Spathiphyllum foliage blackening is a phenomenon in which the sheet plate begins to dry out, deform, and black spots form on its surface.
  This disease affects the leaf plate of the plant. It appears first in the form of yellow and then dark spots scattered on the surface of the sheet, or dried tips. Over time, blackening spreads, and the leaf dries out and disappears.

The reasons

The following factors can influence the development of pathological processes:

  • The plant comes from the tropics, so watering should be regular. But it is important not to overdo it, as overwetting will lead to the decay of the root system.
  • Root rot can occur when the plant is kept in a too cool room. The optimum temperature is 22-24 degrees.
  • Spraying the plants in winter will lead to an excess of moisture, because the spathiphyllum actively absorbs water from the sheets. When using cold water, blackening is guaranteed.
  • Drafts adversely affect the state of the culture, causing blackening of the leaf plate.
  • Lack of dressings. Lack of trace elements will lead to the development of black spots. But you should not get involved in them, because it also harms the spathiphyllum.

If you do not start treatment of the disease in a timely manner, then it will lead to the saddest consequences.

Attention:  With a strong defeat, the spathiphyllum may die at all.

What to do if the plant begins to grow slowly, its flowering stops, the leaves dry, i.e. does the flower slowly disappear?

What to do when different cases of blackening of sheet plates?

When the sheet plate dries and turns black, the main cause of such symptoms in impaired conditions. You can save the flower, if you follow the following recommendations:

  1. Move the plant pot away from direct sunlight.  Best suited northern window or shade curtain.
  2. Arrange additional external moisture.  To do this, pick up the pan to fit the pot and fill it with sand or expanded clay.
  3. For humidification, you can use special devices that are sold in the store.  Then you just need to install the device in a pot, and the plant will begin to receive the necessary moisture.

Lose green color over the entire surface

When the leaf plate is completely blackened, treatment must be undertaken immediately.  They are as follows:

  • Prepare a new substrate, which is sold in the store. Put crushed activated carbon into it. It will prevent rotting of the root system, if there is a certain infection on them.
  • After transplanting the plants, wait until the ground dries out and pour it with warm, settled water. Add to it the drug Kornevin.
  • Spray the leaves and place the flower in a dark place.

Resuscitate the plant in other ways:

  1. Remove all affected leaves and do not use fertilizer for a certain time.
  2. To fertilize the soil, use Fundazole (2 g of the preparation for 1 l of water).
  3. All the leaves, on which there is a slight blackening, wash under the shower with soap. Just a few of these procedures and the fungus will go away.

Change the color only on the edges of the leaves

Why dry and blacken the ends of foliage? The most common cause of the development of a similar problem is over-wetting of the soil, from which the root system develops poorly. What if the tips are dry?

Attention:  To reanimate the plant, you need to start cutting off all the affected places, and then process the leaves with soap and water. On 1 liter of water 20 g of liquid soap.

How to save the plant if such spots appeared?

When several black spots appeared on the sheet plate in the middle of the sheet, this indicates the presence of a fungus. It is not particularly dangerous if you promptly wash a flower under a shower using green soap, and then rinse it with clean water.

The reasons for the appearance of blackening of leaves and flowers spathiphyllums and measures to combat the disease can be found.

A photo

Look at the photo, how the unhealthy leaves of Spathiphyllum look:

Disease prevention

The following recommendations will help to prevent redevelopment:

  1. Do not allow overmoistening of the soil. Watering to perform as the soil dries.
  2. Timely treatment of the bush preparations for the prevention of pests.
  3. During feeding use a solution of low concentration.
  4. Grow spathiphyllum in a place protected from drafts. It is best to choose a room with high humidity and diffused light.
  5. Regularly wipe the leaves of the plant with a damp sponge. This will prevent the development of pests and other unpleasant phenomena.

Care after treatment

After the spathiphyllum was cured, it is important to properly care for it, following some recommendations:

  • Watering. Ensure that the soil is wet but not wet. If there is excess water in the pan, then drain it. For humidification use separated and warm water. It is enough to water 2 times a week.
  • Fertilizer.  The flower needs trace elements and nitrogen. Alternate chemical compounds with fertilizing solution mullein. In the summer, hold such events 2-3 times a week. During dormancy, the plant is not fertilized, as it needs to rest and gain strength for growth and flowering.
  • Spraying  To spend it only in the dry and warm room. Do it in the summer 2 times a week.
  • Transfer.  It is necessary for normal plant life. Hold it every year in spring. Capacity to choose a little more than the previous one. This will allow the root system to fully develop. Do not plant a flower in an overly spacious container. Then he will greatly develop the roots and not build up the crown.

    For spathiphyllum, a substrate is needed, which consists of a sod-leaf mixture and peat. All components taken in equal proportions. The resulting composition is placed in the oven for sterilization. In this way, infection of the roots by fungus and various pests can be prevented. Watering immediately after transplanting carried out using a weak solution of manganese. Before the planted plant takes root, it does not need to be moistened. The roots will poorly absorb moisture, causing it to begin to stagnate and acidify the soil.

Video about the topic

Watch the video and find out what are the reasons for the spathiphyllum leaves getting black and dry and what to do in this case:


Spathiphyllum blackening is a dangerous symptom that can occur for various reasons.From the gardener is required in time to identify the culprit of the disease and begin treatment. Otherwise, your flower will fade before your eyes and will wither away.

Unfortunately, sometimes even such an unpretentious plant as spathiphyllum is sick and withers. The leaves turn black, dry around the edges, turn yellow or become small, the flowers cease to appear - all this should alert the owner. The plant thus makes it clear that something is wrong with it. This can be the result of both improper care and a symptom of the disease. And if you do not take action, the flower may eventually die.

How to care for spathiphyllum

Despite the fact that the plant does not belong to fastidious ones, this does not mean at all that it can be placed somewhere on the windowsill and forget about existence for six months. Having brought home a pot with bright or dark green leaves (depending on the variety), you first need to learn how to properly care for the spathiphyllum. In principle, this applies to any representative of the flora. Among the many plants that decorate houses, apartments and offices, there are light-loving and not so much those who prefer moist air and die from an overabundance of water. So, without knowing the preferences of the flower, it is very easy to destroy.

Spathiphyllums belong to thermophilic varieties because they grow in nature in the tropics. For the same reason, it is recommended to maintain high humidity in the summer, and in the winter to refrain from excessive watering.

It should also be remembered that spathiphyllum does not tolerate direct sunlight, preferring penumbra. Ignorance of this feature often leads to illness and even death of the flower.

How to water

In the summer you need to plant a plant quite often, but the main thing is not to overdo it so that the soil has time to dry out. As a rule, the plant signals a lack of water drooping leaves. It is also recommended to sprinkle it (daily or less often) or to wipe it with a soft damp cloth, sponge, cotton pad. And the flower can be bathed right under the shower, only the water temperature should be about 20 degrees.

In winter, most plants require less intensive watering, including Spathiphyllum: leaves turn black, become covered with brown spots or dry out during the cold season, often because of excess moisture. are at rest, so that rare watering and the absence of spraying for 2-3 weeks will benefit them.

Where better to put

In a room where there is little light throughout the day, the flower will be quite comfortable on the windowsill. Otherwise, it is better to put it away - on the closet, shelf or in the corner. Large specimens with large leaves look great on the floor.

This plant rarely suffers from a lack of light. Therefore, if there is a distant corner in the room, in which a flower pot will fit well, it may be just a spathiphyllum. The leaves turn black, as a rule, not because of problems with lighting, but because of improper watering and lack of minerals. From the excess of light, the spathiphyllum stops growing. Existing leaves do not increase in size, and new ones do not appear.

Why does not bloom

Spathiphyllum, like any other plant, responds to environmental conditions. If the leaves become small, begin to turn yellow and dry, and the flowers cease to appear, then something does not suit him. In order to prevent his death, you need to try to understand what exactly is missing.

Most florists know why spathiphyllum leaves turn black. This is the first sign of problems with watering the plant. And in this way it reacts to the excess of moisture, and its lack. But if the leaves are more or less clear, then with flowers - not really. The main reasons for their absence are two. First, the age of the plant. Too young spathiphyllum will not bloom, it is possible only after the roots fill all the space reserved for them.

The second reason is the opposite. If the plant is closely in the pot, it ceases to bloom, and the leaves become small. So, depending on the situation, you need to either wait a bit or transplant a spathiphyllum.

Black leaves - what to do?

As described above, there are two main reasons for the appearance of dark spots on a plant. And they are opposite to each other. The first - insufficient watering, the second - an excess of moisture. So with the appearance of black (or brown) spots, you first need to determine which of the options takes place.

This is not difficult to do. You must try to pull the flower out of the pot and touch the roots. If they are wet, you should dry the plant and limit moisture. In the case of dry soil it should just be watered more often.

It happens that the plant is not easy to take out of the pot. Then, in order not to injure him, you can make a dimple with a pencil or a loosening stick and determine the soil moisture at a depth of several centimeters, making the appropriate conclusions. When watering is normal, and the leaves continue to turn black, perhaps the problem lies in the lack of minerals in the soil. In this case, feeding is necessary.

Dry tips speak about not enough moist air. You can try to spray the plant more often, although in most cases it is not easy to deal with this problem. If the leaf turns yellow completely, more likely, more frequent watering is needed.

In general, the plant is pretty durable and to the temperature difference, and the lack of light. It can look great in truly spartan conditions. Therefore, those who do not know how to care for flowers are recommended as a spathiphyllum. Its leaves turn black due to lack or excess of moisture, it stops growing from bright light - as a rule, this knowledge is quite enough.

If the leaves dry at spathiphyllum, it is necessary to analyze the existing system of plant care. There are many reasons for dry tips on the leaf plates, yellowing of their surfaces, the formation of brown and black spots. After their identification and elimination of external negative factors, it is required to organize competent care at home and save the original flower from death.


Spathiphyllum - in Latin Spathiphyllum, is a representative of the tropical flora. Due to the graceful beauty of the plant is popular in indoor floriculture, having received the name - "female happiness".

Decorative effect due to the emerald color of leaves having an elliptical shape. But greenish or white inflorescences ‒ cobs give the surrounding atmosphere a special splendor. The flower has received its popular name thanks to popular beliefs. It is believed that with his help, a woman attracts happiness and well-being, and peace and tranquility prevail in the house. Having noticed drying leaves, it is important to quickly fix the problem and fix it.

  Why do the leaves turn yellow?

If spathiphyllum lowered the leaves, and their planes turned yellow, and brown drying areas appeared on the edges, the reason may be hiding in excessively abundant watering. This flower does not tolerate stagnant fluid in the area of ​​the root system, which begins to rot and die.

Spathiphyllum will fade if it is watered by cold, insufficiently settled water directly from the tap. The root system may freeze during the transport of the pot with the plant in the cold. It is recommended that the purchased specimens be replaced in a new pot after a week. The temporary substrate must be completely shaken off the root system, as it is suitable only for transportation, but not cultivation.

Replies plant spots, spreading on the leaf plate, the colonization of pests. Careful inspection of indoor flowers allows you to quickly identify the problem. For processing, a specialized drug is purchased, the solution from which is prepared in accordance with the instructions.

If the spathiphyllum has stalks and the leaves curl and become yellow, it is necessary to check the condition of the root system, which, when filling the entire volume of the pot, begins to fade. An indicator of this condition is the appearance of roots in the drainage holes and on the surface of the soil. The flower comes to life after transplanting into a larger pot.

It must be borne in mind that the yellow tint of the leaf plates may indicate the age of the plant. For older specimens, this state is normal, you just need to carry out activities for its pruning and reproduction. There may be a short-term weakening of the plant, when the flowering time ends and the recovery period begins. Should not cause concern change the color of leaf surfaces in the period of the appearance of buds. The preparation for flowering begins, requiring the use of additional nutrients. As a result, old leaves dry out and fall off.

Yellowish-brown spots on young leaves usually appear under the influence of direct sunlight. It is necessary to provide for the installation of the pot place with ambient lighting. Sometimes a dark rim on the leaves is formed at the spathiphyllum transferred from one apartment to another, for example, as a gift. Such a reaction to changes in external conditions is natural. After the adaptation of the plant, everything is normalized.

  Causes of tips drying out

Most often, the tips of the leaf plates of the spathiphyllum dry up if there is excessively dry air in the room. This situation usually occurs when the central heating is turned on. Help the plant can with the help of additional moisture. One of the measures to eliminate dry air is daily irrigation of the crown with warm water. It is useful to wipe leaf surfaces with a sponge dipped in clean water once a week.

Provides the desired level of moisture expanded clay, placed in the pan. It is moistened once a week by pouring water. Due to the porous structure, moisture is well retained by the material, and during evaporation it humidifies the air. Once a week, a pot of flowers is transferred to a bath and poured over it with a shower.

If the leaf tips dry, the moss helps the plant, which is placed on the surface of the soil. After watering in it for a long time is liquid. There are special humidifiers purchased in the store. Humidity increases due to evaporation from the surface of the water poured into shallow containers. They are placed next to the pots. In winter, it is recommended to place the dishes with water on the heating batteries.

  Organization of competent watering

It should be noted that the tips of the leaves dry and turn brown, their surfaces turn yellow, the stems grow weaker and wilted, if watering is not done in a timely manner. If the ground around the roots dries out completely, the plant responds by deterioration of appearance and loss of decoration.

Such a reaction indicates that it is impossible to leave a flower without water for a long time. If you have to resume this process after there are clear signs of moisture deficiency, do it carefully. It is dangerous to immediately pour out a large amount of water. It is recommended to moisten the earth bed several times a day, and then return to the usual schedule. He assumes carrying out watering with an interval in four days. The main criterion is the dry surface of the soil.

  Causes of leaf surface darkening

There are a number of reasons for the appearance of dark spots on the leaf planes.   Such phenomena require only the application of the correct methods of plant care:

  • Often darken and dry leaves at spathiphyllum, if the soil becomes unsuitable for growth. This happens when the plant is frequently treated with chemicals that accumulate around the roots and have a detrimental effect on them.
  • Leaves become lethargic at the flower, their tips grow black with a lack of nutrients in the soil. In such a situation, measures are taken to streamline the use of fertilizers. In the period of increased vegetation in the warm season, a special mineral complex is introduced once a decade. From October to March is required to feed the flower in a month.
  • Do not exceed the fertilization rates recommended by the instructions, as this will be another negative factor causing weakening of the plant.
  • The leaves darken when installing a spathiphyllum pot in a room with poor lighting. This culture is not suitable northern orientation windows.
  • On the south side settling protection from direct sun exposure.
  • In autumn and winter, it will be necessary to lengthen the daylight with the help of lighting systems.

Growing spathiphyllum and planning care for him at home, take into account his sensitivity to drafts. If suddenly the leaves darken or the flowers turn green, you need to remove the pot on the shelf, away from the air flow that occurs during ventilation. It is impossible to keep a houseplant on a cold balcony for a long time.

After analyzing the negative factors causing yellowing, drying, blackening of the leaf plates in the spathiphyllum, it can be concluded that problems can be avoided with the help of well-planned care.

Spathiphyllum is a non-capricious plant, but sometimes it delivers trouble to its owner. Errors in the care immediately affect the state of the leaves of spathiphyllum. They may turn black, yellow, discolor, lose turgor. All these symptoms clearly indicate problems in agricultural engineering that need to be eliminated in order to restore decorativeness and plant health.

Often the growers ask why the tips of the leaves turn black and dry at the spathiphyllum. Let's try to figure it out.

Reason number 1. Dry air

In this case, the tips dry up quite a bit - literally 1-2 mm. At the same time, the rest of the leaf plate remains green or, in the border area with blackening, acquires a yellowish tint. In this type, the spatiphillum has dry leaf tips when growing it in normal residential conditions. This phenomenon is especially pronounced in winter, with heating on.

The cause of the dry tips of the leaves of spathiphyllum is dry air

What to do?

To minimize the appearance of black tips of spathiphyllum, one should increase the humidity of the air near the pot with the plant. For this it is recommended:

  • spray the spatifillum 2 times a day with warm settled water;
  • put a spathiphyllum near the aquarium;
  • put a spathiphyllum pot on a pallet with wet expanded clay;
  • use a humidifier (the most effective means).

Reason number 2. Bay

In this case, the spathiphyllum blackens and dries the leaves a little differently. The defect affects wider areas and affects part of the leaf plate. The blackening zone is limited from the normal part of the leaf plate by a narrow yellow rim.

  Such spots "speak" of the gulf and heavy, non-hygroscopic soil.

What to do?

Blackening only the tips of the leaves suggests that the spathiphyllum is watered too often, but there is no rotting of the roots yet. In this case, the help of the flower will be in the adjusted mode of watering.

Some flower growers decide on watering only when the leaves of the spathiphyllum wilt and look exuberant. Sometimes this happens when the soil is almost completely dry in a pot! However, for a spathiphyllum, this seemingly cruel drying is the order of the day. It is necessary to water it and in an hour all the leaves will restore turgor. At the same time, the irrigation regime with constant severe drying is not the recommended option. That is, sometimes this can be done, but not systematically. This is bad for the soil and small suction roots, which can die off. Ideally, the spathiphyllum should be watered after the soil has dried on 1/3 - 1/4 of the pot height.

Symptom # 2. Spathiphyllum leaves dry around the edges, black drying spots appear in the central part of the leaf plate

Reason number 1. Bay

Dark black or brown spots on the spathiphyllum usually indicate a significant gulf that accompanies the plant for a long time. Most likely, the flower is watered too often and at the bottom of the pot, near the roots, there is a permanent swamp. It is not surprising that in this situation the roots begin to rot, which leads to the fact that the spathiphyllum leaves turn black.

  In the case of a heavy bay, the leaves of the spathiphyllum are covered with dark spots along the edges.

What to do?

To begin, adjust the watering (for the recommended watering mode, read in the previous paragraph). If the spots continue to spread to a larger number of leaves or grow in size, it is necessary to inspect the roots and, if necessary, treat the detected rot. This can be done as follows:

  • Inspect the roots for rot. Rotten roots - yellowish or brown, soft; healthy roots are white, dense.
  • Plant spathiphyllum in a new, light earth with the addition of activated carbon (for the prevention of rotting slices). Immediately do not need watering! The land from the parquet is initially damp, this is enough to maintain the vital activity of the “amputated” roots.
  • After 2-3 days, when the new soil dries out, pour the transplanted spathiphyllum with warm settled (ideally - boiled) water with the addition of "Kornevina".

Reason number 2. Root cooling

The spathiphyllum may turn black leaves from "wet" cooling. Suppose if you watered the plant in the evening, and at night it got colder and the roots froze.

  “Wet” cooling of the spathiphyllum roots leads to brown and yellow spots on the leaf plate

What to do?

Try not to make that mistake again. Remove the spathiphyllum from the cold window-sill and do not water it in the evening. In order to quickly put the plant in order, spray it with Epin - a stressful adaptogen that will help overcome adverse factors and increase the immunity of the spathiphyllum.

Reason number 3. Overfeeding fertilizer (burn)

In case of fertilizer burns, spots on the leaves of the spathiphyllum appear quickly. Literally overnight, after watering with excess fertilizer, extensive brown or black areas appear on the leaves. After that, the whole leaf turns yellow and dies.

  Spots for fertilizer or chemical stimulant burns

What to do?

If you suspect fertilizer overfeeding, you need to act quickly. Spathiphyllum roots should be washed in clean water and transplanted into new soil.

Symptom # 3. Spathiphyllum turns yellow

Often, the spathiphyllum leaves turn yellow, and massively. This spoils the decorative appearance of the flower. Let's try to understand each specific situation.

Reason number 1. Direct sunlight, sunburn

Spathiphyllum respects the so-called penumbra. That is a large amount of diffused light, without direct sunlight. If you put a spathiphyllum pot, for example, on a southern or south-western window-sill, then you can soon see that its leaves have lost a saturated green color, have burnt out. Bleached leaves turn yellow and even turn white.

If the sun's rays were not only bright, but also hot, sunburn is possible. In this case, yellowing is spotted or streaked. And the burned parts become thinned, similar to parchment.

  On the south windows, the leaves of the spathiphyllum turn yellow or turn white from high light intensity.

What to do?

If your spathiphyllum has turned yellow from excessive illumination, it must be moved to a darker place, without direct sunlight. For spathiphyllum suitable sills of the north, north-east, north-west, east orientation. If all the windows in your apartment are sunny, not scary. Place the spathiphyllum at some distance from the window, in the back of the room, to reduce the intensity of illumination.

Reason number 2. The lack of trace elements, chlorosis

When fasting spathiphyllum leaves turn yellow unevenly. For example, a “mosaic” color appears, that is, green spots remain on a yellow background or vice versa. Veins become discolored or, on the contrary, veinlets remain green, and the sheet plate turns yellow. Yellowing of the leaves against a green vein - manifestation. All other non-uniform yellowing may be associated with a lack of various trace elements, in particular boron, calcium.

  A lack of iron and other trace elements is reflected in the leaves of spathiphyllum. They turn yellow and become patchy.

What to do?

Yellowing spathiphyllum on the background of fasting is easy to eliminate with the help of dressings and soil enrichment. You must do the following:

  • Replant spathiphyllum in a new, light, loose soil. The reaction of the soil is slightly acid.
  • Spray the plant with iron chelate - when diagnosing iron chlorosis or with complex fertilizer containing trace elements (boron, calcium, iron) - with a general lack of useful substances.
  • 2-3 weeks after transplantation - feed spathiphyllum with complex fertilizer.
  • All this time, water the plant with well separated or boiled warm water, spray it with water 2 times a day.

Reason number 3. Leaf aging

If the spathiphyllum turns yellow lower leaves, then this is a natural process that does not require any intervention. Old leaves perish, new ones will come to replace them. Yellowing can be considered a problem only if the process covers the young leaves.

Symptom # 4. Wadding leaves spathiphyllum

If the sheets of Spathiphyllum have crouched and hung like cloths, you need to take immediate action. This symptom indicates that the roots of the plant do not receive moisture.

Reason number 1. Peresushka earthen coma

This is the most common reason. Spathiphyllum withers when the potted soil is dry and requires watering.

  Such a spathiphyllum urgent need to pour!

What to do?

To the leaves of Spathiphyllum regain turgor, it is enough to water the plant. In some cases, if the soil is too dry or peat is used as a soil, a simple top irrigation may not have the effect. Then it is recommended to pour the soil on top, as usual, and then immerse the plant pot in the pot (bucket, basin) with water for 15-20 minutes.

Reason number 2. Heterogeneous soil

It happens that after watering the leaves are restored for a while, and then fade again. Despite the fact that the soil looks wet! This means that the roots of the plant, located inside the pot, are in a dense, non-hygroscopic clump of soil that cannot be wetted with ordinary watering. Such a nuisance happens if, after the purchase, the spathiphyllum was transplanted into a new flower soil with preservation of the peat store substrate on the roots. Such a substrate dries very quickly and turns into an impenetrable coma. At the same time, the new flower soil in which the transplant was performed retains water well and remains wet after watering. But water does not reach the roots, since a dry lump of peat is kept on them.

What to do?

So that the leaves no longer wither, storey soil will have to be removed. To do this, rinse the roots in water and carefully remove from them lumps of peat. After that, transplant the spathiphyllum into a uniform light soil.

Reason number 3. Root decay

Root rot due to the bay. In this case, the leaves wither the same way as when drying. With the only difference that when drying it is enough to shed the ground, so that the roots absorb moisture and the leaves are restored. When roots decay, watering will no longer help; on the contrary, it will aggravate the situation: the leaves will wither with a vengeance.

A sign of rotting roots: the potted soil is constantly wet, despite the fact that watering has been done for a long time. The decaying roots do not absorb moisture from the soil, respectively, the plant is sick, does not receive water and nutrients. Unfortunately, root rot is an insidious disease, not always quickly diagnosed. The newcomer florist, seeing that the spathiphyllum has withered, is likely to start watering him more and more. Until it completely ruins the flower!

  If after the Gulf the soil was not dried and an insoluble marshy layer formed at the bottom of the pot, then the spathiphyllum is doomed to rotting of the roots.

What to do?

With a diagnosed rotting of the roots, transplant the spathiphyllum into a new land with preliminary cutting of all rotting parts of the root. A transplant can be performed as follows:

  • Remove the spathiphyllum from the pot.
  • Rinse the roots in water (in a bucket of water), gently freeing them from the old earth.
  • Cut off all rotten roots with a clean knife to a healthy tissue. Slices - powder powdered activated charcoal or cinnamon.
  • Leave the plant for 2-3 hours to dry.
  • Plant spathiphyllum in a new, light earth with the addition of activated carbon (for the prevention of rotting slices). Be sure to pour a good layer of drainage to the bottom of the pot (at least 2-3 cm) to prevent stagnant water in the lower part of the roots. There should be drainage holes in the bottom of the pot (if there are not enough of them, do a few more with a nail or a heated screwdriver). Immediately do not need watering! The land from the parquet is initially damp, this is enough to maintain the vital activity of the “amputated” roots.
  • After 2-3 days, when the new soil dries out, pour the transplanted spathiphyllum with warm settled (ideally boiled) water with the addition of Kornevin.

Symptom number 5. Spathiphyllum does not grow

Spathiphyllum does not increase the green mass: does not release new leaves, does not give shoots.

Reason number 1. Big pot

Remember that at first spathiphyllum builds up the root system, and then begins to engage in leaves. Therefore, if you have transplanted a plant into an overly large pot, you will have to wait until the root system grows and enmeshes a clod of earth. Only after that will the growth of green mass begin.

  Such a pot is too big for a young spathiphyllum. Need a transplant!

What to do?

If you do not want to wait several months, you will have to transplant the spathiphyllum into a smaller pot - 1-2 cm more in diameter than the root system.

Reason number 2. Improper lighting

Spathiphyllum can retard in growth with too intense or, conversely, poor lighting.

What to do?  Relocate the spathiphyllum to a well-lit place, without direct sunlight.

Symptom number 6. Spathiphyllum does not bloom

Under suitable conditions of upkeep, the spathiphyllum may bloom 2-3 times a year. But the expectation does not always become a reality. And then the question arises: "Why does not the spathiphyllum bloom?" There may be several reasons for this.

Reason number 1. Too big pot

Spathiphyllum will begin flowering only after its roots are completely entwined with an earthen ball in a pot. Therefore, if you have transplanted a plant into a pot of not size, you can wait for flowering for several years.

What to do?

Pick up a new pot for spathiphyllum. Close, low pots are suitable for this representative of the aroid family. In diameter - 1-2 cm longer than the root system.

Reason number 2. Lack of dressings, hunger strike

If the spathiphyllum has not been transplanted for a long time, the soil in the pot was depleted or initially did not contain the necessary nutrients, flowering can be expected. In addition to the absence of flowering, the hunger strike is also indicated by the general disease state of the plant, yellow or small leaves. There is also another situation: the spathiphyllum looks healthy, releases large green leaves in large quantities and does not bloom. This means that the plant "zhiruet", that is, consumes a large amount of nitrogen, stimulating the growth of green mass to the detriment of flowering. We conclude: in the soil in which the spathiphyllum grows, there is a lot of nitrogen, but there is a lack of elements responsible for flowering, potassium and phosphorus.

  Spathiphyllum can look healthy, “fatten”, but not bloom if there is a large amount of nitrogen in the soil and there is no phosphorus and potassium

What to do?

If the pot in which the spathiphyllum grows is of normal size, and there have not been flowering for a long time - feed it with complex fertilizer with a predominance of phosphorus and potassium (for flowering). For a quick effect, you can apply spraying stimulants - "Bud", "Domotsvetom", etc.

Reason number 3. Lack of lighting

Spathiphyllum is a shade-tolerant plant. The term "shade-tolerant" means that direct sunlight is contraindicated in the plant. But! And a deep shadow is also useless. For spathiphyllum, you need to find a well-lit place, with a lot of ambient light. In the full shadow of the spathiphyllum will not bloom.

What to do?

It is necessary to rearrange the spathiphyllum from a deep shadow to a more lighted place.

Symptom number 7. Spathiphyllum has green flowers

Some time after the appearance of a new flower, do you notice that its snow-white initial color acquires a green tint? All spathiphyllum behave this way. In the greenish tones are painted otvetuyuschie coverlets of flowers. Naturally, such a feature does not require any adjustment.

One of the most popular and spectacular representatives of the room flora is the tropical guest Spathiphyllum. This wonderful plant is more known under another name - “female happiness”. Lush green bushes, though they bloom in a monochrome snow-white range, attract the attention with an interesting structure of inflorescences. High-grade variety, including cultivars of different heights and colors of foliage, is highly valued. Women's happiness is often presented as a gift, as a symbol of harmony in relationships and a talisman for finding a good spouse. It often happens that the Spathiphyllum falls into the hands of an inexperienced florist who has no idea how to properly care for him. Violation of the rules of cultivation leads to a loss of decoration, which is why spathiphyllum leaves turn black, yellow or wither. How to return the beauty of a green pet, you will learn from the materials of the article.

Spathiphyllum - description, photo

The genus Spatiphillum united about 50 species of plants that are common in tropical rain forests. Most members of the genus are terrestrial, grow on soft forest floor, rich in organic matter. Some inhabitants tend to get more sunlight, so they use tree branches as a support, i.e. they are epiphytes.

The advantages of such a lifestyle are inaccessibility for herbivores and independence from the forest floor. Lush bushes are often found near water bodies, like wetlands. Spathiphyllum does not have a definite homeland, since various species can be found not only in the tropical belt of South and Central America, but also in New Guinea, located near Australia.

On a note! Miniature varieties of spathiphyllum are often found in shops with aquarium paraphernalia. It is impossible to grow exotus under water, because it will gradually die. But you can put a tropical guest in the paludarium, where he will feel quite comfortable.

Evergreen representatives of the genus are included in the Aroid family. The name of the genus is formed from two Latin words, which are literally translated as "sheet" and "veil". If you look at the plant, you can immediately guess that we are talking about a flower cob, wrapped in a white blanket. Often, the white bract is compared with a flag, so the Spathiphyllum is sometimes called the flag leaf.

The plant forms neat fast-growing bushes, which produce a large number of daughter rosettes. The central stem of the exot is absent, so the petioles attached to the shortened rhizome are shown directly from the soil.

Leaf plates with a solid edge differ in color, size, shape, depending on the species and variety. The leaves may be ovate, oval, elongate-lanceolate, but the central vein on them is pronounced. The lower part of the petiole is equipped with a stalk wide expansion with a powerful vascular mesh.

Flower stalks are equal in height to leaf stalks or slightly exceed them. Type of inflorescence - the ear, which is attached to the peduncle or short stalk. The inflorescence consists of tiny male and female flowers, located very close to each other. Around the cob is a white or greenish veil.

The bract performs the function of petals, trying to attract potential pollinators. As it fades, the flag loses its snow-white color and becomes green, merging with the deciduous mass. Inside the cob, small, smooth seeds are formed that very quickly lose their germination. The main method of reproduction in the home is the division of the bush or the separation of daughter rosettes.

Tip! To minimize the stress of vegetative propagation, experienced growers spend it during the annual transfer to a new pot.

The discovery of exotic belongs to the German botanist G. Wallis, after whom the most common species in culture is named. Only a few decades after the discovery, breeders became interested in this unusual flower. Female happiness attracts flower growers with a long flowering period, during which a gentle, pleasant aroma spreads.

On the basis of the spathiphyllum, opened by Gustav Wallis, a mass of varieties is bred, which differ in height and dimensions of the bushes, in size, shape, and color of the leaf plates. Tiny varieties (Mini, Tiny), reaching only 10-15 cm in height and the real giants (Sensation, Pablo, Svit Silvio) with a height of up to one and a half meters with a spectacular large foliage, are especially highly valued. The interior of any room will be decorated with variegated hybrids (Picasso, Caiti, Domino), and there are also varieties bred specifically for cutting (Mauna Loa). Everything else culture is very unpretentious, shade-tolerant.

Consider the main varieties that can be found in the culture:


Srednerosly individuals up to 35 cm in length. The leaf is elongate-lanceolate up to 20 cm long. Petioles become arcuate as they grow, which is why the leaves slightly hang from the pot. A white or cream ear 3-4 cm long is surrounded by a snow-white flag 10-12 cm long. Most of the cultivars are obtained on the basis of this species.


More rare guest apartments, but no less attractive. Growth bush up to 60 cm, deciduous mass reaches a length of 30 cm, attached petioles of the same size. On the surface of saturated green leaves there is a pronounced venation. A small inflorescence is surrounded by a greenish veil up to 15 cm long.

Cannular leaf

The name received for the similarity of bright green foliage with beautiful canna. The leaves reach a length of 35 cm, the bract is shorter by half. The bedspread is painted white, the reverse side (relative to the inflorescence) is green. The ear is straight, yellowish, exudes a delicate aroma. CANNOL spathiphyllum can only be purchased from collectors.


Very beautiful view that can bloom profusely all year round. Bush dense, rich green, short stalks. Foliage reaches a length of 20 cm, plant growth 40 cm. Small cream inflorescences are surrounded by a snow-white bract with a height of 6-8 cm.


The name of this species is given for the similarity of a concave blanket with a spoon. Giant reaches a meter height, elongated oval leaves are attached with strong petioles up to 70 cm. Dark green plates are temptingly glossy, show a pronounced network of veins. "Spoon" above the cob twice.


Tall species with large dark green leaves, reaching half a meter. Neat waves pass along the edge of the glossy plates. The ear reaches a length of 10 cm, the cover is twice as high. This culture is ideal for office space as it stands out for its particular shade tolerance.

Remember! Whatever spathiphyllum you choose, it will become a happy talisman, clean the air from harmful compounds of formaldehyde, xylol. Due to the release of volatile production, the air in the room will be cleared of pathogenic bacteria, viruses, mold spores.

Why have spathiphyllum turned black

The most common problem faced by a novice grower is the appearance of blackness on a deciduous mass. It can arise from various external factors, but the reason is always in violation of the rules for caring for a flower. The location of the blackness can often determine the cause of the disease state of the plant.

Leaves at the edges

The appearance of significant darkening areas along the edge of the leaf of the spathiphyllum indicates excessive moisture. Despite the love of moisture, an excess amount of life-giving liquid will certainly destroy the green bush.

Permanent stay of the roots in the "swamp" is unacceptable! It is necessary to water female happiness after the top layer of soil in a pot dries. Wait for the drying of the soil is also impossible, because it will lead to the death of the flower.

Irrigation has a beneficial effect on the health of the green ward only in moderation. In the summer, water should be watered frequently and abundantly. It is better to use the method of lower irrigation so that the earth lump absorbs the required amount of liquid. After 2 hours, drain excess fluid from the pan. Winter irrigation regime is more moderate, because the combination of dampness and coolness is the optimal condition for the development of fungi.

When dark spots are located on the edge of the leaves, the root system has already begun to rot, without your help home exot will die. Emergency transplantation and “surgical” intervention are required.

Important! Water must first be filtered or defended for at least 12 hours; the liquid must not be cold.

And the water always stagnates in the wrong substrate. In a tropical rainforest, exot dwells on a litter consisting of rotted plant parts. Purchase a substrate in a specialty store or make your own by mixing leaf soil with turf and peat. Components take in equal proportions. Soil the mixture with charcoal and perlite or coarse sand. Such a soil will easily pass moisture and air, without turning the pot into a swamp.

Leaves on the tips

If blackness appeared at the very tip of the leaf, and the rest of the plate looks healthy, the reason lies in the insufficient air humidity. At home, exotic lives in the humid atmosphere of a tropical forest.

At home, it is possible to recreate such conditions with the help of simple techniques - spraying, installation in a pan with wet stones or moss, the location of the pot near the aquarium. But in the winter because of the included batteries, the problem is exacerbated. The moisture in the room evaporates very quickly. If standard measures are not enough, a humidifier is used. Favorably on the state of the crown will affect swimming in the shower.

Leaves in the middle

The appearance of dark brown-brown or black spots in the middle of the leaf blade may be due to rotting of the roots. The reason is improperly organized irrigation. If the substrate is normal, you may have exposed the crown of spathiphyllum to direct sunlight. Burns appear in this way, and then the leaves begin to turn yellow and die off.

The flower grows in the forest, under the canopy of trees, so it likes diffused light, try to protect it from the scorching rays on the southern windowsill with the help of tulle. Comfortable female happiness will feel on the east or west window.

Black spots in the middle of the leaves sometimes indicate supercooling of the root system. Remember that an exotic guest does not take out a draft and loves to keep his “feet” warm. If there is a draft on the window sill, put a foam cup under the pot. Normal temperature background for an exotic guest is 23-25⁰C, in winter not lower than 15⁰C. Nighttime fluctuations in temperature will lead to cooling of the wet substrate, causing the soft roots to freeze.

Attention! In no case do not water flagolist at night.

Leaf tips

If the tip of the leaf is blackened, but a larger area is affected than in the first case, the root system has suffered from a chemical burn. Surely the other day you made another batch of top dressing and did not observe the correct dosage or violated the schedule of fertilizer application. It is impossible to delay in this case, urgently transplant "female happiness" in the fresh land, gently washing the roots.

Remember that fertilizers are supposed to be applied in the spring and summer twice a month. Optimally to choose a liquid composition designed specifically for the Aroids. If conventional liquid fertilizer is used for flowering houseplants, the dosage should be halved.

In winter, feeding is contraindicated, because it provokes growth, which causes the bush to stretch out and lose its decorative effect. At year-round maintenance under artificial lighting twice a month, feed the flower with minerals.

Why do leaves and flowers turn black, what to do?

If blackness appeared not only on the deciduous mass, but also touched delicate flags, the health of your pet is under threat! This flagolist reaction is characteristic when the substrate is excessively wetted, leading to rotting of the roots.

Know! If only cobs and bedspreads began to turn black, moisture got into the inflorescence when spraying or watering. Avoid sprinkling during flowering, do not allow droplets of liquid on the buds.

What to do to save spathiphyllum? When the roots are decaying, only one option is possible - emergency transplant. It is performed as follows:

  1. Remove the diseased individual from the pot.
  2. Put the root system in a bucket of water, carefully release the roots from the earthy coma.
  3. Conduct a thorough inspection, remove with a sterile knife all the rotted parts (yellow or brown, soft to the touch) to a healthy tissue.
  4. Hold the root lobe in a solution of fungicide or light pink solution of potassium permanganate.
  5. Treat the wounds with crushed coal, dry the roots 2 hours.
  6. Put a drain on the bottom of the new pot, add some fresh soil. Place the spathiphyllum in the prepared container, fill the gaps.
  7. The prepared soil mixture contains a small amount of moisture, so additional watering is not required. If the ground is dry, pour it a little.
  8. When the next irrigation time comes, pour the flower with warm, settled water with the addition of Kornevin. Spray the transplanted specimen daily.

Attention! Do not use the old pot for transplantation, it could remain spores of the fungus. As a last resort, pour boiling water over it and immerse it completely in raspberry solution of potassium permanganate for 30-40 minutes.

Spathiphyllum leaves turn black and dry, what is the reason?

Are your pet leaves covered with black, and then they began to dry? This happens when supercooling of roots or sunburn. Move the pot to another location. If only the tips are affected, adjust the humidity in the room. This phenomenon often occurs in the winter when the heating is on.

Possible causes of leaf blackening

So, the blackening of the leaves of Spathiphyllum may be due to the following reasons:

  • rooted to the roots;
  • excessive soil moisture;
  • insufficient air humidity;
  • fertilizer overfeeding;
  • sunburn;
  • incorrectly chosen substrate.

It will not be easy to return a woman’s happiness to a decorative look, and in some cases it will have to fight for its life. That is why it is better to immediately learn the rules of plant care than to eliminate the consequences of your own mistakes!

Frequent mistakes in the care of the flower, leading to blackening of the leaves

The most common mistake novice grower is a violation of the irrigation regime. Excessive wetting of the substrate, watering in the winter at night, the use of cold tap water leads to decay of the root system. Too dense soil also will not allow the water to evaporate normally, will cause waterlogging of the ground.

Know! High air humidity is an important condition for the normal development of exotic. If this figure is reduced, decorativeness will suffer, which will be reflected in the appearance of withered black tips.

Less often, the flower is left in direct sunlight, which causes burns of deciduous mass. Novice flower growers often try to feed the green wards, which is fundamentally wrong. Excess fertilizer for room flora is more destructive than lack.

What you need to do so that the leaves do not blacken

To make the spathiphyllum look healthy, provide him with the right care:

  • shade from direct sunlight;
  • maintain proper irrigation and high humidity;
  • keep warm, avoid drafts;
  • maintain a constant temperature background of 23-25⁰C, make sure that the temperature does not fall below 15⁰C;
  • annually transplant "female happiness" in the fresh land, picking up a pot 1-2 cm wider than the previous one;
  • do not abuse feedings, study the instructions for the purchased fertilizer;
  • remove damaged, old leaves and fading peduncles.

Do not forget to wipe the leafy mass of dust or sprinkle.

Forum, flower growers reviews

Flower growers appreciate the decorative qualities of the flagopolist, but at the beginning of the journey everyone makes mistakes. For many, the first purchased flower dies due to improper care. Experienced flower growers are advising beginners to water the indoor spathiphyllum only after a quarter of the coma has dried out or a slight loss of leaf turgor. With this method, pour the pet will not work.

Another useful tip is not to philosophize with fertilizer. Better buy a specialized composition for Aroids and strictly follow the instructions. This will not burn the roots. To make a soil mixture is a real art, leave it to professionals. Ready soil will relieve from many troubles. When roots decay, the pathogen remains in the substrate, the soil must be changed. At the same time carry out the removal of all damaged parts and processing.

Important! It is necessary not only to withstand the root lobe in the solution of the fungicide, but also to remove all the spoiled leaves, spray the crown.


Sometimes the leaves of the spathiphyllum turn black, which confuses newbies and makes them wonder why. To maintain the decorativeness of the green ward, you will have to make some effort. The information contained in the article will help you easily restore the health of your pet and enjoy long flowering.