Hello dear readers! A beautiful, well-groomed, flowering garden is the pride of any gardener. Agree, such a garden requires not small expenses, both temporary and monetary. Many of us in the country just want to relax, chat with family or friends, while at the same time you want to relax with comfort, surrounded by beauty, greenery and pleasant aromas of flowers.

Therefore, you need to try to pick up unpretentious plants with a long flowering period that do not require increased attention, are easy to maintain, and will decorate the garden and delight with their magnificence for years. So, we present to your attention the perennial flowers blooming all summer photos and names.

Gardeners adorn the garden with perennial flowers in bloom have a lot advantages:

  • There is no need for annual preparation of seedlings, many types of perennial flowers tolerate winter frosts perfectly, and often such flowers do not even need to be dug up before winter. Frequent transplantation is not required, perennials feel great in one place for 2-5 years. Thus composing the composition of perennials, you can enjoy the result of their work for several years.
  • Gardeners receive substantial savings without buying new seeds and seedlings, as perennial flowers grow to give new young seedlings with which to decorate other parts of the garden. And some gardeners selling seedlings brings substantial income.
  • No need to wait for good weather and are afraid of night frosts, as, for example, when planting annual flowers, perennials will wake up themselves when the most comfortable conditions come.
  • In contrast to the sown annual flowers, the period of flowering in perennial flowers lasts longer, as their root system begins to prepare for the next growth and flowering already in the fall.

Before or planting from perennials it is necessary to consider the characteristics of each plant, its size, nature and preferences. Perennial blooming flowers are:

  • Undersized (creeping)
  • Medium tall
  • Tall

All plants need enough sun, so tall flowers are placed in the center of the composition or in the background. The next tier placed sredneroslye plants. Stunted seated first row, make them edging flower beds, decorate borders and used to fill the voids in the main composition. Otherwise, tall flowers will drown and will not allow to grow undersized plants.

When choosing a place for a flower bed, do not focus only on your preferences; first of all, the choice of place depends on the nature of the perennial. The place should not be blown, this is especially important for high grades. Do not place the flowers too close to each other, they will need free space for growth. Over time, tall perennial flowers grow very densely and begin to collapse, so take care of the support in advance and thin them out if necessary. Do not combine flowers with different needs in sunlight and moisture. Some flowers bloom brightly and magnificently in the sun, others need diffused light, partial shade. For a longer flowering, do not forget to carefully remove the dried inflorescences.

Tall perennial flowers blooming all summer photos and names

There is a large selection of high perennial flowers that bloom all summer. They can become the center of a flower arrangement, act as a hedge, frame garden arches, benches, pergolas or arbors.

Astilba  - unpretentious tall perennial plant with a long flowering period. The flowering period depends on the species. For example, Astilbe Chinese (Astilbe chinensis)  grows up to 100 cm and pleases with colorful tassels of inflorescences (pink, white, purple, blue) from June to August.

Astilba thunbergagrows up to 80 cm, blooms with white or pink panicle from July to August.

Astilba is called the “queen of the shadow” for its shade-loving disposition, although there are varieties that feel well under the direct rays of the sun, but their flowering period is much shorter. Choose a shady spot, partial shade or with diffused light for planting Astilbia. Feels comfortable under the canopy of trees, but not near the roots of the trees. Astilba moisture-loving flower and such a neighborhood will deprive him of most of the moisture. Astilba loves wet soils and frequent watering. Water it as often as possible, even if the ground is not completely dry after the previous watering. The plant dies during prolonged heat and drought. Propagated by seed, division of the bush, kidneys. The easiest and most popular way of dividing the bush.

Delphinium- high perennial flowering plant, which is quite common in garden plots. Popularly nicknamed Spronik,  due to the fact that the buds on the back side form a long spur. It forms dense inflorescences on elongated erect racemes about 60 cm long. The flowers can be sky blue, blue, pink, white, purple. Delphinium blooms quite a long period. For different varieties of the beginning and end of flowering differ. For example, some bloom in June and bloom about a month. Then bloom again in August, provided that the faded buds will be carefully cut, before the seeds mature. Others bloom from July to September. Therefore, if you pick up Delphinium varieties with different flowering periods, it is possible to create a flower bed that blooms continuously all summer.

There are both high varieties of Delphinium and dwarf, about 30 cm in height. High varieties can reach a length of up to two meters. And often the height of a plant depends on the fertility of the soil, because to achieve such growth many nutrients are needed. Delphinium multiplies seeds and dividing the bush. Seed propagation of the delphinium is more difficult than dividing the bush, but if you decide to use the seeds, you must store them in the refrigerator.

For Delphinium, find a sunny, with a slight darkening at midday, a windless place, without stagnant moisture. And even better if it is a small hill. Delphinium loves sandy, loamy soil rich in humus. Before planting sprouts, fill the pit with compost humus, manure and phosphorus - potash fertilizer. After flowering in September, the aerial part of the flower is cut off. He winters beautifully without additional shelter, and the next year he will shoot flower tassels again. But it happens that the next year Delphinium disappears. The reason may be rotting roots. The stalk of the Delphinium is hollow and when cut, water enters the resulting opening, which subsequently penetrates into the roots. To avoid this, the top of the stem after cutting must be closed with either clay or garden pitch. When working with Delphinium, wear protective gloves, as all parts of the plant are poisonous.

Rudbeckia- unpretentious perennial garden flowers, blooming all summer. However, there are annual species. Suitable novice gardeners, as well as those who have little time to garden. Rudbeckia is easily propagated both by seed and by dividing the bush. In central Russia, when propagated by seeds, flowering occurs next year. Often multiply by self-seeding. Rudbeckia is a tall plant and can reach a height of about 120 cm, but there are also undersized varieties up to 30 cm. It does not require frequent transplantation, it can grow about 5-6 years in one place. Rudbeckia loves sunny places, tolerates partial shade. At the same time, the flowers are brighter and more dense in the sun. Does not tolerate drought and heat, prefers regular watering.

Flowering in Rudbeckia begins in June and lasts until frost. At the same time new flowers are constantly being born, and the old ones are fading. For a longer and more abundant flowering, do not forget to carefully tear off dry buds. Rudbeckia flowers are bright yellow, orange, reddish, terracotta and in form resemble daisies with a brown, yellow, black button in the middle. Rudbeckia grows very quickly, forming a sunny sea of ​​bright colors. With a very thick growth can fall, so prepare in advance for her support. Tall perennial Rudbeckia can become a beautiful lively screen, if you land it along the fence. It is very fond of pollinating insects, including butterflies. The charming, sunny flowers of Rudbeckia will give the owners a sea of ​​positive emotions and warm days, even in cloudy weather.

Echinacea- many people know that it has a mass of healing properties, and is able to replace the whole first-aid kit with itself, but not everyone knows that it blooms all summer, and with a warm autumn, flowering continues until mid-October. Therefore, Echinacea will not only decorate the garden for the whole summer, but will also become a personal green doctor. All parts of the plant have medicinal properties (flowers, stems, leaves), they are not toxic. Echinacea is safe for children and animals. Echinacea has very beautiful and fairly large flowers, about 8 cm in diameter. In height reaches about one meter. He likes bright places, he has a positive attitude towards frequent watering, although the plant is drought-resistant. Echinacea comes from America, and is nicknamed the Flower of the Prairie there, and the prairie is known to have a rather arid climate.

Echinacea is a good honey plant, her, bees, bumblebees. There are white, yellow pink, purple shades of echinacea. Remarkably reproduce both by dividing the bush and seeds. The division of the bush is better to produce in early spring. And planting seeds in advance in a warm place, since they have a very long period of emergence, from 14-40 days. With seed reproduction, flowering begins next summer, and in the first year Echinacea will delight with a beautiful rosette of leaves. Echinacea perennial plant that winters beautifully without shelter and does not require increased attention.

Stock rose  or alternatively Malva, Altea is a beautiful tall plant that has a long flowering period. Depending on the variety, Stock-rose can bloom from May to June, from July to August, or from June to the end of summer, such as Pink Rose-Rose. But they are all similar in terms of conditions. They love the light, with shade-tolerant. Prefer moderate watering, drought-resistant. No problems overwinter. Some varieties grow above two meters and are often used as a hedge, for garden zoning, decorating the walls of a house, a central decoration of a flower bed, or as an independent group.

Stock-rose fell in love with many flower growers for its unpretentious temper and for the variety of colors and shapes of flowers. Despite the fact that Stock-Rose is considered a perennial, two years later it loses its decorative appeal. In this connection, every two years it must be re-planted. Malva is propagated by seeds, they can be planted immediately in open ground or seedlings can be prepared by planting seeds in March and early April.

Lupine- very viable and beautiful perennial plant, which pleases with its unusual bright colors all summer. Provided that dry inflorescences-panicles will be cut in time before the seeds form in them. In central Russia, Lupine is common as a wild plant and often grows like a weed, while it is very useful and is used to saturate the soil with nitrogen. At present, many cultivated varieties have been developed, which can be not only white, blue, pink, but also yellow, blue, two-colored.

Lupine has a powerful root system, he is not afraid of weeds. Propagated by seeds, seedlings, rarely dividing the bush, as there is a high risk of damage to the extensive root system. Undemanding to care and not picky to the soil, can grow on poor, clay lands. Effectively looks groups with lupines of other shades.

Lobelia Fiery  - perennial tall plant, which, under the right conditions of maintenance, blows up to 1.5 meters. On fertile soils only foliage begins to thrive. Therefore, it is optimal for flowering to use loose and moderately nourishing soil. Flowering begins in May-June and lasts until August. It blooms scarlet flowers with a diameter of about two centimeters. Flowers make up a high inflorescence - a candle that looks spectacular with long lanceolate leaves of dark green or burgundy hue. For Lobelia, choose sunny places or ambient light. In the sun, flowering is more magnificent and bright. Lobelia can be used in multi-tiered garden compositions in the background.

Loosestrife  - in nature he prefers to settle near the banks of rivers and lakes, reaching an incredible size up to 150 cm, from which he received his second name Podberezhnik. Derbennik - unpretentious perennial, care for him is not difficult. His extraordinarily beautiful spiers of inflorescences will bring joy to many. Flowering lasts all summer, and in the fall of its dark - green foliage will be painted in red shades. Derbennik flowers are purple-red, small, densely cover the inflorescence, attract pollinating insects. Derbennik quickly grows in the sun and partial shade, prefers abundant watering throughout the summer. Moisture stagnation is not allowed.

Will consider srednerosly perennial flowers blooming all summer photos and names. Medium-growth perennial flowers are considered to be plants reaching a height of 30 to 80 cm. In the longline beds they are planted second row after tall or used in independent plantings.

Lush sage - grows to 40-50 cm. It blooms profusely from June to August with lavender-purple flowers, gathered in inflorescences of a spiky form. In addition to sage blooming all summer, it has medicinal properties, fragrant aroma and unpretentious temper. It can be grown not only in open ground, but also in containers on balconies, on window sills. She loves sunny places, but grows well in partial shade. The plant is drought-resistant, watering is moderate.

Day-lily  - this beautiful flower has more than 25 species, some quite exotic species. Height up to about 80 cm. In English, pronounced as Day Lily. Each bud of this beautiful plant lives only a day, dissolving in the morning and fading in the evening. Although there are varieties with evening blooms, when the flower opens after sunset and fades at the end of the next day. Undemanding to soil fertility and irrigation. It should be watered only during the dry season. It blooms throughout the summer, due to the fact that new buds are constantly blooming, and the old ones are blooming. Daylily forms a flower stalk, which can have about 30 flowers. For beginner flower growers, the Daylily will be just a godsend and inspiration for further decorating the garden.

knapweed- Despite the fact that it is considered a field flower, perennial species will be a great addition to any garden. Currently, there are cornflowers of various colors (white, blue, pink, red). They bloom from the beginning of the summer to frost, winter without any problems. They can be planted both in the sun and in partial shade, but still in the sun bloom more abundantly. Watering moderate. In the shops you can find a mixture of seeds of multi-colored cornflowers, having landed which will make a rainbow dense carpet of bright flower heads. Very well spread by self-sowing, so manage to remove faded buds with seeds, and you will not get a cornflower field for the next year instead of lawn and beds.

Cuff soft- a perennial unpretentious plant blooming all summer with lace flowers. It has decorative corrugated foliage. The cuff is a soft, very viable plant that grows very quickly and creates picturesque thickets, about 40-50 cm in height. Its yellow-green flowers are collected in loose inflorescences and during the flowering period they create a beautiful openwork cloud. The softness of the cuff is amazing, it can grow on a rocky hill, in the shade, although it loves fertile soils and sun rays. It is often used to decorate alpine hills, stony scenery, as a background for more brightly flowering plants in a flower bed. Soft cuff  They are planted for weed control, for example, along paths or a fence, so no grass will grow under an overgrown rosette of wide leaves.

Astrantia- average unpretentious perennial, in height about 50-60 cm, among the people Zvezdovka.All summer blooms with tiny flowers resembling asterisks on long stems. But due to the fact that at the same time there are a lot of buds, a continuous flower cover is formed. It grows remarkably on any soils, but if the soil is loose, fertile and well-moistened, it forms a dense bush. It can be planted in the sun, in partial shade and even in the shade. In full shade, flowers lose most of their decorative appeal. Astrantia can even be planted under the canopy of trees, unlike many types of perennial flowers.

Flowers Astrantia extremely viable, suitable for cutting and composing bouquet compositions. She is not afraid of many types of pests, it is winter-hardy. Survives small frosts even during the growing season. Bushes grow quickly and can live in one place for about 10 years without losing their attractiveness.

The most unpretentious sredneroslymi (up to 70 cm) perennials blooming all summer can be attributed Yarrow, Large-flowered Flax, Garden Chamomile (Nivyanik), Mellecoverschik (Erigeron)

Large-flowered flax

Chamomile garden (Nivyanik)

Chalker Master (Erigeron)

Low-growing perennial flowers blooming all summer photos and names

It is considered to be undersized plants that do not exceed 30 cm in height, they also include creeping plants. Small alpine hills, rock arias decorate the stunted flowers, plant the first row in long-lined beds, frame flower beds with them, use to fill the voids near tall flowers, they are conveniently planted along the paths, decorate borders, create carpet beds, flower streams.

Gypsophila- these are exactly those air flowers that give lightness and tenderness to wedding bouquets. The plant has more than 100 varieties of both short and tall. Low-growing species form a leafless, sometimes deciduous shrub abundantly covered with small flowers that bloom all summer. The colors can be varied, but all shades are soft and light - purple, white, pink, lavender.

Gypsophila is ideal for a sunny garden, as an addition to other flowering plants. In the name of the plant is the prefix Gypsum (lime), the second part comes from the word phylo, which means love. Indeed, the plant feels fine on limestone soils, among stones, although it prefers loose drained soils. All care for gypsophila consists of moderate watering and fertilizing.

Carnation travyanka- it can be found on the forest edges, among wildflowers, along forest paths. Unlike the usual carnations, the color is all summer without special care. The carnation was called Travyanka because its grassy part prevails over the flower one. Depending on the variety, the flowers may be white, blue, lilac, red, pink. Carnation travyanka grows well in sunny places with moderate watering. Flowering is very long from May to October, no problem tolerates drought. Blooming, it creates a bright ornament of a fabulous carpet that stands no more than 15 cm.

Gentian  - Like many unpretentious perennials came to us in the garden from the wild. It can be found on the Alpine hills and high-mountain meadows, in the mountains of Asia, Altai. If you want to add a piece of the sky to your garden, then stop your choice on Gentian. The plant is amazing color of its large flowering dark purple, azure to pale blue. Although there are varieties with white and yellow flowers. Gentian has healing properties.

All varieties of gentian have a long flowering period, but if you are looking for perennial flowers that bloom all summer, then pay attention to the variety Gentian (bitter root) Chinese-decorated,which blooms from May to late August. It is no more than 10–30 cm tall. A low bush forms a central rosette, from which shoots grow in different directions. Prefers acidic soil, on limestone does not grow.

Gaillardia -suitable for registration of the dacha, decorating flower beds and garden paths. Forms a lush bush in height about 50 cm, there are also tall varieties about 80 cm. Duration of flowering from June to frost. Gaillardia is unpretentious, it will survive the winter without any problems. At one place grows about 4-5 years, after which the bush must be transplanted to a new place to preserve the decorative qualities of the plant. Blossoms in bright inflorescences of red, pink, yellow, orange hues. The flowers are mostly multi-colored, with a diameter of 4-10 cm. The plant survives well on dry, loose soils rich in humus. Water moderately, the plant is drought-resistant, tolerates heat without any problems.

English Roses- There are both stunted species up to 30 cm and tall. If it is considered that a rose needs constant care, and without special skills it is almost impossible to get a steady flowering, then this does not apply to the English rose. Even a beginner can take care of it. English rose is devoid of many of the disadvantages inherent in other types of roses. English rose - shade-tolerant, frost-resistant, has a persistent pleasant aroma. She has a long flowering period, more buds and they are evenly distributed over the bush. Flowering begins in mid-June, the second wave begins in August. Gradually, in the sun, the old buds lose their bright color, because of this it turns out a bush with different shades of flowers. English roses are increasingly appearing in our gardens, displacing capricious types of roses.

Now, having studied the perennial flowers that bloom all their summer photos and names, you can create a magnificent garden without much expense and hassle, which will delight and fill the heart with tenderness for more than one year. Perennial flowers bloom much more than presented in the article, and every year there are all new varieties of famous varieties with fancy colors. Before buying seeds, seedlings carefully read the instructions, as often different types of the same plant have different conditions of care and flowering period. Well, if you want to arrange a flower bed with colorful annual flowers, then the following article is for you:

Successes you in floriculture!

Contemplation of flowers on a well-groomed flowerbed always pleases the eye, gives positive emotions. Annual flowers that bloom all summer (the name and photo will be presented below) will delight you with their multicolor all season, from the beginning of spring until the first cold weather. And your flower bed with continuously blooming annuals will be one of the most beautiful.

The desire to make your summer cottage a small paradise is inherent in each of us. This is all quite realistic; moreover, you can plan and design your garden in such a way that it looks different every year. The quality of annual flowers, which is valuable for a creative summer resident, makes it possible to decorate new floral arrangements annually.

Flower garden with annual flowers

Annuals have many advantages, you do not have to worry about how they will spend the winter, you can plan their location in advance on the site. If you correctly calculate the shades, the time of flowering of individual species, you can get a great result - flower beds, playing with all the colors, scents of summer throughout the season. Most of the annual flowers prefer sunny places, but there are some that quite fit the shade.

Annuals for flower beds

For these plants, the entire vegetation cycle takes place in one season, they develop rapidly, and bloom profusely. The most unpretentious flowers for the flower beds that bloom all summer long are petunia, marigolds, sage, calendula, nasturtium. In most cases, flower beds have a given shape, certain boundaries: diamond-shaped, round, rectangular.

Most often, the flowers on the flowerbed are located in the same plane, but there are many-tier, raised, vertical options. At such places, very low-growing annuals look very profitable, they are planted singly or with tall flowers. Most often, they act as ground covers, fill empty places between, for example, roses or other cultural bushes.

  Marigold Karina

Marigolds are characterized by long flowering, have a bright yellow-orange range with brown shades, they are unpretentious, grow equally well in sunny areas, as well as in the shade.


Everyone's favorite petunia shows the whole rainbow of shades, prefers sunny places. She loves warmth, blooms all season, but with the onset of the first cold weather ceases to grow.

  Blue salvia

Salvia - unpretentious flower, well combined with other plants. Flowers have the form of candles, the range of shades is various, but candles of lilac, violet, pink, red shades look especially beautiful on flowerbeds.

Science knows many varieties of salvia, it can also be perennial.

Photos of salvia:

  Salvia on a bed

Calendula with yellow or orange voluminous colors stands out a bright spot among its fellows. In addition to the remarkable decorative qualities, it is therapeutic, and its flowers with leaves can be used to prepare various dishes.

Calendula - annual flowers, photo:

  Calendula ordinary

Nasturtium has many varieties, especially its terry varieties are beautiful.

  Nasturtium different colors

She loves the light, the sun, but can also grow in the shade, although there she gives more lush foliage than inflorescences. Nasturtium flowers are bright orange, red, yellow.

Annual flowers that bloom all summer long - The snapdragon (Antirrinum, “dogs”) attracts attention with its unusual shape, a combination of colors (pink with white, yellow, just white or pinkish).


It looks harmonious when planting together with other plants.

If you plant cynia, you will long admire its long flowering, one flower can “hold” for up to 35 days.

  Zinia - annual

Even in cut form, she lives in a vase for a very long time, does not fade. The more fertile will be the soil on the flowerbed, the brighter the flowers will be, which can be both short and very tall. Tsiniia flowers can be monochromatic or motley, she likes sunny places, warm.

Calceolaria is another representative of the flowers of an intricate form.


The buds of the dimorphological library are simple in appearance, but therein lies their charm. The flowers are shaped like a daisy, the height of the stems is about 30 cm, the color range is varied - purple, orange, white, pink, double-colored petals. Differs in abundant long flowering, unpretentious, not particularly afraid of pests, diseases.


Another popular, favorite gardeners representative has a rich color palette. These pale blue, purple, red, white, blue and lilac bushes look great on flowerbeds, in hanging tanks, along the tracks. Unpretentious, light and moisture-loving annual flowers to give. The photo and their name is well known to summer residents - Lobelia.


Nemofil (American forget-me-not) is not very common in our open spaces, requires regular fertilizing, it is notable for the fact that it can bloom during rains.


It has a delicate aroma, looks great in flowerbeds, thanks to its delicate, but noticeable color. Depending on the variety, it can be white, white and blue, it has purple, black or blue specks, edges around the edges (with a white flower).

  Nemofila with specks

There are very dark purple nemofily, almost black.

Coreopsis - garden flowers annual flowers in size, smaller in height than perennial flowers.


They are distinguished by abundant long flowering, they feel good in flowerbeds, in flowerpots, near the curbs, in general, anywhere. Well take root, absolutely unpretentious.

Brakhikom one-year-old densest can boast of all shades of purple, lilac.


It is unpretentious, but feels most comfortable on fertile sandy soil. He loves the sun, but also blooms well in cloudy weather, heat-loving.

Annual dahlia flowers - unpretentious, have an interesting feature, the lower - the faster they give color.

  Annual dahlias

The most common variety - "Funny guys." Low-growing, dwarf varieties are ideal for curbing, flower beds, bright flowers, different shades.

Only because of one fragrance, enchanting, unlike anything, it is worth planting on the site of Mattiola (night violet).

  Mattiola - Night Violet

The genus mattiol of annuals numbers up to 20 varieties of this fragrant plant. The flowers are small, thick, pale lilac, pink or dark purple hue. There are also white, pale yellow Mattiola (mattiola gray). It is easy to care for, blooms profusely, loves the sun, but also grows well in partial shade. The plant has an average height, blooms throughout the summer.

Garden annual balsam - a fairly tall plant (50-70 cm) with large flowers that can be terry or semi-double.

  Garden annual balsam

The balsam coloring is various: white, scarlet, pink, crimson flowers.

  Datura or Datura

Krupnotsvetkovaya Datura - a real decoration of the garden, blooms with large white flowers having the shape of a bell. Also found are red, blue, yellow varieties. It grows quickly, has a rich, long flowering. Datura is a tall plant (1 m or more).

  Malva annual

Malva annual one beautiful, perceptible, due to its size (from 30 to 120 cm) and bright double flowers. Unpretentious to care, drought-resistant, if you pinch off faded flowers in time, you can significantly extend its flowering time.


Cornflower is blooming from May to September - an unpretentious plant of medium height, with dense small flowers of bright blue, pink, crimson, purple, white color. Looks harmoniously in mixed flower beds.


Bellflower annual - undersized plant with light blue flowers. He likes sunny places, but he can grow in the shade, although he doesn’t bloom anymore. Blossoms from May to September.

  Iberis snow white

Snow-white iberis (“bitter”) is one of the shortest annuals (up to 30 cm), sun-loving, but it feels good on shaded areas. Varieties of Iberis umbrella differ pale pink, lilac, purple hues.


Shade-loving annuals

For the so-called "problem" places - under the trees with a lush crown or sprawling shrubs fit unpretentious annuals, preferring shade. These flowers have dense foliage, saturated with all shades of green. Their flowering is not as abundant as that of sun-bearer brothers, but this factor does not detract from their beauty.

  Cosmea annual

Colorful bright Cosmeas - shade-loving annual flowers for flower beds, can create a joyful atmosphere even in the shaded areas of the site. Kosmeya blooms for a long time, abundantly, in form it looks like a daisy, the color gamut is replete with all shades of pink, crimson. Shaded areas noticeably “refresh” white cosmey.

They love the shade of nasturtium, forget-me-nots, marigolds, pansies, mallow - their buds have rich colors, they feel comfortable in any weather. With bróvallia, fuchsia, lobelia, balsam, you can create bright and harmonious group plantings in shady places of the garden.


It should be borne in mind that some shade-loving annual flowers for the garden do not respond well to direct sunlight, they are recommended to be planted in the darkest areas of the site.

Curly annuals

Annual curly flowers are very popular with gardeners and gardeners. Their beauty is not inferior to many years of representatives, they grow faster, require minimal care. In addition to visual appeal, they can decorate fences, country houses, use as protection from the sun over the gazebo. Curly flowers for the garden annuals (those species that are not afraid of drafts) can serve as a kind of shield from the wind for more vulnerable plants. If you have imagination, you can create amazing and rational design compositions.

  Morning glory

Beauty Ipomoea prefers regular watering, sunlight, otherwise she is unpretentious. Reaches three meters in one season.

Curly sweet peas love wet soil and sun, but not direct sunlight. The coloring is very diverse, blooms from July to November, reaches a height of 3 meters.

  Curly nasturtium Curly nasturtium (annual) and liatris (perennial)

There is a variety of climbing nasturtium (Nasturtium large), which grows up to 3 meters in length, Kobe with large flowers-bells, winged Tunbergia with large orange buds. All of them belong to the climbing annual vines.


The ipomoea Kvamoclitus pinnate (Ruby stars) looks very beautiful - it weaves a large area with complexly dissected leaves, on which bright red flowers, shaped like stars, are evenly arranged not very often.

  Quamoclitus Cirrus (Ruby Stars)

Annual flowers, not afraid of the heat

And the following information, I think, will be interesting to my fellow countrymen, residents of Kuban. Last summer (2017) was very hot here. Other regions complained about the cold summer, well, and we had the opposite. And in my flowerbeds, in the flower beds of many of my friends there was not much pomp. Some flowers refused to bloom, other flowers were unusually scanty, and still others simply survived in conditions of extreme heat - it was a pity to look at them.

However, there were flowers that were not affected by either the abnormally hot sun, or the rare, but torrential (in the full sense of the word) rain. But before I even blurted out them. These were the same year olds, but they sprang up self-sowing and grew not at all where I needed to. That is, last summer showed that these flowers are very viable. In the conditions of last summer, only they abundantly bloomed and smelled.

This mirabilis, fragrant tobacco and purslane. I will write briefly about each.


This flower was necessarily present in the flower garden of my grandmother, then of my mother and I also love him very much. True, in my childhood I did not know his real name, we all called him "night dawn." And he fully justified his name. The flowers opened in the evening, stood open all night and only in the morning, closed at dawn. We had varieties with bright crimson flowers, but there are with white, yellow, pink and pale salmon petals. I saw even with flowers of different colors in one bush. At home it is a perennial, in the conditions of Kuban it can survive the winter, and it can even freeze, but then around the frozen plant numerous shoots appear, of which only the strongest and healthiest remain. I think that in the middle lane it is definitely an annual. By the way, many people grow it at home on the windowsill.

Mirabilis is a very unpretentious plant. In addition to evening watering, easy loosening, removal of weeds, he received nothing from me last year, but he was almost the main decoration of the garden. Blossom to the cold. And they came to us almost in December.

Sweet Tobacco

For me, fragrant tobacco is a flower that "planted and forgotten." It is an annual plant, but every spring new shoots appear at the same place in the spring. I can only limit its spread throughout the garden. But to be honest, I'm not particularly zealous. Flowers of fragrant tobacco are not very noticeable, but in the evenings such aroma spreads throughout the garden that you don’t want to get rid of “extra” plants. Also does not require special care. Only shoots can weed "weed", so the removal of weeds is mandatory at first. Then, when the plant rises up, no weeds are not afraid of him, because only the strongest and strongest survived the winter survive. By the way, in the spring I often transplant tobacco plants from places where I don’t need it for empty bald spots in the flowerbed. Growing up, becoming a bushy bush, it not only closes the bare place in the flower garden, but also creates a wonderful background for low-growing plants.


Portulac, this is also a flower from my childhood. Every summer I saw him in my grandmother's and in my mother's flower garden. We called him a "carpet", because he covered the ground near the paths in the front garden with a bright carpet. It was the purslane that gave the flower garden a certain completeness, completeness. What beautiful flowers have portulaca !. There are simple, there are terry or semi-double the most diverse colors. Portulaca blooms all summer, from June to frost. In the evenings, the flowers are closed, but in the morning they are “burning” like colorful lights in a flowerbed. It is possible to sow a purslane only once and, thanks to the abundant self-seeding, it will please you every year. Loves sunny places, blooms badly in the shade or does not bloom at all. It grows well on sandy soils. But he also likes my black soil. I do not know how correct my observations are, but it seems better not to fertilize the purslane. Growing, purslane can even survive weeds. At least, I have never seen weeds in the place where it grows.

When choosing annual flowers for dacha, you can buy seedlings or seeds in specialized flower shops or supermarket departments. Today, the choice of sowing materials is so wide that it is not difficult to find the desired flower.

High representatives are perfect for decorating flowerbeds or mixborders; in mixed flower gardens, they usually create the background. When planning the site design for the summer season, consider the combination of sizes (height) of plants, their color scheme. Botanical requirements for soil moisture, lightness, fertilization should also be borne in mind. Sometimes plant species with the same name can be both tall and short stunted. When buying seeds, read the enclosed information. Annual flowers that bloom all summer - the name and photo are always on the package. Try to keep crops that grow close to each other from an agrotechnical point of view.

Over time, every gardener thinks about having a cozy corner in his country house that will please the eye with beautiful bright colors. At first, gardeners plant annuals in their garden, but these flowers bloom only one year. And then they begin to think about perennials, which will bloom every summer, year after year. They grow and multiply rapidly. And they do not need landing every year. There are so many perennials blooming all summer long, and everyone has the opportunity to pick flowers to their liking.

The merits of perennials

Perennial flowers blooming all summer better than annuals. And here are the advantages:

  • These flowers grow for many years in a row, and this is one of the main advantages;
  • No need to deal with seedlings in January;
  • There are a huge number of species of perennials, which are characterized by lush flowering;
  • Seeds are an expensive pleasure, but by purchasing perennial seeds, you can provide yourself with seedlings for a long time;
  • Flowering perennials require less maintenance than other flowers;
  • There are also many varieties and varieties of these plants.

Perennials - this is the best option for summer resident. And the benefits are proven. Also, we must remember that some flowers only love the shade. And some need to be planted in the sun. Do not forget about watering these plants.


These flowers have a long growing season. And because of this, the garden flowers blooming all summer long reach their blossoming in the middle of summer. This applies to tall perennials.

As for undersized perennials, they are perfect for seedlings in the Alpine mountains.

Perennial Varieties

There are so many varieties of perennials. There are species such as spring, summer, autumn and flowering throughout the season. In turn, they are combined into one species, called flowering flowers. Also distinguish plants that have spectacular foliage, climbing plants and herbs.

Flowering plants (Spring)

  • Irises;

These flowering perennials all summer endure cold and drought well. Also, they should not be much care. Blossom in May or June.

  • Crocuses;

Well tolerate partial shade. May be under shrubs and trees. In winter, the bulbs are left in the ground.

  • Primrose;

A lush growing flower. Good for a transplant. Already in April blooms.

  • Springman.

A flower that is not afraid of late snowfall. In nature, it grows in the forest, so it is better to plant it under deciduous trees.

Flowering plants (Summer)

  • Bell;

A beautiful and romantic flower that will bloom in the garden all summer. A lot of varieties that differ in color. Well bloom if in the shade.

  • Peonies;

Treats unpretentious plants. For 10 years, it can bloom in the same place. Some of the species are very cold resistant and tolerates frost well.

  • Lilies

These flowers bloom all summer love the sun, but the penumbra also take. Flowering falls on July or August.

Flowering plants (Autumn)

  • Chrysanthemums;

Flowers that are very fond of the sun. They grow quickly and flourish. Also, some species may bloom in September.

  • Dahlias;

Wonderful flowers that will perfectly tolerate the shadow.

  • Gladiolus

Most popular flowers. But have a very short flowering period.

Flowering plants (Bloom all season)

  • English Rose;

Very popular and capricious flowers, difficult to grow. The most beautiful and unpretentious are park roses. Dutch roses can not cover for the winter.

  • Phlox.

Phloxes are beautiful flowers that are very easy to grow. Well get used to all types of soil, undemanding to the sun's rays. Bloom to the frost. Survive in very severe winters.

Climbing plants

  • Clematis;

Clematis is a climbing plant that is perfect for upholstering the arch, or gazebos. It is better to use a lightweight prop. Also, it should not overheat. A metal fence or brick wall is not well suited for this plant. On such a support, it will die.

  • Girlish grapes;

A plant that tolerates shade well. It is one of the fastest growing plants. In autumn, the leaves turn from green to burgundy.

  • Actinidia.

Quickly blooming actinidia in length can reach 15-20 meters. She also gives edible fruits. In autumn, its leaves turn pink, yellow or red.

Climbing plants are unpretentious. Spending time on caring for them is practically not necessary. But occasionally they need to be cut.

Flowers with spectacular foliage

  • Ochitki;

There are very low species of this flower. Looks like a floor mat. It is one of the most indecent plants.

  • Herbs:
    • Gray Fescue. This plant has a blue color. She also has long, narrow leaves;
    • Veinik ostrotsvetkovy. You can plant on dry stone soil. Some species have a golden color;
    • Imperata cylindrical. Coloring does not change throughout the season. Very fastidious to watering.

Huge plants

In temporary plants, the stem is not very high. But it becomes big when flower stalks are released (Erimurus Himalayan, Ajax delphinium).

Permanent plants are plants that have a very high stem (mallow, volzhanka dioecious).

There are also flowers perennials blooming all summer that do not require watering: young, periwinkle, styloid phlox.

Rejuvenated Periwinkle Styloid phlox

Plants that are good at landing in the shade:

  1. Astilba;
  2. Doronikum;
  3. Dicentre;
  4. Filka;

How to form beds of perennials

Blooming perennial garden flowers stay in one place for a very long time, so you need to think very carefully about exactly where to plant them.

To do this, they need to properly group. If a small plant is in the shade of a tall flower, then it may not bloom.

It is necessary to use the seed for its intended purpose. You can not plant seeds that are designed for tracks in the Alpine mountains.

You also need to take very good care of the soil on which the flowers will be planted.

Perennials are very unpretentious plants, but we must not forget about their nutrition. These flowers need to be fertilized in order for them to gain strength and bloom all summer.

You can choose a combination of flowers for different periods of flowering and the same growing conditions. For example, a very good combination: astrantia is large, salvia, sea alisum, chamomile, phlox, perennial chrysanthemums and carnations.

When growing a perennial plant in one place, it is necessary to separate overgrown bushes. Otherwise, the buds will become smaller and smaller in size until the bush disappears at all.

Various forms and sizes of perennial plants

Garden flowers blooming all summer grow at different levels:

  • Ground cover - this is the lowest flowers that are located on the ground. They create a very beautiful and unusual carpet on a plot of land;
  • Flowers that grow up to 30 cm: the sun is very important for these flowers. The presence of the sun guarantees bloom all summer. Such flowers are well suited for decorating flower beds and paths;
  • Flowers are from 40 to 70 cm high: they are well suited for any space;
  • There are also tall plants. These include liana. They are not very demanding, they can bloom all summer and autumn until the coldest weather.

How to care

Even the most unpretentious early flowers perennials require care. Minimal care is necessary for gypsophilia, yarrow, mallow, also hydrangeas and spirea.

Some flowers can be left in the ground for the winter, some better covered. And there are those that need to pick up in a warm room.

Baravinok is a cold-resistant plant, the ground part of which can winter.

There are cold-resistant flowers, but whose tip dies off in cold weather (peonies, irises, lupins, geraniums, geyhery).

Plants that overwinter indoors in the form of bulbs are lilies, callas, dahlias.

Before planting it is necessary to dig the soil, add fertilizer. Plant flowers better from April 10 - May 25. And now it's a little, you need to water after planting, during periods of drought. During the flowering period, water through the sprayer with warm water.

If there is no possibility to constantly monitor and care for flowers, then you should pick flowers that require less care. Beautiful flowers for the garden blooming all summer are perennials. They will not take a lot of time from you, and will be the best addition to your site, pleasing the eye.

Yes, and decorative quality of perennial flowers for the garden is not inferior to annual flowering plants.

What perennial flowers to plant in the garden and in the country

On this page you can familiarize yourself with the photo and the names of the perennial flowers for the garden and read their description.

Astilba (Astilbe sp.) valuable flowering in the second half of summer, and, of course, its unpretentiousness. Once planted and forgotten for several years, only in spring it is necessary to cut the inflorescences. In the spring, because in the winter, dry sultans decorate the garden too. Astilves grow and divide without problems. With watering, these perennial garden flowers grow in the sun, but it is better to plant them in partial shade.

(Helenium autumnale). The name of these perennial flowers for the garden says it all: heleniums bloom in the autumn, echoing the shades of other autumn-flowering plants. The ocher and yellow tones are gorgeous, the bloom is long lasting. This flower is extremely unpretentious, it is easy to divide at any time of the year, even in bloom.

Goryanki red and colchis (Epimedium x rubrum, E. colchicum). Now there is a “mining” boom in the west, and soon there will be a great many varieties on the market. But these two - a type and a hybrid - have been tested for a long time and settled in gardens firmly.

It is difficult to imagine the best ground cover plant for planting under the canopy of trees: they grow slowly, but invincibly, gradually displacing weeds. And spring flowering is full of captivating elegance. Sustained beautiful carpets can be created by permanent division and settlement.

It is possible to divide and replant miners all season, although, of course, it is preferable in the very early spring.

Dicentra magnificent (Dicentra spectabilis). When “broken hearts” bloom (its popular name) bloom, you will not pass by.

Look at the photo - the name of these garden perennial flowers is quite justified, they are truly magnificent:

And the graphics of the shoots, and whimsically dissected leaves, and "heart" shaped pink flowers - everything in it is perfect! And with all that, the plant is completely unpretentious, winter-hardy. Occasionally gives self-seeding, can be propagated and division. It will grow wherever there is enough moisture.

Creeping уч Burgundy Glow ’ (Ajuga reptans ‘Burgundy Glow’). As the name suggests of these perennial garden flowers, the survivor really “crawls” around the site. However, what is the color! And flowering is not necessary, foliage replaces it. Ideal for filling spaces in the sun with enough watering.

As seen in the photo, these perennial flowers for the garden are perfectly combined with plants with light foliage:

(Iris sibirica) is simple and indispensable. Who else will give such graphics sword-shaped, staring up the leaves? And the flowers are good, and there are many of them when the bush has grown. It grows in any place where it is not completely dry and poor. All varieties are suitable for the middle band.

Bell peach (Campanula persicifoliaunpretentious. It propagates slightly by self-sowing, it grows well and is easily divided. And blooms long and abundantly. Deserves attention and its white flowered form. Sun, partial shade, drier or more moist - this bell is all the same.

Day-lily (Hemerocallls). With this culture, not everything is simple, but there are species and varieties, mostly nameless, which are already firmly entrenched in the gardens. This is a perennial garden flowers, which are suitable even for inexperienced gardeners. They are unpretentious and bloom profusely, however, their flowers are not as attractive as in the pictures of varietal novelties. Unnamed "mushrooms" will delight you for years and not cause any trouble, while expensive purchases are often disappointing, as they are designed for a warmer climate. "Folk" daylilies can grow both in the sun and in partial shade, in relatively dry places and even on the shore of a natural reservoir, adjacent to other plants in a yellow-orange gamut or neutral green. You can divide and replant them without any problems at any time, even in bloom.

Lily saranka (Lilium martagon) and its varieties. Well, in fact: winter hardiness without question, durability too. In ordinary garden loam grow beautifully. They can live in the sun, only watering will have to be followed, and it is better to have a penumbra, where other lilies are unlikely to agree to grow.

These are plants to admire flowering: tall, human-sized candles with dozens of turbid-shaped flowers. And then the fruits look quite impressive.

Pay attention to the photo - these perennial garden flowers can be planted among lower perennials, without disturbing them at all:

Luke (Allium sp.). In this group of plants is difficult to choose a favorite. The undoubted charm of onions is that most are not just edible, but tasty.

For example, chives (Allium schoenoprasum) Ubiquitously grown in gardens on early greens. It grows curtain and grows earlier than others in the spring. But he also blooms beautifully and plentifully! The benefits and beauty, two in one.

Similarly behaves and ramson (bear's bow -Allium ursinum, winning bow - A. victorialis). This and early vitamin greens, and carpet flowering. These bows grow in separate onions, abundantly self-seeding. They are more suitable to grow under the canopy of trees, and chnittu - on lighted places. No care at all is required.

The most beautiful perennial flowers for the garden and their photos

Cuff soft (Alchemilla mollis) - amazing groundcover. We are used to using flowering or decorative-leaved plants in the garden, but for all this a background is needed to shade beauty. Such an ideal background is a cuff. Although she herself is beautiful and can be used as a flowering plant. These perennial flowers for the garden and the garden give out leaves that are incredibly elegant, especially in the morning in dew, they look like lace. Abundant bloom, albeit yellow-green flowers, also beautiful. The cuff doesn’t matter where it grows; it stably and non-aggressively grows, combines with practically all garden flowers. You can divide and replant it at any time during the garden season.

Eastern hellebore (Helleborus orientalis). Surprisingly, this almost weed is still considered a rarity. But with its beauty and speed of reproduction, he simply must go into the category of ordinary garden plants! There are a lot of varieties of these beautiful perennial flowers for the garden - terry, of various shades, spotty. Freezers bloom very early, right from under the snow, and very long.

Rather, what seems to us petals (and in fact it is sepals), remains on the plant after the formation of ovaries. But why such details? The main thing is that the hellebore are beautiful and incredibly simple. With them you only need to have a little patience, like many other durable plants, they slowly grow and take root. But a year or two, and a beautiful spring bouquet is provided for you!

The penumbra (not bad under the feel) is recommended for eastern frost-trees, the absence of stagnant moisture. Their leaves are preserved in winter, but often lose their appearance. These plants are good arrays of one variety in combination with species with light foliage, and then after flowering a perfect contrast is obtained. Frostbites are poisonous. But many garden plants are poisonous, and we don’t even know about it.

(Paeonia) grassy. What Russian garden without him? This has long been a part of garden culture. Do not be peonies among the most beautiful perennial flowers for the garden and easy to care at the same time, they would not grow literally in every front garden.

Surprisingly, if the garden is sufficiently drained, and the soil is deeply cultivated and nutritious, you can grow any peonies - both varietal and specific. Only varietal requires a sunny position, and the species for most of the penumbra are somewhere on the edge. You can ask your friends and neighbors for their lush flowering varieties, because peonies grow and sometimes you still have to divide and rejuvenate them.

As shown in the photo, from these beautiful perennial flowers in the garden you can arrange a special corner by picking varieties by color, and you can plant bushes separately as part of flower gardens with neighbors with similar requirements:

Primula finely toothed (Primula denticulata). Generally primrose great variety, but if you choose one, then this is the kind. May's lilac, white, pink and red balls are just adorable! And it is a very stable form that is easy to divide and sow. You can plant these perennial flowers in the garden next to other garden plants, at least with the same peonies.

Rudbeckia dissected (Rudbeckia laciniata), or the golden ball. The image immediately appears in the head, right? Everyone knows this plant. Insensible and gradually developing at the beginning of the season, in August-September it brings down a cascade of double yellow ball-like flowers on you. Ideal for planting at the fence, as it relies on it. If you still do not know what perennial flowers to plant in the garden, be sure to pay attention to rudbeckia: it combines perfectly with other autumn-flowering species like helenium. Rudbeckia is absolutely undemanding, it propagates by division.

Phlox paniculata (Phlox paniculata). That's certainly folk culture. This one of the best perennial flowers for the garden has hundreds (or already thousands?) Varieties and a deep history of domestic selection. Any variety is worthy of your garden, and if approached in terms of design, you just need to choose the desired height and color of flowers. But this culture, and especially domestic old varieties, deserve more, perhaps even a small collection. Phloxes are perfectly combined with each other in color, you can plant groups of 3 varieties in one color.

Phloxam needs a lot of light, but not the hottest place in the garden, rich loam, but without stagnant moisture. They grow and they are easy to share, it even needs to be done every few years, as the old bushes gradually grow, they bloom worse and they may not even hibernate.

(Hosta sp.). This is the case when you can say: plant any! All varieties are good, with their use in the garden is only important relevance in the composition. There are also hosts for the sun (although most for the penumbra), huge and tiny, green, blue, yellow and multi-colored. In any place where it is not quite dry, poor and hot, they will grow.

Here you can see a selection of photos of the most beautiful perennial flowers for the garden and garden:

Bulbous and curly perennial flowers for the garden (with photo)

Siberian Scilla (Scilla sibirica) - cute garden bulbous weed, forming the sky-blue glades in the spring. Once you put her coat in the garden, you will not get rid of her, and you will not want to: these plants do not interfere with anyone, do not choke the neighbors, vegetuate for a month in the spring, and then disappear. These perennial bulbous flowers for the garden multiply by self-sowing, gradually occupying an increasing area. It does not require anything (no digging, fertilizing, etc.), except for the initial autumn planting of the bulbs.

Haller's crested (Corydalis hallerii)  and chionodoxa lucilia (Chionodoxa luciliae) behave the same way. Once brought into the garden, they gradually spread over it, filling it with spring shades of blue, pink, white and lilac. This is what blooms first in the garden and blends perfectly with each other.

These photos show bulbous perennial flowers for the garden and summer cottage:

(Parthenocissus quinquefolla) - very beautiful liana. Many of them have complicated relationships with these curly perennial flowers for the garden: they grow painfully powerful. But for non-collection garden it is an indispensable plant. It grows everywhere and everywhere (except that the desert will destroy it), quickly increases its mass, instantly takes root with cuttings and layering, it does not freeze, and the autumn coloring has no equal. Girlish grapes are ideal for quickly settling grids (only grids must be very strong) and create a look of impermeable walls. On the gazebo is also appropriate.

Clematis third pruning group (Clematis sp.). What kind of group, you ask? Some varieties of clematis bloom on the shoots of last year and it is important to preserve them by constructing various kinds of shelters. They are usually less winter-hardy. This is not our method. We are suitable for those clematis, in which new shoots grow from the rhizome each year (they belong to the 3rd group of pruning, they also belong to the Vititsell, Jacmanmann and Integration family). All care for them is to remove the tops in the fall. They bloom in the second half of the summer for a very long time (1-3 months, depending on the variety). Landing on a sunny, without excessive moisture place.

See a photo of climbing flowers for the garden grown in the middle lane:

What to do if you want to get a beautiful front garden on your summer cottage, but there is absolutely no time and energy for his leaving? The article is devoted to the description of the most popular crops among the "lazy" gardeners. Arrange a summer without the hassle!

Rules for creating a flower garden blooming all summer for lazy

In order to almost completely forget about caring for an unpretentious flowerbed after planting, you still need to work a little and create a well-thought-out composition. Here are some tips that   help you relax with a clear conscience at the end of the work:

  1. Undemanding care cultures are not always dull and boring. Do not be afraid to add bright colors to the flower bed;
  2. What cultures to choose? If you pursue the goal to build a front garden that blooms throughout the season, select plants that have different flowering periods;
  3. Place cultures on your “lazy” flower bed that prefer the same conditions so that they can comfortably grow in one place;
  4. So that you don’t have to contribute much, take care of good soil quality in advance;
  5. The best place for a lazy flower garden is sunny or half shady.

Carefully selected crops planted on good ground and in a good place will thank you in the future for lush and long flowering without requiring special care procedures. However, it is worth noting that the statement “planted and forgotten” in this case is not quite true.   Take care of a flower bed is necessary, but not so often: weeding a young front garden, watering in a drought, applying fertilizer as needed and removing dead inflorescences as far as possible will not take much time and effort.

It is also worth remembering that it is necessary to cut and cover plants for the winter season, otherwise your “lazy” flowerbed will die.

The most unpretentious garden flowers (video)

Beautiful unpretentious perennial flowers for the garden

Absolute favorites of beds for lazy gardeners are perennials that are undemanding to care, and they can spend their entire life cycle almost independently. Below are the most popular crops today that do not require special skill in floriculture.


One of the most long-flowering perennials: Astilba is able to please its owners with bright buds for up to 10 weeks, starting from the middle of the summer season and ending with the onset of the first frosts. This unpretentious culture grows up to 1.5 meters, so you can safely plant it in the middle of the flower bed. Astilba prefers sun or half-shade.

The only procedure that this grassy tall perennial needs is regular pruning for the development of lateral shoots and growth control. Its bright yellow flowers really look like small sunflowers and will adorn any front garden.


The dream is always busy affairs of the cottaker: this culture does not require anything but a sunny enough place. Another advantage of the plant is simple but charming daisy flowers of bright colors, depending on the variety. It refers to the high inhabitants of the beds.


Not all bulbous can be classified as unpretentious, but tulips are one of them. Their bright buds bloom one of the first after the winter and adorn the flower bed until the end of spring.

Like tulips, this perennial culture may well take care of itself and bloom at the same time. The main advantage of the narcissus is the ability to look good in various flower arrangements. In addition, their foliage has a lush green shade and long retains decorative properties.

Lilies of the valley

Able to grow in one place up to 10 years, lilies of the valley will be a wonderful decoration of your garden in spring, and in the beginning of summer they will give fruits in the form of red berries. Both sun and shade are well tolerated.

Tulips, daffodils and lilies of the valley are replaced by a culture such as aquilegia or a water tank. Blooming in the second year of your life, this easy-to-care perennial is designed to decorate your site from late May to early September. When its bells-inflorescences fade, the decorative properties are transmitted to the leaves — they turn lilac or purple.


Geranium is a brittle-looking plant that blooms from May to August. One of the features is the short life of a single flower, which is immediately replaced by new ones.  Upon completion of flowering, the foliage of geranium acquires bright shades: red, orange, yellow.


The best friends of lazy gardeners, because they are among the most unpretentious and get along on different grounds and with different neighbors. Purple, pink, purple and will be the perfect backdrop for peonies, Nivyanik and other flowering crops.

Turkish carnation

Spreading self seeding  and blooming for a long time, this plant has deservedly become one of the most undemanding ornamental crops. Carnation will color your garden with bright colors and give summer garden mood to any flowerbed!

Frost-resistant unpretentious flowers to give (video)

Flowering annuals that do not require special care

In addition to perennial crops, the market can offer gardeners a variety of ornamental plants of the same age, which will be no more demanding of conditions. They perfectly complement the "frame" already created. Such cultures are usually grown from seed,  procedure for breeding seedlings they do not need.


Despite the fact that petunia is considered, the only desire of this crop in relation to the soil is its constant and moderate moisture. In gratitude for the small chores she will thank the owner lush and spectacular flowering;  The appearance of petunia flowers can be varied and depends on the variety.

In the people they are also called velvet ribbon: these bright, sun-like street flowers scattered around the garden leave the most pleasant impressions of the site. In addition, marigolds are drought-resistant and grow very quickly.

Sweet pea

Belongs to lianas, perfectly suited for the design of a vertical surface. Justifying its name, the flowers have a pleasant aroma and delight the eye for 50-60 days.

Easily recognizable by all cosmey can be found at almost any cottage.  This plant, preferring to grow on poor soil, has an amazing ability to bloom up to 80 days. Her delicate flowers of all shades of pink and light, delicate foliage will give any flower bed the spirit of romance and carelessness.


Drought-resistant, highly decorative plant. Zinnia flowers do not require special care procedures.  keep on peduncle up to 50 days. The only condition: plant the flower immediately to a permanent place, it does not tolerate the transplant.


Another bright, sunny spot on the flowerbed is marigold, or calendula.   The plant is medicinal and is considered a good honey plant.. Culture looks great in combination with eshsoltsia, cosme, chamomile and cornflowers.

Bring a bit of diversity to your flower bed. In order for the spruce baskets to appear on time, they only need to water and loosen the soil around the roots.

Popular large unpretentious garden flowers

Tall, spreading flowers are a good frame for any flower bed. As a rule, the larger the plant, the less it needs attention.


A symbol of prosperity and well-being, peony adorns almost every average garden in the middle lane. This perennial plant blooms very lushly and it is absolutely not demanding to the conditions of growth. In drought it can be watered once a week.

Large bright flowers of irises occupy one of the first places in popularity among lazy gardeners.  The iris is drought-resistant, winter-hardy, it blooms almost the whole summer and is able to live in one place for up to 7 years. It is difficult to come up with something more suitable for a maintenance-free flower garden. It should, however, take into account that the culture prefers a light, moist soil.


Orange-red, bright inflorescences of gelenium on tall, erect stems are often found in front gardens. All the care he needs is watering on dry days and shelter for the winter.


One of the favorites among the high-growing crops. His pyramidal inflorescences of various colors appear twice in the summer: in June and August. Resistant to drought, shade-tolerant and tolerates low temperatures.


High shrub with purple buds. Common culture due to the absence of any requirements for care in the process of growing on the site.   It develops well in heavy soil and in the shade.

Drought-resistant perennials for flower beds (video)

Easy care ground cover flowers

If you pursue the goal of creating a flower carpet rather than a flower bed, then you should pay attention to short-growing plants that creep along the ground.

This perennial groundcover is capable of turning a boring lawn into a riot of colors: just plant several varieties next to it, each with a different shade of inflorescences. The plant will spread quickly  and will be an excellent setting for flowerbeds, mixborders or tracks.

Carnation grass

Herbaceous flowering creeping plant. Lives for many years; small bright crimson flowers are visible from afar and draw attention to the flowerbed where the plant is planted. Externally kurtinka resembles a small fluffy mound.

Medicinal plant and seasoningThyme is not only used for practical purposes, but is also an excellent ground cover. Its thick, dense carpet exudes a pleasant aroma, and small pinkish flowers look very neat.


An indispensable plant when it comes to framing shaded flower beds, rockeries and borders. Periwinkle is extremely unpretentious; spring covered with sky blue fragile flowers.

"Lazy" flower garden - this is not a gardening myth, it is quite possible to create it in your country house. Before you breathe out with relief, you just need to work a little and think how to arrange a flower bed and which plants to plant. All in your hands!