Bugs in the kitchen are dangerous because they destroy food stocks. There are many species of these insects, however, almost all of them are small in size, which makes them difficult to detect. With a significant increase in the population, small bugs become noticeable as the quality of the products deteriorates: the structure changes, lumpy blotches may appear.

Often there are insects that inhabit the kitchen: hrushak, grinder, mucoed, weevil, white bugs. All of them are small, but they bring a lot of harm. Acceptable living conditions for them - the temperature of +30 degrees. However, the pests feel comfortable at a temperature of +15 degrees.

Small hruschak

Size - up to 3 mm. Antennae short. These little brown bugs live in the kitchen, preference is given to flour, starch. Together with such insect products are brought into the house, then they are distributed throughout the room. The main sign of the presence of the hruschak is the formation of lumps in bulk products.

Products spoiled by small hruschakami, become in the form of lumps

Red Mucoed

Small bugs belonging to this species are characterized by a reddish brown color. The size of insects - 2 mm.  Unlike the hrusca of a mucoed, the antennae are rather long. Pests primarily appear in products with a moisture level of 15% or higher, which usually occurs when stored improperly.

Ginger mucoids are very small, not only food, but also utensils can spoil

Insects in the kitchen can be represented by this species. These are omnivorous pests, as evidenced by their ability to eat not only bulk products (cereals, legumes, flour and flour products, nuts, pet food), but also tobacco, tea, coffee.

Grain grinders are particularly voracious and can be wound up even in tobacco.

The body of the oblong-shaped beetles, the color is brown. Their size is slightly larger than that of other insects, and is 4 mm.

If the insects are small, they are hidden and invisible in the kitchen. When the colony population increases, the pests spread, so they can even appear on windowsills.

Insects of this species affect macaroni, flour and cereals. On the territory of a human dwelling you can find a barn weevil. Its distinguishing feature is an elongated head tube. Body size reaches 4 mm, color - dark brown. Fly granary weevil can not, because of immature wings.

The beetle prefers grains of wheat, barley (pearl barley), rye, rice, less likely to damage corn and buckwheat.

Ways to enter the house

Small black bugs or their brown brethren can get a house in one way - they are brought along with the products (most often it is flour or cereals). Initially, pests populate cereals in production, the reason for this is non-compliance with storage conditions or violation of technical conditions during production. Due to poor-quality processing of grain in the manufacture of cereals it is infected.

Bread struck by bread grinders

Beetles in the kitchen also appear if you buy a bulk product. They can wind up under the conditions that were discussed above, however, insects move to clean cereals from a neighboring unclosed container with a weight product.

Code the degree of infection of products by insects is high, it is better to throw out such grains, not to eat as food

If a bug was found in flour, rice, millet, it means that pests have already been here and probably multiplied. By consuming such a product, a person risks being poisoned, as insect excrement remains in the infected croup. Such food does not benefit either for another reason - there are practically no nutrients left in it.

Pest control measures

If bugs are found in your kitchen, how to get rid of them? Need to check all food stocks. With a strong infection, they are thrown away. In the case when the insects did not have time to multiply, take the following measures:

Temperature treatment

They affect beetles using temperature conditions. Low temperatures (-5 ... -11 degrees) have a negative effect. The rules apply: the higher the value of this parameter, the better. If bugs start up in the kitchen in winter, food supplies are carried out onto the street, a balcony. At other times, cereals, nuts, dried fruits, flour, etc. are placed in the freezer. It is recommended to leave food there for a few hours, or for 2-3 days.

Use temperature increase. The higher the value of this parameter, the faster the pests will die. You can send food to the oven and set the temperature in the range of + 50 ... + 60 degrees.

Surface treatment

It is necessary to clean all cabinets and other furniture. Then the surface is treated first with soap and then with vinegar solution.

Storage of products in the container

To get rid of insects is necessary, given their characteristics. Despite the rather powerful oral apparatus, which allows pests to chop hard foods and penetrate food bags, they will not be able to crawl into a tightly closed container. Therefore, it is recommended to store cereals, flour and other bulk products in closed cans (ceramics, tin or glass).

Check the tightness of the closures in cans and containers, ensure the integrity of the plastic container.

Useful video: How to get rid of bugs in the croup?


You should not wait until insects appear in the apartment; you can prevent them from appearing. In this case, you need to rely on the following rules:

  • Coming home, bulk products are processed (cereals, flour), sending them to the oven at a temperature range from +50 above, or to the freezer. This will destroy the offspring of insects if they have already managed to penetrate into the product at the production stage.
  • From time to time, inspect stocks for pests.
  • Inside the furniture, on each shelf lay out deterring agents: bay leaf, garlic. Among other things, it is allowed to lay them inside containers where bulk products are stored.
  • Dried fruits and nuts should always be stored in the refrigerator. If there is enough space, do the same with cereals.
  • From time to time all cabinets are processed. They are wiped with vinegar.
  • The cracks in the furniture, the areas near the baseboards are treated with hot steam or boiling water.
  • Despite the precautions, home bugs can still appear. To avoid this, do not need to store products in large quantities. It is enough to purchase stock at the rate of 2-3 months.

Thus, if the little bugs live in the kitchen for a long time, the harm they cause will be significant. Insects undermine grains, cereals and nuts, settle in flour, coffee, tea and even tobacco. Food habits are determined by the type of pest.

At first glance, the kitchen bugs are all the same. However, there are several types of them depending on the color and habitat:

  • bread grinders - one of the most voracious bugs, the body with hairs has a brown tint, the size reaches 4 mm;
  • large mealworms - a large bug, an adult individual reaches 12–18 mm, a black-brown body slightly shiny;
  • small meal stalks - small bugs with a reddish tinge and short antennae, size 3 mm;
  • red mucoids are small beetles from red to brown in color with long antennae, up to approximately 2 mm;
  • surinamese mucoedas — black-brown bugs of small size, with a long matt body, reach 1.8–3.5 mm;
  • korotkousye mukoedy - the smallest of the order mukoedov, have a yellowish color with a rusty tint, size 1.5-2.4 mm;
  • barn weevil - dark-brown beetle with underdeveloped wings, up to 4 mm long, a distinctive feature is the elongated front part of the head with an elongated trunk;
  • weevils are insects ranging in size from 1 to 22 mm, have a black body with spots on the back and elytra, but the antennae, legs, or other parts of the body may be lighter in color, more often yellowish;
  • the food moth is white, as opposed to other species, not so much adults, as larvae with a dark-colored head and up to 1 cm in length do harm.

Photo Gallery: Types of bugs that can be got in the kitchen

Bread grinder lives on shelves and window sills, in cabinets and in floor Products damaged by a flour crush, become lumpy looking Mukoyed in sunlight can pretend to be dead Egg, larva and pupa of the weevil are constantly inside the corked seed, only an adult is chosen outside Hops. in beans, - a signal about the appearance of grains. The ideal environment for the reproduction of the food moth - high humidity and poor ventilation.

Insect's favorite habitat

As their name implies, mucoids love flour very much. At the same time, cereals are also their favorite food, so these bugs are found in all types of cereals: rice, wheat, buckwheat, semolina. The most frequent “guest” in the kitchen is a Surinamese mucoed, which also does not squeeze dried fruits, cookies, crackers and beans.

  Flour - a favorite delicacy and flour, and hruschakov

Grain grinders eat flour products, dryers, breadcrumbs, as well as wood. Therefore, in addition to food, they love kitchen cabinets and book pages. They are also found in cereals, food, coffee, tea and tobacco.

Khrushka flour penetrate into the house with flour or starch, and then crawl through cracks into other containers with products. Weevils prefer grains of rice, wheat, rye, barley, rarely - corn and buckwheat. It is found in pasta and flour. Grains, despite their name, do not infect grain, but legumes such as beans, beans, chickpeas, and peas. The food moth most often settles in groats.

Harm caused by bugs and danger to human health

"New tenants", settling in the kitchen, begin to leave their footprints and multiply in the most unpredictable places. At the same time, they live in packs and have tremendous vitality, so that damage is done very quickly. In addition to the obvious fact of spoiled food, we can expect waited sieves for flour, packaging and storage containers, kitchen cabinets, and even cookbooks (which are often stored in the kitchen).

The use of food spoiled by bugs can lead to indigestion, a strong allergic reaction and poisoning.

Attention! Food is considered to be infected with larvae and unfit for consumption if at least one individual is found in the pest.

Causes of insects in the kitchen

Bugs can choose the kitchen for different, and not always dependent on the accuracy of the hostess, the reasons, namely:

  • violation of storage conditions and shelf life of food;
  • bulk products purchased by weight;
  • poor processing of grain at work;
  • non-compliance with sanitary norms of storage and packaging of goods at enterprises;
  • increased humidity in the places of storage of products.

  You can’t trust packaged cereals unconditionally

Hermetic packaging of products is not a guarantee that there are no bugs in the contents, they can get inside directly from factories and enterprises.

Methods for preventing the appearance of bugs in the kitchen

A few simple rules will help eliminate the possibility of the appearance of "undesirable neighbors" in your territory:

If small insects reappear, then it is necessary to check other premises in the apartment and repeat the preventive procedures.

Home Pest Control Techniques

Get rid of insects settled in the home is not easy, so get ready for a bitter struggle.

The main methods of eliminating "uninvited guests" can be divided into the following groups:

  • mechanical impact;
  • chemicals;
  • folk remedies.

Mechanical impact

Before performing procedures of this nature, it is first necessary to get rid of contaminated products so that they do not harm your health. It is necessary to thoroughly clean the containers and storage areas with soap (dishes) or vinegar (cabinets, shelves).

  Fighting bugs includes a whole range of measures

It will not be superfluous to seal all the cracks in baseboards, window sills and furniture. The remaining products, untouched by pests, should be packed and taken out of the kitchen for 1-2 weeks. If the bugs did not appear, then you can use them.

When the number of bugs is minimal and they are quickly detected, you can try to save the remains of the grains with the help of heat treatment:

  • warm the product in the oven at 50 ° C (for semolina and flour) or 100–120 ° C (for other cereals) for at least 10 minutes;
  • affect grains with low temperatures (-15 o C) for 24 hours;
  • uV-treated by placing under the sun for a few hours.

Before processing, it is necessary to sort the grain products or sift through a sieve, and then, before use, soak in salted water and rinse.


It is desirable to use chemistry to kill insects in extremely neglected cases when other means (including folk remedies) are not able to solve the problem.

The most harmless product that can be purchased at any pharmacy is pyrethrum powder.  They are sprinkled with food storage. The tool is absolutely non-toxic to animals and people (even if accidentally injected into the body), but it is poisonous to crawling insects.

You can wash the cabinets with a solution of “Domestos” or other chlorine-containing agent. It is advisable to repeat this procedure several times, since the effectiveness of a single use of this “weapon” for fighting bugs is low.

  Should I choose chemistry instead of folk remedies - everyone decides for himself

"Antizhuk" - impregnation, which is used to protect wooden surfaces from the actions of grinders. Harmful to humans if it gets in eyes or on skin.

Funds from the manufacturer "Lovin Fire Protection" are designed for wood processing, but at the same time they are a poison for the flour. But neither man nor pets can breathe them.

Products brand "Rogneda" will deliver not only from bugs, but also from cockroaches with ants. When applying it is necessary to use personal protective equipment.

Attention! All of these chemicals are very toxic, so they should be used strictly in accordance with the instructions attached to them.

It should be noted that chemical methods of control are not always the most effective. It is impossible to process surfaces that are in contact with food and feed, they also have a lot of side effects.

Folk remedies

To get rid of pests, it is sometimes enough to have the following ingredients available:

  • vinegar;
  • bay leaf;
  • nutmeg;
  • garlic;
  • lavender;
  • sagebrush;
  • borax.

  Strong aromas - our main weapon

You can prepare special bait traps for bugs. Put nutmeg on the shelves or in the cabinets on the adhesive plaster, put peeled garlic cloves, bay leaf, or add these spices in containers for flour and cereals, previously wrapped in gauze. Another trap is made with sugar, borax and dry yeast, which are mixed in equal proportions. The resulting composition should be decomposed on pieces of paper in the cabinets, which will lure bugs from shelters.

It is believed that small pests do not tolerate the smell of metal. Putting a nail, wire or just a piece of foil in a jar with grits will get rid of annoying “visitors”.

Attention! Corrosion of metal spoils food, therefore no rusty or wet metal objects can be used.

Acetic solution, you can wash the place of storage of products. Dried twigs or lavender or wormwood essential oils are great remedies against the food moth.

Almost every housewife faced such a problem as the appearance of domestic bugs in the kitchen. Of course, it is unpleasant, but this does not mean that you are a bad hostess.

Most often, these bugs are turned up in the kitchen cabinets in which you store food. Unfortunately, there are quite a few varieties of bugs that can spoil our life and products.

We will consider the most common and tenacious, as well as give tips on how to get rid of bugs in the kitchen. Unfortunately, you will not be able to save the rump, you can only throw it away and do general cleaning.

Bugs in the croup - Mukoed of Suriname

The bug that most often appears in the croup is the Mucoed of Suriname   ("Oryzaephilus surinamensis" lat.). Dark brown color, sometimes up to black and 2-3.5 mm long.

For them, no matter where to get a divorce. So they appeared in your home, most likely from a store or market.

But not the fact that there they appeared on their own. They feel great in the elevators or in granaries.

Watch the video, here you can watch the running bugs in semolina.

Bug lays eggs that can be seen with the naked eye. They, along with the croup, undergo primary processing.

And then, already packed, along with rice, macaroni, semolina and other cereals get to our kitchen. However, if you think that by throwing only a bag of cereals in which you found this pest, you got rid of it, then you are deeply mistaken.

This bug is not disdaining not only all kinds of cereals, but also dried fruit, dried kvass, cookies, and dried breadcrumbs.

Mukoed of Suriname

How to get rid of bugs in the croup

Defeating this little mukoed plague is not so easy as it seems at first glance. The fact is that they lay their eggs in any places and are completely invisible.

You may not even see them on the bag of spoiled cereals, where, after you have shaken it out, they continue to multiply. There is no effective way to get rid of brown bugs in the kitchen, but we will try to give you some tips.

You'll need

  • Disinfectant;
  • Glass jars with lids;
  • Bay leaf;
  • Muscat;
  • Garlic.


  1. All infected packages should be sorted. Even if there are not many bugs, the rump will have to be thrown away, as the eggs still remain. Look at the flour, unopened bags, crackers, and indeed all bread and cereal products. The favorite delicacy of these bugs is flour, so it is better to throw it away immediately.
  2. Thoroughly rinse the cabinets with hot water, vinegar or domesticos or any other disinfectant. For complete destruction it is better to do this procedure several times. Cereals that have not been infected should be placed in plastic bags and put on a balcony for a couple of weeks or put in a refrigerator. After this time, making sure that the bugs did not appear, pour the cereal into a glass dish with lids. How to get rid of kitchen bugs? We have almost succeeded.

Tip! Solid containers, in order to avoid the appearance of larvae on the walls of dishes, should be thoroughly washed at least once a month.

  1. Spread bay leaves in the cabinets, peel the garlic and place in the corners. Put nutmeg on a plaster and put it on the corners of the cabinet.

Preventive measures

Suppose you destroyed the bugs and your cereals were lying in the cold for the allotted time.

How to make so as to further avoid such surprises?

  • Make bags from canvas material. Boil them in a strong salt solution for 30 minutes. Allow to cool also in the solution and only then squeeze out the bags. Then they should be dried at room temperature, and iron with a hot iron. In the bags of salt processed in this way, the bugs will no longer start.
  • You can bring bugs from the store too, so after you have bought the cereals it is best to place them in the freezer for a few days. It is better to keep nuts and raisins in the refrigerator, and cereal in bags or glass jars. Getting rid of the bugs in the kitchen is not as difficult as it seems.


There is another kind of harmful bugs that get turned up in the kitchen. They are called Grinders ("Anobiidae" lat.). Their head is shaped like a hood. The color of their body, from dark yellow to brown. Divide two types: brownie and bread.

In our cities, as a rule, the bread grinder is started. It is smaller than the brownie and, in addition to wood, eats bread and breadcrumbs.

May also lay eggs in books. Let's figure out how to get the bugs in the kitchen.

How to fight

  • Close up all the wooden slots - the floor, windowsill, the cracks in the kitchen furniture, in general, all that you will find.
  • Hermetically close all cereal. No packages, only dishes, which is clogged "tightly".
  • They love sweets and carbs. All dried fruit is better to put in the fridge.
  • Spread borax on the shelves, you can buy it at the pharmacy. But to spray various chemicals - not the best way.

Tip! Temperature attack does not work. Bugs can live and multiply at a temperature of minus 15 degrees to plus 50 degrees of heat.

If you find bugs in the kitchen, then we can assume that your food supplies such as flour and cereals are at risk.

It will not be possible to completely remove insects by ordinary sifting, because the eggs of the bugs are so small that they easily seep into the holes of the sieve.

Today you will learn how to get rid of bugs in flour and cereals quickly and without the use of harmful chemicals.

How to get rid of bugs in the kitchen: types of insects

Types of kitchen pests

In the house, bread grinders, flour-crustaceans, red flour-eaters, and food moths are most often wound up.

Bread grinder

Grain grinders are small, light-brown flying bugs. In size they reach 3 mm. These pests attract dried bakery products, as well as coffee, tea, dried medicinal plants. They get into the apartment in bags of food and feed purchased for pets.

Flour bug

Also often in the kitchen cupboard you can see a flour bug. Insect length about 4 mm. These red-brown pests are brought to the apartment in bags of flour or in bags of starch. Insects are easy to penetrate into any boxes in which bulk products are located. They settle not only wheat flour, but also in rye and rice flour, in hercules and semolina. Occasionally, they can be seen in buckwheat, dried fruit and rice. Torment bugs multiply rapidly. They lay eggs in cereals, flour, in the cracks of tables and cabinets. After hatching, the pests crawl around the house in search of suitable food.

Red Mucoed

A red mucoed is a 2.5 mm long bug. The house gets from low quality pet food. Insect prefers to eat cereals, grains or spoiled flour, the humidity of which exceeds 15%. If the pest does not find suitable food for itself, then it simply dies.

Food moth

The food moth is another pest of flour and cereals in the kitchen. The adult insect has the appearance of a gray butterfly up to 10 mm long. It appears in products as a result of their improper handling and storage. Also, the mole enters the kitchen through open windows or ventilation. It can often be seen in packages of pasta, tea, cocoa, in a bag of dried fruits. On infected products you will find a thin web and small yellow worms.

Many people are looking for the answer to the question of how to get rid of bugs in the kitchen. The fact is that all kinds of fungi and bacteria settle in insect-damaged products that can cause allergies and even poisoning.

How to get rid of bugs in the kitchen: methods of struggle

If there are bugs in your kitchen, they should be immediately removed.

1. If the degree of damage to food products is insignificant, then there is no need to hurry to throw them away. In this case, the grits should be sifted out with a sieve and heated in a baking oven at 110 ° C.

2. Also, pest pests can be destroyed by placing the cereal in which the insects have settled in the freezer for a day.

3. If you find bugs and larvae in the beans or peas, you can get rid of them as follows. Fill the beans with salt water and leave for a few minutes. When the larvae and the insects themselves float to the surface, the water needs to be drained and the clean legumes dried.

4. It is better to discard products heavily damaged by pests, because by eating them you can cause irreparable harm to health.

5. To forget about the bugs in the table or kitchen cupboard, first of all you need to get rid of the larvae and eggs of insects. All cabinets should be free of food and wipe them with a solution of vinegar. One liter of water is enough to take one tablespoon of liquid. Slit boxes need to pour boiling water. Jars, which store flour and cereals, should be thoroughly washed with soap and then poured over with hot water. If tissue bags were used to store food, then brine would be suitable for processing. Rinse is not necessary, then the bugs will not lay eggs in them again.

How to get rid of bugs in flour and cereals: folk remedies

Also for the fight against pests in the kitchen, you can use folk remedies:

1. Rescues pyrethrum powder from flour bugs. This tool can be purchased at the pharmacy. Treat shelves cabinets need once a week until the complete disappearance of pests.

2. Kitchen insects do not tolerate sharp odors. Citrus peels, garlic, bay leaf and nutmeg come to your aid. Spread these products in the corners of the cupboards after cleaning.

3. Get rid of the food moth will help fragrant lavender. You can use both a small bunch of these fragrant flowers wrapped in gauze and lavender essential oil applied on cotton swabs.

4. In places where cereals and flour are stored, place cotton pads with aroma oils of any of these plants: rosemary, geranium, cloves, basil or fir.

5. Sprigs of wormwood, placed in kitchen cabinets, will scare away insects.

6. Insects will forget about your products if fresh walnut leaves with a specific smell are arranged in the corners of the lockers.

How to get rid of bugs in croup with the help of borax

Borax is a multifunctional tool that is widely used in everyday life. With it you can not only perfectly clean the toilet, but also effectively deal with mold, mice and kitchen bugs.

1. You can get rid of insects in the house by preparing balls according to a special recipe. According to the proven method, you will need the following ingredients:

Powdered sugar;

Millet need to grind on a coffee grinder. All components are mixed in equal proportions and roll balls from them. Cabinets must first be washed and sanitized. In the corners razlazhivaem cooked balls. From time to time we update them.

2. Also from insects helps another mixture. For its preparation will need:

Dry yeast;

Components should be finely rubbed, poured into pieces of paper and spread out in those places in the kitchen where annoying insects settled. As experience shows, after some time the pests will disappear.

These methods are not only effective, but also safe. So, compositions with brown are harmless to pets and people.

How to get rid of bugs in the croup: prevention

1. Keep your kitchen tables and cabinets perfectly clean.

2. For storing cereals and flour, use an airtight container.

3. Do not purchase products "in reserve".

4. From time to time, check food stocks for insects.

5. Also for storing food can be made canvas bags. They need to boil before use for half an hour in a strong solution of salt. Iron them when they dry. In such bags insects will no longer start.

6. Since most often pests are brought into the house from the store, after buying groats, it is recommended to put them in the freezer for a day or heat them in the oven. Under the influence of temperature, the larvae will die and will not be able to populate the kitchen.

7. To avoid the appearance of bugs in nuts and dried fruits, store them in the refrigerator.

8. Ensure that the kitchen space is regularly ventilated. Many insects do not tolerate fresh air.

9. If you find in the acquired grain of insects or larvae, it is best to immediately throw away such a purchase. For this reason, do not buy potentially dangerous products at a lower price.

10. Ventilation holes in the apartment should be pre-filled with a fine mesh.

11. It is advisable to put a clove of garlic in containers with cereals. It will not affect the taste of products.

12. Make sure that the surface of the sink and the tables in the kitchen are always dry, as insects need constant sources of water.

13. Do not leave dirty dishes in the sink for a long time.

14. Hide the rest of the food in the refrigerator.

15. Regularly clean the kitchen.

Insects in the kitchen - this is not a sentence. Now you know how to get rid of annoying pests that encroach on food stocks. Using simple tips, you will forever forget about such a misfortune as kitchen bugs.

Human habitation always attracts insect pests. For them, an apartment or house represents an ideal habitat - here it is both dry and warm and satisfying. Under favorable conditions, insects multiply rapidly and bring many problems to the owners of the apartment and pets.

Where did the little bugs in the apartment

Accurately determine the cause and path of the appearance of bugs in the home is very difficult. There are several possible options:

  • Bugs can easily enter the apartment through unlocked windows or doors. Therefore, with frequent ventilation on the windows, it is imperative to install a grid. Insects can make their way through even the narrowest slots. Therefore, when the appearance of bugs first thing you need to check the tightness of window openings.
  • Pests can enter the room through cracks in the walls or along the heating or plumbing pillars. Insects make their way through the cracks from their neighbors, and from the porch, as well as from the basement.
  • At the ventilation holes must be installed protection. Not only microscopic beetles, but also larger insects or even rodents, are able to get into an apartment through an unprotected hole.
  • Insects can be accidentally brought from the street on clothing or wool. Then they move to furniture or walls and find a comfortable place in the apartment.

In any case, you need to get rid of beetles as soon as possible, otherwise they will multiply quickly and it will be very difficult to get them out.

Brown bugs in the apartment

Small brown bugs are called kozheedy. In fact, kozheedov there are about 600 different species. All of them have an important purpose in nature - to destroy the remains of dead animals, thereby purifying nature. But in human housing, these useful insects immediately go into the category of pests that must be disposed of as quickly as possible.

Kozheedov length does not exceed 13 mm, and a width of not more than 5 mm. The insect has a convex oval-shaped body with wings. These bugs prefer dry places, they feel especially good in an apartment in the winter when the air is dry with central heating. In most cases, adult insects fly only in the lit time of day, and in the dark they hide in shelters. The larvae also aktivnichayut throughout the time.

Kozheedy feed on any organic matter that they fall. It can be leather, fur, feather, fabrics of natural origin. Especially kozheedy like to eat silk. Also, insects do not disdain meat, cheese and other products.
Skin damage causes harm to everything they eat. They are happy to destroy food, paper, clothing, furniture. Also they can bite people, making their way to the surface from pillows, where they get to feast on feathers. Skin bites are very painful and very dangerous. Products infected with kozheedami, you must immediately throw away. From them you can become infected with dangerous diseases.

Black bugs in the apartment

Black colored bugs are called hruschaki or flour bugs. This name they received for the fact that their favorite habitat and food - cereals. For a short period of time, Khrushka can destroy a large number of products.

Depending on the species, hruschaks can reach a length of up to 13 mm. They settle in places where there is a lot of grain and cereals. They can live in heat and in unheated rooms.

Although the size of these insects is small, they bring a lot of harm. Khrushchaks are omnivorous and prolific, so they quickly destroy food and things. Insects like to eat, grain and bran. Khrushka and chocolate, dried fruit, glue, knitwear or nylon products will not give up.

In addition to spoiling food, bugs pollute everything around with products of their vital activity and discarded skins of grown-up larvae. Therefore, at the first detection it is necessary to sound the alarm and get rid of uninvited guests.

Flying bugs in the apartment

The bugs flying around the apartment are the same kozheedy and hruschaks. Just not all species of these beetles are able to fly. Adult beetles prefer to fly during the daytime, hiding at night in safe places.

Bugs fly very slowly, in some cases when watching them it seems that this action is difficult for them. When confronted with a person bugs overturn on his back, apparently pretending to be dead.

How to get rid of bugs in the apartment

The process of ridding the home of the dominance of these pests is long and painstaking. For a start, you will have to carefully examine the entire premises for the detection of insect nests. It will be necessary to check every corner, look into all inaccessible places, check the food cabinets, bookshelves and wardrobes with clothes.

Then you need to choose the appropriate means to destroy the enemy. With a small number of insects, you can destroy them yourself with chemicals or folk remedies. But if there are many bugs, it is better to use the services of exterminators.

All that can be taken out on the street, you must thoroughly freeze in the winter or warm up in the sun in the summer. Things that are well tolerated heat treatment, pour hot steam from the steam generator. Washable items should be washed in hot, soapy water. Products infected with bugs, without regret, must be thrown away.

The interior of the furniture must be treated with a solution. All the cracks through which bugs can get into the apartment, you need to seal up hermetically.

Having prepared all the surfaces, they need to be treated with a tool that is intended for etching bugs. Among the suitable drugs are Antimol, Morimol, Difox or Supronid. If you prefer folk remedies, then fill all possible habitats of the enemy with boric acid. Treat dangerous from the point of view of the appearance of bugs places twice a week with a selected tool for a month. Then you can destroy all insects, including not only adult individuals, but also their eggs and larvae.