Superstitions and signs about indoor flowers will tell you about how you can adjust your life with the help of properly selected plants, and what types of species should beware in the home.

In the article:

It is believed that the house in which houseplants die is filled with negative energy. This is not quite true. Most of the plants, if you are good at caring for them and donating a large part of your time, can also have negative programs from their owners.

  If you have withered one plant, it means that it has withdrawn from you a strong evil eye, damage or a serious illness. But this does not mean the content of negative energy in the house. The dead flower should be thanked (preferably out loud), and then buried somewhere on the street or on your site.

But when home flowers dry out one by one, it can mean either the presence of a strong negative in the house, or. Of course, if it's not about care. Some plants are quite whimsical, and some of them even react to loud noises. Perhaps this is a good explanation for omens, which says that flowers do not take root in the house where scandals are a frequent occurrence.

Sometimes flowers get sick and wither for natural reasons. This foreshadows the purchase.

With the help of colors you can determine the negative areas of the apartment. If a plant that is well blossoming before the “moving” starts to wither, for example, near your bed, then the latter should be moved to another place.

If in the middle of winter a plant begins to bloom, which is usually covered with buds in summer, to surprise. In some regions of Russia and other countries - to death in the house. The interpretation may depend on the properties of the plant. For example, an unexpected bloom money tree  - this is to the unexpected appearance of money.

It is considered that it is impossible to give plants in pots, it transfers failures and problems of the donor to the person to whom such a gift is intended. If you get it, give a coin of any value in return. So donated the plant will think that it was bought and he received a new owner, who does not need the old energy.

Good signs about indoor plants

There are plants that carry only positive energy and are suitable for everyone. For example, crassula  or fat woman attracts the energy of money to the house. With proper care and growth conditions, a fathead can even help one to get rich. A pot for her is better to choose red or green - these are colors. Attach a few coins to it during the landing of the Krassula.

Fern  It protects from the harmful radiation of electrical appliances, so it can be placed near the TV or computer. This property allows him to replace the usual cacti, which are associated not only with good omens.


Another name spathiphyllum  - Woman's happiness. As you might guess from the name, this plant bears in itself only positive energy. It brings family happiness and well-being. You can read more about this in a separate article on our website.

Bamboo  carries the energy of career growth, the desire for success and success in business and at work. But it will bring you happiness only if you place a pot with this plant on your desktop. Indeed, in the bedroom, near the bed, such aspirations do not need you.

Aloe  serves as a normalizer of family relationships and communication with guests, brings peace and quiet to the house. This plant will protect you from unwanted visitors and their influence on you. Therefore, it is often placed near the entrance to the room.

Breed sour, if you have problems finding a suitable partner or in a relationship with an existing one. It normalizes family and love relationships.

Hibiscus  - a flower of love and passion. Perfectly suitable for placement in the house of both newlyweds and elderly couples. Excellent help in strengthening and restoring normal family relationships. Avocados have a similar meaning.

Tradescantia  protects its owner from gossip, and aspidistra  adds stamina to character.

It cleans the air well, and according to signs, brings happiness to all family members.

Violet  helps to resolve conflicts peacefully. If there are scandals in your house, plant violets. More.

Geranium  fights stress, loneliness and depression, and can also give you confidence. It can make a person's character more calm and balanced.

Dracaena  improves mood, shares its energy, brings good luck and success.

All citrus plants  favorable for placement in residential buildings. They bring good luck, happiness, wealth and love.

Homemade roses symbolize loyalty and chastity. If you are worried about your teenage daughter, place a box with roses in her room, preferably white. Roses in the marital bedroom keep the marriage from betraying and cheating.

Bad signs about indoor plants - which flowers bring bad luck

The most common sign of home flowers warns unmarried women from breeding ivy  and . The fact is that they are considered as husbands, that is, they can interfere with getting married, chasing away potential spouses from you. But when your husband has already appeared, to buy ivy, this sign does not prohibit.

In addition, ivy is considered an energy vampire.   But he takes away not only positive energy, but also negative.  If you want to get rid of negative emotions, sit a little near ivy. Some believe that it gives confidence.

Cacti  very popular among those who wish to get rid of or at least reduce the harmful radiation emitted from electrical appliances. People believe that if you put them at the door, then cacti will protect the house from thieves and robbers. But they have not only a positive impact. Cacti worsen relations between spouses.

Callas  bring sadness, do not grow them.

People sometimes say that monsteraIf she is standing near your bed, she can choke at night. This is not quite true. The fact is that Monstera absorbs oxygen. If you sleep near it, in the morning you will wake up with headache and muscle pain, weakness and other negative symptoms. She is considered an energy vampire, perhaps only because of her ability to absorb oxygen.

Are you interested in whether there are folk signs about indoor plants? Exist. Plants feel very thinly not only the change of weather, but also the fluctuations of the aura around you. It is worth learning to "read" your home flowers. They will tell you when trouble sneaks up, and when you wait for happiness.

Some home plants are capable of attracting, like a magnet to its owner, both love and money, and sorrow and failure.

You need to know the features and signs of indoor plants - their green "neighbors".

Superstitions about home green "neighbors"

  1. Many say that non-growing plants indicate poor energy in the house. But the first thing you should pay attention to the care of the plant. Did you water properly? Is the location of the pot right? Is that ground covered up? If all the answers are positive, then we can say one thing. The flower took over the negative. Perhaps someone jinxed or tried to damage, and the flower took away your trouble. At your place everything can be perfect. You just did not know that someone wanted you evil. Plants, like pets, always act as a “human shield” against magic. They save their master at the cost of their health and even life. Do not throw in the trash the flower. First, thank him for his salvation. Then bury it in the street.
  2. Surely everyone has heard that if a flower is stolen, it will grow better. In principle, this is most likely a superstition. The beginning of this "fable" is rooted in the distant past. Earlier, only rich people could boast with houseplants. Therefore, it was possible to acquire greenery in the house only by stealing the appendix. From here and believe.
  3. Some consider it a bad sign to receive flowers immediately in a pot and with the earth. But others believe that just fresh flowers, drying out, retain all the negative.
  4. Cacti accuse of attracting quarrels and scandals into the house. But at the same time, he will protect the house from thieves. Ivy is considered by many to be "filters" of energy, while others are not advised to start in the house. After all, they can “ease” the spouse so much that he will “fly away” from home. It is believed that by its turns the flower survives a man from the house. But do not blame the flower. Perhaps you yourself missed the moment when your husband was not close to you. Maybe you should pay more attention to his beloved, and not plants?
  5. Do not get involved in calas. Often they are sad. These flowers can attract loneliness.
  6. What are the plant "vampires"? Ivy, monstera, cypress, sansevieria, thuja, tsiperus.

Positive Superstitions about Flowers

People signs about indoor plants can be both positive and cautionary. If we talk about the positive, then quite diverse patterns are registered between the flower and changes in life.

  1. Aloe - protector. Both from unexpected guests and from misfortunes.
  2. Not enough sexuality? Want to become more relaxed? Get an avocado yourself.
  3. Courage is added when growing a house with balsams. But he still has "bad" factors. Before deciding to grow this herb, check out its second side.
  4. Hibiscus, like any rose, attracts loyalty. Love, passion, loyalty - all this will come for the Chinese rose. 5. In the house where Dieffenbachia blooms, always clean air. but here is the flip side of the coin: they say that the male potency suffers too much from this flower. Often in bed failures occur. As a result, the man feels incomplete and “runs away” from this house. 6. There is no quarrel in the house with dragon flower. 7. Depression disappears under the influence of jasmine. Helps and "prompts". Feelings are revived even where only ashes were left of them. Conflicts do not visit a home with a beautiful flower. 8. Brides themselves used to grow a houseplant like myrtle for their wedding. And then at the wedding itself gives a sprig to each guest. So she ensures herself a happy family future. 9. Want to love? Get oxalis. Promotes improvement. 10. Geranium inspires its owner, helps to survive the losses and hardships of life. Destroys all inferiority complexes. But at the same time, it will attract disease, poverty. Does not tolerate rams and archers. Pay attention to the smell. He will say a lot about the financial situation of the family. If it "stinks", then everything is fine. But if the smell is surprisingly pleasant, "all is not well in the Danish kingdom."

Negative Flower Superstitions

  1. Aloe does not tolerate outsiders in the house. She "survives" them. Guests are not comfortable. And they are trying to quickly leave your home.
  2. Quarrels in the house increase if asparagus grows there. He provokes the spread of gossip about you and your family.
  3. Men are aspidistra, monstera, euphorbia, Decembrist, fern, dieffenbachia, sincapsus, money tree, cacti, hoya, ivy, aglaonema, hibiscus. With these plants, the question: will be permanent.
  4. Balsam brings homelessness. Yes, and they are called widowed flowers.
  5. Despite the many positive signs of jasmine, not infrequent notes that with him comes trouble in the house. Even separation occurs at the moment when it is not expected.
  6. Cacti not only expel men, making the woman prickly, but also lead to lack of money. No passion in the house remains. Men often go into binges. But it is rather a consequence of his wife's taunts. And for a young girl, it is not recommended to plant in your room (if she does not live alone) or in the apartment these plants. After all, they can make her an old maid.
  7. Myrtle brings loneliness to the next generation (i.e. your children).

You can experiment about the signs of indoor plants - come true.

In the people there are a large number of signs associated with flowers. It is believed that plants have an impact on the person, the atmosphere in the house, and also have the ability to foreshadow the upcoming events. We still believe that cacti in the house bring bad luck, and the yellow bouquet of flowers foreshadows a quick separation. Is it really, we will try to figure it out.

What flowers can not be kept at home

Our ancestors treated home plants with care. There are a number of plants that absolutely can not be kept in the house. These indoor flowers emit negative energy, causing the atmosphere in the house to become tense. Hazardous colors for home include:

Ivy. This plant, according to national signs, is a danger to women. It is believed that if a woman holds ivy in the house, then it will be very difficult for her to get married. Eli believed ancient legends, ivy survives from the house of men and does not allow anyone to visit its owner.

Violets. Bad flowers among the people received these flowers. It is believed that violets can not be kept at home to young girls. Violet brings failures in love and attracts women's diseases.

Ficus. Many legends and beliefs are associated with this plant. Some claim that the ficus brings happiness and money to the house, while others call him an energy vampire. What to believe? If we turn to the Chinese Feng Shui teaching, then the ficus will be useful in the house only if quarrels and scandals often arise among family members. Ficus will take away the negative energy and the atmosphere in the house will improve.

Good signs about indoor colors

There are plants that have a beneficial effect on the atmosphere at home. This is spathiphyllum, bamboo, aloe and bolster. These homemade flowers attract money, well-being, health and love to your home. There are several signs associated with these home colors.

In order for the bastard to attract money, you need to put a coin on the bottom of the pot. The more petals on this plant, the more money will be in the house.

If aloe does not bloom for a long time, then you will soon expect an illness. Take care of this plant as best you can, and then no diseases will overcome you.

Bamboo should be kept in the office. If he grows fast and well near your desk, then this is a happy sign, which means that very soon your work at work will go smoothly.

What does the color of flowers mean

What kind of flowers do you most often give? If you pay attention to the color of the bouquet, you can predict the upcoming events. According to the old sign, each plant color means a particular event in life.

Red flowers  symbolizes passion and strong emotions. People say that if a man gives a woman red bouquets, he is serious about her. This may indicate a quick wedding.

Yellow flowers  People earned notoriety. It is believed that the yellow bouquet - a harbinger of separation. You should not give a bouquet of this color to a person with whom you do not want to part.

Blue colour  - a symbol of kindness and sincere intentions. Blue flowers, according to ancient signs, symbolize the purity of thoughts and a strong emotional connection with the person to whom the bouquet is intended.

White bouquets  It is accepted to give only on a wedding. White color is a symbol of purity, innocence and the beginning of a new life. If a man gives a woman a bouquet of white flowers out of wedlock, then this is a good omen and a forerunner of a quick wedding.

To believe national signs or not - a personal matter. In any case, admire the flowers and enjoy their beautiful view, then they will certainly attract good luck to you. We wish you happiness and do not forget to press the buttons and

01.04.2014 12:05

Ficus is a fairly common indoor plant. Nowadays, it can be found in almost every lover of home flora. ...

Give an even number of flowers - it is impossible. Perhaps this is the most common superstition, which comply with almost everything. Where from ...

Green “neighbors” live permanently or temporarily in almost every modern home. But choosing flowers for a home should be very careful, because superstitions and omens can be associated with each of them. The energy of flowers can have both positive and negative effects on the health and mood of the inhabitants of the house. Which representatives of the green kingdom is best avoided, and which ones can become loyal allies?

Folk signs associated with flowers

Flowering plants have long been used to decorate houses, temples, ceremonial venues, hairstyles. Superstitions and signs associated with flowers are very diverse: some relate to indoor plants, others to the use of dried flowers and bunches of medicinal herbs. Some observations received scientific confirmation, while others remained in the superstition category, so everyone decides for himself whether to pay attention to folk signs about colors in the house.

Signs associated with flowers, do not recommend to keep in the house withering or dead plants. In this case, folk wisdom is reinforced by the requirements of hygiene: dying stems and leaves are a great environment for the development of microorganisms, and many of them can be harmful to health. And the unpleasant smell of rotting will cause the household a bad mood and irritability. For the same reasons, the water in vessels with brought or donated compositions is recommended to be updated daily.

When it comes to bouquets, folk wisdom does not recommend putting plants in the bedroom with a strong smell - jasmine, roses. Punishment for neglect of omen can be a headache. It is also not recommended to give an even number of buds. Should be avoided and yellow flowers. However, they can be used in multi-color flower arrangements.

You should not buy or take artificial flowers as a gift, no matter how attractive they may seem. Of course, they are more durable than real ones, but over time they will lose their attractiveness and will only attract dust.

Potted flowers: good and bad signs

Folk superstition has not ignored the flowers in pots: signs associated with them, usually foreshadow good or bad events for those living in the house. Very often, flowering is associated with prosperity, a holiday, pleasant changes, and the fading of a flower is considered a bad sign. But there are exceptions, for example, if the Decembrist (Christmas tree) has blossomed prematurely or late, this is not considered the best omen.

Many are interested in the question of whether it is possible to give flowers in pots. If such a gift is made from the heart, it can become a kind of amulet for home owners. In addition, a bond is formed between the donor and the donated plant. And if the flower starts to wither or crashed when accidentally falling from the window sill, you should call a friend and ask if you need help.

Those who wish to plant green potted plants in the house are recommended to carefully read the list of donors and vampires, as well as male and female flowers.

Energy of flowering plants: vampires and donors

Like all living things, flowers have their own energy, which differently affects the atmosphere in the house. The energy of flowers can be positive or negative, so many experts on esoterics divide plants into donors and vampires. It is important to take into account that magic is considered to be all people incomprehensible and inexplicable, so that signs can often be found rational.

If you look at which flowers fell into the “energy vampires” category, you will notice that they have one of several properties. Some grow very luxuriantly, covering a window or wall with a dense carpet. At night, when photosynthesis stops, green “neighbors” absorb oxygen from the air. And if such a decoration is in the bedroom, tenants are guaranteed lack of sleep and weakness caused by lack of oxygen. Other plants can secrete substances that affect the state of the nervous system. Others simply have too strong a headache.

In the category of donor flowers, purifying or giving energy, include plants emitting phytoncides useful for humans. Shrub room mint or lavender will calm down. Geranium is useful to plant those who have problems with the cardiovascular system. And rosemary will help to cope with insomnia. So to the signs regarding the energy of flowers, it is worth listening.

There is a classification by the compatibility of plants with men and women. Spathiphyllum, hibiscus, gardenia, orchid are considered excellent companions for women and girls, and juniper, anthurium or poliscias - for men.

Welcome guests in any house

When collecting a home garden, it is important to purchase indoor flowers with good energy and not to put pots and plants in your sleeping room with plants that have a bad “reputation”. The list of the best flowers for a house with good energy includes:

  • geranium;
  • dracaena;
  • hyacinth;
  • decembrist;
  • cyclamen.

When choosing flowers for the home, it is important to take into account their location. In the kitchen it is worthwhile to set flowerpots with spicy herbs - thyme, basil, mint, rosemary, sage. An excellent choice would be citrus, decorative pepper. And gardeners can try to grow strawberries or yellow cherry tomatoes or bright red. The pleasant smell of home "beds" will delight all year round.

Liana recommended to plant out of the house. If you dream of enjoying beautifully flowering climbers in summer, plant annuals on the balcony: ipomeyu, dolichos, and tubergia. They will be able to delight you until late autumn.

However, each person has his own list of flowering plants, which cause positive emotions. Creating a green garden, touch the instances you like, smell them, appreciate your feelings. Intuition will help you choose exactly what suits you personally.

Somehow the winter lasts a long time, don't you think ?! And the constant white and gray landscape outside the window creates a dull mood.

And what if you diversify your window and put it on the windowsill indoor flowers? What flowers are best grown at home? After all, it is known that live plants  can not only decorate our housing, but also affect health, relationships and even well-being   in family!

What flowers bring happiness to the house?

Uzambarskaya Violet, or Saintpaulia

Violet. Very beautiful and at the same time capricious flower   - a symbol of eternal love!It is said that violet helps to support family peace. These charming gentle flowers  love meticulous care. They do not tolerate hard water. They love the sun, but are afraid of direct rays. Nevertheless, this flower is very popular.

Chinese rose or hibiscus

If hibiscus appears in the house, wait   passionate loveshe will definitely come! Flowers this plant, incredibly beautiful and large, resemble butterflies. Hibiscus needs warmth and a lot of light, because it comes from the tropics.


Keeper of peace and love  considered myrtle. If this flower is in the house, your marriage will be successful, and in the existing one family  he will surely bring happiness. Not by chance in some countries this plant  give a bride or a bridal outfit to the newlyweds or decorate with the branches and flowers. The word "myrtle" is translated from Greek as "balm". If you rub a sprig of myrtle with your fingers, you will feel the pleasant aroma of essential oils. Today myrtle oil is used in cosmetology as a component of preparations for cleansing and rejuvenating the skin. A home myrtle disinfects the room, filling the house with unique aroma and freshness.


People call this flower tree of love, loyalty and well-being. Aihrizon has original fluffy leaves, they are shaped like hearts. Bright yellow flowers, like numerous lanterns, will decorate your window sill, will give joy even just from its contemplation! This is a succulent plant. With proper care can grow up to 30 cm in height.


Very beautiful and unpretentious, Calathea is   a symbol of home happiness  although many grow it just for the very beautiful leaves. This plant  grows well in the shade. But can not stand if you put it in a corner of the room (it is impossible to imagine your happiness in the corner).


Oxalis helps solve problems in personal life. In childhood we called this flower just kislitsy or hare cabbage. In the juice of the leaves of oxalis, oxalic acid is present, and they taste sour. Leaves of this plant can be added to salads! From the flowers of oxalis make tinctures that are effective for diseases of the liver and stomach.

Spathiphyllum, or Female Happiness

it perennial  come from distant South American forests. But growing it is easy. The main thing: be sure to spray spathiphyllum every day, and in the spring - transplant in fresh soil. And then:

- unmarried women will soon find their mate;

- who already thinks about the child - will become pregnant;

- in the family where female happiness grows, there will always be love and understanding.

And they say that the spathiphyllum will not bloom in a house where quarrels and conflicts constantly occur.

Anthurium, or male happiness

"Fiery language" or "Male happiness". Very naughty flower, but very beautiful. It does not tolerate direct sunlight, requires frequent spraying, because it has a weakness for high humidity (especially during growth). And be careful this flower is poisonous! But he gives men power to men. And all together - success and happiness in love!


Other names of this flower: “Champagne spray” or “ family happiness". This   flower  very good for family happiness: it is easy to care for him, but he grows well and blooms beautifully. Only in the summer you need to water it a little more. With chlorophytum your family life will be happy and calm - this is what people say.

Jade, or Crassula

Money Tree. Everyone knows that this plant is bought in order to have money in the house. Our advice: for a special effect, plant this flower  in a red pot, and at the bottom put a few large coins.

Keep in mind, if small leaves will prevail on the bastard, then trifle will ring in your pocket, if large ones, notes will crunch. If a fat woman does not help you get rich in any way, get her a friend, a plektranthus, and prepare a shovel;).

Plektrantus, or room mint

We have this plant known as sporeflower. It's amazingly cute plant  provides the whole family with mental health. Plectrantus fragrance for long will relieve from insomnia and dark thoughts!  It is very good to grow plectrantus as a ground cover plant for masking the edges of the pot.


Cacti are real watchman for your home. All plants with prickles have always been attributed to the property to protect the home from unclean forces. But the cactus is not only the watchman, he is also the keeper of calm and peace in your home. It should be located as close as possible to the door or on the windowsills. By the way, how to make a cactus bloom, read here.

Plant flowers. Take care of them. And they will be not only the green decoration of your home, but also bring well-being and happiness into the house.

  Chat with flowers like friends!  During the day, plants accumulate energy, and at night they are freed from the "negative". Therefore, communicate with them better in the morning. Before you water a flower, “walk” on the leaves with your hands, as if shaking off negative energy from them.

And they say that if the flower, despite your care and care, is dried up, it means he took away a disease or trouble from you.

Peace and well-being to your home!

House flowers not only delight the eye, but also protect against negative energies. With the help of properly selected plants, you can get rid of quarrels, bring happiness and prosperity into the house, and solve health problems. Signs: flowers for home well-being - what flowers are able to attract happiness and joy to our house? Consider the issue in detail.

Signs of home colors

A common opinion about the death of flowers in a house filled with negative energy is far from the truth. Plants are able to process negative energies and even feed on them - they quench quarrels and conflicts.

The death of one plant in the house suggests that it has taken on a strong negative hostess. But this does not mean that the whole house is filled with negative energy. A faded flower needs to be thanked for the help and to the earth. but if all the flowers die in the house  - one by one - you should seriously think about the damage to the house. If the question does not concern bad care of flowers.

With the help of plants, you can identify areas of trouble in the apartment. If a previously healthy flower begins to fade when moved to another place, it means that there is a zone of negative energy. Also unsuccessful omen is considered an unexpected flowering of a plant out of season.

Never accept as a gift a flower in a pot - it is believed that all the failures of the donor will pass to you. If it is impossible to refuse a gift, give the donor a nominal fee - a ruble or a penny. Thus, you pay off the trouble.

Happy flowers

Some varieties of flowers bring happiness and prosperity to the house, others help to eliminate or extinguish conflicts, and still others harmonize marital relations. What flowers you need in the first place - decide for yourself.

Monetary well-being and wealth

The energy of abundance attracts fat woman  or crassula. If it is proper to take care of a fathead, it attracts the energy of abundance. Replant the plant in a green or red pot and you will soon notice a change in your budget. In some cases, it is recommended to put a few coins on the bottom of the pot.

If you need career growth, do not do without bamboo. This plant has a powerful energy growth and development. To bamboo  helped in career growth, it should be placed in the office or near the desktop, but not in the bedroom.

Ficus, a variety of figs, attracts the energy of abundance and joy. This plant is considered the patron of the family hearth and the protection of the house.

Happiness in love

Plant spathiphyllum  attracts female happiness. This flower must certainly be in the house for prosperity and well-being.

Anthurium  considered the flower of male happiness - increases the fire of passion and emotional attraction between lovers. The flower is considered an indicator of loyalty to the beloved.

Roses  help in marital relations and protect the marriage from adultery. Put in the bedroom white roses and you will not worry about infidelity spouse.

Modest red rose  with delicate flowers in the form of stars attracts happiness in marriage. If you are tired of loneliness, put acid in the bedroom. Kislitza also helps to harmonize relationships in an already held couple.

Bright hibiscus  attracts passionate love. This exotic plant is placed in the bedroom. Hibiscus helps to improve relationships both young spouses and the elderly.

Flowers for peace and harmony in the house

Gentle violets  help in conflict situations - quench the energy of a quarrel, not allowing it to turn into a scandal. Also violets are considered flowers of love and tenderness.

Geranium  acts on the atmosphere in the house soothingly. The flower helps to fight depression, depression and loneliness.

Dracaena  brings the energy of success and happiness into the house. All citrus plants have the same property.

Fern  well absorbs negative electromagnetic radiation, not yielding to cacti. Therefore, ferns are recommended to put next to a computer and TV.

Agarum (aloe) cares about the harmonious atmosphere in the house. If you are tired of the visits of guests and want to feel the peace in the house, put the plant near the hallway - the visits will stop.

Unlucky flowers

To avoid adversity, it is necessary to know which plants are not desirable to have in the house. For unlucky colors include:

  • ivy species;
  • cacti and their varieties;
  • calla, monstera and orchid.

Ivy  you can't have single women - he drives away men. Interestingly, in the house held a pair of ivy can not hurt anything. Ivy can not be placed in the bedroom - this plant absorbs energy. However, the property of ivy to absorb energy can be used for good purposes - the expulsion of intrusive visitors.

Cacti  also absorb energy, so they are advised to put them near computers and devices. However, the cactus tends to worsen the marital relationship - keep in mind.

Callas  - flowers of mourning and funeral. You should not grow them in your home.

Monstera  actively absorbs oxygen, deteriorating the atmosphere in the house. Putting a monster in the bedroom is extremely dangerous - you will not get enough sleep, a headache is provided.

Orchid  takes vitality from a person, so keeping a flower in the house is dangerous. Especially dangerous are orchids in the bedroom, as they are considered vampire flowers.

A contradictory opinion exists about wax ivy. This is a nocturnal plant - flowers bloom at night and begin to exude a sweet aroma. The plant protects the lovers, however, overgrown ivy destroys the marital relationship. Sometimes overgrown wax ivy  can expel and spouse from the bedroom.

Dangerous plants

These flowers and plants are dangerous because of their poisonous properties, so they should not be kept in the house:

  • Dieffenbachia;
  • Oleander;
  • Croton;
  • Azalea Sims;
  • Mimosa shameful;
  • Evergreen ivy;
  • Adenium;
  • Philodendron;
  • Primrose;
  • Steller's Dwarf;
  • Nightshade;
  • Tulip tulip;
  • Trichotherus.

Houseplants can carry not only beauty, but also danger. Therefore, to attract well-being to the house, first of all you should get rid of malicious colors.

31/01/2018 Plant species 321 views

Houseplants are real allies in the struggle for comfort and tranquility in the house. But not every plant on the windowsill is a scarlet flower, which will create a favorable aura. Behind the beautiful petals can hide vampire flowers or pests that will quarrel family members and take energy. In order not to be mistaken in the choice of plants, use our tips.

  • Notice which one shade in full bloom. Red, orange and dark flowers will give energy, sensuality and add eroticism in the bedroom. Gentle pink or cream tones make the hosts more open and welcoming. Whites enhance the spirituality and normalize the energy balance.
  • Choose plants tending upwardsespecially for children's rooms. They promote spiritual and physical growth. If the leaves are pointing down, the plant will ground you.
  • Hard spines and sharp leaves lead to quarrels. Grow flowers with rounded leaves. They absorb tension and extinguish possible conflicts.
  • If you live in a rented apartment or simply do not want to mess around with potted plants, try to keep it indoors. cut flowers. The aroma of blossoming buds will lift your spirits and attract good luck to your home. The most "lucky" flowers are lilies and chamomile. Roses, gerberas and bright multicolored bouquets of tulips are not inferior to their fellow brothers in the strength of their positive impact.

Flowers for energy balance

  • Decembrist Schlumberger  It blooms in December and creates an aura of good and positive around itself. Even selfish people around him become softer and more responsive. If it blooms in the wrong month, you are lucky - the house has a very good atmosphere.
  • In the hall or living room we recommend to place bamboo. It absorbs negative vibes and harmoniously fits into any interior.
  • Basil  contains linalool - a substance that improves mood and energizes.

Plants that attract money

  • Jade or “money tree”  we recommend you plant it yourself and put a small coin on the bottom of the pot. If the tree starts to hurt, it must be removed from the house. Otherwise there may be poverty and debt.
  • Zamioculkas - “dollar tree”  - we advise you to purchase for those who want to create a multi-currency green arsenal. It is unpretentious in the care and withstands a long drought, but very poisonous.
  • Lemon  in the east is considered a plant that provides financial stability. It is better to grow it in a red pot and carefully care.

Flowers to create and strengthen the family

  • Myrtle  - flower lovers. It is presented to the wedding of the newlyweds as a sign of a strong marriage and a close-knit family.
  • Uzumbar violet or “flower of love”  brings harmony and happiness to the house. It is better to plant white violet - a symbol of the purity of family relationships.
  • Amaryllis and spathiphyllum  “Marry” girls, attract love and help to find female happiness.
  • Ficus We advise you to have childless couples who dream of a child. For ficus should be carefully looked after and protected. Then, according to the signs, the couple will definitely have a baby.

Plants for good health

  • The juice aloe vera  It is actively used both in cosmetology and in traditional medicine. It has analgesic, wound healing and disinfectant properties.
  • Chlorophytum  use instead of air conditioning. It cleans the air of pathogenic germs, mold spores and toxic substances.


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Few people know that there are home plants bringing good luck to the house, as well as making the grower more happy and richer. Below will be presented several such plants.

12 houseplants bringing good luck



Such a plant is considered the flower of the world. It has long been known that if violets are grown in an apartment, quarrels between households are extremely rare. Also, this flower is a symbol of loyalty. White violet will help to get rid of heartache. It is recommended to plant it to the person who has a rather difficult period in life at the moment.

Chinese rose (hibiscus)

This plant is a symbol of Malaysia, as well as the emblem of Hawaii. It is recommended to plant it in order that peace reigned in the house. It is also considered a plant of passion.

Waxy Ivy, Hoya

In a large number of countries, this flower is presented as a living valentine symbolizing the declaration of love. This very gentle and beautiful plant is recommended to be grown in a bedroom.


There is no better gift for people who have recently tied their destinies to marriage than a myrtle. The fact is that such a flower is able to attract happiness to the house, and peace and understanding will always reign between spouses.



It is known that this plant is able to save the family, while maintaining marital happiness. Experienced people are advised to present Calathea as a gift to the couple who are on the verge of divorce.


This not very showy plant has truly amazing abilities. In the apartment where it settles, mutual understanding and peace reigns. It is recommended to plant such a flower in the office, where there are a lot of people in one room, and then there will be much less quarrels between them.

So, chlorophytum has another unique ability - it can clean the air in the room where it is located. It is recommended to place it in a room where repairs were carried out not so long ago or where there is recently purchased furniture. The plant is able to absorb all the harmful substances and unpleasant odors from the air.

Oxalis (acid)


This plant is very useful for men. It is believed that it helps to restore and maintain potency, so it is also called "male happiness." Anthurium is recommended to put in the bedroom.


The flower is able to make men more resistant and courageous. Women, he is able to give softness and femininity.


It is known that this flower is able to protect its owner from nightmarish dreams at night.

Plants that bring trouble

However, it should be remembered that not all plants can only bring happiness, there are those that are better not to grow in your home.

So, for example, ivy can "survive" from the apartment of a man on whom you can not rely. This plant has a strong energy, and therefore in the room where it grows, little babies sleep very restlessly.

Another strong flower is monstera. However, he can not benefit all. So, it can not be kept in a house where there are people with throat disease. In order to weaken the power of the flower, it is recommended to tie a cord of blue color on it (preferably with a piece of rock crystal).

If you decide to buy a plant, then you need to do it with a pure soul. That is, you can not buy a flower only in order to attract wealth or love to the house. The plant must love and care for him, and then it will answer you the same.