Timely mastery of correct, clear speech is important for the formation of a full-fledged personality. A person with well-developed speech easily enters into communication, he can easily and clearly express his thoughts and desires, ask questions, negotiate with partners about joint activities, and lead a team. Conversely, unclear speech greatly complicates relationships with others and often leaves a heavy imprint on a person’s character. Correct, well-developed speech is one of the main indicators of a child’s readiness for successful learning at school. Speech deficiencies can lead to academic failure and give rise to a child’s lack of self-confidence, and this will have far-reaching negative consequences. Therefore, you need to start taking care of the correctness of your child’s speech as early as possible.

Speech is not an innate ability; it is formed gradually, and its development depends on many reasons. One of the conditions for the normal development of sound pronunciation is the full functioning of the articulatory apparatus. The prevailing opinion that the sound pronunciation side of speech develops independently, without special influence and help from adults - as if the child himself will gradually master the correct pronunciation - is deeply erroneous. But it is precisely this that is often the reason that the development of the sound side of speech, especially at an early age, occurs by itself, without due attention from parents and educators, and therefore a significant number of preschool children have one or another pronunciation defects. And since these shortcomings do not correct themselves, every hour we hear more or less defective speech, both from children and adults.

Non-interference in the process of formation of children's speech almost always entails developmental delays. Defects in sound pronunciation, having arisen and become established in childhood, are overcome with great difficulty in subsequent years and can persist for life. Only qualified assistance can compensate for the defect.

Raising clear speech in children is a task of great social significance, and everyone should be aware of its seriousness: speech therapists, parents, educators, and teachers. The leading role in the work to correct speech defects belongs to the speech therapist. But only classes with a speech therapist are not enough to develop strong skills in correct sound pronunciation; additional exercises are needed - with parents, a teacher, as well as independent training for children.

Forming correct pronunciation in children is a complex process; the child will have to learn to control his speech organs, perceive speech addressed to him, and exercise control over the speech of others and his own. As a result of such work, by the age of four to five years the child should master clear pronunciation of all speech sounds, but for many children this process is delayed. The child is five years old, but he does not pronounce individual sounds ([l], [r]), a group of sounds [s], [z], [ts]) or several groups of sounds: hissing ones are replaced by whistling ones (“koska” instead of cat, “ siska" instead of a cup); the sound [l] is pronounced like [v] (“louse” instead of a spoon), the sound [r] is burr.

Often, children also suffer from vowel sounds; they pronounce them unclearly, as if blurring their sound. Meanwhile, the correct pronunciation of vowel sounds is very important, since vowels serve as the basis for sound-letter analysis, which prepares the child for learning to read and write. In addition, systematic exercises with vowel sounds serve as speech gymnastics, promoting the development of coordinated movements of the speech organs: the development of speech breathing, voice and diction. Although sound pronunciation defects do not disappear on their own, under favorable learning conditions children are capable of self-correction. The creation of a speech therapy corner in a group will facilitate the organization of independent sound pronunciation classes for children.

The intelligibility and purity of pronunciation of sounds depends on many factors and, first of all, on the anatomical structure of the articulatory apparatus, on how the tongue, lips, jaws act, on a person’s ability to sense and feel the movements of the organs of articulation, as well as on the functional maturity of the speech zones of the cortex brain. In the logo corner, a child can easily reproduce the exercises necessary for training the articulatory apparatus. Often, children experience muscle tension in their articulation organs during a conversation. This also has a negative impact on the process of sound pronunciation formation. Among the manuals for children is a system of relaxing exercises that will help relieve excessive tension from the organs of articulation and help children feel the movements of the tongue, lips, and jaw.

Material on training fine motor skills of the fingers, the development of movements of the speech apparatus, sensations from the movement of the organs of articulation are presented to children in the form of fairy tales, funny clearings, riddles, this helps children more easily remember what they practiced in class and makes independent activity interesting, exciting, and emotional. The child, carried away by the game, trying to comply with its conditions as best as possible, does not notice that he is learning. This means that the correction process will proceed more actively, faster, and overcoming difficulties will be easier.

As K.D. Ushinsky noted, when a child sees a picture, he immediately wants to speak. Therefore, speech exercises are accompanied by illustrations that show how Zvukoznaykin and Slovoznaykin perform these exercises. With the help of these pictures, children will be able to compose and use fairy tales about the “Jolly Tongue”, which create a favorable emotional background.

The duration of regular classes depends on the age and ability of the child. Independent classes are convenient because the child himself can determine the time of the lesson. And if he is interested and gets carried away, there is no need to stop him.

In the speech therapy corner the following can be displayed:

  • Finger games learned in class.
  • Exercises for the lips, using a combination of lip movements and exhalation.
  • Exercises for the tongue, combining movements of the tongue and exhalation.
  • Voice exercises based on vowel sounds.
  • Analysis of the correct articulation of the sound being studied using reference patterns for lip and tongue postures.
  • Games for the ability to distinguish speech sounds by ear, isolate them from words, determine the place of sound in a word, and compare them with each other.

Margarita Andreeva

The only way to get to the top of a ladder is to take it one step at a time. And in the process of this ascent, you will suddenly discover in yourself all the necessary qualities, skills and abilities needed to achieve success, which you seemingly never possessed.

Margaret Thatcher

Greetings, dear colleagues!

It is with great pleasure that I present my work speech therapist's office in MBDOU d/s"Berry" With. Alexandrovsky, Tomsk region. Speech therapist This is only my second year working. In my work I use innovative technologies:

I am working on developing auditory attention;

Speech and phonemic hearing;

Physiological and speech breathing;

Formation of correct sound pronunciation, automation and differentiation of various sounds;

Development of the grammatical structure of speech;

Development of coherent speech (dialogues, retellings, stories).

I pay special attention to the formation of phonetic-phonemic perception.

I introduce children to sounds, develop sound skills syllabic analysis, synthesis.

I am working to prevent dysgraphia and dyslexia.

This is what I managed to do with my own hands, the hands of my children and parents during this period.


On the front door cabinet sign« Speech therapist» , work schedule speech therapy

office and« The secret from the speech therapist» :

How to speak both clearly and understandably -

Qualified master - SPEECH THERAPIST.

He teaches verbal communication,

Grammar and vocabulary are his subject.

Breathing, phonation, articulation

He will teach you knowledgeably SPEECH THERAPIST.

He is an educator, teacher and psychologist,

He is a philologist, and he is a linguist,

He is a teacher, doctor, defectologist,

Actor, speaker is SPEECH THERAPIST.

Researcher, methodologist, innovator,

He is a diagnostician, corrector and expert,

Both consultant and observer -

A versatile specialist - SPEECH THERAPIST.

Speech therapist's office.

Card files of games and exercises, as well as other material for classes.

1. Workplace speech therapist.

2. Located under the shelf "Clue speech therapist» : Schedule of individual work with children; Schedule speech therapist(general); Reminders "Vowel sounds and letters", “Classification of consonant speech sounds”, "Structure of the dental system".

3. On the same wall there are wall mirrors and "Cobweb"(a place to attach demonstration material for repetition with children, as well as tips for speech therapist for classes).

4. To the left is the area for breathing development "Carousel" and hand motor skills "Colorful braids".

5. There is a small one here "Shop for finger development", where a child in free activity can take the following benefits and games:

5.2. Didactic games, insert games, lacing.

5.3. Massage balls (Sujok therapy).

5.4. Collection of shells, animals of the seas and oceans.

5.5. Fruits and vegetables.

5.6. A game "Guess what's making noise in the egg?"

5.8. Breezes; "Snake Repeat"; "Talking Frog".

5.9. Dry pool for hands from kinder eggs.

6. « Speech therapy assistants» - massage balls (soft and hard to the touch).

7. And on the shelf are our favorites « Speech therapy assistants» (in special jars): pebbles, shells, beads, colored strings, balloons, whistles, small toys from Kinder surprises, magnets, magnetic letters of different colors for a magnetic board, crumbs, buttons, puzzles and much more.

9. In the closet are « speech therapy keys» - probes and probe substitutes; aromatherapy oils; spatulas; alcohol; cotton buds; cotton pads; napkins; tubes; cotton wool

10. On the closet there are children’s toys and containers for developing breathing. "Snowfall".

11, 12. In the closet there are teaching materials, “Treasury of methodological material speech therapist» , as well as literature and other teaching aids.

13. B there is a computer in the office(I actively use modern ICT tools in my work with children).

14. Next to the training area there is a place for individual speech therapy work with children(equipped with various games, exercises).

15. Study area speech therapy room: board, magnetic board, place for attaching visual aids.

16. Handouts for literacy classes for preparatory speech therapy group(card chips for drawing up a sentence diagram, counting sticks, chips for stress and games "Traffic lights", colored woolen threads for laying out letters on velvet paper).

Speech therapy a corner for parents located in the hallway of the group.

The problem of transforming the educational space in which the upbringing, training and development of a child takes place occupies a special place in pedagogical research in recent years. At the same time, the correctional and developmental environment, as part of an integral form of pedagogical activity, is given a large role in the speech and mental development of children with speech underdevelopment. The most important principles of the functioning of such an environment are the principle of science, conformity with nature, long-term orientation, integrated use of environmental objects, and the principle of optimal saturation. “A properly organized subject-spatial environment in a speech therapy group creates opportunities for the successful elimination of speech defects, overcoming delays in speech development and allows the child to demonstrate his abilities not only in class, but also in free activity, stimulates the development of creative abilities, independence, initiative, helps to establish a sense of self-confidence, which means it contributes to the comprehensive harmonious development of the individual" (N.V. Nishcheva).

In our kindergarten, a compensatory group for children with general speech underdevelopment has been operating since September 2009. We tried to organize the development space of the group so that each child had the opportunity to exercise, observe, and achieve their goals. The group environment allows for the alternation of specially organized activities and free activities of children, promotes the implementation of a physical activity regime, which prevents mental fatigue and promotes health. In addition, when creating a correctional and developmental group environment, we strived to ensure that the environment was comfortable, aesthetic, mobile, and aroused the desire for independent activity.

The speech therapy group is a “fairyland” in which children learn beautiful and correct speech. Each group center is delimited from the rest of the space using furniture or air zoning and has its own hospitable owner who can teach children a lot.

The central character was S.P., borrowed from the manual “Teaching a Child to Speak and Read.” Tsukanova, L.L. Betz is a cheerful alien from Yup'ik. He “flew” to the children at the beginning of the school year and found himself in an amazing “land of beautiful and correct speech.” Together with Yupik, children learn to correctly pronounce the sounds of their native language, distinguish them by ear and pronunciation, become familiar with letters, and master the skill of continuous reading. Yupik teaches children to “speak” with their fingers - together with him, children perform finger gymnastics, which promotes the development of fine motor skills and stimulates the development of the brain and speech. Yup'ik's hands are made of knitted gloves. When learning new finger gymnastics, the teacher puts on gloves and shows the children the exercises. The children themselves can demonstrate a familiar game.

In the Zvukarika house there lives a Cat - Talker, who is always happy to have guests and helps children learn to perform complex articulation exercises (a soft doll with a tongue - a mitten). He is the owner of the speech corner. Here children practice correct sound pronunciation in front of a magic mirror, looking into which they always smile. The cat comes up with new exciting games for children with sounds and words: labyrinths, writing games, difficult words, etc. In the game, children master the pronunciation of “difficult” sounds.

At the stage of automation of sounds, it is convenient to use umbrellas - it is interesting to twirl them, name the figures placed on them, make a sentence about them, blow on the “droplets”, practice prepositional constructions. The umbrellas themselves are candy packaging and the figures were chosen by teachers and parents.

On the “5+5” shelf in the speech corner of the Cat-Talker there are various manuals for the development of fine motor skills. Many of them were made by the hands of creative teachers. There are “colored beads”, “funny rubber bands”, “snail”, “turtle”, “long ropes”, and, of course, the well-known and beloved children’s massagers - “hedgehogs” - su-jok and expanders. Laying thread in a spirally twisted turtle shell and snail shell not only develops fine motor skills, but also helps children develop perseverance and patience. Instead of a string, you can invite children to roll a bead through the maze - such exercises are also fun and useful for children. Children's favorite game is "Cinderella", in which you need to put peas and beans into two containers. The “Feed the Pig” guide captivates the kids - the children insert dry pasta into the small hole and the pig is happy! It’s easy to make a dry finger pool: take a basin or wide bucket and fill it with peas, beans, etc. In the pool there are toys, answers to riddles, pictures - everything the teacher wants. If the pool is filled with buttons, then in addition to developing fine motor skills, you can learn to count, compare by size, shape (visual perception), and develop tactile sensations.

Breathing exercises improve rhythms, increase energy supply to brain activity, eliminate many somatic disorders, calm, relieve stress, etc. (A.L. Sirotyuk). While teaching children how to exhale for a long time, we installed a “Blow, Breeze” shelf in the speech corner. Here, available for children, there are breathing simulators, also made by adults: “TV”, “Glutton Cat”, “Butterflies”, “Colored Circles”. Children love to launch boats in a basin of water, play “Football,” and blow “frost pictures” out of a straw. In the evening, children organize an orchestra - each bubble sounds differently.

All children love Kinder surprises and bring toys found inside chocolate eggs to kindergarten. It turned out that these toys can be used usefully: to practice the syllabic structure of words and improve counting skills: one blue hippopotamus, two blue hippopotamuses, three blue hippopotamuses: ten blue hippopotamuses. The group has a whole collection of such toys. Children are happy to talk about the toys they brought, write funny and educational stories, and build cities and homes for their characters.

The learning center is equipped with a magnetic board, a cut-out alphabet and a “Miracle Tree” on which the smart Eagle Owl lives. Smart Owl brings children pictures, puzzles, riddles, helps them learn the complex grammar of their native language and enrich their vocabulary. Organized classes are interesting here. Each child gets the opportunity to practically work with educational material: lay out a word or a sentence from letters on a typesetting canvas, distribute the words among the trailers.

You can practice composing words right on the soft sofa - there are bright pillows with “scattered” words. Whoever makes the longest word gets a badge.

The “sensory alphabet”, which the teachers lovingly created, helps you remember the visual image of the letters. Various materials are glued onto letters cut from linoleum - cereals, paper of different textures, foil, fabrics, fur, floral bugs, etc.

Many researchers (R.E. Levina, G.A. Nikishina, G.A. Kashe, etc.) assign the leading place in an integrated approach to the correction of speech disorders to the formation of phonemic hearing and perception, i.e. ability to perceive and distinguish speech sounds. The highest degree of phonemic hearing and perception is sound analysis: the ability to determine which sounds are heard in a word, determine their order and quantity. For children with speech impairments, mastering such material causes significant difficulties. Therefore, teachers are looking for new teaching aids that can increase interest in classes and facilitate children’s understanding of new material. To determine the presence and location of a sound in a word, a “Flower Meadow” was located on the wall. On the petals of the "speech flowers" children place pictures whose names contain the sound they are learning. Gradually, the flower meadow accumulates a sound dictionary. The color of the letter on the petal indicates the acoustic characteristics of sounds: a vowel is red, blue is a hard consonant, green is a soft consonant. The difficulty of studying sounds is due to the somewhat abstract nature of the material. The perception of sound is possible only while it is sounding, which means for a short time. Little “sound” people made from containers from Kinder surprises help “materialize” sounds. When playing with homemade dolls, children turn on all their analyzers - tactile, auditory, visual, motor. The sounds differ in color (depending on the designated sound), the heads are made of different materials: if the sound is hard, the head is made of a hard ball from a pyramid; if the sound is soft, the head is made of threads, soft to the touch. A loud sound rings - metal nuts are hidden inside it. The sound learners must find their room in the house - in a word, line up in the order of sounds.

In the center of artistic, aesthetic and creative development are musical instruments, fairy-tale characters made from various materials for all types of theater - from tabletop and flat, to finger and "bi-ba-bo" puppets. With the help of heroes of Russian folk tales, familiar to children from an early age, teachers can easily overcome speech negativism in children with motor alalia and retain the attention of hyperactive children. Children enjoy playing in the theater. The game helps to develop prosodic components of speech - intonation, diction, vocal function; develop self-confidence and communication skills. Materials for visual arts - drawing, modeling, appliqué - are also located here. The main character of the center changes depending on the lexical topic being studied. For example, when studying the lexical block “Home. Rooms Furniture. Crockery,” 3 bears become the owners of the corner. Remembering a familiar fairy tale, children describe the room of each character, the furniture, dishes in the rooms, draw them, and depict the habits of animals. This helps to update the vocabulary accumulated in classes, improve children’s coherent speech, and practice the correct use of grammatical forms of the language.

In the conditions of the Far North, children's perception of natural objects is limited. The short duration of the off-season, the absence of bright natural phenomena (trees blooming, birds arriving:) extremely impoverishes children's impressions. Many natural objects and phenomena can be learned from pictures. This is reflected in children's speech. A natural corner organized in a group room allows you to fill the gap. Houseplants, an aquarium, a weather calendar, plot pictures of the corresponding time of year, and a “portrait of the month” are placed here. Children learn the seasons and seasonal changes in nature.

A long period of dark polar night weakens the health of children and negatively affects the vision of preschoolers. As is known, eye motility is an integral component of all types of cognitive activity, and above all educational activity (A.L. Sirotyuk). I.M. Sechenov drew attention to the fact that the formation of higher mental processes is based on a material basis - an elementary visual-motor act. Consequently, for the full mental development of children, spatial search activity of the visual organs is required. Oculomotor exercises allow you to expand the space of visual perception (A.L. Sirotyuk). To conduct oculomotor gymnastics in the group, diagrams of visual-motor trajectories are drawn. Various little animals run along the “paths”; children must follow with their eyes and “help” the fairy-tale character run to the end of the path. When children master smooth movement of their eyes based on the line of the diagram, they are asked to “draw” imaginary figures with their eyes without visual support. Such exercises train the muscles that control eye movements, relieve mental fatigue, promote the development of visual perception, improve the circulation of intraocular fluid, and train the eye’s ability to focus.

A large carpet allows you to perform physical exercises right in the group room to develop coordination of movements, stretching to normalize muscle tone, carry out relaxation exercises and physical exercises during classes to prevent children from getting tired.

THAT. In the correctional and developmental environment of the speech therapy group, all conditions have been created for consciously regulated activities of children, which carry the direction of correctional influence on speech and mental development, providing for their interaction. The practical significance of this approach to organizing a developmental space is that with an individual and personal approach to each child, the effectiveness of correctional influence increases, which helps improve the quality and durability of work results.

Poster presentation

Speech therapy corner of the speech group as part of the subject-development environment.

Completed by: Kamalova E.V.,


Kazan, 2014

The problem of speech in all its species diversity is relevant in preschool age. Today, there are many techniques that can be used to regulate the process of speech development in children. The most important condition for improving the speech activity of preschoolers is the creation of an emotionally favorable situation that promotes the desire to actively participate in verbal communication. At the same time, play communication between children is of particular importance. Playful communication is the necessary basis within which the formation and improvement of a child’s speech activity takes place.

The development of a preschool child is greatly influenced by the space around him, the environment in which he spends most of the time. In a preschool setting, such an environment is a group room.

The problem of organizing a subject-developmental environment takes on particular significance when working in a preschool educational institution of a compensatory type for children with special needs. Children’s activities (independent and under the guidance of a teacher) that are not regulated by the scope of their classes last the longest. During this activity, educators organize individual and subgroup correction-oriented forms of interaction with children. A subject-based developmental environment makes it possible to enrich the experience of a child’s emotional and practical interaction with peers and the teacher, and to include all children in the group in active cognitive activity. The environment stimulates the development of independence and initiative. In it, children realize their abilities.

The subject-development environment includes a correctional corner. It is a specially equipped space for playing alone or in small groups.

Its equipment includes shelving located at different levels; mirror; gaming, didactic and visual material. With their help, teachers create conditions for correcting deviations in the development of children, stimulating speech activity and verbal communication. The teachers of our preschool educational institution have improved the existing correctional corners in groups. When selecting didactic material, the following were taken into account:
- filling of the corner;
- variety of materials;
- age appropriate;
- availability;
- consistency;
- design aesthetics;
- leading toy (“mistress” of the correctional corner).

The content was based on thematic planning on lexical topics. The selection of gaming and didactic material is carried out on the basis of the recommendations of the speech therapist, which makes his interaction with teachers not formal, but very close and fruitful. The content is not determined by chance, but in strict accordance with the program, physiological and psychological-pedagogical features of speech formation with its general underdevelopment.

Didactic equipment corresponds to the structure of children’s speech disorders, their individual and age characteristics. Experience shows that only with this approach is effective speech correction of preschool children possible. With a random, formal selection of games, children’s perception volume is overloaded and they do not learn the lexical topic well.

The material contained in the correction corner is multifunctional. The games are selected in order of increasing complexity and are aimed at correcting speech and extra-speech mental processes and functions that make up the psychological basis of speech. Game and didactic material is replaced or replenished in the correctional corner weekly, depending on the lexical topic (Appendix 1). At the same time, there is material on two topics: the one being reinforced and the one being studied.

Didactic equipment must meet the needs of the child’s current, immediate development and self-development. A subject space that is empty in content tires and encourages idleness and aggression. At the same time, you should not overload the corner with equipment, as this makes selection difficult. The more complex and varied the activity, the more necessary speech is, the greater the need for communication.

All material, within the framework of the lexical topic, selected by the group’s specialists, corresponds to the age of the children. Relying on play as the leading activity of preschoolers provides teachers with a significant positive effect in correctional work. The game creates conditions for informal communication between the child and peers and adults, and provides him with complete freedom of action. Therefore, the game material is available to him. This has a positive effect on speech development and intellectual development in general.

Compiling gaming and didactic material in the correctional corner on lexical topics already presupposes systematic work. But its location can also be included in the system. It is regulated by an adult in accordance with the sections of the program or the corrective tasks being solved. Children easily get used to this system. And the introduction of color markers on envelopes and drives containing games helps them in this. Small play material is placed in plastic, transparent containers with easy-to-remove lids.

When creating a group development environment, it is very important that the environment surrounding the children is comfortable and aesthetically pleasing. Beauty shapes a child. Therefore, we pay great attention to the aesthetics of the correction corner. Its design should be attractive to children and arouse their desire for independent activity. At the same time, it is necessary to teach children to maintain order in the corner and cultivate a caring attitude towards toys.

It is advisable to locate the correction corner in a well-lit place and somewhat distant from the playing area. This will create more comfortable conditions for studying there. Access to the corner should be convenient so that children can approach it themselves and study. With sufficient lighting. The proximity of the play area will interfere with classes in the correctional corner and distract the child from completing tasks.

A toy occupies a special place in a child’s objective world. She is a friend, a partner in the game, an interlocutor. Puppet therapy allows you to solve such important correctional problems as overcoming uncertainty, shyness, achieving emotional stability and self-regulation. Therefore, it was decided to make a toy the key character, the owner of the corner. This toy is multifunctional. This must be an animated character. His ability to move (with the help of an adult or child), ask or answer questions, make riddles, invent interesting stories, invite friends to visit, present unexpected surprises arouses keen interest in children and encourages speech activity. The toy may have a bright, movable tongue, which can be used to easily explain articulatory gymnastics exercises to children. The toy's clothing contains various elements for the development of fine motor skills (hooks, Velcro, buttons, laces, buttons, buckles, clips, zippers, ribbons, etc.). The fabric from which the clothes are made can be different, which allows children to easily learn the names of the materials, as well as characterize their properties (using tactile sensations). The color scheme helps to remember the main and shading colors. If the character has movable arms or legs, then with their help children quickly master the skills of orientation in the body diagram.

As our experience shows, recommendations for the content of the correctional corner developed by speech therapists allowed teachers to create additional conditions for creating an enriched subject-developing and supportive speech environment in the group. We had a consultation on organizing correctional corners and an exhibition-competition in which the entire teaching staff took part. In this work, the creative abilities of teachers were fully demonstrated. And summing up the results on a competitive basis revealed a high level of their skill.

Thus, the use of a correctional corner allows you to expand the environment in the group, create in children emotional responsiveness and a desire to participate in verbal communication with adults and independently, during the game, easily and naturally develop and improve their speech skills.


1. T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkina. Preparing children with general speech underdevelopment for school in a special kindergarten (in two parts), M.; 1993.

2. E.D. Khudenko, T.S. Melnikova, S.N. Shakhovskaya. How to teach a child to think and speak. M.; NPF "Uniserv", 1993.

3. S. Vasilyeva, N. Sokolova. Speech therapy games for preschoolers. M.; 1999.

4. M.F. Fomicheva. Teaching children correct pronunciation. M.; 1981.

5. V.V. Kovalenko, S.V. Kovalenko. Articulatory and fingering

gymnastics M.; 2004.

6. L.S. Savina. Finger gymnastics for the development of speech in preschoolers. M.; 1999.

7. N.V. Miklyaeva, O.A. Polozova. Phonetic and speech therapy rhythms in preschool educational institutions. M.; 2004.

8. S.A. Mironova Speech development of preschool children in speech therapy classes. M.; 1991.

9. Varentsova N.S., Kolesnikova E.V. Development of phonemic hearing in preschool children. M.; 1995.

10. A.V. Krapukhin, S.N. Shakhovskaya, O.A. Ishimova. Learn to think and speak. M.; 1990.

11. L.N. Arefieva. Lexical topics on the development of speech of children 4-8 years old. M.; Sphere, 2005.

12. N.V. Novotortseva. Preparing a child for school. First steps in mastering reading.

13. O.A. Belorybkina. Speech and communication. Yaroslavl, 1998.

Appendix No. 1

Occupancy of the correctional corner in the senior group.



Fine motor skills



Drawing by cells


Game "Butterflies Flew"

Game "Blow on the Bird"

Phonemic hearing

Game "Noisy boxes"

Game "Telegram"

Sound analysis and synthesis (certificate)

Game "Chain of words"

Game "Voice - Deaf"

Game "Schemes and words"

Sound pronunciation

Game “Funny Tongue” (articulation gymnastics)

Lotto mosaic

Tongue Twisters


Picture dictionary (subject pictures for the sounds S, Сь, З, Зь, Ц, Ш, Ж, Ф, Ш, Ш, Л, Л, Р, Рь)

"Thematic Lotto"

Game “I Know All Professions”

Game "Family"

Game “Say it in one word”

Game “Tell about your city”

Syllable structure

Game "Long and short words"

Grammatical structure of speech

Game “Name it kindly”

Game "One - Many"

Lotto "Little Words"

Connected speech

Game "What first, what then"

Game “Create a continuation of the story”

Game “What did the artist mix up?”

Game "Sound, light, water"

Higher mental functions

Game "Find the differences" (attention)

Game "Find out what it is?" (perception)

Game “Whose silhouette?”

Game "Objects and Contours"

Game "Confusion"

Game "Wings, paws and tails"

Game "Fourth wheel"


1. Card indexes:

  • breathing exercises;
  • finger games;
  • exercises to develop phonemic awareness;
  • riddles

2. Svetlova I. Home speech therapist. – M., 2002.

Speech therapist's corner

10 simple tips for parents

A child’s speech develops under the influence of the speech of adults and depends on sufficient speech practice, a normal social environment, upbringing and training, which begin from the first days of his life.

1 tip. Talk to your child during all activities such as cooking, cleaning, dressing, undressing, playing, walking, etc. Talk about what you are doing, what you see your child doing, what other people are doing, and what your child is seeing.

Tip 2. Speak using CORRECTLY constructed phrases and sentences. Your sentence should be 1-2 words longer than the child's. If your child still speaks only in one-word sentences, then your phrase should consist of 2 words.

Tip 3 Ask OPEN questions. This will encourage your child to use multiple words to answer. For example, say "What is he doing?" instead of “Is he playing?”

Tip 4 Maintain a temporary pause so that the child has the opportunity to speak and answer questions.

Tip 5 Listen to sounds and noises. Ask "What is this?" This could be a dog barking, wind noise, an airplane engine, etc.

Tip 6 Tell a short story, a story. Then help your child tell the same story to you or someone else.

Tip 7 If your child uses only a few words in his speech, help him enrich his speech with new words. Choose 5-6 simple words (body parts, toys, products) and name them to your child. Give him the opportunity to repeat these words. Don't expect your child to pronounce them perfectly. Encourage your child and continue to memorize them. After the child has said these words, introduce 5-6 new words. Add words until your child recognizes most of the items. Exercise every day.

Tip 8 If your child only says one word, start teaching him short phrases. Use words that your child knows. Add color, size, action. For example, if a child says “ball”, consistently teach him to say “Big ball”, “Tanya ball”, etc.

Tip 9 Do most of your activities in a playful way. Working with a child should activate speech imitation, form elements of coherent speech, and develop memory and attention.

Tip 10 It is very important to pay attention to the child’s speech development at an early age, and not wait for him to “speak on his own.”

Speech therapist's corner

Types of difficulties in learning to read and their possible causes

(M. M. Bezrukikh)

Types of difficulties

Possible reasons

1. Poorly remembers the configuration.

2. Insufficient discrimination of letters with similar configurations “p-n”, “v-a”, “g-t” (confuses letters when reading).

Insufficient development of visual perception;

Insufficient development of visual memory.

3. Rearranging letters when reading (cancer - car, nose - sleep).

Insufficient development of visual perception.

4. Substitution of letters, incorrect pronunciation when reading.

Insufficient development of sound-letter analysis, pronunciation problems, articulation difficulties.

5. Difficulty merging letters when reading (each letter is easy to read separately, but difficult to read together).

Insufficient development of visual-spatial perception;

Insufficient maturity of the cerebral cortex.

6. Omissions of words and letters (“inattentive” reading).

Functional weakness of the central nervous system;

Difficulty concentrating;

Marked fatigue.

Speech therapist's corner

Children under 5 years old should learn a foreign language

tongue is harmful!

English speech therapists have proven that children who find themselves in a bilingual environment from birth are prone to speech defects. Children who speak two languages ​​often confuse words and have difficulty expressing their thoughts.

Speech therapists came to this conclusion after conducting a study in a group of preschool children speaking two languages. Experts noticed speech defects in 60% of children. Such speech deficiencies, according to speech therapists, are more difficult to eliminate than similar defects in preschoolers who do not know a foreign language.

Educators and child psychologists have long been studying the so-called bilinguals- children who have spoken two languages ​​since childhood. It has been established that such children do not feel where their main, native language is.

Experts do not advise introducing foreign expressions into speech when communicating with a child - the child may not understand what language they are speaking to him. This will affect the further formation of his “feeling of his native language,” which threatens various kinds of lexical and grammatical errors.

Speech therapist's corner

Why do you need a speech therapist?

And in fact, who are speech therapists and most importantly, what do they do? Many people believe that speech therapists are those who “teach you how to say the letter R correctly.” Of course, these people are partially right, but this is not all that a speech therapist does.

Yes, we teach how to pronounce sounds correctly (and not only R), but at the same time we develop coherent speech, fine motor skills, learn how to correctly generalize objects, distinguish different sounds by ear...

You may ask: why is this necessary? But every mommy and every daddy wants his child to be the best and, of course, to do well in school. And if the speech therapist does not overcome all the difficulties that arose in kindergarten in time, these difficulties will haunt the child at school.

If he doesn’t know how to tell a beautiful and correct story, it will be difficult to learn history, geography, in short, all those sciences that require retelling.

If he cannot distinguish sounds by ear, he will have difficulties with the Russian language, he will confuse letters in writing, and it will be difficult to learn to read.

If your fingers are not developed, it will be difficult to learn to write at all.

If he cannot generalize, he will have problems with thinking, and therefore with mathematics.

And, of course, if a child does not pronounce all the sounds of our native language, he will inevitably have problems in communication, complexes will arise that will prevent him from fully revealing his natural abilities and intellectual capabilities.

Thus, the task of a speech therapist is to help the child overcome all difficulties that arise in a timely manner.

And finally, a little humorous illustration:

Olesik always had trouble with the letter “ER”

If he says “CANCER”, “VARNISH” comes out; instead of “RYE”, “LIES” comes out.

So, so that your child does not have such trouble or any other one related to speech, a speech therapist is needed. We will definitely help you! And remember that childhood is a stage of preparation for future life.

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How to teach a child to listen?

There is only one way to teach a child to listen (perceive information by ear), to teach him what he will be doing for at least another 10 years at school:

A preschool child needs to read a lot (but not comics with a minimum of text).

It is advisable to buy children well-illustrated books by famous children's classics that are familiar to us from our own childhood (for example, Andersen's fairy tales).

When purchasing, be sure to look at the text and pictures. Sometimes the text is so shamelessly cut down or distorted that only the general plot remains of a favorite fairy tale. The pictures should be realistic, so that the child can easily recognize the characters, and not puzzle over who the artist painted - a hare, a mouse or a kitten.

Another way (easier for parents, but not canceling parental reading) is audio cassettes .

It is important to pay attention to what exactly is being said. It is desirable that classics prevail in a children's home collection. It is equally important which actors and in which studio voiced the text.

The best were and still are recordings from gramophone records and radio plays made back in Soviet times. It is difficult to imagine that now in such a low-profit enterprise as a 40-minute children's audio play it was possible to involve several of the best domestic actors at once (and, for example, only in Andersen’s fairy tale “The King’s New Clothes” of the Aprelevsky Record Factory there are five of them: N. Litvinov, R. Plyatt , E. Vestnik, O. Tabakov, G. Vitsin).

Audio recordings are now treated in the same way - as an outdated medium compared to video cassettes. But psychologists and speech therapists notice that a lot of videos are harmful for children, especially for children with low concentration ability, weak attention, excitable and aggressive children. Attempts to create television schools and educational programs on television have shown that these programs are ineffective. Basically, the learning process is carried out using classical ancient methods.

If it’s hard for a child to listen, he quickly gets tired and gets distracted; first, it’s better to take recordings where the text is interspersed with music and songs so that the baby can rest and move around.

Speech therapist's corner

How to develop small arm muscles


    Knead the dough, clay, plasticine with your fingers.

    Roll small beads, pebbles, balls with each finger in turn.

    Clap your hands quietly, loudly, at different tempos.

    String beads and buttons onto threads.

    Tie knots on thick and thin ropes and laces.

    Start the alarm clock and toys with a key.

    Shading, drawing, coloring with pencil, chalk, paints, pen

    Cut with scissors.

    Design from paper (origami), sew, embroider, knit.

    Do finger exercises.

    Draw patterns according to the cells in your notebook.

    Practice on the home stadium and on equipment where finger grip is required (rings, crossbar, etc.).

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Left-handed child

Left-handedness is the preferred use of the left hand to perform various activities. It has been established that left-handedness is ten to twelve times more common in families in which at least one of the parents is left-handed, i.e. wears inherited character.

Except explicit , often meets hidden left-handedness. Such a person has been accustomed since childhood to use his right hand, but during unusual actions or in a state of passion he uses his left.

If for a right-hander the leading hemisphere of the brain is the left one, then for a left-hander the leading one is the right one. Both hemispheres are responsible for completely different functions, so it is clear that right-handers and left-handers differ significantly from each other. Left-handed children are usually especially artistically gifted and very emotional children. From the age of three, they are much better than other children at drawing and sculpting from clay or plasticine. Everyone notes the great musical abilities of left-handers; their ear for music is not uncommon. But at the same time, they are characterized by speech delay and difficulty in pronouncing various sounds. Such a child is spontaneous, trusting, easily influenced by momentary feelings and moods, whiny, capricious and subject to rage and anger, persistent in fulfilling his desires, and very stubborn. He has great difficulty reading and writing. Despite these features, left-handed Fine goes through all stages of physical and mental development and becomes absolutely a full-fledged personality. Retraining a left-handed person cannot change the characteristics of his central nervous system. It only leads to the fact that the child begins to use both hands with equal success, i.e. left-handedness takes on a hidden form. Scientists believe that retraining left-handers inappropriate and even harmful, since sometimes this leads to mental trauma and neuroses, as well as speech disorders (for example, stuttering). You can prevent the development of left-handedness if, from a very early age, you try to give your child objects only in his right hand; carefully but persistently transfer objects from the left hand to the right (for example, a spoon while eating), use predominantly the right hand in the game, etc.

Speech therapist's corner

Communicating with a child - developing speech

The speech of a small child develops gradually.

Even in the womb, the baby gets used to her voice and distinguishes it from other voices. When the baby is born, the mother should talk to him as often as possible. Even if the little man does not understand much, he really needs to hear speech in order to master his native language over time.

When dressing the baby for a walk, the mother says out loud what she is dressing him for, where they will go for a walk, what the weather is like outside, etc.

If a mother feeds a child, then the same process of learning to perceive speech occurs: “a spoon for mom, for dad, etc.; “If you eat well, you will grow big and strong.” The child listens carefully, reacts with gestures, smiles, and hums.

Gradually, the child accumulates a passive vocabulary, develops attention and thinking. If you do not talk to the child and spend all routine moments (dressing, feeding, walking) in silence, then speech and mental processes will not develop.

For example, children who are raised in an orphanage very often have children with mental retardation and various speech disorders. I saw children like this in the hospital. I came to see my son, and we went around the department to talk to the doctor. There were babies in the boxes. The little ones are absolutely cute and defenseless. The son said that these children are lying here alone, without their parents. Nurses sometimes allow older children to visit the children and play with them. Children from 2 to 5 months. They lie in large (for their age) cribs and look at one point, some are sleeping. The sight is heartbreaking. Nobody needs them, they were abandoned right in the maternity hospital, a few hours after birth.

Who will talk to them, communicate, play, love, care for them? What will these children grow up to be?

Let's love children, cherish, cherish, pamper, protect, protect and hope that they will grow up to be the most wonderful!

Speech therapist's corner

Preparing a child's hand for writing

Preparing a child's hand for writing begins long before entering school. Drawing doodles, shading, sculpting, massage of fingers and hands, working with mosaics, construction sets and much more will help the future student learn to write beautifully without experiencing fatigue and negative emotions. It is important to teach your child right away Right hold a writing object. This, as practice shows, remains without due attention from adults. It would seem that he should write as he pleases, but it is very difficult to retrain a child who has learned to hold a pen incorrectly. But asis that right?

When writing, the writing object lies on the upper phalanx of the middle finger, is fixed with the thumb and index finger, the thumb is located slightly higher than the index finger; support on the little finger; The middle and nameless ones are located almost perpendicular to the edge of the table. The distance from the lower tip of the writing implement to the index finger is 1.5-2 cm. The end of the writing implement is oriented towards the shoulder. The hand is in motion, the elbow does not leave the table. Next, you should observe how the child writes and decide whether he performs this action correctly.

You should be alarmed if your child actively turns the sheet when drawing and coloring. In this case, the baby does not know how to change the direction of the line with his fingers. It is advisable to monitor a child’s writing skill before he turns four years old in order to have time to correct the incorrect skill before entering school. A six-year-old child can study for no more than twenty minutes. If your child takes a long time to button up his buttons for school, doesn’t know how to tie his shoelaces, or often drops something from his hands, you should pay attention to development of writing skills.

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Causes of speech disorders

The exact cause of the violations, of course, must be determined by the doctor. You may need to consult not only a speech therapist, but also a neurologist, orthodontist and otolaryngologist. But you yourself can guess what could cause the delay in speech development.

Possible reasons:

Negative factors during pregnancy and childbirth;

- “pedagogical neglect” - a child, for various reasons, does not receive enough attention to himself; here we are talking not only about the lack of regular activities with the child, but first of all about communication with the child as a whole;

Perinatal encephalopathy (PEP) is one of the most common diagnoses; this concept unites brain lesions of various origins before, during or after childbirth. This diagnosis does not mean the child is inferior, but such a child needs a very qualified specialist;

Frequent illnesses, infections, injuries up to 3 years;

Hereditary factors;

Hearing loss;

Anatomical features of the maxillofacial apparatus;

Thumb sucking.

Speech therapist's corner

For parents of first graders

A child acquires many new responsibilities at school. He must learn to organize his time and the space around him. How collected and successful a child will be in educational activities depends on the parents. Here are a few rules for parents.

Rule 1: Do not express a negative opinion about the school in front of your child.

Rule 2: a first-grader’s workplace should be comfortable, attractive and conducive to intellectual activity.

Rule 3: Do not turn preparing homework into an endless process.

Rule 4: it is necessary to combine or alternate various types of activities of a primary school student, taking into account the specifics of the material and the degree of its complexity. Parents should not forget that learning can become more engaging and accessible through play.

Rule 5: Every person has the right to make mistakes. If a child makes a mistake while completing a task, it is important to see and correct it, but under no circumstances force him to rewrite the entire task again.

Rule 6: All the child’s achievements should be considered important. This will give him confidence and increase the importance of the work performed in his eyes.

Rule 7: parents should try to avoid comparisons with other children that are unfavorable for the child, and should not be embarrassed to talk about his successes and merits in the presence of other people, especially teachers and classmates. Public opinion and self-esteem of the child should be positive.

Good luck to you and your child!

Speech therapist's corner

Social causes of sound pronunciation disorders

Often the cause of defective sound pronunciation is the incorrect speech of the adults around the child, bilingualism in the family, as well as lisp.

If the parents in the family have sound pronunciation defects(for example, dad or mom doesn’t pronounce the sound “R” or “L”), then the child will imitate this incorrect pronunciation. This is precisely what can explain the frequent cases of “family burr.” In this case, parents who have incorrect pronunciation of sound cannot automate the sound with their child. When a child has a sound, it needs to be automated in classes with teachers or with a parent who does not have speech problems.

If in the family "bilingualism", then this becomes a big problem. In kindergarten, a child learns to pronounce the sounds of the Russian language, but comes home and hears a different speech. It is good when, in this case, parents meet the teachers halfway and do not use a second language during classes with a speech therapist on production and automation of sounds. I will add that early English lessons are not recommended for children who have problems with sound pronunciation.

It’s a different story when parents start consciously “adapt” to the child’s speech, copy his incorrect pronunciation. As a result, the child is not only deprived of the right role model, but also loses the incentive to improve his own speech - after all, his speech is already liked by adults. In this case, the help of a speech therapist is required.

There are times when parents are inattentive, are indifferent to the child’s speech, do not pay attention to incorrect pronunciation, as well as to speech in general. This can be called pedagogical neglect.

All of the above reasons for incorrect pronunciation are social. In these cases, the child is prevented from independently mastering the correct sound pronunciation by the environment.

What to do in such cases? Immediately run to a speech therapist and do not wait until your child’s sound pronunciation “on its own” becomes normal.

Speech therapist's corner Teach children to speak expressively

About 53% of children with delays in speech development cannot express the emotional and semantic content of a statement, in other words, they do not know how to speak expressively.

In this regard, parents need to perform special exercises with their children that will help them learn to speak with expression.

1. The child practices pronouncing short phrases with a given intonation.

An adult says a phrase, for example: Finally the sun came out! The child reproduces the phrase with the same intonation first together with the adult. Then the baby first listens to the adult, and then repeats the phrase one with the same expression ( Mom is at home? Katya is here! ).

Finally, the child is invited to come up with his own sentences and pronounce them with the right intonation on his own.

2. Further work on the formation of the intonation side of speech is carried out on the material of several sentences; then short stories, stories, poems, fairy tales. The sequence of stages of work is maintained: together with an adult, after him, independently.

When performing all exercises, it is good to use facial expressions and gestures.

3. The adult pronounces the phrase, highlighting each word. For example, Natasha gave Sasha a horse. Asks the child questions, highlighting the desired word intonationally and asks for a complete answer, ensuring that the child also emphasizes the word - the answer is intonationally: Who gave a horse to Sasha? -

Natasha gave Sasha a horse.

What did you do Natasha? – Natasha gave Sasha a horse.

To whom Did Natasha give you a horse? - Natasha gave Sachet horse.

What did Natasha give to Sasha? - Natasha gave it to Sasha horse u.

4. Learn the poem with your child to reinforce it. Make sure that he uses intonation means of expression correctly.

For example: The bunny is crying: - Oh - oh - oh!

I hit my foot!

- We'll get the iodine now,

And your leg will pass.

You are very big with us,

Why are you crying: - oh - oh - oh!