open ground on seedling beds. A suitable time for this is the end of May. In late August, grown and grown seedlings should be transplanted to a permanent place.

Landing steps:

  • at a distance of 30 cm to make holes 10 cm deep;
  • shed them abundantly with water, let it soak;
  • dropping a seedling in the hole gently sprinkle with earth and compact;
  • to sweat in sunny weather;
  • before winter should be covered with spruce branches or foliage.

Bell transplant

Campanula does not tolerate transplants. If, nevertheless, the need for this has arisen, then a transplant is best done in spring or late summer. Digging plants, be sure to leave on the roots of a large earthen ball. So the roots get less damage. After 3 weeks, you can do the root feeding. The life of small bells is only a couple of years old, so it is better to propagate the desired variety by cuttings.

Care rules

Care for the bells is a regular watering, loosening the soil, fertilizer and weeds and pests. Tall varieties need to be tied to a support. To preserve decorative faded flowers should be removed.

Top dressing:

  1. At the end of April-May - nitrogen-containing fertilizers for good development of leaf mass.
  2. In the period of budding - complex mineral fertilizer.
  3. During the flowering period - phosphate and potassium-containing fertilizer.

Cultural forms of the campanula poorly tolerate frosts, so it is necessary to shelter them for the winter. For this, in late autumn, the plants are cut and covered with spruce or peat. In the spring, you need to remove the shelter in a timely manner, otherwise the plant can dry out.

Campanula is moisture-loving, but it is important to organize the watering correctly. With a stagnant moisture roots can rot. Watering should be defended or rainwater in the evening.

The frequency of watering depends on weather conditions. In the dry season the bellflower leaves shrink and flowering is slowed down. After watering the soil must be loosened. To preserve the soil moisture, the soil around the plant can be mulched with straw, peat or pine litter. This will reduce the frequency of watering.

In the second year of life, Campanula lays buds of flowers. If the plant produces several stems, it is better to remove them to relieve the load.

Diseases and pests

The plant is fairly resistant to disease. It is affected by powdery mildew, nematodes, fungal diseases, and rust from excess moisture and low light. To prevent the development of diseases, the plant and the earth should be treated with preparations with copper or a foundation. The soil can be decontaminated by treatment with potassium permanganate solution.


Propagate the plant in several ways:

  • seeds
  • cuttings
  • division of the bush.

Seeds  harvested when the box becomes dark brown. They need to be dried. In mid-autumn, seeds are sown in open ground, a little sprinkled with earth. If the ground is dry, then it is necessary to water them. In the spring, a month after the snow melted, shoots appear. In the first months of summer, the grown seedlings can be planted in a permanent place. Annual bellflower forms are propagated only by seeds.

For breeding plants dividing the bush  in August or May, you should dig up a bush and divide it into parts, leaving several buds to grow. Divided rhizomes should be immediately planted in a permanent place.

Reproduction by cuttings  spend in June, cutting off a young flowering stalk and placing it in the ground. Be sure to pritenit cutting. It takes root for about a month. Cuttings should be taken from healthy large bushes.

With a large amount of bush campanula  it can be propagated by cutting off a small part with a sharp shovel. The separated part is planted in a suitable area, and the remaining plant should be well sprinkled with soil and watered.

Varieties with double or semi-double flowers can be propagated, possibly only vegetatively. Perennial forms are propagated by dividing the bush and cutting. There are species with roots in the form of rods can not be multiplied by their division.

  Lounger Elizabeth Oliver

Features of cultivation:

  • does not like sour soil;
  • begins to bloom from the third year of life;
  • prefers sunny areas protected from the wind;
  • the honey plant has a wonderful aroma;
  • afraid of stagnant soil moisture, so the soil should be well drained.

Due to the large variety of shapes and types, Campanula is used both for decorating garden plots and for cutting into bouquets. Low-growing forms in combination with other plants look great in rockeries, rabatkah and borders. And also used to decorate balconies. Tall bells are used in group compositions in combination with ferns. If you follow all the rules, this beautiful, sophisticated flower will serve as an ornament to your garden for a long time.