Incredible facts

Who is this witch?

And how to recognize her among a crowd of people?

Is it a curse to be her or a reward from above?

As a rule, the word witch is pronounced in a half whisper.

Many people associate the meaning of this word with something forbidden and shameful. Of course, the reason for this is some stereotypes that have developed from time immemorial in the wake of patriarchy, male dominance in society, which has permeated the planet for 5 thousand years.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that very often male energy simply suppressed female energy if it turned out to be stronger.

© Everett Historical / Shutterstock

Just look at the so-called witch hunts in medieval Europe. Thousands of lives lost were the result of the hysterical mood of the crowd and its ignorant mentality.

If a woman was beautiful, had red hair, or simply loved cats, she could be declared a witch, captured and burned at the stake.

© Tereshchenko Dmitry / Shutterstock

At that time, a huge number of wise women, healers, and those who were close to the earth were killed. In the Middle Ages, any woman who refused to obey Christian and patriarchal laws could easily be killed.

Under false pretenses, amid growing hysteria, thousands of innocent lives were ruined by those who simply seemed strange and incomprehensible to others.

In fairness, it is very important to bring back the beauty, power and heritage of the word "witch". The witch's goal has always been and will be the earth.

Witches love the earth and worship nature. And nature is not Satan.

Another common myth about huge warts on a witch’s nose was formed as a result of the influence of Hollywood films. Scary Halloween masks do not reflect reality at all.

© Nazarova Mariia / Shutterstock

In fact, witches are beautiful and natural, like nature itself. They do no harm and live by the rules of karma : everything they do comes back to them threefold.

The more we kill the earth, the more we kill ourselves. Witches enjoy communion with the wild and are influenced by the Earth cycle and lunar phases.

So how can you recognize a witch among millions of ordinary women? Is she a witch? Or maybe you yourself have asked this question more than once? Here are 13 mystical signs that can help you determine if you are a witch:

How to recognize a witch

1. Connection with the power of the earth

© Zolotarevs / Shutterstock

A witch is a woman of the earth. We inherit her natural strength, the ability to give birth, transform, and heal. Feminine strength and energy is very similar to the power of the earth.

Do you know how to see signs in simple things and find answers to your questions in the patterns that nature draws? Is her wisdom your wisdom?

Do your life and your body adapt to the seasonal changes of nature? If you are active and dynamic in the summer, become sluggish and calm in the fall, seem to be dead in the winter, and are reborn in the spring, then you are completely dependent on the whims of nature.

Signs of a witch in a woman

2. Inner wisdom

© Michael C. Gray / Shutterstock

You undoubtedly have something of a witch in you if:

You feel that a cauldron of natural healing wisdom is boiling inside you, and people turn to you for advice, talk about their life, love, or share their problems in the hope that you will help them.

You, in turn, give them advice or prepared herbal tinctures and various potions(because she is well acquainted with the properties of plants). People leave you with hearts full of hope for happiness and healing.

How do I know if I'm a witch?

3. Closeness to nature

© Irina Alexandrovna / Shutterstock

Do you live in a forest or near a pond? If not, do you spend a lot of time in such places, preferring them to urban areas?

Witches, being inextricably linked with nature, try to be as close to nature as possible and spend as much time with it as possible. Her natural beauty and energy nourish the witches and give them strength.

© saravutpics/Shutterstock

Many perform their rituals near water or in the forest. If you are a witch, you feel right at home in nature.

Signs of a witch

4. You are not afraid of storms and storms

© Tongsai/Shutterstock

You do not feel fear, even when nature is raging so much that it seems like the apocalypse has arrived. Moreover, you enjoy storms and storms, and sometimes you wonder if perhaps your own energy caused such a disaster.

The witch revels in the power of nature in all its manifestations. She rejoices in the rain and the wind.

5. Love for animals

© Susan Schmitz / Shutterstock

You love the animal world and empathize with all living beings on our planet. You are able to feel their pain and cry with him.

In some strange natural way, you know the entire animal race, are able to understand it, and also see the signs that animals give you.

© Stasia04 / Shutterstock

Often lost dogs come into your house or birds fly into your windows. And it also happens that in the field an unfamiliar horse will come close and lean its head on your shoulder.

Can you talk to animals, understand their requests and heal them from illnesses?

Witches and animals are so dependent on nature that they can speak a similar energetic language and easily recognize each other.

How to spot a witch

6. Influence of the Moon

© View57 / Shutterstock

Does your activity and mood depend on the lunar phases? The energy of the moon affects you. When you were a little girl and standing by a moonlit window, did you talk to the moon? Are you adapting to its phases now?

For example, do you start any new projects or relationships when the moon is exceptionally waxing? Have you noticed that when the moon is full, things around you begin to behave strangely, and when it is waning, all endeavors or relationships weaken and decline?

© tugol/Shutterstock

If you have the traits of a witch, you will not miss the opportunity to sit alone in complete silence on a new moon. In the dark, you like to dream and make plans for the future.

So, on a new moon, you adapt to the phases of the moon, drawing on its energy.

Witch Abilities

7. Powerful power to make wishes come true

Do you have any suspicions that your wishes have the ability to come true? Be careful with them, because both good and bad wishes can come true.

Witches are as old as time. If you are a witch, in your eyes you can see ancient stories and secrets of the earth, myths and secrets, answers to many questions.

8. The ability to heal people

© VeronArt16 / Shutterstock

Most likely, you have the traits of a witch if you have the desire and ability to heal people.

You have the gift of choosing medicinal herbs, natural energy products for yourself and loved ones. You are undoubtedly a witch if you simply place your hand on someone’s sore back or bruise, and the next day the pain disappears and the wound heals.

People can be cured of their illnesses, even if they are just near you. Witches, being very close to the earth, are natural healers.

Witch Traits

9. Memories of a past life

© Evgeniia Litovchenko / Shutterstock

As a rule, witches remember their past lives. Many of them have painful memories of being burned at the stake or drowned in the Middle Ages simply because they were wild, wise and free.

Witches are desperately trying to drive away images from the past.

10. White Crow

© Nikolenko Roman / Shutterstock

As a rule, witches always feel uncomfortable around people. They are often considered black sheep and underestimated, despite the fact that they are wise and insightful. People around them simply do not understand them.

Sometimes they are said to be outsiders, since they often withdraw into themselves and avoid people, although serious passions are seething inside them.

© Kiselev Andrey Valerevich / Shutterstock

If you are a witch, most likely you do not fit into generally accepted norms and rules. You know secret and sacred things and can discern what others cannot understand.

You do not blend in with a large crowd, but, on the contrary, prefer loneliness. You are very sensitive and fragile, but at the same time you have the strength of a lone wolf.

You need a lot of time to think, dream, communicate with nature and adapt to a new wave.

11. Mystical crystals as personal possession

© wavebreakmedia / Shutterstock

You are attracted to beautiful rocks that contain the energy of the earth. Rose quartz, turquoise, amber – these natural stones have been at your disposal for a long time.

You have been keeping them since those times when you did not yet know about their magical properties. Some of them were given to you, others you collected yourself.

© Charlie Blacke / Shutterstock

The witch knows about their properties to heal ailments, knows how to charge stones, use them as protection against negative influences from the outside, and also wears them as jewelry.

If you are a witch, you know how to use a burning candle and some stones to summon spirits and angels, and also create a magical divine aura.

12. Magic

© Sara Corso / Shutterstock

You believe in magic like a child, you see mysticism in the air and around you. You are attracted to unusual things, stories, objects.

Despite the fact that the people around you do not believe in mystical signs and omens, there is a corner in your heart in which you keep faith in magic.

© Lia Koltyrina / Shutterstock

You are attracted to films, books, creepy and strange stories about witches and ghouls. You think that there are no coincidences, and that everything that happens to us cannot be called an accident.

You believe in signs and symbols and you always see them. You adhere to the principle “there are no coincidences in this world” and you know that even if you are somewhere completely alone, you are never alone.

13. Fortune telling

© Elena Vasilchenko / Shutterstock

You have a very developed intuition, and very often you anticipate and predict events as accurately as if you had that same magic crystal ball inside you.

When you talk about what you think might happen, people tend to listen to you. Sometimes you can see the distant future and predict the result of one or another action. But you see not only the future, dreams and visions also tell you about your past life.

You can read a person like an open book, and you can tell a lot by their energy. You have a developed sixth sense. For this reason, you are attracted to Tarot cards and other mystical things and objects, thanks to which you can predict love, separation and other events.

If you can confidently attribute at least a few of the 13 signs to yourself, it is quite possible that you are a real witch.

People with magical abilities have existed at all times. But not everyone knows how to recognize a witch in a friend, relative or lover. This can be done by paying attention to a number of features in appearance and behavior.

Who is a witch

There is something sinister in the word “witch”. But if earlier, when this term was mentioned, the image of a scary, crooked old woman with a wart on her nose came to mind, then a modern witch is something completely different. They are also called seers, sorceresses, fortune tellers, and clairvoyants.

Witches have magical powers. In the old days, such women had to hide their gift. They were afraid of witches, and in the Middle Ages they were burned at the stake. Modern witches are often asked for help.

Magic and esotericism are in fashion today. Many people learn to tell fortunes using Tarot cards or other means of predicting fate. Women, as a rule, have good intuition and non-linear thinking. They often practice magic and rituals.

However, a real sorceress has a gift from above, which is often inherited. In order for the special gift to manifest itself, an initialization ceremony was previously performed. There is no such tradition in the modern world. Many people are unaware of their supernatural abilities. The gift often manifests itself after a tragic event.

The witch's peculiarity is unregulated, spontaneous clairvoyance. Pictures of the future appear before the seer’s eyes involuntarily, which does not at all make the witch’s life happy.

Clairvoyants predict the future and sometimes even know the date of their own death

How to recognize a witch in our time

In society, sorceresses are not much different from ordinary women. They can be distinguished from the crowd due to certain features in their appearance and behavior. Ladies born on certain days are prone to magical abilities.

By date of birth

Numerology will help you learn about a girl’s ability to predict the future and read conspiracies. But to do this, you need to find out the subject’s date of birth.

  1. The first thing to do is to add 6 to each digit of the date of birth. If the addition results in a two-digit number, then the numbers are added together again. For example, 07/31/1963 = 97.64.7639. If the result is 3 magic numbers 3, 6 and 9, regardless of location, you should continue the calculations.
  2. The next step is to sum up the digits of the date of birth. If the total sum (3+1+0+7+1+9+6+3=30) is divisible by 6, there is a possibility of magical abilities.
  3. Now it remains to add the numbers obtained in the first step: 9+7+6+4+7+6+3+9=51. If this resulting number is also divisible by 6, then we are talking about a witch. In the example given, this condition is not met.

Clairvoyants are often born on days close to the new moon, in January, February, April, May and December, as well as at night - from midnight to morning.

By appearance

Modern witches dress and look like ordinary women. The following details give out the sorceress:

By behavior

Sorceresses do not advertise their abilities. But sometimes they give themselves away with small remarks and guess the mood of others or the outcome of some matter. They manage to miraculously avoid trouble. You can identify a witch by the following signs:

  • Witches are closely connected to nature and love animals. They would prefer to spend the day in solitude on the river bank rather than going to a noisy party. Witches are not afraid of unpleasant natural phenomena, be it a storm, thunderstorm or hurricane wind.
  • Clairvoyants treat the plant world with trepidation. In their kitchen you can see all kinds of herbal teas and tinctures.
  • Women with a magical gift easily get along with people. However, they prefer to spend time alone. Even the company of close relatives of the witch is avoided.
  • Fortune tellers are wise and interesting to communicate with. But after spending time with representatives of white magic, my soul is light and pleasant. But evil witches seem to suck out energy. After talking with them, a person feels exhausted.
  • The house of sorceresses is often in disarray, despite the fact that they love to buy new expensive things. Because of this, a man may even suspect witchcraft in his wife, which is not always true.
  • Witches often talk to themselves.
  • There is an opinion that witches avoid going to church and even faint from the smell of incense. This is wrong. Sorceresses often visit temples, but here such individuals should be wary. They can cause damage to the church. If a witch walked around a person in the temple counterclockwise and stopped behind, then she thus takes energy from the victim.
  • Seers often cross their arms or legs while in church, crossing themselves with their left hand, starting from the navel area. They often turn their backs to the altar and walk out of the temple backwards, as if backing away.
  • It is worth paying attention to the behavior of people in church during Christmas. On this day, women associated with otherworldly forces try to touch the lock on the temple gate. This is how they receive magical energy.

Signs of a sorceress according to the Witches Hammer

One of the goals of "Hammer" was to prove that women cast magic more often than men

Particular attention was paid to the search for witches in the Middle Ages. Then there was a special treatise called “The Witches Hammer”. It outlined the signs of a witch. It was believed that women prone to magic do not know what tears are and rarely cry.

The creators of the treatise claimed that there is a place on the witch’s body that is impervious to pain. It was called the devil's seal. A sign of involvement in otherworldly forces was the wearing of stones, amulets, and the storage of potions and ointments based on herbal ingredients in the house.

Women who rarely got sick, kept themselves apart from others, and avoided communication were considered witches.

If you recognize a sorceress in a loved one or in yourself

Communication with witches does not pose any threat, therefore, if for some reason a representative of magic was recognized in a loved one, there is no need to take special actions.

You should continue communicating with the sorceress. But still, you should not enter into conflict situations with such ladies. It is better to maintain a neutral relationship. After all, witches can often, even unconsciously and not of their own free will, bring trouble to their opponent.

Having recognized the traits of a witch in yourself, you don’t need to tell everyone about your abilities for magic, much less use your skills for personal needs. Witches try to store magical energy, because rituals take a lot of energy. However, some develop their abilities to help and heal people. But supporters of dark magic, who commit damage and love spells, become associates of the devil.

In the modern world, many people have supernatural abilities. Some people don't even know about it. A number of features will help you recognize a witch. However, it is better to use magical skills only in exceptional cases.

Good health!
I conjure water for healing
My name is Alexander, higher education, civil engineer.
All my relatives on my father’s side are a dynasty of doctors, all 6 cousins ​​(I’m the seventh) are doctors, they are mostly surgeons, respectively, their parents are also doctors. When I chose my profession, I went my own way and decided to be a builder.
Do I have the gift of healing? You will understand on your own, if there is a desire and need for this, taking into account the current situation in life with well-being, energy, health of you or your family or friends.
In ancient times, doctors were recognized not by those who had a diploma, but by those who had stable healing results, including in relation to the health of the doctor-healer himself. Therefore, the criterion for a person to possess appropriate knowledge is and will be how he helped himself in his problems.
My case is loss of ability to work 16 years ago. Disability groups 2 were given immediately. It was scary to hear, let alone receive such a sentence. The situation is so serious that any sudden movement of mine could turn me into a “vegetable” for life. As a result of the disease, his height decreased by 12 cm. All vertebral discs collapsed. They were crushed (what is called Schmorl's hernia), and then the intervertebral pads dried out. The bone parts of the vertebrae were pressed and deformed from the load, and osteoporosis began. And this is already very serious. The entire spine, to put it simply, “flew.” There are X-ray images in which all this can be seen even if you are not a specialist. I can show it to anyone who wants it. Everything is documented. He walked with difficulty and constant pain, anemia of the limbs, ischalgia of the sciatic nerve was constant day and night, and he dragged his leg when walking. He limped and walked unnaturally. It’s clear that the nerve roots were pinched; walking can only be called the same thing relatively.
Thinking about starting a family or children was hopeless and unreasonable. Responsibility. And what kind of breadwinner am I in this state? I tried everything, the best osteopaths, chiropractors, massage therapists, ointments, etc. Medicine turned out to be ineffective, practically powerless, only spinal surgery could save me from the prospect of becoming a “vegetable”, and then only if I was lucky, since even with a paid operation with replacement of disks, the doctors did not give a 100% guarantee in my case, everything was too neglected. There was no one to rely on. Operations are very expensive. I tried the same prayers.
This went on for over a year.
Then a gift came, thanks to which he himself restored his failing health.
In less than six months I forgot about the pain, and after another six months my height of 1.1 cm returned. Even at school age, I sometimes had lumbago in the lower back, but after healing this never happened even once, and it’s the same now. Of course, I not only drank water, but also did a mini-minimum of proper exercises in a lying position, which improves lymphatic drainage, blood flow and stretching. Everything is gradual, there is no need to rush, all changes are through the breath of life. Doing exercises correctly is not just about moving your arms and legs. You will drive more quietly, you need to do everything wisely.
When he recovered, he got married. I felt that I could take responsibility for the birth of children, I have two daughters, smart and beautiful, one is 15 years old, the second is 13, and before that I was childless. Now the children and wife live permanently in Holland and receive a European education.
Now I support and further improve my health. Life becomes even more beautiful when health returns along with wisdom.
Until now, I have practiced healing only among my family and closest friends, including at a distance in emergency cases, when a person was on the verge of a stroke or severe illness. Zhenya often removed the evil eye. The evil eye is directly visible on a person. In any case, it’s clear to me. My wife is beautiful, her peculiarity is that she is very sensitive and because of this she has a subtle mental structure that is open to influence. She had the evil eye more than once. There are glaring people, and there are people weak from the evil eye, there are not many of them. My wife is one of those. When I removed the evil eye, her face changed and a blush appeared literally before her eyes. This little miracle always surprised and pleased me.
The realization that the gift should be used for those whom it can help, and not just family and friends, came gradually, like the morning dawn. Perhaps this is my mission.
This is a short story.
To contact us on the topic of healing with living water, send an SMS to +7-905-507-06-62, or write an email with the subject “on living water” [email protected], briefly state what the question is, I will respond with an SMS, or call, or answer by email, or set up a time for a meeting.
Then our meeting will take place, come with an empty 0.5 liter plastic bottle. Diagnosing the problem will take 5-7 minutes. It’s good if you know your medical diagnosis, but as a rule, medicine already states the consequences, and the root causes are not the main function of medicine. If the person is bedridden, then you need to bring his photo. At the first meeting, briefly outline the essence of the problem and wishes, I will answer your questions, including whether you still need pills or for now, which ones and in what case. How to take healing water if you are still forced to take medications and other questions on the topic of the meeting. After communication, I will take your empty bottle.
Then, the next day, or I will tell you on what day you will need to pick up a full bottle of living water enchanted for healing.
Man is 80% water. Now scientists have proven that water can remember and carry information in an unlimited volume. As for structured water, there is both pyramidal water and silvered holy church water. You yourself may be able to cast a spell on water. However, the strength, degree of effect and direction of influence of one or another structured water are different, and accordingly the result is different. The healer usually has the gift of targeted effects on water and, as a result, on the human body.
As an example, the musical instrument violin. There are many craftsmen and factories making violins, but there is only one Stradivarius master. Each person has his own path in life and his own talents.
At the second meeting there will be communication for 5-7 minutes, receive instructions on how to drink water correctly and be healthy. It turns out that you need to be able to take both living and non-living water. The quality of the source water is spring water, spring water, or pure natural “Mountain Peak” water. I don’t use tap water for the spell, as it is dead water. Everything is like in a fairy tale, because there are wise tips there.
I have no restrictions regarding health restoration. I consider living water one of the most effective remedies and I am ready to help you.
From personal experience of healing: during and after taking the living water enchanted by me, a general strengthening effect on the body as a whole is observed, healthy energy, psychological stability, awareness, mental learning abilities, the ability to concentrate, mood increase, the body recovers faster, the “constant” syndrome goes away. drowsiness and fatigue”, “restless legs syndrome” (when such a feeling is like muddy legs), headaches go away, sleep normalizes and is enough for proper rest, even if you get up at 4-30, blood pressure normalizes, there is no need to limit yourself in food , because the “zhor” goes away, without fasting and masochistic diets, weight is normalized. You are more capable of intelligent self-control. I can go on and on about the rejuvenating effect on the skin and the tone of all kinds of muscles, but it’s better for you to try it once and evaluate the effect than just read about miracles many times. In general, the attitude towards the world around you will radically change, self-confidence and positivity will appear. I personally don’t see any miracle in this. For me this is a natural result.
If, as you think, there are no problems, but inertial sluggish processes are observed, such as fatigue, drowsiness, I still recommend trying water for the effect of restoring healthy energy in the body, feeling the difference before and after drinking water. You will see for yourself how simple living water will help the body restore the disturbed balance, adjust the harmony of energy-informational connections in a positive way and, as a result, strengthen the immune system at the DNA level, and this is your potential for a joyful and successful life. I affirm that the sensations and perception of life are other main possibilities!!! Success comes to a person's level of awareness. Look for nothing but clarity. Socrates.
I live on Yartsevskaya Street, near the Molodezhnaya metro station.
Sincerely, Alexander.
Tel. +7-905-507-06-62
[email protected]

P.S. As a child, when I was 5-6 years old, I was not afraid of dogs, I flaunted it, several times it turned out that I approached in front of my friends and petted an unfamiliar dog. There was not much understanding and experience. One day, while walking in the yard, I saw a stray dog ​​calmly gnawing on a bone. I decided to approach him lovingly and pet the big dog. Despite the fact that she tensed when I approached, this did not stop me, I touched her back... She snapped very, very harshly and what people call “fright” happened to me. The story seems simple, but the consequences are complex. I gradually began to waste away. The doctors didn't diagnose anything at all. And there are a sea of ​​doctors around me, a whole clinic. The face seemed to be covered with moss, I say figuratively, but it was very similar to how it was seen from the outside. Pale greenish skin. I even heard an offensive word addressed to me once, “like a pale kid.” I myself didn’t feel any changes in myself, I watched and listened as everyone gasped and groaned. Someone advised my mother to go see her grandmother, a healer. I remember very well this moment, how we walked to her village, her house, how she examined me and what she did. Then she gave me some water.
The result is this: the “fear” disappeared as if by hand. A healthy complexion has returned. I am very grateful to her even after all these years...

Dear friends, you know very well that witches live among us. And we will try to give some practical advice to understand how to recognize a witch.

They are not embarrassed that now is the age of practicality and advanced technology: any time is submissive to magic. Every random person you meet, employee or childhood friend may turn out to be the one who, according to legend, is supposed to fly to Bald Mountain, spoil livestock and keep a black cat in the house. How to recognize a sorceress?

Appearance: characteristic features of witches

It is impossible not to pay attention to the witch. Dressed in the most modest attire, she attracts the attention of both men and women. The main external features of a witch include:

  1. Eyes of different colors. Traditionally it is believed that people with this feature were conceived during a woman's relationship with an incubus. From such sexual contact either magicians or magicians are invariably born. As a rule, the eyes are “colored” green and brown. Very rarely the eye color matches, then they have a green-brown or green-gray tint.
  2. A piercing gaze. Even if the witch is in a crowd and at a great distance from a person, he will feel her catching gaze, feeling how an invisible energy thread is stretched in space.
  3. Physical imperfections. In extreme cases, witches are hunchbacked, lame, or have pronounced bald spots. But the appearance of the overwhelming majority of sorceresses is still more “forgiving”: usually there are too large lips or nose, an uneven little finger, and earlobes of different sizes.
  4. Large mole or birthmark. All witches are marked with the so-called seal of Satan, located on the lower back, on the genitals or at the hairline. It is a dense birthmark or large mole that can be pierced painlessly and bloodlessly with a needle.
  5. Flashy clothes. Sometimes witches disguise themselves and wear the usual outfits typical of most people around them. But even then, the witch is given away by large jewelry, a desire to use black, red and green colors, and a dislike for natural fur. Whatever the witch wears, her image will be bright and memorable.

There are many misconceptions regarding hair color: it is believed that witches are exclusively red-haired (according to some versions, they are scorching brunettes). But in fact, among them there are fair-haired, obvious blondes, and brown-haired women...

Some witches practically do not change with age: at forty they look almost the same as at twenty. Others, on the contrary, turn into a different person over a couple of decades, and this is not about aging, but about a real change in appearance.

How to recognize a witch by behavior

If outwardly a witch can still adapt to ordinary people, then with behavior the situation is much more complicated: not everyone wants to hide her inner nature for the sake of an unclear goal.

Sorceresses tend to:

  1. It is easy to maintain direct gaze. They do not care who is in front of them - the director of the enterprise or a deceived lover: the witch feels her superiority and understands that none of those around her are able to break her.
  2. Be calm and confident. The sorceress doesn’t care if they shout at her or make fun of her: she will only smile discreetly and return to her thoughts. Nothing can unsettle her (unless we are talking about really serious interference in the magical deeds of a witch, but average people are not capable of this).
  3. Act like an introvert. The witch will not be the ringleader in the company, but not a single gathering will be complete without her: the witch is always invited to any celebrations, because they feel an inner need to be next to her. But even in society, the sorceress keeps herself apart, not trying to maintain contact with anyone.
  4. Disappear periodically. Each witch has her own rhythm of life, but it necessarily includes periodic disappearances from the sight of acquaintances. At such a time, her phone is turned off, social networks are silent, and all kinds of instant messengers are forgotten. Nobody knows what happened, but the witch returns. And an attentive person will notice changes that have occurred in her: her eyes take on a different shade or a strange spot appears on her hand.
  5. Speak prophetic words. Of course, this is how they appear only to the average person. The witch does not prophesy - she charges the space with the necessary energy, as a result of which events voiced by the witch occur. After quarrels with the sorceress, the second party to the conflict invariably fulfills the will of the witch: for example, what is said: “Go underground!” will come true very soon when a person inadvertently steps on a poorly closed sewer hatch.

Each witch has her own character and can have exclusively personal behavioral “notes”. But in any case, all the actions of the sorceress are clothed in her powerful charisma, obvious to everyone.

If you would like to supplement the article with your own observations from life, write them in the comments to the article. This way we will collect more information and be more aware of what how to recognize a witch.

And also share information with friends, maybe among your circle you will recognize such a mysterious person


I'm afraid to advise anyone. I'd rather not just make up my mind. Why?
1. All, without exception, magicians, sorcerers, wizards, psychics to whom I turned, regardless of gender, are representatives of other nationalities and do not have Russian citizenship. The overwhelming majority of female representatives are natives of the Caucasian republics, and the males are Kazakhs and Ukrainians. It must be admitted that in the Russian expanses you rarely meet an honest Armenian or Azerbaijani. And Ukrainians are also not distinguished by crystal honesty. Perhaps this is due to the peculiarity of migrants, that is, to the main trait of their character. And, precisely, adventurism. Because an honest and well-mannered person will not leave his homeland, regardless of life circumstances. The adventurer, on the contrary, searches where he feels better. And, at the same time, I am ready to do a lot to bring my ideas to life. But that’s not about that now!

I want to say that I have not met a single Russian magician-sorcerer, much less a Muscovite. More than 12 million people live in Moscow and not a single magician.

3. A barrage of questions that need to be answered first over the phone, then upon arrival at the meeting place. It happens that they sit down a person and he finds out your problem, and at the same time learns a lot of information about you, which the magician subsequently pours into your ears, thereby making you believe in his superpowers.

4. Age is a sure sign of professionalism in any field of human activity. It's hard to argue with this fact. There were times when I met a handsome young man posing as a hereditary clairvoyant from the Altai Mountains. So this clairvoyant’s eyes lit up so much at the sight of my figure that even I felt ashamed. He should be dancing in nightclubs and squeezing girls, but he’s still there - psychics. And people come to him! Both adult women and healthy men walk. As they say in the children's fairy tale about Pinocchio, “As long as fools live in the world, we can get away with living by deception.” Didn't they watch the production of "Pinocchio" or read the book? Nonsense! And that's all! There is no other word for it.

5. Never and under no circumstances will a magician do bad things. To cast a love spell, a lapel, damage, the evil eye, curse, etc. Only a person, with all his vices and anger towards those around him, is capable of this. This is explained very simply. Any deed, any action must return to the one who committed it. Not necessarily with redoubled force, but absolutely sure to return. Popular wisdom will not speak in vain on this topic. For example - “Don’t dig another person’s grave...”. I will not develop controversy on this topic and prove that it has already been proven and therefore does not require proof. I'll leave everything as it is. I hope you firmly understand this, one might say, law of our existence.

6. Magicians do not live in apartments. It's stuffy for them there! As a result, the connection with nature and other entities is lost. A magician is a separate (isolated) mind. Apartment - multi-storey building, microdistrict, etc. This is something like an anthill, in which, as you know, the collective mind prevails.

7. Participation in various show projects, such as “Battle of Psychics”. The word show already implies working for the public or acting. It is absolutely unreasonable to think that people with at least some kind of gift can participate in the show. This simply cannot happen. The very essence or idea of ​​a magician’s participation in show projects is already vicious. And, from the point of view of logic, it is not reasonable at all. Well, why fight for the status of the strongest psychic if the participant is supposed to know who is the strongest and who will win the battle just by his status. Moreover, in every test they all see the past and future so well. This cannot even be called stupidity! Do the producers of this kind of projects take us for mental retards?

8. In America there is a certain James Randi Foundation. So this foundation will pay more than a million US dollars to anyone who shows anything supernatural. I think this is more than enough to forever forget the way to magicians, sorcerers, psychics and other adventurers. And stop wasting time watching all sorts of projects, such as “Battle of Psychics.”